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Retired general confesses to burning mosque to fire up public
Retired general confesses to burning mosque to fire up public

[Image: yirmibesoglu.jpg] Retired Gen. Sabri Yirmibeşoğlu A retired general who has recently been accused of having conducted an assassination attempt on the life of Turkey’s eighth president, Turgut Özal, has inadvertently confessed that he ordered the burning of a mosque as part of psychological warfare operations in 1974.

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In remarks published in the Haber Türk daily yesterday as part of an interview with Gen. Sabri Yirmibeşoğlu, who led the Special War Department in 1971 and also worked to mobilize civilian resistance during Turkey’s military intervention on Cyprus in 1974, said: “In Special War, certain acts of sabotage are staged and blamed on the enemy to increase public resistance. We did this on Cyprus; we even burnt down a mosque.” In response to the surprised correspondent’s incredulous look the general said, “I am giving an example,” in an attempt to clear things up.
The retired general is also believed to have wide-ranging information concerning many alleged crimes and activities of behind-the-scene organizations such as JİTEM. He was also implicated in the Sept. 6-7, 1955 pogrom in İstanbul against minorities, which today is widely believed to have been part of a manipulative plan concocted by Ergenekon-like structures. Yirmibeşoğlu has admitted that the Sept. 6-7 events were organized by the Special War Department, documented by journalist Fatih Güllapoğlu in his book “Operation with No Tanks or Arms.” In the book, Yirmibeşoğlu is quoted as saying, “Sept. 6-7 is the work of Special War [department], and it is a spectacular organization.” In the interview with Haber Türk, Yirmibeşoğlu also attempted to clarify this point. He partially denied what was in the book saying, “In 1971 I was assigned as the senior [head] of the Special War Department. At the time, there was actually no department called the Special War Department, there was only the Mobility Investigation Board that was set up for Cyprus.”
The confession brings to mind the Balyoz (Sledgehammer) coup plot, allegedly drafted by a clique in the military to undermine the government. Dozens of military officers were arrested, although most were later released during the investigation into the Sledgehammer document, which includes plans to bomb the Fatih and Beyazıt mosques and down a Turkish jet over the Aegean to fuel problems with Greece with the ultimate aim of discrediting the government.
When allegations regarding the Sledgehammer plan first arose after the document was leaked to the press earlier this year, then-Chief of General Staff Gen.İlker Başbuğ dismissed the accusations as nonsense. Başbuğ said a military whose troops are known for shouting “Allah Allah” as they attack the enemy could not possibly think of burning the house of God. However, Yirmibeşoğlu’s revelation shows that this has actually been done before.

24 September 2010, Friday TODAY’S ZAMAN İSTANBU
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Got his pension now.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

[Image: 00000.jpg?w=260]The general On 8 November 2010, we learn that:

A former NATO general has admitted to carrying out an act of false flag terrorism.
The general said “Certain acts of sabotage are staged and blamed on the enemy to increase public resistance.
“We did this on Cyprus.
“We even burnt down a mosque.”

The general concerned is General Sabri Yirmibesoglu, the Turkish general who helped prepare the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus.(Retired general confesses to burning mosque to fire up public)
[Image: henry_kissinger_small.jpg?w=302]
Henry Kissinger wanted Turkey to invade Cyprus. (CIA Document confirms Kissinger’s involvement in selling Cyprus …)
So the Turkish Cypriots had to be made angry.
In the early 1970s, Greece was run by colonels who were assets of the CIA; and the military in Turkey were also friends of the CIA.
According to Michael Jansen, at :
In the early 1970s, a deal was discussed by Greek and Turkish ministers.
According to this deal:
1. Cyprus would be split.
2. A Turkish military base would be set up on Cyprus.
3. The mainly Greek part of the Island would join up with Greece.(The Importance of Cyprus)
[Image: fatih_camii.jpg?w=500]Fatih Mosque
NATO generals seem fond of attacking mosques.
The Sledgehammer document, a military document unearthed in Turkey, included plans by NATO generals to bomb the Fatih and Beyazıt mosques in Istanbul and down a Turkish jet over the Aegean.
The Excavator asks When Will U.S. Leaders Confess To The American People That America Carries Out False-Flag Attacks As Part of Its Foreign Policy?
“In September of this year, a retired Turkish general named Sabri Yirmibeshoglu admitted on Turkish television that the Turkish government carried out false-flag attacks on the island of Cyprus in the 1960s in order to instill feelings of hatred and revenge in Turkish Cypriots against the Cyprus government.
“The false-flag operations successfully destabilized the island, and helped Turkey’s military objectives.”
“Yirmibeshoglu was the former Secretary-General of the National Security Council (MGK), and the chief of Turkey’s Special Warfare Department.”
According to Elias Hazou’s report, on 24 September 2010, in the Cyprus Mail:
Created in 1953 as part of the Turkish secret service, the Special Warfare Department is believed by commentators in Turkey to be the executive branch of the so-called ‘deep state.’
[Image: turgut-ozal-1-sized.jpg?w=232]Turgut Ozal died in mysterious circumstances.

According to The Excavator:
Yirmibeshoglu was named by Ahmet Özal as one of the suspects involved in the assassination attempt on his father, Turgut Özal, in 1988.
Özal served as Turkey’s Prime Minister from 1983 to 1989, and as President from 1989 to 1993.
According to an article in Today’s Zaman, 30 September 2010:
Özal said his father was killed because he had resolved to find a peaceful and democratic solution to the Kurdish question.

He said deep state elements, which were said to be Ergenekon by some and JİTEM by others, worked hard to destroy peace in Turkey in 1993, a year filled with politically motivated assassinations and suspicious deaths of important public, military and political figures.
[Image: bologna.jpg?w=390]Agents of the CIA and and NATO have been blamed for the 1980 Bologna Bomb.
According to The Excavator
America’s secret state orchestrated false-flag events and executed bombing campaigns … in order to produce a sense of fear and helplessness in their populations.
Daniele Ganser’s deep research into this scandalous activity, which was done by a network of stay-behind armies organized by NATO, led him to write a book called “NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe.”
NATO’s secret terrorists were of great help to the U.S. establishment.
Prior to the military coup d’état in Turkey on September 12, 1980, the CIA and NATO in cooperation with the Turkish military funded and trained secret groups to carry out false-flag attacks and terrorism with the purpose to undermine civil society, and create the condition in which a military takeover would be feasible.
It’s known as the strategy of tension, and it is considered standard operation procedure by military/deep-state insiders in America, Turkey, Israel, England, and other countries in the world that are dominated by anti-democratic interests.
Since the end of World War Two, Western democratic governments have fallen prey to the powerful individuals who operate secretly against the public interests inside the deep-state apparatus of each nation.
[Image: indians.jpg?w=500]Americans have a history of killing Indians on more than one continent (MORE EVIDENCE CIA DID TERROR ATTACKS IN INDIA?)

According to professor Peter Dale Scott, the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 was part of a long series of “deep events” in America.
Peter Dale Scott:
However to call 9/11 a coup d’état exaggerates the difference between the current weakened condition of the public state, and the prior state of affairs that has been building for years, indeed for decades, towards just such a dénouement.
For half a century the constitution and laws of the open or public state have been first evaded, then eroded, then increasingly challenged and subverted, by the forces of the deep state.
I wish to suggest that this erosion has been achieved in part through a series of important deep events in post-war American history – events aspects of which (it is clear from the outset) will be ignored or suppressed in the mainstream media.
Recent history has seen a number of such events, such as the assassination of John F. Kennedy, that are so inexplicable by the public notions of American politics that most Americans tend not even to think of them.
Instead most accept the official surface explanations for them, even if they suspect these are not true. Or if others say they believe that “Oswald acted alone,” they may do so in the same comforting but irrational state of mind that believes God will reward the righteous and punish the wicked.
According to The Excavator:
The nature of the deep-state is such that not everybody in the government knows what is going on behind the scenes.
Military officials and public representatives who are part of the deep-state are unlikely to confess to the press and the public about their involvement and knowledge, as they would be admitting to committing high treason, and great crimes.
Their confession would be followed by their hanging, basically.
Some government officials, like Sen. Patrick Leahy, and Rep. Dennis Kucinich, have called for a truth and reconciliation commission to fully investigate the government’s secret torture programs, illegal surveillance, and the questions surrounding the Sept.11 events.
Aside from a few crickets, nobody in the media has made any noise about the suggestion to set up some type of truth commission in the United States.
Instead of the truth about 9/11 and the deep-state getting filtered through mainstream sources, or the alternative media, it is grassroots organizations like the International Center for 9/11 Studies and anti-establishment media outlets like the Alex Jones show and Coast to Coast AM that are exposing the war criminals and informing the public about the dark corruption…
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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