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The Mystery of the 1994 Mull of Kintyre Chinook Crash
Paul Rigby Wrote:RUC Special Branch reportedly lost ten, amounting to forty per cent of its command level.

RUC Special Branch

RUC Special Branch is formally constituted as the RUC's E Department. It is headed by an Assistant Chief Constable (Brian Fitzsimons*) who presides over an organisation subdivided by function and three regions (Belfast, North and South). E1 looks after vetting of personnel, internal security, the supply of under cover vehicles and security of communications (mail and telecommunications). E2 is the department responsible for legal liaison, the interrogation centres and SB activity in prisons. E3 collates all intelligence gathered by field operators, informers and uniformed officers. It is split into three sections. E3A evaluates intelligence on republicans, while E3B and E3C are concerned with loyalists and leftists and other groups (eg animal rights) respectively.

E4 is the operations division which carries out the day-to-day field work of intelligence gathering. E4A carries out person-to-person surveillance and achieved a certain notoriety through ‘shoot-to-kill' actions in the 1980s which were the subject of the Stalker inquiry. Technical surveillance - the installation of bugs, tracking devices etc. - is the responsibility of E4B. Finally, E4C and E4D carry out photographic and video surveillance.

Quote:* Killed on 2 June 1994 while travelling from the North of Ireland to a conference at Fort George, Scotland. 25 intelligence personnel and four RAF crew were killed when their Chinook helicopter crashed on the Mull of Kintyre. Among the dead were ten members of RUC SB, including the head of SB, 2 regional heads and the divisional heads of E1, E2, E3, E3A, E3B, and E4. 5 MI5 agents also perished in the crash along with a British Army colonel, three Intelligence Corps lieutenant colonels, and five majors. It is widely acknowledged that the crash killed the upper echelons of the intelligence agencies in the North of Ireland, including key members of the Provincial Executive Committee.
Paul Rigby Wrote:This is an extract from Paul Foot's surprisingly triumphalist piece, "Spooky!," of 29 July 1994, p.26:

That's the piece Paul. It was the bit about the US special forces base at Macrihanish that caught my eye - which was at variance with the general reporting of the event that the chopper and passengers were headed to a conference in the far north east of Scotland -- Inverness if memory serves.

Regarding Macrihanish, if we ignore the grey alien angle and just concentrate on military aspects, the following is of interest:

Top Secret US plane ‘caused Chinook crash’
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The truth is out there
By Andrew Thomas • Get more from this author

Posted in Bootnotes, 10th July 2000 12:50 GMT
When an RAF Chinook helicopter carrying almost all the senior intelligence officers working in Northern Ireland crashed into the Mull of Kintyre six years ago, pilot error was given as the official explanation of the disaster.

Since then, a number of people and especially UK IT mag Computer Weakly have continued to maintain that it was software in the on-board systems which led to the crash rather than human error.

But a third explanation for the crash has now come to light: that a top secret hypersonic US plane, codenamed Aurora and which is reportedly capable of flying at up to 20 times the speed of sound, created a massive jet wake into which the helicopter flew, causing the crew to lose control.

RAF Machrihanish lies just ten miles from the Chinook crash site and at the time of the crash was operated by the US Air Force. Machrihanish boasts the longest runway in Europe (over three miles) and the entire surface of the runway is painted four times a year, to match the surrounding undergrowth.

The massive runway length is necessary so it can be used as an Emergency Airfield Over-flow (EAOF) site. It is one of the few runways in Britain that can cope with any aircraft landing with technical problems, including the Russian Bear and the P3 Orions of the Royal Norwegian Air force, who regularly used the air base as part of the NATO 'staging point' exercises.

Secret Underground facility
The runway faces east/west in a remote part of Scotland, enabling aircraft to approach the base from the sea, unobserved - ideal for covert or secret activity. It is also claimed that Machrihanish is host to a large, secret underground facility guarded by elite troops from the US Navy SEALs.

A number of military-watching web sites claim that the US military was at the time using Machrihanish as a base for testing its Aurora - the existence of which is still denied. When the Aurora codename leaked out, the US government is alleged to have renamed the project 'Senior Citizen'.

Jet wake
Aurora was rumoured to be operating at speeds higher than Mach 8 from Machrihanish at the time of the Chinook crash and is alleged to have inadvertently 'brought down' the chopper, which lost control after flying through its jet wake.

Shortly after the crash, the Americans left Machrihanish. The British government would certainly have been none too pleased if the US had indeed wiped out most of the UK's senior intelligence officials in one fell swoop.

Machrihanish is now reported to be deactivated, with only a skeleton staff, but still appears to be guarded like Fort Knox. During the 1980s, NATO invested a lot of money in the base and decided to post an American Navy Special Warfare (SEALs) unit there, known as Spec. War 2.

The UFO BBS has a story which originally ran in the Scottish Sunday Post in May 1993.

Oil rig engineer Chris Gibson is reported to have seen the aircraft from the rig Galveston Key. Gibson saw a dart-shaped plane taking on fuel from a US Air Force Tanker. Mach 3 blips were detected on radar over Machrihanish, and Gibson, a man who had worked for the British military and was trained to recognise enemy aircraft, saw a triangular object that he could not identify. It was travelling with two F-111s and refuelling from a KC-135 tanker plane.

First news of Aurora using Machrihanish came when a report filtered out about an RAF radar man picking up an unidentified craft travelling at three times the speed of sound near the Kintyre peninsula. Locals started querying terrific sonic booms ripping through the sky near the base.

Then the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute investigated earth tremors and strange shock waves across the Friesian coast, and said the probable cause was the sonic boom from an aircraft flying at a speed of 4000mph.

Area 51
Robert McNeil, writing in another respected Scottish paper, The Scotsman, claimed last June that not only was Aurora/Senior Citizen flying from Machrihanish, but that alien spacecraft were being dismantled there.

McNeil reported that Ron Halliday, the chairman of Scottish Earth Mysteries Research, had claimed that remote areas of rural Scotland were being used in similar ways to the mysterious Area 51 in the United States, where secret aircraft are supposedly tested and where the alien victims of the Roswell UFO crash were supposedly taken for dissection.

According to Halliday, the prime candidate for Scotland's Area 51 was Machrihanish, which he said had long been the subject of rumour and bizarre speculation. He added that the MoD owned huge areas of land in Scotland but no one knew what they were doing.

"These are parts of Scotland where people just never visit because access is so difficult. Extra-terrestrial flying discs could be stored here as, geographically, we're in a good situation for communication with London, the US and western Europe," Halliday is reported as saying.

"Machrihanish would be an ideal spot from which to operate aircraft technology that the Government wanted to keep secret - including devices allegedly developed from captured alien discs."

People living nearby have frequently reported strange ear-splitting noises and mysterious smoke-rings in the sky

More on the base here:
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Quote:Rough guess: Yank decision - made in some haste, by the look of it - but domestic execution, most likely a bomb aboard the helicopter. Identity of the home org? Six, I've always assumed, using a non-SIS "instrumentality."

I am inclined to agree Paul. I'm fairly convinced this was not IRA but rather a "home team" affair --- cleaning the Augean stables before peace settles in permanently.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Fwiw, given the earlier discussion in this thread:

Quote:Mull of Kintyre helicopter disaster inquiry confirmed

Inquiry led by lawyer with no connection to past investigations

Henry McDonald and Richard Norton-Taylor, Wednesday 8 September 2010 14.33

Nick Clegg today announced a new independent legal inquiry into the 1994 Mull of Kintyre helicopter disaster that killed 29 people including top intelligence and anti-terrorist officers.

The deputy prime minister said the evidence surrounding the crash in western Scotland, which the RAF initially blamed on the two pilots, would be reviewed by a senior lawyer with no connections to previous reports.

An RAF board of inquiry ruled that the pilots – flight lieutenants Jonathan Tapper and Richard Cook – were guilty of "gross negligence". Their families have since been fighting to clear their names.

Clegg made the announcement in the House of Commons today during prime minister's questions as he was filling in for David Cameron who has flown to France to be with his ill father.

He told the Commons that the legal figure heading up the new investigation would have no links to past inquiries into the Mull of Kintyre accident.

"I am pleased to be able to confirm today we will be holding an independent review of the evidence of the Mull of Kintyre disaster, and I hope a review will be welcomed by those who died in this tragic accident," Clegg said.

"To ensure its complete independence, the review will be conducted by a respected lawyer who is independent of the government and who has not previously expressed a view on the disaster. The reviewer and the precise terms of reference will be announced soon.

Tapper's father, Mike, welcomed the announcement. He told the Guardian: "At last, we have a firm commitment from a government acting with integrity." All previous inquiries had been dismissed by a "stubborn" Ministry of Defence, he said.

"The fact is that the aircraft were brought into service with a completely new system which was in effect untried. The MoD knew damn well because Boscombe Down had told them," he added, referring to the MoD's aircraft research establishment which recommended grounding the Chinook fleet the day before the Mull of Kintyre crash.

Squadron Leader Robert Burke, a former Chinook test pilot who has been involved in compiling evidence in the case, said: "I am delighted, thrilled. It is the culmination of 15 years' work."

In June 1994 the Chinook helicopter crashed into a hillside near the Mull of Kintyre lighthouse in thick fog. Those on board, including top RUC special branch officers and a number of MI5 operatives, were on their way from Northern Ireland to a secret conference in Inverness. Top of the agenda at that meeting was a discussion on the possible loyalist paramilitary response to the forthcoming IRA ceasefire, which came two months later.

Among those killed was the deputy head of RUC special branch, Brian Fitzsimmons, and senior anti-terrorist officer Supt Ian Phoenix who had helped coordinate with the police and SAS the killing of seven top IRA men at Loughgall, Co Armagh in 1987. As well their immediate families among those who fought from the outset to clear the pilot's of any blame was Phoenix's widow, Susan.

Five years after the crash the government faced calls for a fresh inquiry when Computer Weekly magazine released evidence claiming to cast doubt on the reliability of the helicopter's engine control software, supporting campaigners' claims that the aircraft was at fault and not the pilots.

In February 2002 a House of Lords committee rejected the RAF's verdict and found that there were no grounds for blaming the pilots.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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