23-02-2010, 06:25 AM
I have long been searching for the one common theme that would link together the activities of The John Birch Society
(Robert J. Morris, Edwin A. Walker and Charles Willoughby), the International Committee for the Defense of Christian
Culture (H. L. Hunt and Nelson Bunker Hunt, Douglas MacArthur and Charles Willoughby), The Shickshinny Knights of Malta (list to be provided, but all were sword carrying, sabre rattling, Catholics who had sworn to lay down their life for any Bishop, Archbishop or the Pope in Rome, The America First Party of GLK Smith who chose Douglas MacArthur as their 1952 Presidential
Candidate, The American Mercury of arch-Catholic millionaires like Clendenin J. Ryan and J. Russell Maguire,
CUSA of Robert J. Morris, The World Anti-Communist League of Ray S. Cline and Roger Pearson which apparently was actually started by John Foster Dulles of United Fruit, Allen Dulles of the OSS and Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur in 1947 as APACL, The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) of the de Mohrenshcildts and Anastase Vonsiatsky and the Coudert Brothers law firm,
Charles Willoughby's, Edward Hunter's and Bonner Fellers' Anti-Communist Liaison Committee of Correspondence, and The Manchurian Candidate crowds of Richard Condon who were almost universally arch-Catholics, pro-Fascists, racists,
military war mongers and anti-Semites all rolled into one cohesive entity. And it took postings by Terry Mauro, Bill Kelly, Thomas Purvis and Tom Scully to jog my memory about certain aspects of these internecine interlocked directorships and it took a meeting with Joel Gruhn when he challenged me to show how these "Park Street Patriots", staunch Ukrainian anti-Communists, the right wing nuclear Armageddon military leaders depicted in "Dr. Strangelove", and "Right-Wing Business Leaders" could actually manage to pull this entire thing off. And it helped a lot as I watched some posters on this site who started manifesting
some typical signs of being "extensively brainwashed" themselves by the likes of Oliver, Corso, GLK Smith, Morris, Willoughby, etc. And then I started to review the history of the OSS vs. Army Intel internecine struggles and how they scapegoated each other from the mid-1940's well into the mid-1970's and it became apparently clear to me that Morris, Smith, Oliver, Corso and Willoughby have performed one of the greatest scapegoating and brainwashing coups in history and that some of its victims have yet to be
thoroughly deprogrammed as of today and they are sitting right next to you on this forum and at JFK conferences. Just Amazing Stuff!
And if Don ("Mr. Science Fiction") Jeffries didn't make the outrageous statement that GLK Smith was some kind of washed up, marginal figure, who was far beyond his prime, and incapable of being an important person at the Giesbrecht Incident, I would not have been inspired to re-think the role of GLK Smith once again and prove just how important he was in the entire JFK hit. Thank you Don, for the inspiration. And if several others had not launched that preposterous campaign trying to prove that the little pipsqueak, David Ferrie, was really at the Giesbrecht Incident instead of Gerald L. K. Smith ("Christ of the Ozarks") some of this might never have happened as quickly as it did. Some of my best work is done by refuting, debunking and embarrassing some of the most nonsensical, marginal, illogical and irrelevant critics. It is just like a virus, spread on contact, or is the information just communicated "mouth-to-mouth" (lol) because the printing press had not been invented yet" as some college student once postulated in "Non Campus Mentis" a NY Times bestseller from a couple years back. It is one of the funniest laugh out loud books I have ever read in my life. Get it. Your belly will ache
from laughing so much. Samples to follow.
Ever hear of Edmund Bernay the Father of Public Relations and Spin Control and Influencing Public Opinion? More to come on him later.
He is credited with convincing the Press and the Politicians of the day that Jacobo Arbenz in Guatamala was truly a sinister and dangerous Communist leader who had to go. And after teaching the Dulles Brothers how to do it, the same campaign was launched against Castro
who was much more Communist than Arbenz by a longshot. Arbenz may have just been an opportunistic banana republic capitalist who thought it was a good idea to appropriate United Fruit's banana plantations for the benefit of those who had voted him into office. And then
while he enriched himself and his cronies he was called a Commie to boot? They must have toasted themselves with Champagne and just laughed uproariously at that idea. In any event they were deposed shortly thereafter by a landing party of about 300-350 men just about matching the number of the Bay of Pigs landing party (200-250 maybe). And it was Allen (Banana Man) Dulles who convinced them that he could depose Castro in Cuba just like he did it with Arbenz in Guatamala where he pulled off what I call a "radio broadcast scam" using Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" styled tactics to make Arbenz think that the invasion landing force was much larger than it really was. Nice trick, wonder if I could ever pull that off?
And finally it struck me like a bolt out of the blue. They were ALL Carlist arch-Conservative pro-fascist Catholics and almost all of them had appeared one way or the other, in the novel: The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon in 1958. Case Closed.
Do you know what a major breakthrough this has to be for the entire JFK Assassination Plot and the Unified Conspiracy Theory?
I had been following almost all of these people on and off for about 10 years, but without finding any other common bond among them except for the fact that almost all of them appeared in The Manchurian Candidate by 1959. Now it is apparent that they were all united in the theme of "Killing Commies for Christ" which was a popular bumper sticker in Cambridge during the late 1960's.
It always brought a little smile of irony to my mouth, but the full significance only began to sink in over time. One part of this crowd was truly driven by this sort of Utopian idealistic almost religious fanatical fervor but another group was only motivated by the need to protect their investments in various Banana Republics an oil producing regions, and to regain their investments in Soviet Russia.
And now finally I think I have found it, thanks to a posting by Terry Mauro, about Warren H. Carroll from H. L. Hunt's Lifeline program and his links to Robert J. Morris, and William F. Buckley and Jr., L. Brent Bozell and Christendom College who both wrote for The American Mercury and were YAF founders.
Apparently Bozell made a trip to Spain, just like Willoughby did to deliver arms to Franco, his idol, and came back enthralled with the teachings of a person named Don Carlos, after whom Carlism is named:
The presence of so many arch-Conservative Catholics in the JFK plot has always sort of mystified me as it may also
have mystified those of you who are inquisitive, analytical, incisive, persistent and indefatigable, terms which I readily apply to myself.
It became obvious, slowly over time, that these people had many common bonds not the least of which was their staunch anti-Communism, their arch-Conservative Catholicism, their pro-Fascism and their obeisance to The Pope in Rome, although not all of them shared all of these common bonds:
Truly they all believed in "Killing Commies for Christ the King" and they were all lividly and vociferously anti-Communist
Dr. Robert J. Morris, McCarthyite, Catholic, Fordham University
Otto F. Otepka, McCarthyite, Catholic University
Senator Joseph McCarthy, Catholic, pro-Fascist
Clendenin J. Ryan, Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, American Mercury
J. Russell Maguire, Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, American Mercury
Ulius L. Amoss, Catholic, anti-Communist
Clarence Manion, dean of the Notre Dame Law School, arch-Catholic conservative, Bircher
H. L. Hunt, Catholic?, pro-Fascist, ICDCC
N. B. Hunt, Catholic?, pro-Fascist, ICDCC
William F. Buckley, Jr., Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, American Mercury
Frank C. Hannighan, Catholic, Human Events, Draperite, pro-Fascist
William F. Buckley, Sr., Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist
James J. Angleton, Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, CIA
Half the membership of The Council for National Policy were Catholic, anti-Communist, pro-Facist
Hugh James Angleton, his father, Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, anti-Pancho Villa
Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, a true Franco Falangist and Carlist Catholic, American Mercury
Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, Catholic, pro-Hitler Falangist, American Mercury, Shickshinny Knights of Malta
Tsar Anastase Vonsiatsky, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Russian Orthodox Catholic, St. Nicholas Cathedral in NYC, Park Avenue Patriots
George de Mohrenschildt, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Russian Orthodox Catholic, St. Nicholas Cathedral in NYC, Park Avenue Patriots
Dallas petroleum geologists and Marina Oswald, pro-Fascist, Russian Orthodox Catholic
Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, Catholic, pro-Hitler
Gen George C. Stratemeyer, Catholic, pro-Hitler
Paul E. Weyrich, Catholic, Heritage Foundation, Pioneer Fund advocate
Ray S. Cline, Georgetown University, Catholic, CSIS, WACL
Laurence Dennis, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Fascist
George Sokolosky, American Mercury, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Fascist
Westbrook Pegler, American Mercury, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Fascist
Any more to add to this list?
These guys certainly knew how to "mobilize resentment" with the best of them... Why we even have some resident experts on that right here in "River City"... How gauche.
They put together "politically incensed anti-Castro exiles" with "anti-Semites and racists incensed by recent Civil Rights gains like the Mississippi crowds" with "Eugenicists, anti-Semites and racists from DAC, The John Birch Society, Smith's America First Party and The Pioneer Fund incensed by just about anything and anyone" to form what could perhaps be called the most violent and virulent coterie of affiliated "Hate Groups" in existence. It was more than just the "Department of Agitation and Propaganda" (AgitProp) although they had that covered, too. It was the "Department of Aggravation, Xenophobia, Elimination and Paranoia" all rolled into one. To get into this club you had to prove that you were not only capable of violence but that you had actually been involved with killing some of the "common enemies" of this little politburo for the Nazis.
"The DAC’s involvement with the White Russian community led many of its members to join a far right pseudo-chivalric order known as the “Sovereign Order of Saint John of
Jerusalem, Knights of Malta,” which was headquartered in the small town of Shickshinny, Pennsylvania. The Military Affairs Committee of the Knights at one point included an
astonishing list of former generals and admirals, including Pedro del Valle, a Draper confidante, Gen. Lemuel Shepherd, Lt. Gen. George Stratemeyer, Maj. Gen. Charles
Willoughby, Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, Admiral Charles M. Cooke and Rear Admiral Francis T. Spellman among others. The “Shickshinny Knights” were led by Charles Pichel, a Nazi
sympathizer in the 1930s who maintained murky ties to the White Russian community.
Pichel claimed that his Knights represented a branch of the Order that had survived in Russia under the Emperor Paul I after Napoleon had suppressed the main group. He further said he derived his order’s legitimacy from “Czar” Cyril himself."
Citation from: http://www.iisg.nl/research/coogan.doc
Download it and read it for yourself. It is a long download however. So don't bail out.
There were a whole slew of Unitarians/Quakers/Presbyterians involved, too, and everyone
on this list were considered to be "religious freaks" of one form or another
Wickliffe Preston Draper, John Birch Society, Unitarians, anti-union, anti-Communist
Robert J. Welch, John Birch Society, Unitarian, anti-union, anti-Communist
George Michael Evica's Unitarians from The Albert Schweitzer College
Andrew Preston's fellow Unitarians like Wickliffe Preston Draper, Andrew owned Boston Fruit Company which became United Fruit
Michael and Ruth Paine perhaps as Quakers/Unitarians
John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, sons of a Presbyterian Minister, and heavily involved with United Fruit
John M. Cabot president of United Fruit and the Forbes family, Unitarians/Presbyterians?
And apparently they all hated JFK because he just wasn\'t anti-Communist ENOUGH for their liking
And apparently they all hated JFK because he just wasn\'t Catholic ENOUGH for their liking
And apparently they all hated JFK because he just wasn\'t pro-Fascist ENOUGH for their liking
They would all have agreed with the statements of GLK Smith....
"The Kennedy brothers are nothing but whore-mongering, whisky-swigging, fake Catholics who are trying
to take away this country from all the God-fearing, Bible-reading White American Christians like you and me
and give it back on a silver platter to all the Spics, the Jews and the Nigg-rows."
Case Closed.
QUOTE (John Bevilaqua @ Nov 25 2007, 04:13 PM)![[Image: post_snapback.gif]](http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/style_images/1/post_snapback.gif)
Now back to the Clendenin J. Ryan postings and the American Tobacco and Bank of
Maryland links from Baltimore, MD which is a much hotter topic for me. Turns out now
that Thomas F. Ryan and Anthony J. Brady were involved with William F. Buckley Jr.\'s
ther with Pantapec Oil to protect American oil interests in Mexico in the 1920\'s.
Both Ryan and Brady were part and parcel of this \"Irish Lace\" nouveau riche arch
Catholic set of Holy Roman Empire Crusaders.
This means that perhaps the earliest known recorded event where private money from
arch Catholic multi millionaires, flowed into the hands of soldiers of fortune for 3 distinct
selfish purposes, was this Mexico anti-privatization action via Pantapec Oil.
1) Prevent appropriation of American investors foreign interests and holdings by a hostile government
2) Prevent an entire country from allowing a dictator or rebel leader, like a Pancho Villa,
from getting control of the country and running it for his own ends.
3) Install a falangist or fascist influenced governmental power to protect Catholicism while
you are at it.
Buckley\'s father was also involved with the search for Pancho Villa along with the previously
discovered trio who were chartered with that campaign: George A. Draper, James Hugh Angleton
and Charles A. Willoughby. You see the business of protecting family fortunes and chasing
down international banditos while preventing the Church from being closed down has a long and storied, perpetual legacy in this country.
This posting is meant to focus on one of the earliest efforts by the \"Irish Lace\" arch-Catholic nouveau riche (the Buckley\'s, Brady\'s and Ryan\'s)
in America to protect their hard fought interests against foreign privatization and other attempts at strong arming foreign investments back
into the coffers of a foreign power. This would happen over and over again over the following decades.
This article appears in the July 25, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Synarchism, the Spanish Falange, and the Nazis
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
Some have argued to the contrary, that the Cristero Rebellion in Mexico was a lawful development unique to the conditions which prevailed in Mexico at the time. Anne Carroll, whose husband Warren Carroll was the founder of Christendom College in Virginia—a cesspool of Buckley family-connected Spanish Carlism—argued, for example in her book Christ and the Americas, that the Cristero Rebellion was justified, and that even though not victorious in the short term, it had a positive historical effect, as evidenced by the fact that Pope John Paul II visited Mexico in the 1990s. As she put it: \"The blood of the martyrs of the Revolution had borne fruit.\"
Anne Carroll also, not accidentally, defends the Hapsburg Emperor Maximilian and denounces Juárez. This should come as no surprise, since Otto von Hapsburg was listed as a contributor to the Carlist Triumph magazine of L. Brent Bozell, with which the Carrolls were associated before forming Christendom College. Moreover, the organization founded by Bozell, Buckley\'s brother-in-law, the Society for the Christian Commonwealth, adopted the same battle cry as the Cristeros, \"Christ the King.\"
Anne Carroll\'s assessment is as follows: \"The United States had supported Juárez and denounced Maximilian because Juárez boasted of his adherence to Liberalism and democracy. But he set up a far tighter control over the country than the so-called autocrat, Maximilian, had done.... He tried and failed to build a secular education system to replace the destroyed Catholic system.\" This is the viewpoint adopted by Buckley pawn Fernando Quijano and his epigones.
As referenced above, the Buckley family is a critical connection to the Cristero Rebellion. This also has significance today due to the involvement of the Buckleys in operations against the LaRouche movement both in Northern Virginia and in Mexico. William F. Buckley, Sr. was a key operative in post-1917 Mexico, in organizing against the Mexican Revolution and in inciting the Cristero Rebellion. In the post-World War II period, the Buckley family continued to play a destructive role not only against Mexico, but against the American Revolution and its continuation by Lyndon LaRouche. Not only did William F. Buckley, Sr. promote Nelson Rockefeller, a long-time adversary of LaRouche, as head of the Office of Coordination of Inter-American Affairs; but his son, William F. Buckley, Jr. was assigned in 1952 by James Jesus Angleton, director of counterintelligence for the CIA under Allen Dulles, to set up the first CIA office in Mexico City, where he worked with E. Howard Hunt. Through these connections, the Buckley family has continued to run hostile operations against LaRouche and his associates, while simultaneously promoting the synarchist PAN.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT IT WAS WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, JR.'S FATHER WHO ORIGINATED THIS CONCEPT OF LINKING ANTI-COMMUNISM WITH FABRICATED ANTI-CATHOLIC POWDERPUFF THREATS WHICH HAD ONLY ONE REAL GOAL: SELFISH RECOVERY OF EXPROPRIATED OIL PROPERTIES OF PANTAPEC OIL OWNED BY THE BUCKLEY FAMILY. IT TOOK A POSTING ON THE LAROUCHE SITE TO POINT THIS OUT TO ALL OF US. THIS CONCEPT WAS PRODUCED IN ALMOST IDENTICAL FASHION DURING THE INFAMOUS UNITED FRUIT "THE BANANA WARS" IN NICARAGUA, HONDURAS, GUATAMALA AND LATER CUBA. And who else came to the rescue and rode with Buckley's father after Pancho Villa? All together now, you should know the drill by now: Wickliffe Draper's Uncle, Jim Angleton's father, and a young Charles Willoughby himself. And it took David Guyatt to point out that during World War II Willoughby ran what was then known as The Army Air Corps, where he supervised a much younger Edward Lansdale who was part of that program before it became The United States Air Force in later years, where all those Dr. Strangelove types congregated whom JFK despised. You did know about that, right?
In the critical period after 1917, William F. Buckley, Sr. actively organized against the Mexican Revolution, opposing both the revolutionary laws that threatened foreign oil holdings, including those of Buckley himself, but also the laws that were designed to defend Mexican sovereignty against the sedition of synarchist elements of the Catholic Church. In 1919, Buckley and Thomas Lamont, of the J.P. Morgan banking empire, founded and ran an organization called the American Association of Mexico. Buckley himself was expelled from Mexico by President Alvaro Obregón in 1921 for counterrevolutionary activity. Moreover, Buckley promised to help fund the Cristeros. Although he apparently did not deliver on this promise, the very promise constituted an encouragement and an incitement to rebellion.
In 1905, Galindo founded the Guadalupan Laborers. In 1907, Father Troncoso proposed the creation of a Catholic Workers\' Union. In 1906, Bergoend organized the first Jesuit \"Spiritual Exercises\" among the workers of Guadalajara. There he came to know members of Galindo\'s Guadalupan Laborers and lay leaders such as Palomar y Vizcarra. It was Bergoend who stressed the need to form a Catholic political party to promote social action. He wrote the draft plan of organization and the program for the National Catholic Party, based upon the precepts of a French Catholic party called Liberal Popular Action. On May 5, 1911, for the first and last time in Mexico, a political party was formed bearing the name Catholic. In August 1911, the party held its first national convention. In her book Christ and the Americas, Buckleyite Anne Carroll refers to the National Catholic Party and its auxiliary, the League of Catholic Students, as \"the most constructive group\" in Mexico at that time.
In the United States, the leading Buckleyite Catholics harped on the theme of the Communist threat in Mexico, alleging that the attack of the government on the Church—and on the oil properties as well—was part of a worldwide Bolshevik plot. The Buckleyites hoped that by tying the religious persecution to the oil question, the American government might be led to intervene against Calles. Though the avowed purpose of the intervention would be to aid the oil companies, the result would be the overthrow of Calles and the defense of the Church in Mexico.
The Role of William F. Buckley, Sr.
The most prominent of the latter interests was William F. Buckley, Sr., who owned and ran Pantepec Oil Company in Mexico in 1913. He was opposed to the policy of the Woodrow Wilson Administration, which was to support Pancho Villa (who was from the state of Chihuahua and led what was called the Northern Division during the 1910 Revolution) against the government of Victoriano Huerta. In fact, Buckley served as counsel to the oligarchic Mexican government of President Huerta at the Niagara conference of \"ABC\" powers—Argentina, Brazil, and Chile—that mediated between the United States and Mexico after the U.S. naval bombardment of the port of Veracruz in April 1914. So influential was Buckley in Mexico, that he was actually offered the military governorship of Veracruz by the U.S. government, an offer which he refused.
After the overthrow of the Huerta government by Venustiano Carranza in 1914, Buckley opposed recognition of the Carranza government by Washington, and later exerted his influence in opposition to the 1917 Constitution.
On Dec. 6, 1919, he testified before a subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as follows: \"I think we should settle this matter with Mexico without reference to Latin America or to what Latin Americans or anybody else thinks. I think we should settle it in the right way without reference to anybody else.... Latin America respects us more when we attend to our own business and do not call Latin Americans in for consultation. Our relations with Mexico are our own business and nobody else\'s.\" Although Buckley claimed to be an opponent of armed intervention, he concluded his testimony by saying, \"Nothing would have raised our prestige so in Latin America as the dispatching of an army across the border the first time an American was touched and the execution of all those who had injured him.\"
Also, Buckley never denied his involvement in the failed counterrevolutionary movement led by a Gen. Manuel Pelaez, whose ammunition train, sponsored by Buckley, got lost, as its Washington representative, an old intimate of Buckley, was announcing himself to the State Department in Washington as the Pelaez \"government\'s\" representative.
Once Warren Harding was elected U.S. President, replacing Wilson, Buckley campaigned against recognition of the Mexican government of Alvaro Obregón.
In 1921, he, along with Thomas W. Lamont of J.P. Morgan, formed the American Association of Mexico, with offices in New York City and Washington, D.C. The AAM aimed at undoing the confiscatory oil legislation, restoring special privileges of U.S. citizens in Mexico, and eliminating provisions of the Mexican Constitution that forbade American clergymen of any denomination to exercise their religious office in Mexico.
Thomas Lamont was also the head of the International Bankers Committee, which later negotiated a deal with Mexico to guarantee Mexican foreign debt payments to the international banks.
In November 1921, Buckley was expelled from Mexico for \"counterrevolutionary conspiracy\" by President Alvaro Obregón. Buckley had lost many of his properties, when they were taken over by Obregón\'s government.
During the Cristero Rebellion, the military head of the National League, René Capistran Garza, visited William F. Buckley, Sr. in San Antonio, Texas. Buckley proposed to offer the Mexican rebels $500,000 to aid their revolution. Buckley saw an opportunity to recoup his fortunes in Mexico by financing the Cristeros in their attempt to overthrow the Calles regime.
Buckley did not intend to furnish the money himself. Instead he offered to introduce Capistrán Garza to Nicholas Brady, who, Buckley said, would give the League representative the $500,000. Brady was president of the New York Edison Company and the United Electric Light and Power Company in 1926. He was the first American layman to receive the title of papal Chamberlain and was a close personal friend of Pius XI and the papal Secretary of State, Cardinal Gasparri.
Buckley was helped in this endeavor by a Dr. Malone, another well-known New York Catholic who was Gov. Alfred E. Smith\'s personal physician.
Reportedly Capistrán Garza never got to see Brady, because Mexican Bishop Pascual Diaz interceded with Buckley to discourage him from financing the Cristeros. Diaz reportedly told Buckley that the Catholic hierarchy wanted a coalition government led by liberals. Anne Carroll, in her book Christ and the Americas, makes a point of claiming that Buckley decided against financing the Cristeros. She, along with her husband, Warren Carroll, were intimates of William F. Buckley, Jr.\'s brother-in-law, L. Brent Bozell, who married Patricia Buckley.
The issue is not whether Buckley personally financed the Cristero movement. The fact is that Buckley encouraged and incited the Cristero movement with the promise of financing. Nor is there any definitive proof that he did not arrange financing in some other way.
For example, in 1926, the Knights of Columbus in the United States passed a resolution stating that they would \"assess our membership to the extent of one million dollars\" and \"pledge the support and cooperation of 800,000 men who love God.\"
What complicated matters for Buckley and other oil interests was the fact that the United States imposed an arms embargo in February 1924 against all groups in Mexico, save the recognized government of Obregón. In the Fall of 1926, President Calvin Coolidge made this embargo absolute for all groups in Mexico, since Calles was supplying arms to Sacasa\'s faction in Nicaragua—the opposition element to that supported by the United States. On March 8, 1929, President Herbert Hoover announced the continuation of the previous administration\'s arms embargo policy, i.e., to supply arms to the recognized Portes Gil regime only. On July 18, 1929, less than a month after the conclusion of the modus vivendi between the Church and the Portes Gil regime, the United States lifted the arms embargo.
Despite the fact that Buckley and others clearly shared the synarchist ideology of the Cristeros, they used the Cristeros as cannon fodder in order to put pressure on the Mexican government to make concessions in respect to foreign oil interests in Mexico and in respect to international debt payments.
The Politics of Oil
As can be seen from the above account of the roles of Buckley and Lamont, the Cristero Rebellion was directly related to the question of foreign investment in Mexican oil and to the question of Mexican debt to the international banks, which were represented by Lamont of J.P. Morgan.
While Obregón was President of Mexico, as reported above, the U.S. withheld recognition of his government for three years. It was only recognized in 1923 after Obregón had reached an agreement with the United States on the oil question, the so-called Bucareli agreement of 1923, in which Mexico stipulated that oil lands acquired between 1876 and 1917 by foreign investors, such as William F. Buckley, Sr., could be held in perpetuity. Although Obregón had expelled Buckley from Mexico in 1921, after the Bucareli agreement, the next President of Mexico, Calles, invited him to return in 1924.
Morrow resigned from J.P. Morgan before accepting the assignment, and although his connection to J.P. Morgan is significant, he was clearly not just an agent of the Morgan interests. In 1925, he had been chair of the Committee on Military Affairs, which investigated the charges leveled by Col. William Mitchell (head of the Army Air Service) on the inadequacy of U.S. air defense. Also of note is that fact that before accepting his assignment to Mexico he had made the acquaintance of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and suggested he fly to Mexico City. Lindbergh arrived in Mexico on Dec. 14, 1927. Later, Lindbergh was to marry Morrow\'s daughter. (In 1940, long after Morrow died in 1931, his daughter, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, wrote a book entitled The Wave of the Future: A Confession of Faith, which was favorably reviewed by the wife of William F. Buckley, Sr.)
J.P. Morgan had won and Dwight Morrow\'s proposal was rejected. Thus, in the course of the Cristero Rebellion, the program of the American Association of Mexico, created in 1921 by Buckley and Lamont, had obtained its objectives: to force the Mexican government to back down on implementation of the Constitutional provision asserting sovereign national control of its oil reserves for the purpose of nation-building; and to force Mexico to pay its foreign debt to the international banks even at the expense of the well-being of its population. And ultimately, the purpose was to prevent a U.S.-Mexican alliance for mutual economic development: as envisioned by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and Mexican President Benito Juárez; by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his Good Neighbor policy; and by U.S. Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche in his 1982 Operation Juárez policy proposal.
To that end, it is necessary to reject both the Buckleyite pseudo-Catholics of the right and the Jacobins of the left. But most of all, it is necessary to defeat their string-pullers, who operate in the invisible complex domain of universal history.
Bailey, David C. The Cristero rebellion and the religious conflict in Mexico 1926-9, Doctoral thesis, Michigan State University, 1969.
Berbusse, Edward J., SJ. \"The unofficial intervention of the United States in Mexico\'s religious crisis, 1926-1930,\" The Americas, XXXIII, July 1, 1966, pp. 28-63.
Bergoend, Bernardo, S.J. Mexican Nationality and the Virgin of Guadalupe, second edition, (Mexico: Editorial Jus, 1968; first edition, 1931).
Braman, Harold P., Assistant Naval Attaché U.S. Embassy Mexico City, Confidential Intelligence Reports, Oct. 31, 1941, March 30, 1942, Feb. 2, 1944.
Camargo, G. Baez, Religion in the Republic of Mexico (New York City: World Dominion Press, 1935).
Carroll, Anne, Christ and the Americas (Rockford, Ill.: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1997).
Chase, Allan, Falange, The Axis Secret Army in the Americas (New York: G.P. Putnam\'s Sons, 1943).
Heibel, Alcuin, Synarchism: the Hope of Mexico\'s Poor (Mt. Angel, Ore., 1943).
Markmann, Charles Lam, The Buckleys: A Family Examined (New York; William Morrow & Co., Inc.), 1970.
Mexican Labor Party, The PAN: Moscow\'s Terrorists in Mexico (New York City: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1985).
Meyer, Jean, The Cristero Rebellion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976).
Meyer, Jean, El sinarquismo: un fascismo mexicano? (Mexico: Editorial J. Mortiz, 1979).
Nicolson, Harold, Dwight Morrow (New York City: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1935).
Quirk, Robert E., The Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church 1910-1929 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973).
Rice, Elizabeth Ann, O.P. The diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico, as affected by the struggle for religious liberty in Mexico, 1925-29, Washington, D.C.
[1] This same issue is once again on the agenda today. During the Presidency of Lázaro Cárdenas in 1938, the Mexican government did proceed to nationalize Mexican oil. Today, pressure is coming once again from the United States, that that nationalization be reversed and the oil privatized. Virtually on cue, efforts are once again being made to stoke the fire of religious conflict. On June 12, the son of Jean Meyer, Lorenzo Meyer, wrote an article in Reforma, which asserts that the conflict between Church and State which led to \"open and brutal civil war\" in Mexico several times in the past, is back on the agenda.
Now that others have jumped back onto this Carlist Catholic, William F. Buckley, Jr. and Sr. topic related to Christendom College
and Warren H. Carroll, from H. L. Hunt\'s Lifeline Program and Robert J. Morris\'s CUSA programs. this posting can be seen for what it really is.
The true origins of what I can only call \"Carlist Catholic Fascism\" started when Buckley\'s father, Draper\'s Uncle, James J. Angleton\'s father and
a young Charles Willoughby himself who was a pro-Franco Spanish Carlist Catholic and in the Shickshinny Knights of Malta all rode together in John J. Pershing\'s cavalry chasing Pancho Villa into New Mexico.
(Robert J. Morris, Edwin A. Walker and Charles Willoughby), the International Committee for the Defense of Christian
Culture (H. L. Hunt and Nelson Bunker Hunt, Douglas MacArthur and Charles Willoughby), The Shickshinny Knights of Malta (list to be provided, but all were sword carrying, sabre rattling, Catholics who had sworn to lay down their life for any Bishop, Archbishop or the Pope in Rome, The America First Party of GLK Smith who chose Douglas MacArthur as their 1952 Presidential
Candidate, The American Mercury of arch-Catholic millionaires like Clendenin J. Ryan and J. Russell Maguire,
CUSA of Robert J. Morris, The World Anti-Communist League of Ray S. Cline and Roger Pearson which apparently was actually started by John Foster Dulles of United Fruit, Allen Dulles of the OSS and Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur in 1947 as APACL, The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) of the de Mohrenshcildts and Anastase Vonsiatsky and the Coudert Brothers law firm,
Charles Willoughby's, Edward Hunter's and Bonner Fellers' Anti-Communist Liaison Committee of Correspondence, and The Manchurian Candidate crowds of Richard Condon who were almost universally arch-Catholics, pro-Fascists, racists,
military war mongers and anti-Semites all rolled into one cohesive entity. And it took postings by Terry Mauro, Bill Kelly, Thomas Purvis and Tom Scully to jog my memory about certain aspects of these internecine interlocked directorships and it took a meeting with Joel Gruhn when he challenged me to show how these "Park Street Patriots", staunch Ukrainian anti-Communists, the right wing nuclear Armageddon military leaders depicted in "Dr. Strangelove", and "Right-Wing Business Leaders" could actually manage to pull this entire thing off. And it helped a lot as I watched some posters on this site who started manifesting
some typical signs of being "extensively brainwashed" themselves by the likes of Oliver, Corso, GLK Smith, Morris, Willoughby, etc. And then I started to review the history of the OSS vs. Army Intel internecine struggles and how they scapegoated each other from the mid-1940's well into the mid-1970's and it became apparently clear to me that Morris, Smith, Oliver, Corso and Willoughby have performed one of the greatest scapegoating and brainwashing coups in history and that some of its victims have yet to be
thoroughly deprogrammed as of today and they are sitting right next to you on this forum and at JFK conferences. Just Amazing Stuff!
And if Don ("Mr. Science Fiction") Jeffries didn't make the outrageous statement that GLK Smith was some kind of washed up, marginal figure, who was far beyond his prime, and incapable of being an important person at the Giesbrecht Incident, I would not have been inspired to re-think the role of GLK Smith once again and prove just how important he was in the entire JFK hit. Thank you Don, for the inspiration. And if several others had not launched that preposterous campaign trying to prove that the little pipsqueak, David Ferrie, was really at the Giesbrecht Incident instead of Gerald L. K. Smith ("Christ of the Ozarks") some of this might never have happened as quickly as it did. Some of my best work is done by refuting, debunking and embarrassing some of the most nonsensical, marginal, illogical and irrelevant critics. It is just like a virus, spread on contact, or is the information just communicated "mouth-to-mouth" (lol) because the printing press had not been invented yet" as some college student once postulated in "Non Campus Mentis" a NY Times bestseller from a couple years back. It is one of the funniest laugh out loud books I have ever read in my life. Get it. Your belly will ache
from laughing so much. Samples to follow.
Ever hear of Edmund Bernay the Father of Public Relations and Spin Control and Influencing Public Opinion? More to come on him later.
He is credited with convincing the Press and the Politicians of the day that Jacobo Arbenz in Guatamala was truly a sinister and dangerous Communist leader who had to go. And after teaching the Dulles Brothers how to do it, the same campaign was launched against Castro
who was much more Communist than Arbenz by a longshot. Arbenz may have just been an opportunistic banana republic capitalist who thought it was a good idea to appropriate United Fruit's banana plantations for the benefit of those who had voted him into office. And then
while he enriched himself and his cronies he was called a Commie to boot? They must have toasted themselves with Champagne and just laughed uproariously at that idea. In any event they were deposed shortly thereafter by a landing party of about 300-350 men just about matching the number of the Bay of Pigs landing party (200-250 maybe). And it was Allen (Banana Man) Dulles who convinced them that he could depose Castro in Cuba just like he did it with Arbenz in Guatamala where he pulled off what I call a "radio broadcast scam" using Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" styled tactics to make Arbenz think that the invasion landing force was much larger than it really was. Nice trick, wonder if I could ever pull that off?
And finally it struck me like a bolt out of the blue. They were ALL Carlist arch-Conservative pro-fascist Catholics and almost all of them had appeared one way or the other, in the novel: The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon in 1958. Case Closed.
Do you know what a major breakthrough this has to be for the entire JFK Assassination Plot and the Unified Conspiracy Theory?
I had been following almost all of these people on and off for about 10 years, but without finding any other common bond among them except for the fact that almost all of them appeared in The Manchurian Candidate by 1959. Now it is apparent that they were all united in the theme of "Killing Commies for Christ" which was a popular bumper sticker in Cambridge during the late 1960's.
It always brought a little smile of irony to my mouth, but the full significance only began to sink in over time. One part of this crowd was truly driven by this sort of Utopian idealistic almost religious fanatical fervor but another group was only motivated by the need to protect their investments in various Banana Republics an oil producing regions, and to regain their investments in Soviet Russia.
And now finally I think I have found it, thanks to a posting by Terry Mauro, about Warren H. Carroll from H. L. Hunt's Lifeline program and his links to Robert J. Morris, and William F. Buckley and Jr., L. Brent Bozell and Christendom College who both wrote for The American Mercury and were YAF founders.
Apparently Bozell made a trip to Spain, just like Willoughby did to deliver arms to Franco, his idol, and came back enthralled with the teachings of a person named Don Carlos, after whom Carlism is named:
The presence of so many arch-Conservative Catholics in the JFK plot has always sort of mystified me as it may also
have mystified those of you who are inquisitive, analytical, incisive, persistent and indefatigable, terms which I readily apply to myself.
It became obvious, slowly over time, that these people had many common bonds not the least of which was their staunch anti-Communism, their arch-Conservative Catholicism, their pro-Fascism and their obeisance to The Pope in Rome, although not all of them shared all of these common bonds:
Truly they all believed in "Killing Commies for Christ the King" and they were all lividly and vociferously anti-Communist
Dr. Robert J. Morris, McCarthyite, Catholic, Fordham University
Otto F. Otepka, McCarthyite, Catholic University
Senator Joseph McCarthy, Catholic, pro-Fascist
Clendenin J. Ryan, Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, American Mercury
J. Russell Maguire, Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, American Mercury
Ulius L. Amoss, Catholic, anti-Communist
Clarence Manion, dean of the Notre Dame Law School, arch-Catholic conservative, Bircher
H. L. Hunt, Catholic?, pro-Fascist, ICDCC
N. B. Hunt, Catholic?, pro-Fascist, ICDCC
William F. Buckley, Jr., Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, American Mercury
Frank C. Hannighan, Catholic, Human Events, Draperite, pro-Fascist
William F. Buckley, Sr., Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist
James J. Angleton, Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, CIA
Half the membership of The Council for National Policy were Catholic, anti-Communist, pro-Facist
Hugh James Angleton, his father, Catholic, Carlist, pro-Fascist, anti-Pancho Villa
Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, a true Franco Falangist and Carlist Catholic, American Mercury
Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, Catholic, pro-Hitler Falangist, American Mercury, Shickshinny Knights of Malta
Tsar Anastase Vonsiatsky, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Russian Orthodox Catholic, St. Nicholas Cathedral in NYC, Park Avenue Patriots
George de Mohrenschildt, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Russian Orthodox Catholic, St. Nicholas Cathedral in NYC, Park Avenue Patriots
Dallas petroleum geologists and Marina Oswald, pro-Fascist, Russian Orthodox Catholic
Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, Catholic, pro-Hitler
Gen George C. Stratemeyer, Catholic, pro-Hitler
Paul E. Weyrich, Catholic, Heritage Foundation, Pioneer Fund advocate
Ray S. Cline, Georgetown University, Catholic, CSIS, WACL
Laurence Dennis, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Fascist
George Sokolosky, American Mercury, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Fascist
Westbrook Pegler, American Mercury, Catholic, pro-Hitler, Fascist
Any more to add to this list?
These guys certainly knew how to "mobilize resentment" with the best of them... Why we even have some resident experts on that right here in "River City"... How gauche.
They put together "politically incensed anti-Castro exiles" with "anti-Semites and racists incensed by recent Civil Rights gains like the Mississippi crowds" with "Eugenicists, anti-Semites and racists from DAC, The John Birch Society, Smith's America First Party and The Pioneer Fund incensed by just about anything and anyone" to form what could perhaps be called the most violent and virulent coterie of affiliated "Hate Groups" in existence. It was more than just the "Department of Agitation and Propaganda" (AgitProp) although they had that covered, too. It was the "Department of Aggravation, Xenophobia, Elimination and Paranoia" all rolled into one. To get into this club you had to prove that you were not only capable of violence but that you had actually been involved with killing some of the "common enemies" of this little politburo for the Nazis.
"The DAC’s involvement with the White Russian community led many of its members to join a far right pseudo-chivalric order known as the “Sovereign Order of Saint John of
Jerusalem, Knights of Malta,” which was headquartered in the small town of Shickshinny, Pennsylvania. The Military Affairs Committee of the Knights at one point included an
astonishing list of former generals and admirals, including Pedro del Valle, a Draper confidante, Gen. Lemuel Shepherd, Lt. Gen. George Stratemeyer, Maj. Gen. Charles
Willoughby, Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, Admiral Charles M. Cooke and Rear Admiral Francis T. Spellman among others. The “Shickshinny Knights” were led by Charles Pichel, a Nazi
sympathizer in the 1930s who maintained murky ties to the White Russian community.
Pichel claimed that his Knights represented a branch of the Order that had survived in Russia under the Emperor Paul I after Napoleon had suppressed the main group. He further said he derived his order’s legitimacy from “Czar” Cyril himself."
Citation from: http://www.iisg.nl/research/coogan.doc
Download it and read it for yourself. It is a long download however. So don't bail out.
There were a whole slew of Unitarians/Quakers/Presbyterians involved, too, and everyone
on this list were considered to be "religious freaks" of one form or another
Wickliffe Preston Draper, John Birch Society, Unitarians, anti-union, anti-Communist
Robert J. Welch, John Birch Society, Unitarian, anti-union, anti-Communist
George Michael Evica's Unitarians from The Albert Schweitzer College
Andrew Preston's fellow Unitarians like Wickliffe Preston Draper, Andrew owned Boston Fruit Company which became United Fruit
Michael and Ruth Paine perhaps as Quakers/Unitarians
John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, sons of a Presbyterian Minister, and heavily involved with United Fruit
John M. Cabot president of United Fruit and the Forbes family, Unitarians/Presbyterians?
And apparently they all hated JFK because he just wasn\'t anti-Communist ENOUGH for their liking
And apparently they all hated JFK because he just wasn\'t Catholic ENOUGH for their liking
And apparently they all hated JFK because he just wasn\'t pro-Fascist ENOUGH for their liking
They would all have agreed with the statements of GLK Smith....
"The Kennedy brothers are nothing but whore-mongering, whisky-swigging, fake Catholics who are trying
to take away this country from all the God-fearing, Bible-reading White American Christians like you and me
and give it back on a silver platter to all the Spics, the Jews and the Nigg-rows."
Case Closed.
QUOTE (John Bevilaqua @ Nov 25 2007, 04:13 PM)
![[Image: post_snapback.gif]](http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/style_images/1/post_snapback.gif)
Now back to the Clendenin J. Ryan postings and the American Tobacco and Bank of
Maryland links from Baltimore, MD which is a much hotter topic for me. Turns out now
that Thomas F. Ryan and Anthony J. Brady were involved with William F. Buckley Jr.\'s
ther with Pantapec Oil to protect American oil interests in Mexico in the 1920\'s.
Both Ryan and Brady were part and parcel of this \"Irish Lace\" nouveau riche arch
Catholic set of Holy Roman Empire Crusaders.
This means that perhaps the earliest known recorded event where private money from
arch Catholic multi millionaires, flowed into the hands of soldiers of fortune for 3 distinct
selfish purposes, was this Mexico anti-privatization action via Pantapec Oil.
1) Prevent appropriation of American investors foreign interests and holdings by a hostile government
2) Prevent an entire country from allowing a dictator or rebel leader, like a Pancho Villa,
from getting control of the country and running it for his own ends.
3) Install a falangist or fascist influenced governmental power to protect Catholicism while
you are at it.
Buckley\'s father was also involved with the search for Pancho Villa along with the previously
discovered trio who were chartered with that campaign: George A. Draper, James Hugh Angleton
and Charles A. Willoughby. You see the business of protecting family fortunes and chasing
down international banditos while preventing the Church from being closed down has a long and storied, perpetual legacy in this country.
This posting is meant to focus on one of the earliest efforts by the \"Irish Lace\" arch-Catholic nouveau riche (the Buckley\'s, Brady\'s and Ryan\'s)
in America to protect their hard fought interests against foreign privatization and other attempts at strong arming foreign investments back
into the coffers of a foreign power. This would happen over and over again over the following decades.
This article appears in the July 25, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Synarchism, the Spanish Falange, and the Nazis
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
Some have argued to the contrary, that the Cristero Rebellion in Mexico was a lawful development unique to the conditions which prevailed in Mexico at the time. Anne Carroll, whose husband Warren Carroll was the founder of Christendom College in Virginia—a cesspool of Buckley family-connected Spanish Carlism—argued, for example in her book Christ and the Americas, that the Cristero Rebellion was justified, and that even though not victorious in the short term, it had a positive historical effect, as evidenced by the fact that Pope John Paul II visited Mexico in the 1990s. As she put it: \"The blood of the martyrs of the Revolution had borne fruit.\"
Anne Carroll also, not accidentally, defends the Hapsburg Emperor Maximilian and denounces Juárez. This should come as no surprise, since Otto von Hapsburg was listed as a contributor to the Carlist Triumph magazine of L. Brent Bozell, with which the Carrolls were associated before forming Christendom College. Moreover, the organization founded by Bozell, Buckley\'s brother-in-law, the Society for the Christian Commonwealth, adopted the same battle cry as the Cristeros, \"Christ the King.\"
Anne Carroll\'s assessment is as follows: \"The United States had supported Juárez and denounced Maximilian because Juárez boasted of his adherence to Liberalism and democracy. But he set up a far tighter control over the country than the so-called autocrat, Maximilian, had done.... He tried and failed to build a secular education system to replace the destroyed Catholic system.\" This is the viewpoint adopted by Buckley pawn Fernando Quijano and his epigones.
As referenced above, the Buckley family is a critical connection to the Cristero Rebellion. This also has significance today due to the involvement of the Buckleys in operations against the LaRouche movement both in Northern Virginia and in Mexico. William F. Buckley, Sr. was a key operative in post-1917 Mexico, in organizing against the Mexican Revolution and in inciting the Cristero Rebellion. In the post-World War II period, the Buckley family continued to play a destructive role not only against Mexico, but against the American Revolution and its continuation by Lyndon LaRouche. Not only did William F. Buckley, Sr. promote Nelson Rockefeller, a long-time adversary of LaRouche, as head of the Office of Coordination of Inter-American Affairs; but his son, William F. Buckley, Jr. was assigned in 1952 by James Jesus Angleton, director of counterintelligence for the CIA under Allen Dulles, to set up the first CIA office in Mexico City, where he worked with E. Howard Hunt. Through these connections, the Buckley family has continued to run hostile operations against LaRouche and his associates, while simultaneously promoting the synarchist PAN.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT IT WAS WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, JR.'S FATHER WHO ORIGINATED THIS CONCEPT OF LINKING ANTI-COMMUNISM WITH FABRICATED ANTI-CATHOLIC POWDERPUFF THREATS WHICH HAD ONLY ONE REAL GOAL: SELFISH RECOVERY OF EXPROPRIATED OIL PROPERTIES OF PANTAPEC OIL OWNED BY THE BUCKLEY FAMILY. IT TOOK A POSTING ON THE LAROUCHE SITE TO POINT THIS OUT TO ALL OF US. THIS CONCEPT WAS PRODUCED IN ALMOST IDENTICAL FASHION DURING THE INFAMOUS UNITED FRUIT "THE BANANA WARS" IN NICARAGUA, HONDURAS, GUATAMALA AND LATER CUBA. And who else came to the rescue and rode with Buckley's father after Pancho Villa? All together now, you should know the drill by now: Wickliffe Draper's Uncle, Jim Angleton's father, and a young Charles Willoughby himself. And it took David Guyatt to point out that during World War II Willoughby ran what was then known as The Army Air Corps, where he supervised a much younger Edward Lansdale who was part of that program before it became The United States Air Force in later years, where all those Dr. Strangelove types congregated whom JFK despised. You did know about that, right?
In the critical period after 1917, William F. Buckley, Sr. actively organized against the Mexican Revolution, opposing both the revolutionary laws that threatened foreign oil holdings, including those of Buckley himself, but also the laws that were designed to defend Mexican sovereignty against the sedition of synarchist elements of the Catholic Church. In 1919, Buckley and Thomas Lamont, of the J.P. Morgan banking empire, founded and ran an organization called the American Association of Mexico. Buckley himself was expelled from Mexico by President Alvaro Obregón in 1921 for counterrevolutionary activity. Moreover, Buckley promised to help fund the Cristeros. Although he apparently did not deliver on this promise, the very promise constituted an encouragement and an incitement to rebellion.
In 1905, Galindo founded the Guadalupan Laborers. In 1907, Father Troncoso proposed the creation of a Catholic Workers\' Union. In 1906, Bergoend organized the first Jesuit \"Spiritual Exercises\" among the workers of Guadalajara. There he came to know members of Galindo\'s Guadalupan Laborers and lay leaders such as Palomar y Vizcarra. It was Bergoend who stressed the need to form a Catholic political party to promote social action. He wrote the draft plan of organization and the program for the National Catholic Party, based upon the precepts of a French Catholic party called Liberal Popular Action. On May 5, 1911, for the first and last time in Mexico, a political party was formed bearing the name Catholic. In August 1911, the party held its first national convention. In her book Christ and the Americas, Buckleyite Anne Carroll refers to the National Catholic Party and its auxiliary, the League of Catholic Students, as \"the most constructive group\" in Mexico at that time.
In the United States, the leading Buckleyite Catholics harped on the theme of the Communist threat in Mexico, alleging that the attack of the government on the Church—and on the oil properties as well—was part of a worldwide Bolshevik plot. The Buckleyites hoped that by tying the religious persecution to the oil question, the American government might be led to intervene against Calles. Though the avowed purpose of the intervention would be to aid the oil companies, the result would be the overthrow of Calles and the defense of the Church in Mexico.
The Role of William F. Buckley, Sr.
The most prominent of the latter interests was William F. Buckley, Sr., who owned and ran Pantepec Oil Company in Mexico in 1913. He was opposed to the policy of the Woodrow Wilson Administration, which was to support Pancho Villa (who was from the state of Chihuahua and led what was called the Northern Division during the 1910 Revolution) against the government of Victoriano Huerta. In fact, Buckley served as counsel to the oligarchic Mexican government of President Huerta at the Niagara conference of \"ABC\" powers—Argentina, Brazil, and Chile—that mediated between the United States and Mexico after the U.S. naval bombardment of the port of Veracruz in April 1914. So influential was Buckley in Mexico, that he was actually offered the military governorship of Veracruz by the U.S. government, an offer which he refused.
After the overthrow of the Huerta government by Venustiano Carranza in 1914, Buckley opposed recognition of the Carranza government by Washington, and later exerted his influence in opposition to the 1917 Constitution.
On Dec. 6, 1919, he testified before a subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as follows: \"I think we should settle this matter with Mexico without reference to Latin America or to what Latin Americans or anybody else thinks. I think we should settle it in the right way without reference to anybody else.... Latin America respects us more when we attend to our own business and do not call Latin Americans in for consultation. Our relations with Mexico are our own business and nobody else\'s.\" Although Buckley claimed to be an opponent of armed intervention, he concluded his testimony by saying, \"Nothing would have raised our prestige so in Latin America as the dispatching of an army across the border the first time an American was touched and the execution of all those who had injured him.\"
Also, Buckley never denied his involvement in the failed counterrevolutionary movement led by a Gen. Manuel Pelaez, whose ammunition train, sponsored by Buckley, got lost, as its Washington representative, an old intimate of Buckley, was announcing himself to the State Department in Washington as the Pelaez \"government\'s\" representative.
Once Warren Harding was elected U.S. President, replacing Wilson, Buckley campaigned against recognition of the Mexican government of Alvaro Obregón.
In 1921, he, along with Thomas W. Lamont of J.P. Morgan, formed the American Association of Mexico, with offices in New York City and Washington, D.C. The AAM aimed at undoing the confiscatory oil legislation, restoring special privileges of U.S. citizens in Mexico, and eliminating provisions of the Mexican Constitution that forbade American clergymen of any denomination to exercise their religious office in Mexico.
Thomas Lamont was also the head of the International Bankers Committee, which later negotiated a deal with Mexico to guarantee Mexican foreign debt payments to the international banks.
In November 1921, Buckley was expelled from Mexico for \"counterrevolutionary conspiracy\" by President Alvaro Obregón. Buckley had lost many of his properties, when they were taken over by Obregón\'s government.
During the Cristero Rebellion, the military head of the National League, René Capistran Garza, visited William F. Buckley, Sr. in San Antonio, Texas. Buckley proposed to offer the Mexican rebels $500,000 to aid their revolution. Buckley saw an opportunity to recoup his fortunes in Mexico by financing the Cristeros in their attempt to overthrow the Calles regime.
Buckley did not intend to furnish the money himself. Instead he offered to introduce Capistrán Garza to Nicholas Brady, who, Buckley said, would give the League representative the $500,000. Brady was president of the New York Edison Company and the United Electric Light and Power Company in 1926. He was the first American layman to receive the title of papal Chamberlain and was a close personal friend of Pius XI and the papal Secretary of State, Cardinal Gasparri.
Buckley was helped in this endeavor by a Dr. Malone, another well-known New York Catholic who was Gov. Alfred E. Smith\'s personal physician.
Reportedly Capistrán Garza never got to see Brady, because Mexican Bishop Pascual Diaz interceded with Buckley to discourage him from financing the Cristeros. Diaz reportedly told Buckley that the Catholic hierarchy wanted a coalition government led by liberals. Anne Carroll, in her book Christ and the Americas, makes a point of claiming that Buckley decided against financing the Cristeros. She, along with her husband, Warren Carroll, were intimates of William F. Buckley, Jr.\'s brother-in-law, L. Brent Bozell, who married Patricia Buckley.
The issue is not whether Buckley personally financed the Cristero movement. The fact is that Buckley encouraged and incited the Cristero movement with the promise of financing. Nor is there any definitive proof that he did not arrange financing in some other way.
For example, in 1926, the Knights of Columbus in the United States passed a resolution stating that they would \"assess our membership to the extent of one million dollars\" and \"pledge the support and cooperation of 800,000 men who love God.\"
What complicated matters for Buckley and other oil interests was the fact that the United States imposed an arms embargo in February 1924 against all groups in Mexico, save the recognized government of Obregón. In the Fall of 1926, President Calvin Coolidge made this embargo absolute for all groups in Mexico, since Calles was supplying arms to Sacasa\'s faction in Nicaragua—the opposition element to that supported by the United States. On March 8, 1929, President Herbert Hoover announced the continuation of the previous administration\'s arms embargo policy, i.e., to supply arms to the recognized Portes Gil regime only. On July 18, 1929, less than a month after the conclusion of the modus vivendi between the Church and the Portes Gil regime, the United States lifted the arms embargo.
Despite the fact that Buckley and others clearly shared the synarchist ideology of the Cristeros, they used the Cristeros as cannon fodder in order to put pressure on the Mexican government to make concessions in respect to foreign oil interests in Mexico and in respect to international debt payments.
The Politics of Oil
As can be seen from the above account of the roles of Buckley and Lamont, the Cristero Rebellion was directly related to the question of foreign investment in Mexican oil and to the question of Mexican debt to the international banks, which were represented by Lamont of J.P. Morgan.
While Obregón was President of Mexico, as reported above, the U.S. withheld recognition of his government for three years. It was only recognized in 1923 after Obregón had reached an agreement with the United States on the oil question, the so-called Bucareli agreement of 1923, in which Mexico stipulated that oil lands acquired between 1876 and 1917 by foreign investors, such as William F. Buckley, Sr., could be held in perpetuity. Although Obregón had expelled Buckley from Mexico in 1921, after the Bucareli agreement, the next President of Mexico, Calles, invited him to return in 1924.
Morrow resigned from J.P. Morgan before accepting the assignment, and although his connection to J.P. Morgan is significant, he was clearly not just an agent of the Morgan interests. In 1925, he had been chair of the Committee on Military Affairs, which investigated the charges leveled by Col. William Mitchell (head of the Army Air Service) on the inadequacy of U.S. air defense. Also of note is that fact that before accepting his assignment to Mexico he had made the acquaintance of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and suggested he fly to Mexico City. Lindbergh arrived in Mexico on Dec. 14, 1927. Later, Lindbergh was to marry Morrow\'s daughter. (In 1940, long after Morrow died in 1931, his daughter, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, wrote a book entitled The Wave of the Future: A Confession of Faith, which was favorably reviewed by the wife of William F. Buckley, Sr.)
J.P. Morgan had won and Dwight Morrow\'s proposal was rejected. Thus, in the course of the Cristero Rebellion, the program of the American Association of Mexico, created in 1921 by Buckley and Lamont, had obtained its objectives: to force the Mexican government to back down on implementation of the Constitutional provision asserting sovereign national control of its oil reserves for the purpose of nation-building; and to force Mexico to pay its foreign debt to the international banks even at the expense of the well-being of its population. And ultimately, the purpose was to prevent a U.S.-Mexican alliance for mutual economic development: as envisioned by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and Mexican President Benito Juárez; by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his Good Neighbor policy; and by U.S. Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche in his 1982 Operation Juárez policy proposal.
To that end, it is necessary to reject both the Buckleyite pseudo-Catholics of the right and the Jacobins of the left. But most of all, it is necessary to defeat their string-pullers, who operate in the invisible complex domain of universal history.
Bailey, David C. The Cristero rebellion and the religious conflict in Mexico 1926-9, Doctoral thesis, Michigan State University, 1969.
Berbusse, Edward J., SJ. \"The unofficial intervention of the United States in Mexico\'s religious crisis, 1926-1930,\" The Americas, XXXIII, July 1, 1966, pp. 28-63.
Bergoend, Bernardo, S.J. Mexican Nationality and the Virgin of Guadalupe, second edition, (Mexico: Editorial Jus, 1968; first edition, 1931).
Braman, Harold P., Assistant Naval Attaché U.S. Embassy Mexico City, Confidential Intelligence Reports, Oct. 31, 1941, March 30, 1942, Feb. 2, 1944.
Camargo, G. Baez, Religion in the Republic of Mexico (New York City: World Dominion Press, 1935).
Carroll, Anne, Christ and the Americas (Rockford, Ill.: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1997).
Chase, Allan, Falange, The Axis Secret Army in the Americas (New York: G.P. Putnam\'s Sons, 1943).
Heibel, Alcuin, Synarchism: the Hope of Mexico\'s Poor (Mt. Angel, Ore., 1943).
Markmann, Charles Lam, The Buckleys: A Family Examined (New York; William Morrow & Co., Inc.), 1970.
Mexican Labor Party, The PAN: Moscow\'s Terrorists in Mexico (New York City: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1985).
Meyer, Jean, The Cristero Rebellion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976).
Meyer, Jean, El sinarquismo: un fascismo mexicano? (Mexico: Editorial J. Mortiz, 1979).
Nicolson, Harold, Dwight Morrow (New York City: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1935).
Quirk, Robert E., The Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church 1910-1929 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973).
Rice, Elizabeth Ann, O.P. The diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico, as affected by the struggle for religious liberty in Mexico, 1925-29, Washington, D.C.
[1] This same issue is once again on the agenda today. During the Presidency of Lázaro Cárdenas in 1938, the Mexican government did proceed to nationalize Mexican oil. Today, pressure is coming once again from the United States, that that nationalization be reversed and the oil privatized. Virtually on cue, efforts are once again being made to stoke the fire of religious conflict. On June 12, the son of Jean Meyer, Lorenzo Meyer, wrote an article in Reforma, which asserts that the conflict between Church and State which led to \"open and brutal civil war\" in Mexico several times in the past, is back on the agenda.
Now that others have jumped back onto this Carlist Catholic, William F. Buckley, Jr. and Sr. topic related to Christendom College
and Warren H. Carroll, from H. L. Hunt\'s Lifeline Program and Robert J. Morris\'s CUSA programs. this posting can be seen for what it really is.
The true origins of what I can only call \"Carlist Catholic Fascism\" started when Buckley\'s father, Draper\'s Uncle, James J. Angleton\'s father and
a young Charles Willoughby himself who was a pro-Franco Spanish Carlist Catholic and in the Shickshinny Knights of Malta all rode together in John J. Pershing\'s cavalry chasing Pancho Villa into New Mexico.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: ![Boxing Boxing](https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora/images/smilies/boxing.png)
Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
![Boxing Boxing](https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora/images/smilies/boxing.png)
Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.