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It wasn't Muslims who....
My Dear Mr. Mack,

For your information, anti-Semitism does not and will never find a refuge on the Deep Politics Forum.

It is unfortunate that less than artful language is as likely to be found here as it is throughout dumbed-down Western societies.

Rest assured that this matter is being attended to diligently, sensitively, and honorably.

Finally, you would be unwise to interpret this message as either an embrace or a rejection of whatever point of view informs your previous post.
I guess that's my cue.

I agree with Magda and Charles that several of my posts on this thread have indeed been sloppy, hasty and overzealous. Peter rightly pointed out that many Jews are progressive and are horrified by the behaviour of Israel in their recent barbaric slaughter of 1500 defenceless Gazans, including 500 innocent children, ostensibly for 'security purposes'. J Street and other recently formed Jewish peace groups seem to be growing in voice and influence now. Unfortunately, this is scant consolation for the slaughtered Gazans and their families, and judging by recent comments from the Israeli Government it seems there is no end in sight for their despair, regardless of the opinions of progressive Jews.

Of course, there are many other aspects of Israel's behaviour which I see as egregiously evil, not least their determination to coerce the US and its allies into yet another war on a peaceful nation for the benefit of Israel's selfish expansionist ideals, with no consideration for the consequences which would be borne by the west and its allies, as well as millions of innocent Iranians.

I apologise to Peter and any others who were offended by my earlier comments. Passion and haste are obviously a dangerous mix.
Magda and Charles, thanks for the reply. I didn't assume it was acceptable, but thought somebody should register that the post in the OP links to a hate site that promotes Holocaust denial, and includes phrases like "the International Jewry" to make its case.

It's not exactly shy about its agenda, and doesn't belong anywhere near a framework for debating the issues about Israel/Zionism. My suggestion would be to strongly repudiate material like this the minute it hits your fine forum.


Adrian Mack Wrote:Magda and Charles, thanks for the reply. I didn't assume it was acceptable, but thought somebody should register that the post in the OP links to a hate site that promotes Holocaust denial, and includes phrases like "the International Jewry" to make its case.

It's not exactly shy about its agenda, and doesn't belong anywhere near a framework for debating the issues about Israel/Zionism. My suggestion would be to strongly repudiate material like this the minute it hits your fine forum.



Thanks for speaking out Adrian, and Peter. It was necessary.

Thanks for your your explanation and apology Mark. Much appreciated.

And I'm glad you clarified DPF's position on this kind of thing Maggie and Charlie. Thank you.
Well, I've been AWOL for over 24 hours so I clearly missed a cue too.

As it is my original post that precipitated this firestorm, I stand duly spanked and corrected, and apologize (again) for any offenses.

It certainly was a learning lesson for me, and will be again, in the necessity of clear writing, word selection, etc. as well as site and source selection, or review, or "vetting". There being so much "out there" in terms of information, "agenda", misinformation, disinformation, etc., we would be better off to share our collective opinions and insights on where the validity and veracity can be found. [See my recent post here: ] This does not suggest, by any means, the creation of ThoughtPolice, nor do I think that is present here at this site or in this thread.

That said, I do endorse further examination of the issues and topics as per Magda's post. I have great respect for the leaders and founders of this forum and look forward to the opportunity to learn from them. It seems clear to me that, however one would describe it or choose the words to articulate it, there is a good deal of espionage, propaganda, dirty tricks, 'black ops', state security and trans-national criminal cross-over and 'maskirovka' going on in and around these issues, agencies, countries, et alia, and that it is center stage in terms of world opinion, the United Nations, charges of war crimes, warfare, fiscal mischief at the high end, economic and cyber-warfare at the high end, and no doubt much much more.

And a quick scan of the usual sites tonight tells me that there are a lot of very nervous people out there in the Mideast, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, the US and elsewhere, and some of these national entities have supersonic aircraft and nuclear weapons and more (to be viewed in the context of several statements from key leaders that they would not hesitate to use the nuclear option in certain circumstances), and non-state and criminal entities involved too, at least one nuclear weapon still not accounted for, concurrent war games and exercises (with which we have some experiential data), a 'scary' short movie with a quote from Ike saying that the only way to win World War III is to prevent it, and otherwise a higher level than usual, it seems, of raber-sattling.

Prevention requires clarity and precision about who's motives and modus operandi are what. I plead guilty for not having provided it from the start. But there seems to be enough "data" out there in the world to begin to shape the question for the purpose of calling it.

If indeed the prospects of global conflagration (nuclear or not) are afoot and it can be prevented, political correctness and someone's hurt feelings are going to have be weighed against the stability of the Mideast and its oil market, the global economy, the already-grossly-inflamed hatreds among the three major religions, genocide, and the prospects of more harm and damage than I can conceive.

As before, I don't see it as an issue of religion or ethnicity: I see it as an issue of clear thinking and the lack of it, mostly on the part of the American political system as coincident with Israeli or Zionist interests and the stupor of the American people about what is going on in the world in general.

Forgive me if I am overly concerned for the fate of many peoples, my nation, and the presence of some sanity and humanity in our future. One quote jumped out at me today from a late 60's American civil rights era popular tune called "People Get Ready":

"...there ain't no room for the hopeless sinner who would hurt all mankind just to save his own".

The quotes that portray what we're talking about here are already in the public realm.

I'm all in favor of taking multiple deep, steady, slow breaths in order to quiet my amygdala and my racing mind.

I shall start now.

Maybe we can get some of our world "leaders" to learn the same lesson.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
As I keep telling you Mark, you're a Gentleman.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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