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Young Americans for Fascism ...err Freedom and William F. Buckley, Jr.
[B]Yet very incomplete list![/B]

:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
This is so inspiring I think I might join YAF today. <grin> After all I too, was raised to be a "Teenage Fascist..." by the Education provided me by the Roman Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts of America, my dear parents and by my friends while wiling away the years at Grapeland Heights Park in Miami, Florida. My more than willing Harvard classmates spent about 4 years trying to reverse this conditioning through selective de-programming and de-patterning efforts and they almost succeeded. When I wanted to join Air Force ROTC, sophomore year, or to interview with the CIA career counselors on campus just for a way to get through the Viet Nam bullet dodging period without a scratch and the draft lottery crisis while wearing a nice suit and a tie sitting in Washington, DC, the negative pressure put upon me was so tremendous that I just wilted, buckled and reneged. YAF here I come.

The Sharon Statement

"Adopted in Conference, at Sharon, Connecticut, on September 11, 1960."

[size=12]IN THIS TIME of moral and political crises, it is the responsibility of the youth of America to affirm certain eternal truths.

WE, as young conservatives believe:

THAT foremost among the transcendent values is the individual's use of his God-given free will, whence derives his right to be free from the restrictions of arbitrary force;

THAT liberty is indivisible, and that political freedom cannot long exist without economic freedom;

THAT the purpose of government is to protect those freedoms through the preservation of internal order, the provision of national defense, and the administration of justice;

THAT when government ventures beyond these rightful functions, it accumulates power, which tends to diminish order and liberty;

THAT the Constitution of the United States is the best arrangement yet devised for empowering government to fulfill its proper role, while restraining it from the concentration and abuse of power;

THAT the genius of the Constitution - the division of powers - is summed up in the clause that reserves primacy to the several states, or to the people in those spheres not specifically delegated to the Federal government;

THAT the market economy, allocating resources by the free play of supply and demand, is the single economic system compatible with the requirements of personal freedom and constitutional government, and that it is at the same time the most productive supplier of human needs;

THAT when government interferes with the work of the market economy, it tends to reduce the moral and physical strength of the nation, that when it takes from one to bestow on another, it diminishes the incentive of the first, the integrity of the second, and the moral autonomy of both;

THAT we will be free only so long as the national sovereignty of the United States is secure; that history shows periods of freedom are rare, and can exist only when free citizens concertedly defend their rights against all enemies…

THAT the forces of international Communism are, at present, the greatest single threat to these liberties;

THAT the United States should stress victory over, rather than coexistence with this menace; and

THAT American foreign policy must be judged by this criterion: does it serve the just interests of the United States?
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.

1960's [Image: logo_correct.gif]

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[Image: New_Left.gif] About 90 young people at the Sharon, Connecticut estate of William F. Buckley, Jr. gathered to lay the groundwork for a new national conservative youth organization. It is here that Americans for Freedom is born and our statement of principles, the Sharon Statement, is drafted. New Guard magazine makes its debut as the official magazine of YAF.

YAF spearheads the campaign of Barry Goldwater for president. Goldwater's run for the White House catalyzed YAF more than any other event in its history. A highlight of YAF's movement to make Goldwater the Republican nominee is an astonishing rally in New York's Madison Square Garden where 18,500 conservatives gather to show their support for Senator Goldwater. Lee Edwards, former New Guard editor, said "Barry Goldwater made YAF, but YAF also made Barry Goldwater."

Ronald Reagan joins the YAF National Advisory Board in 1962 and continues today, 40 years later, as Honorary Chairman.

The first national YAF convention was held in 1963 at the Gault Hotel in Florida. With over 450 voting delegates in attendance. Hotel management at the Gault Hotel refused accommodations to Black national board member Jay Parker. As word of this spread around the YAFer's in attendance, all 450 delegates and numerous others began gathering in the lobby of the hotel demanding that either the Gault Hotel allow all the black YAFers to stay and the hotel change their segregation policy or YAF would move its convention down the street. From that day on any person was allowed into the Gault Hotel.

"STOP RED TRADE" becomes a hallmark of YAF's 40-year history. IBM, Mack Truck, and Firestone Tire and Rubber are targeted for engaging in high visibility trade with the Soviet Bloc. YAF successfully stops Firestone's attempt to build a synthetic rubber plant in Communist Romania through letter-writing campaigns, boycotts, and demonstrations. YAF's plan to distribute 500,000 flyers at the Indianapolis 500 is seen as a key to the decision by Firestone executives.

YAF goes on the offensive against radical left-wing groups like Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and New MOBE in support of a U.S. victory in Vietnam. These fights carry YAF into its second decade.

1970's [Image: Yaf1972_1.JPG]

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[Image: stop_saltII.gif] YAF begins and continues a number of projects to support Vietnam veterans and their causes. "Project Appreciation" gives YAFers the opportunity to write, visit, and provide needed supplies to hospitalized veterans. YAF works on various POW/MIA issues and treasonous "Hanoi" Jane Fonda becomes a target of YAF attacks. While U.S. soldiers are fighting in the fields of Vietnam, YAF is fighting on the college campuses and in communities across the country. YAF, though opposing the draft, supports the move to resist communism in Southeast Asia and in American classrooms.

YAF goes on the offensive when President Nixon sells out the free Republic of China and opens relations with communist Red China. A number of YAF projects are started as ad hoc committees and affiliated groups to address specific issues. These groups include Youth for the Voluntary Prayer Amendment, Student's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Young America's Foundation, Free Campus News Service, STOP-NSA Committee, and the National Student Committee for Victory in Vietnam. Today some of these organizations still exist, and continue "to fight the good fight."

In 1974, YAF, along with the American Conservative Union, sponsors a modest but ambitious gathering called the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). CPAC has become the largest annual gathering of conservatives and is still growing 26 years later.

The Carter Administration is an easy target of YAF. With huge, unprecedented government growth the order of the day, Carter's policies fly in the face of all that YAF stands for. YAF is active in opposing the give away of the Panama Canal and the SALT treaties. The Iran Hostage Crisis opens the eyes of many people to the failures of the Carter Administration and provides YAF a rallying point in 1979. YAF holds a campaign to generate thousands of letters of encouragement to the hostages and presses the Administration to take action.
1980's [Image: ReaganStanding.JPG]

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[Image: activism1.GIF] YAF's long time friend and advisor Ronald Reagan becomes the 40th President of the United States. The election of Reagan ushers in the conservative decade. YAFers around the nation mobilize in support of Reagan's agenda.

Many YAFers receive appointments to the Reagan Administration. Reagan Administration officials and prospective appointees who are targeted by the radical left are strongly defended by YAF. YAFers rally to the support of Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan, Interior Secretary James Watt, Circuit Court Judge Dan Manion, Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, and NSC staff member Lt. Colonel Oliver North.

During the early years of the Reagan Administration, the residentially challenged set up a quaint homeless community in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. An Elite squadron of DC area YAFers formed the Lafayette Park Liberation Squad, equipped with a newly appropriated white van the Lafayette Park Liberation Squad tore through Lafayette Park liberating the Park from any would be dwellers. After a summer of liberation runs through the park the DC City Council passed an ordinance banning anyone from dwelling in the park. The DC City Council at the same time ordered that Lafayette Park be fenced in so that no more white vans would be driving through the park.

The conservative decade also brings a new resurgence of left-wing intolerance on college campuses. Radical left-wing administrators, faculty, and students go on the rampage in their attempts to silence conservative student organizations and publications. YAF continues to fight to bring First Amendment rights to our college campuses.

YAF scores a victory for free speech when the Supreme Court renders its decision in Boos vs. Barry. The ruling overturns an ordinance in our nation's capitol that forbids demonstrators against a foreign government to carry their protest within 500 feet of the nation's embassy. YAF stands solidly behind the Reagan Doctrine and supports Freedom Fighters around the globe through campus activities. YAF sponsors a variety of speaking tours by representatives of the Nicaraguan Resistance, the Mujahaddin of Afghanistan, UNITA from Angola, and the ARENA Party of El Salvador.

1990's [Image: pardon_north.JPG]

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[Image: cigar_a.jpg] YAF Opens the decade after launching the most successful Fall Offensive in recent history. YAF recruiters were active in 16 states and on over 75 college campuses. The drive centered on a push to pardon Oliver North and generated tremendous response in support of this American hero.

In August 1991, YAF held its 16th National Convention in Washington D.C. YAF members from around the country gathered to reaffirm our commitment to conservative principles and heard such speakers as William F. Buckley, Jr., Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, and G. Gordon Liddy.

YAF National Chairman meets with Vice President Dan Quayle and delivers over 40,000 petitions in support of the Vice President.

YAF launches Anita Hill truth Squad to expose the lies of Anita Hill. YAFers confront Anita Hill on college campuses across America.

YAF pushes 1992 Republican National Convention to continue strong support for conservative issues.

In CPAC 1995, YAF holds a "Colloquium on Revolution." Over 1000 Young Americans for Freedom rallied around speakers such as YAF founding elder Howard Phillips, Congressman Robert Dornan, Joseph Sobran, and other speakers motivating the young crowd to continue YAF's conservative charge to preserve freedom and individual liberty. In 1996, National chairman Jon Pastore led a delegation YAFers to bring national attention to a group called the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). NAMBLA members got quite a surprise at one of their events in Washington DC in 1996 when compassionate YAFers held banners warning the effects of deviant and un-natural sexual practices.

In 1997, Brian Park, National Director and state Chairman of California YAF, organized support for the rights of American Indians when their tribal sovereignty was being encroached upon by Governor Pete Wilson.

Full page newspaper ads centered on YAF’s resolution to support tribal sovereignty were place in every major newspaper across the state of California to pressure the Governor. The negotiations failed and the historic Proposition 5 was place on the ballot in 1998. YAF made over 1 million voter contact with direct-mail pieces to educate the public on American Indian Sovereignty issues and the measure passed overwhelming with bi-partisan support of 62.4% to 32.6%.

Proposition 5 was eventually challenged in the courts and YAF filed a “Friends of the Court” brief (case number S074850) with the State Supreme court in 1999. While we lost, our leg work assisted in a passage of Proposition 1A in year 2000 with no real opposition to fix the legal problems with Proposition 5.

In 1998 Cigar-Man was launched against President Bill Clinton. YAFer dressed in a Cigar-Costume followed President Clinton to various fundraising functions to highlight Clinton’s presidential achievements.

At the 1999 Academy Awards in Los Angeles, YAFer's rally in support of the Academy of Motion Pictures decision to award famous director Elian Kazan with the lifetime achievement award. Confronted by over 600 commies, union thugs, and other leftists YAFers continued with their peaceful pro-Kazan rally. When the rally turned ugly YAFers defended themselves and assisted the police to apprehend the typical violent leftist perpetrators.
2000 [Image: freerepubbanner1.JPG] National Board Member Chad Morgan leads the national charge to impeach Attorney General Janet Reno when she helped force Elian Gonzales back to Communist Cuba. Utilizing the vast power of the Internet the website generates millions of visits, and thousands of petition signatures to Congress urging Congress to take actions against an Attorney General who routinely violates the Constitution. Two and a half months into the crusade against Janet Reno the Congress calls for a low-grade investigation into Ms. Reno's actions as Attorney general. National political insiders eyed the ideological battle in Orange County, California in the year 2000, which had national implications and garnered national press because OC is one of the most politically conservative areas in the nation. YAFers came to the aid and became one of the biggest donors to beat back limousine liberal Republicans bent on replacing conservatives with “moderates” in the Republican central committee.

Unprecedented amounts of money were poured in against conservatives for a central committee race (reported to be $200,000 to $500,000), but conservatives and YAF were able to score a near unanimous victory.

This small ideological battle was carried on nationally where “being pragmatic” trumped standing by conservative principles that eventually led to the condition we are in today.

YAF, as an organization, has never compromised on conservative principles or taken political positions that were based out of convenience. We are not shy about pointing out in public individuals or organizations that have betrayed our movement. Help us in our fight to bring national focus back to standing up for conservative principles over politics.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
Clip Job: YAF Goes Wild for Goldwater

By Tony Ortega in Clip Job, Featured
Tuesday, Feb. 3 2009 @ 6:00AM
[Image: oldvoicelogo1.jpg]​Clip Job: an excerpt every day from the Voice archives.
March 15, 1962, Vol. VII, No. 21
Garden Packed for Goldwater
By Mary Perot Nichols
"I would like to see a liberal journalist come to the Garden tonight and say that we don't exist," said the young Yale man with crew-cut and horn-rim glasses. He was Robert M. Schuchman, national chairman of Young Americans for Freedom, the conservative youth group. Schuchman was in the act of presiding with considerable satisfaction over the sell-out rally for "World Liberation from Communism" at Madison Square Garden on March 7.
Almost the first person to greet this reporter upon entering the Garden was a Democratic captain from Carmine DeSapio's Tamawa Club in the Village. He pressed on newspapermen advance copies of a speech by South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond. Thurmond was one of the 11 heroes of conservatism to receive citations from YAF during the long evening. But not all received equal treatment. While such minor luminaries as former President Herbert Hoover (in absentia), economist Ludwig von Mises, author John Dos Passos, and Katanga President Moise Tshombe (in absentia) received showers of confetti, the rally reserved its balloons and demonstrations for the political live wires: Senator John Tower (Texas Republican) and Barry Goldwater (Arizona Republican). In the hierarchy of YAF values, Goldwater was allotted 14 minutes of demonstration while Tower's share was only 3 minutes.
The evening might better have been entitled "Conservative Rally for World Liberation from Liberalism." The speakers' sharpest barbs were hurled at what was termed "the liberal establishment." In the warm-up award-presenting session the crowd went wild with derision over gibes at the Americans for Democratic Action and the Kennedy Administration; it stomped, cheered, and threw confetti for the "free-enterprise system" and "moral values." A sign in the balcony, "Stamp Out ADA," was waved wildly during the demonstrations next to a sign which read: "The U.S. Over All" (an English translation of "Deutschland Uber Alles").
Hollywood actor George Murphy did a little soft-shoe dance as he accepted an award for John Wayne. Wayne was billed as a man "tall in the saddle," who, unlike Bobby Kennedy, "will not forget the Alamo!" Other names were added -- not quite a Hollywood 10 -- of actors who would not forget the Alamo either: Roy Rogers, Pat O'Brien, Jimmy
And then, just as the audience was beginning to get bored with the award bit, came Greenwich Village's contribution to conservatism, Mrs. Rosemary McGrath, chairman of the local YAF chapter. Schuchman introduced her as having been acknowledged even by the New York Post (boos for the Post) "as one of the three best-known citizens of
Greenwich Village."
As Mrs. McGrath made her way to the podium gorgeously garbed in a low-cut black satin dress, her long black hair slung bewitchingly over one eye in the style of Veronica Lake, the cheers began to be interspersed with long whistles of appreciation. Mrs. McGrath's mission was to present an award to former Villager Charles Edison, son of the inventor and onetime Governor of New Jersey. Edison is, she declared, "a true Democrat unlike the alleged reformers of today -- those toy-pistol New Frontiersman of New York City."
...The climax of the evening came, of course, with Goldwater, who kept reiterating throughout his speech his desire to hear an explanation from the "junior ADA" about why it picketed outside the Garden alongside the American Nazi Party. "As a half-Jew," Goldwater said, "I resent it." He also wanted to know from the liberals "why their rally has flopped so miserably tonight?" The Arizonan had his answer ready: "Because conservatism is the wave of the future." He continued: "It is going forward, it is virulent, it is alive -- which is a lot more than can be said for liberalism."
[Each weekday morning, we post an excerpt from another issue of the Voice, going in order from our oldest archives. Visit our Clip Job archive page to see excerpts back to 1956.]
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:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
Robert J. Morris Is Dead at 82; Crusader Against Communists

from the New York Time Obituaries on Thursday, January 2, 1997

by Constance L. Hays

Robert J. Morris, whose ministrations as counsel for a Cold War Senate subcommittee bent on rooting out Communists marked a long career devoted to conservative causes, died on Sunday at Point Pleasant Hospital in Point Pleasant, N.J. He was 82 and lived in Mantoloking, N.J.

The cause of death was congestive heart failure, said his son Geoffrey, who added that Mr. Morris had been suffering for more than a year from hydrocephalus, a condition that impedes brain function.

Mr. Morris was chief counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Internal Security from 1951 to 1953, and again from 1956 to 1958, a period when the country was tormented by the specter of Communist infiltration at every level of life.

A graduate of Fordham Law School, he had served on a New York State Assembly committee in 1940 that investigated New York's schools and colleges for Communist activities. He worked various aspects of the Senate hearings, appearing as a witness now and then and serving as a frequent spokesman and defender of its work.

The Internal Security subcommittee was described in 1951 in The New York Times as one that "far over reaches the House Committee on Un-American Activities, as it far out reaches Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, Republican of Wisconsin. The mandate from the Senate is for practical purposes, limitless in the whole field of security. The subcommittee may inquire generally into suspected subversion, in or out of the Government."

As a result, the hearings corralled diplomats, scholars, businessmen, refugees and schoolteachers. It opened investigations into a possible Communist takeover of Hawaii, Communist influence along the New York City waterfront, shipments of propaganda detected in New Orleans and creeping Communist control of American military industries.

Perhaps the subcommittee's darkest moment came in April 1957, when E. Herbert Norman, the Canadian Ambassador to Egypt, committed suicide after learning that the subcommittee was reopening a 1951 investigation that centered on his purported membership in a 1938 Communist study group in Provincetown, Mass. Mr. Norman had been cleared of the charges in 1951, and Canadians angrily attributed his death to a "smear campaign" by the subcommittee.

Mr. Morris, who had made the announcement a month earlier that reports showed that Mr. Norman "is a Communist," insisted that there was plenty of material to support the investigation.

In the opinion of another legendary figure from that era, Mr. Morris may have been more McCarthyesque than the Senator himself. In a letter to William F. Buckley Jr. published in "Odyssey of a Friend," a collection published in 1969, Whittaker Chambers, the self-reported Russian spy who implicated Alger Hiss, said:

"The Senator in my opinion did the right more mischief than he ever did the left, and he keeps right on doing it. It does no good to plead that the left was mean to him. I would say that Bob Morris really accomplished much of what the Senator is credited with."

Mr. Morris's interest in politics was part and parcel of his upbringing in Jersey City, where his father was known for organizing opposition to Frank Hague, the entrenched Hudson County boss. That interest sharpened while Mr. Morris served in the Navy during World War II.

Turned down at first because of his inability to recognize the color red ,an anecdote he repeated with delight through the years, he became a commander of counterintelligence and psychological warfare. At one point, his son said, he was in charge of writing the threats, printed in Japanese on what looked like money, that were dropped by the planeload on Japanese cities.

He also interrogated prisoners, and began believing that Communism was a greater threat to world security than most leaders realized--an opinion that would influence the rest of his life.

Politics continued to attract him after he left the subcommittee. In 1958, he made a bid for the Republican Senate nomination from New Jersey, running on a conservative platform that stressed his subcommittee work. Like all but one of his attempts to win public office--he was elected a municipal judge in New York City in 1954, and resigned two years later to rejoin the Senate investigations--it was unsuccessful.

Turning his eye to education, Mr. Morris moved to Texas in 1960 to become president of the University of Dallas. He continued speaking out against Communism and on other issues, which became a source of friction at the university, which he left in 1962.

That summer, he founded the Defenders of American Liberties, a group he described as modeled after the American Civil Liberties Union, "but with emphasis on different positions." The group quickly gained public attention with its defense of former Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, who was accused of inciting unrest at the University of Mississippi at Oxford as James Meredith, its first black student, was attempting to start classes there.

In 1964, he founded the University of Plano, now defunct, in Plano, Tex., which was intended to teach mildly disabled young people through "patterning," controversial at the time. It involved putting students through a series of physical exercises, including crawling and creeping, to stimulate nonphysical development in the brain.

Mr. Morris was prompted to do so by the difficulties of one of his children, William, whom he enrolled in the university. He remained at the university until 1977, and it closed a short time later.

He continued to be a vocal foe of Communism and to speak against disarmament. While in Texas, he made two runs at the Senate, in 1962 and 1970, positioning himself as a conservative Republican. Both times he was defeated in the primary by George Bush.

He was the author of five boooks, all but one dealing with the prospective unraveling of the world order. One, "Disarmament: Weapon of Conquest," became something of a best seller after it appeared in 1963.

He also wrote a column, "Around the World," which was published from 1960 to the early 1980's in newsapers, among them The Manchester(N.H.) Union Leader and The New York Tribune. Among his interests were the politics of Africa, and he became a chairman of the African Zimbabwean Association.

In 1984, he made one last bid for the New Jersey Senate nomination, campaigning on the same platform as President Ronald Reagan but losing nonetheless. Until last year, his son said, he remained active, writing and giving lectures to groups in the New York area.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.

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