28-01-2010, 07:07 PM
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Thanks to Peter, Magda, Myra (and no doubt others unnamed): I will try my best to do better in my tone and style. Thanks for being patient with me. Jim
Jim: I do hope that you will continue to contribute here. Your work has added greatly to this case. I hope too that you do not feel you have been singled out. When we founded DPF back in Sept 08 it was after having been on multiple forums where flame wars became the routine and many threads that were begun with great evidence or points to debate were immeidately responded to with off topic arguments. Before long the entire thread would consist of name calling and attempts to bait. On some forums it was also clear that several of the posters were not at all what they pretended to be.
I can't even begin to tell you have many times I have seen Jack White attacked at other sites. And lied to and about by moderators.
So, as a result, we put into place rules that all would have to abide by.
Debate is encouraged, we all learn from a healthy debate. However one can also beat a dead horse, making the same point continually. Similar to what you have seen Wim do on facebook. He manages to bring Files into every conversation and beat people over the head with it. I like and respect Wim but will no longer engage him over Files.
It is my deepest hope that this small group known as the "critical community" come together on our many areas of common ground and find some way to expose the coup that occurred in 63. For the sake of true history, to prevent the next time, for our children and their children. Arguing over relatively small matters is exactly what the conspirators delight in. I have been seeing this occur for now over thirty five years . In fact a good friend began attacking me on facebook yesterday and so I will greatly reduce the amount of time I spend there. I find it a great source of news stories and videos but once the arguments start I retreat. I don't have the time, energy or inclination. I am a lawyer and I work very hard to have a cooperative relationship with my courtroom adversaries, until we get into trial, then all bets are off
