What I know about things British wouldn't fill a teacup, and in America, many individuals would qualify as a fringe conspiracy group, and I am not a lawyer or an expert Congressional acts and legal interpretation..., but these are made available upon a request to shed light of a fellow who lives in a round glass house on a drumlin:
In Foley Brothers, Inc V. Filardo, the Court said,
"It is a well established principle of law that all federal legislation applies only within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States unless a contrary intent appears."
1787, several independent states joined together to form united States of America with constitution.
1871, US Congress formed a municipal corporation called "District of Columbia" controlling 10 miles square around Wash. D.C., Puerto Rico, Virginia Islands, Guam, American Soma. This private corporation does not have jurisdiction over the several states of the Union.
They changed their corp. name to "UNITED STATES".
People who live and work in the 50 states of the Union are outside the jurisdiction of this United States (municipal corporation), although the US pretends to or deceives you to make you think you are in their jurisdiction. You can volunteer to be in their jurisdiction - by accepting mail, court actions, etc. but you do not have to volunteer to submit.
"principle of law" "federal legislation" "applies only within the" "jurisdiction" - Google Search
How and Why the Federal Government Legislates Outside the ...
""It is a well established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States unless a ..."
Your Cache Valley | News | Force governments to obey the laws of ...
"It is a well established
principle of law that all federal "legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United ..."
Your Cache Valley | dabodave1
"It is a well established
principle of law that all federal "legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States unless a ..."
Text Version - Constitution Society Home Page
JURISDICTION It is a well established
principle of law that all federal "legislation
applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of ..."
http://bradbva.home.mindspring.com/freedom/sss.htm Is Registration ...
"([notes] added) Also, "It is a well established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United ..."
Proper Federal Indictment Procedure
"If a court lacks subject matter
jurisdiction, the action, judgment, .... established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the ..."
"It is a well established
principle of law that the federal "legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States unless a ..."
Supreme Law Library : Court Cases : U.S.A. v. Wallen : nadismis
"Notice and Demand to Dismiss for Lack of Criminal
Jurisdiction: Page 1 of 17 .....
principle of law that "all
federal legislation applies only within the ..."
Supreme Law Library : Court Cases : U.S.A. v. Gilbertson : judicary
"Memo of Law Supporting Challenge to Criminal
Jurisdiction: Page 2 of 39 The ......
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the ..."
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States unless contrary intent appears." ..."
""It is a well established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the [federal] United States ..."
"The District Court of the Virgin Islands shall have the
jurisdiction of a .....
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the ..."
INSTRUCTIONS: 4.17. Handle Your Tax Examination or IRS Meeting ...
""It is a well established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States [which is the ..."
"It is a well established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States unless a ..."
Shelbyville Times-Gazette: Blog: Tennessee Firearms Freedom
""It is a well established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United ..."
Windows Live space's Blog - Windows Live
""It is a well established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States unless a ..."
the Truth about the Income Tax or the IRS Fraud Exposed
"(1836)]. "It is well established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States unless ..."
The Anti-Government Movement Guidebook
"It is a well established
principle of law that all federal "legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of ..."
Citizenship slavery
""It is a well established
principle of law that all
federal legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States unless a ..."
"It is a well established
principle of law that the federal "legislation applies only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the United States unless a ..."
Also google "Federal Zone" by Supreme Law to learn more of how you volunteer to be under control of United States (corp.) when you use either a 2 letter state and or a zip code.
If you say you are U.S. citizen, you are volunteering to be a subject to the United States corp. and abandoning all your constitutional rights as a citizen of the Republic of the united States of America. The constitution & God gives you many unalienable rights.
The US corp. want to license, charge, control and limit your rights. They cannot do that when you begin to understand your unalienable rights and how to enforce them.
The United States is a corporation
1788 Original Constitution
for the
states, original organic, of the people government.
1871 Amended version CONSTITUTION
OF THE UNITED STATES, US is a private corporation.
The UNITED STATES was formed in
1871, which controls
only the District of Columbia and the territories it purchases or acquires; Puerto Rico, Guam, Virginia Islands. Many think that income taxes, and some laws do not effect people in the sovereign states of the union as they are outside of the control / jurisdiction of the United States corporation. The United States of America is different from the "United States" [corporation].
The terms UNITED STATES and/or United States of America and/ or United States Government are all a private corporation, even with registered trademark
The US corporation (originally called the District of Columbia) does not effect or control the 50 sovereign states that are protected from the federal government by the US Constitution
for the United States adopted in 1788.
There are 2 United States, one formed in
1787, the collection of the several sovereign states of the union, and another separate and different one formed in
1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it's territories. Others may can give you specific references and explain this further. Here is an outline of the concepts.
The date is February 21, 1871 and the Forty-First Congress is in session. I refer you to the "Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62. On this date in the history of our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia." This is also known as the "Act of 1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.
- - -
STOUTENBURGH v. HENNICK, 129 U.S. 141 (1889)
STOUTENBURGH, Intendant of Washington Asylum,
Sections 1 and 18 of the act of congress of February 21, 1871, entitled 'An act to provide a government for the District of Columbia,' (16 St. 419,) are as follows: 'Section 1. That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a seal, and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United States and the provisions of this act.' 'Sec. 18. That the legislative power of the District shall [129 U.S. 141, 144] extend to all rightful subjects of legislation within said District, consistent with the constitution of the United States and the provisions of this act, subject, nevertheless, to all the restrictions and limitations imposed upon states by the tenth section of the first article of the constitution of the United States; but all acts of the legislative assembly shall at all times be subject to repeal or modification by the congress of the United States, and nothing herein shall be construed to deprive congress of the power of legislation over said District in as ample manner as if this law had not been enacted.' These sections are carried forward into the act of congress of June 22, 1874, entitled 'An act to revise and consolidate the statutes of the United States, general and permanent in their nature, relating to the District of Columbia, in force on the first day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three,' as sections 2, 49, 50.
- - - also note:
And Whereas: The Constitution does provide that
Congress has the power to exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district
not exceeding ten miles square, as may, by session of particular states and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of government of the United States.
And Whereas: On February 21, 1871, the Forty First Congress passed an act entitled "An Act to Provide a Government
for the District of Columbia," legislating the organization of a municipal corporation to run the day to day
affairs of the District of Columbia, the seat of government, which
transferred the United States of America, the Republic, into "a corporate entity" entitled UNITED STATES, in capital letters,
having "no" jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia.
And Whereas: Congress
adopted the text of the
federal constitution as the constitution or
charter of this
municipal corporation. This municipal corporation was granted the power to contract to provide municipal services
to the inhabitants of the District of Columbia and necessarily as an operation of the privileges and immunity clause of Article Four of the Constitution, any
other person who chooses to contract for its services.
- - Is there fraud in our ranks ?
The Webster's Dictionary states that
Fraud means
Deceit, Trickery, intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right.
The Blacks Law Dictionary states pretty much what the Webster's Dictionary does but adds about two pages full of information. My favorite part is: A false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury.
- - - -
February 21, 1871 Congress Passes an
Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871*
With no constitutional authority to do so,
Congress creates a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a
ten mile square parcel of land (see, Acts of the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62).
The act -- passed when the country was weakened and financially depleted in the aftermath of the Civil War -- was a strategic move by foreign interests (international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the coffers and neck of America.
Congress cut a deal with the international bankers (specifically Rothschilds of London) to incur a DEBT to said bankers. Because the bankers were not about to lend money to a floundering nation without serious stipulations, they devised a way to get their foot in the door of the United States.
The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The corporation, OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original Constitution into a dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the original Constitution
for the united States (1788) was
defaced in effect vandalized and sabotage when the title was capitalized and the word "
for" was changed to "of" in the title
is the constitution of the
It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does is not !
Capitalization is significant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly "minor" alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans.
What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the
District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. This newly altered Constitution was not intended to benefit the Republic.
It benefits only the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and operates entirely
outside the original Constitution.
Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the original Constitution, we the people now have "relative" rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign's
right to travel, which has now been
transformed (under corporate government policy) into a "
privilege" that requires citizens to be
By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the original Constitution.
- - - -
http://www.supremelaw.org/decs/dccases/metrorrc.htm gives this discussion
On May 3rd, 1802 an Act was passed to incorporate the City of Washington. (2 Stat. at L. 195.)
In 1871 an important modification was made in the form of the district government -- a Legislature was established, with all the apparatus of a distinct government. By the Act of February 21st, of that year, entitled "An Act to Provide a
Government for the District of Columbia (16 Stat. at L. 419), it was enacted (sec. 1) that all that territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be created into a government by the name of the
District of Columbia by which name it was constituted a "a
body corporate for municipal purposes,"
with power to make contracts, sue and be sued, and "to exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States.
This Constitution lasted until June 20th, 1874, when an Act was passed entitled "An Act for the Government of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes." (18 Stat. at L. 116) By this Act the government established by the Act of 1871 was abolished.
p 234
By a subsequent Act, approved June 11th, 1878 (20 Stat. at L. 102), it was enacted that the District of Columbia should "remain and continue a municipal corporation," as provided in section two of the Revised Statutes relating to said District, and the appointment of commissioners was provided for, to have and to exercise similar powers given to the commissioners appointed under the Act of 1874. All rights of action and suits for and against the District were expressly preserved in status quo. p. 234
All municipal governments are but agencies of the superior power of the State or government by which they are constituted, and are invested with only such subordinate powers of local legislation and control as the superior Legislature sees fit to confer upon them. p. 234
The people are the recognized source of all authority, state or municipal, and to this authority it must come at last, whether immediately or by circuitous route. Barnes v. District of Columbia, 91 U.S. 540, 545 [23: 440, 441]. p 234
Chief Justice Marshall, speaking for this court, in the case of Hepburn v. Ellzey, 6 U.S. 2 Cranch, 445 [ 2:332 ], where the question was whether a citizen of the District could sue in the circuit courts of the United States as a citizen of a State. The court did not deny that the District of Columbia is a State in the sense of being a distinct political community; but held that the word "State" in the Constitution, where it extends the judicial power to cases between citizens of the several "States," refers to the States of the Union. It is undoubtedly true that the District of Columbia is a separate political community in a certain sense, and in that sense may be called a State; but the sovereign power of this qualified State is not lodged in the corporation of the District of Columbia, but in the government of the United States. Its supreme legislative body is Congress. The subordinate legislative powers of a municipal character which have been or may lodged in the city corporations, or in the District of Columbia, do not make those bodies sovereign.
- - -
Text of the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871
( a copy of the pages here:
- - - -
The United States Isn't a Country
It's a Corporation ! by Lisa Guliani
- - - - -
Constitution for the United States of America
- - - - - -
United States - US- U.S.-USA-America ( a possession of the Queen of England)
Means: (A)
a federal corporation . . . Title 28 USC Section 3002(5) Chapter 176. It is clear that the United States . . .
is a corporation . . . 534 FEDERAL SUPPLEMENT 724.
`It is well settled that "United States" et al is a corporation, originally incorporated February 21, 1871 under the name "District of Columbia," 16 Stat. 419 Chapter 62. It was reorganized June 11, 1878; a bankrupt organization per House Joint Resolution 192 on June 5, 1933, Senate Report 93-549, and Executive Orders 6072, 6102, and 6246; a de facto (define de facto) government, originally the ten square mile tract ceded by Maryland and Virginia and comprising Washington D. C., plus the possessions, territories, forts, and arsenals.
The significance of this is that,
as a corporation, the United States has no more authority to implement its laws against "We The People"
than does Mac Donald Corporations, except for one thing -- the contracts we've signed as surety for our strawman with the United States and the Creditor Bankers. These contracts binding us together with the United States and the bankers are actually not with us, but with our
artificial entity, or as they term it "
person", which appears to be us but spelled with
All this was done under,
In English Law.
Courts established in the queen's possessions beyond the seas, with
jurisdiction over maritime causes, including those relating to prize.
United States of America is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown, and the Constitution, which brought all the states (only) back under British ownership and rule. The
American people, however, had sovereign standing in law, independent to any connection to the states or the Crown. This fact necessitated that the people be brought back, one at a time, under British Rule, and the commercial process was the method of choice in order to accomplish this task. First, through the
14th Amendment and then through the
registration of our birth certificate and property.
All courts in America are Vice-admiralty courts in the Crown's private commerce.
The Illegal Quasi-Government
in Washington D.C.[/FONT][/FONT]
The "Federal" Government is a Separate Nation
and should be called the United States, Incorporated.[/FONT][/FONT]
Fraud in government ? Wake up, learn, act, become a sovereign, free again
If you doubt anything, learn to check it !