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Chile’s Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued With The Miners
by John Pilger, October 14, 2010

The rescue of 33 miners in Chile is an extraordinary drama filled with pathos and heroism. It is also a media windfall for the Chilean government, whose every beneficence is recorded by a forest of cameras. One cannot fail to be impressed. However, like all great media events, it is a façade.

The accident that trapped the miners is not unusual in Chile and the inevitable consequence of a ruthless economic system that has barely changed since the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Copper is Chile’s gold, and the frequency of mining disasters keeps pace with prices and profits. There are, on average, 39 fatal accidents every year in Chile’s privatised mines. The San Jose mine, where the men work, became so unsafe in 2007 it had to be closed – but not for long. On 30 July last, a labour department report warned again of “serious safety deficiencies ”, but the minister took no action. Six days later, the men were entombed.

For all the media circus at the rescue site, contemporary Chile is a country of the unspoken. At the Villa Grimaldi, in the suburbs of the capital Santiago, a sign says: “The forgotten past is full of memory.” This was the torture centre where hundreds of people were murdered and disappeared for opposing the fascism that General Augusto Pinochet and his business allies brought to Chile. Its ghostly presence is overseen by the beauty of the Andes, and the man who unlocks the gate used to live nearby and remembers the screams.

I was taken there one wintry morning in 2006 by Sara De Witt, who was imprisoned as a student activist and now lives in London. She was electrocuted and beaten, yet survived. Later, we drove to the home of Salvador Allende, the great democrat and reformer who perished when Pinochet seized power on 11 September 1973 – Latin America’s own 9/11. His house is a silent white building without a sign or a plaque.

Everywhere, it seems, Allende’s name has been eliminated. Only in the lone memorial in the cemetery are the words engraved “Presidente de la Republica” as part of a remembrance of the “ejecutados Politicos”: those “executed for political reasons”. Allende died by his own hand as Pinochet bombed the presidential palace with British planes as the American ambassador watched.

Today, Chile is a democracy, though many would dispute that, notably those in the barrios forced to scavenge for food and steal electricity. In 1990, Pinochet bequeathed a constitutionally compromised system as a condition of his retirement and the military’s withdrawal to the political shadows. This ensures that the broadly reformist parties, known asConcertacion, are permanently divided or drawn into legitimising the economic designs of the heirs of the dictator. At the last election, the right-wing Coalition for Change, the creation of Pinochet’s ideologue Jaime Guzman, took power under president Sebastian Piñera. The bloody extinction of true democracy that began with the death of Allende was, by stealth, complete.

Piñera is a billionaire who controls a slice of the mining, energy and retail industries. He made his fortune in the aftermath of Pinochet’s coup and during the free-market “experiments” of the zealots from the University of Chicago, known as the Chicago Boys. His brother and former business partner, Jose Piñera, a labour minister under Pinochet, privatised mining and state pensions and all but destroyed the trade unions. This was applauded in Washington as an “economic miracle”, a model of the new cult of neo-liberalism that would sweep the continent and ensure control from the north.

Today Chile is critical to President Barack Obama’s rollback of the independent democracies in Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela. Piñera’s closest ally is Washington’s main man, Juan Manuel Santos, the new president of Colombia, home to seven US bases and an infamous human rights record familiar to Chileans who suffered under Pinochet’s terror.

Post-Pinochet Chile has kept its own enduring abuses in shadow. The families still attempting to recover from the torture or disappearance of a loved bear the prejudice of the state and employers. Those not silent are the Mapuche people, the only indigenous nation the Spanish conquistadors could not defeat. In the late 19th century, the European settlers of an independent Chile waged their racist War of Extermination against the Mapuche who were left as impoverished outsiders. During Allende’s thousand days in power this began to change. Some Mapuche lands were returned and a debt of justice was recognised.

Since then, a vicious, largely unreported war has been waged against the Mapuche. Forestry corporations have been allowed to take their land, and their resistance has been met with murders, disappearances and arbitrary prosecutions under “anti terrorism” laws enacted by the dictatorship. In their campaigns of civil disobedience, none of the Mapuche has harmed anyone. The mere accusation of a landowner or businessman that the Mapuche “might” trespass on their own ancestral lands is often enough for the police to charge them with offences that lead to Kafkaesque trials with faceless witnesses and prison sentences of up to 20 years. They are, in effect, political prisoners.

While the world rejoices at the spectacle of the miners’ rescue, 38 Mapuche hunger strikers have not been news. They are demanding an end to the Pinochet laws used against them, such as “terrorist arson”, and the justice of a real democracy. On 9 October, all but one of the hunger strikers ended their protest after 90 days without food. A young Mapuche, Luis Marileo, says he will go on. On 18 October, President Piñera is due to give a lecture on “current events” at the London School of Economics. He should be reminded of their ordeal and why.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
A good post by John Pilger and very true.
Even as all the media coverage was going on police were persecuting striking workers and students and Mapuches who were on a hunger strike for all of the time. No coverage of them. The miners sent 4 notes up. Only 2 were shown to the media. The notes shown by the media were of the one telling the resuers that they were all alive in the refuge and the other a note from one miner to his wife. The other notes were telling Pinera to "shut up" and another one in support of the Mapuches still on hunger strike. See them here:

The whole thing was highly choreographed from the word go. The rescuers were wanting to get the miners out ASAP from day 1 but Pinera was wanting them out by the 17th when he had to travel over seas and there was constant pressure from the Moneda Palace to have it all done before he needed to leave. Pinera is also a billionaire media magnate in the mould of Berlesconi and Murdoch. He has made millions from the media event and will probably make millions more in the book and film deals coming down the pipeline. Much of the mining and drilling equipment that was used was rented by another Minister with mining interests.

All of the workers were scabs. The unionised mine workers would not work that mine because it was declared dangerous. There are a handful of mine inspectors to inspect the hundreds of mines through out the length of Chile. The industry has been deregulated and significantly deunionised since Pinochet. Even though these trapped workers were scabs many of them communicated in clear word to Pinera on their release that he must do something for workers to stop this ever happening. The rescue workers were also extremely strong with Pinera about where they stood on this. The last rescuer out and the last man out (and first one down) when welcomed back by Pinera said that he was very happy to do what he did but never again in his life did he ever want to do that again and he impressed on Pinera that he was responsible from now on for making sure that this is never allowed to happen.

The owners of this mine have not been charged (as far as I know yet at least) with what happened. They have been charged with other breaches (just before the mine collapse) of safety regulations at another mine they owned where a miner lost his limb. Once their mine collapsed trapping the 33 men the company declared bankruptcy and refused to pay for any rescue and in effect washing their hands of it all and leaving all the men for dead. None of the men have been paid their wages since they went underground. Needless to say none of them nor their families want to mine again and many will not be able to work again. Chile has 1% of the world's miners and 8% of the world's mining fatalities. Mine owners have been getting away with murder forever. Pinera has also allowed then to get away with it until now. He will allow them to do so in future when the stock marker starts screaming at the 'attack' on profits and 'interference' with business by regulations.

Even though Pinera has vowed to adopt developed-world health and safety standards to ensure the dignity of workers after the rescue of the miners he is not involving the union in any of this and I don't think you should hold your breath waiting for it especially once the cameras have moved on.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Todo para qu�
Nada para m�

Minero soy
A la mina voy
A la muerte voy
Minero soy

Todo pa�l patr�n
Nada pa�l dolor

Minero soy
A la mina voy
A la muerte voy
Minero soy

Nada es lo peor
Todo es lo mejor

Minero soy
A la mina voy
A la muerte voy
Minero soy
Humano soy

I come
I go below
I load
All for what
Nothing for me

I go to mine
I go to death
I am a miner
I am a human

Everything for the boss
Nothing for the pain

I go to mine
I go to death
I am a miner
I am a human

Nothing is worse
Everything is better

I go to mine
I go to death
I am a miner
I am a human
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Comment by P.Black . 15 October 2010
John Pilger is spot on and the international media especially the BBC, surprise, surprise, has colluded with the reactionary right wing neo liberal Piniera Government 's media gloss,spin and constructed lies and very blatant and criminal omission of the reality of the ongoing Mapuche political prisoners hunger strike by not presenting the San Jose mine rescue in any form of coherent or critical political, economic, social or historical context and by attempting to 'depoliticise' the whole thing inorder to glorify the Pinmeirda government.

Pineira is due to meet Cameron some time next week before or after his talk at the LSE on Monday in what should be ab eventful week of mass protest against the neo liberal cuts and privatisation offensive.

Support the picket outside the LSE on the 18th October and spread the word

Like multi millionaire capitalist media mogul Berlosconi in Italy before him and the decodedly lack lustre French President Sar....kozy's now faced with mass protest Pinmierda's bubble will at some point burst no matter how much he tries to milk the San Jose mine rescue for all he can as the whole capitalist mass media merry go round clamours to exploit it for all it will ultimately unravel.

The Atacama desert, historically rich in minerals much of it stolen from Bolivia and where the land and the people have been brutally exploited by Chilean, US and British mining corporations over decades, still holds the graves of many of those who were disappeared under Pinochet.

A new documentary by Patricion Guzman called 'Nostalgia For The Light ' (Nostalgie De La Lumiere)

Director(s): Patricio Guzman
Producer(s):Renate Sachse

France, Germany, Chile
2010 o 90 min o HDCAM o Spanish

' With zero humidity, South America’s Atacama desert is the driest place on earth – and the perfect location for astronomers to study the night sky. Scientists from around the world have flocked here, using giant telescopes to unlock the secrets of the galaxy.

The climate and massive salt deposits also preserve the secrets in the earth, making the region a haven for archaeologists as well, who are able to study how the area has been a transit route for 10,000 years. But it is the more recent past – and its terrible secrets – which concern director Patricio Guzman. The desert hosted the largest concentration camp for political prisoners of the Pinochet regime, thousands of whom were assassinated and buried here; their remains still searched for by grieving relatives. In a thought provoking, stirring and meditative tour de force which had its world premiere at the Cannes Film FestivalGuzman explores the many paradoxes of a remarkable land.

“Overall, the material is so unusual, the research so complete for a 90-minute documentary, and the subjects so knowledgeable and sympathetic that the viewer is fascinated throughout.” – Screen Daily
Quote:...and the international media especially the BBC, surprise, surprise, has colluded with the reactionary right wing neo liberal Piniera Government 's media gloss,spin and constructed lies and very blatant and criminal omission of the reality ....
Yes, the BBC was particularly awful in their coverage. Bad translations and talking rubbish over the miners speaking at significant moments (mostly pro-worker statements anti-government or anti-boss) and dreadful commentary in general.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
A google translation of an article about the role of copper in Chile and shows the history of deregulation in that state. The Jose Pinera referred to in the Pinochet Pinera Doctrine is the brother of the current President of Chile Sebastian Pinera.


Wednesday, 05 de January de 2005
Wednesday, 05 January 2005
(versión resumida)
(Short version)
La Doctrina Radomiro Tomic versus La Doctrina Pinochet - Piñera
Radomiro Tomic versus Doctrine Doctrine Pinochet - Piñera
[size=12]El Cobre representa uno de los mayores dones con los que la naturaleza a dotado a nuestro país.[/SIZE]
[size=12]Copper is one of the greatest gifts with which nature endowed our country.[/SIZE]
[size=12]El año 2000 la población mundial alcanza la cifra de 6.200 millones de personas, Chile con sus 15 millones, representa apenas el 0.2 % de esta población, pero, dispone de casi un 40 % de las reservas de Cobre conocidas del planeta.[/SIZE]
[size=12]In 2000 the world population reached the figure of 6,200 million people, Chile has 15 million represents only 0.2% of the population but has about 40% of the known copper reserves on the planet.[/SIZE]
[size=12]Tal como lo expresara Radomiro Tomic hace ya medio siglo, esta ?es una situación de privilegio que raya en lo increíble, y una oportunidad, profunda, compleja y fascinante que la Providencia abre a Chile?.[/SIZE]
[size=12]As expressed Radomiro Tomic half a century ago, this "is a privileged position that borders on the unbelievable, and an opportunity, profound, complex and fascinating Providence opens in Chile?.[/SIZE] [size=12]
[size=12]En Chile no puede existir ningún tema político o económico que pueda resistir una comparación con el Cobre, sin embargo el Cobre es un tabú en los medios de comunicación y en la discusión publica.[/SIZE]
[size=12]In Chile there can be no political or economic issue that can stand comparison with the copper, but copper is a taboo in the media and public discussion.[/SIZE]
[size=12]Este olvido y ocultación no es casual sino perfectamente planificado, puesto que cuanto menos se hable del Cobre, su expoliación se podrá efectuar de manera más tranquila?[/SIZE]
[size=12]This forgetfulness and concealment is not accidental but carefully planned, since the less said about Copper, his theft may be made more quiet?[/SIZE]
Una de las razones principales que me llevo a hacer este pequeño resumen de los trabajos publicados sobre el cobre fue sin duda la constatación planteada por el Senador Lavandero según la cual ?
One of the main reasons that led me to make this short summary of the literature on copper was certainly the finding raised by Senator Lavandero whereby?
por cada dólar que las empresas extranjeras han invertido en la minería del cobre desde 1989 a la fecha, el Presupuesto Nacional ha dejado de percibir 1,5 dólares?
for every dollar that foreign companies have invested in copper mining from 1989 to date, the National Budget has failed to collect $ 1.5?
Pensando en aquellos que desconocen este tema, pero también pensando en un regalo para un hijo que se hace adulto y que necesita conocer el mundo que le estamos heredando, es que les traigo un pedazo de esta historia, que les debe ser conocida.
Thinking of those who do not know this, but also thinking of a gift for a child becomes an adult and needs to know the world we are inheriting, is that I bring a piece of this history, they must be known.
Más que ninguna otra, esta historia debe ser reinterpretada y reinventada.
More than any other, this story must be reinterpreted and reinvented.
Leopoldo Muñoz A.
Leopoldo Muñoz A.
Santiago Octubre del 2001.
Santiago October 2001.

La producción mundial de cobre superaba los 12 millones de toneladas anuales al fin del milenio.
The world copper production exceeded 12 million tons annually at the end of the millennium.
El cobre transado en el mercado mundial alcanza a 8 millones de toneladas.
Copper traded on the world market amounts to 8 million tons.
Chile con su producción de 5 millones de toneladas coloca el 60 % del cobre que se transa a escala mundial Somos de lejos los mayores exportadores mundiales.
Chile with its production of 5 million tonnes placed 60% of the copper that is traded globally We are by far the world's largest exporters.
A modo de ejemplo, los 13 países de la OPEP no superan el 35-40 % del mercado mundial del petróleo.
For example, the 13 OPEC countries do not exceed 35-40% of the world oil market.
En el Cobre nosotros solos, somos la OPEP más toda una mitad adicional.
Copper in ourselves, we OPEC plus any additional half.
Desde la caída del salitre, el cobre ha constituido la fuente más importante de divisas para el país.
Since the fall of nitrate, copper has been the largest source of foreign exchange for the country.
Sin embargo esta también esta a la baja.
However, this is also down.
?En 1989 los aportes de CODELCO al fisco Chileno fueron de US$ 1.960,7 millones lo que representaba el 24.7 % de los ingresos totales del fisco.
? In 1989, contributions to the treasury Chilean Codelco were U.S. $ 1,960.7 million representing 24.7% of total income taxes.
Estos se han reducido llegando alrededor de US$ 450 millones en 1998 lo que representa solo un 2.5% de los ingresos fiscales, disminuyendo de esta manera en 10 veces la participación de Codelco en el presupuesto de la Nación?.
These have been reduced reaching about U.S. $ 450 million in 1998 representing only 2.5% of revenues, thereby decreasing 10 times the participation of Codelco in the budget of the Nation?.

En 1941 Radomiro Tomic indicaba que ?El cobre podría ser para la economía chilena como la ?lampara de Aladino?
Radomiro Tomic in 1941 indicated that? The copper could be for the Chilean economy like? Aladdin's lamp?
(como el petróleo para los Árabes), pero la tradicional desconfianza del ?huaso ladino?
(Like oil for the Arabs), but the traditional distrust? Huaso Ladin?
frente a lo nuevo o el ?peso de la noche?
against the new or? weight of the night?
de que hablaba Portales, nos impide aprovechar el don prodigioso de la naturaleza que representa tener en nuestro territorio un tercio de la reserva mundial de cobre terrestre, de los mejores y mayores yacimientos con los más bajos costos comparativos de producción del orbe, del metal más escaso y más indispensable para la generación, distribución y uso de la energía eléctrica.
that spoke Portales, take us from the wonderful gift of nature that represents our country take a third of global copper reserves on Land of the biggest and best sites with the lowest comparative costs of production in the world, more metal scarce and indispensable for the generation, distribution and use of electricity.
El desarrollo industrial y el progreso de la civilización dependen sustancialmente de la energía eléctrica, y la electricidad, depende en un grado tan importante del cobre que más de la mitad del cobre refinado que el mundo consume, es utilizado directamente en la generación y transmisión de electricidad??
Industrial development and progress of civilization depend heavily on electricity, and electricity, depending on grade copper so important that more than half of the world refined copper consumption is used directly in the generation and transmission electricity?
y la producción y consumo de energía eléctrica se duplica cada 10 años?.
and production and energy consumption is doubling every 10 years?.
Aquello que era valido ya durante 1941 es hoy en día muchisimo más valido, pues a lo anterior, hay que agregar toda aquella cantidad de electro domésticos no existentes hace mas de medio siglo, ya esto hay que agregar además el desarrollo futuro del automóvil y los medios de transporte eléctrico.
What was earned during 1941 and is now a lot more valid, as the above, add all that much non-existent domestic electro more than half a century, and this must be added also the future development of the automobile and electrical transport.
Con motivo del 30 aniversario de aquel 11 de Julio de 1971 en el que por acuerdo unánime del Senado se sanciono la nacionalización del cobre en nuestro país.
To mark the 30th anniversary of that July 11, 1971 in which the unanimous consent of the Senate sanctioned the nationalization of copper in our country.
El Honorable Senador Sr. Jorge Lavandero Illanes.
The Honorable Senator Jorge Lavandero Illanes.
Rindiendo homenaje a esta fecha destaco que ?
Paying tribute to this date underlined that?
La nacionalización de dicho recurso minero ha sido él más grande de los aciertos de nuestro país por cuanto, desde 1971 hasta 1999, ha generado al Fisco mas de 25 mil millones de dólares..
The nationalization of the mineral resource has been his biggest successes of our country because, from 1971 to 1999, the Treasury has generated more than 25 billion dollars ..
produciendo 27,1 millones de toneladas.
producing 27.1 million tonnes.
?El sector privado en este mismo lapso ha producido 20,6 millones de toneladas ha aportado al erario solo alrededor de 1,3 mil millones de dólares.
• The private sector in this period has produced 20.6 million tonnes has contributed to the treasury only about 1.3 billion dollars.
?En los últimos 10 años, a pesar de la caída de sus ingresos, CODELCO ha aportado al Fisco.
? In the past 10 years, despite the drop in income, Codelco has contributed to the Treasury.
Mas que todo el impuesto de Primera Categoría que han pagado absolutamente todas las empresas existentes en nuestro país, incluyendo los bancos, AFP; seguros; eléctricas; el resto de las mineras, telecomunicaciones; pesqueras etc ?.
Most of all First Category tax they paid absolutely all the businesses in our country, including banks, AFP, insurance, power, and the rest of the mining, telecommunications, fishing etc?.

Como es ya de público conocimiento, Chile, decidió unilateralmente renunciar, a establecer una "Política Chilena del Cobre".
As is now well known, Chile, unilaterally decided to resign, to set up a "Chilean Copper policy."
Este acto de auto inhibición de la soberanía nacional (en beneficio de las grandes transnacionales) se encuentra consagrado en la Ley Minera 18.097, vigente desde el 26 de Septiembre de 1983.
This act of self-inhibition of national sovereignty (for the benefit of large corporations) is enshrined in the Mining Law 18,097, effective September 26, 1983.
El carácter profundamente antinacional de esta ley fue enérgicamente denunciado por diversas personalidades del país, uno de los personaje más prominente y comprometidos en esta lucha fue sin lugar a dudas Radomiro Tomic.
The profoundly anti-national character of this law was strongly denounced by various personalities of the country, one of the most prominent and committed to this struggle was undoubtedly Radomiro Tomic.
En el punto N° 8 del documento original, se reproduce una de sus más brillantes intervenciones contra esta Ley. (los 8 argumentos necesarios y suficientes para impugnar esta Ley se encuentran contenidos en la intervención de Tomic del punto 8, razón por la cual, éstos no se repiten en este informe resumen)
In point No. 8 of the original document is reproduced one of his most brilliant interventions against this Act (the 8 necessary and sufficient arguments to challenge this law are contained in the intervention point Tomic 8, reason, they are not repeated in this summary report)
Producto de la renuncia a nuestra soberanía sobre el recurso Cobre es que durante el periodo 1996 al 2000 los Chilenos hemos podido ser despojados "limpiamente" de una cifra no inferior a 6.287 millones de dólares.
Proceeds from the surrender of our sovereignty over the use of copper is that during the period 1996 to 2000 the Chileans have been stripped "clean" in an amount not less than 6.287 million dollars.
Esta situación ha sido posible, debido a que los instrumentos, que permiten el manejo y el control de los destinos de nuestro principal recurso, se encuentran transferidos por Ley a empresas transnacionales, cuyos intereses, no son coincidentes con los nuestros.
This has been possible because the tools that enable the management and control of the destiny of our main resource, are transferred by law to transnational corporations, whose interests do not coincide with ours.
La pérdida implícita en la cifra involucrada equivale a los recursos necesarios para construir 2 millones 400 mil casas de 1000 UF cada una.
The loss implied by the figure involved is equivalent to the resources needed to build 2 million houses 1000 400 000 UF each.
De acuerdo con la opinión sostenida por Radomiro Tomic durante los años 80, la que fue confirmada por estudios realizados durante los años 90.
According to the opinion held by Radomiro Tomic for the 80, which was confirmed by studies conducted during the 90's.
La causa de la pérdida de ingresos para el país se debe a la baja sostenida del precio del cobre.
The cause of the loss of revenue for the country is due to the sustained drop in copper prices.
La razón última de la baja de los precios del cobre en el mercado mundial tiene su origen, en la sobre producción de cobre que esta siendo generada desde Chile por las empresas transnacionales que operan en nuestro país amparadas por la Ley Minera de 1983.
The ultimate reason for the decline in copper prices on the world market has its origin in the production of copper that is being generated from Chile by transnational corporations operating in our country covered by the Mining Law of 1983.
Esto se observa claramente si se considera que durante los años 90 el Consumo mundial de cobre aumenta sólo en un 3,2% anual mientras que la Oferta lo hace en un 4,4% anual.
This is clear if one considers that during the 90's the global copper consumption increased only by 3.2% per year while it does offer a 4.4% per year.
Es esta diferencia entre sobre oferta y demanda, es la que permite aumentar los inventarios de Cobre en el mercado mundial empujando su precio a la baja.
It is this difference between supply and demand, is it possible to increase inventories of copper on the world market pushing the price down.
Lo paradojal es que el propio Chile es el que aporta el 100 % del Crecimiento de la Oferta Mundial de cobre.
The irony is that Chile itself is one that provides 100% Growth in world supply of copper.
Durante los años 70 y 80 situaciones similares fueron observadas y denunciadas por Radomiro Tomic en la prensa de la época.
During the 70 and 80 Similar situations were observed and reported by Radomiro Tomic in the press of the time.
Si bien es cierto que el Nuevo Código Minero fue desarrollado y promulgado durante el Gobierno Militar, tampoco es menos cierto que "han sido principalmente los gobiernos de la Concertación los que otorgaron las más amplias garantías a las inversiones extranjeras para apropiarse de nuestras riquezas naturales, llegando incluso a entregarles los yacimientos de reposición de CODELCO".
While it is true that the New Mining Code was developed and enacted under the military regime, it is no less true that "it was mainly the Concertación governments that gave the most extensive guarantees to foreign investors to appropriate our natural resources, even to deliver replacement deposits CODELCO. "
Las nuevas inversiones fueron mayormente autorizadas durante los periodos de AYLWIN y FREI.
New investments were mostly allowed during periods of Aylwin and Frei.
El presidente RICARDO LAGOS tampoco es ajeno a este tema.
President Ricardo Lagos is no stranger to this issue.

Hoy vale la pena recordar las palabras que Radomiro Tomic pronunciara con motivo del 17ª aniversario de la Falange, donde decía: ?Yo invito a la Falange a no perder jamás conciencia que ha sido ella la iniciadora de una ?política del cobre?
Today it is worth recalling the words uttered Radomiro Tomic to mark the 17 th anniversary of the Falange, which he said:? I invite the Falange to never lose consciousness that she was the initiator of one? Politics of copper?
y que ella debe identificarse con el problema, ante el país.?
and that she must identify with the problem, before the country.?
Al parecer, el tiempo no sólo ha desperfilado esta identificación, es también la memoria histórica de su misión la que anda perdida.
Apparently, the time has not only Unsharp this identification, is also the historical memory of his mission that goes missing.

4.- La Doctrina Pinochet-Piñera
4 .- The Doctrine Pinochet-Piñera
4.1.- Las bases de la Doctrina Pinochet- Piñera.
4.1 .- The basis of the Doctrine Pinochet-Pinera.
Las bases de esta doctrina están contenidas en la Ley Nº 18097 Orgánica Constitucional de las Concesiones Mineras, ( LOCCM) la que se hizo efectiva a partir del 26 de Septiembre de 1983 con la promulgación del Código de Minería.
The basis of this doctrine are contained in Law No. 18,097 Basic Constitutional Mining Concessions (LOCCM) which became effective on September 26, 1983 with the enactment of the Mining Code.
Esta ley se complementa con el Estatuto de la Inversión Extranjera, contenida en el decreto Ley 600 del 13 de Julio de 1974, y desde el 01 de Enero de 1984 con la Ley Nª 18.293 que modifica él articulo 20 de la Ley de Renta de 1974.
This law is complemented by the Statute for Foreign Investment in Decree Law 600 of July 13, 1974, and from January 1, 1984 to the Law N º 18293 amending Article 20 of the Revenue Act of 1974 .
Por lo tanto podemos comenzar aclarando que La Ley minera, El Estatuto de la inversión extranjera y la Ley Tributaria constituyen en esencia los tres pilares básicos sobre los que se sustenta la Doctrina Pinochet - Piñera.
So we can start by clarifying that the Mining Law, the Statute of foreign investment and tax law are essentially three basic pillars underpinning the Doctrine Pinochet - Piñera.
En opinión del economista Hugo Fazzio - La trinidad negra del ?desarrollo empobrecedor?.-
In the view of economist Fazzio Hugo - Black Trinity? Impoverishing developing? .-
4.2.- La Ley de la Concesión Plena.
4.2 .- Full Concession Act.
Según un articulo del propio José Piñera : - La salida planteada al problema de los derechos mineros consistía en el desarrollo de un derecho de concesión de explotación inédita en la normativa jurídica Chilena, La concesión Plena.
According to an article by José Piñera: - Output raised the issue of mineral rights consisted in the development of a mining concession rights unprecedented in Chilean legal rules, the granting Plena.
Esta estaba contenida en La Ley Minera Nª 18.097 que fue aprobada por el Poder Legislativo (los Generales de la Junta Militar mas algunos allegados) el 1ª de Diciembre de 1981.
This was contained in The Mining Law N º 18,097, which was approved by the legislature (the General of the military junta but some relatives) on December 1st 1981.
Para hacerla efectiva se debía promulgar un nuevo código de minería.
To make it effective it should enact a new mining code.
En esto consistía la tarea del Sr. Piñera.
In this task consisted of Mr. Piñera.
(Un modo simple de entender esta figura consiste en admitir que El estado continua manteniendo el dominio absoluto, exclusivo, inalienable e imprescriptible de todas las minas, pero? solo hasta que estas sean pedidas en concesión. Una vez otorgada la concesión, por medio de un tramite judicial, El Estado renuncia total y eternamente a todo derecho sobre esta propiedad y sus frutos. Los paréntesis son nuestros).
(A simple way to understand this figure is to admit that the state continues to maintain absolute, exclusive, inalienable and all mines, but? Only until they are ordered in concession. Once awarded the grant, through a judicial proceeding, the State total and forever renounces all rights to this property and its fruits. The parentheses are ours).
Según él articulo ya citado del Sr. Piñera, la Concesión Plena se manifiesta en lo que sigue:
According to the article already cited by Mr. Piñera, Full Concession manifests as follows:
-No depende del Poder Político, Su nacimiento, subsistencia y extinción están entregados al poder Judicial.
"It depends on political power, His birth, survival and extinction are given to the judiciary.
Es oponible incluso al Estado.
It is effective against even the state.
-Es un derecho Amplio, el concesionario es libre de realizar la explotación de la mina o no.
"It's a broad right, the concessionaire is free to make the operation of the mine or not.
-Es un derecho de duración indefinida.
"It's a right of indefinite duration.
Solo depende de la obligación de amparo la que consiste en el pago de una patente anual.
Just depends on the obligation under which payment is an annual fee.
(para explotación : 0.1 UTM mensual por hectárea. Art. 142).
(For exploitation: 0.1 UTM per hectare per month. Art. 142).
-Esta protegida por el derecho de propiedad.
"This from a right of ownership.
El titular puede disponer de la concesión a su entera voluntad, vale decir, vender, hipotecar, dar en garantía, transmitir hereditariamente etc, y por otra parte no puede ser privado de ella, sino por expropiación.
The holder may have granted at will, ie, selling, mortgaging, pledging, transmit hereditary etc, and moreover can not be deprived of it except by expropriation.
-La expropiación origina indemnización completa.
"The expropriation full compensation arises.
La indemnización por expropiación debe comprender el valor del daño patrimonial efectivamente causado, el cual equivale al Valor Presente de los flujos futuros de caja que ella pueda generar.
Compensation for expropriation must understand the value of actually caused property damage, which equals the present value of future cash flows that it can generate.
(Esto significa que no solo se deben pagar los gastos de inversión, sino que también se debe pagar al contado el valor de todo el mineral contenido en el yacimiento hasta su total extinción. Por esta vía se asume que el concesionario al momento de la concesión recibiría solo un gran hoyo el que es llenado de mineral por el propio Concesionario con posterioridad a la recepción de la concesión, y que en virtud de esta figura se le reconoce su propiedad absoluta.).
(This means that not only must pay the cost of investment, but also must pay in cash the value of all ore contained in the reservoir to its total extinction. In this way, it is assumed that the dealer at the time of grant receive only a big hole which is filled with mineral dealer's own after receiving the award, and that by virtue of this figure is recognized his absolute property.).
Según Carlos Tomic E , Un modo de graficar la Ley Minera consiste en imaginar una Ley de arriendos que creara la nueva figura de ?arrendatario pleno?
According to Carlos Tomic E, A way of plotting the Mining Law is to imagine a law that created the new rent figure? Tenant full?
en vez del arrendatario normal.
tenant rather than the normal.
?El arrendatario Pleno?
? Full Tenant?
tendría el derecho a usar y gozar del departamento hasta la total extinción del edificio, y además seria el único con potestad para decidir cuando se declara la extinción total del edificio.
have the right to use and enjoy the department until the total extinction of the building, and it would be the only one with authority to decide when you declare the total extinction of the building.
Además, tendría derecho a testar en herencia el uso y goce del departamento a sus herederos.
It would have an inheritance right to test the use and enjoyment of the department to their heirs.
Por si fuera poco, es el ?arrendatario pleno?
To make matters worse, is the "right tenant?
y no el dueño, el que escoge a los que pueden entrar al departamento, por traspaso del arriendo, con lo cual los recién llegados reciben de modo automático la calidad de ?arrendatario pleno?.
and not the owner, who chooses those who can enter the department, for transfer of the lease, which the newcomers are automatically quality? tenant full?.
Entre tanto el dueño del departamento no puede entrar en el edificio.
Meanwhile, the owner of the department can not enter the building.
Solo puede cobrar el arriendo y preguntar quien es el nuevo ?arrendatario pleno?.
You can only collect the rent and ask who is the new? Tenant full?.
Lo único que la ley autoriza al dueño es la expropiación, la que puede hacerse efectiva pagando al contado el valor presente de todos los alquileres futuros hasta la extinción de edificio donde esta ubicado el departamento.
The only thing the law allows the owner is the expropriation, which can be paid in cash to pay the present value of all future rent until the expiry of a building where is located the department.
¿ Daría usted en arriendo su departamento bajo esas condiciones?
Would you lease your apartment under those conditions?
Entonces ¿es licito aceptar que un recurso no renovable, como es el cobre y que además le pertenece a usted ya sus hijos sea enajenado de este modo?
So what is lawful to accept that a non-renewable resource, such as copper and also belongs to you and your children to be alienated in this way?
4.3.- La tributación de las Empresas Extranjeras.
4.3 .- Taxation of Foreign Companies.
Como si la Concesión Plena, no fuera ya suficiente, las empresas extranjeras profitan además de todas las debilidades de nuestra legislación impositiva.
As if the Full Concession, were not impressive enough, profiteers foreign companies in addition to all the weaknesses of our tax laws.
Desde el 01 de Enero de 1984, fecha a partir de la cual en Chile las empresas no pagan impuestos, en Chile los impuestos solo los pagan las personas.
From January 1, 1984, the date from which companies in Chile do not pay taxes in Chile pay taxes only people.
?La ley determina que el impuesto de Primera Categoría que grava la utilidad tributaria de la empresa sirva como crédito a los impuestos personales de los dueños de las empresas, en la medida en que se efectúen retiros o distribuciones de esas utilidades?.
? The law determines that the First Category tax levied on the taxable profit of the company serve as a personal tax credit for business owners, to the extent that withdrawals or distributions made those profits?.
Sin embargo este crédito puede ser recuperado por la empresa en el caso en que tenga perdidas que puedan absorber las utilidades que tributaron.
However, this credit can be recovered by the company if they have lost to absorb the profits tax.
Entonces, basta con declarar perdidas para no tener que pagar impuestos.
Then, simply declare losses to avoid paying taxes.
Y es precisamente de ese modo como proceden las empresas extranjeras.
And it is precisely that way as foreign companies come.
Las modalidades empleadas son las siguientes:
The methods employed are:
a) Las empresas extranjeras producen Perdidas a través de los llamados PRECIOS DE TRANSFERENCIA, por ventas realizadas entre empresas filiales.
a) Foreign companies produce Missed by so-called transfer pricing for sales between affiliates.
Entre Junio 97 a Mayo 98 La Cía Minera Escondida vendió el cobre a sus filiales a 55 centavos la libra, en circunstancias que el precio en el mercado de Londres era del orden de 90 centavos la libra.
Between June 1997 to May 98 Cia Minera Escondida copper sold its subsidiaries to 55 cents a pound, in circumstances that the price on the London market was around 90 cents a pound.
Esto permite generar perdidas contables, en Chile estas facultan para no pagar impuestos..
This can generate accounting losses in Chile these entitle to avoid paying taxes ..
?COCHILCO se ha negado a publicar las exportaciones en valor por cada empresa, para que los Chilenos no nos enteremos del menor valor en las exportaciones de las empresas extranjeras?
? COCHILCO has refused to publish the exports in value for each company so that the Chileans did not we learn the lower value of exports by foreign companies?
b) Las empresas extranjeras producen Perdidas a través del PAGO DE ELEVADOS INTERESES Y ASESORÍAS DE GESTIÓN A SUS CASAS MATRICES.
Esta formula de elusion de impuesto se da por la vía de aumentar los gastos,.
This makes tax avoidance is given by way of increased spending.
A modo de ejemplo Se puede citar que la deuda de Disputada, con su Matriz La Exxon Overseas asciende en 1992 a US $ 1.052 millones y que las perdidas tributarias acumuladas son de US $ 231 millones.
By way of example is that the Disputed debt with its parent Exxon Overseas in 1992 amounted to U.S. $ 1,052 million and accumulated tax losses are U.S. $ 231 million.
A ese ritmo de endeudamiento, hasta que la mina se agote Disputada no deberá ni habrá pagado un solo dólar de impuesto a la renta al Estado de Chile.
At that rate debt, until the mine is exhausted or dispute shall not be paid a single dollar of income tax to the State of Chile.
c) Las empresas extranjeras producen Perdidas a través de sus MANEJOS EN LOS MERCADOS DE FUTURO.
c) Foreign companies produce Losses through its Management in the Futures markets.
Ni más ni menos, tal como lo hizo nuestro recordado Juan Pablo Davila que hizo perder US $ 200 millones de dólares a CODELCO.
Neither more nor less, as did our recalled Juan Pablo Davila did lose $ 200 million to Codelco.
Para ello es necesario vender a bajo precio una determinada cantidad de cobre a una filial de la casa matriz, ubicada en algún paraíso financiero, a continuación esta filial venderá el cobre a un precio superior.
This requires selling at low prices a certain amount of copper to a subsidiary of the parent company, located in a tax haven, then this subsidiary will sell the copper at a higher price.
De este modo.
In this way.
La empresa ubicada en Chile pierde utilidades, lo que de acuerdo con nuestra legislación significa que no paga impuestos.
The company located in Chile lost earnings, which according to our legislation means that do not pay taxes.
La filial que gano al estar ubicada en un paraíso financiero, obviamente tampoco paga impuesto.
The subsidiary won by being located in a tax haven, obviously does not pay tax.
4.4 .- mining rent.
Según David Ricardo, uno de los Padres de la Economía Política Clásica, ?La renta es aquella parte del producto de la tierra que se paga a su propietario por el uso de las energías originarias e indestructibles del suelo?, Refieriendose a la minería, Ricardo nos indica que ?Las minas, como la tierra pagan generalmente una renta a su propietario, y dicha renta, como la renta de la tierra, es el efecto y nunca la causa del alto valor de su producto.?
According to David Ricardo, one of the Fathers of the classical political economy? The rent is that part of the proceeds of the land that is paid to your landlord for the use of original and indestructible powers of the soil?, Refer to mining, Ricardo tells us that? mines, such as land usually pay rent to the owner, and such income, such as land rent, is the effect and never the cause of the high value of their product.?
En Chile, este tributo comenzó a hacerse efectivo para el Cobre a través de la ley 7.160 del mes de Julio de 1941, posteriormente se agregaron otros tipos de tributos y obligaciones que permitieron constituir una renta.
In Chile, this tax began to be paid to the copper through the 7160 Act of July 1941, later added other types of taxes and duties constitute an income allowed.
Hoy este tributo es cosa del pasado, pues pudo aplicarse solo hasta la puesta en vigencia de la Ley Minera de septiembre de 1983.
Today, this tribute is a thing of the past, as might apply only to the enactment of the Mining Law of September 1983.
Este impuesto existe en la mayor parte de países con explotaciones mineras en el mundo?.
This tax exists in most mining countries in the world?.
este tributo se conoce como Royalty, y tiene una tasa que se sitúa alrededor del 25% del valor de sus ventas.
This tax is known as Royalty, and has a rate that is around 25% of value sales.
Según El Boletín Minero Internacional de abril de 1997 citado por Hector Vega, ?
According to The International Mining Bulletin April 1997 cited by Hector Vega,?
En la Columbia Británica las tasas son de 29,1 y 34,6 respectivamente; en Sudáfrica 24,2 % y 27,3% y en Australia Occidental 26,9% y 32,8 % ?
In British Columbia, the rates are 29.1 and 34.6 respectively in South Africa 24.2% and 27.3% and 26.9% in Western Australia and 32.8%?
En Chile, no se cobran Royaltys.
In Chile, do not charge Royaltys.
Frente a estos hechos, cuesta enormemente creer que solo se trata de omisión o de desidia.
Faced with these facts, it is hard to believe that only extremely concerned of omission or negligence.

4.5 .-.
Hoy como ayer la inversión extranjera constituye un mito generosamente dispensado por los voceadores de esta opción.
Today as yesterday, foreign investment is a myth generously dispensed by the hawkers of this option.
Las afirmaciones de los defensores de la inversión extranjera en el Cobre se basan en los argumentos siguientes:
The claims of the advocates of foreign investment in the copper are based on the following arguments:
a.- La inversión extranjera podría ir a otros países, provocando igualmente sobre producción y baja del precio del cobre;
a. - Foreign investment could go to other countries, also causing low production and copper prices;
b.- Chile perdería los beneficios que toda inversión extranjera aporta a un país.
b. - Chile would lose the benefits that all foreign investment brings to a country.
4.5.1.- ?La inversión extranjera podría ir a otros países, provocando igualmente sobre producción y baja del precio del cobre; ?
4.5.1 .-? Foreign investment could go to other countries, also causing lower production and price of copper?
¿será cierto?
Is it true?
Respecto de esta cuestión, podemos decir que, los argumentos que se esgrimen, fueron refutados hace mas de 50 años por Radomiro Tomic.
On this issue, we can say that the arguments put forward, were refuted for over 50 years Radomiro Tomic.
La expresión más sintética de su refutación se explicita en lo que Tomic denomino el ?Credo del Chileno?
More succinct expression of his rebuttal is explicit in what I call the Tomic? Chilean Creed?
El primer punto de este singular Credo señala aquello que toda la historia posterior a podido corroborar: La inversión extranjera en el cobre no puede ir a otros países, tampoco puede provocar una sobre producción Mundial de Cobre en otro país, por las razones siguientes:
The first point of this singular creed says that the whole subsequent history has been able to confirm: Foreign investment in copper can not go to other countries, it can not cause of world copper production in another country, for the following reasons:
- ?Nuestros yacimientos de cobre representan casi la mitad de la reserva de metal en el mundo entero.
-? Our copper deposits account for nearly half of the reserve of metal in the world.
- La ubicación geográfica y estratégica de los yacimientos chilenos es la más favorable del orbe.
- The strategic location of the Chilean deposits is the most favorable in the world.
- Los costos de producción en Chile son inferiores al promedio mundial.
- Production costs in Chile are lower than the world average.
Sobre la base de estas mismas razones Alcayaga y Lavandero, medio siglo después vuelven una vez mas constatar esta misma verdad.
Based on these reasons and Lavandero Alcayaga half a century later become once again finding the same truth.
4.5.2.- Chile perdería los beneficios que toda inversión extranjera aporta a un país.
4.5.2 .- Chile would lose the benefits that all foreign investment brings to a country.
el Cobre?
¿Cuales han sido en Chile los beneficios de la inversión extranjera en el cobre?.
What have been in Chile the benefits of foreign investment in the copper?.
Frente a esto debemos responder, que bajo ciertas circunstancias la inversión extranjera SI puede ser beneficiosa.
Against this we must respond, under certain circumstances, foreign investment if it can be beneficial.
Es beneficiosa cuando esta constituye un complemento al esfuerzo nacional.
Is beneficial when it is a complement to the national effort.
Este complemento podría ser incluso cercano al 100%, y esto no cambiaría un ápice el fondo del problema.
This supplement may be even close to 100%, and this would not change one iota the bottom of the problem.

La Doctrina Pinochet - Piñera, privilegia lo inverso..
The Doctrine Pinochet - Piñera, favors the reverse ..
Lo que se convierte en realidad por medio de la Ley de Concesiones Mineras.
What becomes reality through the Law on Mining Concessions.
Bajo estas circunstancias son las inversiones extranjeras las que comienzan a tomar las decisiones estratégicas con absoluta independencia de los intereses de Chile actuando solo en función de maximizar sus propios beneficios y sin ninguna obligación legal de tomar en consideración los intereses de nuestro país.
Under these circumstances, the foreign investments are beginning to make strategic decisions with complete independence from the interests of Chile acting only in terms of maximizing its own benefits and without any legal obligation to take into consideration the interests of our country.
Es por estas razones que la inversión extranjera ha traído perdidas las cuales son perfectamente cuantificables al menos en algunas de sus fuentes principales.
It is for these reasons that foreign investment has brought losses which are perfectly measurable at least in some of its main sources.
La primera fuente de perdidas se relaciona con la baja del precio del cobre debido a la sobre producción generada por las empresas extranjeras desde Chile.
The first source of loss is related to low copper prices due to over production from foreign companies from Chile.
Esta situación ya fue expuesta en el punto 3 de este documento.
This was set out in paragraph 3 of this document.
CODELCO deja de percibir 6250 millones de dólares durante el periodo 1996 / 2000.
CODELCO longer receives 6.25 billion dollars during the period 1996 / 2000.
La segunda fuente de perdidas es por la elusion de impuestos señaladas.
The second source of loss is identified tax avoidance.
en el capitulo 4.3 anterior, Si a modo de ejemplo se considera un precio promedio de 65 centavos de dólar por libra de cobre para el periodo 1971 a 1999 y se considera un 35 %, por pago de tributos, por un total de 20,6 millones de toneladas de cobre exportadas, estas empresas debieron haber dejado al Fisco 10,33 mil millones de dólares.
in chapter 4.3 above, if by way of example, consider an average price of 65 cents per pound of copper for the period 1971 to 1999 and is considered a 35% payment of taxes, for a total of 20.6 million tons of copper exported, these companies should have left the Treasury of $ 10.33 billion.
En realidad solo dejaron 1,3 mil de millones de dólares.
In fact only left 1.3 thousand million dollars.
¡Un décimo ¡.
A tenth.
La tercera fuente de perdidas.
The third source of losses.
Los aportes al Fisco por tonelada producida.
Contributions to the Treasury per ton produced.
Tal como pudimos ver en el punto 3, para el periodo 1971 a 1999 Codelco entrego al Fisco 25 mil millones de dólares, lo que equivale a 922,5 dólares por tonelada producida, mientras que las empresas privadas originadas principalmente por la inversión extranjera entregaron solo 1,3 millones de dólares, lo que equivale a 63,1 dólares por tonelada.
As we saw in Section 3, for the period 1971 to 1999 Codelco give the Treasury U.S. $ 25 billion, equivalent to $ 922.5 per tonne produced, while private firms generated mainly by foreign investment alone gave $ 1.3 million, equivalent to 63.1 dollars per ton.
En términos absolutos, esto significa una diferencia de 17,7 mil millones de dólares que se dejan de percibir y que podrían haberse obtenido si dichas empresas hubieran estado bajo control de Codelco .
In absolute terms, this means a difference of 17.7 billion dollars foregone and could have been if these companies had been under control of Codelco.
Vista esta diferencia respecto del rendimiento obtenido por el Fisco Chileno por libra de cobre, tenemos que, para el periodo 1971- 1990, Con Codelco el Fisco obtuvo un ingreso promedio de 41,84 centavos de dólar por libra de cobre, mientras que Con las empresas extranjeras El Fisco obtuvo solo 2,86 centavos de dólar por libra.
Given this difference in respect of income earned on the Treasury Chilean copper per pound, we must, for the period 1971 - 1990, Codelco With the Treasury earned a median income of 41.84 cents per pound of copper, whereas the foreign companies The Treasury received only 2.86 cents per pound.
Las cifras expuestas son el resultado de un balance de los resultados obtenidos durante los últimos 30 años de la historia del cobre.!
The above figures are the result of a review of the results obtained during the last 30 years in the history of copper.!
4.6.- El Tratado Minero entre Chile y Argentina.
4.6 .- The Mining Treaty between Chile and Argentina.

< La necesidad de un Tratado Minero se hace explícita a partir de la existencia de una franja de territorio limítrofe entre Chile y Argentina en la cual se situarían pertenencias mineras de una misma empresa transnacional.
<The need for a Mining Treaty is explicit from the existence of a strip of land border between Chile and Argentina, which would be located mining claims in the same transnational corporation.
Debido a su ubicación física estas pertenencias estarían divididas por la línea fronteriza que separa a ambos países.
Because of their physical location this property would be divided by the boundary line separating the two countries.
Para él más rentable desempeño de sus faenas de explotación, tales como extracción, uso y manejo de recursos hídricos, ubicación de relaves etc.
For the most cost effective performance of their operational tasks, such as extraction, use and management of water resources, location, etc. tailings.
esta transnacional requiere que se establezca un acuerdo previo entre ambos países, por medio del cual cada uno de estos, debe comprometerse judicialmente a entregarle de modo incondicional la tuicion del territorio requerido por los trabajos mineros, la extensión y el alcance de los territorios requeridos quedarían en manos de una Comisión Organizadora financiada por la transnacional que decidiría sin necesidad de consulta a los Parlamentos de los países respectivos.
This crime requires the establishment of a prior agreement between both countries, whereby each of these, you must agree in court to give an unconditional territory tuition required by the mining operations, the extent and scope of the territories would be required in the hands of an Organizing Committee funded transnational decided without consultation with the parliaments of the countries.
Del análisis del texto del Tratado se concluye lo que sigue:
Analysis of the text of the Treaty is concluded as follows:
- El Tratado PROHIBE formalmente a los Estados de Ambos territorios a aplicar su legislación en todos aquellos aspectos que no sean convenientes para este negocio minero.
- The Treaty formally prohibits States from both territories to implement its legislation in all those aspects that are not suitable for the mining business.
- El Tratado OBLIGA formalmente a las Partes a aplicar su legislación en todos aquellos aspectos que protejan y favorezcan este negocio minero.
- The Treaty obliges the parties to formally apply its law in all aspects to protect and promote the mining business.
- El Tratado exige que las cosas se manejen por medio de Protocolos Adicionales Específicos, los que serán generados por una Comisión Administradora, la que según el articulo 18 es autónoma y designada por las empresas mineras, y que una vez constituida establecerá su propio reglamento interno y que en suma operara independiente de los gobiernos de las Partes.
- The Treaty requires that things be handled through Specific Additional Protocols, which will be generated by an Administrative Committee, which according to Article 18 is autonomous and designated by the mining companies, which once constituted shall determine its own rules of procedure and that sum will operate independently of governments of the Parties.

Tal como lo define el senador Lavandero ?
As defined by Senator Lavandero?
Este Tratado no es propiamente la integración de Chile con Argentina, sino que solo la utilización de parte de sus territorios fronterizos, llamado Área de Operaciones, para crear en el una suerte de país virtual, que estará a disposición de los grandes conglomerados metalúrgicos multinacionales, pero que, cual singular Caballo de Troya, es introducido como un tratado de integración que favorecería a los pueblos chileno y argentino?.
This Treaty is not proper integration between Chile and Argentina, but only using part of its territorial integrity, called Area of Operations, to create in a sort of virtual country, which will be available to large multinational conglomerates metallurgical, but that which singular Trojan Horse, is introduced as an integration agreement that would favor the Chilean and Argentine peoples?.
Según Hector Vega El Tratado es un pequeño incidente dentro del tema más importante de la Concesión Minera?..
According to Hector Vega The Treaty is a small incident in the most important issue of the Mining Concession? ..
Situado el Tratado en ese contexto, sus efectos, no solo se independizan de una eventual política minera del país (actualmente inexistente), sino que además, crean un régimen de excepción en el cuarenta por ciento del territorio nacional
Located to the Treaty in this context, its effects, not only became independent of possible mining policy (currently nonexistent), but also create a state of emergency in the forty percent of national territory

Con la aplicación del Tratado, se crea un ?país virtual?
With the implementation of the Treaty establishing a? Virtual country?
dotado de territorio autónomo y gobierno propio, En pocas palabras, el Tratado nos exige a ambos países la renuncia a la soberanía sobre el territorio sujeto a su jurisdicción.
equipped with autonomous and self-governing territory, in short, the treaty requires us to both countries, the renunciation of sovereignty over the territory under its jurisdiction.
Dentro de las cláusulas del Tratado, Chile queda obligado a facilitar el resto de su territorio para que las multinacionales situadas en el ?territorio virtual?
Within the terms of the Agreement, Chile is obliged to supply the rest of its territory for multinationals located in? Virtual territory?
puedan exportar concentrados de minerales utilizando nuestra infraestructura vial, portuaria y administrativa sin aportar nada al Fisco chileno.
to export mineral concentrates using our transportation infrastructure, port and administration, without contributing anything to the Chilean Treasury.
Dentro del Tratado se estipula que con independencia de lo que se prescriba en nuestra legislación nacional, la constitución de las servidumbres, facilitaciones fronterizas y no fronterizas queda en manos de la Comisión Administradora, la cual podrá recomendar a las partes (ellos mismos) la adopción de Protocolos Adicionales Específicos, en los cuales se determinaría el área de operaciones y procedimientos.
Under the Treaty stipulates that regardless of what is prescribed in our national legislation, the creation of easements, border and non-border facilitations rests with the Administrative Committee which may recommend to the parties (themselves) the adoption Specific Additional Protocols, which would be determined in the area of operations and procedures.
El área de operaciones del Tratado cubre un 40 % del territorio nacional, la que podría ser extendida por la Comisión Administradora.
The area of operations of the Treaty covers 40% of the country, which could be extended by the Administrative Committee.
Según el diputado Jaime Mulet ?El Tratado, además de favorecer a la gran minería, sobre todo a la No - Chilena, no aclara los beneficios que traería al país.
According to the deputy Jaime Mulet? The deal would not only favor large-scale mining, especially the No - Chile, does not clarify the benefits it would bring to the country.
A mi juicio, el mensaje plantea algunas hipótesis que nadie ha comprobado mediante estudios.
In my view, the message raises some hypotheses that nobody has proven by studies.
Son los interesados directos, los representantes actuales o pasados de algunas de las empresas mas beneficiadas con la suscripción del mismo, quienes dan cifras y teorizan sobre sus beneficios.?
They are stakeholders, current or former representatives of some of the leading companies benefited from the signing thereof, and theorists who provide figures on its profits.?

A pesar de los argumentos expuestos, el Tratado fue aprobado el 22 de Diciembre del 2000, siendo ratificado por el Presidente RICARDO LAGOS el 22 de Junio del 2001.
Despite the arguments, the Treaty was adopted on December 22, 2000, to be ratified by President Ricardo Lagos on June 22, 2001.
¿ Cuál fue la preocupación del gobierno para que la ciudadanía pudiera informarse y participar del debate sobre este importantisimo tema?
What was the government's concern for the citizens could learn about and participate in the debate on this important subject?
¿Se entero Usted de este debate?
Did you hear about this debate?

5 .- CLASHES the recent past (until 1990)
Durante los años 80, y hasta su muerte en Enero de 1992, Radomiro Tomic denunció inclaudicablemente la situación creada por el nuevo Código Minero.
During the 80s, and until his death in January 1992, Radomiro Tomic unwavering denounced the situation created by the new mining code.
Uno de los testimonios más potentes de su acción se encuentran reflejados en su carta del 2 de Diciembre de 1983 enviada al entonces Presidente de facto de Chile, el Gral. Augusto Pinochet.
One of the most powerful evidence of their actions are reflected in his letter of December 2, 1983 sent to the then de facto president of Chile, General Augusto Pinochet.
De esta carta reproducimos los principales pasajes que siguen:
In this letter we reproduce the main passages that follow:
"Sr. Presidente:
"Mr. Chairman:
?.En sus manos está la responsabilidad final.
?. In your hands lies the ultimate responsibility.
Lo que usted decida en los próximos días, fijará para siempre la imagen que la Historia dará sobre usted y el Gobierno Militar.
What you decide in the coming days, fixed forever the image that history will be on you and the military government.
Frei es y será recordado por la chilenizacion del cobre.
Frei is and will be remembered for chilenization copper.
Allende es y será recordado por la nacionalización del cobre.
Allende is and will be remembered for the nationalization of copper.
Todo lo demás de su gestión ?bueno o malo- se desvanecerá; pero de aquí a un siglo generación tras generación, su memoria estará rodeada???..
All the rest of his administration? Good or bad, will vanish, but a century from generation to generation, his memory will be surrounded ???..
Es ajeno el motivo de esta carta el balance siniestro para Chile del ?experimento de Chicago?, una de cuyas ?hazañas?
Is outside the purpose of this letter the balance loss for Chile? Chicago experiment?, One of whose? Exploits?
fue haber hecho perder a su Gobierno US$ 13 mil millones en el precio del cobre comparado con lo que obtuvieron los gobiernos de Frei y de Allende entre 1965/1973; a pesar de que el consumo mundial aumentó en 17 millones de toneladas entre 1974/1982?..
was to have made his government lost $ 13 billion in the copper price compared to what were the governments of Frei and Allende during 1965/1973, despite the fact that global consumption rose by 17 million tonnes between 1974 / 1982? ..
[align=left][size=12]Conscientes de que no podrían defender las disposiciones especialmente antichilenas de la Ley Minera en ninguna tribuna de confrontación, han eludido todos los foros a que han sido invitados Abusando de la protección oficial directa e indirecta, y utilizando la colusión de intereses privados en los medios no oficiales, eluden todas las objeciones de fondo que susci
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Jose Pinera is quoted in Naomi Klein's book 'Shock Doctrine' as having 'democracy proofed' the mining laws.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
From Former Assassination Information Bureau founder Bob Katz:

My two cents on the Chilean Miners story:

"It will be fascinating to see how Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham struggle to spin the heroic Chilean miner rescue to their political ends.

It's not going to be easy."
Excellent article there by Bob Katz, Dawn. The Wall Street Journal is already trumpeting it as a victory for capitalism :vollkommenauf:.
Here is the WSJ article:
And here is the Huffington Post critique of it:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Israel is investing in the Chilean miners
News in Brief, 19 October 2010

Flamboyant businessman Leonardo Farkas sent a check for 10 000 dollars to each of the 33 Chilean miners rescued from the San José mine.

Moreover, the Israeli Government invited the miners and their families to spend a luxury Christmas holiday in the Holy Land as a way of thanking them for the faith they incarnate. (???)

Leonardo Farkas, who came close to running in the 2009 Chilean presidential elections, might take the step in 2013. A Jew of Hungarian origin, he married the Concord Hotels heiress Betina Friedman Parker. Together, they built up his father’s small mining company to become the current iron magnates of Chile. His jet-setter life style and rubbing elbows with the stars of show business - in stark contrast with the reserved and curt demeanor of his Chilean peers - have made him the talk of the town. He counts on the support of the Zionist movement that wants to promote him as the "Obama" of Latin America.

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