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The echo from Dealey Plaza - an Interview with Abraham Bolden
As an admitted relative layman on the JFK assassination I hesitate to be starting a new thread on it. However, having spent some time searching and finding nothing as substantial as this about Abraham Bolden I decided to post it - it's the latest post on Jim Fetzer's blog. Too long with complex formatting to copy here but it held my attention right to the end.

That guy did 5 years in prison for simply trying to provide the Warren Commission with evidence of SS incompetence and outright hostility to JFK, both of which clearly had a bearing on the investigation. The lengths his colleagues and superiors went to to secure a conviction (at a second trial naturally) are almost unbelievable. If nothing else it provides a telling commentary of the mores of the US Security Establishment of the day - and I guess little has changed since other than it getting a whole lot worse.

Anyway here's the link and I thoroughly recommend it.
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

Thanks, Peter. When I saw your subject, I thought I would mention my latest blog, which is about him. But you beat me to the punch! Thanks. I especially recommend the "Short Interview", which is simply stunning. He is an admirable man.
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Thanks, Peter. When I saw your subject, I thought I would mention my latest blog, which is about him. But you beat me to the punch! Thanks. I especially recommend the "Short Interview", which is simply stunning. He is an admirable man.

Thanks for this Jim. I shared it on my facebook page too where it is getting many comments.

Jack: This man had some new information at the COPA conf. New to me at least. In fact I thought all the speakers covered new ground. Some old ground as well for the new rersearchers, but lots of new stuff. I was not bored for a second and saw every speaker except Walt Brown by remeote. I did attempt to watch some of it by he appeared very ill, or just out of it, and just rambled a LOT. So I went and had drinks with Lisa Pease and Frank Caplet (sp) and others. Far more fun.
Anyone of facebook can checkout all my pics from COPA 09. (CD: hint hint Smile)

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