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Military, MI, Power Elite & CIA Assassinated JFK and Americans are not citizens, but subjects!

E. Martin Schotz address at the Coalition on Political Assassinations Conference, Dallas, TX, 20 November 1998.
Schotz even points an accusative finger at much of the 'research community' and most of the subjects of the USA.
Hard to listen to for some...but I think one must deal with these concepts one way or another.

History Will Not Absolve Us:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Vince Salandria interview
You can know it was a conspiracy, but not state you KNOW with certainty who did it nor try to change or challenge the system that killed JFK - which is STILL totally in power TODAY! [and has brought us many other horrors, up to and including Trump!]
You are welcome to investigate the minutia, but not to see nor talk about the gestalt - and how it informs that the US People have never had any democratic control of their government - no accountability - and in fact since Dallas less with each passing year.
The growing divide in wealth, the constant war stance, the endless wars, the destruction of our Constitutional Rights were all part of the plan in the assassination of JFK - and the theft of our democracy was primary.

Biography of Vincent Salandria
[FONT=&amp] Vincent Salandria is, to me at least, one of the most interesting of the JFK critics, as much for how the critical community regards him as for the nature of his criticism and how it has helped to shape the critical community. As a genuine "first-generation critic," he is regarded with awe by conspiracists of all ages. He dismisses such compliments handily by claiming that finding conspiracy in the assassination is so obvious that it required no great skills in analysis or writing. For example, in the Foreword to False Mystery, John Kelin's 1999 anthology of ten of Salandria's essays, Salandria states:[/FONT]
The idea of an anthology of my work on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy was not my idea. Whatever blame is attributable to such an enterprise--and considerable censure may be in order for the waste of paper attendant to this project--is properly placed on Mr. John Kelin.
Mr. Kelin sees value in these writings which I have always accepted as the clumsy expressions of simple truths. I wrote them, not to demonstrate any skills I had as a writer or as a scholar, since my writings clearly show my limitations as such. Rather, I wrote these pieces to explain how easy it was to come to the truth of how and why our national security state killed President Kennedy in order to perpetuate the Cold War.
But the truth was easily ascertainable. I feel that my work on the assassination is am accomplishment which required little intelligence, minimal analytic ability and no special talents. Rather it reflected a willingness to bear witness to the truth irrespective of the consequences. In my responsibility to adhering to the truth as I saw it, I have been and will continue to be, oblivious to all the consequences of its expression.
[FONT=&amp] Vincent Salandria is now 71 years old. He was born and raised in Philadelphia, where he still lives. He became a lawyer and ran his law firm from his home. Among other things, he worked with left-leaning organizations such as the ACLU and Women Against the War. He was one of the first persons to openly question the Warren Commission's conclusions, and has been an active critic ever since. He has influenced many critics, notably Josiah Thompson and Gaeton Fonzi. Salandria focused primarily on the "shots, trajectories, and wounds of the assassination," in his own words. He soon came to believe that (1) JFK was killed by "the national security state" because he was trying to reach accommodations with the USSR and Cuba, (2) the truth of the assassination was systematically covered up by the government, civilians, and the mainstream media, and (3) JFK was killed by "our warfare system," aka "the American power elite," rather than by Cuba, the USSR, the Mafia, the FBI, or Lyndon Johnson.
Salandria was perhaps the first JFK researcher to come to believe that the truth of the assassination could be better approached by large-scale considerations than by focusing on details. Here is a brief selection from Gaeton Fonzi's 1993 book The Last Investigation that vividly expresses this sentiment, which has now been adopted by many researchers:[/FONT]
By late 1975, when I was beginning work as a Government investigator on the Kennedy assassination, I had not seen or spoken with Vince Salandria for a number of years... I moved to Florida and, because of other demands, found little time to devote to the assassination. But Vince Salandria had become something of a legend among the growing circle of Warren Commission critics. Almost everyone who planned to write a book about the Kennedy assassination first journeyed to Philadelphia to probe Salandria for insights and perspective...
But before starting my new job, I returned to Philadelphia to draw upon Salandria's vast knowledge of the evidence and get his opinion about the most fruitful areas of investigation. Salandria was most cordial, and we spent a long winter Sunday talking. Yet I sensed a certain balking in his attitude, a feeling of disappointment in what I was about to begin. Eventually, he explained why he was no longer actively involved in pursuing an investigation of the assassination. It gave me a surprising insight into how far Salandria's thinking had evolved.
"I'm afraid we were misled," Salandria said sadly. "All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time and effort microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy. Don't you think the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny. The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: 'We are in control and no one -- not the President, not Congress, nor any elected official -- no one can do anything about it.' It was a message to the people that their Government was powerless. And the people eventually got the message. Consider what happened since the Kennedy assassination. People see government today as unresponsive to their needs, yet the budget and power of the military and intelligence establishment have increased tremendously.
"The tyranny of power is here. Current events tell us that those who killed Kennedy can only perpetuate their power by promoting social upheaval both at home and abroad. And that will lead not to revolution but repression. I suggest to you, my friend, that the interests of those who killed Kennedy now transcend national boundaries and national priorities. No doubt we are dealing now with an international conspiracy. We must face the fact -- not waste any more time microanalyzing the evidence. That's exactly what they want us to do. They have kept us busy for so long. And I will bet, buddy, that is what will happen to you. They'll keep you very, very busy and eventually, they'll wear you down."
[FONT=&amp] Similar sentiments are expressed in the short passage by Daniel Brandt, entitled "The Man Who Wasn't There." Further details about Salandria are presented by Calvin Trillin in his 1967 article "The Buffs."
John Kelin has posted some of Vincent Salandria's articles. Here are some of the addresses:[/FONT]
(1) The Warren Report Analysis of Shots, Trajectories, and Wounds: A Lawyer's Dissenting View (gopher://
(2) A Philadelphia Lawyer Analyzes the Shots, Trajectories, and Wounds (gopher://
(3) A Philadelphia Lawyer Analyzes The President's Back and Neck Wounds (gopher://
(4) The Impossible Tasks of One Assassination Bullet (gopher://
(5) The Separate Connally Shot (gopher://
(6) The JFK Assassination: A False Mystery Concerning State Crimes (

ebook by Salandria:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Gaeton Fonzi on The Last Investigation

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
When They Kill A President - Roger Craig [murdered for writing this...]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Jim Marrs and Ralph Schuster

[Editor's Note: The claim that many persons who had
personal knowledge of the assassination of JFK have met
untimely deaths is reviewed by the authors, who provide
a overview of the evidence. It appears that many who
had personal knowledge of the assassination of JFK
have indeed met untimely deaths.]

In the three-year period which followed the murder of President Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, 18 material witnesses died - six by gunfire, three in motor accidents, two by suicide, one from a cut throat, one from a karate chop to the neck, three from heart attacks and two from natural causes.

An actuary, engaged by the "London Sunday Times," concluded that on November 22, 1963, the odds against these witnesses being dead by February 1967, were one hundred thousand trillion to one. The above comment on the deaths of assassination witnesses was published in a tabloid companion piece to the movie "Executive Action," released in 1973. By that time, part of the mythology of the Kennedy assassination included the mysterious deaths of people who were connected with it. By the mid-1960s, people in Dallas already were whispering about the number of persons who died under strange or questionable circumstances.
Well into the 1980s, witnesses and others were hesitant to come forward with information because of the stories of strange and sudden death which seemed visit anyone with information about the assassination.

Finally, in the late 1970s, the House Select Committee on Assassinations felt compelled to look into the matter. But aside from discrediting the "London Sunday Times" actuarial study, the Committee was unable to come to any conclusion regarding the growing number of deaths. The Committee said it could not make a valid actuarial study due to the broad number and types of persons which had to be included in such a study.
In response to a letter from the Committee, "London Sunday Times" Legal Manager Anthony Whitaker stated:
Our piece about the odds against the deaths of the Kennedy witnesses was, I regret to say, based on a careless journalistic mistake and should not have been published. This was realized by The Sunday Times editorial staff after the first edition - the one which goes to the United States...- had gone out, and later editions were amended. There was no question of our actuary having got his answer wrong: it was simply that we asked him the wrong question. He was asked what were the odds against 15 named people out of the population of the United States dying within a short period of time, to which he replied -correctly - that they were very high. However, if one asks what are the odds against 15 of those included in the Warren Commission Index dying within a given period, the answer is, of course, that they are much lower. Our mistake was to treat the reply to the former question as if it dealt with the latter - hence the fundamental error in our first edition report, for which we apologize.
This settled the matter for the House Committee, which apparently made little or no attempt to seriously study the number of deaths which followed the JFK assassination.

Jacqueline Hess, the Committee's chief of research for the JFK investigation, reported:
Our final conclusion on the issue is that the available evidence does not establish anything about the nature of these deaths which would indicate that the deaths were in some manner, either direct or peripheral, caused by the assassination of President Kennedy or by any aspect of the subsequent investigation.
However, an objective look at both the number and the causes of death balanced against the importance of the person's connection to the case, still causes raised eyebrows among those who study such a list.

In this section, people who were connected - no matter how tenuously - with the assassination and who are now dead are listed according to date of death. This is dealing only with deaths, not with the numerous persons - such as Warren Reynolds, Roger Craig, Richard Carr or Richard Case Nagell - who claim to have been shot at or attacked.
This section has been entitled "Convenient Deaths" because these deaths certainly would have been convenient for anyone not wishing the truth of the JFK assassination to become public. Of course, it is impossible to state with any certainty which of these deaths resulted from natural causes and which did not.

Because so many of the these deaths involve persons either working with or connected with the CIA or other domestic intelligence services, the Agency has gone to some lengths to discredit the idea of mysterious deaths plaguing assassination witnesses.
A 1967 memo from CIA headquarters to station chiefs advised:
Such vague accusations as that "more than 10 people have died mysteriously" can always be explained in some rational way: e.g., the individuals concerned have for the most part died of natural causes; the (Warren) Commission staff questioned 418 witnesses - the FBI interviewed far more people, conducting 25,000 interviews and reinterviews - and in such a large group, a certain number of deaths are to be expected.
Yet it is now well established that the CIA was developing a wide-range of lethal techniques for disposing of people dating back to the early 1950s.

Testifying before the Church Committee in 1975, CIA technicians told of a variety of TWEP technology - Termination With Extreme Prejudice - including liquid botulinum toxins and a pulmonary-embolism-causing pill which cannot be detected in a post-mortem examination.

One recently-declassified CIA document, a letter from an Agency consultant to a CIA officer, states:
You will recall that I mentioned that the local circumstances under which a given means might be used might suggest the technique to be used in that case. I think the gross divisions in presenting this subject might be:

  1. bodies left with no hope of the cause of death being determined by the most complete autopsy and chemical examinations
  2. bodies left in such circumstances as to simulate accidental death
  3. bodies left in such circumstances as to simulate suicidal death
  4. bodies left with residue that simulate those caused by natural diseases.
The letter goes on to show that undetected murders do not have to be the result of sophisticated chemicals. It states:
There are two techniques which I believe should be mentioned since they require no special equipment besides a strong arm and the will to do such a job. These would be either to smother the victim with a pillow or to strangle him with a wide piece of cloth such as a bath towel. In such cases, there is no specific anatomic changes to indicate the cause of death...
While is obvious that the CIA - and hence the mob through operatives who work for both - has the capability of killing, it is less well-known that the Agency has developed drugs to induce cancer. Recall that Jack Ruby died of sudden lung cancer just as he had been granted a new trial.

A 1952 CIA memo reported on the cancer-causing effects of beryllium:
This is certainly the most toxic inorganic element and it produces a peculiar fibrotic tumor at the site of local application. The amount necessary to produce these tumors is a few micrograms.
Local law enforcement officers and coroners are simply not equipped, either by training or by inclination, to detect deaths induced by such sophisticated means. They look for signs of a struggle, evidence of a break-in, bruises or marks on the victim. With no evidence to the contrary, many deaths simply are ruled suicide or accident. Others are ruled due to natural causes, such as heart attack.

It is interesting to note how the deaths are grouped. Many of the earliest deaths came during the time of the Warren Commission investigation or just afterwards. Some significant deaths also took place in the late 1960s as New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison was launching his own investigation. Other suspicious deaths occurred during the mid-1970s, as the Senate Intelligence Committee was looking into assassinations by U.S. intelligence agencies. And finally, another spate of deaths came around 1977, just as the House Select Committee on Assassinations was gearing up its investigations.
These deaths are listed in chronological order. An asterisk (*) means the death is a particularly suspicious one. They also are grouped according to which investigation was being conducted at the time.

The area of convenient deaths leads one into a well of paranoia, yet the long list of deaths cannot be summarily dismissed.

Obviously, many of these deaths - particularly in recent years - can be ascribed to the passage of time. But others cannot - especially when viewed in context of the assassination inquiries taking place at the time.
Read for yourself and consider...When does coincidence end and conspiracy begin?

List of Deaths

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TH]Connection with case[/TH]
[TH]Cause of death[/TH]
[TD]Karyn Kupicinet[/TD]
[TD]Tv host's daughter who was overheard telling of JFK's death prior to 11/22/63[/TD]
[TD]Jack Zangretti[/TD]
[TD]Expressed foreknowledge of Ruby shooting Oswald[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot Victim[/TD]
[TD]Eddy Benavides[/TD]
[TD]Lookalike brother to Tippit shooting witness, Domingo Benavides[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot to head[/TD]
[TD]Betty MacDonald*[/TD]
[TD]Former Ruby employee who alibied Warren Reynolds shooting suspect.[/TD]
[TD]Suicide byhanging in Dallas Jail[/TD]
[TD]Bill Chesher[/TD]
[TD]Thought to have information linking Oswald and Ruby[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Hank Killam*[/TD]
[TD]Husband of Ruby employee, knew Oswald acquaintance[/TD]
[TD]Throat cut[/TD]
[TD]Bill Hunter*[/TD]
[TD]Reporter who was in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63[/TD]
[TD]Accidental shooting by policeman[/TD]
[TD]Gary Underhill*[/TD]
[TD]CIA agent who claimed Agency was involved[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot in head ruled suicide[/TD]
[TD]Hugh Ward*[/TD]
[TD]Private investigator working with Guy Banister and David Ferrie[/TD]
[TD]Plane crash in Mexico[/TD]
[TD]DeLesseps Morrison*[/TD]
[TD]New Orleans Mayor[/TD]
[TD]Passenger in Ward's plane[/TD]
[TD]Teresa Norton*[/TD]
[TD]Ruby employee[/TD]
[TD]Fatally shot[/TD]
[TD]Guy Banister*[/TD]
[TD]x-FBI agent in New Orleans connected to Ferrie, CIA, Carlos Marcello & Oswald[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Jim Koethe*[/TD]
[TD]Reporter who was in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63[/TD]
[TD]Blow to neck[/TD]
[TD]C.D. Jackson[/TD]
[TD]"Life" magazine senior Vicepresident who bought Zapruderfilm and locked it away[/TD]
[TD]Mary Pinchot[/TD]
[TD]JFK "special" friend whose diary was taken by CIA chief James Angleton after her death[/TD]
[TD]Paul Mandal[/TD]
[TD]"Life" writer who told of JFK turning to rear when shot in throat[/TD]
[TD]Tom Howard*[/TD]
[TD]Ruby's first lawyer, was in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Maurice Gatlin*[/TD]
[TD]Pilot for Guy Banister[/TD]
[TD]Fatal fall[/TD]
[TD]Mona B. Saenz*[/TD]
[TD]Texas Employment clerk who interviewed Oswald[/TD]
[TD]Hit by Dallas bus[/TD]
[TD]David Goldstein[/TD]
[TD]Dallasite who helped FBI trace Oswald's pistol[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Rose Cheramie*[/TD]
[TD]Knew of assassination in advance, told of riding to Dallas with Cubans[/TD]
[TD]Hit/run victim[/TD]
[TD]Dorothy Kilgallen*[/TD]
[TD]Columnist who had private interview with Ruby, pledged to "break" JFK case[/TD]
[TD]Drug overdose[/TD]
[TD]Mrs. Earl Smith*[/TD]
[TD]Close friend to Dorothy Kilgallen, died two daysafter columnist, may have kept Kilgallen's notes[/TD]
[TD]Cause unknown[/TD]
[TD]William Whaley*[/TD]
[TD]Cab driver who reportedly drove Oswald to Oak Cliff (The only Dallas taxi driver to die on duty)[/TD]
[TD]Motor collision[/TD]
[TD]Judge Joe Brown[/TD]
[TD]Presided over Ruby's trial[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Karen "Little Lynn" Carlin*[/TD]
[TD]Ruby employee who last talked with Ruby before Oswald shooting[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot victim[/TD]
[TD]Earlene Roberts[/TD]
[TD]Oswald's landlady[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Albert Bogard*[/TD]
[TD]Car salesman who said Oswald test drove new car[/TD]
[TD]Capt. Frank Martin[/TD]
[TD]Dallas policeman who witnessed Oswald slaying, told Warren Commission "there's a lot to be said but probably be better if I don't say it"[/TD]
[TD]Sudden cancer[/TD]
[TD]Lee Bowers Jr.*[/TD]
[TD]Witnessed men behind picket fence on Grassy Knoll[/TD]
[TD]Motor accident[/TD]
[TD]Marilyn "Delila Walle*[/TD]
[TD]Ruby dancer[/TD]
[TD]Shot by husband after 1 month of marriage[/TD]
[TD]Lt. William Pitzer*[/TD]
[TD]JFK autopsy photographer who described his duty as "horrifying experience"[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot rule suicided[/TD]
[TD]Jimmy Levens[/TD]
[TD]Fort Worth nightclub owner who hired Ruby employees[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]James Worrell Jr.*[/TD]
[TD]Saw man flee rear of Texas School Book Depository[/TD]
[TD]Motor accident[/TD]
[TD]Clarence Oliver[/TD]
[TD]Dist. Atty. Investigator who worked Ruby case[/TD]
[TD]Hank Suydam[/TD]
[TD]Life magazine official in charge of JFK stories[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Leonard Pullin[/TD]
[TD]Civilian Navy employee who helped film "Last Two Days" about assassination[/TD]
[TD]One-car crash[/TD]
[TD]Jack Ruby*[/TD]
[TD]Oswald's slayer[/TD]
[TD]Lung cancer (he told family he was injected with cancer cells)[/TD]
[TD]Harold Russell*[/TD]
[TD]Saw escape of Tippit killer[/TD]
[TD]killed by cop in bar brawl[/TD]
[TD]David Ferrie*[/TD]
[TD]Acquaintance of Oswald, Garrison suspect and employee of Guy Banister[/TD]
[TD]Blow to neck (ruled accidental)[/TD]
[TD]Eladio Del Valle*[/TD]
[TD]Anti-Castro Cuban associate of David Ferrie being sought by Garrison[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot wound, ax wound tohead[/TD]
[TD]Dr. Mary Sherman*[/TD]
[TD]Ferrie associate working on cancer research[/TD]
[TD]Died in fire (possibly shot)[/TD]
[TD]A. D. Bowie[/TD]
[TD]Asst. Dallas District Attorney prosecuting Ruby[/TD]
[TD]Hiram Ingram[/TD]
[TD]Dallas Deputy Sheriff, close friend to Roger Craig[/TD]
[TD]Sudden cancer[/TD]
[TD]Dr. Nicholas Chetta[/TD]
[TD]New Orleans coroner who on death of Ferrie[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Philip Geraci*[/TD]
[TD]Friend of Perry Russo, told of Oswald/Shaw conversation[/TD]
[TD]Henry Delaune*[/TD]
[TD]Brother-in-law to coroner Chetta[/TD]
[TD]E.R. Walthers*[/TD]
[TD]Dallas Deputy Sheriff who was involved in Depository search, claimed to have found .45-cal. slug[/TD]
[TD]Shot by felon[/TD]
[TD]Charles Mentesana[/TD]
[TD]Filmed rifle other than Mannlicher-Carcano being taken from Depository[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Mary Bledsoe[/TD]
[TD]Neighbor to Oswald, also knew David Ferrie[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]John Crawford*[/TD]
[TD]Close friend to both Ruby and Wesley Frazier, who gave ride to Oswald on 11/22/63[/TD]
[TD]Crash of private plane[/TD]
[TD]Rev. Clyde Johnson*[/TD]
[TD]Scheduled to testify about Clay Shaw/Oswald connection[/TD]
[TD]Fatally shot[/TD]
[TD]George McGann*[/TD]
[TD]Underworld figure connected to Ruby friends, wife, Beverly, took film in Dealey Plaza[/TD]
[TD]Darrell W. Garner[/TD]
[TD]Arrested for shooting Warren Reynolds, released after alibi from Betty MacDonald[/TD]
[TD]Drug overdose[/TD]
[TD]Bill Decker[/TD]
[TD]Dallas Sheriff who saw bullet hit street in front of JFK[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Abraham Zapruder[/TD]
[TD]Took famous film of JFK assassination[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Salvatore Granello*[/TD]
[TD]Mobster linked to both Hoffa,Trafficante, and Castro assassination plots[/TD]
[TD]James Plumeri*[/TD]
[TD]Mobster tied to mob-CIA assassination plots[/TD]
[TD]Clayton Fowler[/TD]
[TD]Ruby's chief defense attorney[/TD]
[TD]Gen. Charles Cabell*[/TD]
[TD]CIA deputy director connected to anti-Castro Cubans[/TD]
[TD]Collapsed and died afterphysical at Fort Myers[/TD]
[TD]Hale Boggs*[/TD]
[TD]House Majority Leader, member of Warren Commission who began to publicly express doubts about findings[/TD]
[TD]Disappeared on Alaskan plane flight[/TD]
[TD]J. Edgar Hoover*[/TD]
[TD]FBI director who pushed "lone assassin" theory in JFK assassination[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack (no autopsy)[/TD]
[TD]Thomas E. Davis*[/TD]
[TD]Gunrunner connected to both Ruby and CIA[/TD]
[TD]Electrocuted trying to steal wire[/TD]
[TD]J.A. Milteer*[/TD]
[TD]Miami right-winger who predicted JFK's death and capture of scapegoat[/TD]
[TD]Heater explosion[/TD]
[TD]Dave Yaras*[/TD]
[TD]Close friend to both Hoffa and Jack Ruby[/TD]
[TD]Earl Warren[/TD]
[TD]Chief Justice who reluctantly chaired Warren Commission[/TD]
[TD]Heart failure[/TD]
[TD]Clay Shaw*[/TD]
[TD]Prime suspect in Garrison case, reportedly a CIA contact with Ferrie and E. Howard Hunt[/TD]
[TD]Possible cancer[/TD]
[TD]Earle Cabell[/TD]
[TD]Mayor of Dallas on 11/22/63, whose brother, Gen. Charles Cabell was fired from CIA by JFK[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Sam Giancana*[/TD]
[TD]Chicago Mafia boss slated to tell about CIA-mob death plots to Senate Committee[/TD]
[TD]Clyde Tolson[/TD]
[TD]J. Edgar Hoover's assistant and roommate[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Allen Sweatt[/TD]
[TD]Dallas Deputy Sheriff involved in investigation[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Gen. Earle Wheeler[/TD]
[TD]Contact between JFK and CIA[/TD]
[TD]Ralph Paul[/TD]
[TD]Ruby's business partner connected with crime figures[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]James Chaney[/TD]
[TD]Dallas motorcycle officer riding to JFK's right rear who said JFK "struck in the face" with bullet[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Dr. Charles Gregory[/TD]
[TD]Governor John Connally's physician[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]William Harvey*[/TD]
[TD]CIA coordinator for CIA-mob assassination plans against Castro[/TD]
[TD]Complications from heart surgery[/TD]
[TD]John Roselli*[/TD]
[TD]Mobster who testified to Senate Committee and was to appear again[/TD]
[TD]Stabbed and stuffed in metal drum[/TD]

1977 - A Terrible Year For Many

The year 1977 produced a bumper crop of candidates for listing under convenient deaths connected to the JFK assassination - including the deaths of six top FBI officials all of whom were scheduled to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

Topping this list was former number three man in the FBI William C. Sullivan, who had already had a preliminary meeting the investigators for the House Committee. Sullivan was shot with a high-powered rifle near his New Hampshire home by a man who claimed to have mistaken him for a deer. The man was charged with a misdemeanor - "shooting a human being by accident" - and released into the custody of his father, a state policeman. There was no further investigation of Sullivan's death.
Louis Nichols was a special assistant to J. Edgar Hoover as well as Hoover's liaison with the Warren Commission. Alan H. Belmont also was a special assistant to Hoover. James Cadigan was a document expert with access to many classified assassination documents, while J.M. English headed the FBI laboratory where Oswald rifle and pistol were tested. Donald Kaylor was the FBI fingerprint expert who examined prints found at the assassination scene. None of these six Bureau officials lived to tell what they knew to the House Committee.
Other key assassination witnesses, such as George DeMohrenschildt and former Cuban President Carlos Prio Soccaras, died within weeks of each other in 1977, just as they too were being sought by the House Committee.
The ranks of both organized crime and U.S. intelligence agencies were thinned by deaths beginning in 1975, the time of the Senate Intelligence Hearings, and 1978, the closing months of the House Committee. Charles Nicoletti, a mobster connected with the CIA-Mafia assassination plots, was murdered in Chicago, while William Pawley, a former diplomat connected with both organized crime and CIA figures, reportedly committed suicide.
Adding official confirmation to rumors that "hit teams" may have been at work was a "Time" magazine report that federal agents had initiated a nationwide investigation into more than 20 gangland assassinations constituting what agents believed was an "open underworld challenge to governmental infiltration of Mafia activities."

One FBI source was quoted as saying:
Our main concern is that we may be facing a revival of the old "Murder, Inc." days.
A "New York News" story concerning this official fear of roving assassination squads even mentions the death of Sam Giancana, who was killed one day before he was to testify about MOB-CIA connections and while under government protection.

Just as the House Committee was gearing up its investigation into the JFK assassination, the news media reported the following deaths:
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TH]Connection with case[/TH]
[TH]Cause of Death[/TH]
[TD]William Pawley*[/TD]
[TD]Former Brazilian Ambassador connected to Anti-Castro Cubans, crime figures[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot ruled suicide[/TD]
[TD]George DeMohrenschildt*[/TD]
[TD]Close friend to both Oswald and Bouvier family (Jackie Kennedy's parents), CIA contract agent[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot wound ruled suicide[/TD]
[TD]Carlos Prio Soccaras*[/TD]
[TD]Former Cuban President, money man for anti-Castro Cubans[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot wound ruled suicide[/TD]
[TD]Paul Raigorodsky[/TD]
[TD]Business friend of George DeMohrenschildt and wealthy oilmen[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Lou Staples*[/TD]
[TD]Dallas radio Talk Show host who told friends he would break assassination case[/TD]
[TD]Gunshot to head,ruled suicide[/TD]
[TD]Louis Nichols[/TD]
[TD]Former No. 3 man in FBI, worked on JFK investigation[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Alan Belmont[/TD]
[TD]FBI official who testified to Warren Commission[/TD]
[TD]"Long illness"[/TD]
[TD]James Cadigan[/TD]
[TD]FBI document expert who testified to Warren Commission[/TD]
[TD]Fall in home[/TD]
[TD]Joseph C. Ayres*[/TD]
[TD]Chief steward on JFK's Air Force One[/TD]
[TD]Shooting accident[/TD]
[TD]Francis G. Powers*[/TD]
[TD]U-2 pilot downed over Russia in 1960[/TD]
[TD]Helicopter crash (He reportedly ran out of fuel)[/TD]
[TD]Kenneth O'Donnell[/TD]
[TD]JFK's closest aide[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Donald Kaylor[/TD]
[TD]FBI fingerprint chemist[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]J.M. English[/TD]
[TD]Former head of FBI Forensic Sciences Laboratory[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]William Sullivan*[/TD]
[TD]Former No. 3 man in FBI, headed Division 5, counter- espionage and domestic intelligence[/TD]
[TD]Hunting accident[/TD]
[TD]C.L. "Lummie" Lewis[/TD]
[TD]Dallas Deputy Sheriff who arrested Mafia man Braden in Dealey Plaza[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Garland Slack[/TD]
[TD]Man who said Oswald fired at his target at rifle range[/TD]
[TD]Billy Lovelady[/TD]
[TD]Depository employee said to be the man in the doorway in AP photograph[/TD]
[TD]Complications from heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Jesse Curry[/TD]
[TD]Dallas Police Chief at time of assassination[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Dr. John Holbrook[/TD]
[TD]Psychiatrist who testified Ruby was not insane[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack but pills, notes found,[/TD]
[TD]Marguerite Oswald[/TD]
[TD]Mother of accused assassin[/TD]
[TD]Frank Watts[/TD]
[TD]Chief felony prosecutor for Dallas D.A.[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Peter Gregory[/TD]
[TD]Original translator for Marina Oswald and Secret Service[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Dr. James Weston[/TD]
[TD]Pathologist allowed to see JFK autopsy material for HSCA[/TD]
[TD]Died while jogging, ruled natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Will H. Griffin[/TD]
[TD]FBI agent who reportedly said Oswald was "definitely" an FBI informant[/TD]
[TD]W. Marvin Gheesling[/TD]
[TD]FBI official who helped supervise JFK investigation[/TD]
[TD]"Long illness"[/TD]
[TD]Roy Kellerman[/TD]
[TD]Secret Service agent in charge of JFK limousine[/TD]
Following names are the recently known deaths, almost all died of natural causes:[/FONT]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TH]Connection with case[/TH]
[TH]Cause of Death[/TH]
[TD]Jim Garrison[/TD]
[TD]Former District Attorney of New Orleans, only one who sued in the JFK assassination case[/TD]
[TD]Natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Perry Russo[/TD]
[TD]witness who told he had seen Shaw, Oswald and Ferrie talking about the killing of JFK[/TD]
[TD]Rose Kennedy[/TD]
[TD]Mother of John F. Kennedy[/TD]
[TD]natural causes[/TD]
[TD]L.C. Graves[/TD]
[TD]wrested Ruby's revolver away from him after shooting Oswald[/TD]
[TD]natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Irving L. Goldberg[/TD]
[TD]Judge who advised L. B. Johnson on transition of power[/TD]
[TD]natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Philip L. Willis[/TD]
[TD]Dealey Plaza Witness, photographer[/TD]
[TD]Evelyn Norton Lincoln[/TD]
[TD]JFK's personal secretary[/TD]
[TD]natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Phil L. Barleson[/TD]
[TD]Defender of Ruby[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Richard Case Nagell[/TD]
[TD]CIA agent who claimed he uncovered a "large operation" aimed at killing JFK[/TD]
[TD]heart disease[/TD]
[TD]James W. Altgens[/TD]
[TD]Dealey Plaza Witness, press photographer[/TD]
[TD]natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Ralph W. Yarborough[/TD]
[TD]Dealey Plaza witness, rode in motorcade[/TD]
[TD]natural causes[/TD]
[TD]Melvin Belli[/TD]
[TD]Lawyer of Jack Ruby[/TD]
[TD]Suffering stroke and pneumonia[/TD]
[TD]Charles Brehm[/TD]
[TD]Dealey Plaza Witness[/TD]
[TD]McGeorge Bundy[/TD]
[TD]Top aide to JFK and LBJ[/TD]
[TD]Heart attack[/TD]
[TD]Rufus Youngblood[/TD]
[TD]Agent who shielded LBJ during the JFK murder[/TD]
[TD]Larry Ray Harris[/TD]
[TD]Car accident[/TD]
[TD]Lawrence Brantley[/TD]
[TD]Sold Jack Ruby the gun used to kill Oswald[/TD]
[TD]Complications from surgery[/TD]
Text by Jim Marrs
Dates by Jim Marrs and Ralph Schuster[/FONT]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
And while I am not [at this time] going to go to the trouble of explaining why I feel the following - I feel completely informed enough to do so:

The following, partial list of events could/would never have happened, IMO, without the JFK assassination [and cover-up sufficient to hide the REAL perpetrators]!:

- Vietnam War and War in Indochina, with approx. 1.5 million deaths and HUGE profits for the MIC.
- Overthrow of democratically elected government in Chile of Allende - and decades of CIA/US-Corporate run neo-fascist police state there.
- Assassinations of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm-X, many in the Black Panthers and all the many witnesses and some participants of these assassinations that 'knew too much' to remain alive.
- The very expensive [and lucrative] 'Cold War' post 1963.
- The many Gladio false-flag operations in Europe and beyond.
- The increasing divide between rich and poor in the USA and the World, generally.
- The growth of the USA as a hegemonic power, to the point where our Empire of Military Bases numbers over 1000 and are in almost every country, with a few exceptions.
- Multiple assassinations and government overthrows of foreign countries - after the one we had in 1963 at home.
- Watergate
- The Contra-Nicaraguan War and Iran-Contra scandal
- Puppet Presidents since 1963, with little power and a lot of fear - easily removed by covert ops such as the 'October Surprise' when disappointing the powers that killed JFK.
- The Oklahoma City Bombing which was not done by one man nor in the manner officially described.
- The increase in the US Police State and the steady diminution of our Rights and Liberties.
- The increasing power and consolidation of power of the semi-secret Ruling Elite - which has nothing to do with the 'Elected Governmental' Branches of power on State or Federal levels.
- Rise and consolidation of the National Security State and electronic surveillance on all in the entirety of our actions, movements, details, communications, etc.
- Growth in power of the financial 'elite' and their ability to rob from the poor and middle-class to line their own pockets with impunity.
- The growing power of the US Military and Intelligence communities over all other segments of society - in and out of the USA.
- The first WTC bombing [aided by FBI plants] - and the slew of bombings and mass shooting incidents - most of which were not without aid or planning by elements of the US Government - albeit sometimes visible and sometimes invisible parts of that government.
- 911 and its cover-up in a manner so similar to that used in the JFK assassination as to prove to me what I've known all along - that those who killed JFK are still in complete control of the levers of power in the USA - and the electorate is not - and most are unaware of this for psychological reasons and due to the intense propaganda run by the intelligence community through the mainstream media and educational system, as well as the levers of control on if you get or keep a job, can survive, etc. The same 'crew' pulled off 9-11 to get you the Patriot Act, the Police State, the financial ruin of all but a few, the endless War OF Terror, the taking away of our rights, liberties and in many cases was as much an 'inside job' as was Dallas!

- Wake UP People! You can't just work on who was standing in the door of the TSBD or how many shooters were where - THEY want you to be obsessed with that kind of minutiae - and that alone. To undo what was done [a total secret coup and total loss of our democracy] one must realize and accept the full dimensions of the plot and plotters, and next speak out against them, organize against them, and take our country back! Nothing less will work - not time, not someone else doing it for you, not some other nation....not the media...not even the internet [which they are about to put controls on to stop such things as I'm saying here being seen]. Grow up. Take Responsibility. Become a citizen (US and World) with a backbone. Fight for what is right and what is Truth. This and more are totally obvious when one removes the blinders; the Empire has no clothes - and you knew it all along, but many have been distracted by 'other things'.

Those of you who are new to JFK research, there is much information here on this website and elsewhere. Don't be fooled by the dis-information put out by the killers and their vassals. There are many many great books on the JFK assassination - too many to list now...but I always suggest one to start with - that being JFK and the Unspeakable - by James Douglass. It tells WHY he was killed (and the consequences), as much as the HOW and by WHO he was killed - and the WHO concentrates more on the upper levels and not the street grunts (which occupy most of the JFK threads on the internet for all forums over all time - and ultimately are, as they were designed to be - a diversion and not important).
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

The Last Word on the JFK Assassination [loooong empty lead on the video...just move along until it starts].
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The Raleigh call is very suspicious. And some thing they didn't want to go into at all.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:The Raleigh call is very suspicious. And some thing they didn't want to go into at all.

Right! Something they didn't want to go into at all!!...and basically did not - along with several other things that point to Oswald definitely having been both CIA and FBI [possibly other intelligence agencies too, such as ONI] and set up to be the patsy. They had a script of 'what happened and who had done it' that had nothing to do with reality/truth - and even though they had to change it, they stuck to the latest version - and do to this day - parroted by all the mainstream media. The official version is a knowing lie - it was conspiracy at the HIGHEST levels of power in the USA, started at least a full year [likely longer] before the actual assassination. The script for the handling of the cover-up and Big Lie were all in place by the moment of the 'Big Event' [as it was called inside the plot]. Within a short time of JFK's murder in public [as a warning to any future Presidents and the Public too] the White House Situation Room [connected to and run by the highest levels of power in the country] issued the official position ALL were to take in the plane Johnson was in and the other plane most all of the Cabinet were in - one man, LHO, had killed the President and his motive was pro-Castro, pro-Communist proclivities - ignore the truth, ignore your eyes, ignore your ears, ignore your nose, ignore the facts, suspend any meaningful investigation and get with the Big Lie or the same will happen to YOU! Those in the USA or anywhere else who think Dallas was a historical event that has little bearing on the present day could not be more wrong - EVERYTHING we see and experience in power politics and any level of politics in the USA [and thus the World] today are informed and effected by what happened in Dallas and the fact that it was never solved and the plotters exposed in a manner that is clear. While a few can see the truth, most are afraid 'to go there' and even explore the coup d'etat - or get caught up in the little details alone. The little details are only important in as much as they point to the larger picture of what happened, who did it, how it was covered-up, why it was done, etc. To get lost in the details without seeing the big picture of the overthrow of the most powerful nation on the Planet - to remove the democratic aspects and change the President in a coup is to not understand anything of the event or its import today [as important as it was when it happened - perhaps more].

Not letting the Raleigh call go through, and hiding even the fact it happened is one of the MANY proofs of a conspiracy at the highest levels. How many in the USA even know of the Raleigh call? I'd hazard to guess less than one in 10,000, or less. But then how many know there are CIA documents and testimony of an 'Oswald Project'? That Oswald was debriefed by the CIA in NYC upon return from the Soviet Union? That David Ferrie had Oswald's library card in his possession and was to fly the plane exfiltrating some of the shooters and actors from the Plaza via the plane that left RedBird Airport? That Ruby knew Oswald and was tasked to kill him when he wasn't killed earlier as per the original plans? That CIA agent Richard C. Nagell had a copy of Oswald's Military ID on him and was tasked with following Oswald in the months before the Big Event? That a MI man in Europe intercepted a message about the coming assassination BEFORE the event through MI cable traffic?...and one could go on and on and on. Not once did any of these and other facts get coverage in the Mainstream [and controlled] Media.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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