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US Intell planned to destroy Wikileaks
They look to be some ad hoc proxy, maybe Dutch, maybe EADs, maybe NATO intel, maybe Pentagon.
Quote:E.C.A. Contact data
Postal Adress :

E.C.A. Program Ltd. Netherlands
P.O. Box 3
4630 AA Hoogerheide
the Netherlands
Visiting Adress:

Right next to Woensdrecht AFB
Building 42
Aviolandalaan 31
the Netherlands


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The ECA Program's website contains a lot of banal Top Gun nonsense. It also contains their Mission Statement:

Quote:Mission statement:

E.C.A.’s mission is to provide a realistic training experience for worldwide customer that is second to none. Providing realistic exposure to advanced threats, on a large and affordable scale so that they may, once again, learn the right lessons they can rely on in combat. ECA will provide exposure to realistic combat scenarios with an Integrated OpFor that is organized in depth, with integrated land and air assets (future capability includes naval assets).

Built on the experience of the management team along with Government and industrial partners, E.C.A. answers the training needs of armed forces around the globe. This is possible thanks to the fielding of an integrated system that is composed of individual assets such as aircraft, drones, cruise missile simulators, ground based air defenses, radars, passive ELINT components and jamming complexes. The integration is obtained thanks to the resilient, fully off-road mobile, Command and Control, Communications, Counter-measures (C3CM) backbone.

So, is Iceland is about to be invaded?

Or are these "integrated military assets" to be used on the Icelandic people?

Or is Iceland being transformed into a client state along the lines of Kosovo, with ECA Program turning Keflavik airport into a northern island version of Camp Bondsteel?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Thanks, Helen. Same folks as in Hardin? Troubling.. It strikes me at first blush as having nothing to do with police, army, or corrections (in the old traditional sense), but is perhaps a form of 'an instant starter kit' for a torture/mind control factory, institute and training ground that can be assigned any number of tasks.

David, I suspect too the funding or "sponsor" (to use the Drago/Evica model) is not in the Pentagon but well outside it, and perhaps not even American in origin or attenuation.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
NOT the same people as in Hardin but the exact same MO: ad hoc website, alleged deep pockets, big plans, rescue from financial crisis. APF started driving around Hardin in vans IDing them as the police, this Dutch company started running a slideshow of the Iceland former NATO base on their website BEFORE anyone had agreed to take them on (and for all I know the website didn't exist before the deal and discussions with Icelandic authorities).

It's interesting to note Julian Assange points out the overlap of local police and intelligence in Iceland as a consequence of their not having a dedicated intel agency. The police who interrogated the wikileaks volunteer and seized the computer were local, of the sheriff variety, and the local sheriff near the former NATO base was a major proponent of leasing the base to the firm no one knows anything about, other than that they were barred from operating in Canada.

My guess in answer to Jan's thoughts would be this has something to do with the terrorism laws Gordon Brown brought to the ICESAVE negotiations before they even started in order to facilitate the seizure of Iceland's assets. Netherlands is the other "plaintiff" seeking to force Iceland to turn private debt into sovereign debt using misconstrued EU law on deposit insurance. Iceland isn't even an EU member and even if it were, the law doesn't specify anything more than that member countries should have an FDIC-like system in place.

Very interesting.
Helen Reyes Wrote:It's interesting to note Julian Assange points out the overlap of local police and intelligence in Iceland as a consequence of their not having a dedicated intel agency. The police who interrogated the wikileaks volunteer and seized the computer were local, of the sheriff variety, and the local sheriff near the former NATO base was a major proponent of leasing the base to the firm no one knows anything about, other than that they were barred from operating in Canada.

Yup. I'm sure there are plenty of local Deputy Dawgs willing to take the NATO shilling and who have zero understanding of the deep political ramifications of their actions.

Helen Reyes Wrote:My guess in answer to Jan's thoughts would be this has something to do with the terrorism laws Gordon Brown brought to the ICESAVE negotiations before they even started in order to facilitate the seizure of Iceland's assets. Netherlands is the other "plaintiff" seeking to force Iceland to turn private debt into sovereign debt using misconstrued EU law on deposit insurance. Iceland isn't even an EU member and even if it were, the law doesn't specify anything more than that member countries should have an FDIC-like system in place.

My questions in post #22 were in part rhetorical: when Britain and Iceland fought the ludicrous and surreal "Cod Wars", it mostly involved malarkey on the high seas.

The relevant wiki piece starts with some unintentional humour:

Quote:The Cod Wars
Not to be confused with the Cold War.

I don't think Iceland is about to be invaded, so we need to look for other explanations.

I also don't want to overstretch the Kosovo comparison. However, Iceland is in a geopolitically significant part of the "North Atlantic", and an Icelandic Camp Bondsteel, with military grade runways, radar, listening posts etc, would be militarily valuable as part of NATO's encirclement of the Russian Bear.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Curiously resonant footnote, citing an Icelandic source, to the afore-mentioned Cod Wars:

Quote:The dispute ended in 1976 after Iceland threatened to close a major NATO base in retaliation for Britain's deployment of naval vessels within the disputed 200 nautical mile (370 km) limit. The British government conceded, and agreed that after December 1 1976 British vessels would not fish within the previously disputed area.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:[quote=Helen Reyes]Iceland is in a geopolitically significant part of the "North Atlantic", and an Icelandic Camp Bondsteel, with military grade runways, radar, listening posts etc, would be militarily valuable as part of NATO's encirclement of the Russian Bear.

... as made vividly clear in the book "Red Storm Rising" and, to a lesser extent, in "The Hunt for Red October". Militarily, it is a critical piece of real estate, ice and volcanoes to the side.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:[quote=Helen Reyes]Iceland is in a geopolitically significant part of the "North Atlantic", and an Icelandic Camp Bondsteel, with military grade runways, radar, listening posts etc, would be militarily valuable as part of NATO's encirclement of the Russian Bear.

... as made vividly clear in the book "Red Storm Rising" and, to a lesser extent, in "The Hunt for Red October". Militarily, it is a critical piece of real estate, ice and volcanoes to the side.
Actually the heat under those volcanoes are a source of almost free electricity (and zero emission to boot) through geo thermal plants to run an energy grid for millennia. Not to mention the money to be made from carbon trading credits.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

kenny's sideshow

"The neighborhood crowd that shouts for something better"

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Is WikiLeaks a CIA/Mossad Front?

WikiLeaks is getting a lot of publicity in anticipation of a classified film Wikileaks claims to have in its possession that shows evidence of a US massacre of civilians. Images have power – think Abu Ghraib, think Mi Lai – and efforts at "perception management" by the department of defence will be much complicated by documentary evidence that leaves little to interpretation or "perception" of a human rights crime committed by US forces. Wikileaks plans to show the video at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on 5 April.

But Wayne Madsen is reporting that WikiLeaks may well be a CIA/Mossad operation.

Then again maybe Madsen is an operative.

Who can you trust?

Too many questions, not enough answers.

From the authur zbygniew blog .....

Quote:CIA, Mossad and Soros behind Wikileaks

Suspicions abound that Wikileaks is part of U.S. cyber-warfare operations

WMR has learned from Asian intelligence sources that there is a strong belief in some Asian countries, particularly China and Thailand, that the website Wikileaks, which purports to publish classified and sensitive documents while guaranteeing anonymity to the providers, is linked to U.S. cyber-warfare and computer espionage operations, as well as to Mossad's own cyber-warfare activities.

Wikileaks claims to have decrypted video footage of a U.S. Predator air strike on civilians in Afghanistan and that covert U.S. State Department agents followed Wikileaks's editor from Iceland to Norway in a surveillance operation conducted jointly by the United States and Iceland. Iceland's financially-strapped government recently announced a policy of becoming a haven for websites that fear political oppression and censorship in their home countries. However, in the case of Wikileaks, countries like China and Thailand are suspicious of the websites' actual "ownership."

Wikileaks says it intends to show its video at an April 5 press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC but that its presenters may be detained or arrested before that time. WMR's sources believe the Wikileaks "militancy" in the face of supposed surveillance appears fake.

Our Asian intelligence sources report the following: "Wikileaks is running a disinformation campaign, crying persecution by U.S. intelligence- when it is U.S. intelligence itself. Its [Wikileaks'] activities in Iceland are totally suspect." Wikileaks claims it is the victim of a new COINTELPRO [Counter Intelligence Program] operation directed by the Pentagon and various U.S. intelligence agencies. WMR's sources believe that it is Wikileaks that is part and parcel of a cyber-COINTELPRO campaign, such as that proposed by President Obama's "information czar," Dr. Cass Sunstein.

In January 2007, John Young, who runs, a site that publishes a wealth of sensitive and classified information, left Wikileaks, claiming the operation was a CIA front. Young also published some 150 email messages sent by Wikileaks activists on cryptome. They include a disparaging comment about this editor by Wikileaks co-founder Dr. Julian Assange of Australia. Assange lists as one of his professions "hacker." His German co-founder of Wikileaks uses a pseudonym, "Daniel Schmitt."

Wikileaks claims it is "a multi-jurisdictional organization to protect internal dissidents, whistleblowers, journalists and bloggers who face legal or other threats related to publishing" [whose] primary interest is in exposing oppressive regimes in Asia, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, but we are of assistance to people of all nations who wish to reveal unethical behavior in their governments and corporations. We aim for maximum political impact. We have received over 1.2 million documents so far from dissident communities and anonymous sources."

In China, Wikileaks is suspected of having Mossad connections. It is pointed out that its first "leak" was from an Al Shabbab "insider" in Somalia. Al Shabbab is the Muslim insurgent group that the neocons have linked to "Al Qaeda."

Asian intelligence sources also point out that Assange's "PhD" is from Moffett University, an on-line diploma mill and that while he is said to hail from Nairobi, Kenya, he actually in from Australia where his exploits have included computer hacking and software piracy.

WMR has confirmed Young's contention that Wikileaks is a CIA front operation. Wikileaks is intimately involved in a $20 million CIA operation that U.S.-based Chinese dissidents that hack into computers in China. Some of the Chinese hackers route special hacking program through Chinese computers that then target U.S. government and military computer systems. After this hacking is accomplished, the U.S. government announces through friendly media outlets that U.S. computers have been subjected to a Chinese cyber-attack. The "threat" increases an already-bloated cyber-defense and offense budget and plays into the fears of the American public and businesses that heavily rely on information technology.

It is also pointed out that on Wikileaks advisory board is Ben Laurie, a one-time programmer and Internet security expert for Google, which recently signed a cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and has been charged by China with being part of a U.S. cyber-espionage campaign against China. Other Wikileaks advisory members are leading Chinese dissidents, including Wan Dan, who won the 1998 National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Democracy Award; Wang Youcai, founder of the Chinese Democracy Party; Xiao Qiang, the director of the China Internet Project at the University of California at Berkeley, member of the advisory board of the International Campaign for Tibet, and commentator on the George Soros-affiliated Radio Free Asia; and Tibetan exile and activist Tashi Namgyal Khamsitsang.

Our sources in Asia believe that Wikileaks ran afoul of their CIA paymasters after it was discovered that some of Wikileaks's "take" was being diverted to Mossad instead of to their benefactors at Langley. After a CIA cur-off in funding, "Daniel Schmitt" took over and moved the Wikileaks operation to Belgium and Sweden with hopes of making a more secure base in Iceland.

There are strong suspicions that Wikileaks is yet another Soros-funded "false flag" operation on the left side of the political spectrum. WMR has learned that after former Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) decided to oppose Soros's choice of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's deputy Mark Malloch Brown as President of the World Bank, succeeding the disgraced Paul Wolfowitz, Soros put the Wikileaks operation into high gear. "Daniel Schmitt" hacked into Coleman's supporters list, stealing credit card info, addresses, and publishing the "take" on Wikileaks. Democrat Al Franken, who was strongly backed by Soros, defeated Coleman in a legally-contested and very close election.

It is also believed by informed sources that Soros is behind the operation to move Wikileaks to Iceland. By becoming a power in Iceland, Soros can prevent Icelanders from paying back the British and Dutch investors in Icelandic online Ponzi scheme banking and continue his all-out war against British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who has, in turn, targeted Soros for betting against pound sterling.

Iceland is classic prey for Soros. The Icelandic krona has been decimated as a currency and has no where to go but up in value, especially if the British pound and the euro depreciate. Soros is currently talking down the euro, planning its fall and shorting it, just like he did versus the pound in London in the 1980s. After the UK's and Europe's currencies are devalued, Soros will buy every euro note in sight, thus making trillions.

Soros and his Wikileaks friends have in Iceland a practically unregulated banking system desperate for an influx of capital -- money that will come from the exiled Russian tycoons in Israel, London and the United States. Israeli investors like Bank Leumi, and awash in siphoned-off Bernard Madoff cash, will do their bit for this smash-and-grab operation by Soros's Quantum-linked hedge funds.

With Wikileaks firmly ensconced in Iceland, the "brave" and much-heralded information leakers will run an international blackmail operation against Soros's foes and launch computer break-ins against Soros's business rivals and non-Quantum banks. Wikileaks will be used as the info-hitmen against President Obama's and Rahm Emanuel's enemies in the 2012 re-election campaign.

From Iceland, Soros will be well-positioned to gain control over the massive mineral resources under the melting ice sheet of Greenland. Under the ice are the only major rare-earth deposits outside of China and with such minerals at his disposal, Soros can control the world's electronics industries. This past week's volcanic activity in Iceland could, however, disrupt or destroy Soros's plans to establish and control a North American-European gateway in Iceland.

Wikileaks and Iceland media law are stalking horses for Soros.

Soros's game plan for Iceland and its "freedom of information" zone was hatched years ago.

Posted by kenny's sideshow at 8:14 PM
Labels: cia, media, mossad
The "authur zbygniew blog" piece throws a lot of mud, but not all of it sticks.

The sensational headline is:

Quote:CIA, Mossad and Soros behind Wikileaks

However, the article fundamentally seems to be arguing that Wikileaks is a tool of Soros and, even more bizarrely, part of Soros' attempts to destroy the Euro, the pound sterling and take over Iceland.

Now that may be master speculator Soros' fiendish masterplan. However, I'm not sure why a little known and largely ignored website would be key to such an operation....

If anyone can find a chronological list of the whistleblowing stories exclusively published by Wikileaks, we might get a better sense of whether it is "owned" by either the CIA, Mossad or Soros. I can't believe that Wikileaks is "owned" by the triumvirate of the CIA, Mossad and Soros.

How do they carve it up?

Black Tuesdays for Soros business, weekends for the Agency?

Meanwhile, releasing an otherwise suppressed Petraeus snuff movie probably serves the interests of Truth and Justice.

Even if that doesn't rule out the possibility that the leaking of said snuff movie may also serve other deep political interests.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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