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Interview with Peter Levenda October 9, 2009 Sinister Forces
About Hubbard and the OTO: he did act as assistant to Parsons during the Babalon working, they did construct an air-table or whatever using the aethyric calls in Enochian and Hubbard ran away with his girlfriend with whom Hubbard had already been sleeping at Parson's house. Jack took a liberal view of such things I guess. Hubbard and the girl absconded with a yacht and a bunch of money, but it was part of a deal Parsons agreed to, a joint venture with Hubbard to buy yachts in Florida and sell them in California I believe. Parsons put up almost all the money and Hubbard did take the money and run. It was bad news for Crowley because he was leeching a monthly stipend from Parsons and probably needed it for dope and whatnot.

Hubbard briefly lived at Parsons's house in Orange, California following his decommission from the Navy after WWII. The point of contact was the Los Angeles science fiction club which met in the basement of a hotel (which probably figures in the RFK assassination or something much later, but I can't remember). Hubbard was probably the only person at that time who was a member of the New York and LA SF clubs. The SF club members were treated to an evening of Hubbard's tall tales followed up by a demonstration of his abilities to mesmerize. One member went around all night telling everyone a miniature kangaroo was dancing in the palm of his hand. Hubbard implanted another post-hypnotic suggestion in a member that was fairly sadistic.

One of Parsons's many house guests was an up-and-coming SF author, and SF authors were frequent guests. The live-in author was Hubbard's way in. This author quickly came to think Hubbard was simply another scam artist tapping Parsons' deep pockets, a view subsequently shard by Crowley in his correspondence.

That ends Hubbard's connexion with the OTO. Later, he claimed to have known Crowley personally and called him a great man. Still later, when he was trying to distnace himself from Crowley, he claimed he had been sent in by Naval Intelligence to bust up a black magic ring in Los Angeles with members who had important jobs in national defense. Neither story is true. Hubbard entered the Navy as an officer and was given command of a ship but was quickly demoted for leading the Navy on a wild goose chase for phantom Jap subs off the Oregon coast, and then shelling a small island that turned out to belong to Mexico, oops. He doesn't seem to have worked for ONI ever. In fact the lousy pension he got as a veteran led to his writing bad checks in LA and then penning the first self-help book in America, Dianetics.

Dianetics turned into Scientology in Oklahoma because of ownership disputes and a partnership that went sour. Hubbard tried to sell his Scientology "tech" to the US government to use for training astronauts and spies. He was rebuffed and took it personally, lashing out at JFK in his public statements.

What followed is cloak-and-dagger. Hubbard tried to infiltrate the US government and succeeded on many levels. At the same time Scientology was on the radar screen for domestic and overseas intelligence and there was counter-infiltration. Also, some fairly early CIA people who gained high posts in the organization were scientologists. Besides trying to sell pillow-talk by British politicians to the KGB (in Scientology there are no secrets, at least not for the auditors), Hubbard was involved in intrigues involving a military coup in Morocco, some odd behavior in Greece under the military junta and at least one attempt to buy himself an African state, although he was kicked out of Rhdesia faster than you can say "Bishop Pike."

The real product Scientology had to offer intelligence was trance induction and lie detection. Their different Operating Thetan levels claimed powers such as telekinesis, remote mental assassination, time travel etc. but couldn't really deliver. With their past life regression claims they have at times gone to elaborate lengths to "prove" it's real to the individual scientologist, forging historical documents and setting up meetings with actors who pretend to know the person in an earlier incarnation. The level of complexity for this approaches a real intelligence operation, imho.

Although Hubbard's ties with the OTO organization seem to have ended with the falling out with Parsons, Hubbard bought up and studied loads of Crowley's books, purchased items that once belonged to Crowley and practiced a kind of magic his whole life. He had a vision of his tutelary spirit once, Hathor as hawkwoman with red hair. He toyed with the idea he was the antichrist, or that scientology would give birth to the antichrist in which he would incarnate in a future life. His son deWolf in the Penthouse interview described a kind of Egyptian magic Hubbard practiced that he called "soul-cracking," a kind of spiritual parasitism.

Levenda is totally right that Process Church was an offshoot of Scientology (albeit unauthorized) so the Process people were physically close to the OTO in LA in the late 60s and travelled in the same circles. So that's another point of contact between the two currents.

I think what SRI and CIA/DoD were doing with Swann was testing to see if they could find any practical use for the powers the scientologists claimed to possess. I think Scientology doesn't have any hidden tech, at least not any that works. I understand General Stubblebine was run out of DoD because of his spoon-bending antics and the Pentagon coven and dark Gypsy tarot readers who began showing up. It didn't quite fit the image the Republicans wanted to project publicly. One of the Swann declassified files I saw has a bunch of stuff on him and at the end there is a newspaper clipping pasted in, or maybe a magazine article. If I remember right, he was trying to peddle something suspiciously like an e-meter, under a different trade name.

That's the crux of the problem with Scientology owning copyrights to their religious materials, it doesn't work. It's like Mormons copyrighting the Book of Mormon. Either it's Scripture or it's not, it's made by man. The IRS deal with Scientology skirted the issue entirely. Even so, the shell organizations mentioned by Planet Veritas got transferred the copyrights to try to make it appear more legitimate. They "license" the rights to use Hubbard's religious/psych material to Church of Scientology. It's a big shell game and money-laundering operation. I think Planet Veritas is wrong about the shell corporation owning all Hubbard's works. A good bit of his SF should be public domain by now and another share of it under copyright to the pulps and radio shows that used it.

One of Hubabrd's pseudonyms was "Flash" Hubbard, used in his aviation pieces. That has a national security significance but probably didn't then.

Moral of the long post: don't simplify the Parsons/Crowley/Hubbard connexion to the point of absurdity because (all together now) LIFE IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.
Chris Bowen posted:

Quote:Grant writes:

“Some believe that the UFO phenomena are part of the "miracle", and a mounting mass of evidence seems to suggest that mysterious entities have been located within the earth's ambience for countless centuries and that more and more people are being born with innate ability to see, or in some way sense their presence... Prayer for deific intervention in ancient times has now become a cri de coeure to extra-terrestrial or interdimensional entities, according to whether the manifestations are viewed as occuring within man's consciousness, or outside himself in apparently objective but often invisible entities. New Isis Lodge has in its archives the sigils of some of these entities. The sigils com from a grimoire of unknown origin which forms a part of the dark quabalahs of Besqul, located by magicians in the Tunnel of Quliefi. The grimoire describes Four Gates of extraterrestrial entry into, and emergence from, the known Universe.”

Lovecraftian language aside, the Tunnel of Quliefi coincide with the Tunnels of Set, which form part of Qabalistic scheme as it pertains to the Qliphoth or the reverse of dark side of the Tree of Life. In other words the Tree of Death.

This is not, to hijack a well known term, something to "fuck around with". As the writer below makes clear it requires great care and attenion. And usually is done under guidance --- in one form or another anyway. Jung describes it as the confrontation with the Shadow (see:

I have copied the following extract from "The Magicians Dictionary" which is available at the curiously named


Lit. "shells" (singular: qliphah). Shades of the dead whose names appear in the books of Dyzan or Thoth, or the Book of the Law (AL). They may contain formulae of magical powers. RAW calls them "souls of those who died insane... the tulpas of Tibet... avatars of Coyote, the American Indian prankster-god." RAW also identifies them with the Celtic "little people" or faeries. Some of the twenty-two qliphotic entities of the Black Tarot, as envisioned by Grant, are defined herein under separate entries, although strictly speaking, the qlippoth are the names of the guardians of the tunnels, not the tunnels themselves.
To understand the qliphothic atus fully and to do them justice can be more deleterious to the artist or researcher than one might suspect. Conceivably, such complete understanding could result in the destruction of the ego without restoration in the Oversoul and therefore lead to actual madness. Dealing with the Qliphoth is the psychic equivalent of working with toxic wastes, dangerous animals or high voltage wires.
To invoke any force is to invoke automatically its opposite as well. In the more conventional sense, qliphoth are negative cosmic energies equating with the ten positive Sephiroth (e.g., Lilith is the evil counterpart of Malkuth). All positive aspects of divinity have their "excremental" sides, or demons: Beelzebub, Satanas, etc. The difference between metamorphosis and excretion is thinner than you might guess. From the universal lexicon:

scall English scab
chale Cupeno husk, shell
skalli Icelandic a peeled head
geled Hebrew skin
kulit Malay skin
skull English the "shell" of the brain
azal Basque peeling
soale Hausa to peel off
scale, shell English
scalp<skalp Middle English a sheath
kupas Malay to skin; peel; husk
qliphah Hebrew husk, discard
Qlipphoth "peelings, refuse" or "demons" of the Qabalah
schelpe M. Dutch a shell

In the waning years of Alchemy, occultists were fond of saying that the Philosopher's Stone was "that which all men despise" -- and this in turn led the puffers to experiment with various types of excrement in order to see if that substance, perchance, could possibly yield the Secret of the Ages, since nothing so far had succeeded in doing so. And of course all such experiments accomplished was to mark the nadir of human folly.
What is this word "excrement", after all? It's from Latin, excernere, "to separate." It is a separation, a peeling away, as when we peel away a scab or a blister, making it no longer a part of ourselves. German scheiden/schieden (divide, separate, divorce) is simply another form of the word Scheisse (Fr. chier, Engl. shit) or its Greek equivalent schizo, "to split."
Latin cutis (skin), we should notice, first of all, is a cognate of Greek skatos (dung). Like the snake, what we throw away begins with the "skin" -- a word which probably represents a form of one of the universal roots. Compare Peruvian kina (the bark, or tree peeling, whence we get quinine) and Malay sisek (fish scales). Perhaps even the Austrian Kakadu word, kŠngir meaning "skin" is distantly related. At any rate, kŠngir is almost certainly the origin of "kangaroo," particularly since the Australian Warramunga word, nguru, meant "foreskin." These two are clearly connected and the marsupial associations are plain enough.
The puffers didn't understand that excrement isn't exactly what all men despise. Or to be more precise, what matters isn't so much what is discarded and thrown away, but the value we place on the kept, as opposed to the trash. That faulty decision itself is where the problem lies. In fact, the Finnish proverb: Kulta kultainen v“lkkya roskatta, "gold glitters in what is thrown away", is a sentiment well understood by shamans, witches and other marginal people, who are drawn to the rubbish heaps and middens, much as the money-vultures circle the stock market.
What all men despise is "that out there," that is to say, the world. And they try incessantly to dissociate themselves from it. Yet, obviously, if we really were one with the world, then we'd have in hand "the universal solvent," we'd have immortality because the world is immortal. In the world's all-powerful Nature is the very secret of turning lead into gold. Instead man tries desperately to throw out everything that is not self.
Part of the problem is that the verb "to be" has two meanings (as in Spanish): one is an expression of permanent identity or equivalence to something else and the other an expression of a changing, on-going process. When we accept the error that we are not gods, we cease all self-examination, self-disciplines and self-improvement. We define god as an embodiment of "pefection" (or completion) instead of as the avenue of evolution and becoming. Only idols are perfect. Not even Odin ever thought of himself as perfect: he had to make many sacrifices in order to gain wisdom. Ditto Osiris, who was so far from being "together" that he was chopped up into little pieces. Granted, Jehovah is perfect, or thinks He is, but He is also a difficult God to respect, for that same reason. When you say we are not gods, you mean we are not idols. But an idol is precisely what modern man has made of himself. He worships himself, even though gods never worship themselves. Obviously, they don't have to. Only man worships himself, though not really as a god or potential god. He worships himself just as he is: as a fatted, golden pig wearing Gucci shoes.
The reason people push gods "outside" is the same reason they shove everything else outside, separating everything and calling it evil because it is unwanted. Anything which is not self, including the planet earth, is felt to be of no real value. In fact, matter is simply unwanted "dirt." Most of the self is thrown away, at least that part of the self which demands the most work or struggle. All that may remain is the momentary gratification of physical need: food, drink, sex, rest, entertainment. To put a god into that strait-jacket, even a minor one, is to disrupt the routine, to interfere with the direct line of ice cream to mouth. Besides, the puffing up of an imaginary personal ego is a thousand times easier than the expression of difficult, real Divinity. Standing far enough away from the world empowers objectivity to serve as the perfect defense of the ego. Here ego cannot be challenged and "Science" and "Reason" become the last refuges of Subjective Solipsism.
In the Qabalah this peeling away of the self, this separation or "excrement" is called a Qlipha (pl. qlipphoth). The qliphoth are the negative personifications. All the expressions of Divinity have their "qlipphoth": Samael, Beelzebub, Satanas, etc., as we've said. And, in truth, these are what people actually bow down to: these idols that are made up out of excrement. Divinity that lies outside of self is not divinity.
In contemporary Occidental man's desperate struggle to separate himself we would do well to remember Alan Watts' comparison of the self to an onion. You can peel and peel until there is nothing left.


I find it interesting that it is said that one might find Four Gates of extraterrestrial entry into, and emergence from, the known Universe via this procedure. Extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional? I suppose it depends on your use of the word "extraterrestrial" but I'm quite certain that it does not mean what most would consider by this usage. Inter-dimensional is better I think, and goes a long way to understanding the deeper meaning of "alien". Extroverts generally are inclined to think of reality as things physically external to themselves, whereas Introverts imply far more depth to their inner experiences.

In the case of L Ron Hubbard I have the distinct impression that he dabbled in occult matters in order to gain power over others. Indeed, I recall an article that I posted elsewhere on this site, penned by his son, that stated this quite explicitly. His son also said that shortly after the end of WWII his father received, by private courier, the entire occult teachings of the Nazi occult lodge the Thule Gesellschaft.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Peter Levenda interviewed on Dr Deagle's Nutrimedical Report show, December 10, 2009, first hour:

Another one scheduled for next Thursday same place, same time.
Dr Deagle is interviewing him again in 4.5 hours, anyone can try to call in, listen page here:

deagle page here:

live and 24-hour looped listening stream here:

archived audio file:
Dr Deagle has yet ANOTHER interview with Peter Levenda on December 28, same place, same time. I'm off for about a week, take care and happy holidays!
From an Amazon reviewer:
Quote:Rumor has it that Peter Levenda is the author of the 'Simon' Necronomicon and that anyone who reads THAT book is cursed for seven years. I think that book was a bald-faced hoax, but it is fitting that the same author was involved here, because THIS book is genuinely dangerous. If you have any paranoid tendencies, any mental imbalance, you should probably leave the entire Sinister Forces trilogy alone.

In brief, the author argues that "mind-control" (in the form of propaganda, subtle persuasion, psychedelic drugs, terrorism, and...well...mind control) is an essential component of modern politics. And mind control is the same phenomenon the world once understood as witchcraft. We in the modern West may believe we are not susceptible to these irrational compulsive forces but, in fact, we are UNIQUELY vulnerable. Our societies have marginalized and devalued the traditional shamanistic encounter with unreason, and as a result we have a very unhealthy relationship with it. Intelligence operators, in the quest for tools of political influence, have rediscovered shamanistic practices and the forces that underlie them. These forces are "sinister" in a value-neutral sense; they are forces of the "left-hand path" - antinomian and awe-inspiring, but not necessarily evil. In proper context they can be beneficial to the individual and the community. But by implementing these practices alone, stripped of any spiritual significance, we have corrupted them. Both the serial killer and the fascist, he argues, are failed shamen.

Of course, Levenda does not state this explicitly until page 362 of volume III. And, even then, I hesitate to take him at face value; to bury "the point" so deeply within a work like this is audacious. It may indicate that the subject matter is exceptionally subtle and must be teased out with care. It may indicate an intentional esotericism (as Nietzsche put it: "a book for all and none"). Or, it may indicate the active hypnotic manipulation of the reader - a sort of literary "look into my eyes." Here, I would argue, we have all three - and they take almost a thousand pages to fully manifest. And yet, Levenda never loses our attention. Like a fairytale warlock, he charms and coaxes the reader down this dark forest path.

Ok, not "like" a warlock. He IS a warlock, and this is what makes his exposition of political witchcraft so compelling. His approach to the DETAILS of political history is remarkably sober - the text is exhaustively footnoted and bibliographied. But he recognizes patterns in these data that would be apparent only to a serious occultist.

Indeed, some of these patterns are clearly faces in the clouds, but that's beside the point. The 'big picture' is not the main attraction. Read this book for the parade of oddball facts the author has marshalled together. Read it for thrills and chills and extreme thought-provocation. Prepare yourself for suspense, intrigue and intiatory terror on the threshold of spiritual enlightenment. Just be careful to come back in one piece...

I find the trilogy difficult to wrap my mind around. I have just started the third one. Just throwing out this Amazon opinion to spark discussion. (I also bought Ratline.)
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren - Levenda may well be the author of the Simon Necronomicon.

He plays with the idea on his Facebook page.

The rest of that Amazon "critique" is deeply tedious. In fact, it's probably the most boring comment about Levenda's work on all of DPF, and there are literally hundreds and hundreds of comments here.

That Amazon "critique" is also the least interesting information in this thread - so I won't be discussing it further.

Now, if you want to discuss remote viewing, Scientology, the Process Church of the Final Judgement, Jungian analysis of Golden Dawn and OTO occultism, or Squeaky Fromme's handler, then go right ahead.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I happened upon a fantastic interview with him last weekend. The Nazis and the US space race. And the tie in with the JFK assassination and beyond weird bishops.

He's a wonderful speaker. I have read many reviews of this trilogy and several make him out to be a difficult writer. But if he writes the way he speaks I know I will love it. The subject matter is of great interest to me. Problem is my reading list is so long and I have been so very busy with my job that I still have not even ordered these books. I need more hours to the day. Or a month off just to read.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:I happened upon a fantastic interview with him last weekend. The Nazis and the US space race. And the tie in with the JFK assassination and beyond weird bishops.

He's a wonderful speaker. I have read many reviews of this trilogy and several make him out to be a difficult writer. But if he writes the way he speaks I know I will love it. The subject matter is of great interest to me. Problem is my reading list is so long and I have been so very busy with my job that I still have not even ordered these books. I need more hours to the day. Or a month off just to read.


This one?

[video=youtube];feature=iv&amp;sr c_vid=Cj2qrl6Q2rk&amp;v=DV6MVsmi6z8[/video]
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:I happened upon a fantastic interview with him last weekend. The Nazis and the US space race. And the tie in with the JFK assassination and beyond weird bishops.

He's a wonderful speaker. I have read many reviews of this trilogy and several make him out to be a difficult writer. But if he writes the way he speaks I know I will love it. The subject matter is of great interest to me. Problem is my reading list is so long and I have been so very busy with my job that I still have not even ordered these books. I need more hours to the day. Or a month off just to read.


This one?

[video=youtube];feature=iv&amp;sr c_vid=Cj2qrl6Q2rk&amp;v=DV6MVsmi6z8[/video]

Lauren: Because I was having major problems with another site a friend downloaded chrome for me for that site (facebook). Now as a result when I try to download adobe flash player to look at videos it won't work and "tells " me I have it on chrome already. I am NOT technically inclined so no clue how to remedy. So I do not know what video you posted.


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