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Peter Dale Scott Tells It Like It Is....!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Global Research recently published my essay entitled 9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics In this article, I argue that 9/11 should be analyzed as a deep event (an event not fully aired or understood because of its intelligence connections) and above all as one of a series of deep events which from time to time have frustrated peace initiatives or become pretexts for war.

In support of this overall thesis I pointed to features of 9/11 which recalled similar deep events: the still not fully understood outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, the JFK assassination, and the so-called Second Tonkin Gulf Incident of 1964 (an alleged attack on U.S. destroyers which we now know never happened).

The similarities between these deep events which have disturbed American history since World War Two suggest that they are not just a sequence of unrelated external accidents, but at least in part the product of some on-going deep indigenous force not yet adequately understood.

In this series of deep events, perhaps the most striking similarities are between the JFK assassination (henceforward referred to as "JFK") and 9/11. Earlier talks and articles I have delivered on this topic are developed even further in my forthcoming much expanded reissue of my early book, The War Conspiracy. As The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War, it is due to be published by the Mary Ferrell Foundation Press in August 2008.

The following essay is the concluding section of the new book, and has never hitherto been published.]

I wish to summarize again the first striking similarity between 11/22/63 and of 9/11/01: the dubious detective work on those two days. Less than fifteen minutes after the President’s assassination, the height and weight of Kennedy’s alleged killer was posted.1 Before the last of the hijacked planes crashed on 9/11, the FBI told Richard Clarke that they had a list of alleged hijackers.2

In the case of Oswald, within fifteen minutes of the assassination and long before Oswald was picked up in the Texas Theater, Inspector Sawyer of the Dallas police put out on the police radio network, and possibly other networks, a description of the killer – "About 30, 5’10", 165 pounds."3 As noted, this height and weight exactly matched the measurements attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald in Oswald’s FBI file, and also in CIA documents about him.4

The announced height and weight were however different from Oswald’s actual measurements, as recorded by the Dallas police after his arrest: 5’9 1/2", 131 pounds.5 More importantly, there is no credible source for the posted measurements from any witness in Dallas. (The witness said to have spotted him, Howard Brennan, failed to identify Oswald in a line-up.)6 This leaves the possibility that the measurements were taken from existing files on Oswald, rather than from any observations in Dallas on November 22. If so, someone with access to those files may have already designated Oswald as the culprit, before there was any evidence to connect him to the crime.

A similar situation pertains to the alleged hijackers on 9/11. For example, shortly afterwards men in Saudi Arabia complained that "the hijackers' `personal details’" released by the FBI -- "including name, place, date of birth and occupation -- matched their own."7 One of them, Saeed al-Ghamdi, claimed further that an alleged photograph shown on CNN (of an alleged Flight 93 hijacker with the same name) was in fact a photograph of himself. He speculated "that CNN had probably got the picture from the Flight Safety flying school he attended in Florida."8

If the above information is accurate, then the details posted by the FBI and CNN about the alleged hijackers cannot have derived from the events of 9/11, with which the survivors in Saudi Arabia would appear to have been uninvolved. Once again this leaves the strong possibility that the details were taken from existing files, rather than from empirical observations on September 11.9

And some of the hijackers, like Lee Harvey Oswald, may have been in CIA files for a special reason: because the CIA had an operational interest in them.

Internal CIA Evidence of Operational Interest in Oswald and the Hijackers

I have speculated that Oswald, like the al-Qaeda trainer Ali Mohamed, might have been a double agent reporting to the FBI about the terrorist group (Alpha 66) with which some law enforcement officers associated him.

I would like now to discuss more unequivocal evidence, from internal CIA records, about an operational CIA interest in first Oswald and later two of the alleged al-Qaeda hijackers, Nawaz al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdar. In 2001 as in 1963 the CIA inexplicably withheld information about the subjects from the FBI, which ought categorically to have received it. The anomalies are extreme.

This is now easy to show in the case of Oswald. On October 10, 1963, six

weeks before the assassination of John F. Kennedy, CIA Headquarters sent out two messages about Oswald, a teletype to the FBI, State, and Navy, and a cable to the chief of the CIA’s Mexico City station. Both messages contained false and mutually contradictory statements, and also withheld known facts of great potential importance.10 The teletype to the FBI withheld the obviously significant information that Oswald had reportedly met in Mexico City with a Soviet Vice-Consul, Valeriy Kostikov, who was believed by CIA officers to be an officer of the KGB.11

One CIA officer, Jane Roman, helped draft both messages. In 1995 she was confronted by two interviewers with irrefutable evidence that she had signed off on erroneous information about Oswald in the CIA cable to Mexico City. After much questioning, she finally admitted, "I’m signing off on something I know isn’t true." One of the interviewers, John Newman, then asked her, "‘Is this indicative of some sort of operational interest in Oswald’s file?’ ‘Yes,’ Roman replied. ‘To me it’s indicative of a keen interest in Oswald held very closely on the need-to-know basis.’" She later repeated, "I would think there was definitely some operational reason to withhold it [the information at CIA headquarters on Oswald], if it was not sheer administrative error, when you see all the people who signed off on it."12

Other CIA officers withheld important information from the FBI in January 2000, with respect to Khalid al-Mihdar, who would later be identified as one of the al-Qaeda hijackers on September 11, 2001. The NSA overheard on a Yemeni telephone about a meeting in Malaysia which al-Mihdar would attend, along with Tewfiq bin Attash, the mastermind of the fatal attack on the USS Cole.13 It notified the CIA but not the FBI. In consequence

[Khalid al-Mihdar’s] Saudi passport – which contained a visa for travel to the United States – was photocopied [in Qatar] and forwarded to CIA headquarters. The information was not shared with FBI headquarters until August 2001. An FBI agent detailed to the Bin Ladin unit at the CIA attempted to share this information with colleagues at FBI Headquarters. A CIA desk officer instructed him not to send the cable with this information. Several hours later, this same desk officer drafted a cable distributed solely within CIA alleging that the visa documents had been shared with the FBI.14

Lawrence Wright, reviewing this and other significant anomalies, reported in The Looming Tower the belief among FBI agents following bin Laden "that the agency was protecting Mihdar and [his companion, the alleged 9/11 hijacker Nawaz al-] Hazmi because it hoped to recruit them," or alternatively that "the CIA was running a joint venture with Saudi intelligence" using al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi.15 Wright himself speculated in a companion essay he wrote for The New Yorker that "The CIA may also have been protecting an overseas operation and was afraid that the F.B.I. would expose it."16

The Consequences of the CIA’s Withholding of Evidence

As just noted, the CIA, in its teletype to the FBI of October 10, 1963, withheld the information that Oswald had reportedly met with a KGB officer, Valeriy Kostikov. Former FBI Director Clarence Kelley in his memoir later complained that this failure to inform the FBI was the major reason why Oswald was not put under surveillance on November 22, 1963.17 In other words, the withholding enabled Oswald to play whatever role he played on that fateful day, even if it was only to become a designated patsy.

FBI officials are even more bitter about the consequences of the withholding of information about al-Mihdar:

They didn’t want the bureau meddling in their business – that’s why they didn’t tell the FBI….They purposely hid from the FBI, purposely refused to tell the bureau that they were following a man in Malaysia who had a visa to come to America….And that’s why September 11 happened. That is why it happened….They have blood on their hands. They have three thousand deaths on their hands.18

But the CIA withheld information from the FBI about bin Attash (already the subject of a criminal investigation) as well, even when asked by an FBI agent, Ali Soufan, about bin Attash and the Malaysia meeting. According to Wright,

The agency did not respond to his clearly stated request. The fact that the CIA withheld information about the mastermind of the Cole bombing and the meeting in Malaysia, when directly asked by the FBI, amounted to obstruction of justice in the death of the seventeen American sailors."19

In late August 2001, only days before 9/11, FBI agent Steve Bongardt, complaining about the CIA’s withholding of information about al-Mihdar, correctly predicted in an angry email to the CIA’s bin Laden unit that "someday someone will die."20

The CIA’s Dishonest Efforts to Cover-Up

From the moment Congress, in the 1970s, began to evince an interest in the Kennedy assassination, former CIA officer David Phillips became a vigorous defender of the CIA’s performance. With respect to false information about Oswald in CIA cables both to and from Mexico City (where Phillips was in charge of Cuban affairs for the CIA station), Phillips’s first response was to dismiss Oswald as "a blip" of no interest.21

A similar defense of the CIA’s failure to act on al-Mihdar was offered to the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 by the Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, Cofer Black: "I think that month we watchlisted about 150 people."22 The same defense was offered by Dale Watson, the FBI’s former counterterrorism chief:

There were a lot of red flags prior to 9/11….So it’s a mass of information and it’s a sea of threats, and it’s like working against a maze. If you know where the end point of a maze is, it’s certainly easier to work your way back to the starting point than trying to go through the maze and sort out all the red flags.23

The problem with this excuse is that both Oswald and al-Mihdar were singled out for special CIA attention, not left floating in a sea of red flags. The cable to Mexico City which Jane Roman signed off on was not handled routinely, it was sent for signature to the CIA’s Assistant Deputy Director for Plans, Thomas Karamessines. And in the case of al-Mihdar in Malaysia, back in 2000

CIA leaders were so convinced about the potential significance of the al Qaeda meeting in Malaysia, they not only set up surveillance of it, but provided regular updates to the FBI director [Louis Freeh], the head of the CIA [George Tenet], and the national security advisor [Samuel Berger].24

That Freeh and Berger were being notified at the top about the Malaysia meeting (at the same time that the regular FBI bureaucracy was being cut out) is confirmed in accounts by Terry McDermott and Philip Shenon.25

CIA officials testified falsely to congressional committees with respect to both Oswald and al-Mihdar. James Angleton was asked by the staff of the House Select Committee on Assassinations about a memoir written by the CIA’s station chief in Mexico City, Win Scott, and later personally retrieved for the Agency after Scott’s death by Angleton himself. Angleton testified that Scott’s "manuscript was fictional and did not include a chapter on Oswald." In fact, according to Jefferson Morley, "The only surviving manuscript is clearly nonfictional and does have a chapter on Oswald."26

Both George Tenet and Cofer Black testified before the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 that the FBI had been granted access to the information linking al-Mihdar and Tewfiq bin Attash (alias Khallad), the mastermind of the Cole bombing. The 9/11 Commission, after a lengthy review of the matter, concluded "this was not the case."27

The CIA, Oswald, and Al-Mihdar: Suppression of Vital Records

That the CIA regards its relationship to the suspects Oswald and al-Mihdar as sensitive is further illustrated by its suppression of vital evidence with respect to both. Although in the 1990s all government agencies were required by law to submit their Oswald-related documents to the Assassination Records Review Board, the CIA has been vigorously resisting pressure to do this in the case of former CIA officer George Joannides. In 1963 Joannides was the case officer for AMSPELL, the CIA’s operation in support of the Cuban exile group DRE (Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil). In August 1963 the DRE was in contact with Oswald and participated with him in a radio broadcast which was later distributed with CIA help throughout Latin America.28

According to Jefferson Morley, "four decades after the fact, the most important AMSPELL records are missing from CIA archives – perhaps intentionally." Monthly reports on DRE activities were filed by CIA case officers Ross Crozier and William Kent, and these records were declassified by the ARRB for the periods September 1960-November 1962 and after May 1964.

But the board was unable to locate any monthly AMSPELL reports from December 1962 to April 1964. There was a seventeen-month gap in the AMSPELL records, which coincided exactly with the period in which George Joannides handled the group.29

With respect to 9/11, all that is known about suppression so far has to do with the public record. Here it is striking that the Report of the Joint Inquiry by Congress into 9/11 has one glaring redaction of twenty-eight pages, dealing with "sources of foreign support for some of the September 11th hijackers while they were in the United States." Press reports have specified that this refers to Saudi money which reached al-Mihdar and al-Hazmi in 2000 while they were in San Diego. According to committee cochair Senator Bob Graham,

The draft contained a twenty-eight page passage that detailed evidence that Saudis in the United States – Saudi government "spies," Graham called them – had provided financial and logistical support to [al-Mihdar and al-Hazmi] while they lived in Southern California.30

Similarly the 9/11 Commission failed to deal with the information on an FBI "hijacker timeline" that al-Mihdar and al-Hazmi were met at the airport on their first arrival in the United States by Omar al-Bayoumi, the transmitter of the Saudi funds, whom Graham claimed was obviously "a low-ranking Saudi intelligence agent."31 The FBI findings were leaked in an early story in Newsweek:

At the airport, they were swept up by a gregarious fellow Saudi, Omar al-Bayoumi, who had been living in the United States for several years. Al-Bayoumi drove the two men to San Diego, threw a welcoming party and arranged for the visitors to get an apartment next to his. He guaranteed the lease, and plunked down $1,550 in cash to cover the first two months' rent.32

One month later, "In January 2003, Graham and the other members of the committee were …the focus of a criminal investigation by the FBI into whether someone on the panel had leaked classified information."33

The 9/11 Commission avoided this sensitive area. It cited the FBI Chronology a total of 52 times in its footnotes, for example at 493n55, concerning al-Mihdar’s travel from Yemen to the Malaysian meeting. But it suppressed the FBI’s report that al-Bayoumi met al-Mihdar and al-Hazmi on their arrival; and it substituted what Shenon calls an "improbable tale" supplied by al-Bayoumi himself: namely, that he had run into the two men two weeks later by accident "at a halal food restaurant" near Los Angeles.34

It is clear that two members of the 9/11 Commission staff who redacted this part of the report – Dietrich Snell and Philip Zelikow – were concerned to tone down what junior staffers considered to be "explosive material" on the Saudis.35 Shenon tells how this section of the 9/11 report was rewritten by Snell and Zelikow, until the text "removed all of the most serious allegations against the Saudis."36

But Snell and Zelikow may have been protecting the CIA as well as the Saudis. We have already noted how Lawrence Wright, looking at the extraordinary CIA record on withholding information about al-Mihdar and al-Hazmi, concluded, "It is also possible, as some FBI investigators suspect, the CIA was running a joint venture with Saudi intelligence."37


It is clear, as everyone who has studied these matters closely and impartially concurs, that there have been cover-ups of the CIA’s relationships to first Oswald and later al-Mihdar – cover-ups which in both cases have not yet been adequately resolved.

A reasonable conclusion from the available evidence is that the cover-ups were in order to conceal prior CIA operational interest in the designated subjects, just as in the case of Ali Mohamed in the early 1990s. It could of course be a coincidence that people of operational interest to the CIA became designated subjects in the deep events of JFK and 9/11. Another, more disturbing possibility is that those responsible for these events knew of the CIA’s operational interest, and exploited it in such a way as to ensure that the government would be embarrassed into covering up what really happened on those days.

A lot of books about 9/11, including my own, have focused on the roles played by Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld on that day. But it is clear that 9/11 involved a USG connection to at least one figure (Ali Mohamed) so sensitive that it had been covered up from the time of the Nosair murder in 1990 and the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. It is probable that Oswald’s covert USG connections also dated back to the time of his strange release from the U.S. Marine Corps in 1959, enabling him to travel to the Soviet Union.38

In short there is a substratum of covert operations underlying both events that antedates the presidencies in which they occurred. Thus one should not expect the cover-up of 9/11 in the G.W. Bush administration to dissipate simply because the Democrats take over the White House, just as the Johnson administration’s cover-up of the Kennedy assassination did not dissipate with the election of Richard Nixon.39

This is said not out of despair, but out of belief in the ultimate resilience and good sense of the American people. The analysis in this book is that America’s involvement in two disastrous wars – first Vietnam and later Iraq – was not an outcome of the people’s will, but rather in large part because of deep events that were used to manipulate that will. Thus this analysis is not an attack on America, but on that manipulative mindset that has twice succeeded in maneuvering America into war.

This dominant mindset is not restricted to intelligence agencies, though it is largely rooted there. Over time it has spread into other parts of government, and has also corrupted large sections of the media and even universities. That the mindset is widespread does not however make it either omnipotent or invincible.

It is important to identify the dominant mindset clearly, if we are ever going to displace it. It is important also to recognize that the dark topics discussed in this book are not representative of America as a whole. In the half century since the CIA’s first adventures in Burma and Laos, America has continued to be, as in the two centuries before it, a source of life-enhancing innovations, such as the computer and the internet.

As Amy Chua has written in her book Day of Empire,

If America can rediscover the path that has been the secret to its success since its founding and avoid the temptations of empire building, it could remain the world’s hyperpower in the decades to come – not a hyperpower of coercion and military force, but a hyperpower of opportunity, dynamism, and moral force.40

I have tried to suggest in this book that the key to this rediscovery is the

identification and displacement of the manipulative forces that have maneuvered America, almost unsuspectingly, into two unnecessary and disastrous wars.

If there is any merit to my analysis, then, to isolate those forces, we must press for the truth about both the Kennedy assassination and 9/11.


1 Transcript of Dallas Police Channel Two, 12:44 PM; cf. Channel One 12:45 PM,; Warren Report 5, 17 Warren Commission Hearings 397, 23 Warren Commission Hearings 916.

2 Clarke, Against All Enemies, 13-14. The list of 19 names, accepted without question by the 9/11 Commission Report, was given by the FBI to the press on September 14, 2001 (Daily Telegraph, September 15, 2001,

3 Transcript of Dallas Police Channel Two, 12:44 PM; cf. Channel One 12:45 PM,; Warren Report 5, 17 Warren Commission Hearings 397.

4 E.g. Dallas FBI Report from John Fain, May 12, 1960, 17 Warren Commission Hearings 704, NARA #157-10006-10213 ("Height: 5’10" Weight: 165 lbs." [inaccurate description supplied by Marguerite Oswald]); CIA HQ Cable DIR 74830 to Mexico City, 10 Oct 1963, NARA #104-10015-10048, reproduced in John Newman, Oswald and the CIA (New York: Carroll & Graf, 1995), 512 ("five feet ten inches, one hundred sixty five pounds").

5 Fingerprint card dated "11-25-63," 17 Warren Commission Hearings 308.

6 Warren Report 5, 144; Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact (Mary Ferrell Foundation Press, 2006), 10-13, 78n. After seeing Oswald twice on television, Brennan picked out Oswald in a second lineup (Warren Report, 143).

7 Daily Telegraph, September 23, 2001,

Cf. Guardian, September 21 2001, :" Abdulaziz

Al-Omari has also come forward to say he was not on the flight from Boston that crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Centre. An electrical engineer who works in Saudi Arabia, Mr Al-Omari said he was a student in Denver during the mid-1990s, and that his passport and other papers were stolen in a burglary in the US five years ago. … `The name is my name and the birth date is the same as mine,’ he told Asharq al-Aswat, a London-based Arabic newspaper. `But I am not the one who bombed the World Trade Centre in New York.’"

8 Daily Telegraph, September 23, 2001,

9 On October 4, 2001, the FBI issued a press release showing what appeared to be photos from surveillance videotape of two hijackers, Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Al-Omari, entering Portland Jetport on the morning of September 11, 2001 (FBI Press Release, October 4, 2001, ). If valid, these would constitute evidence from the event itself. However the photos are anomalous, in that they show two time superimposed stamps, one showing 5:45, the other showing 5:53. The photos are not cited as evidence in the 9/11 Commission Report. On July 22, 2004, the date of the release of the 9/11 Commission Report, CNN aired what they said was surveillance videotape of two hijackers, Majed Moqed and Khalid al-Mihdar. entering "at one of the security screening points at Dulles International" (CNN, ). The authenticity of the videotape has been challenged, however, because it lacks the time and date and location identification normally burned into a surveillance video image (Rowland Morgan and Ian Henshall, 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions [New York: Carroll and Graf, 2005], 117-19).

10 I have argued that the conflicting messages were part of a so-called "marked card" or "barium meal" test to determine if and where leaks of sensitive information were occurring. This was a familiar technique, and was the responsibility of the CI/SIG or Counterintelligence Special Intelligence Group which drafted the two cables. See Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics II: The New Revelations in U.S. Government Files,1994-1999 (Ipswich, MA: Mary Ferrell Foundation Press, 2007), 17-18, 92; also Peter Dale Scott, "Oswald and the Hunt for Popov's Mole," The Fourth Decade, III, 3 (March 1996), 3;

11 Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics II, 30-33.

12 Jefferson Morley, Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA (Lawrence, KA: University Press of Kansas, 2008), 196-98. See Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics II, 30-33.

13 Lawrence Wright, The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (New York: Knopf, 2006), 310.

14 9/11 Commission Report, 502n44.

15 Wright, The Looming Tower, 312, 313.

16 Lawrence Wright, "The Agent," New Yorker, July 10 and 17, 2006, 68.

17 Clarence M. Kelley, Kelley: The Story of an FBI Director (Kansas City: Andrews, McMeel, & Parker, 1987), 268.

18 James Bamford, A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies (New York: Doubleday, 2004), 224.

19 Wright, The Looming Tower, 329. In his New Yorker story (p. 70), Wright wrote that "By withholding the picture of Khallad [bin Attash]…the C.I.A. may in effect have allowed the September 11th plot to proceed."

20 9/11 Commission Report, 271; Wright, The Looming Tower, 353-54.

21 David Atlee Phillips, Nightwatch, 139; quoted in Morley, Our Man in Mexico, 184. Morley observes that in the 1970s Phillips offered a total of "four not entirely consistent versions of the story of Oswald’s visit to Mexico City."

22 J. Cofer Black testimony before 9/11 Congressional Joint Inquiry, 107th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 24, 2003.

23 Dale Watson testimony before Joint Inquiry, 107th Cong., 2nd Sess., September 26, 2002.

24 Amy B. Zegart, Flying Blind: The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11(Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2007), 117.

25 Terry McDermott, Perfect Soldiers: The Hijackers: Who They Were, Why TheyDid It (New York: HarperCollins, 20050, 294n45; Philip Shenon, The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation (New York: Twelve/Hachette, 2008), 141.

26 Morley, Our Man in Mexico, 7, 294.

27 9/11 Commission Report, 267.

28 Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), 81-86; Morley, Our Man in Mexico, 170-77.

29 Morley, Our Man in Mexico, 177.

30 Shenon, The Commission, 50-51.

31 Larisa Alexandrovna, "FBI documents contradict 9/11 Commission report," RawStory, February 28, 2008, (met at the airport); Shenon, The Commission, 52 (al-Bayoumi). Al-Bayoumi "apparently did work for Dallah Avco, an aviation-services company with extensive contracts with the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, headed by Prince Sultan, the father of the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar" ("The Saudi Money Trail," Newsweek, December 2, 2002,

32 "The Saudi Money Trail," Newsweek, December 2, 2002. The FBI "hijacker timeline" was released by the FBI on February 4, 2008. See Larisa Alexandrovna, "FBI documents contradict 9/11 Commission report,, February 28, 2008,

33 Shenon, The Commission, 54.

34 9/11 Commission Report, 217; Shenon, The Commission, 52-53.

35 Shenon, The Commission, 398.

36 Shenon, The Commission, 398.

37 Wright, The Looming Tower, 313. Looking at the same evidence, Christopher Ketcham has raised an alternative possibility, that "the CIA may have subcontracted to Mossad, given that the agency was both prohibited by law from conducting intelligence operations on U.S. soil, and lacked a pool of competent Arabic-fluent field officers. In such a scenario, the CIA would either have worked actively with the Israelis or quietly abetted an independent operation on U.S. soil…. When in the spring of 2002 the scenario of CIA's domestic subcontracting to foreign intelligence

was posed to the veteran CIA/NSA intelligence operative, with whom I spoke extensively, the operative didn't reject it out of hand" (Christopher Ketcham, "Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?" CounterPunch, February 7, 2007, ).

38 Oswald requested a dependency discharge from the Marines in August 1959, "on the ground that his mother needed his support" (Warren Report, 688). Accordingly Marine Lt. A.G. Ayers, Jr. signed a document for Oswald’s release to inactive duty on September 11, 1959 (19 WH 679, cf. 17 WH 762) "by reason of hardship (19 WH 678). However Lt. Ayers should have known that Oswald had no intention of staying in Texas to support his mother; he had already, on September 4, 1959, signed an affidavit in support of Oswald’s passport application "to attend the College of A. Schweitzer, Chur, Switzerland and the Univ of Turku, Turku, Finland" (22 WH 77-79). (It is a sign of some covert intrigue that the language of instruction at the University of Turku was Finnish, a language Oswald did not know.)

39 A significant symptom of this enduring substratum has been the Bush Administration’s protection of Samuel Berger, Clinton’s national security advisor. Berger pleaded guilty in April 2005 to having stolen 9/11 documents from the National Archives (Shenon, The Commission, 414). A condition of his plea bargain was to submit to a Justice Department polygraph test, to determine what documents had been stolen. Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a long-time critic of CIA operations in Afghanistan, revealed to the House in February 2008 that he had written to the Bush Justice Department, demanding that it administer the polygraph test, and that the Justice Department had rejected his demand (Congressional Record, February 26, 2008, House, pp. H1065-H1072). We have already seen that Berger when in office was receiving regular reports from the CIA about the presence of al-Mihdar and al-Hamzi at the Kuala Lumpur meeting (Zegart, Flying Blind, 117). It is possible that these were the reports he was stealing from the Archives, and that the Justice Department refusal to administer the polygraph test is part of a cover-up to protect the CIA’s relationship to the two Saudis.

40 Amy Chua, Day of Empire: How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance – and Why They Fall (New York: Doubleday, 2007), 342.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War,now available. Click here to order from the Mary Ferrell Foundation Press at Click here and then here to see (in an early version) two parts of the book's final section, "9/11, JFK, and War: Recurring Patterns in America's Deep Events."

The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America: This publication from the University of California Press is now available in bookstores, or (if there is no longer a bookstore near you) from or Click here for reviews. Click here to read an extract on state-sponsored terrorism, Cheney, and Continuity of Government.

I urge visitors who have not yet bought the book to do one of two things: either read the blurbs and customer reviews on, or view the one-hour video discussion of the book at "Conversations with History," Video discussion with Harry Kreisler of the University of California, about The Road to 9/11, August 8, 2007.

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Of the book's fifteen chapters, segments or versions of seven chapters can be seen on line here.

Inquiries about acquiring foreign rights should be addressed to myself at, or my agent, Victoria Shoemaker, at

Click here for other recent books with work by Peter Dale Scott.

And don't forget my long poem Coming to Jakarta, of which the poet Robert Hass, later U.S. poet laureate, has said ("Some Notes on Coming to Jakarta," Agni, 31/32 [1990], pp. 334-61), "Coming to Jakarta is the most important political poem to appear in the English language in a very long time." Click here for details..

A: Iraq, 9/11, and THE ROAD TO 9/11: WEALTH, EMPIRE, AND THE FUTURE OF AMERICA (2005-2008):

Click here for Recent Political Videos. Click here for video of Peter Dale Scott on and off line. Click here for audio of Peter Dale Scott.


D.397 "The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War (Part Two)," Foreign Policy Journal, January 10, 2010, Cf. D.391A.

D.396 "Obama and Afghanistan: America's Drug-Corrupted War," GlobalResearch, January 1, 2010,

D.395 Poems on the website DhammaMoon. Contains "Almond Tree," (Excerpts from) "Space Sonnets," "Coast Trail," "from Birdnotes," "Above Siberia," "Home," "Walking Meditation," "Marianna," "Wat Pah Nanachat," "Breathing Exercise: A How-To Poem," "No Third World."

V.28 Peter Dale Scott reads from Mosaic Orpheus, July 16, 2009,, Part 1. Hotlinks here to all seven parts.

D.394 Comment on John McAdams' review of JFK and the Unspeakable, Washington Decoded, December 12, 2009,

D.393 "The JFK Assassination: New York Times Acknowledges CIA Deceptions," Global Research, October 21, 2009,

V.27 "Peter Dale Scott with Jason Bermas 1/3," Alex Jones Show, October 2, 2009 [video],

D.392 [with Michael Berger and Janice Matthews], "Join the Appeal for Truth about 9/11,", September 11, 2009,

D.391A "The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War," updated to include expansion of two sections and further footnotes, 9/, August 16, 2009, Click here for translation into Spanish, as "El grandioso tablero de ajedrez y los usureros de la guerra," tr. Germán Leyes, .

D.391 Peter Dale Scott, "The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War," GlobalResearch, August 11, 2009,

D.390a “An interview with author Peter Dale Scott,” Portland Progressive Examiner, June 22, 2009,

D.390b “An interview with author Peter Dale Scott (part two)”, Portland Progressive Examiner, June 22, 2009, The two transcripts are very brief, but contain hotlinks to the original podcasts, which are 45 minutes each,

A.55 " Diet Soap Podcast with Peter Dale Scott,", Part 2, .

D.389 "NAD Interview : Professor Peter Dale Scott, Canadian Poet Observing the Deep State Conspiracy," Grant Lawrence -- Bodhi Thunder, June 17, 2009,

D.388 " Oil and Islam. Will America Shift Away from Its Past Unilateralist Policies? Obama's Cairo Speech,", June 10, 2009,

A.54 " Diet Soap Podcast with Peter Dale Scott,",

A.53 "AMERICA'S AFGHANISTAN: US National Security and a Heroin- Ravaged State,' TUC Radio, May 30, 2009,

D.387 "Cheney Corroborates His Early Arrival in the Bunker on 9/11,", May 22, 2009,

D.386 "America's Afghanistan: The National Security and a Heroin-Ravaged State," The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, #20, 2009, May 18, 2009, An expanded and revised version of D.385. Click here for a translation into Russian.

A.52 ‘Lifting the State of Emergency," Audio broadcast, TUC Radio, May 13, 2009,

D.385a. "Afghanistan: Heroin-ravaged State.", May 8, 2009, A revision of D.385, to supply hyperlinked footnotes.

D.385. "Afghanistan: Heroin-ravaged State.", May 8, 2009,

D.384. "To All Readers: Help Force Congress To Observe the Law on National Emergencies!!!" (with Dan Hamburg, http.//, March 24, 2009,

A.51 “Wall Street, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Council for National Policy,” Alex Jones Show,, March 18, 2009,

D.383 “Martial Law, Financial Bail-Out, and War,” Nexus: New Times Magazine, 16,2, February-March 2009, 11-15. An abridged text version of D.379.

D.382 “Clarification from Peter Dale Scott re Fazle Haq,” 9/, February 23, 2009,

D.381 "Saving American Politics from the Present Two-Party System", TUC Ra dio, February 11, 2009. This was a talk delivered to the Republican Round Table of San Francisco on January 17, 2009. Click here for a video on YouTube at here for radio broadcast, and here for text.

V.25 Empire, Republic & The Neocons - Part 1, discussion with Agha Saeed, Tariq Ali and Michael Parenti, YouTube,

A.49 ""Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and War: Peter Dale Scott on Alex Jones TV, telephonic interview. Hosted by Jason Bermas," Alex Jones Show,,

D.379 Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and War," Global Research, January 8, 2009,

V.24 "Peter Dale Scott & former Democratic Congressman Dan Hamburg on Continuity of Government," (Part 1, connect from there to Parts 2-6).

D.376a "The Assassinations of the 1960s as `Deep Events,'", October 17, 2008, This version supplies hotlinks to footnoted sources.

D.376 "The Assassinations of the 1960s as `Deep Events,'", October 28, 2008,

D.375 "Deep Events and the CIA's Global Drug Connection," 911Truth, A revised version of D.373, with a slightly augmented text and footnotes.

V.23 "GTV: Empire, Republic & The Neocons - Part 1", GTV, (Connect from there to Parts 2-6.)

D.374 "Ueber den 11. September, politische Macht und die Kraft der Poesie: Ein Gespraech mit Peter Dale Scott," Teil II. In German.

V.22 "Deep Politics: How 9/11 Changed America", given by Peter Dale Scott, chaired by Michel Chossudovsky and organized by the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal on September 19 2008. Filmed and edited by Montreal 9/11 Truth,

V..22a "Deep Politics: How 9/11 Changed America",. Lecture given by Peter Dale Scott, chaired by Michel Chossudovsky and organized by the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal on September 19 2008. Filmed and edited by Montreal 9/11 Truth.

D.373 "Deep Events and the CIA's Global Drug Connection." Global Research, September 19, 2008,> [The text of this article does not include text and endnote numerals. To consult Peter Dale Scott's article entitled Deep Events and the CIA’s Global Drug Connection, with numbered references and endnotes in word document format click here.

D.372 "Ueber Hegel, Geheimdienste und Drogenhandel: Ein Gespraech mit Peter Dale Scott," Teil I. In German.

D.371 "Bush Extends 9/11 National Emergency Yet Again". Global Research, September 4, 2008,

D.370 [Poem] "A Simple, Difficult Lesson in Thai." Literary Review of Canada, 16,7 (September 2008), 19.

A.46 "Peter Dale Scott on the Alex Jones Show," August 20, 2008,

D.369 "The Showdown Between the Congress and the COG," Amass, 30, 23-25. A condensed version of D.359.

A.45 Peter Dale Scott on Carol Brouillet show, August 11, 2008,

D.368 [Letter to the Editor] "Ivins was engaged by the USG to investigate the anthrax attack," Salon, August 1, 2008,

D.367 "Billions: The Politics of Influence in the United States, China and Israel," by Peter Dale Scott and Connie Bruck. Japan Focus,

D.365 "The JFK Assassination and 9/11: the Designated Suspects in Both Cases," Global Research, July 5, 2008,

P.5 Peter Dale Scott and Stephen Lendman interview - 6.23.2008. On the Global Research News Hour, 6.23.2008. Peter Dale Scott and Stephen Lendman talk about Scott's recent article, 9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics. Original with commercials (13.4 MB - 1 hour): commercials (21.6 MB - 46:23):

P.4 Wednesday, May 28, 2008 Peter Dale Scott... debates 9-11 on Air America's Clout radio show

D.364 "Korea, the Tonkin Gulf and 9/11: Deep Events in Recent American History," Japan Focus [June 22, 2008], An updated version of D.363.

D.363 "9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics," GlobalResearch, June 11, 2008,

D.361 [a review of] Julia Buxton, The political economy of narcotics: production, consumption and global markets (New York: Zed Books, 2006), The International History Review, 30, 2, June 2008, 450-52.

D.359 "Congress, the Bush Adminstration and Continuity of Government Planning: The Showdown", Counterpunch, March 31, 2008,

P.3 Podcast Interview with Peter Dale Scott, March 28, 2008. Electric Politics, Skimbleshanks.

D.358 Transcript of Talk, Santa Cruz Media Strategy Summit, January 26, 2008. Education Forum, March 13, 2008,

D.357 "Mosaic of Orpheus: Five Canadian Poems". ("Occitanian Spring," "Something Precious," "Holy Land I: Truth," "Holy Land II: Force," "Confession".) FlashPoint #10, Spring 2008, Some of these poems (especially Holy Land I and II) are political.

D.356 Dan Benbow, "Off the Books: The Outsourcing of American Foreign Policy, Part II -- Operation Blowback, An Interview with Peter Dale Scott." Get Underground, February 12, 2008,

D.355 Dan Benbow, "Off the Books: The Outsourcing of American Foreign Policy, Part I -- A Roll of the Dice, An Interview with Peter Dale Scott, Part I," Get Underground, Feb. 3, 2008

P.2 Podcast: "ISR With Special Guest Peter Dale Scott: Jan 24, 2008" IntelStrike Report,

D.350 "9/11, JFK, and War: Recurring Patterns in America's Deep Events." Journal of 9/11 Studies, 2007.

D.347 "9/11 Commission Deception, Cheney's Actions on 9/11, and Why He Should Testify Under Oath." Journal of 9/11 Studies [September 26, 2007],

D.346 "JFK, Watergate, 9/11: Recurring Patterns in America's Deep Events," Talk in Vancouver, June 24, 2007, 9/

D.345 "Exclusive excerpt: The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America," Guerrilla News Network, August 14, 2007.

D.344 "Threat to world peace: The possibility of a US attack on Iran Excerpts of presentation, Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference, Global Research, June 26, 2007,

D.343 "Laos' Secret Drug War Lives On: Vang Pao and the CIA". New American Media, June 12, 2007.

D.337 "Professors to the rescue of trees." Contains poem, "Call to Chancellor Birgeneau." BAHA News, Journal of the Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association, January 27, 2007.

[University of California Stadium Oaks, Berkeley. The UC Administration wishes to cut down 38 live oaks in an urban grove, in order to construct an exercise center for the football team. Writers who wish to send statements of protest, and hopefully poems, to be posted on the threatened trees. Mail these to me at Click here for info about the writers' protest, here for the UC position, here for the "Save the Memorial Oak Grove" website; and here for my poem on the subject.]

D.336 "Czeslaw Milosz and Solidarity; or, Poetry and the Liberation of a People," Brick 78 (Winter 2006), 67-74.

D.335 "JFK and 9/11: Insights Gained from Studying Both. Global Research, December 20, 2006, Text of talk delivered at COPA Conference, Dallas, 11/18/06.

D.335a "Kennedy y el 11-S", the Spanish translation of D.335,>.

D.334 "9/11's Trainer in Terrorism Was an FBI Informant" (Peter Dale Scott Talk in Palo Alto, October 27, 2006).

D.331 "How the FBI protected Al Qaeda's 9/11 Hijacking Trainer: New Revelations about Ali Mohamed,", 10/8/06, The following text is an expanded version of Peter Dale Scott's Talk at Berkeley, September 24, 2006. Click here for Spanish translation. Click here for Italian translation.

D.330 "The 9/11 Report and Ali Mohamed, Al Qaeda's Chief Terrorism Trainer." Talk delivered on September 24 at public event, "9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out."

D.330b "El FBI Protegio al Instructor de al Qaeda para el 11-S", Identitad Andaluza, 24 Enero 2008, Spanish translation of D.330.

D.330a "Nuevas revelaciones sobre Ali Mohamed: El FBI protegio al instructor de Al Qaeda para el 11-S,", 5 de Noviembre de 2006.

D.328 "Tons of Cocaine: Caracas to Washington." From the Wilderness, 7/23/06,

D.325 "Peter Bergen, Peter Dale Scott, and Webster Tarpley", 911blogger, 8/29/06, Contains extract from The Road to 9/11, concerning the degree of past CIA assistance and support for Osama bin Laden. Connects to video of remarks made by PDS at the DC Emergency Truth Conference, July 24, 2005.

D.324 "A Meta-Group Managing Drugs, Violence, and the State", Journalismus: Nachrichten von Heute, 8/28-9.7/06,, etc. (A revised update of D.321 and D.323, as presented at the University of Melbourne, August 10, 2006).

D.323 "The Far West Drug Meta-Group -- Part 2." Article for Nexus: New Times Magazine, 13.5, August-September 2006, 21-25, 81. Without footnotes; go to "The Global Drug Meta-Group: Drugs, Managed Violence, and the Russian 9/11" for footnoted version.

D.322 "A Review of 'The One Percent Doctrine'". Consortium, 7/26/06, Click here to see longer version.

"The 9/11 Commission Report's Failure to Identify the Alleged 9/11 Hijackers" (Dropped Excerpt from The Road to 9/11)

D.321 "The Far West Drug Meta-Group -- Part 1." Article for Nexus: New Times Magazine, 13.3, June-July 2006, 25-31, 82. Without footnotes; go to "The Global Drug Meta-Group: Drugs, Managed Violence, and the Russian 9/11" for footnoted version.

D.321b "Narkobiznio metagrupe `The Far West' (1)". A partial translation of D.321 into Lithuanian.

D.319 "Politicians Must Offer a Solution to the Immigration Crisis, Not Just a Fix." Article for Pacific News Service, May 8, 2006.

Unpublished Letter to San Francisco Chronicle concerning the Web, Euros, and the Iraq War (4/7/06)

D.318 "Al-Qaeda, US Oil and Central Asia," Nexus (Mapleton, Australia), 13.3, April-May 2006, 11-15. (Without footnotes; go to [The Road to 9/11:] Chapter 8: Al Qaeda and the U.S. Establishment for revised and footnoted version.)

One-hour radio broadcast on Danuta Time, Station KOPT, Eugene, 3/13/06, concerning " ENDGAME: Office of Detention and Removal Strategic Plan, 2003 - 2012 -- Detention and Removal Strategy for a Secure Homeland".

D.317 "10-Year U.S. Strategic Plan For Detention Camps Revives Proposals From Oliver North." Article for Pacific News Service, February 21, 2006. The article concerns " ENDGAME: Office of Detention and Removal Strategic Plan, 2003 - 2012 -- Detention and Removal Strategy for a Secure Homeland". The plan is to build the capability to "remove all removable aliens," and the detained population is to include "illegal economic migrants, aliens who have committed criminal acts, asylum-seekers (required to be retained by law) or potential terrorists." Click here to see brief excerpts.

D.315 "Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps." Article for Pacific News Service, January 31, 2006.

(with Rex Bradford) D.314 "Castro Did It - Again." (1/10/06)

D.313 "Cheney-Rumsfeld Surveillance Plans Date Back to 1980s". Article for Pacific News Service, January 3, 2006.

D.311 "The Global Drug Meta-Group: Drugs, Managed Violence, and the Russian 9/11", Lobster, October 31, 2005,

This hotlinks to a related Ballad of Drugs and 9/11, a poem which can be read as an introduction to my rather complex essay. October 31, 2005. A major revision of this poem appears as D.316 "A Ballad of Drugs and 9/11." FlashPoint, Spring 2006.

D.310a Deep Politics: Drugs, Oil, Covert Operations and Terrorism: A briefing for Congressional staff, July 22, 2005. Also on Internet as "9/11 in Historical Perspective: Flawed Assumptions,",, 7/29/05,

"Al Qaeda, U.S.. Oil Companies, and Central Asia" (July 19, 2005, revised 5/15/06; excerpt from forthcoming book, The Road to 9/11)


D.306 Czeslaw Milosz: 1911-2004. California Monthly, December 2004, 48-49.

In Memoriam: Gary Webb (December 13, 2004; updated 12/18/04)

D.305 A Post-Election Wrap-Up: Iraq, 9/11/ Cheney, and the Need for a Watergate Two (Revised and expanded 11/30/04)

D.304 Why the U.S. Must Withdraw from Iraq., 10/28/04.

More on 9/11 Report: Who Paid the Hijackers? Al-Hawsawi? Mahmoud Ahmad? September 7, 2004, updated 10/16/04.

D.303 "How to Fight Terrorism." California Monthly, September 2004. A reading of the 9/11 Commission Report.

D.302 9/11 Commission Misses FBI's Embarrassing Al Qaeda Dealings, Pacific News Service, June 24, 2004.

Update on Chalabigate: Chalabi, Michael Rubin, and the Office of Special Plans June 2, 2004

D.301 Torture Photos, Videos, a Time-Honored CIA Tradition
Pacific News Service, CA - May 14, 2004

D.300 Bush, Kerry Wrong on UN's Future Role in Iraq
Pacific News Service, CA - Apr 15, 2004

More on Private Saudi Jet Flights Right after 9/11, 4/7/04

Updated Recommendations for Web News Sources

D.296 "CIA Training of Islamists Haunts GIs in Iraq". Article for Pacific News Service, November 26, 2003.

Click here for slightly expanded and footnoted version.

Does Washington Intend to Establish a US Colony in Iraq? (7/2/03; updated 7/8/03)

Bush's Misguided Post-War Iraq Military Policy Based on Falsification of Evidence (6/24/03)

D.294 "The CIA's Secret Powers: Afghanistan, 9/11, and America's Most Dangerous Enemy." Critical Asian Studies, 35:2 (2003), 233-258.

D.293 "U.S. Dilemma in Iraq -- Bombs and Bullets Hit Hearts and Minds, Too". Article for Pacific News Service, June 16, 2003.

D.292 "Why Baghdad Fell Without a Fight -- Does Saddam's General Have the Answer?" Article for Pacific News Service, May 28, 2003.

D.290a "Is US Arms Buildup in Response to Saudi Crisis?" Press for Conversion! Issue # 49 October 2002, 17,

If ExxonMobil Is Not Indicted for Payments in Kazakhstan, What Has This To Do With Iraq? (Updated 4/13/03)

U.S. Move to Exclude France, Russia, from Post-War Reconstruction in Iraq (4/4/03) (Updated 4/9/03)

Entering a New Era: Is This Post-America? (Updated 3/22/03)

Bush's Deep Reasons for War on Iraq: Oil, Petrodollars, and the OPEC Euro Question (Updated 5/27/03)

Deep Reasons and Other Reasons for Bush's War on Iraq (Updated 2/26/03)

The Forthcoming Iraq War and How to Oppose It (updated 1/20/03).

Letter to Laura Bush at

The Need for a Soft Politics
(My Preface to Drugs, Oil, and War)

C: FLASHES: Breaking Stories about Oil, Drugs, and War in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, etc. (2002) (updated 4/03/03)

[ Quotes | Countries | Drugs and Oil | PDS Published Articles | Opinions | Sources ]

D: Oil, Drugs, and Terror in Central Asia: Basic Information, Overviews and Sources (2001)

I welcome comments and suggestions at

The following five sections are primarily factual, and designed to be read as a sequence.

3) Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the Northern Alliance, and drug-trafficking (updated 12/09/01)

4) BCCI, Afghanistan, and Past Drug-Terrorist Networks

4b) More on the BCCI-bin Mahfouz Intelligence Nexus (1/1/02)

5). Saudi Arabia's Ambivalence about US Retaliation Plans.(10/31/01)

6). Afghanistan, Turkmenistan Oil and Gas, and the Projected Pipeline(12/24//01; updated 1/25/02)

7). Overview: The Deep Politics of Drugs and Oil

Click here for a provisional attempt to see the facts of this webpage in the light of a deeper pattern underlying the US involvement in Colombia, and earlier in Vietnam.

a) The Need for Political Activism
b) The Need for Cultural Activism

9). Background Sources and Websites (2/2/02):

10). Stories, Articles, etc., by Peter Dale Scott, Mostly Published Elsewhere:

A video tape of my 2/5/02 talk, "Drugs, Oil, and the Future of Afghanistan," can be purchased from the Mid-Peninsula Community Media Center, 3210 Park Boulevard, Palo Alto.. The tape is also available for free loan to community groups, schools, churches, etc.

See also further information on my new book, Drugs, Oil, and War: The Deep Politics of US Interventions in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003).

11). A Personal Note: This website is dedicated to helping to promote an informed public opinion that is both local and international. I particularly want to thank those who have sent me supportive or informative emails from 37 countries: Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, South Africa, Pakistan, Singapore, Japan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Canada (plus 3 more from visitors in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Nepal). Special thanks to the visiting professor in Singapore, who said that he was forwarding this URL to his friends in China. I wish also to thank friends who have forwarded useful material, such as the important Irish Times story on bin Laden, the US, and oil, that first reached me via Indonesia from Qatar.

I do believe that international public opinion, when it becomes powerful enough, will become the most effective restraint to the excesses and follies of particular governments.

Yours sincerely, Peter Dale Scott

(For more about me, go to Home)
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Dale Scott: New mindset for US foreign policy?
Run time: 10:43
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Quote:... all thought is socially conditioned, and at the center of large, highly developed societies, all bureaucratic thought is bureaucratically conditioned. But at the heart of dominant societies, this bureaucratic thinking slowly acquires the features of a dominance mindset, and those conditioned by this mindset come to participate in what I call the war machine.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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