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Dick Russell's "On the Trail of the JFK Assassins"
We are pleased to note the publication of On the Trail of the JFK Assassins, by Dick Russell (Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.; 306 pp; $24.95).

It is impossible to overstate the importance of Mr. Russell's JFK research. His The Man Who Knew Too Much stands as a pillar of the research canon.

Please go to the "JFK Assassination" page of this forum for in-depth discussion of the latest Russell volume.
I am just starting this book now. Interesting first chapter on Popkin. Anyone know what later became of his research? What direction did he end up following further? Was he punished by his academic institution for delving into such topical scepticism?

I also found the 1975ishness of the article quite interesting. The writing style seems in some way influneced by "the new journalism" but at a time when Conspiracy Theory did not have all of the same pejoratives associated with the period of 1992-96, when the current incarnation of the term was reborn by the good people at Time and Newsweek.

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