18-01-2011, 05:14 AM
For The Record
FTR #730 Interview with Russ Baker (Author of "Family of Secrets")
Posted by Dave Emory â‹… December 26, 2010
Tags Bush, Bush Family, Bush-George H W, Bush-George W, CIA, Cover-Up, Iraq, JFK, Nixon, Oil, Reagan, Watergate
MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
Flash Audio
NB: Lis*ten*ers should be sure to ref*er*ence FTRs 711 through 716 (inclu*sive), ana*lyz*ing Fam*ily of Secrets in depth.
Intro*duc*tion: Sup*ple*ment*ing ear*lier inter*views with Russ Baker, the author of the con*sum*mately impor*tant Fam*ily of Secrets, this pro*gram ana*lyzes, among other things, the phe*nom*e*non of the book itself.
Gar*ner*ing strong endorse*ments from pro*gres*sive lumi*nar*ies such as Bill Moy*ers, Gore Vidal and Dan Rather, the book could be con*sid*ered fun*da*men*tally trans*gres*sive. Not only does Fam*ily of Secrets treat the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy in the fac*tual his*tor*i*cal con*text in which it actu*ally occurred, Baker's inves*ti*ga*tion impli*cates George H.W. Bush in the event, pos*si*bly as a principal.
It is highly unusual for a book that vio*lates taboos to gain the rel*a*tive accep*tance that this book has received.
Baker's analy*sis of the Bush/JFK assas*si*na*tion link is, in turn, deriv*a*tive of one of the book's strongest featuresanalysis of the Bush family's inex*tri*ca*ble con*nec*tion to the intel*li*gence com*mu*nity. That link in an expres*sion of the intel*li*gence agen*cies' role as vehi*cles for fur*ther*ing the polit*i*cal and eco*nomic goals of the cor*po*rate elite.
Through*out the course of their polit*i*cal his*tory, the Bush fam*ily has advanced its inter*ests through the appli*ca*tion of the method*ol*ogy of covert action to both busi*ness and elec*toral politics.
When look*ing at a Bush busi*ness operationZapata Off*shore Petro*leum and Harken Energy are two examplesit is appar*ent that the enti*ties are actu*ally fronts for the illicit mov*ing of money. Many of them, such as Zap*ata, were prob*a*bly intel*li*gence fronts in and of themselves.
Begin*ning with the role of Prescott Bush and his asso*ciate (and pro*fes*sional bene*fac*tor of "Poppy" Bush) Robert Lovett in cre*at*ing the CIA, the clan*des*tine pedi*gree of Amer*i*can transna*tional cor*po*ra*tions and their allied inter*ests is evi*dent through*out the Bush narrative.
Lovett abet*ted Poppy's rise through the ranks of Dresser Indus*tries and later assisted in the launch*ing of Zap*ata. Robert Gow, a Zap*ata employee, helped groom Dubya, even as his father was cement*ing his deci*sive role in GOP and U.S. politics.
The impact of Baker's book and a sig*nif*i*cant cog*ni*tive divide on the sub*ject of "con*spir*acy the*ory" turns on the inabil*ity of many polit*i*cal ana*lysts to make the con*nec*tion between the doc*u*mented fact that Amer*i*can cor*po*rate inter*ests rou*tinely engage in clan*des*tine oper*a*tions to influ*ence their for*tunes in for*eign coun*tries, and the fact that there is more wealth at stake in this country.
It stands to rea*son, there*fore, that the use of covert action and deadly force used abroad would be applied at home.
It has been, and is being, used and the rise of the Bush fam*ily attests to that fact.
Polit*i*cal and insti*tu*tional iner*tia, par*tic*u*larly with regard to our media estab*lish*ment, have min*i*mized the main*stream media's cov*er*age of Fam*ily of Secrets, while Dubya's Deci*sion Pointsa tis*sue of self-serving dis*tor*tions and out*right inventionreceives char*ac*ter*is*ti*cally soft coverage.
Indeed, this "fact-free" polit*i*cal envi*ron*ment (as for*mer Pres*i*dent Clin*ton char*ac*ter*ized the present polit*i*cal sci*en*tific land*scape) has had much to do with the ascent of Dubya, as well as Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers.
Pro*gram High*lights Include: Review of the decades-long pro*fes*sional rela*tion*ship between the Bush fam*ily and the Gammellsa pow*er*ful Scot*tish bank*ing and fos*sil fuels clan; review of the Gam*mells' rela*tion*ship to Tony Blair; review of the Gam*mells' rela*tion*ship to BP; review of the evo*lu*tion of KBR from polit*i*cal financiers of LBJ, through its pur*chase of Dresser Indus*tries and its sub*se*quent acqui*si*tion by the Dick Cheney-controlled Hal*libur*ton (like BP, impli*cated in the Deep*wa*ter Hori*zon deba*cle in the Gulf of Mex*ico); review of jour*nal*ist Mickey Hershkowitz's dis*clo*sure that Dubya was think*ing of invad*ing Iraq in the late 1990's; review of the close rela*tion*ship between Poppy Bush and LBJ; review of the close rela*tion*ship between Nixon and the Bushes.
FTR #730 Interview with Russ Baker (Author of "Family of Secrets")
Posted by Dave Emory â‹… December 26, 2010
Tags Bush, Bush Family, Bush-George H W, Bush-George W, CIA, Cover-Up, Iraq, JFK, Nixon, Oil, Reagan, Watergate
MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
Flash Audio
NB: Lis*ten*ers should be sure to ref*er*ence FTRs 711 through 716 (inclu*sive), ana*lyz*ing Fam*ily of Secrets in depth.
Intro*duc*tion: Sup*ple*ment*ing ear*lier inter*views with Russ Baker, the author of the con*sum*mately impor*tant Fam*ily of Secrets, this pro*gram ana*lyzes, among other things, the phe*nom*e*non of the book itself.
Gar*ner*ing strong endorse*ments from pro*gres*sive lumi*nar*ies such as Bill Moy*ers, Gore Vidal and Dan Rather, the book could be con*sid*ered fun*da*men*tally trans*gres*sive. Not only does Fam*ily of Secrets treat the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy in the fac*tual his*tor*i*cal con*text in which it actu*ally occurred, Baker's inves*ti*ga*tion impli*cates George H.W. Bush in the event, pos*si*bly as a principal.
It is highly unusual for a book that vio*lates taboos to gain the rel*a*tive accep*tance that this book has received.
Baker's analy*sis of the Bush/JFK assas*si*na*tion link is, in turn, deriv*a*tive of one of the book's strongest featuresanalysis of the Bush family's inex*tri*ca*ble con*nec*tion to the intel*li*gence com*mu*nity. That link in an expres*sion of the intel*li*gence agen*cies' role as vehi*cles for fur*ther*ing the polit*i*cal and eco*nomic goals of the cor*po*rate elite.
Through*out the course of their polit*i*cal his*tory, the Bush fam*ily has advanced its inter*ests through the appli*ca*tion of the method*ol*ogy of covert action to both busi*ness and elec*toral politics.
When look*ing at a Bush busi*ness operationZapata Off*shore Petro*leum and Harken Energy are two examplesit is appar*ent that the enti*ties are actu*ally fronts for the illicit mov*ing of money. Many of them, such as Zap*ata, were prob*a*bly intel*li*gence fronts in and of themselves.
Begin*ning with the role of Prescott Bush and his asso*ciate (and pro*fes*sional bene*fac*tor of "Poppy" Bush) Robert Lovett in cre*at*ing the CIA, the clan*des*tine pedi*gree of Amer*i*can transna*tional cor*po*ra*tions and their allied inter*ests is evi*dent through*out the Bush narrative.
Lovett abet*ted Poppy's rise through the ranks of Dresser Indus*tries and later assisted in the launch*ing of Zap*ata. Robert Gow, a Zap*ata employee, helped groom Dubya, even as his father was cement*ing his deci*sive role in GOP and U.S. politics.
The impact of Baker's book and a sig*nif*i*cant cog*ni*tive divide on the sub*ject of "con*spir*acy the*ory" turns on the inabil*ity of many polit*i*cal ana*lysts to make the con*nec*tion between the doc*u*mented fact that Amer*i*can cor*po*rate inter*ests rou*tinely engage in clan*des*tine oper*a*tions to influ*ence their for*tunes in for*eign coun*tries, and the fact that there is more wealth at stake in this country.
It stands to rea*son, there*fore, that the use of covert action and deadly force used abroad would be applied at home.
It has been, and is being, used and the rise of the Bush fam*ily attests to that fact.
Polit*i*cal and insti*tu*tional iner*tia, par*tic*u*larly with regard to our media estab*lish*ment, have min*i*mized the main*stream media's cov*er*age of Fam*ily of Secrets, while Dubya's Deci*sion Pointsa tis*sue of self-serving dis*tor*tions and out*right inventionreceives char*ac*ter*is*ti*cally soft coverage.
Indeed, this "fact-free" polit*i*cal envi*ron*ment (as for*mer Pres*i*dent Clin*ton char*ac*ter*ized the present polit*i*cal sci*en*tific land*scape) has had much to do with the ascent of Dubya, as well as Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers.
Pro*gram High*lights Include: Review of the decades-long pro*fes*sional rela*tion*ship between the Bush fam*ily and the Gammellsa pow*er*ful Scot*tish bank*ing and fos*sil fuels clan; review of the Gam*mells' rela*tion*ship to Tony Blair; review of the Gam*mells' rela*tion*ship to BP; review of the evo*lu*tion of KBR from polit*i*cal financiers of LBJ, through its pur*chase of Dresser Indus*tries and its sub*se*quent acqui*si*tion by the Dick Cheney-controlled Hal*libur*ton (like BP, impli*cated in the Deep*wa*ter Hori*zon deba*cle in the Gulf of Mex*ico); review of jour*nal*ist Mickey Hershkowitz's dis*clo*sure that Dubya was think*ing of invad*ing Iraq in the late 1990's; review of the close rela*tion*ship between Poppy Bush and LBJ; review of the close rela*tion*ship between Nixon and the Bushes.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"