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Lbj's driver

I was asked a question today that I could not answer and perhaps you know the correct response. I suspect the answer could be significant. Why was Herschel Jacks, a TDPS employee, I believe, the limo driver for LBJ and not a Secret Service agent?

Good question: Johnson despised the Secret Service and avoided them whenever possible; JFK got legislation put through to give LBJ SS protection, which he did not want. Hurchel Jacks was, as you note, TDPS, a compromise between SS and local cops, whom Johnson also did not like. There's a story in Sneed's book about LBJ telling Jacks to force one of the motorcycles alongside the car off the road, which was attempted.

I'm sure you remember that LBJ was not, even after JFK's death, driven to Love Field by the SS. Jesse Curry got that duty, not the SS...

hope all's well

LBJ asked that Al Johnson drive him to the Boston Federal Building in 1964 when he visited for the first time as President, Al was the Mass. State Police Special Attorney while being F Lee Bailey’s partner in the Hearst case. There were trial runs at 50MPH, which LBJ requested, since he thought that he was a target. Suspicions of the USSS is something I never thought about until now. Perhaps he heard something we didn’t hear. Al was also present at the funeral of RFK, with a raincoat draped over his arm. Was close to Tip O’Neil.


My name is Hurchel Jacks, Texas State Highway Patrolman. I was assigned on November 22, 1963, to drive the Vice President Lyndon Johnson in the Motorcade from the Airport to the Trade Mart through downtown Dallas. Just prior to turning off of Main onto Houston, I noticed it was approximately twenty eight minutes past 12 noon. We just turned from Main onto Houston, drove one block, and turned left. My car had just straightened up from making the left turn. I was looking directly at the President's car at that time. At that time I heard a shot ring out which appeared to come from the right rear of the Vice President's car. Mr. Rufus Youngblood, the Secret Service Agent riding in my car asked me what that was and at the name time he advised the Vice President and Mrs. Johnson to get down. He climbed to the rear of the seat with the Vice President and appeared to be shielding the Vice President with his own body. At that time I heard two more shots ring out. At that time he told me to get out of there as fast as possible. I moved my car up directly behind the Secret Service car following the President. We turned onto Stemmons Expressway and proceeded north. Mr Youngblood asked if I could see anybody in the President's car. I told him I could not but that they may be down using protective measures. We drove at a high rate of speed and exited at Wycliff exit off Stemons Expressway. We turned right on Industrial Boulevard. Mr. Yougblood then asked me how far it was to the Trade Mart. I told him that we weren't going to the Trade Mart, that we had already passed the Trade Mart. We turned left onto Harry Hines and he asked if I knew where we might be going. I told him at that time we were turning left into Parkland Hospital. I told him that somebody must have been hit because we were heading for the hospital.

We drove to the emergency entrance of Parkland Memorial Hospital. The President's car was stopped in the ambulance parking place. At that time I saw that the Vice President, Mrs. Johnson and Senator Yarbrough was out of my car and safely in the hospital. I went back to the President's car to see if I might assist. At that time the Secret Service Agents were removing Governor Connally from the jump seat. I could see that Governor Connally had been hit just below the right shoulder blade in the back. They removed Governor Connally, then picked Mrs. Kennedy from over the President's body. At that time one of the Secret Service Agents said he has been hit, put your coat over him. One of the Agents removed his suit coat and spread it over the President's body from his chest up.

Before the President' a body was covered it appeared that the bullet had struck him above the right ear or near the temple. They removed his body at that time. Reporters began to arrive. We were assigned by the Secret Service to prevent any pictures of any nature to be taken of the President's car or the inside.

Hurchel W Jacks//B

18 H 801: 11/28/63 report re: 11/22/63---"Before the President’s body was covered it appeared that the bullet had struck him above the right ear or near the temple."

thanks phil; yes the pieta in some way it is beautiful and says so very much..though it is not according to how the scene was described in putting bits of info together it certainly stands out and allows the imagination to see..what may have been those that saw wish they had not, and those that would have chosen to ..would have regretted after as so many who did later on after viewing that terrible heart rendering scene that was portrayed after they had executed him,,,right temple area...killduff at parkland announcing what jfk's doc had told him dr..burkley a shot right through the head...

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entered the head through the front comments and or within frontal area see dr.crenshaw for one and the neck wound was an entrance wound in the beginning with no doubts,,but like so much info that changed also..the parkland authourities were correct....b

first reports....;

THE MEDICAL EVIDENCE: THE (EARLIEST) REPORTSBy Vincent Michael Palamara (1/1/99)[abridged entries and excerpts from over 100 entries, out of a total of325, from the author's 1998 book entitled "JFK: The Medical EvidenceReference" (339 pages)]1) Dr. William Kemp Clark, Chief Neurosurgeon: WR 516-518/ 17 H 1-3 / CE 392 [undated summary; see also 21 H 150-152:Clark’s 11/23/63 report to Admiral Burkley with the verbatim summary .In addition, see “Assassination Science”, pp. 416-418: this is an FBIreport dated 11/25/63 which includes the verbatim summary to Burkleyfrom 11/23/63]---“ the occipital region of the skull…”; “There was alarge wound in the right occipitoparietal region…”; “Both cerebral andcerebellar tissue were extruding from the wound.”;2) Dr. Malcolm Oliver "Mac" Perry, Attending Surgeon:a) WR 521-522/ 17 H 6-7/ CE392: report written 11/22/63---“A large woundof the right posterior cranium…”;b) Parkland press conference, 11/22/63 [see “Assassination Science”, pp.419-427; silent film clip used in “Reasonable Doubt” (1988), “20/20”(4/92), etc.]---“There was an entrance wound in the neck…It appeared tobe coming at him…The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the frontof the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don’t know. Itcould have been the head or there could have been a second wound of thehead.” (apparently, based off this conference, the Associated Pressdispatch on 11/22/63 stated that Dr. Perry "said the entrance wound wasin the front of the head," while all the AP wires for this day statedthat JFK had a large hole in the "back" of his head.);3) Dr. Robert Nelson McClelland, Attending Surgeon:a) WR 526-527 / 17 H 11-12 / CE 392: report written 11/22/63---“…amassive gunshot wound of the head with a fragment wound of thetrachea…The cause of death was due to massive head and brain injury froma gunshot wound of the left temple.”;b) “St. Louis Post-Dispatch”, 12/1/63---“This [the neck wound] didappear to be an entrance wound.”c)e) 6 H 33-34, 35, 37 / testimony---“…I could very closely examine thehead wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skullhad been extremely blasted…probably a third or so, at least, of thebrain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellartissue had been blasted out…”; "…there was definitely a piece ofcerebellum that extruded from the wound…"; “…the loss of cerebral andcerebellar tissues were so great…massive head injuries with loss oflarge amounts of cerebral and cerebellar tissues…”; “The initialimpression that we had was that perhaps the wound in the neck, theanterior part of the neck, was an entrance wound and that it had perhapstaken a trajectory off the anterior vertebral body and again into theskull itself, exiting out the back, to produce the massive injury in thehead.”;4) Dr. Marion Thomas “Pepper” Jenkins, Chief Anesthesiologist [deceased11/22/94]: WR 529-530 / 17 H 14-15 / CE 392: report addressed to AdministratorC.J. Price dated 11/22/63 (the verbatim, retyped report, this timeaddressed to Dean A.J. Gill, can be found at 20 H 252-253)---“ a greatlaceration on the right side of the head (temporal and occipital),causing a great defect in the skull plate so that there was herniationand laceration of great areas of the brain, even to the extent that thecerebellum had portruded from the wound.”[see also p. 35 of JesseCurry's 1969 book entitled "JFK Assassination File"];5) Dr. Charles James "Jim" Carrico, Resident Surgeon:a) WR 519-520 / 17 H 4-5 / CE 392: handwritten report dated11/22/63---“[the skull] wound had avulsed the calvarium and shreddedbrain tissue present with profuse oozing…attempts to control slow oozingfrom cerebral and cerebellar tissue via packs instituted….”; “smallpenetrating wound of ent. neck”;6) Dr. Ronald Coy Jones, Chief Resident Surgeon:a) 20 H 333: handwritten report dated 11/23/63---“…severe skull andbrain injury was noted as well as a small hole in anterior midline ofneck thought to be a bullet entrance wound…air was bubbling through theneck wound.”;b)a) 6 H 53-54, 56 / testimony (3/24/64)---“…he had a large wound in theright posterior side of the head…There was large defect in the back sideof the head as the President lay on the cart with what appeared to besome brain hanging out of this wound with multiple pieces of skull notedwith the brain…”; “what appeared to be an exit wound in the posteriorportion of the skull…the only speculation that I could have as far as tohow this could occur with a single wound would be that it would enterthe anterior neck and possibly strike a vertebral body and then changeits course and exit in the region of the posterior portion of thehead.”; "The hole [in the throat] was very small and relatively cleancut, as you would see in a bullet that is entering rather than exitingfrom a patient.";7) Dr. Gene Coleman Akin, Resident Anesthesiologist [a.k.a. Solomon BenIsrael]: 6 H 65 and 67 / testimony---“The back of the right occipitalparietalportion of his head was shattered, with brain substance extruding.”; “Iassume the right occiptalparietal region was the exit, so to speak, thathe had probably been hit on the other side of the head, or at leasttangentially in the back of the head…”; “this [the neck wound] must havebeen an entrance wound…”;8) Dr. Paul Conrad Peters, Urologist:6 H 70-71 / testimony---“It was pointed out that an examination of thebrain had been done…we saw the wound of entry in the throat and notedthe large occipital wound…”;“…I noticed that there was a large defect inthe occiput…It seemed to me that in the right occipitalparietal areathat there was a large defect.”;9) Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw, Resident Surgeon:a) “Conspiracy of Silence” (1992), p. 86 (and throughout [inc. photos ofhimself])---“I walked to the President’s head to get a closer look. Hisentire right cerebral hemisphere appeared to be gone. It looked like acrater---an empty cavity…From the damage I saw, there was no doubt in mymind that the bullet had entered his head through the front, and as itsurgically passed through his cranium, the missile obliterated part ofthe temporal and all the parietal and occipital lobes before itlacerated the cerebellum.”; [p. 79] “I also identified a small openingabout the diameter of a pencil at the midline of his throat to be anentry bullet hole. There was no doubt in my mind about that wound.”;b) “High Treason 2", pp. 110-115 and 549 (interviews of 7/12/80 [90?]and 9/21/91)---“…it was in the parietal-occipital area”; thinks thebody was tampered with at Bethesda;c) WC references to his presence on 11/22/63: 6 H 40 (Baxter), 6 H 31-32(McClelland), 6 H 80-81 (Salyer), 6 H 141 (Henchcliffe), 6 H 60(Curtis)+15 H 761: index;d) Completely overlooked WC reference to his presence on 11/24/63: 21 H265(report by Parkland Administrator Charles Price)---“Dr. CharlesCrenshaw was in the corridor and said they had been alerted. He said,‘You’re not going to put him [Oswald] in the same room the President wasin, are you?’ told him I surely was glad he had thought of it and byall means, not to.”;10) Dr. Charles Rufus Baxter, Attending Surgeon:WR 523 / 17 H 8 / CE392---handwritten report dated 11/22/63----“…theright temporal and occipital bones were missing and the brain was lyingon the table, with [extensive?] maceration and contusion…”;11) Dr. Robert G. Grossman, Resident Neurosurgeon:a) “High Treason”, pages 30, 36, 51, 53, 459 (“The Boston Globe”, June21, 1981-notes placed in JFK Library [see also "Killing Kennedy", pp.303-304, "Between The Signal and the Noise" by Roger Bruce Feinman(1993) and Groden's "TKOAP", p. 181])---saw two separate head wounds: alarge defect in the parietal area above the right ear, as well as “alarge [albeit smaller than the first wound described], separate wound,located squarely in the occiput.”; "…described a large hole squarely inthe occiput, far too large for a bullet entry wound…"; Grossman: "It wasclear to me…that the right parietal bone had been lifted up by a bulletwhich had exited."; noticed the skin flap near the right temple; Dr.Clark picked up the back of the head to demonstrate the wound;b) 6 H 81 (Salyer)---confirms Grossman’s presence in Trauma Room One;12) Dr. Richard Brooks Dulany, Resident Surgeon [Dulaney]:a) 6 H 114 /testimony (3/25/64)---“…he had a large head wound—that wasthe first thing I noticed.” Arlen Specter did not have him elaborate onany details.; other WC references: WR 56, 529; 3 H 358, 384; 6 H 2, 11, 46, 52-53,69, 73-74; 17 H 14; 21 H 241;c) “High Treason”, pages 43, 46, 460,and 489 (“The Boston Globe”,6/21/81 [see also "Killing Kennedy", page 303])---“The copy of theautopsy photo was shown to him by the Globe and he stated that it wasnot accurate. When shown the official picture, he said that there was a“definite conflict” and “that’s not the way I remember it.”**; “Somebodylifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't seemuch until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The woundwas on the back of his head. On the back side…the whole back-side was a big gaping wound.”; **”The tape and summary of Dulaney isin the JFK Library, and I have since talked with him, verifying this.";13) Dr. Adolph Hartung "Buddy" Giesecke, Jr., Anesthesiologist:a) 20 H 5-7: 11/25/63 report re: care of Gov. Connally;b) 6 H 74 / testimony---“..I noticed that he had a very large cranialwound, with loss of brain substance, and it seemed most of the bleedingwas coming from the cranial wound…from the vertex to the left ear, andfrom the browline to the occiput on the left-hand side of the head thecranium was entirely missing.”;14) Dr. Fouad A. Bashour, Chief Cardiologist:a) WR 528 / 17 H 13 / CE392: handwritten report dated 11/22/63---verybrief report that doesn’t mention the wounds;b) 6 H 61-62 /testimony---“…the head wound was massive…”: no detailswere elicited during Bashour’s brief testimony; other WC references: WR 53-54, 518, 537; 3 H 360, 371; 6 H 4, 11, 20,32, 40, 64, 145, 149; 17 H 3, 22; 20 H 5; 21 H 152;d) January 1964 “Texas State Journal of Medicine” article “ThreePatients at Parkland”, p. 63---repeats the gist of his brief 11/22/63report;e) “High Treason”, p. 45 (“The Continuing Inquiry”, 10/80; see also“Conspiracy”, p. 481)---“He was most insistent that the official picturewas not representative of the wounds, and he continually laid his handboth on the back of Livinsgtone’s head and his own to show where thelarge hole was. “Why do they cover it up?” he repeated numerous times.“This is not the way it was!” he kept repeating, shaking his head no.”;15) Dr. Kenneth Everett Salyer, Resident Surgeon:6 H 81 /testimony---“…he did have some sucking wound of some type on hisneck…”;“…(JFK) had a wound of his right temporal region…I came in on theleft side of him and noticed that his major wound seemed to be in hisright temporal area, at least from the point of view that I could seehim, and other than that---nothing other than he did have a gaping scalpwound---cranial wound.”;16) Nurse Patricia B. "Trish" Hutton (Gustafson):21 H 216: report of activities on 11/22/63---“Mr. Kennedy was bleedingprofusely from a wound in the back of his head…A doctor asked me toplace a pressure dressing on the head wound. This was no use, however,because of the massive opening on the back of the head.”;17) Chief Supervising Nurse Doris Mae Nelson [deceased 10/3/83]:a) 21 H 155: 11/25/63 affidavit re: Record of Death;b) 20 H 640-643 /21 H 241-244: report of activities [see alsoManchester, p. 673];c) 6 H 145 /testimony---“…I could look and see [JFK] and tell that itwas him…mainly his head ”: Specter did not ask nor did she volunteerinfo. regarding the head wound;d)12/82 interview with David Lifton (“BE”, p. 704)---“Doris Nelson toldme the tracheotomy was not the one she remembered: “Looks a littlelarge to me…[it] shouldn’t be that big…It wasn’t any 7-8 cm. [It was]just wide enough to get the trach tube in.”; “She looked at [theofficial autopsy photos of the back of the head] and shook her head fromside to side..she remembered a large wound there.”;18) Nurse Audrey N. Bell :a) 6 H 52 (Jones);other WC references: WR 536; 17 H 21, 841; 20 H 333;21 H 172, 187, 246, 248; 24 H 26;b)12/82 interview by David Lifton (“BE”, p. 704)---“The wound she sawwas so localized at the rear that, from her position on the right handside, with Kennedy lying face up, she couldn’t see ANY damage…Perrypointed to the back of the President’s head.” Re: trach photo: “Lookslike somebodyhas enlarged it…You don’t make trachs that big. Not ifyou’ve got as much experience as Perry has.”;19) Nurse Diana Hamilton Bowron:19 H 167-170: 11/23/63 newspaper articles---“There was a gaping wound inthe back of his head.";20) Dr. William Midgett, Ob-Gyn Resident:a) 6 H 135-136 (Bowron), 21 H 213 (Lozano)---confirm Midgett’s presenceand duties;b) “JFK-Conspiracy of Silence”(1992), p. 74---same;c) 4/16/92 interview with Gerald Posner for “Case Closed”, 287,310-311---“…it was more parietal than occipital---that much I couldsee.”;d) 2/8/93 interview with Wallace Milam [transcript provided toauthor]---"Midgett saw one wound---in the head. He called it "rightparietal area" and said it was behind the ear. He estimated it as being6 cm in diameter. A piece of skull was missing and there was an absenceof brain (Midgett called it "a hole" where the brain had been). Midgettsaid, "The brain was all over the car.";21) Dr. Don Teel Curtis, Resident Oral Surgeon:a) 6 H 60 / testimony---“…I went around to the right side of [JFK] andsaw the head wound...fragments of bone and a gross injury to the cranialcontents, with copious amounts of hemorrhage.": no specific details onorientation and the like where elicited from Curtis;b) 9/30/98 letter to Vince Palamara---" The wound involving the rightposterior lateral surface of the skull appeared to me to be an exitwound or a tangential entrance wound.";22) Donna Willie: “High Treason”, p.456 (based off article by Nicole Levicoff of the"Jenkintown [PA] Times Chronicle")---“the President had a wound in histhroat that the Commission said was an exit wound or was made from atracheotomy…the entry wound is always small, and the exit wound is muchlarger. I saw the entry wound in the front of the President’s neck. Iknow he was shot from the front, and I couldn’t understand why thatwasn’t released.”;23) Dr. Philip Earle Williams:a) 21 H 215 (Nurse Bertha Lozano’s report)---“Then the presidnet’s bodywas escorted out. The crowd vanished, and then I felt so confused that Ijust had to leave the desk for a few minutes. I later went to the diningroom with Pat Hutton AND A DR. WILLIAMS and had coffee and afterwards,went home (emphasis added)”;b) “High Treason 2”, photo section+ pp. 287, 294, 301-302, 308-312(interviewed 4/6/91[inc. on unreleased video] and 5/10/92)---“Certainlythe President’s cerebellum was severely damaged and “swinging in thebreeze”, as it was described by Dr.Philip Williams”; “The bone in theback of President Kennedy’s head was missing”; disputes the x-rays;24) Nurse Margaret M. Hinchliffe (Hood) [Hinchcliffe; Henchcliffe]:a) 21 H 239-240: report of activities for 11/22/63 [see also Manchester,p. 671]---nothing specific related to the wounds;b) 6 H 141 and 143 /testimony---“…his head was very bloody…”; “…a littlehole in the middle of his neck…About as big as the end of my littlefinger…An entrance bullet hole---it looked to me like…I have never seenan exit bullet hole---I don’t remember seeing one that looked likethat.”; “…it was just a small wound and wasn’t jagged like most of theexit bullet wounds that I have seen.”;c)“High Treason”, pages 45, 68-69, 454 (“The Boston Globe”, 6/21/81 [seealso "Killing The Truth", p. 702])---“Interviewed by reporters in 1981,she drew a picture of the large wound on a model of a skull. Shesketched a gaping hole in the occipital region which extended onlyslightly into the parietal area, thereby rejecting out of hand theofficial picture. She also insisted the President had an “entry” woundin his throat.”;25) Dr. Jackie Hansen Hunt,Anesthesiologist-only woman M.D.:a) 6 H 76-79 / testimony---was blocked from seeing the wounds;b) “High Treason”, p. 52 (“The Continuing Inquiry”, 10/80; author’stape-JFK Library)- “…Livingstone showed her the [officialautopsy]picture in 1979 and she instantly denounced it. She did not seethe back of the head because she was standing directly over thePresident, but she insisited that the back part of the head was blownout and rejected the official picture. “That’s he way it was describedto me,” she said, saying that the back of the head was gone. Had thelarge defect been anywhere else, she would have seen it and describedit. Dr. Akin said that if you looked directly down on Kennedy, you couldnot see the large hole. Therefore, Dr. Hunt’s testimony is significant.Dr. Hunt responded to Livingstone’s question: “so, the exit wound wouldbe in the occipital-parietal area?” “Yeah, uh-huh. It would be somewhereon the right posterior part of it…” She pointed to the sketch from SixSeconds In Dallas: “That’s the way it was described to me. I went aroundthis way and got the equipment connected and started---but I saw theman’s face like so, and I never---the exit wound was on the otherside---and what was back there, I don’t know. That is the way it wasdescribed to me, “ she said, pointing to the sketch showing the largehole in the back of the head. “I did not see that. I did not see thispart of his head. That would have been here,” she said, and put the palmof her hand on the back of Livingstone’s head. She did this beforeLivingstone showed her the sketch from Thompson.”;26) Dr. Martin G. White, Resident Surgeon:a) 6 H 82-83 /testimony---“ I saw the wound in his head…”:unfortunately, he did not get specific, nor was he asked to by Specter;b) 1989 letter to Joanne Braun (“The Third Decade”, March 1991)---didnot see the V-shaped feature at Parkland;27) Dr./ Admiral George Gregory Burkley, Physician to the President[deceased 1/91]:a) 22 H 93-97: 11/27/63 report of his activities surrounding theassassination of JFK [see also Manchester, p. 670]---(22 H 94 and97)”[at Parkland]It was evident that death was imminent and that he wasin a hopeless condition.”; [at Bethesda]”…his appearance in the casketgave no evidence of the injury he had received.”: perhaps because thewound was in the BACK of the head? ;b) 11/22/63 Press Conference by Asst. WH Press sec. Mac Kilduff (pleasesee “Best Evidence”, pp. 330-331 and photo 28 [Kilduff Press Conference,11/22/63, Transcript 1327B-LBJ Library; USSS RIF# 154-10002-10194]: “Dr.Burkley told me, it is a simple matter, Tom, of a bullet right throughthe head”: he then points to his right temple! Question: “can you saywhere the bullet entered his head, Mac?” “It is my understanding that itentered in the temple, the right temple.”; "They [the shots] came fromthe right side." [see Thomas Atkins’ film clip as shown in “The Men WhoKilled Kennedy”, “The Jim Garrison Tapes” video 1992, “JFK: The Case forConspiracy” video 1993, “High Treason 2”, p. 290, Groden’s “TKOAP”, p.59; "POTP", p. 408] This information was repeated by Chet Huntley on NBCthat day: ""President Kennedy, we are now informed, was shot in theright temple. 'It was a simple matter of a bullet right through thehead,' said Dr. George Burkley, the White House medical officer." [NBCvideo, 11/22/63, 1:47 p.m. CST; clip repeated in Prof. James Fetzer’svideo “JFK: The Assassination, The Cover-Up, and Beyond”];28) Orderly David Sanders:21 H 224: report on activities for 11/22/63---washed off the President’sface and helped place him in the casket; nothing on the nature of thewounds;29) Dr. Donald W. Seldin, Chief Internist:a) WC references by others present: WR 528; 3 H 371; 6 H 11,32,60-61,64;17 H 13; 20 H 5; 21 H 184-185, 258, 263;b)8/27/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"The bullet struck the President inthe forehead and literally exploded in his skull, so that the entirefrontal, parietal and temporal bones were shattered…I believe that theofficial story is accurate in all details." [!];30) Dr. William H. Zedlitz, Resident Surgeon [Zedelitz]:a) WC reference: 6 H 83;b) 11/4/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"...obviously had a massive headinjury to the right occipito-parietal area (right posterior-lateral) ofhis cranium. This area was a mass of bloody tissue with multiple skin,hair, and bony fragments matted together with blood and brain tissue andcovered an area approximately ten by twelve centimeters in diameter. Hisleft eye also seemed to be bulging from his eyesocket. At this point,Dr. Carrico indicated that he was unable to effectively ventilate thepatient via the endotracheal tube. Dr. Baxter and Perry immediatelybegan to perform a tracheostomy. Prior to making the incision, it wasnoted that a small (5mm to 7mm) hole in the front of the neck below thethyroid cartilage was present. This was in the exact location where thetracheostomy was to be performed. Dr. Baxter and Perry decided to do theprocedure by extending the transverse incision on either side of thishole so that the tracheostomy tube ended up being inserted in the siteof the former hole.";31) Surgeon David Stewart:a) “New Lebanon, Tennessee, Democrat”, 3/30/67 ,b) 4/10/67 “The Joe Dolan Show”, KNEW radio, Oakland, CA andc) “Post Mortem”, pp. 60-61---Dolan said he was particularly concernedwith the “statement about the shot” that killed JFK “coming from thefront.” Dr. Stewart said, “Yes, sir. This was the finding of all thephysicians who were in attendance. There was a small wound in the leftfront of the President’s head and there was a quite massive wound ofexit at the right backside of the head and it was felt by all of thephysicians at the time to be a wound of entry which went in the front.”;32) Justice of the Peace Theran Ward:a) WC reference: 15 H 509; 21 H 163, 262;b)“The Killing of a President” (1993), p. 88---photo [from videoouttakes?] of Ward pointing toward the rear of the head to show wherethe skull wound was: “[I t was] right back here.”;33) Dr. Joe D. “Jody” Goldstrich:a) “JFK: Breaking The Silence” (1993) by Bill Sloan, Chapter 4: pp.84-97[inc. a photo]---“The first thing I saw was JFK lying on his backon an operating table…I didn’t have a clear view of the back of hishead, but I have a vague recollection of seeing a portion of his brainexposed…It [the neck wound] was a small, almost perfectlyround---somewhere between the size of a nickel and a quarter [?]---andit was right in the middle of the front of his neck, just below theAdam’s apple…the wound was exactly the right size and exactly the rightspot to accommodate a tracheostomy tube.”; disturbed by the photos ofJFK’s neck at autopsy: “The whole front of his neck was wide open…It hadsimply been fileted.”; “…I realized how impossible it would have beenfor the neck wound I saw to have been an exit wound…”;34) First Lady Jackie Bouvier Kennedy (Onassis) [deceased 5/19/94]:a) 5 H 180 / testimony [see also "Murder From Within" by Fred Newcomband Perry Adams (1974), pp. 138-139]---“And just as I turned and lookedat him, I could see a piece of his skull sort of wedge-shaped like that,and I remember it was flesh colored with little ridges at the top. Iremember thinking he just looked as if he had a slight headache. And Ijust remember seeing that. No blood or anything. And then he sort ofdid this [indicating], put his hand to his forehead and fell in my lap…[Reference to wounds deleted]”---!; 4/11/72 declassified testimony excerpts (as reproduced in “PostMortem” by Harold Weisberg, pp. 380-381 [Groden quotes this in theprogram “JFK: An Unsolved Murder”, KRON, 11/18/88, which was repeated in“JFK: The Case for Conspiracy” video 1993, as well as "TKOAP", p.38)---“I was trying to hold his hair on. But from the front there wasnothing. I suppose there must have been. But from the back you couldsee, you know, you were trying to hold his hair on, and his skull on..”;35) OR Assistant Supervisor Jane Caroyln Wester:6 H 121 / testimony (see also “High Treason 2”, p. 79)---“I received aphone call from the emergency room asking us to set up for acraniotomy.”; Specter: "What doctors were in attendance of GovernorConnally at that time." "…Dr. Ray, I believe, was there…"[this is theonly reference to "Dr. Ray"]; Head Nurse Ruth Jeanette Standridge:6 H 118-119 / testimony---saw JFK on a stretcher cart in the emergencyroom while the orderlies were cleaning up the room:”..they were tryingto protect his head with a sheet---it was wrapped around his head.”;37) Chief of Security O.P. "Pokie" Wright (husband of Elizabeth Wright)[deceased]:a) 21 H 229-332: report of activities 11/22/63---NOTHING about CE399!;(21 H 230) JFK’s watch: Nurse Diana Bowron to Wright to Secret Serviceagent Roger Warner [misspelled “Warren”] on 11/26/63;b) 24 H 412 / CE2011---"He advised he could not positively identify C1as being the same bullet which was found on November 22, 1963." (ChiefRowley and SA Johnsen both "could not identify this bullet", whileDarrell Tomlinson "cannot positively identify the bullet");38) Elizabeth L. Wright (Good), Director, Nursing Service:a) 21 H 198: page from lengthy/ 10-page (21 H 193-202) 12/11/63 reporton activities 11/22-11/24/63 [see also Manchester, p. 675]---“Mr. Wrighthad somewhere down the line asked me if I could ascertain the path ofthe bullet---or bullets---determine the path, and find out where theinstrument of injury actually was.” (!);39)Priest Oscar L. Huber [deceased 1975] (administered the last rites):WR 55, 7 H 489, 21 H 159, 160, 195, 233: WC references for Huber. Huberwas interviewed 11/24/63 on WFAA and 11/25/63 on WBAP/ Texas News (see“Kennedy In Texas” video 1984). The 11/24/63 “Philadelphia SundayBulletin” reported that Father Huber said that JFK had a terrible woundover his left eye [see “Best Evidence”, p. 46, and “Who’s Who in the JFKAssassination”, p. 202]; 8/26/64 and 9/20/64 interviews with WilliamManchester (“The Death of a President”, numerous, inc. p.216)---performed the sign of the cross on JFK’s forehead, evidentlystill intact; interviewed by Jim Bishop (“The Day Kennedy Was Shot”, p.684); "The (Denver) Register", 12/8/63: article by Huber entitled"President Kennedy's Final Hours"; JFK Library Oral History1964; photoof Huber: p. 23 of "JFK: For a New Generation" by Conover Hunt; "FourDays In November" (1964, David Wolper): inc. part of his WFAAinterview;40)Asst. Undertaker Aubrey "Al" L. Rike, employee of the O’Neal FuneralHome.a) “Best Evidence: The Research Video” ([Oct.]1980/ 1990 [clips repeatedin “The Fifth Estate-Who Killed JFK?” 1983, “Nova” 11/15/88,“Dispatches: The Day The Dream Died” 11/16/88 London, and "A CurrentAffair" 9/4/90] ---"[JFK] still dripping quite a bit of blood from thewound in the back of his head [motioning]";b) 11/22/97 interview with Vince Palamara---he placed his hand threetimes to the right rear of his head to show where the wound was locatedat: "I could feel the brain and the jagged edge…yeah, it [the back ofthe head] was gone…almost in the middle of the back of the head; on theside alittle bit."Regarding the autopsy photos, Rike believes they"pulled [the] hair back over" the wound;41) Scripps-Howard reporter Seth Kantor [deceased 8/17/93] (saw JackRuby at Parkland [see also Wilma Tice and Roy Stamps]):a) 20 H 353: Kantor’s notepad for 11/22/63---“intered [sic] righttemple”;b) 15 H 71-96 / testimony---saw “a great deposit of blood” on the groundto the right of JFK’s limo;42) Texas State Highway Patrolman Hurchel D. Jacks (drove LBJ’s car inmotorcade)[deceased 12/19/95]:18 H 801: 11/28/63 report re: 11/22/63---“Before the President’s bodywas covered it appeared that the bullet had struck him above the rightear or near the temple.”;43)Secret Service agent Samuel A. Kinney (driver of the Secret Servicefollow-up car in the motorcade) [deceased 7/21/97]:a) 18 H 732: report dated 11/22/63---“…it appeared he had been shotbecause he slumped to the left. Immediately he sat up again. At thistime the second shot was fired and I observed hair flying from the rightside of his head.”;b) 18 H 730-731: report dated 11/30/63---“I saw the President leantoward the left and appeared to have grabbed his chest with his righthand. There was a second pause and then two more shots were heard…I sawone shot strike the President in the right side of the head [doesn’tindicate front or back]”;c) RIF # 180-10078-10493:HSCA summary of an interview with Sam Kinneyconducted on 2/26/78. In regard to the shooting sequence, Sam saidthe following: "SA Kinney immediately recognized the first sound as thatof gunfire, realizing that it was a "shot from over our right shoulder"which hit the President IN THE THROAT. The President, his movement (inKinney's opinion) affected by the brace he wore, fell toward "Jackie", who"after catching him, set him back up." SA Kinney commented on Mrs. Kennedy'sinfluence on the position of the President by remarking that the SS preferrednot to have persons riding in jump seats with the President. The writerunderstood this remark to mean the President might have had room to be pushedto the floor."While Jackie was setting him back up, Connally turns right, then left then pow, pow. THE SECOND SHOT" (hit Connally and) "leftConnally's back open." "THE THIRD SHOT HIT THE PRESIDENT." As the third shotlanded, SA Kinney was able to see "hair coming up." At this point he hitthe siren on the follow-up car." (emphasis added); “Inside the aircraft [theC-130 transport plane] during flight, the loading sergeant, who had beenin the rear compartment where the cars were stored, entered nthe forwardcabin and said, “I can’t stand to be back there.” SA Kinney gave him hisseat and returned to the resar compartment. At this point he discoveredin the Presidential limousine (1) a skull fragment under the jump seatwhere Connally had been seated, and (2) a bullet fragment in the frontseat between the driver’s and passenger’s seat. He remarked that thebullet fragment “looked like it had hit the windshield frame above thewindshield.” SA Kinney put on a radio patch to Presidential PhysicianAdmiral Burkley to inform him that he had discovered the skull fragment.Chief Petty Officer Tommy Mills, an aide to Burkley, received themessage. SA Kinney then announced that he was going to go directly tothe White House non-stop. The Washington Field Office learned of thisand sent 6 or 7 Park police to escort SA Kinney to the White HouseGarage. In the garage they weere met by FBI agents."”;d) 10/19/92, 3/5/94, and 4/15/94 interviews with Vince Palamara (“TheThird Alternative-Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the JFKMurder”, pp. 8-9, 28, 55-56, 78-80,81-82, 110-111)---Sam told me twice that he saw the back of JFK's head come offimmediately when the fatal shot struck the President's head (Kinney waswatching Kennedy's head-and the rear bumper of the limousine-as a normalpart of his duty to maintain a five-foot distance between the follow-upcar and JFK's limo, something he did hundreds of times before). Sam toldme "it was the right rear-I saw that part blow out." Kinney added thathis windshield and left arm were hit with blood and brain matterimmediately after the head shot. Once at Parkland Hospital, Kinney helped remove the President from theback seat of the limousine along with Clint Hill, Roy Kellerman, andDave Powers, thereby receiving an extremely vivid, close-up look at thewound on JFK's head. "His brain was blown out," Sam said, " there wasnothing left !" I pressed further, to which Sam added: "There was brainmatter all over the place...he had no brains left in his head."44) Milton T. Wright, Jr. :Texas Highway Patrolman(driver of MayorCabell’s car):a) 18 H 802: report dated 11/28/63---“At the hospital we unloaded theGovernor first and then the President. Then we were instructed to keepthe news media away from the car.”---nothing specific about the wounds;b) 8/28/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"…I do recall helping to move thePresident from the car to the stretcher. As I recall about a 1/4[quarter] of his head was missing, mostly to the left of the back of thehead. I believe he died instantly from the wound I saw.";c) 9/3/98 e-mail to Vince Palamara---"On your 2nd question[asking formore clarity/ specifics], the wound was left ear to back of head,generally.";45)Presidential aide David F. Powers (rode in Secret Service follow-upcar)[deceased 3/27/98]:a) 7 H 472-474: Affidavit dated 5/18/64---“…the first shot went off…Inoticed then that the President moved quite farto his left after theshot from the extreme right hand side where he had been sitting. Therewas a second shot and Governor Connally disappeared from sight and thenthere was a third shot which took off the top of the President’s headand had the sickening sound of a grapefruit splattering against the sideof a wall. The total time between the first and third shots was about 5or 6 seconds. My first impression was that the shots came from the rightand overhead, but I also had a fleeting impression that the noiseappeared to come from the front in the area of the triple overpass. Thismay have resulted from my feeling, when I looked forward toward theoverpass, that we might have ridden into an ambush…";b)Interviewed for Ralph Martin's "A Hero For Our Time" (1983): see esp.pages 519 and 545---Powers appears strongly to be the source for thefollowing sentence: "The third shot tore off the top back half of hishead 'and we could see the hair and all the stuff go right up in theair', an aide said.";46) Fort Worth Newsman Roy Stamps:a) “Crossfire”, pp. 362 [re: wounds], 366-367; “JFK: Conspiracy ofSilence”, p. 108; “The People Vs. Lee Harvey Oswald” by Walt Brown, pp.505-506 [re: wounds]; article “The Head Shot From The Front” (1996) byMichael T. Griffith [re: wounds]---like Kantor (and Tice), saw Ruby atParkland. Also, regarding JFK’s head wound, he said: "I rushed up andsaw Kennedy lying in the car on his side. His foot was hanging over theside of the car. The back of his head was gone.";47) Asst. Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff:a) see reference “b)”to Dr. Burkley, above;b) “Time” magazine, 11/28/88: article by Hugh Sidey, p. 45, re: Kilduff,on 11/22/63: “I saw that man’s head.” He sobbed. “I couldn’t believe it.I nearly died. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.”;c) “High Treason 2”, pp. 443-450: 4/17/91 interview with HarryLivingstone—“…it [the head wound] was clearly in the left side of hishead…I do not accept the so-called ‘Magic’ Bullet Theory…No, I can’tbuy that one…I have [sic] been swimming with Connally in the pool at theWhite House, and I saw a clean scar in his back…I talked to Connallyabout it several times, and his feeling on that and mine are preciselythe same [this squares with what Sam Kinney told me and what Connallyhimself insisted on for years]…It was a very short period of timebetween the second and third shot…the left part of his forehead lookedlike---when I got over to the car---looked like two pounds of groundbeef…the left part of his forehead…They found that piece of skull, overby the curb, either later that afternoon or the following morning, withhair on it.”;48)UPI White House Reporter Merriman Smith [deceased 4/13/70Confusedelf-inflicted gunshot wound to the head]:a) UPI story, 11/23/63 (see “Four Days”, UPI, p. 32)---‘The President’scar, possibly as much as 150 or 200 yards ahead, seemed to falterbriefly…[at Parkland] I ran to the side of the bubbletop [thelimousine]. The President was face down on the back seat…I could not seethe Presdient’s wound. But I could see blood splattered around theinterior of the rear seat and a dark stain spreading down the right sideof the President’s dark gray suit…the bloody scene in the rear of thecar…;”49) Dr. Lito Porto:a) “High Treason”, p. 460---“The first doctor to see what he said was abullet entry wound near the left temple was Dr. Leto (sic) Porto.”[onlyreference to Dr. Lito Porto];b) 9/8/98 call from Dr. Boris Porto to Vince Palamara (relaying info.from his father)- His father said that "he needs to keep his mouthquiet"but referred me to Drs. Charlie Baxter and Jim Carrico; Boris: "hewas there…he was the neurosurgery chief resident, the first one to comeout of that program"---Kemp Clark was "overseeing my father";50) Dr. Robert Roeder Shaw (operated on Gov. Connally)[deceased]:a) 11/29/63 “Houston Post”---“The assassin was behind him[JFK], yet thebullet entered at the front of his neck. Mr. Kennedy must have turned tohis left to talk to Mrs. Kennedy or to wave to someone.”;51) Dr. George Thomas Shires (operated on Gov. Connally and, later, onOswald ):a) 21 H 252-253: statement re: Oswald 11/24/63 [see also Manchester, p.674];b) 6 H 104-113 / testimony---did not think JFK and Connally were struckby the same bullet;52) Evelyn Lincoln, JFK’s secretary [deceased 5/11/95]:a) 4/21/91 interview with Harry Livingstone for “High Treason 2”, pp.435-437---“…I remember coming into Parkland Hospital, and Dr. Burkleytelling me that he [JFK] had gone, and Jackie was sitting outside of theplace where he was being kept---they were doing the autopsy or whateverthey were doing, and I went up to her and tried to console her.”; “Inever looked at any of that [the autopsy materials]. Nothing. I kept it,and then Bobby [Kennedy] moved it into another room. It was all sealedup. I never saw any of it…I had no access to it.”; “It was a conspiracy.There was no doubt about that...J. Edgar Hoover was involved in it.”;53)Dr. Donald E. Jackson:a) 21 H 171, 205, 215;b) 9/8/98 letter to Vince Palamara--"I continue to be dissatisfied withthe explanation of the Warren Commission. The reason for my skepticismis linked to discrepancies in descriptions of the Kennedy wounds betweenthe Parkland Emergency Room and the autopsy findings. Drs. McClelland,Perry, and Jenkins gave accurate descriptions of the wounds as they sawthem in the Emergency Room. The descriptions in Washington wereradically different.";54) Dr. William Risk:a) 3 H 384;b) January 1964 Texas State Journal of Medicine article “Three Patientsat Parkland”, pages 72 and 73 re: involvement in treatment of LHO;c) 9/8/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"However, as a physician, I havethe feeling there was more than one "shooter" and more than one bulletinvolved because of the nature of the wounds. I would suggest that, ifyou have not already done so, you get a copy of an article from theJournal of the Texas Medical Association, January 1964, entitled "ThreePatients at Parkland." This article is a MEDICAL version of those days.The wounds described there, to me, suggest entrance and exit woundswhich differ from the "one bullet theory.";55) Hugh Huggins (aka Hugh Howell), Marine/ undercover CIA agent, 4/55to 10/65, :a) 1993 interview (s) with Bill Sloan for "JFK: Breaking The Silence"(1993), Chapter 9, pp. 175-189 [inc. photo of Huggins circa1962]---claims, among other things, to have been at both Parkland andBethesda on 11/22/63: "I distinctly saw an entry wound in the lefttemple. To my knowledge, only two other people besides myself haveadmitted to seeing this wound. It was assumed to be a blood clot by thedoctors at Parkland, but it was an entry wound, and it could not havebeen fired from the rear. The bullet from this wound exited the rightside of the president's head, blowing out a section of skull andobscuring the entry wound of a second bullet that struck him from theright front almost simultaneously. There were two large, separate holesin the upper right side of the head, seperated by about three-quartersof an inch of bone matter and skin tissue. The wound in the throat,although greatly enlarged by a tracheostomy, was also an entry wound.All the wounds had a puffy, torn appearance as though they had beenprobed prior to the autopsy. There was also an entry wound high in theback, between the neck and the shoulder. It had penetrated approximatelythe depth of one finger joint---I actually put my small finger into thehole---then made a forty-five degree turn to the left. To my knowledge,this bullet never left the body."[!];56) Lawrence F. "Larry" O'Brien, Special Assistant to thePresident[deceased 1990](rode in Congressman's car #1 in the motorcade;also at Bethesda Naval Hospital, but on the 17th floor with Jackie andRFK):a)His book entitled "No Final Victories: A Life in Politics from John F.Kennedy to Watergate" (1974) [see also "Reflections on JFK'sAssassiantion" by John B. Jovich (1988), pages 35 and 37]---At ParklandHospial: "It was chaotic, doctors, nurses running in and out. Medicalequipment being wheeled into the room. At one point Jackie and I steppedinto the adjoining room where the President's body lay. All I recall isI thought he looked as he always had.";57) Secret Service Agent William R. Greer [deceased 2/85] (the driver ofthe presidential limousine):2 H 124 and 127/ testimony (3/9/64)---“His head was all shot, this wholepart was all a matter of blood like he had been hit.” Specter:“Indicating the top and right rear side of the head?” Greer: “Yes, sir;it looked like that was all blown off.”; “…they [the autopsy doctors]sawthis hole in the right shoulder or back of the head, and in theback…this wound was in the back…they took a lot of X-rays, we looked atthem and couldn’t find any trace of any bullet anywhere in the X-rays atall, nothing showed on the X-rays where this bullet or lead could havegone…in the soft part of the shoulder…I believe the doctors probed tosee if they could find that there was a bullet there…I questioned one ofthe doctors in there about that, and when we found out that they hadfound a bullet in Dallas, I questioned the doctor about it and he saaidif they were using pressure on the chest that it could very well havebeen, come back out, where it went inat, that is what they said at thetime…I hadn’t heard anything like that, any traces of it going onthrough” ;58)Secret Service Roy H. Kellerman (rode in the front seat w/ Greer)[deceased 3/84]: FBI report (Sibert & O’Neill) 11/27/63(RIF#180-10004-10466): interview with Kellerman (and Greer)---“Uponhearing a noise like a firecracker, he distinctly and positively heardthe President say “My God, I’ve been hit.”[?!---see also 2 H 104]Kellerman advised he immediately turned his head to the left rear andalmost instantaneously heard two additional shots. Upon turning his headto the left, he observed President Kennedy with his left hand in back ofhim appearing to be reaching to a point on his right shoulder [?!]…ThePresidential vehicle arrived at the Parkland Hospital in a matter ofminutes…Kellerman advised he did not notice the extent of the injury tothe President although HE NOTICED A WOUND IN THE BACK OF HIS HEAD[emphasis added]. The President’s eyes were shut [contradicted byPowers].”;59) Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill:18 H 740-745: 11/30/63 report of activities on 11/22/63---“…I heard anoise similar to a firecracker. The sound came from my right rear…Iheard a second firecracker type noise but it had a differentsound---like the sound of shooting a revolver into something hard. I sawthe President slump more toward his left. I jumped onto the left rearstep of the Presidential automobile. Mrs. Kennedy shouted, “They’ve shothis head off;” then turned and raised ou of her seat as if she werereaching to her right rear toward the back of the car for something thathad blown out…As I lay over the top of the back seat I noticed a portionof the President’s head on the right rear side was missing and he wasbleeding profusely. Part of his brain was gone. I saw a part of hisskull with hair on it lying in the seat.”; “At approximately 2:45 a.m.,November 23, I was requested by ASAIC Kelerman to come to the morgue toonce again view the body. When I arrived the autopsy had been completedand ASAIC Kellerman, SA Greer, General McHugh and I viewed the wounds. Iobserved a wound about six inches down from the neckline on the backjust to the right of the spinal column. I observed another wound on theright rear portion of the skull.”;60) Secret Service agent Paul E. Landis, Jr. (rode in follow-up car):a) 18 H 758-759: report dated 11/27/63---“My reaction at this time wasthat the shot came from somewhere towards the front…”;b) 18 H 751-757: detailed report dated 11/30/63---“I still was notcertain from which direction the second shot came, but my reaction atthis time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front,right-hand side of the road.”;61)JFK’s Air Force Aid, Major General Godfrey “God”T. McHugh [deceased](rode in the VIP car w/ Clifton):11/19/67 and 4/30/78 interviews with David Lifton (“Best Evidence”, pp.399-401, 413-414, 420-421, 430-432)---“McHugh believed the Warren Reportwas correct…”; “…McHugh volunteered that he had assisted in thephotographing of Kennedy’s body….”I was holding his body several timeswhen they were turning it over and photographing it.”; Lifton: “And yousaw the wounds in the head then too?” “Oh, yes; but they started fixingit up very well. You see, again, people keep saying that his face wasdemolished and all; he was in absolute perfect shape, except the back ofthe head, top back of the head, had an explosive bullet in it and wasbadly damaged…and that had blown apart part of his forehead, which wasrecuperated and put intact, back in place…so his face was exactly as ifhe had been alive. There was nothing wrong with his face.”; “The back ofthe head was all smashed in…His face was not hurt.” Lifton: “Where didthey get the bone to put the bone back?” “It was brought back. Theyfound it in the car.”; “Ninety-nine percent the back, the top back ofthe head…that’s the portion that had been badly damaged by thebullet…The portion that is in the back of the head, when you’re lyingdown in the bathtub, you hit the back of the head.”;62)Autopsy photographer John Thomas Stringer, Jr.: 8/25/72 and 8/26/72 interviews with David Lifton (“Best Evidence”, pp.515-516, 517-518)---Lifton: “When you lifted him out, was the maindamage to the skull on the top or in the back?” “In the back…In theoccipital, in the neck there, up above the neck…in the back part…some ofit was blown off---yes, I mean, toward, out of the top in the back,yes.” Lifton: “Top in the back. But the top in the front was prettyintact?” “Yes, sure…Right.”;63)-64)FBI Agents James W. Sibert and Francis X. O’Neill, Jr.:-Sibert: TWO-HSCA rec. #002191, RIF# 180-10105-10164: interview withJames Kelly and Andy Purdy, 8/25/77 [see “Killing Kennedy”, pp. 343-344,and "Bloody Treason", page 100, for drawings]—“Regarding the head wound,Sibert said it was in the “…Upper back of the head.”; “The head woundwas in the upper back of the head…a large head wound in the upper backof the head with a section of the scull [sic] bone missing…”; hisdrawings depict a large wound squarely on the back of the head, as wellas a small wound well down on the back, very much like the one in theautopsy face sheet;-O’Neill: TWO-RIF#180-10090-10044, HSCA rec. #006185: interview withAndy Purdy and Mark Flanagan, 1/10/78 [see “Killing Kennedy”, pp.348-349 for drawings]---while stating that the autopsy doctors believedthat “the bullet that entered the head struck the center, low portion ofthe head and exited from the top, right side, towards the front”, hisdrawings depict an “entry” at the low rear central portion of Kennedy’sskull, as well as an “exit” on the right rear quadrant of the head nomore anterior than the posterior portion of the ear!;65)Mortician Thomas Evan Robinson: HSCA taped interview conducted by Andy Purdy and Jim Conzelman 1/12/77[RIF#189-10089-10178; drawing: 180-10089-10179---see also “KillingKennedy” by H.E.L., p. 345 , "Bloody Treason" by Noel Twyman, p. 240,and "Cover-Up" by Stewart Galanor, p. 34]---Purdy: “Approximately wherewas this wound located?” “Directly behind the back of his head.” Purdy:“Approximately between the ears or higher up?” “No, I would say prettymuch between them.”: Robinson’s drawing depicts a defect directly in thecentral, lower rear portion of the skull.;66)Pathologist Dr. Robert Frederick Karnei, Jr.:8/26/91 and 8/27/91 interview with Livingstone for “High Treason 2” (seeChapter 7)---Livingstone: “The large defect was in the very back of thehead?” “Right, yeah…Most of the brain that was missing was in the backpart of the head…Most of the bone that was missing was destroyed in theback of the head.”[p. 182] ;67) Joseph E.Hagan, Chief Asst. to Joseph H. Gawler, undertaker[Hagen]: 8/15/91 and 8/28/91 interviews with Livingstone for “High Treason2”(see pages 137, 196, and 581; see also “Killing The Truth”, pages653, 680, 681, and 728)---“I couldn’t remember any bone missing in theface or from the frontal bone. That was pretty well intact to the bestof my memory.”; there were a lot of pictures taken from the gallery;“There was extensive damage to the President’s head, most of it back upin here (indicating with his hand the rearward right side and theback)…We had to replace just all of that area with plaster of paris dueto the extent of the wounds that were there…If it hadn’t of been thatbig, we wouldn’t have had to use plaster of paris, see..Quite a bit ofbone was lacking…we had no problems in here (indicating the area of thecoronal suture)…Back up in here (again gestures back of head), his headwould have been down in the pillow and, if I remember correctly, we hadtaken a little out of the pillow where his head would fit down in thepillow.”;68)Paul Kelly O’Connor, Bethesda laboratory technologist:8/25/79 interview with David Lifton (“Best Evidence”, photo 37+pp.598-606)---re: “the shipping casket” and JFK being “in a body bag”; (p.601) “…he didn’t have any brains left…The wound in his head wasterrific…eight by four inches…The wound was in the occipital-parietalarea…clear up around the frontal area of the brain…the cranium wasempty…”; (p. 604) the wound in the throat was “a great big hole in hislarnyx…the esophagus was laid open”;69) James Curtis Jenkins, Bethesda laboratory technologist:8/24/77 HSCA interview with Jim Kelly and Andy Purdy [for his drawing,see p. 346 of “Killing Kennedy” by H.E.L.]---Jenkins stated that whenthe body was unwrapped he saw a head wound in the “middle temporalregion back to the occipital.” His drawing clearly conflicts withofficial history. ; the back wound was “just below the collar to theright of the midline” and it was “very shallow…it didn’t enter theperitoneal (chest) cavity.”; he didn’t believe that the doctor foundthat the probe “penetrated into the chest” and the doctors “couldn’tprove the bullet came into the cavity.”;70) Edward F. Reed,Jr., Bethesda X-ray technician:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy;b) Interview with the HSCA (RIF#180-10105-10399 [see also "Cover-Up" byStewart Galanor, p. 33])---the head wound "was very large and located inthe right hemisphere in the occipital region.";71) Jerrol F. Custer, Bethesda X-ray technician:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy [“Jerrol F. Crester” (sic)];b) 9/30/79 and 10/7/79 interviews with David Lifton (“Best Evidence”,pp. 619-621+696)--- “Custer told me the President’s head wound wasenormous---“I could have put both of my hands in the wound. Okay?”---andthat he believed he had been shot from the front.”; “…when a bullet goesinto the body, it goes in small and comes out big. Okay? Well, that isexactly how the skull looked. Okay?…from the front, to the back.”; didnot see an entry wound at the rear of JFK’s head; Custer said that heexposed, and returned to the morgue, X-rays showing that the rear of thePresident’s head was blown off.; "Custer felt the head shot came fromthe front.";72) Jan Gail "Nick" Rudnicki, Dr. Boswell’s lab assistant:5/8/78 interview with the HSCA’s Mark Flanagan[RIF#180-10105-10397]---“the back-right quadrant of the head wasmissing.”; saw the bullet wound "in the shoulder blade region of theback"; said that there was a discussion by the autopsy doctors about"the possibility that two bullets struck the head in the same generalarea, causing a massive defect.";73) James E. Metzler, Bethesda Hospital corpsman:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy;b) Interview with the HSCA (RIF#180-10105-10401 [see also "Cover-Up" byStewart Galanor, p. 33])---Helped carry JFK's body from the coffin tothe autopsy table; recalled the head wound in the "right side of thehead behind the right ear extending down to the center of the back ofthe skulll.";74) David P. Osborne, MD: a military physician present at the autopsy atBethesda [deceased]:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy;b) 4/5/90 letter to Joanne Braun (see “The Third Decade”, 3/91issue)---“a second (bullet) hit in the occipital region of the posteriorskull which blew off the posterior top of his skull and impacted anddisintegrated against the interior surface of the frontal bone justabove the level of the eyes. I know this for a fact because I was theone who worked on the head, removing his brain and closed the skull sothat he could have an open casket if so desired.”;75)Dr. John H. "Jack" Ebersole, Assistant Chief of radiology[deceased]:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy ["James H. Ebersole" (sic)];b)3/9/78 interview with Gil Delaney of the "Lancaster (PA)Intelligencer-Journal"[see also "Best Evidence", p. 543, as part ofChapter 23 entitled "Allegations of Dr. John Ebersole"]---"When the bodywas removed from the casket, there was a very obvious horrible gapingwound to the back of the head…The front of the body, except for a veryslight bruise above the right eye on the forehead, was absolutelyintact. It was the back of the head that was blown off...Later on in theevening, between midnight and one A.M., a large portion of the skull wassent up from Dallas…that represented the back portion of the skull.";76) Richard A. Lipsey, aide to General Wehle:a) 1/18/78 (audio-taped) interview with the HSCA's Andy Purdy and MarkFlanagan (RIF#180-10105-10405---"Lipsey says he feels he knows "for afact" that someone shot JFK three times and that these bullets came frombehind."; said that the autopsists "were 'absolutely, unequivocally'convinced that he (JFK) had been shot three times…there were threeseparate wounds and three separate bulets."; "identified the entrance inthe lower head as being just inside the hairline", but also made theclaim that there was "no real entrance in the rear of the head…onebullet blasted away an entire portion (entrance and exit)…one bulletentered the back of the head and exited resulting in part of the faceand head being blown away." [?!]; Lipsey's drawing is interesting: thediagram he drew depicts an area of the right lateral skull missing, bothanterior and posterior to the ear, where he had written "same area blownaway as wound." Lipsey also drew a small hole, presumably of entrance,low on the rear of the skull, which he writes was the "entrance---ofbullet #2"; this wound correlated, in Lipsey's view, with the frontalneck wound:"Exit point of wound #2." Finally, he drew a wound high up inthe back (at the base of the neck, actually), labeled #3, but the bulletcould not be found in the body.; "Lipsey says that he recalls thedoctors discussing the third bullet which he believes entered low in theneck and was deflected down into the chest cavity."; "Lipsey said thedoctors followed the path of the bullet for a short distance until theylost the track at which point they removed the organs in an attempt tolocate it."; "Lipsey mentioned that he and Wehle then flew by helicopterto Bethesda and took JFK into the back of Bethesda. A decoy hearst[sic] had been driven to the front.";b) 8/27/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"Because of the location(entrance) of the head wound, just above the earline [sic? Hairline?]and center right, in the back of the head, it was impossible for me tosee the size of the entrance wound. The explosion did remove quite a bitof his scalp from the right ear forward in the hair line to the farright side of his forehead. I'm sorry I cannot offer you moreinformation."[?];77) Maj. Gen. Philip C. Wehle, Commanding Officer of the MilitaryDistrict of Washington, D.C.:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy;b) 8/19/77 interview with the HSCA's Andy Purdy [HSCA record # 10010042,agency file # 002086, p. 2]---Purdy reported that Maj. Gen. Wehle hadbeen an observer during the latter stages of the autopsy. "(Wehle)noticed a slight bruise over the right temple of the President but didnot see any significant damage to any other part of the head. He notedthat the wound was in the back of the head so he would not see itbecause the President was lying face up; he also said he did not see anydamage to the top of the head, but said the President had a lot of hairwhich could have hidden that…there could have been an open casket";78) Captain John H."Smokey" Stover, Jr., Commanding Officer of theNational Naval Medical School:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy ["Capt. James H. Stoner,Jr." (sic)];b) 5/11/78 interview with the HSCA's Mark Flanagan (RIF#180-10102-10407[see also 7 HSCA 25])---"Stover observed…a wound on the top of the head,second, a wound in the upper back";79)Chester Herschel Boyers, Jr., Chief Petty Officer in charge ofPathology Department:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy ;b) 4/25/78 interview with the HSCA's Mark Flanagan (Agency File Number013614; RIF# 180-10105-10398, Agency File Number 014462) [see also"Bloody Treason", p. 193]---"In regard to the wounds Boyers recalls anentrance wound in the rear of the head to the right of the externaloccipital protuberance which exited along the top, right side of thehead towards the rear and just above the right eyebrow. He also saw anentrance wound in the right shoulder blade, specifically just under thescapula and next to it. Boyers also noted a tracheotomy incision in theneck." Boyers stated that the path of the bullet that entered JFK'supper back seemed to indicate that the bullet exited through thetracheotomy.; "…only fragments were recovered. Boyers never saw a fullyintact missile."; "Concerning the wounds of President Kennedy, Mr.Boyers stated that there was a large wound to the right side and towardsthe rear of the head…He estimated the massive wound in the head measured3 inches by 3 inches.";80) Floyd Albert Riebe, a medical photographer at Bethesda[Reibe]:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy ["Lloyd E. Raihe" (sic)];b) "JFK: An Unsolved Murder", KRON, 11/18/88 (repeated in "JFK: The Casefor Conspiracy" video 1993 [see still photo on p. 88 of Groden's"TKOAP"])---"a big gaping hole in the back of the head. It was likesomebody put a piece of dynamite in a tin can and lit it off. There wasnothing there."; Strongly disagreed with the autopsy photos: "The twopictures you shjowed me are not whatr I saw that night." Interviewer:"What did it look like?" "It had a big hole in it. This whole area wasgone…It's being phonied someplace. It's make-believe.";81) Dennis Duane David, Chief of the Day, Bethesda Naval Hospital:4/22/90, 5/12/90, 4/25/91, 5/29/91, 6/4/91, 6/6/91, 6/14/91, and12/17/91 interviews with Livingstone for "High Treason 2" (see esp.pages 270 ,556, and 557) and "Killing The Truth" (pages 76, 708, 735,738, 741, 742, 744, 745-746)---According to Dennis David, Pitzer hadfilmed the autopsy: "My impression from Pitzer's film was that it [headwound] was a frontal entry/ rear exit wound." ;82) Vice/ Rear Admiral (Dr.) Calvin B. Galloway,Commanding Officer ofthe entire Naval Medical Center [Gallaway; Holloway; deceased]:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy ["Adm. C.B. Holloway"(sic)];b) 3/12/64 Memorandum, Specter to Rankin, Re: 3/11/64 Interview ofAutopsy Surgeons [see "Post Mortem", pp. 539-540]---"On the afternoon ofMarch 11, 1964, Joseph A. Ball, Esq., and I went to Bethesda NavalHospital and interviewed Admiral C.B. Holloway [sic], Commander James J.Humes and Commander "J" Thornton Boswell. The interview took place inthe office of Admiral Holloway [sic], who is the commanding officer ofthe National Naval Medical Center, and lasted from approximately 3:30p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Commander Humes and Commander Boswell, along with Lt.Col. Pierre A. Finck, who is currently in Panama, conducted the autopsyand Admiral Holloway [sic] was present at all times…All three describedthe bullet wound on President Kennedy's BACK as being a point ofentrance. Admiral Holloway [sic] then illustrated the angle of the shotby placing one finger on my BACK and the second finger on the front partof my CHEST which indicated that the bullet traveled in a consistentdownward path, on the ASSUMPTION that it emerged in the opening on thePresident's throat which had been enlarged by the performance of thetracheotomy in Dallas. " [emphasis added];83) Lt. Cmdr. Gregory H. Cross, resident in surgery:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy;b) 4/24/78 Outside contact report by the HSCA's Mark Flanagan(RIF#180-10105-10396, Agency File Number 014460)---"The only wound Crosssaw was situated in the posterior aspect of the head.";84) John Van Hoesen, Gawler's Funeral Home [Van Haesen; Van Haeson;VanHausen;:a) FBI (Sibert & O’Neill) report 11/26/63 [see Post Mortem”, pp.532-536]---listed as present during autopsy;b) 9/26/96 interview with the ARRB's Doug Horne---described the hole inJFK's head as being the size of an orange in "…the centerline of theback of the head, and its location was in the upper posterior of theskull…at or just below the cowlick area.";85)-87) Comdr. James Joseph ("Jim") Humes, Comdr. J. Thornton ("Jay")Boswell, and Lt. Col. Pierre A. Finck, AFIP: the three autopsy doctors at Bethesdaon 11/22/63:WR 538-543 / 16 H 978-983 / CE 387 [see also "Assassination Science",pp. 430-435]: the autopsy report---"There is a large irregular defect ofthe scalp and skull on the right involving chiefly the parietal bone butextending somewhat into the temporal and occipital regions.In thisregion there is an actual absence of scalp and bone producing a defectwhich measures approximately 13 cm in greatest diameter…";88)-89) Saundra Kay "Sandy" Spencer, a lab technician at the NavalPhotographic Center, Joe O'Donnell, a government photographer employedby USIA in 1963:-Saundra Kay Spencer: 12/13/96 interview with the ARRB [see also "HighTreason III" (1998), pp. 416-418]---"Views were 'body shots,' and notlike the normal autopsy photgraphs she had experience with from herprevious duty at Pensacola, in that there was no one in the background,and she does not remember any instruments in the photographs; the viewswere also unlike other autopsy photographs she had seen, in that thebody of the President was 'very clean,' explaining that there was 'noblood and no gore' visible; she remembered no
posted always with a ???. b

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Gil Jesus Wrote:

thanks GIL i have seen this video of yours in the past good work..also studied under jack the differences in the rifles..the rifle also ordered supposedly by him and that sent by klein's was the wrong length as the one that was delivered...also i believe he was killed by a shot to the front as kilduff pointed out and quoted what his doc berkley stated at parkland and that was within his quote...a shot from the front...

many thanks again for all your collection of videos that you have presented for the studies..they took much time, effort and patience as well as are a true believer searching for the truth to have done so...good to see you here b..:ciao:please carry on...

btw here's jerry's home page for

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