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From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims
Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:For what it is worth: if you go to and then select any of the links at the bottom, you will get this:
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There were suspicions before that some of the victims, especially on Flight 77, did not actually exist, and that there were strange age patterns and some coincidences with recently died elderly persons from care institutions, and it is well known that the death index entries were more incomplete than usual.


I know that there were dead people. John O'Neill, for one. Or the husband of Ellen Mariani. This stuff was not faked.
But then, how do I know? But I am certain, that thousands of people in the towers did not come home that day. But, how do I know?
I cannot prove it.

Are there any, ANY official FBI records FOIAed out of the FBI mentioning just ONE name of a victim? Are there? Please tell me there are. Please!!!


There were people presumed to be killed. The question is WHERE?

This thread is being monitored and reposted on the SF.

Jack White Wrote:This thread is being monitored and reposted on the SF.

Yes, Jack. Well, they've got to get their information from somewhere don't they? Not much there these days.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Jack White Wrote:This thread is being monitored and reposted on the SF.


It's all part of a classic, pre-intel school strawman attack: Take the most outlandish claim and depict it as indicative of mainstream opinion.

The coordinators of this attack are desperate, pitiful, wholly unprincipled folk whose efforts would be laughable except for the fact that the guilty parties are "educators" who exert vile influence on their young charges.

But that's fine. They need only to continue to provide links to this forum, where truth is championed and the enemies of truth exposed.

To the fair-minded folk being directed here: I again welcome you and urge one and all to review in its entirety The Deep Politics Forum.

Compare. Contrast. Let the chips fall where they may.
Charles...I am not so sure that the claim is so outlandish.

I first smelled a turd when the Feds established a huge 911 Victims
Fund, up to a MILLION DOLLARS for primary relatives (wife, children)
THEIR RELATIVES. My nostrils rebelled right then at the smell of this.
The few* who turned down the bribe were roundly persecuted.

I checked the website making the claims, and there is considerable
evidence that passenger names and some ground names were
computer generated, using a common simulation program, which
can reverse engineer the names. It is worth taking seriously enough
to pursue.

The fact that BURTON scoffed at it makes me think it has some validity.


*such as Ellen Mariani
Thank you Jack.
Nobody claims that ALL names are fake and computer generated.
Everybody who was known and traceable to a time before September 11, like most of the first responders, are not computer generated.
These are the victims, as opposed to the vicsims.
The rest, of which the number has not been determined yet, maybe 50%, maybe 70%, are the vicims, people that never existed.
The money out of the compensation fund for these people financed the operation and probably more.
In fact, once you see the pictures, see the names, it slowly becomes obvious.

The first person presenting me with an authentic birth certificate of "Yeshavant Moreshewar Tembe" will get my billion, I promise.

This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a horrendous crime on humanity.

The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:The first person presenting me with an authentic birth certificate of "Yeshavant Moreshewar Tembe" will get my billion, I promise.

The second prize goes to MSNBot Spider, whose devotion to this forum appears to know no bounds.
Yesh M. Tembe

[Image: 136302port.jpg]
World Trade Center

Gadgets, Shrikhand, Brahms

Precision mattered to Yesh M. Tembe, an accountant working for the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, and it showed in his fondness for high- tech gadgets. On the Saturday before the terror attacks, he showed his nephew Cyrus Meherji a new, blue cellular phone -- although despite their excitement, the two could not figure out how to activate the voice mail.

Mr. Tembe, 59, a classical music aficionado, also cooked, specializing in an Indian sweet called shrikhand, made with sour cream. It was popular with Mr. Meherji's children, who often came with their parents to visit Mr. Tembe and his wife, Coomi, in Piscataway, N.J. "They'd go for that," Mr. Meherji said.

The two men used to meet every few weeks for lunch downtown near Mr. Tembe's office in the World Trade Center. They would sample the cuisine of different restaurants, sometimes Thai, Greek, Turkish or Indian. "New York was the right place for him," Mr. Meherji said. "We liked everything."

Profile published in THE NEW YORK TIMES on November 15, 2001.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
Jack White Wrote:Charles...I am not so sure that the claim is so outlandish.

I first smelled a turd when the Feds established a huge 911 Victims
Fund, up to a MILLION DOLLARS for primary relatives (wife, children)
THEIR RELATIVES. My nostrils rebelled right then at the smell of this.
The few* who turned down the bribe were roundly persecuted.

I checked the website making the claims, and there is considerable
evidence that passenger names and some ground names were
computer generated, using a common simulation program, which
can reverse engineer the names. It is worth taking seriously enough
to pursue.

The fact that BURTON scoffed at it makes me think it has some validity.


*such as Ellen Mariani


Two of my concerns with raising the falsified deaths claim at this time are that A) doing so violates my Prime Directive for investigating deep political crimes: establish the "how" of the crime -- in this case, the manners in which the buildings were brought down or damaged and U.S. national airspace security breached -- beyond all reasonable doubt and to broad public acceptance BEFORE moving on to the "who" and "why" investigations, and B) in its current raw state it gives cover to the cover-up artists by presenting as an easy strawman candidate.

All of us -- including you and your noble comrades in the first or second generations of JFK researchers -- must learn from our personal and collective errors. Among the skill sets we have to master are those of the propagandist.

God knows they're used against us with devastating effect.

So ... Do I think that the issue is deserving of deeper investigation?


But let's keep our heads -- and our own counsel.

Charles Drago Wrote:Two of my concerns with raising the falsified deaths claim at this time are that A) doing so violates my Prime Directive for investigating deep political crimes: establish the "how" of the crime -- in this case, the manners in which the buildings were brought down or damaged and U.S. national airspace security breached -- beyond all reasonable doubt and to broad public acceptance BEFORE moving on to the "who" and "why" investigations, and B) in its current raw state it gives cover to the cover-up artists by presenting as an easy strawman candidate.

All of us -- including you and your noble comrades in the first or second generations of JFK researchers -- must learn from our personal and collective errors. Among the skill sets we have to master are those of the propagandist.

God knows they're used against us with devastating effect.

So ... Do I think that the issue is deserving of deeper investigation?


But let's keep our heads -- and our own counsel.

As the person probably responsible for launching discussion on this - following Paul's original post that is - I have to say I agree with Charles.

It is not a subject that I would consider broaching with colleagues and acquaintances in my own local community for example. The obstacles to getting the average Joe to seriously consider, let alone accept the possibility, that elements of their own/US States apparatus were somehow complicit in the event are big enough as it is.

However, proselytizing campaigning and persuading are one thing; personal investigation and research are quite another and I've now seen enough on that site and other related ones to persuade me that the whole issue of video and photographic fakery, as it might apply to 9-11, is worthy of such an effort - in much the same way as it is proving on the Apollo program. Who knows it could just provide another 'nano-thermite' type breakthrough; but unless and until it does, I agree it is not an issue that warrants agressive 'on-the-front-foot' treatment
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn


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