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Originally posted here: by [B]tauristercus[/B]
Norway Spiral : Case reopened - the anatomy of an event
In an earlier thread that I made shortly after the December 9, 2009 Norway Spiral event, I attempted to make a case to show that the failed Bulava missile explanation was inadequate to explain the observed effects and that there had to be an alternative explanation.
That thread (and explanation) was primarily based on a photo of a very intricate and well defined spiral that was stated as having been taken around the Tromso area.
Based on the detail obtained from that photo, it appeared that the failed missile scenario simply did not fit and that all indications were that the spiral itself apparently was very much closer than the White Sea location where it was stated the Bulava had been launched. In fact, indications were that the spiral was in fact quite close to Tromso itself and located directly over Norwegian territory. This naturally led to the "finger of guilt" being pointed at the EISCAT ionospheric research station located not far from Tromso itself, as being (in)directly responsible for the spiral creation event.
However, even though the EISCAT facility made a very convenient scape goat on which to pin the event, it proved very difficult to come up with sufficient hard technological evidence that would implicate EISCAT beyond any doubt as the originators of the spiral event.
Even so, I was still prepared to accept an EISCAT solution in preference to a failed missile test, despite the lack of corroborating and indisputable evidence ... that is, until other researchers dropped the bombshell that the photo that was originally attributed to having been taken at Tromso (and used to create my original analysis), had in actuality been taken approximately 88 kms north-east of Tromso at a location called Skjervoy. As a result of this disclosure, I had to accept the realization that my earlier research, and therefore conclusions, were consequently flawed.
So I decided to go back to the drawing board, so to speak, and attempt a fresh analysis. This time I decided that it was imperative to find other photos of the spiral event and using these, to try to estimate as closely as possible the most probable location for the spiral and if possible, calculate accurate dimensions, distances and altitudes.
It took a while but I was eventually able to find 6 locations in Norway and 1 location in Sweden that had produced photos of the spiral event ... and most importantly, photos that contained definitive details allowing the eventual "triangulation" of various stages of the spiral event.
Now I use the phrase "various stages" as it become quite obvious that in contradiction to reported eye witness accounts that the spiral appeared to become stationary in the sky, this was in reality not the case, as I will demonstrate later.
The following are the locations (and associated photos) that I used in my re-analysis of the spiral event:
- Skjervoy
- Tromso
- Harstad
- Storsteinnes
- Anstad
- Markenes
- Puoltsa
Skjervoy images
The following 5 images have become extremely associated in the publics mind with regard to the Norway Spiral event of 9 December, 2009.
These images are shown in time sequence order to illustrate the various "phases" of the event and most importantly to illustrate the fact that at no time was the spiral event a "stationary" one as often reported but in actuality an event that evolved over time.
To illustrate the "non-stationary" aspect of the event, I have combined Images1, 2 and 3, scaling as appropriate based on the background Kvanangstinder mountains.
This superposition immediately demonstrates that the spiral followed a definitive trajectory as well as dramatically increasing in size over time.
Tromso images
Rather than providing a photo of the event, the Tromso contribution was actually a short video recording.
Initially it appeared that there was insufficient detail to allow the derivation of the spiral direction but thankfully the initial frames of the video contained an essential clue that allowed this sighting to be used.
In the following frame captured from the video, we see the town of Tromso and the spiral in the background. Unfortunately the mountains are to dark to be of any use in attempting to determine the location of the observer. However, there is visible in the frame a very famous building known as the Arctic Cathedral.
Using this as a reference point, then allowed an accurate estimation of the observers location which could be used later in the analysis.
Harstad images
The only image from Harstad is of the final dissipation stage of the spiral.
The following is a Google Earth view of the background Harstad mountains as they would have appeared in the early morning of 9 Dec, 2009.
The following is an overlay of Image9 and 10, scaled to the background mountains to show that the observer location has been identified in GE.
Storsteinnes images
The only image from Storsteinnes is of the midpoint stage of the spiral.
The following is a Google Earth view of the background Storsteinnes mountains as they would have appeared in the early morning of 9 Dec, 2009.
The following is an overlay of Image12 and 13, scaled to the background mountains to show that the observer location has been identified in GE.
Anstad images
The only image from Anstad is of the midpoint dissipation stage of the spiral.
The following is a Google Earth view of the background Storsteinnes mountains as they would have appeared in the early morning of 9 Dec, 2009.
The following is an overlay of Image15 and 16, scaled to the background mountains to show that the observer location has been identified in GE.
Continued next post ....
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Continued from previous post ...
Location: Markenes
The only image from Markenes is of the midpoint stage of the spiral event.
The following is a Google Earth view of the background Markenes mountains as they would have appeared in the early morning of 9 Dec, 2009.
The following is an overlay of Image18 and 19, scaled to the background mountains to show that the observer location has been identified in GE.
Location: Puoltsa
The only image from Puoltsa is of the midpoint stage of the spiral event.
The Puoltsa image by itself is lacking an identifiable background that could be used to establish a definitive Google Earth match. However, the observer report states
"The photo was taken by one Patrik Ohman, on his way to work in Kiruna."
Examining a map, we find that there is only one main road leading to Kiruna. This road goes almost due SE for a short distance from Puoltsa before turning northward to Kiruna, therefore the view of the spiral event would be in an easterly direction as evidenced by the photo.
Even with the lack of a suitable background to place the photo location exactly, the short stretch of road, compared to the much greater distance to the event itself, will not introduce any significant error. Even so, the Puoltsa photo will only be used to confirm the final event location, and not be used in the initial triangulation.
Identification of Event Location
Using the above observation points, it becomes straightforward to quite accurately plot and locate the vicinity in which the events took place.
Firstly, lets take an overview of these locations as they appear on the map.
Next, bearings are taken from each observer location based on the above publically available photos and observe where these bearings intersect on the map.
Now the estimated locations are as far as I can ascertain, relatively accurate but there is an additional test that can be applied to these locations to raise confidence in their accuracy.
All of these locations fall EXACTLY on a "great circle" path ... a "great circle" is the shortest location between 2 points on a sphere.
In the following image, it can be readily seen that these 5 estimated locations do indeed map perfectly onto a great circle segment.
And if this great circle segment is extended, we have yet another confirmation of the validity of these locations as the extended great circle trajectory that the missile would presumably have followed to minimize fuel requirements, intersects perfectly with the Russian missile target location downrange at the Kamchatka Penninsula.
We are now in a position to make an educated guestimate for the initial launch area of the Bulava missile.
We can now attempt to make some estimates regarding the physical characteristics of the spiral event and in this instance will focus on the clearly identified components B through F as indicated in the following image.
We are especially interested in obtaining distance, altitude and size information at each of these 5 unique points.
B = Point at which exhaust trail ends and blue spiral begins
C = Initial spiral location
D = Secondary spiral location
E = Commencement of spiral dissipation
F = Final stage of dissipation
The initial analysis will begin with an attempt to determine approximate altitudes associated with each of the points. To do this, we need to obtain a reference angle that can be scaled to each of the points. Thankfully such a reference angle is easily obtained by using the westernmost summit of the Kvanangstinder mountains identified at point A in the following image.
Using Google Earth, we obtain an elevation of 718 metres and a distance of 13,800 kms from the Skjervoy observer to this summit. Some simple trigonometry yields an observation angle of 2.96 degrees - this will become our reference elevation angle that we can subsequently scale to obtain elevation angles for points B through F.
Using the reference angle for point A of 2.96 degrees, we obtain the following elevation angles:
B = 3.45 degrees
C = 8.88 degrees
D = 9.86 degrees
E = 12.82 degrees
F = 13.32 degrees
Using these elevation angles and the distances from Skjervoy to the spiral event locations in the White Sea area, we can calculate an equivalent altitude for each point. However, it has to be kept in mind that these altitudes do NOT take into account the curvature of the Earth, which considering the distance between the observers and the White Sea locations derived earlier, will become significant. Because the amount of curvature is considerable in this case, we need to not only determine the altitude of each point above the Skjervoy horizon as seen by the observer, we also need to adjust/increase this altitude by taking into account the curvature of the Earth and the altitude below the observers local horizon.
The following table summarizes the altitudes of each spiral event point.
Points B through F show the altitudes of these points as they evolve over time.
The following image is a summary of the the various calculated distances, altitudes, etc of points B through F as they evolved through time.
Notice that points E & F which represent 2 phases of the spiral dissipation actually occur well above the atmosphere and definitely within the orbital parameters of the space shuttle.
Continued next post ...
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Continued from previous post ...
All images of the event show the spiral being observed in full frontal view ... in other words, the spiral was seen with very little skewing, distortion and definitely not edge on.
But here we have a problem especially as evident from the Skjervoy location.
At this location, the trajectory of the missile is approximately NNE and crossing the observers viewpoint from right to left. This trajectory is well established and not open to dispute. Therefore we need to find a mechanism that will allow the full frontal creation and viewing of the spiral from the observers point of view.
With the missile crossing from right to left, the missile must be in one of two distinct attitudes whilst in flight:
1 - The missile is stable and following the determined trajectory. The missile will also have spin imparted to assist with inflight stability. This missile is essentially rotating around it's axis.
2 - The missile is unstable and tumbling end over end. There will also be residual rotation around its axis.
The following image shows the missile in stable mode along its trajectory and rotating around it's axis. The two "blowouts" have been indicated in red and positioned 180 degrees apart as conjectured.
But if this is correct, then any spiral that forms can only be viewed by a Skjervoy observer from edge on ... almost 90 degrees displaced from what was actually observed.
The following image shows scenario two whereby the missile has lost stability and is tumbling end over end.
The first problem here being that if the missile is tumbling, then it would be almost impossible for it to continue following its original trajectory as thrust vectors would be constantly changing ... and consequently its path would likewise be changing ... and yet as can be readily seen from the previously presented overlayed images (Image6), the spiral path adhered exactly to the established trajectory throughout the entire evolution of the spiral event.
The second problem is that a combination of the 3 vectors comprising the forward motion, end over end tumbling and rotation around the missiles axis, would prevent the formation of a near perfect spiral structure. Any spiral structure forming would very quickly lose stability and integrity.
So the inevitable conclusion is that a stable, front on viewed spiral would be impossible to create and maintain over an extended period of time based on the possible missile flight attitude modes.
Finally, one observation that I believe has not been made by or commented on by anyone so far.
If we take a look at the Skjervoy image (Image3) that shows the initial stage of spiral dissipation, we see what at 1st glance appears to be an expanding circular region of darkness. It has been suggested by others that this is nothing more than the background dark sky beginning to show through again as the spiral material begins to fade away or dissipate towards the end of the event.
However, closer inspection appears to suggest that the dark void is not simply a 2 dimensional disk shape but may in fact be a 3 dimensional dark "globe" structure. The primary indication of its 3d structure is evidenced by the blue funnel shaped structure not completely covering the dark void from edge to edge, but instead apparently having a well defined boundary that stops far short of reaching the edge of the void.
You could liken it to an example where you have a flexible tube with a wide opening into which you're trying to force a much bigger spherical shaped object ... think of trying to force a bowling ball into a flexible tube that can stretch only so far ... the bowling ball will get stuck only part way into the tube opening after it has been stretched to its maximum. The important part of this analogy is that every part of the tube opening is in contact with the surface of the larger globe ... exactly as seen in that Skjervoy image.
I've taken that image and to show more clearly what I'm talking about, have reversed the colours and increased saturation levels. As can be readily seen, the funnel rim appears to be in complete contact with the globes surface but without touching the edges of the void.
Based on published observer images and using Google Earth, it was possible to exactly locate each of the observers positions at the time of the event and to plot these locations on Google Earth. Using these plotted locations, it was possible to pinpoint by "triangulation" the original location/position of various stages within the evolution of the spiral phenomena with very good accuracy.
These plotted origins were immediately commensurate with the theory of a "failed" Russian missile test conducted in the early hours of 9 Dec, 2009 from a location within the White Sea missile test area. To add weight to this corroboration, the origin points could all be plotted with high accuracy on a great circle track which when extended from the White Sea location, proceeded in the direction of, and ended directly within the Kamchatka Penninsula missile target range.
Based on the calculated trajectory, it becomes immediately apparent that at no point in time does the missile leave Russian territory and most definitively does NOT enter Norwegian air space or territory. This is in complete agreement with the lack of official Norwegian, Swedish, etc government comments on any incursions by the Russian missile test. In fact, the trajectory indicates conclusively that the missile was travelling away from Norway and that its entire trajectory would remain completely over Russian territory.
Being the most detailed, the Skjervoy images were subjected to mathematical analysis to obtain reasonable estimates of angular measurements, altitudes and diameters pertaining to various stages or "points" of the spiral evolution.
The conclusion obtained indicates that the majority of the event took place at an extremely high altitude ... most certainly above the atmosphere and into low orbit space. The final stages of the event apparently reached an altitude at which the space shuttle operates.
Finally, potential positional attitudes that the missile could have taken as it traversed the Skjervoy skies were analysed and the conclusion reached that there was no apparent physical explanation that could satisfactorily make use of a "conjectured fuel ejection blowout" on opposite sides of the missile to produce and maintain a near perfect spiral for a period of time.
In conclusion, it is agreed that the event was to a high degree of probability, triggered by the launch of a Russian missile.
It is agreed that to a high degree of probability, that EISCAT and similar HAARP type technology was not employed and was not responsible for the spiral event.
Analysis indicates that contrary to "official explanations", the spiral event was not apparently triggered by a 3rd stage failure or malfunction and that the spiral event itself was not a random and unexpected side effect of the missile launch.
The emerging conclusion is that the series of Bulava missile launches over the last few years and their significant "failure rates" may in fact be a cover for the testing and observation of either a radical new propulsion technology or for the testing and observation of a new defense technology.
Continued next post ...
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Continued from previous post ...
One should bear in mind that Russia has over 50 years of tested and proven missile launch, navigation and targeting technology incorporated into its missile fleet ... so the continuous failures of well understood and trialled launch technology is somewhat inexplicable. Also consider the fact that the Bulava missile series is a derivative of the highly successful Topol M missile series and one would expect the experience and technology that created the Topols would be incorporated into the Bulava series ... the Bulava's were NOT created from scratch.
Also Russia has made known publicly that the Bulava series will have unprecedented features and abilities, the most notable being its ability to perform evasive maneuvering, mid-course countermeasures, decoys and a warhead fully shielded against both physical and electromagnetic pulse damage. In fact, the Bulava is designed to be capable of surviving a nuclear blast at a minimum distance of 500 metres.
So, would it be not inconceivable for Russia to try to divert global attention away from any new technology testing by claiming multiple and successive failures in something as elementary as the solid fueled propulsion system ? Would public amusement and ridicule be worth the price to pay for the ability to covertly test radical new technology with almost minimal scrutiny ?
I think so ....
[Edit: to show a space view perspective of what the spiral event may have looked like if viewed from above the atmosphere.
Note that I have scaled the spirals so that the exhaust/plume is in alignment with the launch site point; and that each individual spiral event centre corresponds with the trajectory points marked on the White Sea launch area.
[edit on 1/2/10 by tauristercus]
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Most likely Russian anti missile test for the assembled audience of the Nobel 'Peace' Prize winner.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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... which means there's a whole lotta psychological warfare goin' down (or, in this case) up as the nuclear/missile posturing continues.
Thank you Magda. Well done.
Do we know who the author/analyst is on this? I'll go back and look.
I find this all very fascinating even if it is over my head. I find it fascinating that a woman "down under" is posting a story about an event way up top analyzed by someone else using online tools and global maps to relatively quickly break down and analyze a "strange" event of great global trans-national implication and make the pictures, process and results available to a global audience. It is a good example of what "we" -- reaching out and communicating, gathering data, et al -- can do within the global brain/mind.
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I know nothing of him but a brief look at his (or her) posts indicates that he seems to be of the non loon variety over there
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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06-02-2010, 08:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2010, 09:49 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
VERY strange event. I don't see how any rocket can explain that. Laser or other such, maybe. I speak Norwegian and will search what the Norsk Press is saying - especially the scientists there....Norwegians are NOT prone to inventing things [anyhow the photos don't lie!] nor making quick assumptions about supernatural events. It is a very well educated society bristling with high-tech cameras, detection devices, antennas, etc. Will report what I find....
A mysterious light display appearing over Norway last night has left thousands of residents in the north of the country baffled.
Witnesses from Trøndelag to Finnmark compared the amazing sight to anything from a Russian rocket to a meteor or a shock wave – although no one appears to have mentioned UFOs yet.
The phenomenon began when what appeared to be a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain. It stopped mid-air, then began to circulate.
Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre – lasting for ten to twelve minutes before disappearing completely.
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute was flooded with telephone calls after the light storm – which astronomers have said did not appear to have been connected to the aurora, or Northern Lights, so common in that area of the world.
The mystery deepened tonight as Russia denied it had been conducting missile tests in the area.
Fred Hansen, from Bø in Vesterålen, described the sight as ‘like a big fireball that went around, with a great light around it again.’
‘It spun and exploded in the sky,’ Totto Eriksen from Tromsø told VG Nett.
He spotted the lights as he walked his daughter Amalie to school.
He said: ‘We saw it from the Inner Harbor in Tromsø. It was absolutely fantastic.
‘It almost looked like a rocket that spun around and around and then went diagonally down the heavens.
‘It looked like the moon was coming over the mountain, but then came something completely different.’
‘It was like a giant spiral – a shooting star that spun around and around. I initially thought it was a projector’, added Axel Rose Berg, from Alta.
Celebrity astronomer Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard told VG Nett he had never seen anything like the lights.
He said: ‘My first thought was that it was a fireball meteor, but it has lasted far too long.
‘It may have been a missile in Russia, but I can not guarantee that it is the answer.’
Air Traffic control in Tromsø claimed the light show lasted for two minutes, but admitted that was ‘far too long to be an astronomical phenomena.’
Tromsø Geophysical Observatory researcher Truls Lynne Hansen was certain the light had been caused by a missile launch.
He told Norwegian media that the missile had likely lost control and exploded. The spiral, he claimed, was the result of light reflecting on the leaking fuel. He was quoted as saying the light was sunlight, despite the strange lights showing up at night. {why do I sense disinfo here...}
The Barents Observer quoted Norwegian Defence spokesman Jon Espen Lien as saying that the Norwegian military does not know what the lights were – but that they were probably from a Russian missile.
He said it was normal for Russia to use the White Sea and the Barents Sea as a testing ground for missiles.
However a Moscow news outlet tonight quoted the Russian Navy as denying any rocket launches from the White Sea area.
Norway should be informed of such launches under international agreements, it was stressed.
The Russian Defence Ministry was unavailable for comment last night.:ridinghorse:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
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This is intriguing. It vaguely reminds me of some very strange tests that happened in a vast desert in the Oz out back in the early mid 1990's, and which was concluded (by some) to be an advanced US Tesla type weapons test.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge. Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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Yes, fascinating. Keep us posted, Peter. It does appear there is a lot of black budget shenaningans going on, as in 'Dorothy, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore'. Maybe it was a lab-created extra-terrestrial being whose kill switch had been activated.
I do think a few of us should go on a DARPA-funded creative retreat and write a satirical screenplay that merges all the DARPA weirdness, the war weirdness, a lot of what is here and/or known about deep politics and other weirdnesses, and mix it up into some kind of cocktail that is two parts 'Gulliver's Travels', one part "Strangelovian", one part Oliver Stone, with a dash of Bill Hicks.
In Greek mythology, Nyx (Νύξ) was the primordial goddess of the night whereas Erebos (Έρεβος ) was the personification of darkness and shadow. Both were the offspring of the primordial God Chaos.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"