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Quantum Weirdness
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Breaking News From the Department of the Really Weird

Here are two reports from the Department of the Really Weird.
Initially, a series of experiments showed that measurements an observer makes can influence events that have already happened in the past.

One experiment, reported by the Science Journal in 2007, confirmed that flipping a switch could retroactively change a result that had happened before the switch was flipped:
Even weirder still, the choice to allow the waves to recombine or not can be made even after the photon passes the fork where it should have split--or not.
Equally weird, the Journal Nature reports:
A team of scientists has succeeded in putting an object large enough to be visible to the naked eye into a mixed quantum state of moving and not moving.

Through a phenomenon known as 'superposition' a particle can be moving and stationary at the same time — at least until an outside force acts on it. Then it instantly chooses one of the two contradictory positions.

But although the rules of quantum mechanics seem to apply at small scales, nobody has seen evidence of them on a large scale, where outside influences can more easily destroy fragile quantum states. "No one has shown to date that if you take a big object, with trillions of atoms in it, that quantum mechanics applies to its motion," Cleland says.

There is no obvious reason why the rules of quantum mechanics shouldn't apply to large objects.
Note: Science and Nature are two of the most reputable mainstream science journals.

[A special prize will be awarded to the best proposed application of this theory to the world of deep politics.]
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
[A special prize will be awarded to the best proposed application of this theory to the world of deep politics.] :alberteinstein::2in1:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Quote:Through a phenomenon known as 'superposition' a particle can be moving and stationary at the same time — at least until an outside force acts on it. Then it instantly chooses one of the two contradictory positions.

Has anyone else ever noticed that "superposition" always seem to occur when they've been imbibing too heavily?

They also can be moving and stationary at the same time.

I know this to be the case from extensive scientific self-experiments I've conducted over many decades.

When in this state an outside force acts, then one moves to one of two contradictory positions: narcotic slumber or very physically unwell.

Anyway, it's just pure speculation on my part, but I think these scientists may be on he brink of discovering a cure for hangovers...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I am intrigued as to how this quantum stuff aligns with altered states of consciousness, altered brain wave states, the studied properties of gamma wave consciousness among Buddhist monks, the use of binaurally-driven audio meditation, and other topics of consciousness. There is a realm of options -- which are real and which are bunk? -- just over the parapsychological horizon.

I recall reading something written some time ago by Deepak Chopra or some similar "guru"-- I'll have to dig it out and post it -- about the human brain as a hologram and an intro to DNA consciousness. Indeed, there is a small growth industry built around DNA meditation and then there is the whiff of the dance of the helix and chakra-based yogic practice in Mark Gaffney's "Gnostic Secrets of the Nassenes".

It is suggested that we can alter ourselves and the global mind by making our cellular DNA hum within resonant frequencies. Is this what is involved in the collective wisdom initiative [ ], or in "becoming consciously vibralingual" [ http://www.collectivewisdominitiative.or...ingual.htm ]?

Is there quantum mechanics involved in the role of hormones as described in the work(s) of Candace Pert, Ph.D.?

Is this the power of chant and enchantment?

Is this that which is hinted at in the books "The Future of the Body: Explorations Into the Further Evolution of Human Nature" or "God and the Evolving Universe: The Next Step in Personal Evolution"?

What is the transport vehicle to a different time and place?
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:Through a phenomenon known as 'superposition' a particle can be moving and stationary at the same time — at least until an outside force acts on it.

I know of no better description of JFK assassination research.
Charles, see "A Proposal" just recently added above and think along those same lines.

By the way, have you ever met Ramona? If not, watch this:
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:What is the transport vehicle to a different time and place?

I can't speak about the rest of what you wrote Ed, it's well beyond me - but I have some ideas for ruminating on a rainy night concerning the "transportation" matter.

Jung developed a technique called "active imagination" which can be read about in his bio Memories, Dreams and Reflections. His close friend and Analyst, Barbara Hannah, who was my own analysts teacher, wrote about it in her book Jung: His Life and Works. I have never seen it discussed elsewhere although I was encouraged to use it by my "way-shower". Probably because she knew I had already a well developed facility gained under other tuition prior to the time I met her.

Techniques for this have been around for a very long time indeed. Generally speaking, it has always been the case that eastern meditation techniques are not so suitable to western minds, and so there were established western techniques of equal value. For a very long time these techniques were kept completely secret and there are very sound reasons for this. Accessing what we might call the Collective Unconscious is not without its dangers. For example, one wouldn't hand a loaded shotgun to someone who might be emotionally unstable or give the ignition keys to a sport car to someone registered blind. The consequences for doing so can be greater than self damage, which is bad enough of course, but others can get damaged too. And I think, historically, there were also considerations of misuse and abuse - because just like most skills these things can be used for good or for selfish ends.

A friend of mine tried against advice to engage in this, and to cut a longer story short, an intuitive voice commanded him to "go back". He was so thoroughly scared with the experience that he had the good sense to listen to his intutition. He wasn't ready for it. Had he continued he may well have suffered psychological effects he wasn't fit to handle.

I suppose a reasonable description of the individuation process (to use Jungian terminology) is a controlled neurosis. One reason why one of the all time healing symbol is the twin-spiral Caduceus of Hermeticism.

[Image: caduceus_th_008.jpg]

Jung said that: "The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego- consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends."

... "which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends."

Quite deep stuff. Imagine this psyche before man came along? Imagine it afterwards and into the future for ever and after.

The alchemical image in the foregoing link is called Dormiens Vigila, meaning Whilst Sleeping Watch! On a larger version of this picture you can see that these Latin words are inscribed on the lintel over the doors centred in the distance. Lintels seem to be a favourite place to inscribe the great secret. On Greek mystery temples the words "Gnothi Seaton" ("Know Thyself") were inscribed on the lintel of the entrance door so that every novice would pass beneath it. Most, of course, didn't even see it. And the few who did, hadn't the slightest idea what it implied. It was hidden in plain sight waiting for them to unveil it in their own consciousness with that small smile that accompanies subtle understanding.

It is that "little hidden door" that Jung discusses above that can be accessed with good technique and proper supervision. Again there are safety factors to be considered. Just stepping though that little hidden door without knowing the destination, without having a route map and driving lessons might be really very interesting with fabulous mind-numbing landscapes and creatures. It might be hell. Or worse! Who knows the deep. And the thing is that what you experience there, in that world of almost make believe, will usually come to pass here in our practical world. Albeit in a different way.

Probably the easiest way to begin "transportation" is to set out to learn to remember your dreams and write them down -- and then ruminate on their meaning (and read a little Jung to help understand the symbols that arise in dreams). It is an "indirect" method, but also quite powerful - as anyone who's had a full blown nightmare can attest. The thing I think that needs to also be understood about this is that the face you turn to the Unconscious, is the face that is reflected back at you. Serious honest and yes, polite, inquiry is mirrored back in the same manner. If fear, anger, arrogance and disrespect are the prevailing attitudes, then be prepared to face that in return. It ain't funny I shouldn't think.

For those wishing to delve deeper, the shadow confrontation is the next step and for that you'll usually need a good analyst or someone skilled in these matters (and good analysts are hard to find imo). Jung did it on his own, but he was Jung. My advice is to seek a good analyst/teacher. It's hard gruelling and psychologically difficult work and not something to pursue lightly. Speaking personally, my view is that more and more people may need to undergo this confrontation - or face it happening outside as fate. And that also ain't funny.

On anything more detailed than this I'd prefer to go off forum.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I don't yet know or understand Jung but from what I gather from that to which I have been exposed in an introductory fashion, we probably don't need to go beyond your post or the techniques referenced in mine.

As noted, I have used HoloSync audio CD's in the past. I would agree that one's vehicle is custom-built and custom-purchased, that one ought to have proper training and education in its use and application, that it can be dangerous for unprepared and unstable drivers or passengers, etc. Even reading some of the books I've noted, and others, can be potentially worrisome or hazardous. Stretching one's mind without a "spotter" is probably no different than attempting a 557-lb. overhead "clean and jerk"; without some preparation, training, grounding and a "spotter", it is entirely possible to crush one's skull or break one's neck.

But there are lots of relatively safe and docile techniques that might get you there; the late George Leonard spent some time developing the ITP -- integral transformative practice -- complete with book ("The Life We Are Given"). video and perhaps even Stanford Medical research programs.

But one could get equally lost or screwed up reading Steven Johnson's "Mind Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life"; Antonio Damasio's "The Feeling of What Happens"; Joseph LeDoux's "Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are"; or John Ratey, M.D.'s "User's Guide to the Brain: Perception, Attention and the Four Theaters of the Brain". But it doesn't seem to have done any harm thus far.

The vehicle is one's own body, which contains a bi-cameral mind, a corpus callosum, an extended spinal column and neural system, hormones (neurons of the blood), a brain in your heart and another small one in your gut, two eyes, two ears, and lots of other embedded or embodied receiving and transmitting devices of which we are only beginning to become aware, or understand, or use.

To go beyond that we'd need a colloquium, a conference, an extended education, an experiential camp, a facilitated retreat, and a lot of time.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Quote:I couldn't agree more Ed, the body is our vehicle, our spaceship if you will. It is the carrier of whatever it is we truly are - consciousness for the sake of argument. If this is correct and we're on the same wavelength (forgive the awful pun please), then we can agree that what is to be transported is this consciousness or mind.

If pushed I would probably ague that methods of transporting or projecting this mind or consciousness have been used and developed and honed over aeons and that the pathways of exploration of that other time and other place are already well trod and marginally explored too (as much as it is possible to explore the infinite using the finite as a carrier).

And I would further posit that the methods of transportation/projection are readily available; the only decision being to select which method is most suitable to each one of us - based on our nature and being (whatever that is?).

But I might well be barking up the entirely wrong tree in which case forgive me.

[Image: doggy.gif]
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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