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Article: Raymond Davis Affair: Deeper than you think - and profound repercussions
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Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

Pakistan Detainee Raymond Davis Works for CIA Contractor
21st February 2011

Raymond Davis was a CIA contractor Hitler at the time of his arrest. But the Obama administration was not forthcoming initially and described him as a "diplomat," an implausible denial given the munitions found in his possession - what was the administration hiding? Davis was heavily armed, killed the two Pakistani agents tailing him. His camera's memory card, seized by police, stored photographs of government installations in Pakistan … If it was the States, the same evidence would be perceived by the FBI and talk radio nabobs as a prelude to terrorism …

Los Angele Times, February 21, 2011:
Pakistan detainee Raymond Davis works for CIA

Pakistani and U.S. authorities say U.S. Embassy worker Raymond Davis, who killed two alleged robbers in Lahore, works for the CIA. U.S. officials describe him as a contractor with the agency and insist he has diplomatic immunity and should be freed. …

Items found in Davis' Honda Civic after his arrest: a Glock 9-millimeter handgun, 75 rounds of ammunition, a global positioning system device, bolt cutters, a survival kit and a satellite phone. When police looked through the digital camera found in Davis' car, they discovered photos of Pakistani government installations near the Indian border. …
Davis is a CIA agent, no doubt: Pak intel official

The Times of India | February 22, 2011

LONDON/ISLAMABAD: US official Raymond Davis, arrested on charges of gunning down two men in Lahore, is a CIA agent, a media report said. The Guardian said based on interviews in the US and Pakistan, it can confirm that Davis, a former special forces soldier is employed by the CIA. It quoted a senior Pakistani intelligence official as saying that "it's beyond a shadow of doubt" .

This may complicate US efforts to seek the release of Davis, who claims to have fired in self-defence when the two attempted to rob him. The 37-year-old Davis has been charged with murder. He shot at two men who had pulled up in front of his car at a traffic signal on January 25. In Islamabad, Pakistan PM Yousuf Raza Gilani said his government would deal with the matter without compromising national interests.

"You should not be worried . There is a responsible government and it is working in the country's interest," he said when asked by reporters about Davis being a CIA operative . Davis was engaged in espionage and surveillance activities and was on a mission when the incident happened, claimed Punjab's law minister Rana Sanaullah.

Davis is now lodged in a Lahore jail where additional security forces have been deployed . Obama administration has demanded the release of Davis contending that he is an "administrative and technical official" attached to its Lahore consulate and that he enjoys diplomatic immunity.
Secret CIA Drone Attacks in Pakistan Suspended as Obama Seeks to Free Imprisoned Diplomat'
18th February 2011

By Chris Woods
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism | February 18, 2011

President Obama's covert drone war inside Pakistan is on hold after the arrest of Raymond Davis, a US government employee believed by many to be a secret agent or Special Forces operative, research by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism shows.

Reaper drone (library); David Axe/flickr

One hundred and eighty lethal US drone strikes have been made inside Pakistan since Barack Obama became president: a deadly attack every four days or so, in a campaign the US continues to publicly deny.

Yet no drone attack has been reported in Pakistan since January 23rd. Not since June 2009 has the drones campaign seen such a long pause 26 days having passed. Even during Pakistan's flood crisis of summer 2010, the campaign was suspended for just 20 days.

The unexpected suspension appears to be the result of one man. On January 26th 2011 Raymond Davis gunned down two men in Lahore. In his initial testimony to police, Davis claimed that the men he killed were thieves, who had brandished a weapon at him at traffic lights. He had, he said, fired in self-defence.

Pakistan media has widely reported that the two men were not robbers, but agents of Pakistan's intelligence service, the ISI, who were tailing Davis because of his alleged suspicious behaviour. Davis is said to have been arrested in possession of a sophisticated stills camera; a military-style medical kit; and a telescope.

Davis is a contractor to the US Government through his company Hyperion Protective Services LLC, registered in Arizona as providing High risk threat protection', the Bureau has learnt. He is also a former US soldier. Reports vary but it seems Davis ended his service in the U.S. Third Special Forces Group in 2003. The year beforehand, this unit was stationed in Kabul where it helped train the new Afghan Army.

The US has stated that Davis worked for its "administrative and technical staff" at the Lahore consulate. The CIA, the U.S. military's covert Joint Special Operations Command, and Xe (formerly Blackwater) are all known to operate inside Pakistan as part of the U.S. covert war and there is much speculation that Davis may be an employee of one of these organisations.

One hundred and eighty lethal drone attacks have been recorded inside Pakistan since Barack Obama assumed the presidency on January 20th 2009. This compares with 45 known strikes against alleged Al Qaeda and Taliban operatives during George W Bush's eight years in power.

The strikes are known to be carried out by the CIA but the U.S. government refuses publicly to confirm or deny its involvement. More than 2,000 people have been killed in the drone strikes many of them, it's believed, civilians.

The United States insists that Raymond Davis has diplomatic immunity, and must be released under the Geneva Protocols. Pakistan disputes this claim, and Davis remains on remand until February 25th. in Pakistan suspended, as Obama seeks to free imprisoned diplomat.'
Who is Raymond Davis?
13th March 2011

Gen Mirza Aslam Beg
Pakistan Observer | March 13, 2011

No doubt Raymond Davis is somebody very important CIA operatives in Pakistan, because of all the people, the President of United States, himself intervened, demanding that the Pakistan government must release him immediately because Davis enjoyed diplomatic immunity and the Pakistani courts of justice could not try him for the cold-blooded murder of two Pakistanis. Obama lied, knowing fully well that Davis was no diplomat and enjoyed no immunity. Now the US government is threatening Pakistan of dire consequences if Davis was not released.

On the basis of evidence collected from Davis, very revealing information has been obtained about his contacts and his anti-Pakistan activities, as the Chief Coordinator, for other US sponsored agencies, working in Pakistan, such as: Blackwater agency has been operating in Pakistan since 2004, under different names and since has remained engaged in all kinds of anti-state activities. This agency also worked in Iraq and its gruesome activities have been testified by many writers and human rights activists.

The Special Investigation Centre (SIC) was established in 2005, with its controlling headquarters in Model Town, Lahore, which was blown-up some year and a half back. It's really a Gestapo organization and employs over six hundred operatives, spread all over Pakistan and is tasked to carry out all the dirty work,' which Pakistani intelligence agencies would not be willing to take-on. It is this agency which kidnapped hundreds of Pakistanis and handed them over to the CIA, killed and tortured many and carried out number of terror attacks' to foment trouble and discredit the government by creating despondency amongst the people. The very painful aspect of this organization is that majority of the operatives are Pakistanis, engaged in such heinous acts. Raymond Davis exercised direct control over this agency, maintaining close contact with Blackwater and the agency working along the North Western borders, without a name but controlled by the CIA.

The North West Border Agency was set-up in 2004, when the Americans complained to the government of Pakistan, about the cross-border involvement of Pakistanis and support to the Taliban movement inside Afghanistan. The government came under pressure and the CIA, along with the marines and FBI were allowed to set-up their vigilance network along the entire border from Balochistan to Khyber Pakhtun-khawah province. Thus, more than seven hundred personnel were deployed to monitor the Pak-Afghan border. It was during this period, that the Indian Spy Network' was established in Afghanistan, under the RAW, about which I had sent my report few years back to our national dailies, under the heading "Global Conspiracies Against Pakistan". Thus CIA and RAW joined hands to infest our border with their agents, and destabilized the entire region and succeeded in turning the war on Pakistan. Thus the Pakistan Army, since 2005, is engaged in dealing with this threat, identified as Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariah (TNS) in Swat and Dir. It is in our common knowledge that prior to 2005, none of our tribals in the border region, fired even a single shot, in anger, in our direction. Thus the CIA and RAW have been able to create the serious insurgency problem for Pakistan. There are a number of NGOs working in Pakistan, who provide operational support to CIA. The FATA Development Agency (FDA) in particular, is very active in support of CIA and COTE operations by the coalition forces in Afghanistan.

The arrest of Davis has caused strains in our relations with the United States, who has been threatening Pakistan of dire consequences, if Davis was not released. Therefore President Zardari found it necessary to tell them, not to cross the red-line', in blaming Pakistan, because it were the courts of law of the country who would decide the matter and our intelligence agencies, particularly the ISI will probe into the matter of violation of trust for intelligence sharing, and engaging in activities considered detrimental to the security of Pakistan. In this connection some arrests have also been made and more are expected, including some important personalities of Pakistan, operating at the behest of Davis. Thus the working relationship between ISI and CIA also is not the same any more.

Who is Davis? whose arrest has caused strained relations between the two governments and the two secret agencies, working hand-in-glove for the last several decades? Davis's true identity has been revealed by an American, named Robert Anderson, a CIA agent of the past. His story is very revealing. He says:

"I had Davis's job in Laos, 30 years ago. As in Pakistan, in Laos our country conducted covert military operations against a sovereign people, using the CIA. Davis is in a bad situation now because most of the people of the world are now aware of the lies and not going to turn their head anymore. Davis is the American being held as a spy working under cover out of our embassy in Islamabad. You can understand why foreign countries no longer trust us and people are rising up across the Middle East against the Great Satan'." "In the Vietnam War the country of Laos held a geo-strategic position, as Pakistan does to Afghanistan today. As in Pakistan, in Laos our country conducted covert military operations against a sovereign people, using the CIA. We were told if captured we were to ask for diplomatic immunity, if alive. We carried out military missions on a daily basis all across the countries of Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. In Laos, the program, I was affected to carry-out a systematic assassination of people who were identified as not loyal to US goals. It was called the Phoenix Programme' and eliminated an estimated 60,000 people across Indochina. We did an amazing amount of damage to the civilian infrastructure of the country and still lost the war."

"But I see from the Davis fiasco in Pakistan that our government is still up to its old way of denying to the people of the world what everyone knows is true. When will this official hypocrisy end, when will our political class speak out about this and quit going along with the lies and tricks? How many more of our people and others will die in these foolish programmes? Davis is in a bad situation now because most of the people of the world, as we see across the Middle East are now aware of the lies and not going to turn their head any more. I say "most" everyone knows, because our own public, the ones supposed to be in control of the military and CIA has constantly lied. It is so sad to see President Obama repeating the big lie." Counterpunch.

How many Pakistanis have been assassinated, eliminated, kidnapped and dumped in the torture cells in USA, no one will ever know, unless, some years later, Davis's sense of guilt compels him to speak-out the truth, as Anderson has done. Truth will prevail, but it is time now for USA to wind-up this dirty network in Pakistan, for the sake of better relations and mutual understanding between the two countries.

The writer is former Chief of Army Staff.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Davis is back in the USA!.....presto! abracadabra! Magic! [Black Magic!].....:darthvader::thumbsdown:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Davis is back in the USA!.....presto! abracadabra! Magic! [Black Magic!].....Spy
:banghead: Pullhair angryfire :wirlitzer:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Pakistan Frees CIA Contractor Accused of Murder
16th March 2011

By Masroor Gilani
AFP | March 16, 2011

LAHORE, Pakistan A Pakistan court on Wednesday freed a CIA contractor accused of double murder after $2 million in blood money was paid to the families of the dead, ending a damaging row with the United States.

Raymond Davis, remanded in jail since he shot dead two men in Lahore on January 27, said he acted in self-defence and has been backed by US authorities, who said he was an embassy employee with full diplomatic immunity.

The incident sparked protests across the country and ruptured fragile ties between the United States and the government in Islamabad, which had been under domestic pressure to stand up to its superpower ally and try Davis for murder. But following a lengthy court hearing on Wednesday at the Lahore jail where Davis was detained, and where a media blackout was imposed, Punjab provincial law minister Rana Sanaullah confirmed that the US gunman had been freed.

"He has been released from jail. Now it is up to him. He can go wherever he wants," Sanaullah told private Geo television.

The minister said the case had been settled with blood money, or "diyat" a provision commonly used under Pakistani and Islamic sharia law in which compensation can be paid to relatives of those killed to secure a pardon.

"The family members of the slain men appeared in the court and independently verified they had pardoned him," said Sanaullah.

Raja Irshad, a lawyer for the families of the two dead men, said a total of 200 million Pakistani rupees (2.35 million dollars) was paid as compensation. That was confirmed by public prosecutor Abdul Samad.

The wife of one of the two men committed suicide in the wake of her husband's killing.

Police investigator Muneer Ahmed told AFP that the deal had been done by "mutual agreement" but opposition politicians cried foul and said the government had caved in to US coercion in making the deal. US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter, who had previously said only that Davis had diplomatic immunity, issued a public apology over the killing following his release and thanked the families for agreeing to compensation.

"I am grateful for their (the families') generosity. I wish to express, once again, my regret for the incident and my sorrow at the suffering it caused," said Munter in an emailed statement. "I wish to express my respect for Pakistan and its people, and my thanks for their commitment to building our relationship, to everyone's benefit."

The Davis case had sparked angry protests by religious groups who had called for the American to be hanged for double murder. Small demonstrations broke out in southern Karachi city and Islamabad after news of the deal broke, with a few dozen protesters chanting anti-American slogans.

Cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan decried the blood-money deal as a "reprehensible act" and said it would "further escalate extremism in the country".

"The deal has been arranged under coercion amid US pressure," he told Geo television.

Revelations that Davis was a CIA contractor heaped pressure on Pakistan's embattled government and further ramped up burning public mistrust of Washington, damaging shaky relations between the two wary allies. Pakistani media has been rife with claims that a spy row between the CIA and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency was lingering behind the Davis case, fuelling widespread rumours of conspiracy in the nuclear nation.

Police have said they recovered a Glock pistol, four loaded magazines, a GPS navigation system and a small telescope from Davis' car after the shooting in a busy Lahore street.

US authorities said Davis was protected by full diplomatic immunity, a claim refuted by the Pakistan government, and a decision on his status was on Monday deferred by the Lahore high court for criminal judges to decide.

A third Pakistani was struck down and killed by a US diplomatic vehicle that raced to Davis' assistance in the incident.

US officials denied Pakistan access to the vehicle and the occupants are widely believed to have left the country.

The family of the third man have not received any blood money payment, lawyer Irshad said.

The United States postponed a round of high-level talks with Afghanistan and Pakistan following earlier failed attempts to get Davis out, and US lawmakers had threatened to cut payments to Pakistan until he was freed.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Quote:People familiar with the views of the Pakistani government say that as part of the deal for the freeing of Raymond Davis, the CIA agreed to give Pakistan more credit for its role in counter-terrorism efforts in Afghanistan, to cut back on U.S. spying in Pakistan and to keep Pakistani authorities better informed of CIA activities.
But a senior official in Washington who has been following the case closely denied that any such agreement has been struck, although the official said discussions between intelligence officials of both governments were continuing.
A Pakistani court on Wednesday acquitted Davis, 36, described by U.S. officials as a CIA contract bodyguard, of murder charges and released him after a deal that involved paying compensation -- "blood money" -- to the victims' families. Davis shot and killed two men he said were trying to rob him in Pakistani city of Lahore on January 27.

More at link above.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
I appreciate this is old, but I'm just now digging deeper into old e-mail archives...

London, Feb 20(ANI): Double murder-accused US official Raymond Davis has been found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him or the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) operating in the region, providing Al-Qaeda terrorists with "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents," according to a report.

Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is warning that the situation on the sub-continent has turned "grave" as it appears that open warfare is about to break out between Pakistan and the United States, The European Union Times reports.
The SVR warned in its report that the apprehension of 36-year-old Davis, who shot dead two Pakistani men in Lahore last month, had fuelled this crisis.

According to the report, the combat skills exhibited by Davis, along with documentation taken from him after his arrest, prove that he is a member of US' TF373 black operations unit currently operating in the Afghan War Theatre and Pakistan's tribal areas, the paper said.

While the US insists that Davis is one of their diplomats, and the two men he killed were robbers, Pakistan says that the duo were ISI agents sent to follow him after it was discovered that he had been making contact with al Qaeda, after his cell phone was tracked to the Waziristan tribal area bordering Afghanistan, the paper said.

The most ominous point in this SVR report is "Pakistan's ISI stating that top-secret CIA documents found in Davis's possession point to his, and/or TF373, providing to al Qaeda terrorists "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents", which they claim are to be used against the United States itself in order to ignite an all-out war in order to re-establish the West's hegemony over a Global economy that is warned is just months away from collapse," the paper added. (ANI)

from Citizens for Legitimate Government
25 Feb 2011
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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