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Will WikiLeaks unravel the American 'secret government'?
Thank goodness Tarpley missed the RCP tongue firmly in its cheek when it awarded Assangleton its man-of-the-year award.

Tarpley is unusual in picking up on the Vatican element of the CIA's Wikileaks output; and his final paragraphs - on JFK and 9/11 - are outstanding, though garbled by the publisher: the words in bold italics are my own attempt to restore it to coherence pending correction by the RCP.

Quote:Monday, January 24, 2011
WikiLeaks And Assange: Limited Hangouts In The Service Of The CIA - A LETTER TO THE EDITOR FROM WEBSTER TARPLEY

To the Editor:

It was with deep dismay that I saw that the Rock Creek Free Press had chosen to name Julian Assange as its Man of the Year. The celebrity of Assange and WikiLeaks represents a large CIA covert operation. You do not debate a CIA covert operation or engage in a dialogue with it. You unmask it and try to shut it down. This goal is not served by making Assange Man of the Year. Further: your newspaper has deep roots in the old 9/11 truth movement, and Assange is a self-declared enemy of 9/11 truth. As Assange told Belfast Telegraph reporter Matthew Bell last July, "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass fi nancial fraud." In other words, Assange argues that the truth about 9/11 is not nearly as radical as the various scandals which WikiLeaks claims to expose.

And what are Assange's scandals? He started his intensive deployment phase this year with video of a Class A US war crime in Iraq, which was very graphic but which dealt with an incident which was already widely known. The second document dump focused on Iraq, but now the targeting had shifted to Prime Minister Maliki, the Iranian asset whom the US by some strange coincidence was trying to oust as leader of Iraq in favor of the US puppet Allawi. With the third document dump, this time involving State Department cables, we found out much derogatory gossip about such classic CIA targets as Russian prime minister Putin, Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, the Russian-Italian strategic alliance, President Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina, and President Karzai of Afghanistan, along with jabs at supposed US allies who need to be kept offbalance and dependent, including the Saudi Arabian royal family, French President Sarkozy, and others. WikiLeaks thus directs the vast majority of its fire against figures who are part of the CIA's enemies list.

No Equal Time for CIA Covert Operations

Assange also provides a splendid pretext for draconian censorship and limitations on the freedom of the internet. The totalitarian liberal Senator Feinstein wants to bring back Woodrow Wilson's infamous Espionage Act of 1917 in honor of Assange. In this sense Assange is a provocateur and provocateurs must be exposed, denounced and discredited, not given equal time to make their case.

Assange must be seen not as an activist, not as a journalist, and not as an entertainer, but rather as a spook. John Young of Cryptome, according to some reports, has denounced WikiLeaks, to which he formerly belonged, as a CIA front. In a December 29 RT interview, Young described the internet as "a very large-scale spying machine." The internet is indeed a vast battlefi eld, where the intelligence agencies of the US-UK, China, Israel, Russia, and many others clash every hour of the day, with commercial spies, hackers, anarchists, cultists, mercenary trolls, and psychotics all getting into the act as well. Intelligence agencies deliberately feed real and doctored material to various websites, sometimes using their own disgruntled employees as cutouts, conduits, and go-betweens. This means among other things that Bradley Manning cannot be taken at face value, although it is also clear that he like anyone else should not be tortured.

Assange is now famous, it might be argued. But the Wall Street controlled media can make anyone famous, from Lady Gaga to Justin Bieber to Snookie, and this is what they have done with Assange. It is wrong to capitulate to the demagogic power of these media by making it appear that there might be some legitimate value to Assange. Up to now, the CIA has been organizing color revolutions using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and so forth as vehicles. Now they think they have a cult figure whom they can sell to the youth bulge in the Arab world and other developing countries, where most of the population is under 30. This is an operation which must be exposed.

Most recently, WikiLeaks has played a role in the CIA's new "Jasmine Revolution" in Tunisia by publishing some State Department cables about the sybaritic luxury and lavish lifestyle of the Ben Ali clan, leading to the downfall of that regime. The CIA is now gloating that with the help of WikiLeaks it can now topple all the Arab regimes at will, from Mubarak to Qaddafi to Bouteflika, and replace them with new and more pliable puppets eager to clash with Iran, Russia, and China.

If Assange ever launches his much touted doomsday machine against the Bank of America or some other financial institutions, we will be justified in asking that the Securities and Exchange Commission make public the extent of short interest in those stocks by certain hedge funds, especially those controlled by George Soros. And as far as Assange's attacks on the Vatican are concerned, they fit neatly into four centuries of British intelligence against the Holy See, going back to Guy Fawkes and Lord Robert Cecil's Gunpowder Plot of 1605 and beyond. Not much new or radical here.

WikiLeaks: No Serious Derogatory Information about US, UK, Israel

It is illuminating that none of Assange's document dumps have revealed any notable scandals involving Great Britain or Israel. No US public figures have had to resign because of anything WikiLeaks has done. No major ongoing covert operation or highly placed agent of influence has been blown.

After all these months, there are still no US indictments against Assange, even though we know that a US grand jury will readily indict a ham sandwich if the US Attorney demands it. If the CIA had wanted to silence Assange, they could have subjected him to the classic kidnapping aka rendition, meaning that he would have been beaten, drugged, and carted off to wake up in a black site prison in Egypt, Poland, or Guantanamo Bay. Otherwise, the CIA could have had recourse to the usual extralegal wetwork.

We must also assume that the new US Cybercommand with its vast resources would have little trouble shutting down the WikiLeaks mirror sites, no matter how numerous they might be. The same goes for Anonymous and other flanking organizations of WikiLeaks. But these considerations are purely fantastic. Assange emerges today as the pampered darling and golden boy of The New York Times, Der Spiegel. The Guardian, El Pais in short, of the entire Anglo-American official media Wurlitzer. He reclines today in baronial splendor in the country house of a well-connected retired British officer who should be quizzed by the media about his ties to British intelligence. The radical-chic world, from Bianca Jagger to Michael Moore, is at Assange's feet.

Cass Sunstein Present at the Creation of WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks was apparently founded in 2006. Originally, the group was programmed to attack China, and its heavily larded with fishy Chinese dissidents and "democracy" activists from the orbit of the Soros the breakthrough WikiLeaks in the mainstream US media was provided by an infamous totalitarian liberal today ensconced in the Obama White House none other than Cass Sunstein. In Sunstein's op-ed published in the Washington Post February 24, 2007 under the title "Brave new Wikiworld," we read: ", founded by dissidents in China and other nations, plans to post secret government censorship with coded software." How interesting that Sunstein was present psywar operation!

This is the same Sunstein who today heads Obama's White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. In his January 2008 Harvard Law School Working Paper entitled "Conspiracy Theories," Sunstein infamously demanded that the United States government deploy groups of covert operatives and pseudoindependent agents of influence for the "cognitive infiltration of extremist groups" meaning organizations, activists and Internet websites who espouse beliefs which Sunstein chooses to classify as "false conspiracy theories."

WikiLeaks = Cass Sunstein's Program for Cognitive Infiltration In Action

It should be clear that Assange and WikiLeaks are precisely the practical realization of Sunstein's program for "cognitive infiltration" shock troops to counteract and overwhelm any real mass understanding of oligarchical domination in the modern world, and any discussion of what kind of economic policies are needed to secure a recovery from the present world depression.

Assange must also be seen as a deeply troubled individual and a possible psychopath. He has the ravaged complexion that we might expect from an alumnus of reportedly spent several years in the menticidal Anne Hamilton-Byrne cult (also known as The Family and Santiniketan) near Melbourne, were separated from their parentsand made to ingest LSD, Anatensol,Diazepam, Haloperidol, Largactil, Mogadon, Serepax, Stelazine, Tegretol, Tofranil, and other potent psychopharmaca. Dozens of children were told that Hamilton-Byrne was their real mother, and had their hair dyed blond. Anne Hamilton-Byrne reportedly regarded blond hair as a sign of racial superiority. Careful observers will have noted that sometimes more brownish, raising the question of whether his grooming practices are a residue of his time he does not remember.With Assange, we thus have the tragic spectacle of emotionally mutilated product of a CIA (or MI-6) covert operation of 40 years ago, who has now been given a prominent role in a key counter-insurgency ploy of the present time. Will the youth ofthe world, already burned by their recent fatuous obsession with Obama, be duped again by such an impaired individual?

The Precedent: Pentagon Papers Whitewashed CIA, Blamed Army, Demonized Kennedy

Assange's revelations mainly involve communications labeled Confidential or Secret, and many which in reality would be over-classified if marked Official Use Only. In other words, Assange is in reality a purveyor of low level traffic, not of earth-shattering secrets. This reminds us of an earlier CIA limited hangout operation, the one known as the Pentagon Papers.

This was a carefully screened selection of historical documents, supplemented by outright forgeries, compiled by Morton Halperin and Leslie Gelb, both of whom have gone on to glittering careers in imperialist became president of the Council on Foreign Relations, while Halperin serves today as chief political officer of the Soros wolfpack of foundations. The Papers were leaked by former RAND Corporation official Daniel Ellsberg, who had been a murderous hawk in Vietnam before a suspicious Damascus then published in the US establishment press - similarly to Assange today. There was nothing in the Pentagon papers which a casual reader of LeMonde or Corriere della Sera did not already know. But, as Mort Sahl later said, left liberals have generally had very few heroes, so they battened on to Ellsberg and lionized him led by Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and some others. (This is a syndrome which we see again today: at the moment when Obama's treacherous sellout on the Bush tax cuts many gullible left libs, Assange arrived on the scene as their new Savior. Not by chance, Ellsberg has now designated Assange as his own reincarnation, and thus surely the new Messiah.)

The Pentagon Papers had been carefully selected by the CIA itself to cover up CIA war crimes in Vietnam, pinning these on the US Army wherever possible, while also obscuring the CIA's and narcotics smuggling. The Pentagon systematically hid the salient political fact of the entire Vietnam era, which is that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he was preparing to end the de facto US combat role in that country. Instead, Kennedy was systematically demonized and smeared, emerging as the villain of the piece. Needless to say, the Pentagon Papers contain nothing whatsoever on the CIA's role in the Kennedy assassination in the same way that Assange's revelations contain nothing of importance about 9/11, the Rabin assassination, contra, the 1999 the various CIA color revolutions, or many of the other truly big covert operations of the past decades.

The limited hangout is not new; it was described in a secret memorandum by Venetian intelligence chief Paolo to Venetian Senate in 1620 as the art of "saying something good about something bad." That is the common denominator of the CIA's limited hangout operations from Ellsberg to Assange, with so many other "former" CIA operatives turned "whistleblowers" along the way.

Webster G. Tarpley
Gaithersburg, MD

Webster G. Tarpley is an economic historian, radio host and author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, Obama, The Postmodern Coup and Surviving The Cataclysm and many other books.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Quote:Holocaust denier in charge of handling Moscow cables

Extract from WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy discloses the antics of Israel Shamir, who pilloried the Swedish women who complained of rape

David Leigh and Luke Harding, Monday 31 January 2011 20.01 GMT

Julian Assange's security over the diplomatic cables, which he once described as worth at least $5m to any foreign intelligence agency, seemed less than watertight. At Ellingham Hall, the Norfolk country house where he is staying while on bail, Assange was seen handing over batches of them to visiting foreign journalists, including someone who was simply introduced as "Adam".

"He seemed like a harmless old man," said one staffer, "apart from his habit of standing too close and peering at what was written on your screen." He was introduced as the father of Assange's Swedish crony, journalist Johannes Wahlström, and took away copies of cables from Russia and post-Soviet states. According to one insider, he also demanded copies of cables about "the Jews".

This WikiLeaks associate was better known as Israel Shamir.

Shamir claims to be a renegade Russian Jew, born in Novosibirsk, but currently adhering to the Greek Orthodox church. He is notorious for Holocaust denial and publishing a string of antisemitic articles. He caused controversy in the UK in 2005, at a parliamentary book launch hosted by Lord Ahmed, by claiming: "Jews … own, control and edit a big share of mass media." Internal WikiLeaks documents, seen by the Guardian, show Shamir was not only given cables, but he also invoiced WikiLeaks for €2,000 (£1,700), to be deposited in a Tallinn bank account, in thanks for "services rendered - journalism". What services? He says: "What I did for WikiLeaks was to read and analyse the cables from Moscow."

Shamir's byline is on two previous articles pillorying the Swedish women who complained about Assange. On 27 August, in Counterpunch, a small radical US publication, Shamir said Assange was framed by "spies" and "crazy feminists". He alleged there had been a "honeytrap". On 14 September, Shamir then attacked "castrating feminists and secret services", writing that one of the women involved, whom he deliberately named, had once discussed the Cuban opposition to Castro in a Swedish academic publication "connected with" someone with "CIA ties".

Subsequently, Shamir appeared in Moscow. According to a reporter on Russian paper Kommersant, he was offering to sell articles based on the cables for $10,000 (£6,300). He had already passed some to the state-backed publication Russian Reporter. He travelled on to Belarus, ruled by the Soviet-style dictator Alexander Lukashenko, where he met regime officials. The Russian Interfax news agency reported that Shamir was WikiLeaks' "Russian representative", and had "confirmed the existence of the Belarus dossier".

According to him, WikiLeaks had several thousand "interesting" secret documents. Shamir then wrote a piece of grovelling pro-Lukashenko propaganda in Counterpunch, claiming "the people were happy, fully employed, and satisfied with their government".

Assange subsequently maintained he had only a "brief interaction" with Shamir: "WikiLeaks works with hundreds of journalists from different regions of the world. All are required to sign non-disclosure agreements and are generally only given limited review access to material relating to their region."

One can only speculate about whose interests Shamir was serving by his various wild publications. Perhaps his own personal interests were always to the fore. But while the newspapers hammered out a deal to handle the cables in a responsible fashion, Shamir's backstairs antics certainly made WikiLeaks look rather less so.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Quote:Assange was seen handing over batches of them to visiting foreign journalists, including someone who was simply introduced as "Adam".
What an absolute load of bollocks.

The entire cache of 1/4 million cables will fit nicely on 4Gb flash drive - a lot smaller than my thumb. Visions of assange diligently printing selected ones out and batching them into neat piles for Shamir to take to Moscow!!! - Really?? - Is it 1st April or something?

Just who ARE Leigh and Harding anyway?

Starting a piece off with a headline like that is an indication of their agenda; 'Holocaust Denier' being no different to 'Conspiracy Theorist' or 'raging nut case' in its intended semantics
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

I wonder why so little is written about Britain's strange events on 911 - including the alleged plan to fly an aircraft from Schipol airport, notionally destined to City airport, but intended to smash into the Masonically distinctive number 1 Canada Square, the skyscraper at Canary Wharf?

I suppose because the Brits stopped it happening, embarrassment that the US didn't caused to to be kept quiet? But it could be that the Isle of Dogs is "Little America" of the City of London - and all the disruption to City business life that would've ensued?

Just pondering...

Quote:WikiLeaks: Did al-Qaeda plot fifth attack on 9/11
A group of Qataris suspected of conducting surveillance on the targets of 9/11, and providing "support" to the plotters of the attrocites, were due to fly to Washington on the eve of the attacks, the Daily Telegraph can reveal.

[Image: splash_1816404c.jpg]
An airliner explodes in a fireball as it hits the south tower of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001 Photo: GETTY
By Steven Swinford, Robert Winnett and Nick Allen in Los Angeles 9:39AM GMT 02 Feb 2011
The disclosure, in US diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks, has raised suspicions that the three men were preparing to be a fifth suicide team, but aborted their attack at the last minute. Instead of boarding a domestic flight to the US capital they instead returned to Doha, via London.
Secret documents reveal that the men flew from London to New York on a British Airways flight three weeks before the attacks and allegedly carried out surveillance at the World Trade Centre, the White House and in Virginia, the US state where the Pentagon and CIA headquarters are located.
They later they flew to Los Angeles, where they stationed themselves in a hotel near the airport which the FBI has now established was paid for by a "convicted terrorist", who also bought their airline tickets.
Hotel staff have told investigators they saw pilot uniforms in their room along with computer print outs detailing pilot names, flight numbers and times and packages addressed to Syria, Afghanistan, Jerusalem and Jordan.
On September 10 they were booked on an American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Washington, but failed to board. The following day the same Boeing 757 aircraft was hijacked by five terrorists and crashed into the Pentagon.
But, instead of boarding the American flight, the Qatari suspects named as Meshal Alhajri, Fahad Abdulla and Ali Alfehaid - flew back to London on a British Airways flight before returning to Qatar. Their current location is unknown and the FBI have wlaunched a manhunt for them.
Investigators are also hunting a fourth man, Mohamed Al Mansoori, who they say supported the alleged terrorist cell while they were in the US.
The man, who is from the United Arab Emirates, previously lived in Long Beach, Los Angeles. His current location is also unknown, and US officials recommended that he is put on an international terror watch list because he "may pose a threat to aviation in the US and abroad".
The details of the secret 9/11 team have emerged in a secret American government document obtained by the Wikileaks website and passed to The Daily Telegraph. It was sent between the American Embassy in Doha and the Department for Homeland Security in Washington.
The document, sent on 11th February 2010, states: "Mr Al Mansoori is currently under investigation by the FBI for his possible involvement in the 11 September 2001 attacks. He is suspected of aiding people who entered the US before the attacks to conduct surveillance of possible targets and providing other support to the hijackers."
Details of the unknown 9/11 alleged plotters has never previously been disclosed. An official inquiry into the 9/11 attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people, indicated that the hijackers may have received assistance in Los Angeles but investigators did not publicly provide more details.
The 9/11 Commission report, published in July 2004, states that at least two of the hijackers previously visited Los Angeles but, at the time, investigators appeared to have little information on their movements. The report states they had a "brief stay in Los Angeles about which we know little".
Only one person Zacarias Moussaoui - has been tried and convicted over involvement in the 9/11 attacks as all the terrorists died in the crashed planes. Moussaoui, accused of being the twentieth hijacker, was sentenced to life in prison.
The secret American document contains detailed information about the movements of the three alleged Qatari plotters.
They took BA flight 185 from London to New York on 15th August, 2001, and the memo alleges that they subsequently conducted "surveillance" on potential targets ahead of the 9/11 attacks. It states: "They visited the World Trade Centre, the Statue of Liberty, the White House and various areas in Virginia."
They then flew on an American Airlines flight from Washington to Los Angeles, arriving on 24th August and checking into a single room at a hotel near the airport. They paid for the room with cash and during the last few days of their stay requested that their room should not be cleaned.
The cable states: "Hotel cleaning staff grew suspicious of the men because they noticed pilot type uniforms, several laptops and several cardboard boxes addressed to Syria, Jerusalem, Afghanistan and Jordan in the room on previous cleaning visits.
"The men had a smashed cellular phone in the room and a cellular phone attached by wire to a computer. The room also contained pin feed computer paper print outs with headers listing pilot names, airlines, flight numbers, and flight times."
While in the US, they were aided by Mohamed Ali Mohamed Al Mansoori. The secret document also states that the three Qatari men spent a week travelling with Mr Al Mansoori to "different destinations in California".
The Qatari men were scheduled to board American Airlines Flight 144 on September 10th from Los Angeles to Washington but did not turn up.
They instead boarded a British Airways flight to London, before flying back to Doha on another BA flight.
The following day the same American Airlines aircraft, flying on route AA77, was hijacked as it returned from Washington and crashed into the Pentagon, killing 184 people.
The fact that the Qataris flew to and from America via London throws the spotlight back on Britain's role in the 9/11 attacks.
Three of the hijackers, including the ringleader, Mohammed Atta, had watched videos of speeches by the London-based cleric Abu Qatada while Moussaoui worshipped at the Fnsbury Park Mosque when it was controlled by the notorious preacher Abu Hamza.
It is not known whether the FBI believe that the men were simply assisting the hijackers or were a fifth cell who pulled out at the final moment. Alternatively, they may have been planning an attack on the West Coast of America or even London which was abandoned or went wrong.
Mr Al Mansoori has never been publicly named in connection with the 9/11 attacks. The three Qatari men were included on an FBI list of more than 300 people who were wanted for questioning in connection with the 9/11 attacks, which was leaked in 2002.
At the time, the FBI stressed it was not a list of suspects, but merely parties they thought might have information useful to the investigation.
The US embassy cable obtained by the Daily Telegraph was written by Mirembe Nantongo, the deputy chief of mission in Doha. It was marked "priority" and sent to the office of Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the CIA.
Mr Al Mansoori's visa was revoked after the information about him came to light, but "his name was not watchlisted in the class system", suggesting he may have managed to leave America.
A spokesman for the FBI declined to comment.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The plan, backed by tens of thousands of dollars, followed secret warnings from MI6 to the US that Britain was struggling to cope with the "unique" terrorist threat from "home grown" extremists.

The fact that America sought to mount its own counter-extremism programme in Britain demonstrates Washington's anxiety over the threat from British radicals who intended to attack the US.

Dispatches from the American embassy in London, obtained by the website WikiLeaks, show that US officials were given a private tour of Finsbury Park Mosque, in north London, which was once the home of the notorious extremist Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri.

They found the mosque, which both the "shoe bomber" Richard Reid and al-Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui attended, was "apparently cleansed of its extremist past". However, mosque leaders criticised the police for failing to intervene sooner to prevent Abu Hamza's radicals from taking control.

In 2007, Washington was engaged in a policy of "seeding" anti-extremism projects in countries around the world where radical Islam was seen as a growing threat.
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The UK was apparently among these countries. The US proposed flying a moderate Muslim comedy troupe from America to perform in London, using reformed British extremists to engage with young radicals, and hiring Bollywood actors to make anti-jihad films. American officials also toured the country making visits in England, Scotland and Wales to meet British muslims and assess the scale of the extremist problem.

Dell Dailey, the US "ambassador at large", specialising in counter-terrorism, offered the London Embassy $50,000 to spend on anti-extremism schemes in Britain.

In April 2008, the deputy chief of the US Embassy in London, Richard LeBaron, wrote back, enthusiastically welcoming the funds and suggesting two fresh proposals for how to prevent British youths from becoming Jihadists.

The first would involve hiring an American academic at a cost of $43,000 to study reformed British extremists who have "stepped back" from radical Islam, with advice from the UK government.

The aim would be "to create a pool of individuals that could serve as a source of information on radicalization in the UK - its causes and what they believe will work to deflate it", Mr LeBaron wrote.

The project would "determine which of these individuals we might use to support counterterrorism efforts and how best to use them".

Mr LeBaron's second suggestion was to spend $39,000 flying in the "Allah Made Me Funny" comedy troupe to the UK to participate in the Ramadan Festival UK.

"The message their performance would send - of American Muslims, proud to be both 'American' and 'Muslim' - is a powerful message that would open British Muslim eyes to American cultural and religious diversity as well as encourage reflection on the part of British Muslim community in a positive, self-defining direction.

"Our expected outcome would be to reach thousand[s] of British Muslims, including the disproportionately high youth population, with these positive messages."

The American plans followed concerns raised by the US State Department's senior adviser for Muslim engagement, Farah Pandith, about the isolated nature of Muslim communities she encountered on a visit to Leicester, where they make up 11 per cent of the population. A confidential cable detailing the trip stated: "Despite the many positive programs in Leicester, the isolation of some parts of the Muslim community was striking.

"Girls as young as four years old were completely covered. Pandith commented afterward that this was the most conservative Islamic community she had seen anywhere in Europe.

"At a local book store, texts in English seemed designed to segregate Muslims from their wider community, urging women to cover themselves and remain in their homes, playing up the differences between Islam and other religions, seeking to isolate Muslims from community, and feeding hate of Jews to the young," the cable said.

During a trip to a deprived area of Waltham Forest in east London, the US delegation found young Muslims were preoccupied by American foreign policy. "Many of them had radical views, including that 'America had 9/11 coming to it,'" the cable said.

The Embassy cables revealed that Britain's anti-extremism efforts included sponsoring Arabic language children's television in Jordan "to promote peace and tolerance"; encouraging meetings between the Archbishop of Canterbury and religious leaders and journalists from British Muslim communities; and providing English language training to tutors at Al-Azhar University in Cairo through the British Council.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
WikiLeaks cables: Ex-SAS officers hired as 'human bait' by foreign shipping firms
Ex-SAS officers are being used as "human bait" by foreign shipping firms who fear their vessels will be hijacked by Somali pirates, the cables indicate.
Foreign shipping firms are hiring former SAS officers to protect their vessels against pirates Photo: LA (Phot) Aj Ma
By Matthew Moore 6:30AM GMT 04 Feb 2011


British special forces veterans are in particular demand as ship guards because owners believe the Royal Navy will intervene to rescue them and free their vessels in the event of a hijacking.

The revelation will increase concerns that the Royal Navy is being forced to act as an international police force because other navies are failing to pull their weight off the Horn of Africa.

The US was alerted to the tactic in a cable sent from the American embassy in Tokyo in June 2009, which reported on loopholes in the security cover provided by Japan's Self-Defense Forces to ships carrying Japanese cargo through waters off Somalia. Because only two escort ships were available, some cargo firms instead employed "services offered by a British crisis consultant firm" to protect their vessels.

The cable continues: "These services dispatch former Special Air Service members of the British Army to cargo ships only when they cruise off Somalia."

While on the ship their duties include monitoring pirates and "taking action in emergency situations", but their presence serves another purpose. "Customers expect that since they would also become hostages if the ship were captured, the British Navy would rescue the ship."
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The cable, which summarised a Japanese newspaper article in which the claims first appeared, did not mention whether any ships guarded by former SAS members had ever been seized by Somali pirates.

But in November 2008, the Royal Navy bolstered its fearsome reputation by shooting dead two Somali pirates while repelling an attack on a Danish cargo-ship off the coast of Yemen. US Navy officers attributed a dramatic decline in the number of pirate attacks in the first half of 2009 to the presence of HMS Northumberland, a Royal Navy frigate.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
WikiLeaks: British Muslims sending problem children 'al-Qaeda' schools
British Muslims are sending their "problem children" to Islamic schools in Kashmir on the India-Pakistan border where they are at risk of being recruited by al-Qaeda, officials have warned.
A young Kashmiri boy shouts slogans during a protest fueled by a report of the Quran being desecrated in the United States Photo: AP
By Cristopher Hope 7:00AM GMT 04 Feb 2011

1 Comment

According to a communiqué dated July 18 2008, Laura Hickey, a senior British official, told the Americans that "stabilising Kashmir is also important for UK domestic security reasons."

Ms Hickey, the Foreign Office's Pakistan team leader, said there was "a growing trend of UK-based parents who send their 'problem children' to madrassahs in Kashmir, and these students are at high risk of radicalisation".

Later Ms Hickey told the US diplomats of "what HMG internally terms the 'Kashmir escalation effect'. This meant that "while it appears the government of Pakistan has ceased to run militant training camps in Kashmir, the camps continue to operate.

"Terrorist organisations, like al-Qaeda, have begun using these camps as recruitment centres. After additional training … recruitees are then poised to commit terrorist activities."

Britain was also concerned that "UK passport-holders will be recruited to commit terrorist operations in the UK.
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"With the continued presence of militant training camps in Kashmir and over half a million UK passport-holders with ties to the region, HMG is concerned that UK nationals will be recruited to conduct terrorist activities in the UK."

The cable continued: "As part of the 'Promoting British Islam' programme, prominent Muslim Britons of Pakistani descent travel to Kashmir on goodwill trips to explain life as a Muslim in the UK."

The news adds context to comments made by David Miliband, who was then foreign secretary, on a visit to India in the following January, when he told a newspaper that "resolution of the Kashmir dispute would help deny extremists in the region one of their main calls to arms", a remark that outraged many Indians.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
WikiLeaks cables: Britain refused to shut down charity US claims is funding Hamas
British authorities refused to close down a charity, despite America claiming it was allegedly funding terrorism in the Middle East.
The US believes the Palestinian Relief and Development Fund is funding terror in the Middle East Photo: AFP/GETTY
By Holly Watt 7:00AM GMT 04 Feb 2011


The documents also show that Treasury officials planned a "surge" against al-Qaeda financiers amid growing American concern over the lack of British intervention.

For several years, American officials repeatedly raised concerns over a charity called Interpal, the Palestinian Relief and Development Fund, which is accused of aiding Hamas. The charity has been blacklisted in the US since 2003.

The British authorities carried out a series of investigations which concluded the charity had done nothing illegal. Interpal has consistently denied any link to terrorist activities.

One document said: "We have continued to press the British government to take a more aggressive stance towards Interpal.

"Interpal is a significant source of funding to Hamas, and the recent US [government] report should make clear the case to [the British government] to take action," added the secret documents.
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The British government asked the US for more evidence. The US offered intelligence information, but the "evidence" was not deemed to be legally watertight.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Alan Dershowitz joins Julian Assange defense team

Posted on February 14, 2011 by willyloman
(You just can't make this shit up… Julian also just tried to take credit for Tunisia and Egypt as well. )
from Politico
Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz has joined the legal defense team for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
The announcementwhich came via a Tweeted press release Monday afternoontook place a day ahead of the first showdown over Wikileaks in a U.S. courtroom: a hearing set for Tuesday in Alexandria, Va. on a request the Justice Department made for information about Twitter accounts maintained by three Wikileaks supporters.
"I'm serving as the legal consultant to them on American aspects of the issue, which at the moment is limited to the efforts to get this material," Dershowitz told me….
[read the rest, here]
Filed under: Wikileaks CIA Honeypot
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:Alan Dershowitz joins Julian Assange defense team

Posted on February 14, 2011 by willyloman
(You just can't make this shit up… Julian also just tried to take credit for Tunisia and Egypt as well. )
from Politico
Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz has joined the legal defense team for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
The announcementwhich came via a Tweeted press release Monday afternoontook place a day ahead of the first showdown over Wikileaks in a U.S. courtroom: a hearing set for Tuesday in Alexandria, Va. on a request the Justice Department made for information about Twitter accounts maintained by three Wikileaks supporters.
"I'm serving as the legal consultant to them on American aspects of the issue, which at the moment is limited to the efforts to get this material," Dershowitz told me….
[read the rest, here]
Filed under: Wikileaks CIA Honeypot

Alan Dershowitz has:

- advocated torture of suspected "terrorists" using the utilitarian and phony "ticking bomb" scenario as justification in a piece entitled "Want to Torture? Get a Warrant";

- blamed Lebanon for the death of civilians in IDF actions;

- claimed of an academic expose of the Israeli lobby that "every paragraph virtually is copied from a neo-Nazi Web site, from a radical Islamic Web site, from David Duke's Web site";

- called for the destruction of Palestinian villages in response to perceived "acts of terrorism".

Etc etc.

In short, Alan Dershowitz is a hired gun for the ruling elites.

If Assange is complicit in the decision to add Dershowitz to his legal team, then I'm pretty much done with him.

Assange is either a naif, a fool, a self-interested materialist or an intel asset.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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