19-11-2009, 02:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 19-11-2009, 02:19 PM by Helen Reyes.)
About Hubbard and the OTO: he did act as assistant to Parsons during the Babalon working, they did construct an air-table or whatever using the aethyric calls in Enochian and Hubbard ran away with his girlfriend with whom Hubbard had already been sleeping at Parson's house. Jack took a liberal view of such things I guess. Hubbard and the girl absconded with a yacht and a bunch of money, but it was part of a deal Parsons agreed to, a joint venture with Hubbard to buy yachts in Florida and sell them in California I believe. Parsons put up almost all the money and Hubbard did take the money and run. It was bad news for Crowley because he was leeching a monthly stipend from Parsons and probably needed it for dope and whatnot.
Hubbard briefly lived at Parsons's house in Orange, California following his decommission from the Navy after WWII. The point of contact was the Los Angeles science fiction club which met in the basement of a hotel (which probably figures in the RFK assassination or something much later, but I can't remember). Hubbard was probably the only person at that time who was a member of the New York and LA SF clubs. The SF club members were treated to an evening of Hubbard's tall tales followed up by a demonstration of his abilities to mesmerize. One member went around all night telling everyone a miniature kangaroo was dancing in the palm of his hand. Hubbard implanted another post-hypnotic suggestion in a member that was fairly sadistic.
One of Parsons's many house guests was an up-and-coming SF author, and SF authors were frequent guests. The live-in author was Hubbard's way in. This author quickly came to think Hubbard was simply another scam artist tapping Parsons' deep pockets, a view subsequently shard by Crowley in his correspondence.
That ends Hubbard's connexion with the OTO. Later, he claimed to have known Crowley personally and called him a great man. Still later, when he was trying to distnace himself from Crowley, he claimed he had been sent in by Naval Intelligence to bust up a black magic ring in Los Angeles with members who had important jobs in national defense. Neither story is true. Hubbard entered the Navy as an officer and was given command of a ship but was quickly demoted for leading the Navy on a wild goose chase for phantom Jap subs off the Oregon coast, and then shelling a small island that turned out to belong to Mexico, oops. He doesn't seem to have worked for ONI ever. In fact the lousy pension he got as a veteran led to his writing bad checks in LA and then penning the first self-help book in America, Dianetics.
Dianetics turned into Scientology in Oklahoma because of ownership disputes and a partnership that went sour. Hubbard tried to sell his Scientology "tech" to the US government to use for training astronauts and spies. He was rebuffed and took it personally, lashing out at JFK in his public statements.
What followed is cloak-and-dagger. Hubbard tried to infiltrate the US government and succeeded on many levels. At the same time Scientology was on the radar screen for domestic and overseas intelligence and there was counter-infiltration. Also, some fairly early CIA people who gained high posts in the organization were scientologists. Besides trying to sell pillow-talk by British politicians to the KGB (in Scientology there are no secrets, at least not for the auditors), Hubbard was involved in intrigues involving a military coup in Morocco, some odd behavior in Greece under the military junta and at least one attempt to buy himself an African state, although he was kicked out of Rhdesia faster than you can say "Bishop Pike."
The real product Scientology had to offer intelligence was trance induction and lie detection. Their different Operating Thetan levels claimed powers such as telekinesis, remote mental assassination, time travel etc. but couldn't really deliver. With their past life regression claims they have at times gone to elaborate lengths to "prove" it's real to the individual scientologist, forging historical documents and setting up meetings with actors who pretend to know the person in an earlier incarnation. The level of complexity for this approaches a real intelligence operation, imho.
Although Hubbard's ties with the OTO organization seem to have ended with the falling out with Parsons, Hubbard bought up and studied loads of Crowley's books, purchased items that once belonged to Crowley and practiced a kind of magic his whole life. He had a vision of his tutelary spirit once, Hathor as hawkwoman with red hair. He toyed with the idea he was the antichrist, or that scientology would give birth to the antichrist in which he would incarnate in a future life. His son deWolf in the Penthouse interview described a kind of Egyptian magic Hubbard practiced that he called "soul-cracking," a kind of spiritual parasitism.
Levenda is totally right that Process Church was an offshoot of Scientology (albeit unauthorized) so the Process people were physically close to the OTO in LA in the late 60s and travelled in the same circles. So that's another point of contact between the two currents.
I think what SRI and CIA/DoD were doing with Swann was testing to see if they could find any practical use for the powers the scientologists claimed to possess. I think Scientology doesn't have any hidden tech, at least not any that works. I understand General Stubblebine was run out of DoD because of his spoon-bending antics and the Pentagon coven and dark Gypsy tarot readers who began showing up. It didn't quite fit the image the Republicans wanted to project publicly. One of the Swann declassified files I saw has a bunch of stuff on him and at the end there is a newspaper clipping pasted in, or maybe a magazine article. If I remember right, he was trying to peddle something suspiciously like an e-meter, under a different trade name.
That's the crux of the problem with Scientology owning copyrights to their religious materials, it doesn't work. It's like Mormons copyrighting the Book of Mormon. Either it's Scripture or it's not, it's made by man. The IRS deal with Scientology skirted the issue entirely. Even so, the shell organizations mentioned by Planet Veritas got transferred the copyrights to try to make it appear more legitimate. They "license" the rights to use Hubbard's religious/psych material to Church of Scientology. It's a big shell game and money-laundering operation. I think Planet Veritas is wrong about the shell corporation owning all Hubbard's works. A good bit of his SF should be public domain by now and another share of it under copyright to the pulps and radio shows that used it.
One of Hubabrd's pseudonyms was "Flash" Hubbard, used in his aviation pieces. That has a national security significance but probably didn't then.
Moral of the long post: don't simplify the Parsons/Crowley/Hubbard connexion to the point of absurdity because (all together now) LIFE IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.
Hubbard briefly lived at Parsons's house in Orange, California following his decommission from the Navy after WWII. The point of contact was the Los Angeles science fiction club which met in the basement of a hotel (which probably figures in the RFK assassination or something much later, but I can't remember). Hubbard was probably the only person at that time who was a member of the New York and LA SF clubs. The SF club members were treated to an evening of Hubbard's tall tales followed up by a demonstration of his abilities to mesmerize. One member went around all night telling everyone a miniature kangaroo was dancing in the palm of his hand. Hubbard implanted another post-hypnotic suggestion in a member that was fairly sadistic.
One of Parsons's many house guests was an up-and-coming SF author, and SF authors were frequent guests. The live-in author was Hubbard's way in. This author quickly came to think Hubbard was simply another scam artist tapping Parsons' deep pockets, a view subsequently shard by Crowley in his correspondence.
That ends Hubbard's connexion with the OTO. Later, he claimed to have known Crowley personally and called him a great man. Still later, when he was trying to distnace himself from Crowley, he claimed he had been sent in by Naval Intelligence to bust up a black magic ring in Los Angeles with members who had important jobs in national defense. Neither story is true. Hubbard entered the Navy as an officer and was given command of a ship but was quickly demoted for leading the Navy on a wild goose chase for phantom Jap subs off the Oregon coast, and then shelling a small island that turned out to belong to Mexico, oops. He doesn't seem to have worked for ONI ever. In fact the lousy pension he got as a veteran led to his writing bad checks in LA and then penning the first self-help book in America, Dianetics.
Dianetics turned into Scientology in Oklahoma because of ownership disputes and a partnership that went sour. Hubbard tried to sell his Scientology "tech" to the US government to use for training astronauts and spies. He was rebuffed and took it personally, lashing out at JFK in his public statements.
What followed is cloak-and-dagger. Hubbard tried to infiltrate the US government and succeeded on many levels. At the same time Scientology was on the radar screen for domestic and overseas intelligence and there was counter-infiltration. Also, some fairly early CIA people who gained high posts in the organization were scientologists. Besides trying to sell pillow-talk by British politicians to the KGB (in Scientology there are no secrets, at least not for the auditors), Hubbard was involved in intrigues involving a military coup in Morocco, some odd behavior in Greece under the military junta and at least one attempt to buy himself an African state, although he was kicked out of Rhdesia faster than you can say "Bishop Pike."
The real product Scientology had to offer intelligence was trance induction and lie detection. Their different Operating Thetan levels claimed powers such as telekinesis, remote mental assassination, time travel etc. but couldn't really deliver. With their past life regression claims they have at times gone to elaborate lengths to "prove" it's real to the individual scientologist, forging historical documents and setting up meetings with actors who pretend to know the person in an earlier incarnation. The level of complexity for this approaches a real intelligence operation, imho.
Although Hubbard's ties with the OTO organization seem to have ended with the falling out with Parsons, Hubbard bought up and studied loads of Crowley's books, purchased items that once belonged to Crowley and practiced a kind of magic his whole life. He had a vision of his tutelary spirit once, Hathor as hawkwoman with red hair. He toyed with the idea he was the antichrist, or that scientology would give birth to the antichrist in which he would incarnate in a future life. His son deWolf in the Penthouse interview described a kind of Egyptian magic Hubbard practiced that he called "soul-cracking," a kind of spiritual parasitism.
Levenda is totally right that Process Church was an offshoot of Scientology (albeit unauthorized) so the Process people were physically close to the OTO in LA in the late 60s and travelled in the same circles. So that's another point of contact between the two currents.
I think what SRI and CIA/DoD were doing with Swann was testing to see if they could find any practical use for the powers the scientologists claimed to possess. I think Scientology doesn't have any hidden tech, at least not any that works. I understand General Stubblebine was run out of DoD because of his spoon-bending antics and the Pentagon coven and dark Gypsy tarot readers who began showing up. It didn't quite fit the image the Republicans wanted to project publicly. One of the Swann declassified files I saw has a bunch of stuff on him and at the end there is a newspaper clipping pasted in, or maybe a magazine article. If I remember right, he was trying to peddle something suspiciously like an e-meter, under a different trade name.
That's the crux of the problem with Scientology owning copyrights to their religious materials, it doesn't work. It's like Mormons copyrighting the Book of Mormon. Either it's Scripture or it's not, it's made by man. The IRS deal with Scientology skirted the issue entirely. Even so, the shell organizations mentioned by Planet Veritas got transferred the copyrights to try to make it appear more legitimate. They "license" the rights to use Hubbard's religious/psych material to Church of Scientology. It's a big shell game and money-laundering operation. I think Planet Veritas is wrong about the shell corporation owning all Hubbard's works. A good bit of his SF should be public domain by now and another share of it under copyright to the pulps and radio shows that used it.
One of Hubabrd's pseudonyms was "Flash" Hubbard, used in his aviation pieces. That has a national security significance but probably didn't then.
Moral of the long post: don't simplify the Parsons/Crowley/Hubbard connexion to the point of absurdity because (all together now) LIFE IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.