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The Great Game, the Vril-ya and Theosophy
This is a book-length sort of topic, so I'll boil it down to essentials and solicit comments from anyone interested.

Basically, Bulwer-Lytton's son Robert was dispatched as viceroy to India and was engaged in the Second Anglo-Afghan War.

wikipedia Wrote:In September 1878, Lytton sent an emissary to Afghanistan who was refused entry. A month later in October 1878, he ordered an invasion which not only failed in its objective, but whose costs (and brutality) became a major issue in the defeat of Disraeli's Conservative government by Gladstone's Liberals in 1880. Lytton resigned with Disraeli.

Britain was involved in the Great Game with Russia for influence over the subcontinent. In Tsarist Russia there was a push to take India, Britain consolidated it first, but Russia didn't entirely abandon the project and the theater of influence-battle shifted to Afghanistan because of the low-lying pass southwards from Kandahar by which the Persians had traditionally invaded India.

The Great Game is also the title of the book by Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, who sent arms and money to attack the Communist but not Soviet government in Kabul, precipitating a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

The Great Game in Afghanistan broke down into region, tribe and village level as the Russian Empire and British Empire fought for influence. Russia had just consolidated Kyrgyzistan, Tadjikistan and Uzbekistan as well as the Near Eastern countries in the Caucasus, and annexed the ancient Persian oasis of Merv claimed by Afghanistan. Afghanistan itself only formed as a sort of left-over smorgasbord of land too desolate or too fierce for the Great Powers to worry themselves over.

Bulwer-Lytton and other members of the British colonial aristocracy set their summer capital in India in a place called Simala, an apline village with skiing nearby. The town still has a number of British colonial architectural heritage sites. Alfred Percy Sinnett pops up there, as does Rudyard Kipling and other significant figures.

The thesis is basically this. While the Great Game was playing itself out in Afghanistan, there were players involved, mainly in India, who were engaged in a spiritual sort of warfare, for whichever side.

The main players would be Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya, then an American citizen but a Russian for all practical purposes. Nicholas Rurik/Nicholas Roerich/Nikolai Konstantinovich Rerik, a Russian who arrived via America and supposedly sent reports on matters of interest back to one of FDR's vice-presidents, concerning spiritual quests.

Alfred Percy Sinnett and Krishnamurti weren't players so much as instruments. The game Blavatsky played involved resurrecting the ancient idea of the secret council or brotherhood who run the world from behind the scenes. GRS Mead, another theosophist, wrote a rather sophisticated book called The World-Soul in support, although he doesn't seem a real part of the scheme. It essentially involved resurrecting Aśoka's legend of the Nine and their Nine Books of Forbidden Technology. H. G. Wells and others would also repopularize Aśoka, the famous king whose Lion Capital (capital of a pillar not a seat of power) is the symbol of modern India. Aśoka also built those famous sandstone Buddhas the Taliban razed in Afghanistan, to UNESCO's horror and dismay. (Rurik invented a cultural protection institution and formed an international treaty on cultural heritage protection that was basically the forerunner of UNESCO).

The game was to have these hidden Mahatmas (Blavatsky's term, before Gandhi, who was christened Mahatma probably because the term was current because of Blavatsky's endeavors) actually exert some pull, and a series of Mahatma letters began to appear, letters on paper, signed with initials, sent to Alfred Percy Sinnett and other real-world political players.

Rurik's game was simpler, he was involved in creating a joint origin, cultural and spiritual, for Russians and Indians. This would have served to make a merger easier. His involvement with the US is murky and he seems to have been mostly airbrushed out of American culture, although he ws very influential as a painter, writer and thinker during his time, which incidentally was a bit later than Blavatsky's time.

Balavatsky and her people seem to have decided Krishnamurti was their Maitreya on the basis of a founding member having seen his clear aura one day by accident. I rather think it had more to do with his appearing to be a tabula rasa the theosophists could write on, an empty vessel for them to fill, but in any case after a few world tours Krishnamurti himself abdicated as World Saviour.

Blavatsky also took the Vril concept and ran with it. Her theosophy also originally claimed that Africans and Australian natives were not part of the root races, so not true people. I haven't seen any indication that Blavatsky knew Rurik or Bulwer-Lytton, but most of these people ended up going through Simla.

If Blavaksty or Rurik were Russian agents, she would've been working for the Tsar and he for the Party, but that's not all that important here. What's important is the Great Game probably had spiritual aspects, and that secret spiritual councils sitting in Shangri-La, Shambala, Agartha or somewhere were sending out physical letters to influence policy.

The bigger dimension is post-WWII in the US.

Fred Crisman in his letters to Amazing Stories in the Shaver Mystery series hints at laser technology being used against him in Central Asia, and later in reference to the shooting down of the Army Air Corps craft returning to California after the Maury Island UFO investigation.

The ancient legend of the Nine includes Nine Books with secret knowledge of nine subjects, including lasers, propaganda, germ warfare/vaccines and so on.

What then happens in the US seems to me to replicate the model of using the Secret White Brotherhood in Shambala to influence British and Asian politics. This is Puharich's seance with Nine, but also concurrent events and phenomena. Frank Sarfatti is contacted by an artificial intelligence with a mechanical voice over the telephone who says it exists in a UFO in space. One of the early UFO contactees contacts the aliens telepathically and in seances, and begins relaying messages to the Pentagon, another moves from Princeton to California to work for a major defense contractor when he has his second encounter... In 1974, which forms a kind of symmetry with 1947, Philip K. Dick has a close encounter with an artificial intelligence that provides him information about aliens from Sirius, among other things. Dick thinks it might be a transmission from a satellite. Timothy Leary publishes the Starseed Transmissions around this time.

Back to Puharich. His group gets the inside dope on the Secret Council, the Nine. They reveal their interest in human welfare and deep ecology. They are in a UFO in space.

Puharich writes his The Sacred Mushroom as a spiritual whodunit, and if you compare it carefully with Lovecraft's Call of Cthulhu, you'll see how he likely modeled his book on Lovecraft's story. He even uses some of the same words which Lovecraft calls Turanian, a sort of animalistic proto-human speech that gave rise to certain non-Indo-European languages later, such as Eskimo, Turkish, Bushman, etc. With that clue, we are to understand Puharich is having a nice joke on us and there is more to the book than just its superficial story and statements. So what lies under the surface of this tale of Egyptian atavism? Well, Puharich tells us he works for a biological weapons laboratory. He also conveys a vision of an ancient Egyptian god holding the sun over the ocean of the earth with all his might so it doesn't drop. This and elsewhere in his book he's casting Amanita muscaria as the proverbial mushroom cloud, the nuclear bomb.

Oh, and Puharich's Nine are racist. According to them, pure Africans don't have starseed origins like the rest of humanity does. It's Blavatsky all over again.

Do the Nine represent a reconfiguration of Blavatskyism for MKULTRA? Who exactly is fooling whom here, are the Inner Council with access to the spiritual Nine actually undergoing mind control under trance or using psychotronics? Is there an inner council of the Nine as human avatars who are perpetuating a scam on the outer rings? It's not hard to imagine how apotheosis would apeal to the American elites of 1952, but it is harder to explain whence they channeled unknown technologies, if in fact they did. So that brings up the possibility that there is something to the spiritual side of the scam or scheme or project, perhaps some sort of entities with access to alternate time streams, or some manner of dybbukim or fallen angels or what have you amsquerading as Egyptian deities.

And if the evil Nine exist, it sounds a lot like the gnostic myth of how the archons tried to assume power and act as aeons from the pleroma, creating a darkworld mirror of the light world. I think Plato says somewhere in the Repubic that the best tyranny perfects itself by mimicking nature.

Following up on the Nine's apparent program of action, judging from the television transmission by "Grahama" in the UK in the 70s, it's what conspiracy folk call Project Bluebeam. Bluebird-->Bluebeam. Grahama said they would contact every individual individually, as a voice in their head, and they would do so when the American stock market crashed. I guess they're behind schedule, or maybe somebody was just having a good belly laugh while television engineers were pulling their hair out trying to explain how the signal took over theirs and where it came from. Obama of course is the sort of empty vessel Krishnamurti was and would make a fine Maitreya in the theosophical tradition.

That's the basic outline of it. Comments, criticisms, suggestions and thoughts appreciated.
This is hard for me to critique,as it's so wide ranging.Also some occult stuff that I don't understand.Truly interesting though.I have read Blavatskys' Secret Doctrine volumes along with Isis Unveiled,and Theosophist literature.I was very impressed for some years.I know Blavatsky seems to have aquired a bit of a reputation for being a little shady.

A Grand Conspiracy this is.I hope some others will add their thoughts.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Thanks for that much, Keith. I have no bones to pick with Blavatsky and am not even sure it was she who faked the Mahatma letters. Further I have great respect for the theosophist GRS Mead as a scholar and the authority on gnosticism, and for Manley P Hall the eternally damned freemason.

Here is an audio file on Vril. It's not really all that occult. Sort of silly even:

BBC Radio 3 Sunday Feature - Vril

I guess Gurdjieff and his Meetings with Remarkable Men need to be included somehow. He did go to the Oxus/Amu Darya River.
Helen, thanks for this. I think you might also need to factor in the stream of Nazi occultism, Thule etc., into all this. The race aspect you outlined above plays into their thinking as you know. Himmler had emissaries scouring the Himalayas and elsewhere for Shambala to tap into their back Sun knowledge.

And as Peter Levenda has shown in his excellent trilogy, there are nazi/fascist pulses through many of the post WWII events and personalities ---- UFO's obviously, but also key figures who had Nazi/fascist associations.

I also know from my own researches that fascist associations with the occult continue and prosper -- and I think we can add here also the whole Martinism, SS Otto Kahn, Synarchism and Priory of Sion axis.

All in all it is very complex and convoluted, but like you I am convinced there is a very definite "governing mind" pulling all these strings together.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Thanks David for your thoughts.

Interesting you mention Germany. Germany was one the most active players in Afghanistan along with the British Empire and the Soviet Union, so much so, that the Afghan government had to adopt a policy of strict neutrality and ask all German non-diplomats to leave. They went one further and made all foreign non-diplomats leave. They seem to have taken a lesson from what happened to Persia, i.e., Stalin and Churchill basically occupied it for the duration of the war.

The strange thing is, as soon as the war was over, the Germans came back. Germany again became the major foreign aid donor to Afghanistan along with the US and USSR, in the 1960s I think, and did large infrastructure projects.

The big connexion with the Third Reich in the region isn't talked about much: Mahatma Gandhi, Hitler's greatest fan. Burma, Thailand, Indonesia etc. all hailed their Japanese Axis liberators and used the rhetoric of the Japanese Greater Asian Co-Prosperty Sphere as a springboard for national self-determination. Woodrow Wilson, of course, had only advocated national self-determination for white people.

I understand Peter Levenda studied some primary documents from the Ahnereb. It would be interesting to see what he came up with. The film Seven Years in TIbet with Brad Pitt was a whitewash of history in several ways, putting a friendly face on Nazism but also clouding what the Nazis were really doing in Tibet.

It's also interesting how Japan conducted itself in Manchuria vis-a-vis Jews. The Japanese military leadership seems initially to have subscribed to the idea of the Protocols of the Elders of Sion, but with a twist: they didn't think the Jews were so bad anyway, and sought to curry influence with the secret rulers of the earth by adopting a policy of tolerance toward Jews. This lasted throughout the war, with some wrinkles now and again. There was Japanese milkitary intelligence agent/diplomat Chiune Sugihara in Kaunas/Kowno, Lithuania, who issued Jews travel visas to get to Manchuria, and there was a semi-tolerant Japanese leadership at the Shanghai ghetto who saw the Jews as fellow Asians. This is probably the source of the legend Philip K. Dick used in Main in the High Castle, a book about an alternate reality in which Germany and Japan win the war and partition North America. The book references another book called The Grasshopper Lies Heavy (yes, this is what some Israeli leader used to say there were too many Palestinians, but it's from the Old Testament) in which the Allies win the war.

"Allies"... During the war they usually called them the United Nations. After the war they renamed them Allies.

The idea of an alternate reality with a different outcome for WWII isn't new at all. For instance, see the audio files here (a Brothers Cameron production in Canada by the way):

Nazi Eyes On Canada directory

and especially this one:

Premiere Show

Japan has also had its share of novels where Imperial Japan won.
Thanks again Helen, especially for the links. I had no idea that Gandhi was a big fan of Adolph. How surprising.

My Sister is fluent in German and I have tried to interest her in the SS Ahnenerbe with the hope that she would be able to translate some of their records. Cunning plan eh. But thus far no luck whatsoever.Confusedmokin:

I'm sure you're familiar with the fact that the Japanese royal house were regarded as honourary whites and the only Non European royalty invited to be members of Her Majesty's highest chivalric order, the Most Noble Order of the Garter. It is an honour that is still bestowed on the current Emperor.

Btw, have you come across the story of hundreds of suicided Tibetan monks wearing green gloves found in Berlin when the Third Reich fell? See HERE

I've always considered the story to be apocryphal /urban legend but wonder if there is any basis in fact for it. Any thoughts?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:Thanks again Helen, especially for the links. I had no idea that Gandhi was a big fan of Adolph. How surprising.

He later backed off his initial enthusiasm, but the letters to Berlin had already gone out.

David Guyatt Wrote:I'm sure you're familiar with the fact that the Japanese royal house were regarded as honourary whites and the only Non European royalty invited to be members of Her Majesty's highest chivalric order, the Most Noble Order of the Garter. It is an honour that is still bestowed on the current Emperor.

I had no idea really. I knew the Trilateral Commission's third leg is Japan.

David Guyatt Wrote:Btw, have you come across the story of hundreds of suicided Tibetan monks wearing green gloves found in Berlin when the Third Reich fell? ... I've always considered the story to be apocryphal /urban legend but wonder if there is any basis in fact for it. Any thoughts?

I looked into it a little back in 2000 and what I found was there were definitely Tibetan adepts in the Third Reich, I even found a cyanotype photo of some wild eyed monk looking like Charlie Manson if he had a more nutritious diet. I couldn't find more than a few Tibetans discovered by the Soviet forces, but it might be I just didn't find them and there were 200 yellowhats working for Himmler in some spiritual capacity. I always sort of thought Thomas Pynchon was hinting around about it in Gravity's Rainbow but his Rakettenkorps were Namibians, not sure if he stuck any Tibetans in there or if my memory did.

My understanding is that the Nazi expeditions were sent to find the "Aryan" Tibetans. A Nazi version of the Prester John myth?

There's also a rumor about a certain episode.... Hitler once opened (or at least mentioned in) a speech saying "I have met the Ubermensch. I spoke with him. He made me afraid." The rumor is he had just taken a call from G.I. Gurdjieff, who phoned him from Lhasa.

There is a pro-Fascist author who wrote under the name of W. Grimwald. I first noticed him because he was censored off the internet. I found his works mentioned in caches of search engines but they were always missing, no matter where the internet page was physically located. Eventually I located some of his works, which are really just little essays. I think if you search for him on scribd you'll probably find everything these days, and probably even him confessing his true name and affiliations, but this was interesting to me way back when:

Quote:National Socialist Germany and Tibet

By William Grimwald

There's a legend that Aryans, led by Thor, fled a cataclysm to settle in old Tibet. Sven Hedin, the Swedish explorer of Central and Inner Asia, went as far as Tibet. He was a friend of Hitler's and an outspoken admirer of National Socialist Germany. As we shall see, the National Socialist regime must have known much about Tibet and to maintain contacts with that remote nation. It is claimed that the SS sponsored various expeditions there, and this now seems likely given some of the connections which are finally being reliably discovered. That the Germans were permitted to enter a land forbidden to other foreigners is likely given that the Dalai Lama of the time was an enthusiastic admirer of Hitler.


As far back as the early 1920s when the National Socialist movement was struggling for power, the geopolitical theorist Prof. Karl Haushofer was teaching his pupils the geopolitical importance of Central Asia and Tibet. Among these pupils was Rudolf Hess who introduced Haushofer to Hitler at Landsberg Prison where the latter was confined as a result of the 1924 Munich Putsch. Haushofer had served on the Kaiser's Staff Corps in the Orient and had studied the mysticism of Japan and India. He believed the Indo-Germanic race had originated in Asia, and control of the region was pivotal to Germanic world power.

At this time there were two occult societies operating in Germany which were to have a lasting impact on National Socialism, and especially on the SS which was to set up a department specifically to explore occultic matters, "Ancestral Heritage". These societies were Thule and Vril. The Vril society was based on the ideas expounded by the Rosicrucian Sir Bulwer Lytton in his book The Coming Race. Lytton claimed that there is a psychic energy of immense power, latent in most humans, but being utilised by adepts living in Tibet. It is claimed that Haushofer introduced Hitler to both the vril concept and his geopolitical ideas.

Intriguingly, there was already a Tibetan community resident in Germany with its own Lama. While many fanciful claims are made by pseudo-scholarly books on the Third Reich, one of the most intriguing is the assertion that large numbers of Tibetans in German uniform were found amidst the ruins of Berlin by the Soviet Army. An article recently published by the US paper The New Order sheds a uniquely reliable light on some of these Tibetan-German connections, based as it is on the autobiography of the present Dalai Lama.


During the 1920s the Dalai Lama was Thutpen Gyatso. He was a scholar of impressive intellect who sought to achieve a balance between Western technology and Eastern spirituality. He had heard about Hitler when the National Socialist movement was still struggling for power. Among the many European books the Dalai Lama had translated was Mein Kampf. He filled his copy with enthusiastic annotations and underlining of his favourite passages on virtually every page.

Of Hitler he said: "The inji (honourable foreigner) is assisted by God for some high purpose in this life."

He also believed there to be a synchronicity for the swastika being the symbol of both National Socialism and the ancient Bon-Buddhism of his warrior monks. Also noted were certain similarities between National Socialism and Buddhist doctrines, especially that service to one's folk is the highest purpose or dharma in life.

Therefore when Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 warm congratulations were received from far off Tibet.


During the 1940s Tibetan volunteers formed brigades attached to the Cossack regiments fighting Communism with National Socialist Germany. The Tibetans with their endurance of sub-zero temperatures, refusal to surrender made them among the toughest fighters against the Soviets. They were exceptional horsemen and staged some of the last cavalry charges in history. It was the remnants of these brigades that the Soviet army found in the ruins of Berlin, having fought to the last.

After the war, Tibet took those National Socialist fighters who could make it into sanctuary. Among these was an Austrian, Heinrich Harrer, who became a close confident of the new Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso. Tenzin relates in his autobiography that Harrer was a delightful and humourous personality. He spoke fluent Tibetan and was well-liked by the Tibetans. Harrer had escaped British imprisonment in India during the war with another prisoner, and the two had lived as nomads for five years until reaching Lhasa. Harrer and Tenzin first met in 1948. For the next year and a half, before Harrer left they met about once a week. "From him I was able to learn something about the outside world and especially about Europe and the recent war."

Several years later the Tibetans were again in the frontline of the conflict between the materialist worldview and the spiritual/archetypal. Although the 80,000 troops of Red China overwhelmed the 8,500 Tibetan troops the Dalai Lama remarks: "it is necessary to say that the Chinese lost large numbers of men in their conquest of Tibet."


While Tenzin might be portrayed as a pacifistic internationalist by the media and scraps such as the Nobel Peace Prize are thrown at him by a condescending world Liberalism whilst his nation is subjugated by genocidal Chinese, Tenzin remains an opponent of those materialistic forces bent on driving humanity into a universal drabness. He is, like the National Socialists for whom his countrymen once fought, a proponent of folkish and national diversity.

Speaking at the 1993 Chicago Conference on World Religions, he said that the boundaries separating different peoples across the world were not bad if they preserved and defined genetic and cultural identities. He stated these differences need to be maintained in order that the individual have his own sense of identity. Tenzin is totally opposed to One Worldism, saying of the internationalists: "they fail to see that the so-called 'cultural diversity' they claim to admire would vanish in a One World system. No, true 'cultural diversity' values the different material and spiritual achievements of a people uniquely different from all others on the planet. Therefore it cannot exist without the barriers which separate and identify culture from culture."

Today, while the Tibetans are exiled and exterminated, their cause should be a worthy one for all Folkists to uphold, just as the Tibetans themselves once gave their lives in the service of folkish Dharma, from their remote homeland to the Russian steppes to the smoking ruins of Berlin.


The Lost World of Agharti, A MaClellan, Corgi, Britain, 1983.
The Fuhrer & the Buddha, A V Schaerffenberg, The New Order #119.
Citing Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, Harper Collins, NY, 1990.

The Bosnian Waffen SS were likewise highly regarded, I'm told. Or maybe it was the Crimean Tartar brigade. You know, the Crimea, which Stalin promised to special ambassador Harriman as a Jewish Homeland, and then started shipping Tartars east....

There is also something very similar between Nazi concepts of Heimat and Pure Land Buddhism, a sort of mysticism that translates well from Asia to Europe. This goes back to Bon religion, pre-Buddhism, and it's interesting that the myths and legends of Bon put their origins west, slightly west of Tibet, but ultimately from the Pamirs. Or Kish, or Kush, or whatever you want to call the ancient land there. Hindu Kush certainly doesn't derive from "Hindu killer," and must mean the Hindu-occupied region of Kush, Kish or whatever the vowel is best represented by. If you follow the Bon tradition back, they claim shakyas (great teachers of whom Buddha was one recent) stretching back something like ten thousand years, and there's an interesting story about lost knowledge written in a sacred but forgotten language called Kipa, but translated back into an intellible language from some Persian language in the area. btw the word Pamir is very interesting too. Mir as spiritual authority, mir as world, mir as peace... Bon says the religion was originally taught by people from Gilgit or Hunza, which is Baltistan, which is in the Pamirs. If you look at their way of life in Hunza and surroundings, you have to wonder if their ancestors didn't ride out the last ice age in some relatively warm corner of the world, maybe right there in the Pamir Range. For more on this, see Olmolungring/Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring/Zhangzhung and Bon religion.

PS The OSS lost some men while withdrawing from China through Tibet around the time of the end of the war in Europe. I think the CIA later did supply some arms to Tibetan nationalists too.
I'm fairly certain that the Red Army did find a group of Tibetan adepts in Berlin in 1945, having researched this story over the years.

All the monks were dead, in a circle, having committed ritual suicide.

The Ahnenerbe were up to all sorts. A recent archaeological dig in the Ukraine discovered SS skeletons showing clear evidence of trepination in a sacred Scythian graveyard. The speculative interpretation is that the Ahnenerbe were drilling for evidence of the Third Eye inside the skulls of the "pure Aryans" of the SS.

"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:I'm fairly certain that the Red Army did find a group of Tibetan adepts in Berlin in 1945, having researched this story over the years.
... A recent archaeological dig in the Ukraine discovered SS skeletons showing clear evidence of trepination in a sacred Scythian graveyard. The speculative interpretation is that the Ahnenerbe were drilling for evidence of the Third Eye inside the skulls of the "pure Aryans" of the SS.


Any idea how many Tibetans were found dead in Berlin in 1945? Also, why were the archaeologists sure it was trepination and not systemtic blows or bullets to the head? Was the "Scythian graveyard" a collection of kurgans?
Quote:I guess Gurdjieff and his Meetings with Remarkable Men need to be included somehow. He did go to the Oxus/Amu Darya River.

Yes,how about some more on Gurdjieff.If I remember during the Russian civil war he left with his adepts,and traveled to somewhere in Persia.Was that Turkish land or Iran?I believe he was studying the sufi mysteries.:joyman:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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