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I have massively updated my "LBJ and CIA killed JFK" file
Please send me an email at if you want my massively updated, chock full of facts, information, data, web links "LBJ and CIA killed JFK" file.

Here is my “LBJ and CIA killed JFK” file:

There are a lot of good web links and other info in this file. I would SKIM it first and see what catches your eye. Also, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to call me at 512-306-1510. Lyndon Johnson made a dirty deal with CIA Republicans to murder John Kennedy in the 1963 Coup d’Etat. (People like Clint Murchison Sr., H.L. Hunt, Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, top Nelson Rockefeller aide Henry Kissinger, George Herbert Walker Bush and Gen. Edward Lansdale all are excellent candidates for elite sponsorship.) Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles may very well have been co-CEOs of the JFK assassination; with the CIA in charge of the killing of JFK, and Lyndon Johnson and (his close friend and neighbor of 19 years in Washington, DC) FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in charge of the cover up.

Clint Murchison, Sr – more so than even H.L. Hunt – was a key player in the JFK assassination because of his close ties to the inner core of US intelligence (Allen Dulles, Nelson Rockefeller), close ties to Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI, bankers Rockefellers; Murchison was even friends with key Kennedy-hater mafia godfather Carlos Marcellos of New Orleans. Not only that, Murchison, Sr. was a patient and partner of Dr. Alton Oschner, the former president of the American Cancer Society and who ran covert cancer research for the CIA. Oschner, likewise was a Kennedy-hater. John Simkin: “One of Ochsner's friends described him as being ‘like a fundamentalist preacher in the sense that the fight against communism was the only subject that he would talk about, or even allow you to talk about, in his presence.’”

The Warren Commission should have really been called the “Allen Dulles Commission” because he controlled it and made it the farce that it was. Dulles was probably an elite sponsor (i.e. murderer), as well as certainly Lyndon Johnson. The 3 hardcore cover up artists on the Warren Commission were the 3 Council on Foreign Relations members: Allen Dulles (president CFR 1946-50), John J. McCloy (then chairman of the CFR 1953-1970) and Gerald Ford (CFR member, later president). John J. McCloy was a Rockefeller man, former head of Chase Manhattan bank, and very deep US intelligence since the OSS days. Cover up artist Gerald Ford was secretly reporting to Hoover and the FBI what the Warren Commission was doing. In 1970, Newsweek called Gerald Ford “the CIA’s man” in Congress. The CFR especially 40 years ago, was heavily Rockefeller influenced and it top players were deep CIA.

Here is an absolutely spectacular article why the National Security State murdered John Kennedy: John Kennedy was despised by and did not control his CIA nor his Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Lyndon Johnson’s reasons to murder were out of his desperation and fear of what would become of him after his imminent expulsion from the 1964 Democratic ticket and his fears of going to jail over the exploding Bobby Baker scandal. LIFE magazine, being fed extremely damaging info by Robert Kennedy, was set to run an expose on Lyndon Johnson that would blow him out of the water once and for all (Dec. 6th issue, but due to be printed and mailed on 11/29/63). Bobby Baker was the protégé of a wildly corrupt LBJ in the Senate; Lyndon Johnson was like both a dad and a big brother to Bobby Baker (who named two of his children after LBJ: Lynda and Lyndon). The Kennedys and LIFE were literally days away from politically executing Lyndon Johnson with the rope of the unraveling Bobby Baker scandal.

Lately, I have been studying the role of McGeorge Bundy, the National Security Advisor for JFK and Henry Cabot Lodge, JFK’s insubordinate ambassador to Vietnam who Kennedy was planning to fire on Monday, 11/25/63. It is probable that both McGeorge Bundy and Henry Cabot Lodge were involved some way with the JFK assassination. McGeorge Bundy, astonishingly, was already drafting sharp escalations to JFK’s Vietnam policy NSAM 273 (which JFK would not have approved) on 11/21/63, the night before the 1963 Coup d’Etat! Bundy later ran the Ford Foundation from 1966-1979.

JFK’s Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, who ran the Rockefeller Foundation from 1952-1961, and was also a hawk on Vietnam, is another one who merits close scrutiny in the Coup of 1963. Kennedy had appointed Rusk because it was unlikely that the Senate would confirm JFK’s first choice J. William Fulbright, who later became a prominent opponent of the Vietnam War. After the 1963 Coup d’Etat, Rusk lasted all the way through Jan., 1969, as Johnson’s Secretary of State.

The midlevel murderers (field operations) of JFK would include CIA guys like James Angleton, Richard Helms, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, David Morales, William King Harvey and David Atlee Phillips. Deputy Harry Weatherford is a good candidate to have been on the Records Building as a sniper. Influential mobster Johnny Roselli was especially close friends with the CIA’s William King Harvey, a rabid Kennedy hater. The most likely mafia godfathers involved would be Carlos Marcello and Santos Trafficante, particularly in the Jack Ruby murder of Oswald and perhaps in the JFK Assassination as well and other murders in the post assassination cover up.

My current thinking on US intelligence agent Lee Harvey Oswald is that he was indeed involved in the JFK assassination, but he was a patsy who shot NO ONE that day, neither John Kennedy nor Officer J.D. Tippit. Both murders were complete frame jobs. Oswald was a fake defector to Russia and his behavior in New Orleans 1963 was all about Oswald’s sheep dipping as he passed out pro-Castro flyers and pretended to be a “pro-Castro Marxist.” Meanwhile Oswald was working in concert in New Orleans with folks like David Ferrie and Guy Bannister whose politics were the equivalent of a 1960’s Strom Thurmond or Jesse Helms. Oswald’s fake public persona as a “pro-Casto Marxist” meant that he was an ideal pick as a patsy and his likely knowledge of and/or participation in the JFK Assassination meant that he had to be murdered quickly. The folks who killed Oswald wanted a “dead Red” not a “talking head.” The JFK assassination was a deception provocation intended to facilitate a US military invasion of Cuba. It was that bad and ugly. A US invasion of Cuba might have provoked a broader war with Russia and from the point of view of some like Air Force General Curtis LeMay that was fine because, astoundingly, he wanted to wage and “win” a nuclear WWIII. Curtis LeMay hated Kennedy so much that a child could have recruited him into a plot to kill Kennedy. LeMay told Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis that he was an appeaser equivalent to Neville Chamberlain for not bombing Cuba.

That was the pool of sharks John Kennedy was swimming in: a psychopathic serial killer Vice-President Lyndon Johnson who was literally murdering a string of people down in Texas and who was waging a sub rosa war with the Kennedys, an out-of-control CIA hell bent on a coup; an FBI director Hoover who detested JFK and who was close friends with LBJ, and a JCS military brass who wanted to invade Cuba, wage the war in Vietnam, and Curtis Lemay who, according to Robert McNamara, wanted to wage full scale nuclear war with Russia, giving them the “Sunday punch” while the USA still had first strike capability. Add to that the white hot mafia hatred that Robert Kennedy was engendering with his prosecutions. This same mafia had been working hand in glove with their friends the CIA to take out Castro in Cuba. Think of these enemies as fasces: “a bundle of wooden sticks with an axe blade emerging from the center, which is an image that traditionally symbolizes summary power and jurisdiction, and/or strength through unity.”

The elite domestic murderers of JFK did it for many reasons, both personal and ideological. At the core it was Lyndon Johnson, the CIA, and the shadow government of Texas oil barons and the Rockefellers. It was not the Western “Cowboys” or the Eastern “Yankees” who murdered John Kennedy: it was the elites of both.
I am always will to learn and I am always willing to change my mind. Two excellent books to read on the JFK assassination are 1) LBJ: Mastermind of JFK’s Assassination (2010) by Phillip Nelson and 2) JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why it Matters (2008) by James Douglass. Review:

Without a doubt, top honors for being biggest source for disinformation on the Coup of 1963 has been the NY Times whose reporting on the JFK assassination has been the equivalent of 1950’s Soviet style propaganda, i.e. completely fraudulent and parroting the 1960’s fantastic whoppers of LBJ, FBI, CIA and the Warren Commission. CBS News, ABC News, the Washington Post and the old LIFE magazine and CIA assets in other major media have been equally bad. The Discovery Channel has put out some incredibly bogus, poorly done disinfo presentations such as Inside the Target Car. Any MSM site that features Vincent Bugliosi, Gerald Posner, Gus Russo, or Dale Meyers prominently and positively is giving you counterfeit money. If you google “JFK assassination” the first 2 links that come up are lone nutter controlled disinfo sites: 1) Wikipedia 2) John McAdam’s site. John McAdams is a very low regarded man who basically controls JFK related content on Wikipedia as well as his own site. Both Wikipedia and the NY Times are both tremendously dishonest sources for information relating to the 1963 Coup d’Etat.

The best discussion boards on the internet for good info are 1) Education Forum 2) Deep Politics Forum 3) and 4) Mary Ferrell Foundation – 5) JFK Lancer. On Facebook, the premier spot is JFK-The Grassy Knoll Witnesses (run by Rusty Yardum) . Black Op radio’s web site (Len Osanic) is an excellent place to listen to high quality interviews with folks such as JFK expert Jim DiEugenio. Deep Politics Quarterly (Walt Brown) and (Jim DiEugenio) are 2 other quality spots on the internet.

As for videos, I highly recommend going to You Tube and watching the extremely important The Men Who Killed Kennedy - (episodes 7, 8, 9). Much of these episodes focus on the role of Lyndon Johnson in the 1963 Coup d’Etat and they were BANNED from the History Channel because they were so accurate. Jack Valenti (CFR) organized a suppression campaign on the videos along with Lady Bird Johnson, Warren Commission con man Gerald Ford (CFR), Jimmy Carter (CFR) and Bill Moyers (CFR). Also, watch Jesse Ventura’s 2010 Conspiracy Theory show on the JFK assassination (on You Tube ). In addition, I recommend JFK the movie by Oliver Stone, director’s cut. Oliver Stone, despite immense criticism in the MSM by CIA assets, pretty much nailed the JFK assassination. It was a full blown Coup d’Etat by Lyndon Johnson, the CIA and key elements of the U.S. military.

Robert Morrow Austin, TX 512-306-1510
LBJ ... from "mastermind" to "co-ceo" of the assassination ...

A promotion? A demotion?

A confabulation that serves to deny rather than deliver justice?

And suddenly the notion of a Sponsorship level has been added to the fable -- albeit with the politically charged modifier "elite" thrown in for bad measure.

Sorry, old boy. Too little, too late.

Best of all, yet again the reprehensible, malignant LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination is favorably compared to the magnificent JFK and the Unspeakable in a bald-faced attempt to dignify the former's simple-minded, unsupportable, title-toting central thesis: the hammer swings the carpenter.
Charles, have you actually READ the fabulous book LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination? In my view Clint Murchison, Sr was in bed with the white hot inner core of US intelligence: Nelson Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, John J. McCloy and they all played big roles in the JFK assassination and cover up. Add in George Herbert Walker Bush, too.

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