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Guido Preparata's website
Mr. Preparata

Your interview with Lars Schall of Asian Times was fast-paced, frank, and supremely thought-provoking.

Your Conjuring Hitler was a sensational portal through a heretofore impenetrable wall of cliché.

You come to a conclusion of the Cold War as an artifice, a ruse, a business model while power is acquired for its own value.

Let me ask you to examine and analyze the brief term of the 35[SUP]th[/SUP] president of the United States John F. Kennedy and his murder by those whom he obstructed.

I dismiss the conventional propaganda of the lone gunman and the magic bullet, the Warren Commission lie that there was no conspiracy.

I stipulate there was assuredly conspiracy before, during and after the murder, to this day, that it is folded into the power play.

Was he a threat to financial interests such as the Federal Reserve through his Executive Order 11110 of June, 1963.

Was he an annoyance or obstacle or danger due to actions of his comptroller of currency James J. Saxon.

Eliot Janeway warned the Boston and New York financial houses the summer of 1963 "what a dangerous man this Kennedy is"was the financial advisor of LBJ spreading lies or did he believe this.

Do you see an arms, oil, drug reason for the Vietnam War so compelling as to require murdering the president who was withdrawing the nation from it via such instruments as National Security Action Memorandum 263 of October 1963 (NSAM 263).

Do you see a connection between Kennedy's murder and replacement by LBJ in November 1963 and the removal of Khrushchev and assumption of power by Brezhnev October 1964a bilateral hardening of positions in the Cold War model, a refutation of détente.

If you have not read James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, 2008, I recommend its 400 pages of text and 100 pages of notes as a bold and lyric depiction of the dark forces surrounding the lone postcolonial anti-Cold War figure in America's 20[SUP]th[/SUP] Century.

When you chart your analysis including the arc from WWII through 911 and beyond, many in the U.S. and who study U.S. events deem that assassination as a primary waypoint.

A massive repudiation of motive other than sheer power performed shamelessly, publicly, unapologetically.

It is regarding that locus of force that I ask for your observations. From that shiny ball should reflect enlightenment in all directions.

All the best to you in your continuing pioneering work


Dear Phil,
Many thanks for your email-
JFK...tough. The book you mentioned was recommended to me repeatedly by various friends (all of whom are deeply knowledgeable about this mystery); I had begun reading it a year ago or so, but had to suspend it, alas, to finish other things. So I keep coming back to JFK, and I will have to finish this Douglass book too (it's hanging over my head). The answer is that I don' t know yet. I know, of course, of all the various threads (the new greenbacks, Vietnam,, etc.). But I still cannot see thru the mist. None convinces me yet\\and the summation of each of them fails in my view to form a convincing interpretative scheme-- I have to get myself in a full immersion for years as I have done with the Nazis and more recently with the murder of Aldo Moro (Italy's JFK mystery) before I can come up with something good that makes me sleep at night (I generally lie awake until I think I have solved it--so I basically never sleep). In the meantime I will say only this: 1) the (alleged failure at the) Bay of Pigs was a total sham: they set it up to fail, the plan being (who knows) to prop up that other buffoonery of Fidel Castro in Cuba (from which they could moreover produce that other televised folly of the Missile Crisis the following year) and god-knows-what-else. Some say that it was connected also to the fate of de Gaulle in France, tho' I fail to understand the connection. In any event the story that aerial cover was denied at the last minute is unbelievable --this to boot in the US, which had invaded Normandy 17 years earlier with that same exact maneuver...As for the murder itself, I recently read in some threadbare conspiracy pamphlet the following intriguing thought: even if we assume that it was a planned regicide (i.e. conspiracy, which it was), the question then becomes: why not, say, inoculate him with deadly poison at night in the utpost secrecy in the White House, and declare the following morning that he had suffered a heart attack? Why orchestrate that massive, pandemonium in Dallas? So in a sense that booklet was arguing something altogether different, and a bit crazy, which was what caught my attention (the total shift on perspective which occasionally allows one to solve the riddle): and that was that the murder was committed for its own sake as some kind of psychical preparation for an escalation of violence on the TV screen [think of the amount of violence perpeterated these days on TV], the collective habituation to which is capable of opening deeper portals in the art of (collective) mind control (I am also thinking of Cronenberg's Videodrome, of course). I don't know, just a thought. But I keep turning it in my head, waiting in the meantime to make myself fully conversant with all the historical, economic and political data of the story (I have a lot of work ahead of me), and rethinking it all.
Till next time


Mr. Preparata

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

Your quick deduction that the Bay of Pigs operation was planned to fail seems accurate and significant--that Castro was retained as a foil fits the Cold War requirement of an enemy to brandish--quite as Big Brother and O'Brien use Emmanuel Goldstein.

Your point that what could have been done simply in secret was done dramatically in public as a psychological display has to be central to the meaning.

As you paint Churchill and Chamberlain as a Janus, what if one of them went off the script, they or another prominent figure began to make policy counter to the grand score of the power composers--why not assassinate him in public and blame it on a patsy, some fool Communist who when he wasn't burning the Reichstag was shooting at American presidents.

You have laid out the map from War to War. In that last war was a fellow who was skipper of PT 109 who would take his dead older brother's place in the family as the chosen political contender.

He, as Douglass remarks, was soon marked out for assassination, as he was counter to the plan.

There is a plan, has been a plan: it ran through the fall of the Wall and the fall of the Towers.

All the best to you

Phil - thank you for posting that correspondence.

Prof Guido Preparata wrote:

Quote:even if we assume that it was a planned regicide (i.e. conspiracy, which it was), the question then becomes: why not, say, inoculate him with deadly poison at night in the utpost secrecy in the White House, and declare the following morning that he had suffered a heart attack? Why orchestrate that massive, pandemonium in Dallas? So in a sense that booklet was arguing something altogether different, and a bit crazy, which was what caught my attention (the total shift on perspective which occasionally allows one to solve the riddle): and that was that the murder was committed for its own sake as some kind of psychical preparation for an escalation of violence on the TV screen [think of the amount of violence perpeterated these days on TV], the collective habituation to which is capable of opening deeper portals in the art of (collective) mind control (I am also thinking of Cronenberg's Videodrome, of course). I don't know, just a thought.

This is essentially correct.

The assassination of JFK was a regicide, and crafted with the archetypal resonance appropriate for such an event.

It was a ritual slaughter, deliberately conducted in a public space.

It was designed to shock and traumatize the collective psyche.

I note that, through the eventual release of the "Zapruder film", the world was allowed to see the head of a President explode.

However, we are not allowed to see "Osama Bin Laden" (or some proxy) riddled with bullets.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
A map of CONUS shows POTUS was slain at the midpoint between the oceans.

At high noon before a selection of the public.

The police used a throw-down piece and framed a patsy.

The crocodile tears presented a water curtain behind which could be heard dark laughter.

The obstacle to war, to the Vietnam War, to the Cold War, the war for oil, arms and drugs was terminated with extreme prejudice.

An example was made still the subject of the late-night and stand-up routines:

"They take the new president into a special screening room in the basement of the White House and show him the real Zapruder film.

"Then they hand him a towel for the sweat and the vomit and ask him if he has any questions."

Guido Preparata suggests it was to allow for more violent forms of mind control via television.

I see it as something immediate: resistance is futile. Don't buck, block, stop, slow or disrespect the machine.

JFK was reduced to Winston Smith, powerless, betrayed, and followed by the historical revision of the memory hole and the unperson, the alliance with Eurasia this week and that with Eastasia next, each of which has been constant, ever thus.

As for DBA OSAMA killed by DBA OBAMA having been created by Langley to fight the KremlinEmmanuel Goldstein.

Was DBA OBAMA in Indonesia to be protected by Sukarnothen his stepfather serving with Suharto and the CIA, army, jihadi slaughter of Communists is another Bizarro World ride.

You can stay in the White House if you remain flexible.

Holding one's hand a foot off the floor: You must be this tall to ride this ride.

JFK was a giant, thus marked for martyrdom.
Quote:.... and that was that the murder was committed for its own sake as some kind of psychical preparation for an escalation of violence on the TV screen [think of the amount of violence perpeterated these days on TV], the collective habituation to which is capable of opening deeper portals in the art of (collective) mind control (I am also thinking of Cronenberg's Videodrome, of course). I don't know, just a thought.

It is my recollection that the shooting of Oswald, as he was led like a lamb in front to the waiting cameras and assassin, was the first time any one has seen some one die on tv. How many hundreds and thousands have we seen since?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
December 8th email to Guido Preparata CC'd to Phil Dragoo:
Quote:I wrote to you way back inviting you and family to Leavenworth, WA for a vacation (offer still stands). Phil Dragoo invited you to join us a Deep Politics Forum.

Follow up: have you published or commented on the Arab Spring revolutions and especially the convoluted mess in Egypt as well as in Syria? Or would you care to via email. I will publish any response at Deep Politics Forum where you are highly regarded.

More specifically, how do the Arab Spring revolutions the present day version of Conjuring Hitler if at all. Who or what is being conjured now?

All the best, Lauren Johnson

GP's answer:
Quote:Dear Lauren and Phil,
Sorry for the Hiatus.
So, the "Arab Spring" and all that...
I am reading conflicting analyses of this. And I am still unclear about it all. I have yet to understand the fundamental dynamics at work.
So I will summarize the little I have managed to put together. And forgive me if it falls very short of what you yourselves have gathered from these events. First, my impression of the coup in Egypt was this: evidently the US have decided to ditch Mubarak. The Muslim Brotherhood is possibly one of the most corrupt entities that exist (I met and spoke to quite a few of them during my stay in the Near East in 2005) and, as a very implausible counteraltar to the Catholic model of non-geophysically constrained community having its spiritual center in Sunni Mecca, it plays beautifully in the hands of NATO. It is a perfect foil in that it 1) functions to fragment any kind of nationalistic, and strongly territorial, political formation in the Middle East [[--The Anglo-American imperial commonwealth, as a insular (they are, at bottom, two islands) and imperial consortium wielding military force through maritime and aerial dominance, fears by definition the strengthening of any kind of nationalist movement on the landmass (from Europe to East Asia). It works to smother these pangs wherever and whenever they appear. The British, in fact, are masters at this type of game. E.g., the Turkish card (membership) in the EU, to which The Economist returns periodically is also designed for this--always to keep in check any kind of potential reawakening of European independence. And the catastrophic straight-jacket of the Euro is a recent case in point (I will write on this, next year)]]. 2) The Brotherhood is also good for NATO because it is overly belligerent and intolerant in a way that creates perennial friction in the Middle East itself (versus non militant Muslims, and esp. vs. non-Muslims, viz. the Christians in Egypt), and keeps the temperature high with Isreal, which is all according to ancient plan. Israel, we know it, was a British creation --something that has absolutely nothing to do with "religion" or devoutness, if not in a strictly instrumental sense, and that is, with a view to constant warfare in a region that --it too-- must always be on red alert for the same geopolitical reason. NATO cannot afford peace in the lower Mediterranean basin, peace by way of nationalist coalitions that could isolate the Isreali platform, and, also lend themselves to the competitive patronage of say, France (very, very tentative and unlikey, anyway, these days), or Russia. The Economist, of course, was de facto very favorable to the fall of Mubarak: two years ago he was "our stable ally" but in 2011 he had progerssively morphed into a tyrant (yes, they wrote, the Brothers are a bit pesky, but they've got some democratic verve in them, so we can work things out --to paraphrase\ utterly delirious to read this stuff in sequence over the years). So the tyrannous Mubarak went. It's old: we have seen it a million times. The question is why now and what for? Anti-US websites in France say it is because after a decade of unsuccessful War on Terror (Iraq a bloodiest and most disastrous disgrace, Afganistan a failure of the first degree, and the Middle Eastern potentates as entrenched and anti-US as ever) it was time to shift gears and try something new. So, like in a Hollywood TV show, Bin Laden finally dies (whether he ever existed is perfectly irrelevant --remember, in 1984 Goldstein does not exist and the forbidden book was written by O'Brien himself, i.e. by the Secret Police) So, here Fox News, Al-JAzeera, etc. are all monitors of the same studio production. So, Bin Laden (theretofore played by John Turturro) dies in the 77th episode, and "the System" thereby begins to topple the easy pieces: Mubarak was basically a client so he was easy to dismiss. In Tunisia, where it all started, I don't quite know what happened, The French say it was a spontaneous and anti-British uprising, so was Bahrein's, they say. I don' t know. Egypt certainly was not. As for Gheddafi, incredible story. Various theories: his North-African alliance cemented by a gold dinar...Plus he was a custodian of 40 years of top secrets and very-high level international politics (terrorism, etc). Like Saddam, in fact. And I still have serious problems to swallow the story that this historical pawn for the CIA since 1959, Saddam (as the would be assassin of Kassim, who was a very intriguing character), could have let himself be taken with his sons and killed like that in 2003 (I suspect another stagecraft virtuosity)...Be that as it mysteriously may, Saddam falls and, almost a decade later, the no less "evil" Kaddhafi too. Lybia has oil aplenty, and position-wide it is key in the North-African theater --an area that is very dear to British interests. Like Iraq, in fact, which they took from the Turks in 1917, and which they consider, like all all these regions, *theirs*: that is obvious. Force is the sole language of the game. Lybia is very important and I would like to know more of the background of the operation. And then, Syria, of course. I was there in 2005; it is a gorgeous country, and it still felt as though it were underr Soviet tutelage (grim and time-frozen\it was odd). Yet in this sense there was also something more genuinely Arab to it than, say, Jordan, which is a, rather thin, Western satrapy. Beautiful place, Syria. Evidently portected by other forces. They say, Russia above all, and to a minor extent China. Who knows, really, about China, though- China is, now, very much an ally of the US; but there are grey areas where the stances are more ambiguous, such as this one.
The French (anti-US) network claims that all these maneuvers, which are a logical sequitur to 9-11, are part of an old1982 plan to Balkanize the Middle East by way of Israeli military belligerence. The reason why the place is so turbulent and hard to read appears to be the result of this constant tension between the desire to destabilize it and the natural reaction of the region to keep the balance by means of regional expressions, which are precisely what the destabilizers wish to annihilate. The fall of the Shah is the most classic case in point. This puppet who all of a sudden decides to sign a separate peace\entente for teh Gulf in 1975 with Iraq (indeed, Saddam was the signatory from the ruling Baath), and thereby signs his own death warrant. Thereupon Khomeini comes to power and the region sinks into 8 eight years of horrible war (to the joy and delight of Kissinger & friends--Ted Kennedy too, if I remember correctly). But now, complexity of all complexities, the legacy of Khomeini --notorious Bristih asset at the time-- is an Islamic Republic that appears to have escaped from its creators and fashioned itself as something independent, hsotile, and pro-Russian, in fact. But what is the truth? Could it be that the the Brits are so reckless in their conspiratoprial tactics? I mean, isn't risky to hand Egypt over to the Islamists who *might* turn against them, the way Iran, now under Ahmedinejad, supposedly did? Yet, is the latter really an enemy? Isn't his grandiloquent nonsense about the Holocaust and gays just the sort of rhetorical rubbish that the West, in the name of the politically correct crap of human rights and diversity, *loves* to leverage among us to sell us enmity and more wars...? I am confused. At any rate. There is little doubt that the Anglo-American imperialists are pushing as far as they always can and that Russia is the gravitational center --de facto the only "enemy" left these days-- of forces that try to push the Neocons back. Syria seems in a stale-mate now. So, to put an end to this very rambling message (and I apologize), all these recent movements, which go undder the rubric of "Arab Spring," appear to be pieces of a general script --act II of the grand 9-11 saga (the War on Terror being Act I), to redesign the geopolitical map in a way congruent with globalist interests --that seems obvious. All the while Europe's capacity to intervene is constantly hampered by means of various stratagems, the Euro being the latest one--but, then again, Europe is a basket case: sclerotic, impotent, emptied, a crusty shell. It is all conspiratorial enough, but more than anything this late imeprial agenda of NATO comes across as botched, messy and poorly done; they go deep enough but never seem able to finish the job.
Squalid times. What nasty despondency about it all. And what to do?
Anyway, Merry Xmas to all.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Professor Preparata

Thank you for your fascinating and thought-provoking essay on 911 as Act I/ Arab Spring as Act II of the Anglo-American War on Terror. A strategy of tension indeed, a phrase from discussions of Gladio now demonstrated by you vis-a-vis the various sequential characters written into the stageplay.

Zbgniew Brzezinski and Robert M. Gates co-authored the Council on Foreign Relations paper (2004) "Iran: Time for a New Approach".

Out go Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, Qadaffi and Mubarak: in come the Muslim Brotherhood.

A strategy of tension to prevent coalescing of peoples on the world island.

Perhaps Putin is to be embarrassed, having to pretend his Russian spokespeople did not predict the fall of Assad.

Again, thank you for your clarity; it makes all the difference.

Phil Dragoo
I am currently reading his "The Ideology of Tyranny" and the first chapter alone is enough to fill your stomach.

An important excerpt:

Quote:Ten times out of ten the pupils are trained to take aim and fire at the privileged
pet-peeves of postmodernism. These are: patriarchy, phallocracy, paternalism,
racism, sexism, machismo, racist industrial pollution (that is, only that
pollution that is putatively caused by the white elites and discharged on "minorities"),
Europe, Eurocentrism, the white European male, the male in general,
Columbus and the Catholics, religion, God, transcendence, metaphysics, the
spirit, colonization and early imperialism, and sometimes, ever more infrequently,
"capitalism," preferably singled out as a vague synonym for economic oppression.
Never, though, are the students made to visit the polemic upon the concrete
working of the hierarchies of real power: say, to investigate the effective composition,
functioning, and history of the political and financial establishments of
the West.

Quote:The social sciences . . . suffer when fashionable nonsense and word games displace
the critical and rigorous analysis of social realities. Postmodernism has three
principal negative effects: a waste of time in the human sciences, a cultural confusion
that favors obscurantism, and a weakening of the political left . . . No research
[ . . . ] can progress on a basis that is both conceptually confused and radically
detached from empirical evidence [ . . . ]. What is worse [ . . . ] is the adverse effect
that abandoning clear thinking and clear writing has on teaching and culture.
Students learn to repeat and to embellish discourses that they only barely understand.
They can even, if they are lucky, make an academic career out of it by
becoming expert in the manipulation of an erudite jargon.2
Hell has a special place for those who promote post modernism. Next to the Social Democrats. It has been the biggest bunch of wankery in academia and has distracted generations from the real issues.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Students learn to repeat and to embellish discourses that they only barely understand.

The more promising of these become the shrieking fairies and carping harpies of journogandism.

Fabulous in dog collars, let the teleprompters roll:

"We serve the 'political and financial establishments of the West'."

As example of the reward system

the children of David Gregory attend Sidwell Friends with those of Hussein

all under the banner of

"No sunshine; only Sunstein"
Magda Hassan Wrote:Hell has a special place for those who promote post modernism. Next to the Social Democrats. It has been the biggest bunch of wankery in academia and has distracted generations from the real issues.

Yup - the Post Modernsists deserve to be burnt at the stake, whilst the Mockingbirds chirp contentedy.....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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