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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Albert Doyle Wrote:I see a lip that runs unbroken across the hole with the missing tooth.

H&L attackers are desperate to the deny the evidence that keeps coming in against them.

Which lip would that be?
The bottom one?
David, interesting info, but we'll have to agree to disagree.

None of this doesn't really explains the smudge o the bottom lip and that is something that will not happen with an interneg, I have made several myself.
This smudge is completely out of character with everything else on the pic.
Tones and contrast get affected with an interneg they do not smudge. Smudging would have an overall effect not just that particular area.

I just showed it to my mentor and he says it is a clumsy 'retouching' job. And he taught me everything and then some, and he is good, real good.

Anyway that's my take.

The photo in question was taken of American-born Lee Oswald in Helen DuFour's ninth-grade classroom in Beauregard JHS in New Orleans in the fall semester of 1954. It was taken by classmate Ed Voebel soon after Lee's fight with Johnny Neumeyer. Here is the version of this famous photo that is on the CD that accompanies Harvey and Lee.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7305&stc=1]

John also included the closeup below:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7306&stc=1]

Right after the assassination, Ed Voebel sold the photo to Life Magazine for $75.27. Life published it on pages 70-71 in its 2/21/64 issue. Since the significance of Oswald's missing tooth right after the assassination would be lost on virtually everyone, I can see little reason that Voebel, or Life, would have retouched it. At any rate, the photos above can be easily verified against the published Life photo. It seems to me to show a missing tooth and an intact lip.

Attached Files
.jpg   54-02.jpg (Size: 272.16 KB / Downloads: 59)
.jpg   54-03.jpg (Size: 105.39 KB / Downloads: 58)

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
Thanks for posting these Jim along w the info, but size wise and quality wise they are worse off.
Which actually was my biggest grievance with JA'S book, the accompanying CD which has some pix on it are just too small.
I nabbed larger versions of 'PBS Who was LHO'
A few samples
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7307&stc=1][Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7308&stc=1][Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7309&stc=1][Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7310&stc=1]

Which brings me back to David, did you enhance the pic? If so with what/how? Yours is of better quality no doubt.


"edit" I have no idea why these pix show up so tiny, the res is 1280x720

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.jpg   vlcsnap-2015-05-14-17h59m37s235.jpg (Size: 21.13 KB / Downloads: 56)
.jpg   vlcsnap-2015-05-15-02h20m41s72.jpg (Size: 17.28 KB / Downloads: 55)
.jpg   vlcsnap-2015-05-14-17h15m28s126.jpg (Size: 14.04 KB / Downloads: 57)
.jpg   vlcsnap-2015-05-15-02h19m19s18.jpg (Size: 18.65 KB / Downloads: 58)
There's no break in the upper lip. That's a false observation.
Do you actually read what is written by others?
Bart Kamp Wrote:Thanks for posting these Jim along w the info, but size wise and quality wise they are worse off.
Which actually was my biggest grievance with JA'S book, the accompanying CD which has some pix on it are just too small.
I nabbed larger versions of 'PBS Who was LHO'
A few samples
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7307&stc=1][Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7308&stc=1][Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7309&stc=1][Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7310&stc=1]

Which brings me back to David, did you enhance the pic? If so with what/how? Yours is of better quality no doubt.


"edit" I have no idea why these pix show up so tiny, the res is 1280x720

It's usually the 72dpi standard for the web that causes it to be smaller... there is also the means by double clicking a loaded image to show it as "large", "medium", "thumbnail"... so not sure what you did.

Which picture are you referring to ? this.. (I clicked "large" even though this is a 805x664 I uped the dpi to 400 before uploading it. it's only a 1.5" x 2" image

edit: I think the enlargement on the left was not done from the negative but from the image. the one on the right shows that area and black splotch is not there.


[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7311&stc=1]

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.jpg   54-03 cropped and enhanced mouth area enlargment.jpg (Size: 273.62 KB / Downloads: 44)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
To claim this is a forgery would mean forgers were trying to create false evidence for the Harvey & Lee theory decades before it came out. That doesn't make sense. It is the Lone Nutter side that did the forging in this case.

OK, the "Classroom Antics" photo of LEE OSWALD is supposed to be in the 2/21/64 edition of Life Magazine, and, quoting Amazon here:

============================ QUOTE ON =============================

============================ QUOTE OFF ============================

Even delivered, it was under Ten Bucks! Had there been an honest investigation of Mr. Kennedy's murder and it's cover-up, Life Magazine's editors surely would have been indicted!!

This copy of Life is also referred to as the "Lee Harvey Oswald" edition of Life Magazine, I'm told. I have a good scanner and will be happy to provide members with scans of anything of interest, but for some reason, even though I'm a Prime member, the damned thing isn't scheduled to arrive until Aug 7-10th!!!

Finally, I'm not quite sure why every word here is boldface. I tried to fix it, but the fix didn't work, just like Life!!!!

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
Albert Doyle Wrote:To claim this is a forgery would mean forgers were trying to create false evidence for the Harvey & Lee theory decades before it came out. That doesn't make sense. It is the Lone Nutter side that did the forging in this case.

Making sense or making claims about what "they" were doing is nice and all yet none of this makes sense other than to hide the issues.

This image would not be seen until Dec 1964 Albert... in Life's hands anything could happen... but the original I posted on the right does not have this little black mark...
I would doubt that this is not the original...

I also cannot see how this is even an argument... his tooth is gone. kinda obvious if one has eyes to see.

Photos are usually taken in the Fall semester for the yearbook. I may have spelled Newmeyer wrong.. should be Neumeyer.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7312&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   Oswald and Newmeyer BJHS yearbook 54-55.jpg (Size: 93.16 KB / Downloads: 32)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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