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ECLIPSE OF THE ASSASSINS: The CIA, Imperial Politics, and the slaying of journalist Manuel Buendia
Discussion in an RFK thread elsewhere here at DPF about Enrique Hernandez helping out the CIA in Latin America led me to a round of Google searching Operation Condor, a subject that I need to read about in more detail. That Google search brought up this book, which is 552 pages long, was published just over 8 weeks ago, has a long blurb of praise from Alfred McCoy, and which has zero Amazon reviews. I'd never heard of it till now, but it looks to be of major interest. (I removed the word 'Mexican' from the title of this thread to get the phrase to fit).


This is a stellar, courageous work of investigative journalism and historical scholarshipgrippingly told, meticulously documented, and doggedly pursued over thirty years. Tracking a Cold War confrontation that has compromised the national interests of both Mexico and the United States, Eclipse of the Assassins exposes deadly connections among historical events usually remembered as isolated episodes.

Authors Russell and Sylvia Bartley shed new light on the U.S.-instigated "dirty wars" that ravaged all of Latin America in the 1960s, '70s, and '80s and revealfor the first timehow Mexican officials colluded with Washington in its proxy contra war against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. They draw together the strands of a clandestine web linking the assassination of prominent Mexican journalist Manuel Buendía, the torture and murder of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent Enrique Camarena, the Iran-Contra scandal, a major DEA sting against key CIA-linked Bolivian, Panamanian, and Mexican drug traffickers, CIA-orchestrated suppression of investigative journalists, and criminal collusion of successive U.S. and Mexican administrations that has resulted in the unprecedented power of drug kingpins like "El Chapo" Guzmán.
[/FONT]Eclipse of the Assassins places a major political crimethe murder of Buendíain its full historical perspective and shows how the dirty wars of the past are still claiming victims today.

McCoy's endorsement

Quote:[FONT=&amp]A compelling account of the thirty-year investigation by reporters Russell and Sylvia Bartley to unravel two of the most significant political assassinations of the twentieth centurythe blatant 1984 slaying of Mexican journalist Manuel Buendía and the brutal 1985 torture-execution of U.S. DEA agent Kiki Camarena. Rather than finger-pointing, arm-waving accusations, the authors use these killings to plunge deep into the clandestine domain created by shipment of CIA guns south through Mexico to the Nicaragua Contras and smuggling of drugs north into the U.S., simultaneously compromising the Mexican state and corrupting U.S.Mexican relations."Alfred W. McCoy, author of Torture and Impunity: The CIA Doctrine of Coercive Interrogation[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Authors Russell Bartley and Sylvia Erickson Bartley talking about the book for an hour with WORTFM radio host Norman Stockwell.[/FONT]


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