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Phil Ochs:"There But For Fortune"
There is a new documentary out about the life of Phil Ochs.Also check out the link at the bottom of this article to watch some short segments.

Over at the EF I read some things about Phil Ochs being involved in the JFK assassination in some way.Also,that there is supposed to be a picture of Phil standing in the crowd as JFK was killed.This story interests me very much,and I would like to ask if anyone can share what they know about this,and if anyone can post said picture?Thanks much......

January 4, 2011
"There But For Fortune"

Phil Ochs Lives!

A recent study maintains that empathy has declined in young Americans over the last thirty years. My own unscientific observations tell me that us Americans as a whole don't seem to give a damn about our fellow citizens as much as we used to. Iraq and Afghanistan are those dumb wars still goin' on? Hurricane Katrina I can't afford a vacation to New Orleans anyway so who cares if it washes away? I ain't gettin' tortured at Gitmo or Bagram so why should I give a flying Blackwater? And in all fairness, it's asking a lot of humans with a foreclosed home and a family to feed to worry about wars and disasters in the backyards of others.

The late Phil Ochs, one of the greatest singer/songwriters of the 1960s in a rarified perch with Dylan, Joni and Cohen, wasn't a household name but he was big enough to have affected a lot of people. Director/writer Kenneth Bowser's powerful documentary of his life is called Phil Ochs: There But For Fortune and it'll tweak your empathy gland while breaking your heart. Hopefully it'll also wire and inspire the viewer to go out and demand that America live up to its self-image as a nation of people who care about others. Among the many onscreen friends and troublemakers who tout Phil's complicated genius include Sean Penn, Paul Krassner, Ed Sanders, Van Dyke Parks, Abbie Hoffman, Christopher Hitchens, Joan Baez, Billy Bragg, Peter Yarrow, and Tom Hayden. Brother Michael Ochs (who also produced), sister Sonny, and daughter and activist Meegan Ochs provide the most personal insights.

Born in Texas, raised in Ohio, Phil fused JFK-inspired New Frontier idealism and his natural musical ability and it led him to the guitar and New York City 1962 where folk music and left-wing politics created an army of singing rebels. Phil had a fluid, Irish tenor voice with a perfect vibrato and wrote prodigiously. The songs were ripped from the headlines, as they say, addressing the civil rights struggle ("Here's To The State Of Mississippi"), Vietnam ("White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land") and U.S. imperialism ("Cops Of The World"). Two of his classics -- "I Ain't Marching Anymore" and "The War Is Over" -- became anthems of the anti-war movement. He also had a razor sharp sense of black humor as heard in "Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends," his faux-upbeat examination of apathy's victims.

If there was a cause and an event, Phil was there in a heartbeat. "Phil would turn down a commercial job for a benefit because the benefit would reach more people," says brother Michael. We see scene after scene of the handsome, upbeat, stiff-spined troubadour singing truth to power and joyously quipping in period interviews. A charter member of the '60s counterculture (though not uncritical of its excesses), he helped created the Yippies with friends Hoffman, Krassner and Sanders, Jerry Rubin and Stew Albert. The Yippies' plan for a Festival Of Life to contrast the festival of death at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago resulted in blowback by the powers that be and while the whole world watched, Windy City coppers ran amuck, beating heads in, spilling buckets of blood and mocking dissent in the greatest democracy in the world.

Like many, Phil was devastated. "I guess everybody goes through a certain stage of disillusionment and decides the world is not the sweet and fair place I always assumed and that justice would out," reflected a bitter Phil after Chicago '68. "I always thought justice would out, I no longer think that by any stretch. I don't think fairness wins anymore."

The festival of blood along with the murders of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were a turning point. In addition manic depression ran in his family and can be triggered by external events. Phil's music had already begun to turn more inward and he left orthodox folk music behind in favor of more complex melodic, harmonic and lyrical composition and production. While he lost some fans at the time, in hindsight there are those (like me) who maintain that his later music equaled even surpassed his more well-known "protest" music. I hope one of the collateral rewards of this film is that Phil's extraordinary baroque, contrapuntal latter recordings are unearthed and enjoyed.

By the dawn of the '70s Ochs was drinking heavily, thrashing about while still trying to Pied Piper a movement that had grown in size but was losing its cohesion. (Perhaps, ironically, because it had grown.) He appeared at Carnegie Hall dressed in a gold lame suit, maintaining that the alchemy for an authentic American revolution would mix elements of Elvis and Che. (A certain subset of predictable folkie squares didn't get it.) He sang '50s rock 'n' roll and country music and criticized the counterculture for shoving its freak flag in Middle America's face. He theorized that in order for the left to succeed, it needed to find common ground with its more conservative fellow citizens. This insight shows immense wisdom as well as perhaps a bit of delusional folly, but at least he was asking the right questions. (Within a few years Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings would indeed bridge this cultural, if not political, gap.)

The coup de grace pun acknowledged was the 1973 overthrow of Salvador Allende's democratically elected socialist government by the Chilean military in collusion with the Nixon Administration and the CIA. Phil's friend Chilean folksinger Victor Jara was brutally tortured in a soccer stadium and then murdered with countless other dissenters. While Ochs had enough spirit left in him to organize a benefit for Chilean refugees that featured Dylan and others, it appears that the one-two punch of Chicago '68 and Chile '73 revealed the enormity and savagery of The Beast the ruling class and drained him of hope. Empathy without hope is a dark road. Despite the victories of Nixon's ouster in '74 and removal of U.S. troops from Vietnam a year later, Phil was ravaged by booze and bipolar illness and hung himself on April 9th, 1976.

"Not everyone has the constitution to follow his dream," said a friend of mine about Ochs. Trying to save the world while juggling the ups and downs of manic depression is a daunting gig, one that Phil couldn't handle. But Phil Ochs: There But For Fortune most prominently succeeds here in 2011 in what thus far has been The Little Century Of Horrors because it reminds us of the urgency and nobility of empathy. It's a remarkable chronicle of one man's pursuit of justice through music in the 20th Century while serving as a lesson for the 21st.
Phil Ochs: There But For Fortune opens at the IFC Center in New York City on Wednesday, January 5th and will be followed around North America thereafter. For a schedule, go here and for film clips go here.

Michael Simmons is a musician and journalist. He can be reached at
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith have you been in touch with Jim Glover ? you can through the ef email, here are three that jim posted, the photo of phil is a small crop of one taken on houston street...i will try to find the full photo, they are almost insignifigant in such, it is that small an area, but all we have..for now b..

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Thanks Bernice,you never fail to deliver for people.I'm really sorry to hear about your hack,and hope that your life is back to normal now.Those pictures do show a good likeness to Phil,but I'm not even close to being a photo expert.I'm hoping Jack White will chime in with his take on the story and picture.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Well,I was able to use the search function at the EF,and found the thread by Jim Glover.He basically claims that Phil Ochs was working undercover as a security spotter during the motorcade.I don't really have any reason to doubt his story,and there were no disagreements from other posters.It was an interesting read I thought,and Bill Kelly spiced it up nice with a Bob Dylan awards speech that was historical/hysterical.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
An, aside, but I loved his music and grew up with it; the words being the most important part. What upset me was his suicide.....or being suicided - I'm inclined to lean toward the latter for his work on behalf of Victor Jara and against the Chilean Junta.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
You could be right Peter,but it's difficult to come to any solid conclusion about his "suicide".Ochs suffered from manic depression,and aparently tried to hang himself before.That time the rope he used broke.

Then again,he was attacked by "robbers" in Africa,and was strangled bad enough that it changed his voice to a deeper tone.And shockingly the "robbers" didn't steal his money,they only took his knife.That's pretty strange(or a warning).
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I don't believe Ochs killed himself. Too many suicides happened. Mary Meyers' (unsolved murder) husband, Cord, who worked in the CIA. Phil Graham, owner of the newspaper, killed himself when Katherine Graham was home. And these other fellows: Abbie Hoffman - dies of overdose of phenobarbital; supposedly suicide. Jerry Rubin - jaywalking. Hunter S. Thompson - bullet to the head; son home, heard nothing. Thompson was on the phone to his wife when she heard a weird noise. She rushed home to find him dead. (He was at his typewriter on the porch. Didn't he type something before he got hit?) Don't forget: John Lennon, shot to death by a lone nut -- MkUltra? Even George DeMorenshildt shot himself on the day he was supposed to testify re Kennedy Assassination. The stripper who hung herself with her capri pants in a jail cell. Her too.

Some of these people were diagnosed Manic-Depressives. I still do not think Phil Ochs killed himself.

Hi Kathleen,
There are bodies laying all over the battlefield aren't there?And it's so hard to figure out the truth in most cases,if not impossible.I mean how can anyone judge what was going round in Hunter S.Thompons mind.The dude was brilliant but pretty
And I've probably never laughed so much in my life than when I read "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."

I don't know why,but when I think about Hunter shooting himself in the head,my mind remembers the story of William S.Burroughs down in Mexico shooting apples off his wife/girlfriend(?)s head.He shot too low one time.Oops
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
DemocracyNow has an excellent segment today about Phil Ochs and the documentary that just opened yesterday.They interview Phils brother and the producer of the video.

They also show some great clips from the film.And it proves (to me) without a doubt,that Phil took his own life.Watch or listen at the link below.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith Millea Wrote:I don't know why,but when I think about Hunter shooting himself in the head,my mind remembers the story of William S.Burroughs down in Mexico shooting apples off his wife/girlfriend(?)s head.He shot too low one time.Oops

This is weird. An hour ago I was watching TV when I thought about the "William Tell" trick. They had never done it before. Burroughs was plastered and so was his wife. She immediately got up, turned sideways and put her glass on top of her head. So he shot -- right into her temple, killing her. The Mexicans believed his story and he wasn't charged. But he couldn't wait to get out of Mexico a free man.

The sad part is they had a little boy. I believe he grew to be alcoholic and had a liver transplant. But it was one of the first ones done and I think a section of his body didn't heal properly. So he died young. There was a documentary about Burroughs. You could see how terrible he felt to have killed his son's mother. He didn't know what to say, where to look. Allen Ginsberg would converse with the son who was trying to be a writer. Burroughs seemed embarrassed when in the company of his brother too. His brother didn't like obscenities.


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