24-04-2015, 04:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 25-04-2015, 04:14 AM by Albert Doyle.)
David Josephs Wrote:On the 9th of November Oswald was in Irving at the Paines. So it is NOT possible that the person playing Oswald at the shooting range was the same man who went to the car dealership?
That's why Parker needs to make it the 16th. But there's obviously too many unanswered questions to make his claim, that it was Oswald himself, work. Parker is like Fetzer, so caught up in his out of control ego that he is now trying to dictate evidence to make it fit his megalomania. It just doesn't make sense that Oswald would try to set himself up by claiming he was going to come into a large amount of money. It is also very flimsy to suggest Oswald, with his keeping a low and poor profile routine, would suddenly tie himself down with an expensive car. Not to mention his inability to drive. There's too many wrinkles Parker ignores and makes no effort to answer.
Bogard said that he was in a hurry because he was about to go out of town. I assume this was an isolated trip that Bogard made only that specific weekend so therefore it would be unlikely he would forget the day since he remembered a very specific event. Not good enough for Parker however who will bully Bogard and correct the person who was actually there 50 years later.
Of course there is one obvious solution for this that would fit Parker's claim. That would be Lee setting up Harvey.
On a side note, theoretically, Marina might place the Walker Letter in a safe place because she was afraid Oswald was nuts and would do it again, therefore she would need that vital information. I think Marina was smart enough to know an American wife is legally protected from bearing witness against her husband. However Lifton is too trusting of Marina and doesn't consider that the Walker evidence showed a different bullet and a different 30 odd 6 rifle. So the alleged claim from Marina that Oswald hid his rifle doesn't fit the evidence and shows Marina might be lying. Marina also brought the camera to her eye when asked to show how she took the backyard picture even though the camera was a look-down into the viewfinder type. More evidence of Marina being a coached liar and not brainwashed as Lifton accepts. And I wouldn't trust anything from Ruth Paine. The shortest route would be an intense handwriting analysis of the Walker Letter.