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Is something fishy at Main and Houston?
I am starting a new thread on this since the previous one is wandering
all over and getting cluttered. I just spent three hours looking at photos
of Main and Houston and comparing them. The Weaver photo seems to
show things not apparent in others, and vice versa. I am tired of looking
at all the anomalies, so others can now take over and offer your analyses.
Please do not wander into other areas, and keep all postings regarding
these four images and what we can learn from them. Thanks.


Attached Files
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The man circled in green with the camera, was found, i believe to be sprague, by robin unger and the fellas who tracked the photographers down within the photos..and yes that corner has always been fishy, in fact it reeks..:gossip:thanks for your study...will do so..b
[size=12].... Good Day Jack + Bernice .... The man oval-circled in green is JAY SKAGGS (born 1919), who on 11-22-63 was the Cliff Temple Baptist Church business administrator and treasurer.

Over 8 years ago Mr. SKAGGS, himself, publicly provided us with his 19 color photo-slides that he captured in DP on 11-22-63.

When the presidential limousine passed by him during its right hand turn into the DPKZ (kill zone), Mr. SKAGGS was standing at that northeast corner of Main & Houston with his wife, ERMA, and his daughter, a student at Adamson high school.

From his distance of several hundred feet away from both the GK and the TSBD, SKAGGS has stated that he remembered hearing a total of 3 audibly separated bursts of gunfire.

Time stamping the sequence of the shots that SKAGGS remembered hearing, he has stated that he thought the 1st shot that he remembered hearing was a firecracker, then, at "his" 2nd remembered shot SKAGGS realized that it was a rifle gunshot.

As with many dozens and dozens of his solidly supporting known DP witnesses...

(and as even the warrenatti-report-canard was forced to admit for the public
- and to the current warrenatti-apologists anxieties-driven chagrins)

.... the 3rd shot that SKAGGS remembered hearing was fired much closer to the 2nd shot than the 1st shot was to the 2nd, as SKAGGS also detailed the 3rd shot was fired,

[size=12]"almost immediately after the second shot."[/SIZE]

The SKAGGS photos of CARL DAY carrying a rifle from the TSBD to his DPD crime lab are the only, known, color photos of that event.

Interestingly, the post-attack SKAGGS photo-slide #10 shows very close attack witness CHARLES F. BREHM, and who is thought to be the mafioso JAMES BRADEN/BRADING standing right next to BREHM before BRADEN/BRADING was taken into custody by the DPD for questioning.

Among several articles, there is an interesting 2002 article about Mr. SKAGGS still available for you, here....

[size=12][size=12][size=12]Best Regards in Research,


Donald Roberdeau
U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker
Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

For your considerations....

Homepage: President KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Evidence,
Witnesses, Suspects + Outstanding Researchers Discoveries and Considerations

Dealey Plaza Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise locations, Witnesses, Films &
Photos, Evidence, Suspected bullet trajectories,Important information & Considerations,
Gathered in One Convenient Resource

Visual Report:"The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Hidden Under
the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree' "

Visual Report: Reality versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-In, Garbage-Out

[URL=""]Discovery: "Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film
Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll"[/URL]

File: President KENNEDY Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations


National Terror Alert for the United States:

[Image: advisory7regional.gif]

T [size=12]ogether

"Better to light a candle, than, curse the darkness."

(Chinese proverb)

[size=12]If you want to get 'even' with someone, start first with the Ones who have been Good to You.

Don Roberdeau Wrote:[size=12].... Good Day Jack + Bernice .... The man oval-circled in green is JAY SKAGGS (born 1919), who on 11-22-63 was the Cliff Temple Baptist Church business administrator and treasurer.

Over 8 years ago Mr. SKAGGS, himself, publicly provided us with his 19 color photo-slides that he captured in DP on 11-22-63.

When the presidential limousine passed by him during its right hand turn into the DPKZ (kill zone), Mr. SKAGGS was standing at that northeast corner of Main & Houston with his wife, ERMA, and his daughter, a student at Adamson high school.

From his distance of several hundred feet away from both the GK and the TSBD, SKAGGS has stated that he remembered hearing a total of 3 audibly separated bursts of gunfire.

Time stamping the sequence of the shots that SKAGGS remembered hearing, he has stated that he thought the 1st shot that he remembered hearing was a firecracker, then, at "his" 2nd remembered shot SKAGGS realized that it was a rifle gunshot.

As with many dozens and dozens of his solidly supporting known DP witnesses...

(and as even the warrenatti-report-canard was forced to admit for the public
- and to the current warrenatti-apologists anxieties-driven chagrins)

.... the 3rd shot that SKAGGS remembered hearing was fired much closer to the 2nd shot than the 1st shot was to the 2nd, as SKAGGS also detailed the 3rd shot was fired,

[size=12]"almost immediately after the second shot."[/SIZE]

The SKAGGS photos of CARL DAY carrying a rifle from the TSBD to his DPD crime lab are the only, known, color photos of that event.

Interestingly, the post-attack SKAGGS photo-slide #10 shows very close attack witness CHARLES F. BREHM, and who is thought to be the mafioso JAMES BRADEN/BRADING standing right next to BREHM before BRADEN/BRADING was taken into custody by the DPD for questioning.

Among several articles, there is an interesting 2002 article about Mr. SKAGGS still available for you, here....

[size=12][size=12][size=12]Best Regards in Research,


Donald Roberdeau
U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker
Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

For your considerations....

Homepage: President KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Evidence,
Witnesses, Suspects + Outstanding Researchers Discoveries and Considerations

Dealey Plaza Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise locations, Witnesses, Films &
Photos, Evidence, Suspected bullet trajectories,Important information & Considerations,
Gathered in One Convenient Resource

Visual Report:"The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Hidden Under
the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree' "

Visual Report: Reality versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-In, Garbage-Out

[URL=""]Discovery: "Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film
Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll"[/URL]

File: President KENNEDY Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations


National Terror Alert for the United States:

[Image: advisory7regional.gif]


Are the Skaggs photos available anywhere?

Jack White Wrote:I am starting a new thread on this since the previous one is wandering
all over and getting cluttered. I just spent three hours looking at photos
of Main and Houston and comparing them. The Weaver photo seems to
show things not apparent in others, and vice versa. I am tired of looking
at all the anomalies, so others can now take over and offer your analyses.
Please do not wander into other areas, and keep all postings regarding
these four images and what we can learn from them. Thanks.


I am repeating this because I guess Allan did not see it.
Sorry i wandered Jack and Don for the correction, i got my s' mixed up, some skaggs are available, i do not know exactly how many...Jack but i wll have a look.Also also Don, in first witness reports, first day, some thought bursts of gunfire, not meaning one two or three shots, but bursts of many bullets like , there was also a , was it fbi or ss report mentioning automatic gun bursts of fire. thanks b

ps Jack, Robin has a Skaggs folder on his photo site, i think it is on page b. sorry.i cannot copy and paste his link right now as windows sent automatic downloads through and really mucked up my links and such at the top of the page, growl...Confusedhutup:b

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