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US nat'l archives release 27K pages: Cold War CIA & Nazis
The CIA and the Nazis - Declassified archives document ties between CIA and Nazis - Where Is Hitler?!


Posted Mar 25, 2010 by ■ grrow in Politics 1 comment
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The US national archives released some 27,000 pages of secret records documenting the CIA’s Cold War relations with former German Nazi Party members and officials. The files reveal numerous cases of German Nazis, some clearly guilty of war crimes, receiving funds, weapons and employment from the CIA. They also demonstrate that US intelligence agencies deliberately refrained from disclosing information about the whereabouts of Adolf Eichmann in order to protect Washington’s allies in the post-war West German government headed by Christian Democratic leader Konrad Adenauer.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
I presume this is it but you have to hunt a bit for it. It seems they don't want to highlight it too much. So lets do it for them shall we?
Quote:The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group

The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG) locates, identifies, inventories, and recommends for declassification, currently classified U.S. records relating to Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes. Once declassified, these records are released to the American public. The group, consisting of high-level representatives from federal agencies and public members, was established by the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act and the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act.
Since 1999, the IWG has declassified and opened to the public an estimated 8 million pages of documents, including 1.2 million pages of OSS records; 74,000 pages of CIA name and subject files; more than 350,000 pages of FBI subject files; and nearly 300,000 pages of Army intelligence files. The once secret records are helping to shape our understanding of the Holocaust, war crimes, World War II and postwar activities of U.S. and Allied intelligence agencies.
The IWG has issued two interim reports to Congress (in October 1999 and March 2002), and it issues news releases and occasional newsletters, and has published a book. Several publications are forthcoming.
Members of the interagency working group:
Members Archivist Allen Weinstein (Chair)
National Archives and Records Administration

Richard Ben-Veniste
Washington DC

William Hooton
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Mary Walsh
Office of the Executive Director
Central Intelligence Agency

Elizabeth Holtzman
New York NY

Christina Bromwell
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Thomas H. Baer
Los Angeles CA

William H. Leary
Senior Director for Records and Access Management
National Security Council

Paul Shapiro
Director, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Eli M. Rosenbaum
Director, Office of Special Investigations
Department of Justice

Marc J. Susser
The Historian
Department of State
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Oh, I could say much about these records, as I have worked with many of them and searched and had others search through them....they are a start, but much like the JFK or other 'touchy' areas of history, they are [surprise! surprise!] missing the best bits in almost all cases (literally). One, I'd prefer not to highlight, but will mention in a off-hand sort of way involved a very important person, who's name does NOT appear on the appropriate list - in itself odd. It would almost be as odd as, for example, there being no OSS file on one A. Hilter etc. The interesting part is I had a friend inside NARA who was very helpful and found that despite not one page on this person being listed [admitted by NARA to be in their possession] this person [two actually] were able to get me quite a few, indeed. Upon seeing them, if one knew the 'story' behind the man, one could well imagine why this 'amazing clerical oversight' had occurred. I very much doubt it was the only such 'amazing clerical oversight'. More frustrating was that the documents obtained referred to other documents that have so far been elusive or destroyed or stored in a 'do not file file' or some other such contrivance. Another interesting matter is that if one follows a few of the more 'interesting' [to me] persons' paper trail on gets to a 'wall' where many are still classified...after all these years and despite the law that said they were to be, my, my, was I NOT surprised......:flute: N.B. To give myself a giggle [rare these days] when I did obtain the papers mentioned above by 'special means' I then went through official NARA 'entrance' and asked for them to look for the numbers on my new treasures. Ta Da! They did not show up on their computer system. There and not there. Just like the agencies that created them - a hall of mirrors and only intrepid or lucky or fully determined will get far and I dare say few will find the full story on the 'best bits' directly. Secrecy is one of the main mechanisms of control. He who controls the past, controls the present; he who controls the present, controls the future.

In any case, there is enough dirt here to fully besmirch the already besmirched name of our intelligence and other agencies of state who in their near infinite perfidy did a dance with the devil, and dance it still. Alas, the Nazi devils and their 'dancing partners' are almost all dead and soon will entirely be. But the dance goes on and the hiding of our true history along with it - new devils and new devil's dancing partners - new secret files and occasional new releases of very carefully vetted papers. Taken as a whole, the Nazi-Japanese-Western Intelligence bedfellows and dance partners 'story' is one that doesn't make me want to wave the flag.

I was in personal contact with some who were working with the 'Agencies' in control of the papers, trying to get them to release them - all of them. They admitted to me that it was 'hard going' and much the same tale we have heard over and over in the JFK matter and similar. Big Lies and very Bad Deeds calls for withholding or 'disappearing' lots of history and lots of paper (in the minds of our would-be masters). We must learn how to outsmart them at their own game. It is not easy. On occasion one can score a point here and there.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
As found here:

1) Fight over Eichmann Files Back to German Court, 2) Spiegel: CIA Helped Nazi Eichmann Hide

8th September 2010
[Image: lg-share-en.gif]
Fight over Eichmann Files Back to German Court

By DAVID RISING (AP) – 1 day ago
[Image: 010203715600.jpg]BERLIN — Germany’s intelligence service has turned over thousands of files on top Nazi Adolf Eichmann ‘s whereabouts after World War II to a journalist who sued for them. But with so many passages blacked out and pages missing, she’s taking the matter back to court.
An attorney for freelance reporter Gabriele Weber said Tuesday he was confident that she would win greater access eventually, even though Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office has argued that some Eichmann files should stay secret.
Last week, Weber went to see the government files on the man known as the “architect of the Holocaust” for coordinating the Nazi’s genocide policy. She was surprised to find some 1,000 pages missing, despite a federal court’s order in April that the intelligence agency, the BND, could not keep all of the documents secret.
Merkel’s office, which oversees the BND, argued in a filing with the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig that the 3,400 files had been examined and that it had been determined that some should remain withheld for a variety of reasons. It expressed concern that because the information had been received in confidence from other intelligence agencies, to make it public would discredit the BND.
Merkel’s office has not commented on the April decision and the BND refused to elaborate while the matter is still pending in court.
The arguments, however, were similar to those the court rejected when it made its initial ruling.
“I am certain that we will get all of the files, but it will take some time,” Weber’s Berlin attorney Reiner Geulen said.
He has filed a new request with the Leipzig court arguing that the government is violating the court’s original order by withholding so much.
Even though the basics of Eichmann’s story after the war are well known — he fled Germany, was captured in Argentina by Israel’s Mossad in 1960, then hanged after trial in Jerusalem in 1962 — Weber hopes the files will shed more light on missing pieces of the puzzle. Who helped him escape? How much did Germany know about where he was? Is there more to the story of his capture?
“Of the 2,400 pages, maybe 100 are interesting,” she said.
It was not clear when the case would be heard by the Leipzig court.
Spiegel Online | June 7, 2006
Intelligence Archives

CIA Helped Nazi Eichmann Hide

American and West German intelligence remained silent about the whereabouts of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in the 1950s to protect anti-communist operations, according to newly declassified US archives.
The United States and West Germany knew of the location and alias of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann two years before his capture, according to CIA documents released on Tuesday.
The newly declassified intelligence archives reveal that the CIA was told by West German intelligence in 1958 about Eichmann’s whereabouts in Argentina. Eichmann is known to have organized the “final solution” –the deportation of Jews to ghettos and death camps — to rid Germany of its Jewish population during World War II.
[Image: 557px-Bundesarchiv_B_145_Bild-F015051-00...Globke.jpg]Hans Globke
Timothy Naftali from the University of Virginia said that the United States and West Germany clearly had an opportunity to pursue Eichmann back in 1958, however, the CIA and West German intelligence did nothing in order not to jeopardize Hans Globke, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s national security adviser. A former high-rank Nazi, Globke worked for the Jewish affairs department during World War II. It is alleged that Globke was involved in writing laws to remove Jews from Germany.
Eichmann remained at large in Argentina with his family until 1960 where he was captured and kidnapped by Israeli intelligence. It is alleged that Eichmann was using the alias Ricardo Klement while on the run.
Among the 27,000 pages released by the US National Archives is a March 19, 1958 memo from West German intelligence officials to the CIA. “He is reported to have lived in Argentina under the alias ‘Clemens’ since 1952,” authorities wrote according to the Associated Press.
Eichmann’s Capture
[Image: Shmuel_Katz7_b.jpg]After his capture by Israeli agents Eichmann was taken to Israel where he was tried, convicted and executed in 1962 for crimes that he committed against the Jews. The CIA then pressured US journalists to omit references to Globke in their reporting about Eichmann.
The release of the Eichmann documents is part of the CIA’s effort to declassify intelligence records under the Nazi War Criminals Disclosure Act of 1998.
In another case of recently declassified documents, records show that former Nazi SS intelligence officer Heinz Felfe, who worked for the Soviet KGB after the war, was able to join the West German intelligence services after the United States insisted upon it. Felfe would rise to the rank of chief in the division that was responsible for the surveillance of the Soviet Union, documents show.
“CIA has been struggling with the nettlesome problem of how to balance the public’s interest in the historical record of CIA’s connections to Nazis, and an intelligence agency’s need … to protect the identities of sources,” Stanley Moskowitz, a former CIA official who is now a consultant to the agency, told the Associated Press. “The passage of time has shifted the balance.”
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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