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Russia Gets Its Own 9-11 / 7-7 Today
Peter Presland Wrote:I'm impressed with Paul's Essay too - talk about prescient. The trajectory of global US/NATO policy wrt to Russia really is crystal clear to anyone prepared to remove the blindfold.
Speaking of which, this article by William Engdahl illustrates that the 100+ year old chess game over Central Asia is still at the heart of US/UK/NATO policy towards Russia.

It's too long to post in full but shows that, despite everything, Russia's position is rather better than may be supposed. It seems that the much vaunted Nabucco pipline project aimed at side-lining Russia in the 'Gas supplies to Europe' stakes, is close to collapse. There is a growing realisation in Europe (if not in the Baltic countries and Poland) that relations with Russia need very delicate handling indeed if the security of its energy supplies are to be assured - must be galling in the extreme for the US/UK Establishments.

BUT - in a startling - even ominous - illustration of Mackinder's original analysis brought utd - even to the extent of Germany being the most reluctant Russia-basher, the following paragraph leaps off the page:
Quote:In addition to Serb Bosnia, Gazprom’s partners now include Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. It almost retraces the Balkan route of the controversial Berlin-to-Baghdad railway which played such a decisive geopolitical role in British machinations that ultimately led to World War I following the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand.
In view of the unravelling of US/UK/NATO plans for the region - Ukraine election result especially - it does make the question "why an upsurge of Russia-Targeted terrorist attacks right now?" pointed and deserving of special attention - especially when Chechnya appears to be at its most tranquil in decades.
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn


Quote:Circassians Look to Georgia for International Support
March 27, 2010

Valery Dzutsev

On March 21, participants in a landmark conference “Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The Circassians and the Peoples of the North Caucasus Between Past and Future” was held in Tbilisi.

Participants at the conference appealed to the Georgian parliament to recognize Russian actions in the northwestern Caucasus in the nineteenth century as genocide. The conference evoked a multitude of responses from the public in the North Caucasus and in Russia proper. The Jamestown Foundation and the International School of Caucasus Studies at Ilia State University organized the event (, March 22).

Prior to its start, the conference already caused a nervous reaction in Russia as the Russian website War and Peace published a lengthy article, analyzing the conference. The article credited the conference with the possible impact that could potentially “lead to significant changes in the Caucasus,” calling it “not an ordinary event.” According to the author, Georgia, unlike Russia, did its homework after losing the five-day war in 2008, having dramatically changed its tactics. Namely, Georgia significantly improved its informational policy, launched a Russian language TV channel, which the author referred to as “anti Russian” and reached out to the North Caucasian peoples. The author also alleged that Georgian government efforts were aimed at promoting conflict between the various peoples of the North Caucasus and between the North Caucasus and Russia. The writer warned in the form of prognosis, that if Georgia proceeded with Circassians’ genocide recognition, the Circassians would be pressurized in Russia, while the positions of their rivals, the Karachays, Balkars and ethnic Russians would be enhanced (, March 19).

The next Winter Olympics are scheduled to take place in 2014 in Sochi, located in the Northwest Caucasus on the Black Sea coast. The date coincides with the 150th anniversary of the end of the Tsarist military campaign that eliminated about 300,000 Circassians in and around Sochi. The Circassians, about 90 percent of whom now live outside of their homeland following the Russian empire’s policy of expulsions, threats and killings, demand that Moscow apologizes for those events or cancel the games (, March 21). The Circassians point out that Moscow has recognized the Armenian “genocide,” but has failed to address the tragic events that transpired in the Circassian areas of the Northwest Caucasus, which they argue was the first genocide in nineteenth century Europe.

There is a significant body of historical evidence to support the Circassians’ case, but no nation has so far recognized the deaths as genocide. However, Georgia’s adoption of a more proactive approach to the North Caucasus and Russian sensitivity to the Sochi Olympics’ increase the viability of recognizing the Circassians claims.

Ruslan Keshev, the leader of the Circassian Congress in Nalchik prevented from attending the conference in Tbilisi after being denied a passport, released a statement for the conference recounting the grievances of the Circassians that are routinely dismissed by Moscow (, March 22). According to Keshev, Circassians are denied the possibility of living in a single administrative unit, and instead are artificially divided into four ethnic groups and forced to live in several administrative units. Only in Kabardin-Balkaria do the Circassians (Kabardins) comprise the majority of the population, while in Karachay-Cherkessia they (Cherkess and Abaza) make up less than 20 percent. In Adygea they constitute less than 25 percent of the general population. Several years ago the Kremlin made an ill-fated attempt to absorb the 500,000 who live in Adygea into the neighboring Russian-speaking region Krasnodarsky Krai, where Sochi is located, but this effort was abandoned due to a major outcry from the 7 million strong Circassian diaspora. Keshev called on the international community to recognize the genocide of Circassians and permit them to return to their historical lands in the Northwest Caucasus (, March 22).

On February 19, a newly formed Georgian parliamentary group on friendship with the peoples of the North Caucasus held its first meeting, which discussed cooperation with the North Caucasus, while avoiding obstacles imposed by Moscow (, February 19). Following the short war between Russia and Georgia in August 2008 and Moscow’s recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent nations, relations between the two countries remain strained. While Georgia's more energetic set of policies toward the North Caucasus is likely to infuriate the Kremlin, Moscow can do little to block Georgian efforts in its new policy toward the region. Russia has deprived Georgia of its breakaway territories, imposed an economic embargo on key Georgian export goods and instituted a stringent visa regime. The two countries still do not have diplomatic relations.

“Bearing in mind the historical lessons, we expect an explosion of efforts for liberation in the North Caucasus,” the vice-speaker of the Georgian parliament Levan Vepkhadze stated, adding, “and in order to avoid the heat of the war reaching Georgia, we must improve relations between the Caucasian peoples in the spirit of good neighborhood and mutual support.” The Russian Duma reacted warily to the Georgian initiative, calling it “support for separatism” in the North Caucasus (Kommersant, March 8).

Meanwhile, the number of insurgent attacks has already significantly expanded in the North Caucasus since the war in Georgia. Some experts on the region have suggested that the change in international borders that Russia undertook in South Ossetia and Abkhazia has proved counterproductive for the Kremlin and made insurgent forces in the region believe that if a prolonged effort is applied, the liberation of the North Caucasus from Russian rule might actually be achieved.

One Israeli analyst Avraam Shmulevich, who focuses on the North Caucasus in his appraisal of Georgian efforts to produce a more coherent and effective set of policies toward the breakaway territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as the North Caucasus, has concluded that all the targets which Tbilisi set for itself were realistic and within reach. However, he argues that Russian policies in the region have become outdated and are out of touch with the rapidly unfolding situation on the ground. “By refusing to talk on the official level about the horrifying tragedy, that the Circassians lived through in the nineteenth century, the Kremlin itself gave the trump card into the hands of its adversaries,” Shmulevich wrote in a recent column (, March 20).

Despite the alarmist tones of Russian commentators, Circassian activism still presents the Russian government with a choice to either continue to rely on crude force in its policies toward the region or become more inclusive and attentive to the interests and needs of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The one thing that is evident as a result of Georgia’s new North Caucasus initiative is that Georgia is no longer going to allow Russia to be the sole player in backing ethnic separatist groups in the South Caucasus in order to advance its regional aims. By listening to the concerns of the Circassians, as well as the Chechens and Ingush, Tbilisi is now using the information sphere to turn the tables on Moscow and narrow the playing field.

It would appear that it’s not only the Russians who need to update their MO. Look how eerily reminiscent of 9/11 is the sequence of denial-acceptance in the case of the Moscow bombings. As with “Al Qaeda,” so with the Chechens: Neither knew they’d done it until Langley’s fiction factory uploaded a video on the web. Ho hum.

Chechen rebel says he ordered Moscow Metro attacks

Quote:Earlier on Wednesday, Doku Umarov's spokesman had told Reuters that his militant group "did not carry out the attack in Moscow, and we don't know who did it".
Peter Presland Wrote:BUT - in a startling - even ominous - illustration of Mackinder's original analysis brought utd - even to the extent of Germany being the most reluctant Russia-basher, the following paragraph leaps off the page:

Quote:In addition to Serb Bosnia, Gazprom’s partners now include Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. It almost retraces the Balkan route of the controversial Berlin-to-Baghdad railway which played such a decisive geopolitical role in British machinations that ultimately led to World War I following the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand.

In view of the unravelling of US/UK/NATO plans for the region - Ukraine election result especially - it does make the question "why an upsurge of Russia-Targeted terrorist attacks right now?" pointed and deserving of special attention - especially when Chechnya appears to be at its most tranquil in decades.

Engdahl's a diamond in a field of coal: I think the railroad-pipeline comparison inspired; and it's going to take an event (or rather, sequence of them) of similar magnitude to the assassination of the Archduke for the Anglo-Americans to transform their position. Stand-by for the return of the high-level assassination in Europe? Think Germany.
Ed Jewett Wrote:From Times Online

March 29, 2010
At least 40 dead in Moscow metro explosion

At least 40 people have been killed and scores more injured as two explosions ripped through the Moscow metro at the height of rush hour this morning.
The first blast at the Lubyanka station in central Moscow happened at 0756 (0356 GMT) killing 22 people.
The headquarters of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), successor to the Soviet-era KGB, is located above the station which is just yards away the Kremlin.

In fact, a venerable method of discrediting your opposition:

Quote:On the evening of May 30, 1884, bombs planted by Clan-na-Gael “erupted outside the Junior Carlton Club and a politician’s house (the wrong target), both in St. James’s Square. No one was killed. But the most injurious to the pride of the forces of order was the clockwork-fused bomb left in the public urinal beneath their very own stronghold,”* the Scotland Yard headquarters of the Special (Irish) Branch.

*Christy Campbell. Fenian Fire: The British Government Plot to Assassinate Queen Victoria (London: HarperCollins, pbk, 2003), p.147.
Peter Presland Wrote:Speaking of which, this article by William Engdahl illustrates that the 100+ year old chess game over Central Asia is still at the heart of US/UK/NATO policy towards Russia.

Above, serious analysis. Below, atrocity propaganda from the best liberal British daily CIA money can buy. One explains the stakes and defines the real players; the other reduces geopolitics to an exchange of massacres. The former offers reason and a way out of the bloody mess. The latter prepares the ground for more mass murder:

Quote:Massacre in woods that brought war to Moscow's metro

Luke Harding in Ingushetia reports on the murder of four teenagers that inspired bombings, Friday 2 April 2010 19.54 BST

Movsar Dakaev, 17, photographed on the garlic-picking expedition in the woods between Chechnya and Ingushetia that led to his death.

When the shooting started Adlan Mutsaev and his friends were in the woods picking garlic. They had arrived in the forest earlier that day, together with a group of neighbours travelling in a battered coach. The plan had been straightforward: stuff their sacks, enjoy the countryside, and then head back home to the Chechen town of Achkoi-Martan.

Without warning, Russian commandos hiding behind a hillock opened fire.Adlan, 16, was with his brother Arbi, 19, and their friends Shamil Kataev, 19, and Movsar Tataev, 19. Shamil and Movsar were both wounded. Adlan was shot in the leg, but managed to hobble into a ditch. He hid. Arbi also attempted to flee, but men in camouflage fatigues caught up with him.

According to the human rights group Memorial, Arbi was forced to drag his two wounded and bleeding friends across the snow. Shamil begged for his life. But the solders were impervious. They placed a blindfold over Arbi's eyes. And then they opened fire: executing Shamil and Movsar on the spot. At least two other garlic pickers suffered the same fate: Ramzan Susaev, 40, and Movsar Dakaev, 17. According to his relatives, Dakaev had pleaded to be allowed on the trip with the others. Wearing a bright green fleece, he took a photo of himself in the woods with his mobile phone. It shows him proudly posing against a craggy backdrop of cliffs and trees covered in snow. A little over 48 hours later his body was discovered.

The misfortune of the four garlic pickers was to have unwittingly strayed into a "counter-insurgency operation" conducted by Russian forces in the densely wooded border between Chechnya and Ingushetia. The soldiers, apparently looking for militant rebels who are waging their own violent campaign against the Russian state, came across the unarmed group, brutally killing them amid the picturesque massif of low hills.

Normally this atrocity on a cold day in February would have raised barely a ripple of attention had it not been for the terrible events in Moscow this week. In a video address on Thursday, Chechnya's chief insurgent leader, Doku Umarov, said Monday's suicide attacks on the Russian capital's metro were in revenge for the killings of the garlic pickers near the Ingush village of Arshaty. He claimed federal security service (FSB) commandos had used knives to mutilate their bodies of the dead boys.

Forty people died and more than 70 were injured when two suicide attackers from the North Caucasus set off their devices at stations outside the headquarters of the FSB and Park Kultury.

Russia's counter-terrorism committee yesterday named the Park Kultury bomber as Dzhanet Abdurakhmanova, saying she was also known as Dzhanet Abdullayeva. Born in 1992, she came from Dagestan. Kommersant newspaper published a photo of her dressed in a black Muslim headscarf holding a pistol. It named the second bomber as 20-year-old Markha Ustarkhanova from Chechnya, describing her as the widow of a militant leader killed last October.

Linked or not, human rights groups say it is undeniable that the brutal actions of Russia's security forces have fuelled the insurgency raging across the North Caucasus region of Russia and the ethnic republics of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya and Kabardino-Balkaria. This largely invisible war has now reached the Kremlin's doorstep.

"People are abducted. People are killed. There are no guarantees of security," Magomed Mutsolgov, a human rights activist, told the Guardian yesterday, speaking from Nazran, Ingushetia's chief town. Law enforcement and security agencies have committed dozens of summary and arbitrary detentions, acts of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, as well as extra-judicial executions, rights groups say.

Typically, armed personnel wearing masks encircle a village or district in a "sweep operation". They force their way into homes, beat residents and damage property. Suspected militants are taken away. Many never return. Others are simply shot, and fake weapons planted on them, rights groups allege, citing interviews with victims and relatives.

According to Mutsolgov, the Kremlin's counter-terrorism methods have proved entirely counter-productive: "Violence produces more violence. It drives people to the militant underground."

The nature of the armed conflict in the North Caucasus has also mutated. From 1994 to 1996 Boris Yeltsin fought a war against mainly secular Chechen separatists who wanted – like the newly independent Georgians over the mountains – their own constitution and state. In 1999-2004 president Vladimir Putin fought a second Chechen war. The aim was to crush Chechen separatism.

Now, however, the Kremlin is battling another kind of enemy. The new generation of insurgents have an explicitly Islamist goal: to create a radical pan-Caucasian emirate with sharia law, a bit like Afghanistan under the Taliban. In February Umarov vowed to "liberate" not only the North Caucasus and Krasnodar Krai but Astrakhan – on the Caspian Sea -and the Volga region as well.

The rebels' tactics have also grown more fanatical. Umarov has seemingly revived the suicide squads used by his assassinated predecessor Shamil Basaev. Last summer a suicide truck bomber blew up Nazran's police station. Another bomber succeeded in ramming the car of Ingushetia's president, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov. Monday's attack in Moscow was the first in the capital for six years.

Increasingly, the rebels are also exploiting a new weapon: the web. On 2 March special forces launched a massive operation in Ekashevo, a suburb on the outskirts of Nazran. There they killed Said Buryatsky, a Siberian-born convert whose jihadist messages on YouTube had attracted a following among disaffected Muslims. Under fire from Russian artillery, Buryatksy recorded a final message for his global disciples.

Yesterday Russian forces had sealed off Ekashevo. But video footage obtained by Memorial shows a picture of devastation: pulverised houses, wrecked cars and alleyways strewn with bricks. After the battle Russian forces displayed a haul of weapons seized from the rebels – together with a blown-off human hand.

Human rights groups are critical of both sides. They accuse the rebels and government of failing to respect human life. Timur Akiev, the head of Memorial's Nazran office, said: "The government's methods have led to a radicalisation of the underground. The rebels now have only one goal: to beat Russia at any price. The rebels and the security forces behave in the same way towards each other. The civilian population is caught in the middle."

Like its imperial tsarist predecessors, who subdued the Caucasus in a sustained and savage campaign of tree-felling and village-burning, today's Russian leadership has little understanding of the region or its habits, Akiev suggested.

He also condemned Monday's bombings. "I don't understand how you can kill Russian civilians in revenge for the killing of Chechen civilians. It's absurd. The people who died in the metro had nothing to do with the conflict."

The Kremlin's response to the metro bombings has been, predictably, vengeful. Vladimir Putin has called for those responsible to be "scraped from the sewers". Dmitry Medvedev, the president, visited Kizlyar on Thursday, a day after twin suicide bombers killed 12 people and injured 28 others.

Security forces should "get more cruel", he recommended. "Quite a lot has been achieved in fighting terrorism lately," Medvedev said. "We have twisted the heads off the most odious bandits. But that, by all accounts, is not enough. We will track them down and punish all of them. We must deal sharp dagger blows to the terrorists, and destroy them and their lairs."

Before Monday's Moscow bombings, Medvedev had taken a few tentatively creative steps in the region, including appointing a new federal envoy. But the key problems remain. There are numerous socio-economic factors driving the insurgency: poverty, unemployment (running unofficially at around 75% in Ingushetia), police brutality, and corruption.

Back in Achkoi-Martan, it took relatives two days to discover what had happened to their loved ones. After hiding for 48 hours in a hole, fed by a spring, Adlan Mutaev crawled out of the forest. Local people discovered him alive on the edge of the wood. His brother Arbi was released by Russian commandos after two days. Human rights workers from Memorial arrived on 14 February, interviewing dozens of witnesses and taking photographs of corpses heaped up in the snow.

Those of Shamil Kataev revealed that he had been shot in the temple from close range. Someone had stolen his mobile phone and passport, as well as a letter from the head of Achkoi-Martin, granting the garlic pickers permission to be in the area. The body of Movsar Tataev was covered in gunshot wounds. In addition there were knife wounds to his spine and groin. Ramzan Susaev had been shot in the chest. His brother eventually found his body lying in the forest.

Unusually, Ingushetia's president Yevkurov quickly acknowledged that several innocent civilians had been killed in February's special operation. He added, however, that security forces had succeeded in killing 18 rebels, and said that the operation had served to increase the stability of the region. Both Chechnya and Ingushetia's rulers have paid the families of the dead teenage boys compensation.

Quote:Moscow Terror: CIA-Saudi-Mossad Operation?

By Feroze Mithiborwala

02 April, 2010

Mr. Putin vowed vengeance. "A crime that is terrible in its consequences and heinous in its manner has been committed," he said. "The terrorists will be destroyed." (March 29, Monday)

G-8 Foreign Ministers Meeting: Foreign ministers of the leading industrial powers and Russia discussed nuclear non-proliferation and Iran, at a meeting near the Canadian capital, Ottawa. The ministers, preparing for the annual G8 summit in Canada in late June, are urging "strong steps" to curb Iran's nuclear program. (March 30th, Tuesday)

U.S. President Barack Obama says he wants to see a tough new round of sanctions against Iran taken up by the UN Security Council "within weeks." (March 31st, Wednesday)

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has warned that imposing new sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program would be a very dangerous step. He suggested that new Iran sanctions might even lead to war. "We don't want to repeat in Iran what happened in Iraq" (March 10, 2010)


The Russians have been convulsed by a spate of three terror attacks targeting Moscow as well as the regions of Chechnya, Ingushetia & Dagestan. The immediate fallout has been a heightened phase of Islamophobia across the global airwaves.

It has also taken the focus away from the growing schisms within the US-Israeli tensions over the so-called ‘peace process’ with Palestine & Israel is busy as usual bombing Gaza, with Netanyahu venting his frustrations in a Freudian fit of rage.

During the same period, the G-8 Foreign Ministers Summit was being held in Canada, where the focus was on the threat of ‘International Terror’ & the ‘Iran Nuclear Programme’.

And remarkably now there is a growing consensus within the G-8 as well as China with regards to sanctions against Iran.

"China has agreed to sit down and begin serious negotiations here in New York... as a first step toward getting the entire UN Security Council on board with a tough sanctions regime against Iran," Susan Rice, the American ambassador to the UN, told CNN (Wednesday, March 31).

The terror attacks seemed to have achieved their political & strategic objectives.

But firstly let us analyse the terror attack itself. The Moscow Subway terror occurred on the 29th of March, a very significant day, which is the eve of the “Palestine Land Day” & the “International Week for the Boycott of Apartheid Israel”. Last year on the 30th of March, there was a high profile terror attack on the Manavan Police station near Lahore in Pakistan, which captivated the International media & their audiences, thus successfully relegating the global "Boycott Israel" mobilization to the background.

Thus, firstly this attack has well has been timed to counter the growing worldwide 'Israel Boycott Movement'. The strategic period & the timing of the terror attacks are a pointer to the powers behind the perpetrators.

And there are no coincidences in Politics!!

Soon after the terror attack, fingers of suspicion pointed towards terrorists from the ‘North Caucasus’ & Chechen terror groups were suspected. The attacks are believed to be the handiwork of two women suicide bombers of North Caucasian origin, called as the ‘Black Widows’. Someone as ridiculous as the ‘Russian Bin Laden’ also cropped up. More than a 100 false terror alerts were received, a suicide belt was 'found' near the FSB office (Federal Security Bureau, former KGB) & this continued to unsettle the Muscovites.

Soon the internet was raging with stories & animated chat room discussions of the possible hand of the CIA-Saudi Intel & the Mossad.

Thereafter, on the 31st of March Doku Umarov, who is supposedly the ‘Emir of the North Caucasus’, claimed responsibility for the attack.

There was also a denial by Shemsettin Batukaev, a spokesman for the ‘Caucasus Emirate’ organization who said that “We did not carry out the attack in Moscow, and we don’t know who did it. (Reuters)

On searching for the obvious & deep links that Chechen terrorists have with the CIA, one will find that Doku Umarov’s links to the CIA have been removed from the Internet!!

Shades of David Headley & Ken Haywood in India, I must add.

But fortunately Umarov's links to the Saudis are even deeper!!

Doku Umarov was named amongst the most influential Muslims of the world in the 2009 list of 500 compiled by the Prince Al-Valid ben Talyalya American Centre of Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) at the Georgetown University (USA).

Umarov is presented in the list as "the head of Ichkeria Caucasian Emirate". The BBC adds that the title of the most influential Muslim of the world was awarded by the ACMCU, which is funded by the Prince Al-Valid ben Talyalya, to the King of Saudi Arabia. (Nov 28 2009).

The whereabouts of Mr. Umarov are not known & nobody seems to be asking the question. Is he in the Caucasus or in Riyadh or in Miami . . . ??

Doku Umarov is also very closely connected to Brigadier General Ruslan Saidov (head of the Istanbul Bureau of the External Agencies of the Republic of Ichkeria & the FAR WEST LTD, a front company based in Dubai). Ruslan Saidov was himself closely connected to the late Turki bin Faisal, who was the head of Saudi Intelligence & ambassador to the US. Saidov was also actively associated with al-Walid who was the Saudi intelligence operative in the Caucasus (Anton Baumgarten, editor of

Last September, Russian-backed Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said that he had good reason to believe the US and Britain were covertly aiding the Chechen rebels: "We are fighting U.S. and British special services in the mountains.” (Reuters)

Further is the case of Rizvan Chitigov, the number three man in the Chechen insurgency. He was known as "the American", because he had lived in the US for years & "Marine" because he is said to have been trained & graduated from an elite subversive and reconnaissance school and had signed on to the marine squad. According to the Moscow News, "Chitigov had a green card — a permanent residence permit in the U.S."

The Russian government openly accused him of being a CIA agent. Aleksandr Zdanovich, head of Russia’s Federal Security Service Directorate for Cooperation Programmes, told "Russia Today", "Rezvan Chitigov, who I have named and whose photo I have shown you from the computer, lived in the USA for a long time. There are very serious grounds for suspecting him to be a CIA agent.”

American & Saudi presence in the North Caucasus region, as well as the deep Israeli presence in Georgia & Turkmenistan, have a measure of great strategic depth, more than sufficient enough to cause a major upheaval or a crisis for Moscow, whenever the need arises for Washington DC, Tel Aviv, London or Riyadh.

Also do note the relationship between the now-exiled Russian Zionist Oligarchs, who in the Yeltsin Vodka days, pillaged & monopolised the Russian economy. It was Putin who challenged their vice like grip & rescued Russia. The Zionist Oligarchs have very deep ties with Israel, America & Western Europe & within, ties with the Russian Mafia. There is also a strong connection between the Chechen rebels & the Zionist Oligarchs. Boris Berezovsky, Oleg Deripaska, Leonid Nevzlin, Roman Abramovich, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Arkady Gaydamask, Vladimir Gusinsky, Seymour Kislin & Michael Chernoy amongst others comprise this Russian Jewish Zionist global cabal & each of them have an axe to grind with Vladimir Putin & they are united in his destruction.

To further understand the situation in greater detail, I decided to speak to Mr. Israel Shamir, a Russian Israeli & a prolific anti-Zionist writer, who fortunately for me happened to be in Moscow. I requested him to offer his assessment of the terror attack & the political fallout, to which he kindly agreed.

Mr. Israel Shamir stated that “the first strategic objective of the terror attack was to weaken Vladimir Putin, as he has been the pillar of the Russian nationalist revival & has successfully countered the Americans as well as neutralized the Israeli Zionist Lobby in Russia & across the region.”

He also stated that “the economic travails within Russia are leading to an anti-Putin mood amongst the people & the terror attacks will also strive to drive a wedge between President Putin & PM Medvedev, though the two continued to enjoy a strong friendship, but they were forces at work, that sought to break this bond & thus weaken Russia.”

The second objective, he further said “is to create an atmosphere of Islamophobia, thus pressurizing Russia to join the sanctions regime against Iran.”

But Mr. Israel Shamir stated that the Russian people are basically committed to the struggle against the hegemony of America, Israel & Western Europe, but yet he was concerned.

Interestingly, he said that the general discussion amongst the Russian people was the plausibility of the involvement of the CIA-MOSSAD-SAUDI INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES in the Moscow subway terror attack.


Soon after the attack, Gordon Duff who is a very prolific writer & a Marine Vietnam Veteran, advocating the rights of 23 million veterans, made the following three points.1) The Article was titled: Terrorism, Always Suspect A False Flag First. 2) "Who benefits from today’s attack on Moscow?" 3) "Intelligence agencies are, in actuality, the biggest terrorist organizations in the world."

Certain excerpts are reproduced below:

“An educated guess is that 75% of terrorist attacks we hear of were staged, never happened or were done by “radical groups” that were first infiltrated, then controlled and eventually financed and supplied by intelligence agencies. Intelligence agencies are, in actuality, the biggest terrorist organizations in the world. The CIA has blown up more buses, airplanes and markets than any almost anyone else. The Mossad may be number one, followed by, well, everyone, the RAW, ISI, MI-6, IRA and dozens of others.”

“We now use terms like “Low Intensity Conflict” and “Surrogacy Warfare” to describe terrorism operated by governments against either foreign governments or, more often, their own people. Most “false flag” attacks are used to influence elections or to push through “Patriot Act” and “FISA” type legislation or to justify acts like the invasion of Iraq. Control of both the press and any potential investigation makes such operations a mainstream effort of national policy, so commonplace that those who work in intelligence or at the highest levels of law enforcement automatically write off major terrorism incidents as staged.”

“The primary groundwork for terrorism is control of the press and the molding of public opinion. With foreign governments with highly suspect intelligence agencies infiltrating the press, as they have in the United States, there is little doubt that providing cover for “false flag” terrorism is in the cards.”

And I might add that the above statements hold true for India, as they would for practically the overwhelming number of nations across the world.


Undoubtedly the greatest strategic target is the neutralization or the destruction of Iran, with the attendant 'Regime Change' & this is the shared objective of the USA, Israel, Western Europe & Saudi Arabia.

The reasons are primarily two-fold.

1) Israel's expansionist & hegemonic designs, which include the total ethnic cleansing of all of the Palestinian population from all of historic Palestine &

2) Iran's Natural Gas Resources, which are a threat to the existing international energy architecture.

As for the first point, the total transfer of the Palestinian population to Jordan has been a stated objective of all the dominant political, military & religious leadership across the spectrum within Israel, as well as within the rabid Zionist diaspora. It is clear that they cannot achieve this objective as the Israeli military could not defeat the Hezbollah (2006) or even the Hamas (2008-09). The Israeli's have realised & rightly so, that the only major stumbling block, or rather nation that stands between them & their diabolical objectives is Iran & thus the Iranophobia that is being sought to be created.

For Israel to achieve this objective, they will have to drag in America into the war, which they successfully achieved in the case of Iraq.

Israel has not only neutralized the other major Arab powers in the region, but Saudi Arabia, Egypt & Jordan are clearly part of the Israel-US alliance.

Israel's deeds over the last few years have made their objectives very clear. The ever increasing Settlements in East Jerusalem & the West Bank, the continued inhuman blockade & bombing of Gaza & the very threat to the Masjid-i-Aqsa & the Dome of the Rock have clearly indicated the Israeli gameplan. Netanyahu's oft repeated claims about Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Eretz Israel leave no doubts in the minds of billions of people across the world.

In this objective, Israels' allies are the Neoconservatives & Christian Zionists within both the Democratic & the Republican parties, as well as within the Military-Intelligence apparatus. The Israeli Zionist Lobby & their myriad organizations cajole & pressurize the Senate & the Congress to support Israel, even over the interests of the USA.

Though that may be slightly cracking. This is mainly due to the resolute resistance of the nations occupied by the USraeli-Nato forces & the both the military losses faced by the American military & the resultant financial drain are weakening the US politically & strategically. US is clearly a superpower on the decline.

The rise of Iran is also the revival of Nationalism in the region & the spread of democracy, which is a clear threat to the existing monarchies & dictatorships. In other words, it is the entire culture of Resistance & National Self-Respect, due to which the Muslim & Arab masses, as well as the rest of the Third World look upon Iran with admiration & hope.

The second core issue is the politics of Energy & the Pipelines.

Here again Iran is emerging as the centre of the future energy market, both in terms of the incredible reserves that it holds, as well as for it's very geographic location. Natural Gas is progressively replacing Crude Oil as the energy of the present & near future, both for Industrial & Public needs. Natural Gas is more cleaner, cheaper & has a higher calorific value.

According to Finian Cunningham, within the Middle East, Iran is the undisputed top holder of Gas Reserves. It's South Pars Gas field is the world's largest & would dwarf the reserves of the Saudi Ghawar Oil-field. Soon he says "Iran will replace Saudi Arabia as the world's beating heart for energy."

Iran will become the major supplier to Europe via the Nabucco pipeline, which will include Turkey, as well at to China via the CIS countries & to India, either via Pakistan or by a direct pipeline across the sea. Both Qatar & the UAE will export their Natural Gas via these pipelines.

Thus Iran becomes the centre, both as the dominant global supplier & the central node for the pipelines.

Currently the Chinese are developing the South Pars fields & will be the largest consumer of Iranian Gas.The Russians who have a monopoly over their Gas supplies to Europe are a bit worried as well. We all know that it is the Russians who are the major providers of nuclear & military hardware & technology to Iran. It is obvious that both the Russians & the Chinese have great economic & strategic stakes in standing with Iran & keeping the US & NATO at bay, but only time will tell. Thus the US fears & rightly so that it will continue to play a diminishing role in the years & decades to come. The Saudis are a mite terrified. Israel is extremely anxious & impatient, just waiting to push the button & usher in Armageddon to the glee of it's maniacal Judeophobic Christian Zionist supporters, who are committed to the belief that requires the genocide of untold millions, if not billions, so that their Messiah will come & rescue a world destroyed by an "Apocalyptic Nuclear War". Unbelievable, but true!


Iran stand encircled on all sides with 32 US bases stationed across the region in Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan. The US military buildup is an ongoing process. Israel is conducting aerial sorties as practice runs that will target the Iranian Nuclear reactors. They are conducting these exercises in Arab airspace & I believe that both Saudi Arabia & Jordan will provide them the permission for the aerial route. Mubarak's Egypt has allowed an Israeli Dolphin submarine to make it's way up the Suez Canal.

The "Grand Chessboard" is ready, all the pieces are in place, Mr. Brzezinski.

The American-Israeli sanctions regime will be two-fold. One which will include the consensus at the UNSC & whereby China & Russia will ensure that the sanctions will be specific to the Nuclear issue. But this for the US is important to build international support & isolate Iran. A second sanctions regime that is currently underway will include the dominant Western powers & their cronies & attempt to cripple & thus weaken Iran, prior to the impending war on Iran.

As soon as Iran is attacked & the 'USRael' have identified more than 10,000 targets that include the nuclear, industrial & military-strategic locations to be hit within the span of a few hours.

Iran will promptly respond & firstly block the Strait of Hormuz through which flows 40% of the world's crude supplies. This will send the prices rocketing, crippling the world economy. It too will attack all the US bases across the region with it's short & long range missiles. It's allies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Hamas & the rest of the Palestinian Resistance, Syria & the increasing probabilities of Turkey, will join the war against the US-Israel-Nato forces.

Both the American & Israeli political leadership have publicly threatened Iran with the use of Nuclear weapons, which they will use.

In short WW III !!!

The other Asian, African & South American nations too must stand as one. The people of Europe & America too must rise up against the fascists mass murderers that control their nations.

The region & the world are preparing for this eventuality. The response of Iran & her allies will prove catastrophic to the US-Israel Imperial forces & will sound the death knell of the Empire.

The next two years are critical to the very fate & existence of humanity & the world as we have 'known' it.
Quote:Thereafter, on the 31st of March Doku Umarov, who is supposedly the ‘Emir of the North Caucasus’, claimed responsibility for the attack.

There was also a denial by Shemsettin Batukaev, a spokesman for the ‘Caucasus Emirate’ organization who said that “We did not carry out the attack in Moscow, and we don’t know who did it. (Reuters)

On searching for the obvious & deep links that Chechen terrorists have with the CIA, one will find that Doku Umarov’s links to the CIA have been removed from the Internet!!

Shades of David Headley & Ken Haywood in India, I must add.

But fortunately Umarov's links to the Saudis are even deeper!!

Doku Umarov was named amongst the most influential Muslims of the world in the 2009 list of 500 compiled by the Prince Al-Valid ben Talyalya American Centre of Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) at the Georgetown University (USA).

Umarov is presented in the list as "the head of Ichkeria Caucasian Emirate". The BBC adds that the title of the most influential Muslim of the world was awarded by the ACMCU, which is funded by the Prince Al-Valid ben Talyalya, to the King of Saudi Arabia. (Nov 28 2009).

The whereabouts of Mr. Umarov are not known & nobody seems to be asking the question. Is he in the Caucasus or in Riyadh or in Miami . . . ??

Doku Umarov is also very closely connected to Brigadier General Ruslan Saidov (head of the Istanbul Bureau of the External Agencies of the Republic of Ichkeria & the FAR WEST LTD, a front company based in Dubai). Ruslan Saidov was himself closely connected to the late Turki bin Faisal, who was the head of Saudi Intelligence & ambassador to the US. Saidov was also actively associated with al-Walid who was the Saudi intelligence operative in the Caucasus (Anton Baumgarten, editor of

Last September, Russian-backed Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said that he had good reason to believe the US and Britain were covertly aiding the Chechen rebels: "We are fighting U.S. and British special services in the mountains.” (Reuters)

For more on Far West LLC, see Prof Peter Dale Scott's pioneering work here:
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

What Makes Chechen Women So Dangerous?


April 01, 2010 "New York Times"

Ignore the worthless article cited above – the obvious answer, “the CIA,” can’t be given in the Agency’s paper of record – and instead take a look at the excellent reader comments, three of which I reproduce extracts from below, contributed by “hayate.” It is difficult to imagine a better illustration of why the US kleptocrats so loathe the internet; and why the CIA et al devoted so much time and narco-money to establishing controlled “liberal” entities like the Daily Kos and Huffington Post.

Quote:Pushing Russia comprehensively out of the Caucasus, and humiliating her, requires victory for the Chechens. An independent Chechnya may also be the prelude to the longer-term break-up of Russia herself: the CIA predicted that oil-rich Siberia might escape Moscow's control in its report, Global Trends 2015, published in April.

Quote:One of the articles, perhaps inadvertently, spilt the beans. The Chechen leader Ahmed Zakayev wrote in The Wall Street Journal on 29th September 2004 that

Quote:"The West has a clear choice. It can continue to support the KGB dictatorship of Mr. Putin, which sooner or later will turn against the West and side with its enemies through its strategic goal of undermining the "unipolar" world order and keeping oil prices high. Or it can change course and insist on resolving the Chechen conflict through negotiated settlement." (my italics).

In other words, the "negotiated settlement" in Chechnya, which the US Secretary of Defence, Colin Powell, has instructed the Russian government to seek, is the way to prevent Russia from ever counter-balancing the United States in world affairs, and to get the oil price down.

(new york times, wall street journal, both plugging for Chechen terrorists. see a pattern? Let's all continue the mantra now: Iraq has wmds, Iran is a nuke threat, terrorism in Russia is the work of "freedom fighters" trying to gain independence.)

Quote:Gaining control of Russian Oil, by John Laughland

Sanders Research 18 October 2004, 25 October 2004

The URL of this article is:

The fax-back service for pre-written newspaper articles must have been working overtime these last few weeks at Langley, Virginia. A flood of articles has appeared in the press attacking the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, especially in the wake of the Beslan massacre. They all have the same structure. Whenever you read the words, "Nothing can excuse the murder of children," you know that a big "But" is looming. Such articles invariably go on to explain why the murder of children is indeed understandable, and the reason usually given is Russian authoritarianism, against which the Chechen rebellion is natural and legitimate.
y John Laughland

Sanders Research 18 October 2004, 25 October 2004

The URL of this article is:

The fax-back service for pre-written newspaper articles must have been working overtime these last few weeks at Langley, Virginia. A flood of articles has appeared in the press attacking the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, especially in the wake of the Beslan massacre. They all have the same structure. Whenever you read the words, "Nothing can excuse the murder of children," you know that a big "But" is looming. Such articles invariably go on to explain why the murder of children is indeed understandable, and the reason usually given is Russian authoritarianism, against which the Chechen rebellion is natural and legitimate.

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