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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Albert Doyle Wrote:Parker refers to McAdams and his equivocating double talk when trying to refute Hargrove's tax issues. Parker supports McAdams. Meanwhile there's no excuse for the full tax records not being released. Parker hasn't produced a Dolly Shoe W-2 with the original Employee Tax ID number.

Very telling. John called me last week and asked if I was following the dust up at the Ed forum...very little. There are too many trolls there and I can't see why people waste time arguing with someone like Parker or others of his ilk. Waste of time. I can't even read it.
Albert Doyle Wrote:I've lost all respect for Lifton because he is ignoring McBride's protest that it was much more complicated than that. McBride then detailed his Oswald Pfisterer witnessing with other witnesses and landmarks. Lifton ignores it and refers to the documents - blindly ignoring the already established depth of alteration and corruption in the case concerning the document record. Lifton trusts the Commission documents and uses them against Armstrong, as does crass denier Parker.

Parker is a ham-handed bully. He made the ludicrous claim that the driver's license witnessed by many was actually a registration. It could be checked out if Texas registrations came on a pink driver's license-sized card. Regardless, the workers at the Texas Department of Public Safety would be able to distinguish between a registration and license. Besides, why would Oswald have a registration anyway? To have a registration means you would have to have a car, and to have a car means you would need a license. Nobody called Parker on this and they allowed him to change the subject to White's photo. He also never answered for Bogard's firm memory of the 9th. Parker is a dishonest ass. The agent clearly saw "Texas Driver's License" on the card. Parker's denial of this exhibits his doing the things he jumps on others for. What a hypocrite.

I lost respect for Lifton decades ago when he screwed over both of Harvey's daughters and now neither one will have anything to do with the research community. Perhaps that was his intent.
Bart Kamp Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Anyone with the analysis skills necessary to detect covert evidence would see right away that the Harvey & Lee theory has serious merit. Greg Parker is an obvious ass and naysayer who bases his pedantic gratuitous doubt on a build-up of disingenuously contrived arguments that deliberately omit critical facts and evidence peppered by an onslaught of distracting verbiage designed to mask the weakness of his arguments.

It's very clear from the evidence that government went to pains to cover-up an Oswald who was not just a double used for covert purposes but was instead part of a deep operation using two men who were deliberately designed to be the same person. Parker is a denial troll who uses the Von Pein-like tactic of demanding Harvey & Lee advocates bring him the perfect evidence. Meanwhile he blindly ignores serious evidence of this program. His is not an agenda of strengthening evidence but is one of destroying key esoteric evidence that clarifies the depth of the assassination conspiracy and its true Dragonian facilitators.

You can't teach someone what they don't want to know. A poll of these people is about as useful as an art judging contest for the blind. Keep in mind, these same demanders of rigor also attack Ralph Yates and Commander Pitzer.

Brian Doyle
For someone, who has admitted himself not to read specific books yet jumps in threads to offer his opinion (based on sod all since you haven't read the material in the first place).
That is quite a statement.

No other member here speculates as much as you do.

Show some evidence directly linked to all these claims, Hargrove wimped out at EF when I asked him several questions to show me the evidence to the extraordinary claims Armstrong makes. He had David Josephs instead answer totally ignoring the whole lot with a smoke and mirrors exercise which failed miserably as well.

It is becoming clearer and clearer that H&L is filled to the brim with conjecture and speculation (and yes I have that book hard cover and digital version).
Do you?

Who is "speaking" here Bart Kamp (interesting name)
or Brian Doyle? Or is Bart Kamp addressing ALBERT Doyle? (Posting on drugs or something???)
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Parker refers to McAdams and his equivocating double talk when trying to refute Hargrove's tax issues. Parker supports McAdams. Meanwhile there's no excuse for the full tax records not being released. Parker hasn't produced a Dolly Shoe W-2 with the original Employee Tax ID number.

Very telling. John called me last week and asked if I was following the dust up at the Ed forum...very little. There are too many trolls there and I can't see why people waste time arguing with someone like Parker or others of his ilk. Waste of time. I can't even read it.

Vice versa Dawn
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Bart Kamp Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Anyone with the analysis skills necessary to detect covert evidence would see right away that the Harvey & Lee theory has serious merit. Greg Parker is an obvious ass and naysayer who bases his pedantic gratuitous doubt on a build-up of disingenuously contrived arguments that deliberately omit critical facts and evidence peppered by an onslaught of distracting verbiage designed to mask the weakness of his arguments.

It's very clear from the evidence that government went to pains to cover-up an Oswald who was not just a double used for covert purposes but was instead part of a deep operation using two men who were deliberately designed to be the same person. Parker is a denial troll who uses the Von Pein-like tactic of demanding Harvey & Lee advocates bring him the perfect evidence. Meanwhile he blindly ignores serious evidence of this program. His is not an agenda of strengthening evidence but is one of destroying key esoteric evidence that clarifies the depth of the assassination conspiracy and its true Dragonian facilitators.

You can't teach someone what they don't want to know. A poll of these people is about as useful as an art judging contest for the blind. Keep in mind, these same demanders of rigor also attack Ralph Yates and Commander Pitzer.

Brian Doyle
For someone, who has admitted himself not to read specific books yet jumps in threads to offer his opinion (based on sod all since you haven't read the material in the first place).
That is quite a statement.

No other member here speculates as much as you do.

Show some evidence directly linked to all these claims, Hargrove wimped out at EF when I asked him several questions to show me the evidence to the extraordinary claims Armstrong makes. He had David Josephs instead answer totally ignoring the whole lot with a smoke and mirrors exercise which failed miserably as well.

It is becoming clearer and clearer that H&L is filled to the brim with conjecture and speculation (and yes I have that book hard cover and digital version).
Do you?

Who is "speaking" here Bart Kamp (interesting name)
or Brian Doyle? Or is Bart Kamp addressing ALBERT Doyle? (Posting on drugs or something???)

Funny how you come out of the woodwork when H&L is being criticised..............never offering any evidence to support the claims being made.
Thanks for finding my name interesting.
Albert's real name is Brian, but since you have been so 'busy' lately you may have missed a few things.......don't ask me to elaborate it is better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Edit: Drugs? You an 'expert' on that as well? It takes one to know one!
All you need to know about Parker and his cult minions is he said Larry Crafard was the man whom Ralph Yates saw and it explained everything. Parker stupidly neglected the fact that if it was Crafard that would prove a direct employee and associate of Jack Ruby was carrying a rifle wrapped in brown paper, backyard photos of Oswald, and speaking of a plot to shoot JFK from an office building with a high-powered rifle 2 days before the assassination. Parker thinks no answer is necessary for this nor could he give any. Meanwhile Parker ignores the fact that Scheim discovered that Crafard was noticeably more sloppy-looking than Oswald and was missing his front teeth. Something Yates would be very unlikely to not notice. Seeing how it is very unlikely that Crafard was the double Yates witnessed, and FBI was so desperate to disprove this sighting, this then begs the question of who exactly it was? And who was the Oswald taken out the back door of the Texas Theater? Parker shows no interest in honestly pursuing this. I'm sorry but these men fail the standard of objective analysis they pretend to uphold right there. What is your opinion of Parker taking a strong FBI position on witness and victim Ralph Yates? Parker stays quiet because his denial method has reached its limit. He can't answer because he would have to admit that he is confirming Yates' witnessing by acknowledging that Crafard was a look-alike to Oswald. None of these denial trolls will honestly admit Yates passed a lie detector test on these details and that's why FBI persecuted and murdered him. Parker is caught by the balls because Dempsey Jones admitted Yates came to him because the hitch-hiker discussed the same shooting JFK from a building subject that Jones and Yates had discussed earlier.

Bart: What's your opinion on Parker's hit and run approach to Oswald's driver's license? Do you honestly think it was a registration even though 6 employees whose job it was to know those identification cards by heart identified it as a driver's license. "Speculation"??? And why did it disappear?

Accusing people of lacking strict evidence is a weak and cheap position considering. It's one all deniers depend on.

What Bart here wont tell you is how badly he and the others have been put in their collective places...

We post evidence, they post opinions...

Couple main points:

The whole tonsil regrowth thing... did some research and come to find that only 6% of children with partial tonsillectomies had regrowth and that was within an average of 30 months after the average age of 5.... 6% is the hook these boys and girls hang their hats on to suggest that the USMC medical records can reflect tonsil problems with Oswald who had his removed as a child yet when in the Russian hospital his tonsils were normal sized... hmmm ???

Strike two is Parker's repeated assertion that Odio was never introduced to "Oswald", that these men only used the name Leon... really quite sad actually since the evidence is overwhelming that they introduced the American as Leon Oswald to Sylvia, twice... and she never wavered from that story.

Strike three is actually very simply since Dawn posted the records. From March 23, 1953 to Sept 14, 1953 the FBI produced records which counted every single potential school day to reach their attendance figure.. including the 55 days of summer. Parker makes the argument that this is correct in spite of the fact Oswald did not attend summer school.

The following is the FBI's attempt to explain their fraudulent records.... rather than say it was 125+ days from March to the end of a semester - which is not possible, they extend the date until the start of the next semester since their total is the sum of the record's 109 +15 + 62 + 3 + half days... and forgets the 40 days of school from Jan 16 to March 23 when school is in session yet Oswald does not attend ANY school...

Bart would have you believe these are difficult to reconcile concepts... he insults an author and researcher and expects no one to respond to the attack...
Take a look around... Google Mr. Kamp here and expose yourself to the full extent of his research and writing efforts... when you stop laughing we can continue....

In fact
Has anyone seen anything posted by an H&L naysayer that actually proved they were right about something - EVER?

So Bart... instead of insults and accusations how about posting a real rebuttal to ANY point in H&L... time to put up or shut up already - from what I've seen of your "work" the last thing we need is another wannabe Parker trolling for minions to slap his back and kiss his ....

So address this Bart... show us the chops you claim to have in debunking the evidence... fit 200 days of attendance into 123 days of school...

why can't any of you ROKC parrots count?

(the other thing they need to believe is that the USMC did not weigh or measure of take vitals of discharged marines, they supposedly just asked and wrote down whatever the Marine said... the 5'11" discharge height was a guess according to the minions... THAT is the level of stupidity with which we have to deal when discussing the height difference from 20 to 24...

{sigh} What is actually the greatest of all is that these 5 or 6 people spend an enormous # of hours with H&L... while asking why WE spend time defending it... All that effort and so little result... the same 6 people who didn't like H&L still don't... while those who want to look further, do. Which in the end was the entire point of it in the first place...

So let's see what Bart here can do with some simple math... or does he need Parker here so he has something to nod his head in agreement to... polly want a cracker? ::puppet::

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6990&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6991&stc=1]

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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
The way you interact at EF and here is becoming a complete joke, you nullify the little bit of decent work you have done.

Regardless what you think and claim there is no boss/minions scenario at ROKC as much as your deluded mind tells you. Otherwise show some evidence, but you have bugger all besides your head telling you this over and over again....has it become some kind of mantra? I bet it has.

I think Greg Parker already pointed out clearly where you are wrong and you refuse to accept that , that is your inflated ego talking.

You post evidence like Hargrove does? My only problem is that some of the claims Armstrong makes are not supported by evidence. I already pointed this out to Hargrove, who has been suspiciously absent ever since and if he has been around he sure as hell avoided all of it. But it brought you, like a lemming, out of the woodwork didn't it? And did you address any of it? Nope.

Again you claim your credentials (boring and insignificant) when confronted by a request for evidence (which was not aimed at you but you feel the need to reply).
You can have all the rank/stars whatever on your chest it means absolutely nothing to me, you are as good as your last job (which by the looks of it is rather poor).

Can't take criticism then get out of the 'Game'

Better yet get some fresh air ::computerpunch::

The burden of proof is on you and your cohorts not me!

Edit: add on Google David Josephs JFK and the top two links show

  1. JFK: Memo to David Josephs

    20 Mar 2014 - Memo to David Josephs. In a discussion of the two Oswald's theory on the Deep Politics forum with Greg Parker, the dickhead known as David ...

    1. JFK: The lunatic known as David Josephs

      11 Apr 2014 - The lunatic known as David Josephs. In yet another post on the deep politics forum, the racist piece of shit known as David Josephs wrote the ...

      Now even I could not ask for this, simply priceless hahahahahah.

Bart Kamp Wrote:The burden of proof is on you and your cohorts not me.

Funny how trolls who call for evidence always answer with this cop-out when forced to answer what they know they can't answer.
Bart Kamp Wrote:You post evidence like Hargrove does? My only problem is that some of the claims Armstrong makes are not supported by evidence. I already pointed this out to Hargrove, who has been suspiciously absent ever since and if he has been around he sure as hell avoided all of it. But it brought you, like a lemming, out of the woodwork didn't it? And did you address any of it? Nope.

Sheesh! A day or two ago Kamp makes a post on EF taking ten or so single, out-of-context sentences from a J.A. article on the FBI and, for each, demands I prove it to him. "Show me the evidence" or some crap like that) he demands! I ignore him, and then I spend the day out of town with my family, and suddenly I'm "suspiciously absent ever since." What a steaming pile of crap! And Kamp starts stalking me here and elsewhere.

Just for grins, though, let's take a look at the first two of Kamp's demands, and see what has got his panties in such a twist. First is John A's statement that there is good reason to believe that Hoover knew about the CIA's "Oswald Project."

Going back all the way to 1960, Hoover himself sent a memo to the Office of Security at the State Department stating, "there is a possibility that an imposter is using Oswald's birth certificate."

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6993&stc=1]

Hoover should have known a good deal about "Oswald" since Russian-speaking Oswald was paid by his FBI! Even Gerald Ford talked about this in his book!

Less than a month before the assassination, FBI SA Milton Kaack was researching Oswald's birth records in New Orleans.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6994&stc=1]

Isn't it amazing that, despite all the information about it, no copy of Lee Harvey Oswald's birth certificate has ever been located, only a receipt from the recorder's office that is sometimes mistaken for a birth certificate.

Since we know from the ARRB testimony of Robert Tanenbaum that Earl Warren was told by numerous high-ranking officials that "unimpeachable sources" that "Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI." And you expect us to believe that Hoover didn't know this?

Second of Kamp's outrages was John's statement that "LEE Oswald would not have approached Robert McKeown, a former gun-runner and close friend of Fidel Castro, and attempted to purchase rifles from him without orders (probably from the CIA's David Phillips).

I think Kamp should do some of his own research here, but I'll help him get started. Just follow this link:

This will show a newspaper article with a picture of McKeown and Castro and more importantly, McKeown's once secret full HSCA testimony. McKeown was a reluctant witness. Already jailed for supplying weapons to Cuba, he refused to testify until he was given full immunity. Now, Kamp, think about David Phillips. Can YOU think of a reason to suspect him of giving the orders for "Oswald" to visit McKeown? (Hint: think Southland Center)

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Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996

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