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Brain Implants
CIA Implanted Electrodes in Brains of Unsuspecting Soldiers, Suit Alleges
29th November 2010

” … Papers filed in the case describe ‘electrical devices implanted in brain tissue with electrodes in various regions, including the hippocampus, the hypothalamus, the frontal lobe (via the septum), the cortex and various other places. A lot of this work was done out of Tulane University using a local state hospital and funding from a cut-out (front) organization called the Commonwealth Fund.’ …”

By David Edwards
The Raw Story | November 29, 2010

A group of military veterans are suing to get the CIA to come clean about allegedly implanting remote control devices in their brains.

It’s well known that the CIA began testing substances like LSD on soldiers beginning in the 1950s but less is known about allegations that the agency implanted electrodes in subjects.

A 2009 lawsuit (.pdf) claimed that the CIA intended to design and test septal electrodes that would enable them to control human behavior. The lawsuit said that because the government never disclosed the risks, the subjects were not able to give informed consent.

Bruce Price, one plaintiff in the lawsuit, believes that MRI scans confirm that the CIA placed a device in his brain in 1966.

At one point, Bruce was ordered to visit a building with a chain link fence that housed test animals, including dogs, cats, guinea pigs and monkeys. After reporting, Bruce was strapped across his chest, his wrists, and his ankles to a gurney. Bruce occasionally would regain consciousness for brief moments. On one such instance, he remembers being covered with a great deal of blood, and assumed it was his own, but did not really know the source. Also portions of his arms and the backs of his hand were blue. His wrist and ankles were bruised and sore at the points where he had been strapped to the gurney. Bruce believes that this is the time period during which a septal implant was placed in his brain.

DEFENDANTS placed some sort of an implant in Bruce’s right ethmoid sinus near the frontal lobe of his brain. The implant appears on CT scans as a “foreign body” of undetermined composition (perhaps plastic or some composite material) in Bruce’s right ethmoid, as confirmed in a radiology report dated June 30, 2004.

According to a 1979 book by former State Department intelligence officer John Marks, The CIA and the Search for the Manchurian Candidate, an internal 1961 memo by a top agency scientist reported that “the feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated… Special investigations and evaluations will be conducted toward the application of selected elements of these techniques to man.” …

In mid-November, U.S. Magistrate Judge James Larson ruled that the CIA must produce records and testimony regarding the experiments conducted on thousands of soldiers from 1950 through 1975.

“The CIA has already claimed that some documents are protected under the state-secrets privilege, but Larson said the agency needs to be more specific,” Courthouse News Service reported.

The CIA insisted discovery was unwarranted in its case, because it never funded or conducted drug research on military personnel.

Larson wasn’t convinced.

“[T]his court rejects the conclusion that the CIA necessarily lacks a nexus to Plaintiffs’ claims, and orders the CIA to respond in earnest” to the veterans’ requests, “particularly because defendants have presented evidence that would appear to cast doubt on that conclusion,” he wrote.

But Larson ruled that the CIA did not have to produce records about devices implanted in some of the subjects.

Gordon P. Erspamer, lead attorney for the veterans, told The Washington Post that he is still pursuing the CIA for implanting devices in his clients’ brains.

“There is no question that these experiments were done but defendants say that they used private researchers and test subjects drawn from prisons, hospitals and nursing homes as subjects, not active duty military [personnel],” Erspamer said. “CIA said it had no one knowledgeable on this topic.”

Erspamer noted that papers filed in the case describe “electrical devices implanted in brain tissue with electrodes in various regions, including the hippocampus, the hypothalamus, the frontal lobe (via the septum), the cortex and various other places.”

“A lot of this work was done out of Tulane University using a local state hospital and funding from a cut-out (front) organization called the Commonwealth Fund,” he said.

“We tried to get docs from Tulane, but they told us that they were destroyed in the hurricane flooding.”
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Time to join the dots....

From the article posted by Peter Lemkin:

Quote:Gordon P. Erspamer, lead attorney for the veterans, told The Washington Post that he is still pursuing the CIA for implanting devices in his clients’ brains.

“There is no question that these experiments were done but defendants say that they used private researchers and test subjects drawn from prisons, hospitals and nursing homes as subjects, not active duty military [personnel],” Erspamer said. “CIA said it had no one knowledgeable on this topic.”

Erspamer noted that papers filed in the case describe “electrical devices implanted in brain tissue with electrodes in various regions, including the hippocampus, the hypothalamus, the frontal lobe (via the septum), the cortex and various other places.”

“A lot of this work was done out of Tulane University using a local state hospital and funding from a cut-out (front) organization called the Commonwealth Fund,” he said.

“We tried to get docs from Tulane, but they told us that they were destroyed in the hurricane flooding.”

From my post in the Jonestown thread here:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:It is also my considered judgement that this increased oversight led to the deliberate use, by intelligence agencies in particular, of three population groups in covert human experimentation: prisoners, orphans and cult members.

NB Soldiers have always been used as human guinea pigs.

i) Prisoners have always been considered expendable, with little access to "respectable news outlets" and unlikely to be believed anyway.

ii) Orphans have noone in loco parentis to protect them. Or rather they are unfortunate enough to have The Man in loco parentis.

iii) Ultimately though, cults were the perfect plausibly deniable solution for major covert human experimentation. The Symbionese Liberation Army were led by convict Donald DeFreeze, who received his Phoenix Program treatment at Vacaville. The People's Temple were given custody of orphans, and recruited ex-prisoners and poor blacks.

The piece posted by Peter states that Tulane was crucial. Brain implant and MK-ULTRA doctor Robert G Heath was Head of Neuropsychiatry at Tulane University.

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Other early researchers into direct brain stimulation were Robert G. Heath…and his associate, Dr. Russell Monroe. Beginning in 1950, with funding from the CIA and the military, among other sources, they implanted as many as 125 electrodes into subjects’ brains, and also experimented by injecting a wide variety of drugs directly into the brain tissue through small tubes; these drugs included LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline. One of Heath’s memorable suggestions was that lobotomy should be used on subjects, not as a therapeutic measure, but for the convenience of the staff

Robert G Heath is one of the least known of the "MK-ULTRA" maniacs. However, he was arguably guilty of worse crimes that the better known Ewen Cameron.

There are (very typical) allegations about Heath here:

I spoke on several occasions with Claudia Mullen. Her interview with Wayne Morris below is consistent with what she told me.

Quote:Wayne Morris:

You mentioned Dr. Ewen Cameron was specifically involved in the electroshock. You do have a sense of how long of a period he was involved with your experimentation?

Claudia Mullen:

They called a lot of them in as "consultants". Dr. Heath or Dr. Green would say, "let's call Cameron in ... to test her." Next thing I knew, I would be called back to Tulane and here was the "Camera Man", Cameron. He came in around 1960 when I was about 9 or 10. He was there a lot at first, testing how much electricity was too much, they didn't want to fry my brain or anything because they needed me to seem fairly intelligent because I had to associate with people. I had to go back to school, so they had to be very careful when they used stuff on me, they couldn't disfigure me. I guess I was lucky in that sense, that I was in a private girls' school, I was from a wealthy family and they had to send me back home. My family wasn't involved in this per se. My mom knew they were using me, but she didn't know what exactly - so they had to send me back in fairly good condition. So that made me one of the lucky ones. For the ones from homeless families, or poor families - they didn't care what condition they sent them back in, or even if they sent the child back at all. They would use things on them that would disfigure them, but it didn't matter. In my case, I was fortunate.

Another thing was that Dr. Heath wanted to implant something in my brain and Mr. Fenner wouldn't let him. He said how am I going to explain this to her mother? We can't send her home with her head shaved, so I got out of having implants in my brain because of that.

But you asked me about Cameron. I knew him from about 1959 or 1960 and then when I was in high school one day, just out of the blue, someone said, "he fell off a mountain" - somebody named "Cleghorn" was coming to get me to do the electric shock. I was told years later, that yeah, he was mountain-climbing or skiing and fell off a mountain and died, so that was true.

Wayne Morris:

Did you have a sense of who this Cleghorn person was?

Claudia Mullen:

He worked with Cameron very closely. I guess he was from the same place. He liked to use electricity, only he thought Cameron didn't use enough. He believed in using a lot more. He didn't try to get along with you, or act friendly in any way. He was very cold. Whereas Cameron could talk to you or attempt to be friendly. Some of them were like that. They would introduce themselves, ask questions. Others just did what they had to do and got out of there and never said a word.

Wayne Morris:

So how many years did you come in contact with Dr. Cameron, from 1959-60 until when ...

Claudia Mullen:

I think until I was about 16 or 16 1/2, so that would be 1966 or 1967 and I was told he had fallen off a mountain. I know I was in high school, the latter part of high school. Around 1966 or 1967. The thing I was telling you about - the messages he would give me - he would tape record and then they would play at night? They called it something called "psychic driving". That's what the messages were called.

Wayne Morris:

And Martin Orne? What was his involvement?

Claudia Mullen:

Oh boy. He was one of the scariest people. He was with Dr. Brown, my monitor, at the NIH in the 1950's and they were good friends. He said he was an expert in lie detection and that he could always tell when someone was lying, that he had invented the lie detector or something ... He is a very arrogant person and thinks a lot of himself so he could have told me a lot of lies about what he could do and what he couldn't do. There wasn't anything he couldn't do ... supposedly. He could tell whenever you were lying. He hated everyone. He didn't get along with anyone. He called me "the little bitch" - that was his nickname for me. He wouldn't even call me by name. He mainly did hypnosis type stuff, he was always there for the shock treatments, if nothing else, just to watch ... When they asked me questions, he would be the one to tell them whether I was lying or not. He would have me hooked up to a couple of machines, he would have electrodes on my head and he said he could read the machines and tell whether I was lying or not. I guess it was like a lie detector, I don't know. He's still alive.

Claudia Mullen:

He's still alive in Philadelphia. I called him, he was one of the people i called, cause I remembered him, before i started getting all these memories back. I remembered Robert Heath, of course Dr. Brown, and i remembered this Martin Orne.

Wayne Morris:

So, at what point did you phone him back?

Claudia Mullen:

I phoned him ... after ... the rape happened in October of 1992. That next spring. I started getting weird nightmares and flashbacks. I remembered Martin Orne.

Wayne Morris:

You remembered him as one of your so-called "good" doctors.

Claudia Mullen:

Right. I had his home number. So I called him and he said had I called Dr. Heath. I said "yeah, but he wants me to come back for more electric shock treatments." So Orne said, "that's what you need to do then." I said, why did you do these things to me? I remember you. You were so mean." He said he never did anything to hurt me, that he was just there as a consultant. He swore up and down he never did anything to hurt me. Then I heard ... after we got back from Washington testifying ... I heard that he had a stroke. He is still paralyzed from the stroke I think.

Wayne Morris:

And what about Dr. Robert Heath? What aspects was he specifically involved with?

Claudia Mullen:

He is a neuropsychiatrist and he is the head of the department at Tulane University. It was his department that was given the money, the grant money. He was also given a whole wing of the medical school (just to use for experiments) by Mr. Fenner who was the Chairman of the Board of Tulane Medical School. There were just a lot of children, I remember. We weren't allowed to talk to each other. We weren't even supposed to see each other, but you could hear them sometimes. We would stay on this wing where there weren't any nurses, right? It was just like orderlies and the doctors, but it wasn't a regular hospital like with nurses who came into see you. You had monitors in your room and they watched you. I am pretty sure they had a camera in your room. And Dr. Heath was the head of the department there, and he also was known for doing a lot of work on brains ... experimenting on people's brains and he was the one who wanted to put an implant in my brain so that he could "telegraph", he said, "messages to me" when I was doing the entrapment thing with men that he could stimulate different parts of your brain or something ... he could do it by you know ... remote ... he didn't call it remote control ... he said he could access my brain from a distance, but he had to implant a box in your head.

Claudia Mullen's testimony before the US Advisory Committee on Human Radiation experimentation can be seen at the YouTube link below and in related links on YouTube:
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Good 'dot' connection! :marchmellow: Ochsner et al. were from Tulane.....where they also used a local State Hospital....:joyman:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I just posted another thread that has a one hour lecture, basicly stating that almost all the same horrors can be visited upon a person without implanting anything, only using electromagnetic frequencies here.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Bob Boyce's un-requested VeriChip and associated tumor removed

Boyce finally had the second VeriChip implant removed yesterday along with the associated tumor. This time the surgical staff documented the implant with photos, and the surgeon placed the "foreign body" in a specimen container and sealed it to establish chain of custody evidence.
[Image: Verichip_removed_from_Boyce_tumor_300.jpg]
A second VeriChip microchip implant was removed yesterday from Bob Boyce's shoulder, which was placed there without his knowledge or consent. The blue color is from a dye that pinpoints cancerous cells, which are not uncommon to form along with VeriChip implants (ref).
[Image: Verichip_speciment_removed_from_Boyce_300.jpg]
The VeriChip "foreign body" was placed in a specimen container and sealed by the surgeon. [Image: blank.gif]
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright © 2010
Last year we reported that Bob Boyce, the highly-revered inventor of ultra-efficient electrolysis systems and of a self-charging battery circuit (harnessing energy from the environment, possibly from zero point energy), had contracted terminal cancer and that the originating point was a VeriChip microchip that someone implanted in his right shoulder without his knowledge or permission.

He had a chip removed, but it turned out that another chip was still in there, implanted deeper, as confirmed by an X-ray.

He's lived with that one for a year, but finally had it removed yesterday at the Fannin Regional Hospital in Blue Ridge, Georgia.

The Fannin surgical staff took photos as the chip was removed from the tissue and placed in a specimen container, labeled "foreign body", and sealed by the surgeon. The blue color of the tissue is from a dye that was injected to mark cancerous cells.

Such chips have been documented to sometimes instigate tumors where they are implanted (ref), as was the case with Boyce (ref).

Boyce posted photos of the process on his website, along with the comment:
Some have said that this VeriChip was a figment of my imagination. Well, this "imaginary" VeriChip removal was documented on film by surgical staff.
The first time Boyce noticed what turned out to be the first of two chips was in early April, 2009 when he was working with a former associate, Bob Potchen, of Precombustion Technologies Inc. (PTI), now "The Cell", who he first met in July of 2008. Potchen, formerly with NSA, was implementing Boyce's hydroxy gas booster technology into a product to take to market. Their relationship had been growing tense, and Boyce was preparing to depart.

After drinking a "refreshment" drink Potchen provided, Boyce had fallen asleep at a desk at PTI's office, pulling an all-nighter. When he awoke, his right shoulder felt like it had been numbed; and when he rubbed it, he noticed a small, hard lump there. Having recently had some benign skin cancer removed, he assumed it was just another tumor, and thought no more of it, until the skin turned red and his shoulder became very sore many months later.
[Image: VeriChip_100.jpg]
Close-up of a VeriChip Back at his own lab, he noticed that his shoulder was "transmitting" RF radiation. Then, when he had the tumor that formed there removed, he looked at the small-grain-of-rice-sized microchip before the doctor took the tissue away to be examined by pathology. He then researched various companies that manufacture implantable microchips, and he saw that the chip that had been removed from his shoulder matched the chip design by VeriChip. In particular, there is a thin, white rubber-like coating on one end that the tissue grows to so the chip won't migrate. The pathology report did not mention the chip.

Due to the politics of the situation, Boyce has had a hard time finding a surgeon to remove the chip and document its removal. This time around, Boyce wanted to make sure there was proper legal "chain of custody" when the second chip was removed, as certified by the surgeon when placed in a specimen container, which was sealed, labeled, dated, and signed by the surgeon.

The reason for Boyce's falling out was that Potchen, who is former Military Intelligence, had been making modifications to the hydroxy-generating device that Boyce said were reducing the cell's efficiency. Prior to those modifications, the cell was producing great results when installed in test vehicles. In one case, the mileage of a truck increased from 5.5 mpg to 11.7 mpg – more than double.

Boyce described a number of modifications that Potchen made in the name of making the cell cheaper to produce, but which significantly worked against the efficiency. "It's as if he was intentionally sabotaging the system to discredit the field."

Boyce withdrew his endorsement of Potchen's device and published his concerns to some hydroxy forums.

The saga from there is long and drawn-out and still ongoing. This is the latest installation.

Ironically, Boyce's operation yesterday was exactly one year after we posted a story: Boyce chip implanter suspect identified.
# # #

[Image: boyce_verichip-II_removal_collage_jp70.jpg]
The chip photos were taken by the surgeon's staff. The VeriChip (called "foreign body" for political reasons) was removed from the tissue (made blue from the dyes used to identify cancerous tissue) and placed in a specimen container and sealed by the surgeon. Part of the problem with the fuzzy resolution is that these are photos of photos taken by the staff. Bob has these posted on his site at
I don't recommend looking at these photos while eating, which is what I was doing this afternoon when I first looked at them.

Bob sent this photo to me on Dec. 10, showing his stitches from the surgery. The redness ahead of the stitches on the right in the photo is from an allergic reaction Boyce had to the tape used to hold the bandage on.
[Image: Bob_Boyce_VeriChip+Tumor_shoulder-scar_400.jpg]
He also sent me these medical reports from last year.
Pathology/Radiology Reports from 2009

The pathology report from 2009 when Boyce had the VeriChip-induced tumor removed, along with the chip, didn't mention the foreign body. The radiology report on the right was from the X-rays that were taken when Boyce discovered that a second chip was still embedded in his shoulder.
2009 Pathology Report
Click image to download larger version.
[Image: Boyce_Pathology_report_2009_labeled_300.jpg] Pathologists Associated...

Diagnosis: Malignant melanoma, desmoplastic type...
Right shoulder

2009 Radiology Report
Click image to download larger version.
[Image: Boyce_Radiology_report_2009_labeled_300.jpg] Murphy Medical Center...


Two AP views of the right shoulder were obtained. There is a subcutaneous 5.3 mm x 1 mm metallic foreign body superior to the humeral head and lateral to the AC joint....

D: 12/14/09 13:48

Surgeons Willing to Remove Such Chips are Hard to Find

On December 10, 2010 11:17 AM MST, Dr. John Hall wrote:

I recently read your article about the inventor from Georgia, Mr. Bob Boyce. I am a medical doctor in Texas specializing in anesthesia and pain management. I am the author of, A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America and host a website at

Over the past ten years I have dealt with many patients from here and other states suspecting covert chipping. The topic of my book is the struggle of a former patient and ex-fiancé who was victimized by a PI group utilizing advanced surveillance methods. I have since become an activist against non-consensual experimentation and have found implants in several individuals who have sent me their scans. This is a growing national problem that has received very little attention from the mainstream media. A great majority of these patients are labeled as delusional and further victimized by the medical community, largely ignorant of advances in surveillance technology.

I would be very interested in speaking with Mr. Boyce to find out what surgeon was willing to perform his excision. Patients in whom we have identified implants are having trouble finding surgeons willing to remove them, often resorting to fabrication of an incident in order to even get an X-ray or MRI to find them, much less have them excised. If you are allowed, please forward my email and email address to him. He may be of a great assistance to others with similar problems. Thank you for your time.

- - - -

Sterling responded:

You should be aware of Dr. Roger Leir, who specializes in removing chips implanted by aliens. He was interviewed on Coast to Coast AM on November 5, 2010.

I called in that night, after that interview, having done a story that day about a couple of the other guests on that show:
* * * *
Boyce Chip Saga Stories

[Image: Verichip_removed_from_Boyce_tumor_95x95.jpg] [Image: Boyce_chip_X-ray_A1_accented_circled_95x95.jpg] [Image: Verichip_injection_95x95.jpg]
  • Buyer Beware / Suppression > Electrolysis > Boyce >
    Boyce chip implanter suspect identified - Bob Boyce first noticed what turned out to be the VeriChip implant that caused his malignant tumor when he was working with former associate, Bob Potchen. Having fallen asleep at a desk, when he awoke, his right shoulder felt like it had been numbed; and when he rubbed it, he noticed a small, hard lump there. (PESN; Dec. 6, 2009)
[Image: Bob_Boyce_verichip_95x95.jpg] See also

[Image: blank.gif]
Page composed by Sterling D. Allan Dec. 7, 2009
Last updated December 12, 2010

[Image: &t=Bob%20Boyce%27s%20un-requested%20Veri...&sc_snum=1] [Image: 0]
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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