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Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits by Kevin Pina

Pina's We [size=12]Must Kill the Bandits[/SIZE] [size=12]is 66-minutes long. Its 'in your face' style is both provocative and irresistible. Packed with video evidence, "Bandits" leads the viewer to a desturbing yet unescapable conclusion: As per Patrice Lumumba's 1960 Congo, in 2010 Haiti, the United Nations is mobilized as a deadly tool of repression in the hands of powerful countries that are bent on robbing Haitians of their right to self-governance and democratic rule. [/SIZE]
[size=12]We [size=12]Must Kill the Bandits is available free over the Internet at URL: [Edit: It is no longer free, free viewing time has expired but can be watched for $1.99 to support independent documentary making] Please be warned! This well-researched documentary is graphic and highly disturbing. The film should not be viewed in the company of small children.[/SIZE] [/SIZE]
From the onset Pina makes the point that the U.N.-attributed murders documented in his film continue to occur up to the current year.

Among several powerful footages in We Must Kill the Bandits, I propose these segments, listed in chronological order, which are especially deserving of attention:

  • Pina provides historical context for the term 'bandits'. He uses archive footages of U.S. invasions of Haiti in 1915 and 2004 (see minutes 5:43 to 8:07)

  • Pina interviews U.S. author Randall Robinson who shares specific details surrounding the ouster of President Aristide by U.S. military personnel and diplomats, the evening of the February 29, 2004 coup d'etat (8:08)

  • The author painstakenly documents how a campaign of military repression and psychological warfare intensified immediately following Aristide's ouster. He illustrates this with a March 2004 incident whereby U.S. troops gunned down Spanish reporter Ricardo Ortega and maneuvred to have the latter's killing blamed on Aristide supporters (10:09- 12:50).

  • With a one-of-kind video interview of former Haitian Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, the filmmaker presents undisputable proof that Neptune knew that Haitian President Aristide was taken out of Haiti against his will and that the post-coup puppet president (Boniface Alexandre) was illegally installed by foreign diplomats (13:24-15:00).

  • Convincingly, Pina describes the process by which former military tough guy and CIA-operative Herard Abraham was remobilised to orchestrate, in conjonction with Canadian special forces, a resurrection of Haiti 's hated Forces armes d'Haiti (FadH) and its paramilitary arm FRAPH, by recycling their membership within the Haitian National Police. (15:50 - 17:55)

  • The camera follows the campaign to silence popular folk artist and political activist Annette (St Anne) Auguste (20:15- 22:08)

  • U.N. massacres which happened between September 30 and December 2004 as well as the arrest of human rights activist Father Gerard Jean-Juste are presented with graphic details (26:10- 36:00).

The second half of the documentary exposes how the U.N. campaign of repression continued unabatted throughout 2005 and 2006. A number of specific confrontations are highlighted: First, between pro-democracy demonstrators and Brazilian U.N. General Heleno (37:00-46:00) - it is noteworthy that Heleno's successor, U.N. Commander Urano Teixeira Da Matta Bacellar, met a tragic end under yet to be elucidated conditions at Hotel Montana, on January 7, 2006. Then, between masked Haitian policemen operating with full U.N. support and the journalists, including producer Kevin Pina, whom they try to intimidate into silence. Yet another 'must watch' footage(48:50 - 50:53).

Particularly disturbing and graphic are the final footages of the documentary where the producers describe U.N. massacres in Cite Soleil which occurred May 31, 2005 (50:54 - 54:25), July 6, 2005 (56:11 - 1:00: 43) and December 22, 2006. In the latter piece, a blind man nursing several shot wounds grabs a guitar and offers a song to the foreigners ('blanc'- 'whites') whom he accuses to have shot him and killed his two children. ' blan MINUSTAH sa m genyen ak ou?' '(What have I done to you MINUSTAH foreigners?).
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I heartily recommend all to watch this harrowing film charting the destruction of indigenous Haitian freedom movements by foreign powers, particularly the US and the west's proxy, the UN.

It contains detailed firsthand testimony about the kidnapping of President Aristide by US Marines acting in 2004 during George W Bush's tenure, and of the subsequent street massacres perpetrated by Haitian death squad members hired as Haitian "police" by the puppet regime installed by foreign powers. There is also strong, grisly, and uncensored evidence that UN "blue helmets" were directly involved in the shooting of men, women and children.

It is a fine and courageous film charting the efforts of a fine and courageous people to achieve a freedom which has been denied them ever since Toussaint L'Ouverture first overthrew the white slaveowners of Haiti.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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