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"A Terrible Mistake" by H. P. Albarelli, Jr. - JFK Assassination
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Who is TP exactly? I can not match up the initials with anyone in this community right now.
I believe Peter's reference is to Tosh Plumlee.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:James Richards has already confirmed that Robert Emmett Johnson was a shooter in Dealey Plaza

I don't want to interupt the discourse, but is this done and dusted?

Which shooter?

Is there photographic evidence?
Send a note to James Richards for his explanation on Spartacus Education. James and I do things the old fashioned way, by going out and talking to principals in the case. He does it in person for the most part. In this case it was Roy Hargraves who was a consultant to Oliver Stone on JFK who first related this to Mary Ferrell. Mary once called him "her most valuable and trusted inside informant." Hargraves also planted a bomb under the bleachers at a MLK, Jr. speech site for his paymasters, the White Supremacists.

James Richards corroborated the role of Hargraves in the JFK hit and his position as a person "in the know" independently using his list of trusted informants from the Miami SOF community and elsewhere. Richards also corroborated Hargraves' identification of Harold B. Chait as the CIA bagman sending money to the South Florida SOFs over several years from Boston Metals Processing Company, the Ulius Amoss and Carl Coon front organization that purchased Gram Trade Intl. Robert Maxwell from The Bank of Maryland, a little know Iran-Contra whistle blower, confirmed that BMPC and Baldt Anchor and Chain were CIA proprietaries used for decades by the CIA for money laundering purposes via the Bank of Maryland where he was a Trust Officer. None of this was captured on film however. as if it ever could be. Hargraves also confirmed the role of a Pioneer Fund operative as the organizer of the shooters in the JFK hit as well without knowing that he was even from The Pioneer Fund as well. That person is allegedly part of the Xe management team right now. Hargraves thought that Chait was providing money from his wife instead of via The Bank of Maryland. Why people think that "Film at Eleven" is a pre-requisite for evidence is totally beyond me. But to each his own. More time has been wasted in trying to interpret photos taken through the leaves and reach firm conclusions about the identity of shooters than you will ever know. Yet another LaBrea Tarpit of the JFK hit. I trust James Richards and his sources, and I firmly believe Mary Ferrell's characterization of Hargraves as a reliable witness and Robert Maxwell had no reasons to distort the truth about either Iran-Contra or about BMPC or Baldt. Robert Emmett Johnson enjoyed an extended career as a hitman from the late 1950's in Latin America right through Archbishop Omar Romero (was it?) in El Salvador for WACL while he was saying Mass. Johnson, Oswald and Hemming followed similar career paths right through the MKULTRA University.
Johnson was also cited in The Fish is Red as an associate of "Raoul" from Montreal by Bill Turner whom I believe also linked James Earl Ray with Johnson, Raoul and the MLK hit, yet another unsolved Civil Rights Case from the 1960's.

Neither James Richards nor myself are to be considered armchair researchers who rely only on words typed into someone else's 3rd party manuscripts or photos subject to numerous contradictory interpretations. We much prefer telephonic voice communications or face to face interviews with trusted sources and street level investigations and personal experience which is sadly lacking in the JFK research community in my honest opinion. This is not an indictment of you Mark since I hardly know you and what methods you have utilized and what original research you have done. Just me on my soapbox.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Hank (or anyone else),

Geoffrey Sullivan's daughter is still trying to find definitive info about whether or not her Dad crash landed in Cuba with Alex Rorke and ended up in a Castro jail or not. Do you know anyone who could offer some insights into this question? It is also possible that their plane never reached Cuba and that it disappeared into the ocean as well.

Hi John, Sorry I've been slow to answer this.

Busy lately; more busy than I want to be. Too much to do, too little time to do it. Years ago I dug into the Sullivan-Rorke saga... fascinating story. Not sure where my research is now. Either here or in the Green Mountain state. I will look for sure.

The overall postings on the JFK Forum of late seem to be taking a bizarre and mean-spirited direction. I know I'm new to that Forum (I am quite content with that status-- forever) but it's interesting to witness the pettiness and ego-clashes that go on there. Reminds me of the days long ago when I played in a sandbox with other kids, and some insecure kid always had to be king of the box. Meanwhile the world was being built and dismantled around us.

At any rate, this brings me to let you know that I'll soon be posting part II of my Olson-Oswald article; most likely on this site and the JFK Forum at the same time. And maybe elsewhere.

When does your book come out?
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Send a note to James Richards for his explanation on Spartacus Education. James and I do things the old fashioned way, by going out and talking to principals in the case. He does it in person for the most part. In this case it was Roy Hargraves who was a consultant to Oliver Stone on JFK who first related this to Mary Ferrell. Mary once called him "her most valuable and trusted inside informant." Hargraves also planted a bomb under the bleachers at a MLK, Jr. speech site for his paymasters, the White Supremacists.

James Richards corroborated the role of Hargraves in the JFK hit and his position as a person "in the know" independently using his list of trusted informants from the Miami SOF community and elsewhere. Richards also corroborated Hargraves' identification of Harold B. Chait as the CIA bagman sending money to the South Florida SOFs over several years from Boston Metals Processing Company, the Ulius Amoss and Carl Coon front organization that purchased Gram Trade Intl. Robert Maxwell from The Bank of Maryland, a little know Iran-Contra whistle blower, confirmed that BMPC and Baldt Anchor and Chain were CIA proprietaries used for decades by the CIA for money laundering purposes via the Bank of Maryland where he was a Trust Officer. None of this was captured on film however. as if it ever could be. Hargraves also confirmed the role of a Pioneer Fund operative as the organizer of the shooters in the JFK hit as well without knowing that he was even from The Pioneer Fund as well. That person is allegedly part of the Xe management team right now. Hargraves thought that Chait was providing money from his wife instead of via The Bank of Maryland. Why people think that "Film at Eleven" is a pre-requisite for evidence is totally beyond me. But to each his own. More time has been wasted in trying to interpret photos taken through the leaves and reach firm conclusions about the identity of shooters than you will ever know. Yet another LaBrea Tarpit of the JFK hit. I trust James Richards and his sources, and I firmly believe Mary Ferrell's characterization of Hargraves as a reliable witness and Robert Maxwell had no reasons to distort the truth about either Iran-Contra or about BMPC or Baldt. Robert Emmett Johnson enjoyed an extended career as a hitman from the late 1950's in Latin America right through Archbishop Omar Romero (was it?) in El Salvador for WACL while he was saying Mass. Johnson, Oswald and Hemming followed similar career paths right through the MKULTRA University.
Johnson was also cited in The Fish is Red as an associate of "Raoul" from Montreal by Bill Turner whom I believe also linked James Earl Ray with Johnson, Raoul and the MLK hit, yet another unsolved Civil Rights Case from the 1960's.

Neither James Richards nor myself are to be considered armchair researchers who rely only on words typed into someone else's 3rd party manuscripts or photos subject to numerous contradictory interpretations. We much prefer telephonic voice communications or face to face interviews with trusted sources and street level investigations and personal experience which is sadly lacking in the JFK research community in my honest opinion. This is not an indictment of you Mark since I hardly know you and what methods you have utilized and what original research you have done. Just me on my soapbox.

Thanks for your reply John.

I respect James and his diligence and I know from reading your posts that you are also diligent, but my gut feeling (that's all I'm going on) is that you, James and many others are diligently digging in the wrong direction--insofar as JFK is concerned.

Robert Johnson's alleged involvement in the demise of MLK and Trujillo doesn't confirm his status as a shooter in Dealey Plaza. As far as I can see he hasn't been accused of being a shooter in either of those events, or any others, and James has only stated that he suspects Johnson was present in DP, which is a long way from being a shooter.

I doubt those who planned DP would have trusted those Interpen guys as shooters. They might have been there as background scenery or to participate in some half-assed caper in the event the assassination had to be aborted at a point so late that alternative patsies would be required. Either way, they were separated by many layers from the real perpetrators.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:Thanks for your reply John.

I respect James and his diligence and I know from reading your posts that you are also diligent, but my gut feeling (that's all I'm going on) is that you, James and many others are diligently digging in the wrong direction--insofar as JFK is concerned.

Robert Johnson's alleged involvement in the demise of MLK and Trujillo doesn't confirm his status as a shooter in Dealey Plaza. As far as I can see he hasn't been accused of being a shooter in either of those events, or any others, and James has only stated that he suspects Johnson was present in DP, which is a long way from being a shooter.

I doubt those who planned DP would have trusted those Interpen guys as shooters. They might have been there as background scenery or to participate in some half-assed caper in the event the assassination had to be aborted at a point so late that alternative patsies would be required. Either way, they were separated by many layers from the real perpetrators.

I never relied on the Trujillo evidence or the MLK case to indict Robert Emmett Johnson in the JFK hit. Rather it is based strictly on info supplied by Mary Ferrell directly to me for confirmation regarding the credibility of various and sundry statements made by Roy Hargraves directly to Mary Ferrell during his version of the E. H. Hunt "deathbed confession." Hargraves indicted Robert Johnson and about a half dozen others and they all checked out to a perfect "T" including his identification of a Pioneer Fund/Blackwater/Xe operative and Harold B. Chait in Baltimore, MD who worked with and for Ulius Amoss, Carleton S. Coon and Michael Schapiro at the CIA proprietary called Baltimore Metals Processing Company. When I combined that info with other tidbits supplied by Robert Maxwell, the Iran-Contra whistle blower it was only then that I asked James Richards to fill in some blanks about Chait and Johnson which he willingly did using his street sources and trusted associates.

I would refer you to my earlier very extensive and well documented postings on Ulius Amoss, Carleton S. Coon, John Rousselot and Dr. Erich Traub Hitler's biological warfare chemist. Hank Albarelli has several references to Ulius Amoss and Carleton Coon in "A Terrible Mistake" and a few others are privy to the efforts of this dangerous duo. Albarelli also devotes a few pages to Congressman John Rousselot and the possible role of the John Birchers in various intrigues.

My additional, extensively documented reasearch on Clendenin Ryan, Amoss' financial angel and a sponsor of Buckley's YAF, and their roles with programmed assassins looms very large in the JFK conundrum and Ryan might have played some role in the Ft. Detrick or the Camp Siegfried shenanigans as well. Clendenin Ryan even reported to Admiral James Forrestal during World War II as did Frank Wisner from the CIA. Both Ryan, Forrestal and Wisner were heavily involved with MKULTRA much later and ironically enough all three of these guys died under strange circumstances and all three deaths were ruled suicides as well. And James Richards and a few others have confirmed and identified Coon and Amoss as Robert Johnson's original handlers.

While all this may be a bit hard to digest in one session, just suspend disbelief for a moment and consider this as one of the major breakthroughs in my research in this Century. If either Robert Maxwell, Mary Ferrell, James Richards, Bill Turner, Roy Hargraves or Hank Albarelli had been able to debunk or derail just a single major link in this entire argument then I would have abandoned that portion in a heartbeat or indicated the presence of any discontinuities or pointed out any valid objections or inconsistencies pointed out by any legitimate researcher whom I have known and trusted for an extended period.

Robert Emmett Johnson was a shooter in Dealey Plaza and both Roy Hargraves and Gerald Patrick Hemming were in Dallas on that fateful day.
There were probably 2-3 different teams in Dealey Plaza that day and Johnson was most certainly among them. Mitchell Werbell III provided rifles with multi-shot ammunition clips manufactured by Morehead Patterson of AMF for the Navy Seals between 1962-1964 and they had silencers as well. The ammo clips were capable of holding 5-6 Manlicher-Carcano cartridges. Most of the Dealey Plaza ballistics analysis never even bothered to consider the use of either the silencers provided by Mitch Werbell III, or the multi-cartridge ammo clips capable of firing Manlicher-Carcano cartridges developed and delivered by Morehead Patterson of AMF to the Navy Seals in either 1962 or 1963 which was documented on Spartacus already. For all intents and purposes this renders that ballistics or acoustical evidence into the category of yet another LaBrea Tarpit of irrelevant, but well-intentioned, erroneous or misleading sticky wicket research. Almost anyone could have put 3 bullets into that limousine within the allotted timeframe from the TSBD or from anywhere else using just such a device. Certainly JFK was also hit by shots fired by other shooters from other locations, but much credibility is destroyed without the considering the inclusion of silencers and multi-shot semi-automatic ammo clips in the application of a triangulation of fire during the attack on JFK. Sorry to be the one to break this news to everyone but I call them as I see them.

Until you or anyone else can convince me, with hard evidence and documentation that there are fatal flaws in this continuous spectrum of evidence, cross-correlated independently by serious and meticulous researchers then I will have to continue to stand by my statements.

Your idle speculation and rumor mongering just does not cut the mustard when compared to the years of work done by the combination of these dedicated researchers. I am just being honest here.

The rest is history.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
Hank I finally got your book and have started reading it from the Index backwards as I do for the first pass of my analysis. As I expected it is just filled with copious volumes of evidence which are very relevant not only to the Frank Olson case but also to the JFK case and the Forrestal case.
And it is a highly recommended read for anyone who wants to learn more about about the relationships among topics like MKULTRA, the Army's Bacteriological Warfare programs which involved people like Charles Willoughby and Hitler's former biological and bacteriological warfare scientist, Dr. Erich Traub, The Human Ecology Fund of John Gittenger and other CIA sponsored organizations like the Geschickter Foundation and even Psychological Assessment Associates (PAA) the John Gittinger group used against Daniel Ellsberg.

The fact that your research dovetails with the identity of Richard Condon's Dirty Dozen within the Man Cand crowd is very impressive to say the least.
I just discovered that the phrase "A Terrible Mistake" was uttered by Frank Olson, about himself.

Can you tell us what your interpretation of that remark is given your history with the case? Is there any possibility that Frank Olson made some sort of egregious error while he was conducting an experiment with bacteriological agents which resulted in the deaths of one or more subjects or that he could have inadvertently let some contamination spread within the labs causing either serious injuries or deaths? As I understand it the ingestion of LSD allegedly exacerbates your most prevalent or dominant mood at the time of ingestion by a factor of 100 or more. In this manner someone could be induced to commit or consider suicide through the deliberate or forced application of LSD on an unsuspecting person who was already predisposed to self-destruction.

And could that have been the indirect cause of his death as a sort of involuntary coerced suicide which is really the perfect crime and the perfect assassination technique? Certainly that is also an act of murder as well and this does not mitigate or mollify anything you have written at all about the case and the final denouement of Frank Olson.

This question just might be more applicable to the cause of death of James Forrestal in fact and I am curious as to whether or not you had ever come across this possible aspect related to the use of LSD.

More questions and comments to come...
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:While all this may be a bit hard to digest in one session, just suspend disbelief for a moment and consider this as one of the major breakthroughs in my research in this Century. If either Robert Maxwell, Mary Ferrell, James Richards, Bill Turner, Roy Hargraves or Hank Albarelli had been able to debunk or derail just a single major link in this entire argument then I would have abandoned that portion in a heartbeat or indicated the presence of any discontinuities or pointed out any valid objections or inconsistencies pointed out by any legitimate researcher whom I have known and trusted for an extended period.

Robert Emmett Johnson was a shooter in Dealey Plaza and both Roy Hargraves and Gerald Patrick Hemming were in Dallas on that fateful day.
There were probably 2-3 different teams in Dealey Plaza that day and Johnson was most certainly among them. Mitchell Werbell III provided rifles with multi-shot ammunition clips manufactured by Morehead Patterson of AMF for the Navy Seals between 1962-1964 and they had silencers as well. The ammo clips were capable of holding 5-6 Manlicher-Carcano cartridges. Most of the Dealey Plaza ballistics analysis never even bothered to consider the use of either the silencers provided by Mitch Werbell III, or the multi-cartridge ammo clips capable of firing Manlicher-Carcano cartridges developed and delivered by Morehead Patterson of AMF to the Navy Seals in either 1962 or 1963 which was documented on Spartacus already. For all intents and purposes this renders that ballistics or acoustical evidence into the category of yet another LaBrea Tarpit of irrelevant, but well-intentioned, erroneous or misleading sticky wicket research. Almost anyone could have put 3 bullets into that limousine within the allotted timeframe from the TSBD or from anywhere else using just such a device. Certainly JFK was also hit by shots fired by other shooters from other locations, but much credibility is destroyed without the considering the inclusion of silencers and multi-shot semi-automatic ammo clips in the application of a triangulation of fire during the attack on JFK. Sorry to be the one to break this news to everyone but I call them as I see them.

Until you or anyone else can convince me, with hard evidence and documentation that there are fatal flaws in this continuous spectrum of evidence, cross-correlated independently by serious and meticulous researchers then I will have to continue to stand by my statements.

Your idle speculation and rumor mongering just does not cut the mustard when compared to the years of work done by the combination of these dedicated researchers. I am just being honest here.

The rest is history.

None of that provides a convincing reason as to why you have elevated Robert Johnson to the role of shooter. I see it as speculation. I'm just being honest, too.

Robert Maxwell was a Mossad asset, was he not? Your continuous spectrum of evidence has a problem right there.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:While all this may be a bit hard to digest in one session, just suspend disbelief for a moment and consider this as one of the major breakthroughs in my research in this Century. If either Robert Maxwell, Mary Ferrell, James Richards, Bill Turner, Roy Hargraves or Hank Albarelli had been able to debunk or derail just a single major link in this entire argument then I would have abandoned that portion in a heartbeat or indicated the presence of any discontinuities or pointed out any valid objections or inconsistencies pointed out by any legitimate researcher whom I have known and trusted for an extended period.

Robert Emmett Johnson was a shooter in Dealey Plaza and both Roy Hargraves and Gerald Patrick Hemming were in Dallas on that fateful day.
There were probably 2-3 different teams in Dealey Plaza that day and Johnson was most certainly among them. Mitchell Werbell III provided rifles with multi-shot ammunition clips manufactured by Morehead Patterson of AMF for the Navy Seals between 1962-1964 and they had silencers as well. The ammo clips were capable of holding 5-6 Manlicher-Carcano cartridges. Most of the Dealey Plaza ballistics analysis never even bothered to consider the use of either the silencers provided by Mitch Werbell III, or the multi-cartridge ammo clips capable of firing Manlicher-Carcano cartridges developed and delivered by Morehead Patterson of AMF to the Navy Seals in either 1962 or 1963 which was documented on Spartacus already. For all intents and purposes this renders that ballistics or acoustical evidence into the category of yet another LaBrea Tarpit of irrelevant, but well-intentioned, erroneous or misleading sticky wicket research. Almost anyone could have put 3 bullets into that limousine within the allotted timeframe from the TSBD or from anywhere else using just such a device. Certainly JFK was also hit by shots fired by other shooters from other locations, but much credibility is destroyed without the considering the inclusion of silencers and multi-shot semi-automatic ammo clips in the application of a triangulation of fire during the attack on JFK. Sorry to be the one to break this news to everyone but I call them as I see them.

Until you or anyone else can convince me, with hard evidence and documentation that there are fatal flaws in this continuous spectrum of evidence, cross-correlated independently by serious and meticulous researchers then I will have to continue to stand by my statements.

Your idle speculation and rumor mongering just does not cut the mustard when compared to the years of work done by the combination of these dedicated researchers. I am just being honest here.

The rest is history.

None of that provides a convincing reason as to why you have elevated Robert Johnson to the role of shooter. I see it as speculation. I'm just being honest, too.

Robert Maxwell was a Mossad asset, was he not? Your continuous spectrum of evidence has a problem right there.

Wrong Robert Maxwell, dude. This Robert Maxwell was a bank trust officer
at The Bank of Maryland and he was an Iran-Contra whistle blower who opened the cracks and broke the story about the way that Iran-Contra slush funds were created by CIA proprietaries like Baldt Anchor and Chain and Boston Metals and other CIA proprietaties. Other writers picked up the trail and followed the money trail as it was transported and utilized to purchase guns and ammo. Your continuity of credibility has some serious problems here, too. I think you are just taking random pot shots as if this spectrum of internally consistent evidence was some sort of artificial construct with no basis in fact. And it was James Richards who first postulated Robert E. Johnson as a shooter, not me.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (sentence deleted by moderators)

Your objections are just off the wall and totally irrelevant, in my honest opinion. Keep trying though. You will hit on something sooner or later and make a name for yourself, too.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Hank I finally got your book and have started reading it from the Index backwards as I do for the first pass of my analysis. As I expected it is just filled with copious volumes of evidence which are very relevant not only to the Frank Olson case but also to the JFK case and the Forrestal case.
And it is a highly recommended read for anyone who wants to learn more about about the relationships among topics like MKULTRA, the Army's Bacteriological Warfare programs which involved people like Charles Willoughby and Hitler's former biological and bacteriological warfare scientist, Dr. Erich Traub, The Human Ecology Fund of John Gittenger and other CIA sponsored organizations like the Geschickter Foundation and even Psychological Assessment Associates (PAA) the John Gittinger group used against Daniel Ellsberg.

The fact that your research dovetails with the identity of Richard Condon's Dirty Dozen within the Man Cand crowd is very impressive to say the least.
I just discovered that the phrase "A Terrible Mistake" was uttered by Frank Olson, about himself.

Can you tell us what your interpretation of that remark is given your history with the case? Is there any possibility that Frank Olson made some sort of egregious error while he was conducting an experiment with bacteriological agents which resulted in the deaths of one or more subjects or that he could have inadvertently let some contamination spread within the labs causing either serious injuries or deaths? As I understand it the ingestion of LSD allegedly exacerbates your most prevalent or dominant mood at the time of ingestion by a factor of 100 or more. In this manner someone could be induced to commit or consider suicide through the deliberate or forced application of LSD on an unsuspecting person who was already predisposed to self-destruction.

And could that have been the indirect cause of his death as a sort of involuntary coerced suicide which is really the perfect crime and the perfect assassination technique? Certainly that is also an act of murder as well and this does not mitigate or mollify anything you have written at all about the case and the final denouement of Frank Olson.

This question just might be more applicable to the cause of death of James Forrestal in fact and I am curious as to whether or not you had ever come across this possible aspect related to the use of LSD.

More questions and comments to come...


Here is the evidence linking together Commander Clendenin J. Ryan, U.S. Navy, the financial angel for both Ulius Amoss and the Draper Eugenicist, Carleton S. Coon with Admiral James Forrestal. Both Clendenin J. Ryan and
Frank Wisner reported to Admiral James Forrestal during World War II. And all 3 were either "suicided" or committed suicide after working with MKULTRA. Forrestal in 1949, Ryan in 1957 and Wisner in 1965. Ryan bought The American Mercury and asked Bradford Huie to write an article about Forrestal in 1949, the he later hired Buckley and Bozell to write for The American Mercury.


This portion of my research is one of my most original discoveries. And it is one that I will always be quite proud of for the rest of my life.

Clendenin J. Ryan and/or Bradford Huie hired both L. Brent Bozell and a young William F. Buckley in the early 1950's to work for The American Mercury. Both Buckley and Forrestal were IN THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE by RICHARD CONDON. George Lincoln Rockwell was an artist at American Mercury working for Russell Maguire. American Mercury was just loaded with Fascists, pro-Nazis and reactionary right wing bastidges. And E. Howard Hunt, George Lincoln Rockwell plus Anastase Vonsiatsky all met each other at Brown University between 1938 and 1941 and formed a lifelong partnership.

My source on Commander Clendenin J. Ryan reporting to Admiral James Forrestal during World War II is none other than Drew Pearson in this newspaper article. They were both Princeton graduates and good friends which would account for why Bradford Huie, Editor of The American Mercury was directed by the owner of The American Mercury at that time, Clendinin J. Ryan to write an investigative journalism article about James Forrestal's suspicious death. Morehead Patterson who supplied the semi-automatic Mauser M-1 with a multi-shot clip which used Manlicher-Carcano
or a Manlicher Carcano with the same clip was also a Princeton graduate and tied in with both the NASA German Rocket Scientists, the Navy Seals and all of the Tobacco Eugenicists like Bowman Gray who started the Wake
Forest Medical School in North Carolins. Wickliffe Draper started his first Involuntary Sterilization projects at Wake Forest as documented in Against Their Will by Kevin Begos in the Winston-Salem newspaper. I gave
Kevin much material about Draper and his programs for Involuntary Sterilization and other related info.

These articles probably even mention the role of H. Smith Richardson of Richardson-Vicks Chemicals in the funding of MKULTRA projects including the ones at Bridgewater State in Massachusetts. He made Vicks Vapo
Rub and his foundation The H. Smith Richardson Foundation poured tons of dough into MKULTRA. Bill Buckley's brother in law Gerald O'Reilly ran the HSRichardon Foundation during its busiest MKULTRA funding days.

Here is the Drew Pearson article on Commander Clendenin J. Ryan reporting to Admiral Forrestal....,73105

The fact that all three close friends (Forrestal 1949, then Ryan 1957 then Wisner 1965) were eventually either "suicided" or had the cause of death as "suicide" on their death certificates leads me to believe that all deaths were related somehow to their work with MKULTRA. Could the MKULTRA projects have been just so horrific and mind altering that they all really committed suicide with 8 years gaps between the deaths? Or was someone or some agency just watching them for signs of blabber mouthing or leaking info to authorities about MKULTRA over that 16 year period? Could Frank Olson have been silenced for the same reason or reasons or was the Olson death a result of "A Terrible Mistake" committed by Olson related to Dr. Erich Traub and the bacteriological warfare crowd at Fort Dietrich? Rather than allow principals in these projects to spill their guts and spill the beans about these atrocious projects, they were silenced when they showed the first signs of either remorse or "loose lips sinking ships." Ryan's father had committed suicide before him so his issues might have been personal failures and setbacks. But neither Wisner nor Forrestal had family histories of suicide and neither
did Frank Olson.

Clendenin James Ryan, Jr. (1905 - September 12, 1957) was an American businessman best known as the publisher and owner of The American Mercury magazine, published in Baltimore, Maryland in the early 1950s when McCarthyism was at it strongest.

Ryan mingled with millionaires, politicians and military and intelligence operatives for most of his life and he knew how to wield power in order to get what he wanted done. He and Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller were stockholders in the Enterprise Development Corporation, a closed end investment trust for the heirs of William Rockefeller and Thomas Fortune Ryan, Clendenin's entrepreneurial grandfather, who invested heavily in Copper Mining and ore smelting. The Directors of EDC included Ryan, Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr., who married into the Rockefeller family, and Morehead Patterson of American Machine and Foundry (AMF).

Ryan, who was once characterized as a somewhat quixotic multi-millionaire once served as an assistant to Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York City, ran for the New York mayoralty himself on an independent ticket and later campaigned for New Jersey Governor. He often sent large sums abroad to break up communist-inspired strikes and influence voters in favor of anti-communist candidates for higher office in France and other countries.

Ryan served in the United States Navy during World War II under Admiral James Forrestal.

From the James Forrestal Papers at Princeton. Forrestal had an entire box of correspondence with Clendenin Ryan.

Someone else has apparently picked up the Morehead Patterson trail based on my work and included many of The Bilderbergers, most of whom where loyal to JFK, hired by JFK or promoted by JFK as possible Suspects when in fact 85% of them would never have agreed to a death sentence for their mentor and close friend. But The Top Five on The Bilderbergers as Suspects would include Morehead Patterson, John McCloy, Averell Harriman, C. D. Jackson and John Heinz or Paul Nitze. See if you can pick up on the Nazi Connections of these 6 characters and the other major JFK plotmasters like Angleton, Morris, Fellers, Cline, Gale, Willoughby and Walker. These links were very real, they were very active and Nazis never forget their roots or their very close fiends. Never. Plus they never forget their enemies, like the Rooskies and the other Commies. Never. Nazis first and foremost, intelligence officers next.

The keenly astute among you will notice that the BRANCH of Military Intel for these former Nazis or pro-Nazis or current Nazis, varied all over the map from ONI, to DIA, to FBI, to Isaac's Detective Agency to The John Birch Society to the A.C.C.C., to Army Intel to the CIA, to DISC, etc. Once a Nazi, always a Nazi. Their day job was intel ops. The night job was being Nazis. Why ignore or trivialize these facts? Only anarchists or those with a hidden, vindictive agenda focus on a SINGLE Alphabet Soup Agency. You know who they are.

And you should NEVER FORGET that AMF and Patterson, besides their close association to Rockwells of Rockwell Corp., the Grays and Wickliffe Draper, had developed an ammo clip for the Mauser between 1962-63 which could load and fire either 5 or 6 Manlicher-Carcano compatible cartridges, thus turning the Mauser into a rapid-fire semi-automatic rifle. They did this for the Navy Seals and I posted on this 2 years ago. Remember when the Dallas police showed off a Mauser shortly after arresting Oswald which they found in the TBD? I do. And don't you think that the shooters would have used the silencers developed by Mitch Werbell, III related to a former Czarist Cavalry Officer like Vonsiatsky was in fact? Course they would have. So much for ballistics analysis and all the ballistics analysts in Dealey Plaza. That little factoid throws everything EVER DONE in regards to Manlicher-Carcarcano ballistics analysis into a cocked hat. Waste of friggin' time. Guns and Gore can yield no more. Try another approach before it is too late. We all know it was a conspiracy, so focus on the Who Dunnits.

Morehead Patterson is so critical to the JFK hit that I am surprised no one else picked up on this. Well, not really. Everyone seems to be sitting under a street lamp where the light is the brightest instead of going off into the dark, deep nooks and crannies where the real evidence is hidden away. Was that part of the plan? Course it was. Were YOU sucked into that mindset? Probably. Was it a total waste of time? Yep. Who sucked YOU into the various LaBrea Tarpits of JFK Research? Are you a Medical Evidence Meanderer? An ARRB Aardvaark? A Warren Commission Wanderer? A Monolithic Alphabet Agency Unabomber? A belligerent Ballistics bombast? Well then join the club. You are STUCK in The LaBrea Tarpits of JFK Research and the Saber Tooth Tigers are coming closer and ready to pounce. Oh no, wait they are stuck too. Well here come the Raptors... oops stuck in the Tarpits. The Wooly Mammoths, very warm but very stuck. Only the flying dinosaurs can land, feast on the corpses and then fly away safely. And their victims bones, picked clean, will sink to the bottom of the pits, albeit well preserved, and they will be heard from no more. Oh, well. Nice try. Nothing like a life well lived or a life, well... more like livid or limpid.

Now back to an alternate reality... Suspect or Not a Suspect? Can YOU tell the difference? Who among these would have voted for the termination of JFK or actually participated in the little Senatorial Toga Party ending his life? Et tu, Brute?

Patterson, Morehead
Elsie Parsons, married Morehead Patterson, S&B 1920, the son of Rufus L. Patterson, head of American Machinery Company and International Cigar Machinery Company
Morehead Patterson was a Yale friend of Briton Hadden, and best man at Henry R. Luce's wedding. He was a director of the Enterprise Development Corporation, a closed investment trust of heirs of William Rockefeller, including Godfrey S. Rockefeller, and Thomas F. Ryan, whose directors included Clendenin J. Ryan, and Frederic W. Lincoln. (Trust to Supply Venture Capital. New York Times, Mar. 31, 1948.)In 1964, he patented a machine for forming cigarette rods out of slurry. (Cigarette Making Machine, Patented Apr. 14, 1964, 3,128,773 U.S. Patent Office.)
Morehead Patterson whose family owned American Machine and Foundry, AMF, originally the makers of the "Patterson Cigarette Packer" which automated the manufacture and packing of cigarettes around the turn of the Century (1897). (Trust to Supply Venture Capital. New York Times, Mar. 31, 1948.) Later AMF branched out during World War II into military machinery for gun loaders, missile movement and launch mechanisms, radar components and even parts for Rockwell International's B-29 bombers among other weapons of war. Only later did AMF diversify into Bowling pin spotters, the Ben Hogan Golf line and the Voit sporting goods division.

Morehead Patterson and his family owned thousands of shares in the American Tobacco Company and R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and he was later on the Atomic Energy Commission as well. Patterson's family was close to both the Draper family Eugenics War Machine and the Nuclear interests of the Bowman Gray. Family's Reynolds Tobacco Company interests and the Willard F. Rockwell military interests in Viet Nam for the Minuteman Missiles and B-29 manufacturing process.

Patterson would have been a natural link to coalesce interests among the North Carolina based anti-Union forces and anti-Communist efforts that included the Eugenicists involved with the Wickliffe Draper Textile loom equipment interests and The Pioneer Fund, the Bowman Gray RJR Tobacco interests the Morehead Patterson American Tobacco interests, and the links outside of North Carolina to the Willard F. Rockwell nexus of characters at Rockwell Intl which later bought out the failing Draper Corp. after the JFK Assassination. The Pattersons counted both the Rockwells, the Grays and the Drapers as the customers of American Machine and Foundry over the decades covering military, textile and tobacco applications

Advanced Products Group Field Operations Engineering Division Santa Barbara, California

From Time Magazine. When Clendenin Ryan bought the American Mercury, Bradford Huie wrote one
of the attmepts to discuss the sucpicious death of James Forrestal...,00.html

When Clendenin J. Ryan, millionaire, amateur political reformer and onetime assistant to New York's Mayor La Guardia, decided last summer to write a book on politics, he got together with Author & Lecturer William Bradford Huie. Turned by a self-described "yarn spinner," Huie's sensational stories, such as his highly exaggerated account of the missing uranium at Chicago's Argonne Laboratory (TIME, May 30, 1949), made lively, if occasionally misleading, reading. But they dropped the book for something much bigger. Huie and Ryan decided to buy the faltering American Mercury. Since the Mercury's circulation was down to 45,000 and it was losing $50,000 a year, Ryan was able to buy it for only $27,500. He became publisher and made Huie editor.

This week Publisher Ryan and Editor Huie brought out the first issue of the New American Mercury. Its avowed purpose: "To re-create the magazine in the Mencken tradition" and joust with bureaucrats, commissars and pressure groups as Mencken had tangled with boobs, censors and yahoos. But the first issue showed that Huie was no Mencken.

Presumably intended to fall into the Mencken tradition was Editor Huie's own lead article, "Untold Facts in the Forrestal Case." Based on word-of-mouth reports about the contents of Forrestal's private papers, it belabored the backbiters and columnists responsible, as Writer Huie put it, for the "destruction" of the late Defense Secretary. Huie, whose book, The Case Against the Admirals, was an air-power fanatic's assault against Forrestal's program for a balanced defense force, now lauded Forrestal as the only Administration leader who had fully realized the threat of Russia and knew how to fight the Reds. Wrote Huie: "In December, 1947, when France was paralyzed by a general transportation strike, Forrestal summoned his most trusted friends to Washington. His friends produced $50,000 immediately; the money was carried that night to Paris by an American intelligence officer and paid next day to a prominent Communist leader. The strike ended within twelve hours."

In all, wrote Huie, Forrestal spent $150,000 of his own and his friends' money on such payoffs in France and Italy. When Forrestal was finally "driven from office" and suffered a nervous collapse, Huie implied, the Navy turned Forrestal's suite in a Navy hospital into a kind of prison and barred him from people he wanted to see, notably Msgr. Maurice S. Sheehy of Catholic University, Washington, a Navy chaplain. Predicted Huie: "Unless the Administration can prevent it, there will be a Congressional investigation."

Read more:

More from Time Magazine about Ryan and the Belgian Congo diamond mines used by Ryan's grandfather and father
to supply Hitler with industrial grade diamonds for the War efforts....

Of all the world's tight trade combinations, the British-controlled diamond cartel is the best textbook example of how to control production and fix prices. U.S. businessmen have long been aware that if this cartel could be splintered, diamonds might become cheap enough to: 1) weigh down their wives' fingers; 2) drastically cut the cost of diamond drills, grinding wheels and other industrial tools. Impressed by these facts, Attorney General Francis Biddle last week set out to break up the cartel.

In Manhattan, he brought antitrust charges against famed De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., its diamond-selling subsidiary, Diamond Trading Co. Ltd., Belgium's "Diamang" and "Forminiere," world's biggest diamond miners, and five other British, Belgian and Portuguese companies. Together they supply 95% of the world's diamonds.

Bigwigs of these corporations live in the far corners of the earth, well beyond the Biddle reach. So he had to content himself with individual charges against seven officials or stockholders near at hand in Manhattan, including Solomon R. Guggenheim, aged (84) copper magnate and art collector, and Clendenin J. Ryan, lieutenant commander in the Navy and grandson of the late Thomas Fortune Ryan.

Commander Ryan promptly said that he owned only a small block of stock, that he had nothing to do with running the companies. Another defendant, Herbert H. Vreeland of Manhattan, director of Diamang and Forminiere (also board chairman of Royal Typewriter Co. Inc.), died two days after the charges were filed.

The rest met the charges in the same fashion which the cartel reserves for all complaints—a dignified silence. If De Beers was disturbed by the charges of price fixing, control of production, quotas for diamond merchants, etc., it was comforted by the belief that Biddle has no more chance of denting the cartel than of cleaving a diamond with a butter knife.

All or None. The Lord of Diamonds is Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, chairman of De Beers and Diamond Corp. (which together own Diamond Trading Co.), and understudy of the late Empire-building Cecil Rhodes. Now living on his spacious ranch outside Johannesburg, Sir Ernest makes only occasional visits to the little grey building in London from which the cartel rules.

There Diamond Trading Co. buys all the stones from the producers, sells the gem stones to carefully inspected buyers at "sights" held four times a year. The customer must buy all of a lot, or none. Most buyers suspect, as Biddle charged, that those who do not buy at least $80,000 worth at a sight are not asked back.

Industrial diamonds comprise only 28% of the value (v. 87% of the volume) of diamonds sold in the U.S., the biggest market. With them, the company is less careful. But the cartel permits no stockpiling, carefully sells only what diamonds it judges the market can absorb.

Take It or Leave It. This tight control enabled the cartel to shut off industrial diamonds from the Axis. But it has also irritated the U.S. In 1942 the U.S., worried lest the Nazis grab all of Africa, and its diamonds, tried to stockpile them in the U.S. The Trading Company said no.

Read more:,00.html

(2 of 2)

Instead, it agreed to set up a stockpile in Canada, with U.S. and British funds, let the U.S. draw on it only when the supply of U.S. stones fell below a certain amount. Then it made sure that the U.S. had no excuse to draw on the pile by shipping directly all the diamonds needed. The company had plenty, simply because it buys up surplus diamond production in slack times to keep stones off the market.

For World War II the corporation voluntarily froze diamond prices at prewar levels, although industrial users grumbled that upgrading of poor stones had actually upped prices. The Trading Company paid as little attention to this as to any complaints from buyers who do not like its rules. Customers pay in advance, take title to the stones in London. Industrial users often buy stones unseen, have them mailed to them from London.

If the stones are unsatisfactory, he can only grit his teeth. All sales are final. Actually, these highhanded arrangements are less the normal workings of a cartel than a shrewd defense against such suits as Biddle's. In effect the cartel, legal in Britain, holds that by selling only in London it does not do business in the U.S.

Read more:


Probably only you will appreciate how big this might be if the 2-3 websites I used as sources for linking Ryan and Wisner through a direct report to Forrestal are 100% correct on this one. And I think I can relocate the authoritative sources on these 2 guys which I had a few months ago.

All 3 guys went on to MKULTRA related projects and all 3 were "suicided" or actually committed suicide. Take your choice.

I will find a couple other Wisner reporting to Forrestal and Ryan reporting to Forrestal links. I had this darn thing nailed but I have so many posts at Spartacus on this subject I can not find the original citation and the corroborating details right now.

And please note that Morehead Patterson is the guy who owned AMF who manufactured either Mausers capable of firing Manlicher-Carcano cartridges from a multi-shot ammo clip or a retrofit on a Manlicher-Carcano with a multi-shot ammo clip. Patterson made the Patterson Cigarette Packer for the R.J. Reynolds and American Tobacco companies and maybe a few more. Then he manufactured Saturn Rocket rail track based transport systems for NASA.

Clendenin James Ryan, Jr. (1905 - September 12, 1957) was an American businessman best known as the publisher and owner of The American Mercury magazine, published in Baltimore, Maryland in the early 1950s when McCarthyism was at it strongest.

Ryan mingled with millionaires, politicians and military and intelligence operatives for most of his life and he knew how to wield power in order to get what he wanted done. He and Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller were stockholders in the Enterprise Development Corporation, a closed end investment trust for the heirs of William Rockefeller and Thomas Fortune Ryan, Clendenin's entrepreneurial grandfather, who invested heavily in Copper Mining and ore smelting. The Directors of EDC included Ryan, Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr., who married into the Rockefeller family, and Morehead Patterson of American Machine and Foundry (AMF).

Ryan, who was once characterized as a somewhat quixotic multi-millionaire once served as an assistant to Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York City, ran for the New York mayoralty himself on an independent ticket and later campaigned for New Jersey Governor. He often sent large sums abroad to break up communist-inspired strikes and influence voters in favor of anti-communist candidates for higher office in France and other countries.

Ryan served in the United States Navy during World War II under Admiral James Forrestal.

By the way, The American Mercury was discussed at The Richard Giesbrecht Incident in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and Richard Condon mentioned 3-4 American Mercury writers in Manchurian Candidate like George Sokolosky, Westbrook Pegler, Arnold Bennett and one other who escapes me.

Looks like Richard Condon just had some very good inside information to say the least on those who wanted JFK dead by 1958. Richard Condon was the first one to solve the JFK Assassination in 1958-59, 5 years BEFORE it even happened, and I was the second one to recreate each and every one of his steps while he was On the Trail of the Assassins. Richard Condon was truly
one of the outstanding investigative reporters of all time. But he had one or more very willing sources who gave him what he needed to solve the case. I had to piece it together from a scrambled jigsaw puzzle which was missing at least 100 pieces out of a 500 piece puzzle. Now THAT was a real piece of work. Could not have done it without the help of Mary Ferrell, James Richards, Jack Ruby, Andy Winiarczyk, Dr. Jerry Rose, Mae Brussell and Bill Turner and the work of about a dozen more "researchers" who provided miscellaneous tidbits to fill in all the blanks. And without all the "negative templates" out there provided gratuitously the "positive template" could never have been developed. Thanks for all the help, dudes.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.

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