02-04-2011, 10:13 PM
02-04-2011, 10:38 PM
JFK - Case for Conspiracy I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soqwKWDqRsg Sam Holland describes what he saw from the triple underpass
02-04-2011, 11:41 PM
robert groden's video featuring the wound to the back of the head...
03-04-2011, 04:00 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtFoPCKVp-8 extended english version.
Bullet holes in the limousine and extra bullets in Dealey Plaza by Helmer Reenberg The Dealey Plaza Signs : Emmett E Hudson "Whitewash ....The Report on the Warren Commission".1965.......page 44.. Harold Weisberg. ""Six months and a day following the assassination.( May.23/64 ) the Warren Commission had the FBI photographic agent, Lyndal L.Shaneyfelt ( 5 H 138 ) do a photographic re-enactment. The report indicates no reason for such a prolonged delay. The Secret Service had completed it's re-enactment by Dec. 5. 1963. It is difficult to imagine that the Commission could have loaded Mr.Shaneyfelt with more invalidating conditions.. His re-enactment could only serve one purpose...to try and make credible a reconstruction under which the Commission's thesis, that all the shots came from the sixth floor window, might be possible..In fact, he attempted nothing else…..In order to accomplish this, he had to show that no shot was fired before the frame numbered 210 on the Zapruder film.. To begin with, Shaneyfelt had to work with a black-and-white copy of the original Zapruder colour film. Necessarily, the copies were less clear. Then the reenactments began at 6 am as a concession to traffic. Between the time of the year and the time of the day differences between the mock-up and the real thing, all the values of shadows in photographic intelligence were forfeited, For the precise placing of the camera, mounted on the rifle, and other measuring devices Shaneyfelt had the information supplied by the Commission. He was working in fractions of degrees, yet he had to bade everything on "information furnished us by the Commission, photographs taken by the Dallas Police Department immediately after the assassination....." 5H145....... ( Believe it..NOT )...see Tom Alyea..Information.)will post below. Snip: None of the photos of such are or were in agreement with each other nor the facts, as the testimony also shows...."which none of them at the moment of the assassination showed, this was an immediate and total disqualification of anything he might try... No matter how fine and expert Shaneyfelt, no matter how excellent his equipment or how careful his associates, his testimony and reconstruction could have no validity".. "For example, Example Exhibit 887 ( R99) is a camera mounted atop the rifle pointing westward from the sixth-floor window. The window is raised several inches higher than it was shown in the Dillard photograph. Of necessity the rife is mounted on a photographic tripod. But there can be only one necessity for fudging on the window--- to make the whole reconstruction possible where otherwise it would not have been. The tripod is adjustable. The rifle is inside the window. With such an obvious flaw, the exhibit is invalid as is any testimony based on it..Another photograph of the re-enactment printed on page 41 of Life Magazine for Oct. 2,1964, shows that part of the reconstruction was made with the window entirely open...This picture shows the ballistic expert resting his arm on a box incorrectly positioned . It is much too far to the west.... Worse, the rifle is without it's telescopic sight. Can any testimony based upon this reconstruction have any value ?" Snip...page 45... "" In addition, the experts "duplicated certain frames of the Zapruder film" and of two others available to the Commission. These appear in the Report on pages 100-8 and are readily available for inspection. Not a single on can be called a duplication, as the most superficial inspection, even without instruments, will show. The angles are grossly different. The elevations are radically wrong. Even the backgrounds are not the same. One of the best examples is the critically important frame 210 (R102) . These are printed side by side and it will be no problem for any doubting reader to satisfy himself. This particular illustration is also proof of another inexcusable fault: The landscaping in the background has been altered..... Valuable intelligence was thus lost........ In other cases trees which served the same purpose were removed and even the vital signs that figure in all of this identification and testimony were both moved and removed..It is no longer possible to make the most precise photographic reconstruction of the assassination because of this destruction and mutilation of evidence.........."' Continued.. "Whitewash 11..The Report on the Warren Commission"........Harold Weisberg 1966.. Page 4...... "The Commission staff was not unaware of this, for although there is no indication it ever heeded it's own unavoidable proof or wondered why anyone would dream of destroying evidence in the assassination of an American President, the whole story was blurted out by Emmett E.Hudson, ( witness to the killing )groundskeeper of Dealey Plaza, in his belated testimony of July 22,1964, almost two months after the Commission had originally scheduled the end of it's work..( first mentioned page 45..WhiteWash.) . Not only were the hedges and shrubbery trimmed, thus destroying all the projection points essential to photographic analysis, but all the road signs absolutely vital in any reconstruction had been moved-------All Three Of Them--------Zapruder had filmed over the top of the center sign ( Stemmons) ..Two of the signs were entirely removed. The one over which Zapruder filmed was replaced, and there is no reason to believe it's replacement is in exactly the same location in the ground or at exactly the same height above it. Unless both of these conditions, plus the angle of the sign toward Zapruder's lens , were exactly identical with conditions when he took his pictures, no precise reconstruction is possible.. All this funny business with the signs got on the record by accident, not through the dilligence of the Commission or it's counsel. Wesley J.Liebeler was questioning Hudson. Not until eight months to the day after the assassination, but finally Hudson was being questioned. He volunteered this testimony: "Now, they have moved some of those signs. They have moved that R.L. Thornton Freeway sign and put up a Stemmons sign ".....It was this "Stemmons" sign over which Zapruder photographed. "They have? They have moved it?" Liebeler asked, his cool nonchalance preserved in cood type. "Yes, sir." replied Hudson. "That might explain it", Liebeler then said. at the same time, without even seeming so to intend, preserving for both the Commission and history the certain knowledge that the two photographs about which he was interrogating Hudson, one taken at the time of the assassination and the other after it, were not in agreement. ....And here the accidental interest of the Commission in the destruction and mutilation of the most essential evidence ended".................. Page 130: "When Hudson reaffirmed his testimony ( and the landscaping also was altered, with the destruction of essential photo-intelligence and analysis reference points in the backgrounds of the pictures)..., the complacent assistant counsel replied, ""That might explain it, because this picture here, No 18, was taken after the assassination and this one was taken at the time----No. 1.."" The "after" refers to the official reconstruction of the crime!.....Hudson's unanticipated blurting out of what is obvious from the most cursory examination of the photographs evidence marks the beginning and the end of the Commission's interest." *--------*-------*--------*-------* Here is some info from Jack ..... ""in the sixties all such highway signs were 3/4 inch marine plywood, not aluminum like today. In fact, some of the very old plywood signs are still in use in a few places where they have not needed updating. One thing very odd about the Stemmons sign is that it has NO ANGLE IRON BRACING on the back. Back in the 80s I checked a lot of the plywood signs, and virtually all I could find had angle iron braces, especially if larger than four feet by eight feet, because any splices had to be braced. I have never been able to get exact dimensions anywhere on the size of the Stemmons sign. Does anyone know?"" Jack ""the sign was 4-feet X 8-feet"", ........I have read on the web.....? Current Section: Exhibit CE 875 shown to Emmett Hudson.. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archiv...eId=139712 Mr. LIEBELER - There are two signs in picture No. 18, one says, "R.L. Thornton Freeway, keep right." and the other one says, "Fort worth Turnpike, keep right." Mr. HUDSON - There were two of them that wasn't too far apart right through here - them signs was - one was right along in here and the other one was either further up, I guess. It's not in that picture - I don't believe. Now, they have moved some of those signs. They have moved the R.L. Thornton Freeway sign and put up a Stemmons sign. Mr. LIEBELER - They have? They have moved it? Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir. Mr. LIEBELER - That might explain it, because this picture here, No. 18, was taken after the assassination and this one was taken at the time - No. 1. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/hudson.htm Below, Emmett Hudson, in Muchmore…frame….White Hat on the middle left on steps and then sitting on the ground after the assassination… WC recreation photos…shown to Hudson….Signs.. Hudson.an..in.Muchmoore.. The Dillard photo….re the Alyea…information. Hits to Dealey.... How many shots could there have been ? The SS called them a "flurry " of shots..that came into the limo.. Roy H. Kellerman- Possible hits and misses… A hit to Elm street behind the motorcade, sounded like a backfire..fireworks.... A hit to the south side sewer cover..DSD Eddie (Buddy).Walthers…..DMD Ed Brewer.. Two furrows in the grass south side, across from fence.. Edna & Wayne Hartman A hit to the north sidewalk..Aldredge, .reported to FBI….DMNews Carl Freund ..photo.. Not mentioned in WR.. A hit to the curb south side, Tague hit. A hit to the Stemmons Freeway sign ..no reports rumours.. A last missed shot , after President hit…… Royce G.Skelton, puff of concrete off right fender also DSD Eddie (Buddy) Walthers.. Possibly Tague hit…hit pavement in the left or middle lane..concrete knocked to the south away from the car… Mrs. Caroline Walther..and possibly more shots,,..not called by W/C..name not within.. but statement made available….WC Vol 24 Hit to the President entrance front neck.. Hit to the President's back. Hit to the President front temple Hit to the President left temple Hit to John Connally in his right side back. Hit to John Connally to the wrist. Hit frontal…to the X100 windshield.,,could be neck entrance shot. Hit to limo dash board.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From the Warren Commission section 9...Paragraph H.. Summary and Conclusions.. ""(h) After careful investigation the Commission has found no credible evidence either that Ruby and Officer Tippit, who was killed by Oswald, knew each other or that Oswald and Tippit knew each other. Because of the difficulty of proving negatives to a certainty the possibility of others being involved with either Oswald or Ruby cannot be established categorically, but if there is any such evidence it has been beyond the reach of all the investigative agencies and resources of the United States and has not come to the attention of this Commission. "" Had they not possibly known there was, or been so positive that there had not been a conspiracy……They would not have had any reason to have made the above statement, and in some way left it open ended.. in the first place….. This was admitting to such, some would say…. http://www.jfk-assassination.de/warren/wcr/page22.php "Pictures don't lie, unless they are made to ".. Harold Weisberg….. Page 1,,"Whitewash 2 " ***************************************** B..... <IMG border=0 alt="" width=600 height=483>
03-04-2011, 04:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 28-06-2011, 02:10 PM by Bernice Moore.)
Thomas Aylea WFAA Newsman/Reporter..
Information from "Pictures of the Pain"..pages 520-521 Tom Aylea used a Bell & Howell 70 DR 16 mm camera, loaded with black and white film , it was an old camera and had the history of loosing the fim loop when being operated. He also grabbed three extra cans of of film along with the emergency roll he always carried in his back pocket.All told he had 500 feet of unprocessed film available to him .He and Ray John had been assigned on the 21st to cover the President's arrival and activities in Ft Worth. While there around the Hotel Texas , his camera had broken down and he had been forced to borrow one, he returned it prior to his trip back to Dallas..The men took the WFAA news station wagon via Route 20 from Ft Worth to Dallas.with John driving. The afternoon of the 22nd was to be spent at the station processing the film for the evening news.They arrived back in Dallas about 12.30 pm.and traveling East on Commerce within the Dealey Plaza area, John was preparing to make a right onto Houston Street to the WFAA station on Young Street. The newsmen had both the car's radio as well as the police band radios turned on. Not cognizant of the fact that they were only several hundred feet south of Elm St. when the remnants of the presidential motorcade was passing by, they were halted at a traffic light some eight cars lengths from Houston.. Alyea " We sat there listening to the parade coverage on the radio. I didn't even think to look across Dealey Plaza to the Depository.The first indication that anything had gone wrong came when we heard a voice on the police radio. It gave an unusual alert---" All units on Stemmons and Industrial, Code 3 Parkland"..Not associating the call with the President at first, the call was repeated, and within about 20 seconds the men heard WFAA commercial radio announcer, John Allen break in with the statement that shots had been fired at the President near Houston and Em.."We were still waiting for the traffic light to change: suddenly I realized where I was...... I grabbed Ray's camera, told him to take the other film on to the station , and I took off across Dealey for the Houston and Elm intersection . I fimed while running and, assuming that the shots came from the ground, I looked around and began shooting". "I raced across Commerce and Main Sts. dodging traffic .On the far side of Elm I saw people rushing around, I had begun filming on the way as I crossed Main St. and as I was filming I was looking for police. They were not around. Some people were running towards the railroad tracks while others towards the monument area..I thought "There's nothing going on here"..and I went up to Ellm and Houston ,"Not knowing anything about the incident, and seeing little direct activity around the intersection, Alyea did notice several cops and one man looking up at the Depository Building, He fimed the entrance, and as six or seven plaincothesmen rushed in through the double entry door, Alyea followed unchallenged with Dallas Morning News reporter Ken Biffle directly behind him. As they got in, Alyea heard a fellow say, "Shut the door! Lock it ---no one in---no one out."..It would appear that Alyea arrived at the TSBD some time between 12.34 and 12.36pm....when there was still much confusion in front of the building and prior to the large scale uniformed police response to the police dispatch orders .. Tom's story follows..... Interview Dec. 16/63........ By Tom Alyea ..."The Facts and the Photos".. From :Connie Kritzbergs..book .. "Secrets From the Sixth Floor Window"....p.39...46 Editor's Note: Tom Aylea, the only newsman to join the initial police search team on the sixth-floor of the Texas School Book Depository on November 22,1963, denounces the disruption of the barricade fashioned of boxes as he first saw it. Aylea, former WFAA ( owned by the Dallas Morning News ) newsman/reporter , who recorded the panic on Dealey Plaza explains that the positioning of boxes was destroyed before the general press with still cameras were allowed in the building .He had completed his work in photographing everything of note and returned to his station long before the building was opened to the general press. He recorded three cartridges where they landed after they were ejected from the rifle, He recorded the rifle as it was found, before it was touched."...All such evidence was available from Tom through a prescription to his newsletter " JFK Facts" .. ""I was the first newsman into the building and the only newsman to accompany the search team as they went from floor to floor searching for the person who fired the shots. At this time, we did not know the president had been hit. I rushed in with a group of plain clothesmen and a few uniformed officers. I (followed ) the search team that was on its way to the rear elevator, to start the floor by floor search. We searched every floor, all the way to the roof. The gunman could have still been in the building. Finding nothing, they started back down. After approximately 18 minutes, they were joined by Captain Fritz, who had first gone to Parkland Hospital. The barricade on the sixth floor ran parallel to the windows, extending in an "L" shape that ended against the front wall between the first and second twin windows. The height of the stack of boxes was a minimum of 5 ft. I looked over the barricade and saw three shell casings laying on the floor in front of the second window in the two window casement. They were scattered in an area that could be covered by a bushel basket. They were located about half way between the inside of the barricade. I set my lens focus at the estimated distance from the camera to the floor and held the camera over the top of the barricade and filmed them before anybody went into the enclosure. I could not position my eye to the camera's view finder to get the shot. After filming the casings with my wide angle lens, from a height of 5 ft., I asked Captain Fritz, who was standing at my side, if I could go behind the barricade and get a close-up shot of the casings. He told me that it would be better if I got my shots from outside the barricade. He then rounded the pile of boxes and entered the enclosure. This was the first time anybody walked between the barricade and the windows. Fritz then walked to the casings, picked them up and held them in his hand over the top of the boxes for me to get a close-up shot of the evidence. I filmed about eight seconds of a close-up shot of the shell casings in Captain Fritz's hand. I stopped filming, and thanked him. I do not recall if he placed them in his pocket or returned them back to the floor, because I was preoccupied with recording other views of the crime scene. I have been asked many times if I thought it was peculiar that the Captain of Homicide picked up evidence with his hands. Actually, that was the first thought that came to me when he did it, but I rationalized that he was the homicide expert and no prints could be taken from spent shell casings. Therefore, any photograph of shell casings taken after this, is staged and not correct. It is highly doubtful that the shell casings that appear in Dallas police photos of the crime scene are the same casings that were found originally. The originals by this time were probably in a plastic bag at police headquarters. Why? Probably this was a missing link in the report the police department had to send to the FBI and they had to stage it and the barricade box placement to complete their report and photo records. The position of the barricade, while difficult to follow for one who was not there, is important because of the difference in photographs seen today. There are four different box positions. There was one box in the barricade stack that was considerably higher than the others. This box is the one that can be seen in the photos taken from outside the window by Tom Dillard, because it was high enough to catch the sunlight and still be seen from the ground below. It is not to be confused with the second box set at an angle in the window sill, that was used as a brace for the assassin's rifle. A portion of this box can also be seen in these same photos taken by Tom Dillard. It shows up in the lower right hand corner of the picture. Two boxes were stacked on the floor, inside the window, to give arm support to the assassin. The top box was one of the two boxes from which the crime lab lifted palm prints. The fourth box of importance was on the floor behind the sniper location. Officers also lifted palm prints from this box. It is suspected that the sniper sat on this box while he waited for the motorcade to pass. The positioning of boxes 2, 3, and 4 were recorded by the police crime lab. They are the only boxes involved in the crime scene. The actual positioning of the barricade was never photographed by the police. Its actual positioning is only on my movie footage, which was taken before the police started dismantling the arrangement. We all looked over the barricade to see if the half open window with three boxes piled could form a shooting rest for a gunman. One box was actually on the window sill, tilted at an angle. There was a reason for this that I cover in my JFK Facts newsletter. The shooting location consists of two windows set together to form one single window. (The police photo showing the shell casings laying next to the brick wall was staged later by crime lab people who did not see the original positioning because they were not called upon the scene until after the rifle was found nearly an hour later. Only recently I saw a picture of Lt. Day with a news still cameraman on the 6th floor. Day was shown pointing to the location where the rifle was found. This was nearly 3:30 or after. It was my understanding that Day and Studebaker had taken the prints, rifle and homemade sack back to police headquarters. I personally would like to know what they were doing back at the scene unless it was to reconstruct shots they had failed to take during the primary investigation. But this evidence had been destroyed and they were forced to create their own version. The photo I have seen of the barricade wasn't even close. I have also seen recently a police photo of the assassin's lair taken from a high angle which indicates that it was shot before the barricade box arrangement was destroyed, but it did not show the barricade itself. This has no bearing on the case other than the public has never seen the original placement. I show it in my JFK Facts newsletter. Police officers who claim they were on the 6th floor when the assassin's window was found have reported that they saw chicken bones at or near the site. One officer reported that he saw chicken bones on the floor near the location. Another said he saw chicken bones on the barricade boxes, while another reported that he saw chicken bones on the box which was laying across the window sill. Some of these officers have given testimony as to the location of the shell casings. Their testimony differs and none of it is true. I have no idea why they are clinging to these statements. They must have a reason. Perhaps it is because they put it in a report and they must stick to it. One officer stated that he found the assassin's location at the 6th floor window. He went on to say that as he and his fellow officers were leaving the building, he passed Captain Fritz coming in. He said he stopped briefly to tell Captain Fritz that he had found the assassin's lair at the 6th floor window. This seems highly unlikely because Captain Fritz joined us on the 5th floor and aided in the search. The chances are great that this, or these officers heard the report, that stemmed from WFAA-TV's incorrect announcement that the chicken bones were found on the 6th floor. This officer or officers perhaps used this information to formulate their presence at the scene. There were no chicken bones found on the 6th floor. We covered every inch of it and I filmed everything that could possibly be suspected as evidence. There definitely were no chicken bones, were no chicken bones on or near the barricade or boxes at the window. I shot close-up shots of the entire area. The most outstanding puzzle as to why these officers are sticking to this story is the fact they claim to have found the sniper's location, then left the building, as they said to join the investigators at the Tippit shooting location. I have never seen a report that indicates they attempted to use any telephone in the building in an attempt to notify other investigators. They just left the scene to check another assignment, and by chance ran into Capt. Fritz coming in the front door. They claim to have placed a detective at the location but they did not relay their finding to any other officer before they left the building. I presume that the alleged detective they allegedly left at the scene was instructed to stand there until someone else stumbled upon the scene, or they found time to report it after investigating the Tippit scene. Sorry, it doesn't wash. I do however know that Officer Mooney was present when the rifle was found because I took film of him at the scene. He is shown talking to another detective, but this was nearly an hour after the sniper's location was found at the window. I have no idea when he arrived. We ended up with more men than when we started. As they joined us during the search the latecomers would bring us the latest news of the president's condition. When Captain Fritz arrived 18 minutes after we started, he brought news that both Governor Connally and the president had been hit but by the time he left, the seriousness of their wounds was unknown. Fritz left the hospital almost immediately when he was notified that a search was underway in the Texas School Book Depository for the sniper. We in the search team had no phones, radios or TV sets. As I recall, we learned that the president was dead about the time we found the rifle. I don't know who brought us this word. Several officers arrived while we were waiting for Lt. Day. One of them was Roger Craig, who is responsible for giving much misinformation to the press. None of us were prepared to hear that the president's wound was a fatal one. We thought perhaps it was a minor thing or possibly a flesh wound. It was a stunning shock, and our attitude ( towards) the rifle had suddenly changed. We stared at the small portion of the butt as it lay under the overhang boxes while we waited for Lt. Day to arrive and recover the weapon that killed our president. I give an account of this in JFK Facts. We finished combing the 6th floor, looking for the assassin or any other evidence. Finding nothing more at this time Captain Fritz ordered all of us to the elevator and we started searching the 7th floor and from there we went to the roof. Nothing in the way of evidence was found so we retraced our search back down, floor by floor. Shortly after we arrived back on the 6th floor, Deputy Eugene Boone located the assassin's rifle almost completely hidden by some overhanging boxes near the stairwell. I filmed it as it was found. In my shot, the figure of Captain Fritz is standing within the enclosure next to the rifle. He knew then that the possibility of a fire fight with the sniper had greatly diminished. He dispatched one of his men to go down and call for the crime lab. About fifteen minutes later, Lt. Day and Studebaker arrived. Still pictures were taken of the positioning of the rifle, then Lt. Day slid it out from its hiding place and held it up for all of us to see. The world has seen my shot of this many times. Lt. Day immediately turned toward the window behind him and started dusting the weapon for fingerprints. Day was still within the enclosure formed by the surrounding boxes. I filmed him lifting prints from the rifle. He lifted them off with scotch tape and placed them on little white cards. When he had finished, he handed the rifle to Captain Fritz. Fritz pulled the bolt back and a live round ejected and landed on the boxes below. Fritz put the cartridge in his pocket. I did not see Fritz pick up anything other than the live round. I filmed Captain Fritz talking with associates in this dismantled area ( the "sniper's nest") along with Studebaker, who was dusting the Dr. Pepper bottle which had been brought up to him from the 5th floor. This is all recorded on my film. I never learned if prints were lifted from the pop bottle. I'm not sure if anybody ever asked. I took the film from my camera, placed it back into its metal can, wrapped the tape around it, and tossed it to our News Editor, A. J. L'Hoste, who was waiting outside with the other newsmen who were not allowed in the building. A. J. raced it to the television station which was about three blocks away. About fifteen minutes later the world saw the murder weapon, where it was found and pictures of the crime lab people dusting it for fingerprints, and the shell casings that once housed those bullets. They also saw how the assassin prepared for his ambush and the view he had of the killing zone....."" End of quote.. "Pictures of the Pain "..page 537 Back at the station Aylea's fim was being processed as quickly as it arrived most of it being broadcast unedited..Sometime after 3.15 pm the first Alyea film was telecast. ..The one minute 45 second sequence was not the first Tom had taken as it shows the rifle already discovered , as well as 15 other short sequences including the snipers nest scene.A short time later a 25 second additional segment was shown looking from the inside first floor entrance through the closed door at the two cops on the steps is also projected. All told WFAA broadcast Alyea's films some 5 separate occasions. Not including replays some 34 scenes were show, including views of the police on the street below and the spectators corralled below on the opposite side of Elm, near the reflecting pool area.The total none repeated film totalled 4 minutes..12 seconds. A David Wolper documentary film included five other short clips by Alyea not seen on the WFAA telecasts of 1963. These clips show an additional 14 seconds of film.A still later televised series , "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" included additional film.Among these three sources are a total of 54 separate fim clips of approximately 5 minutes 26 1/2 seconds duration , all identifiable to Alyea..The clips include several other views of the southeats corner of the 6th floor and views of the rifle prior to its being picked up by Lt. Day.Alyea shot all of his fim ammounting to some 500 feet.But at the station this precious film was not looked upon as of any historical documentation..or even as possible investigative use, It was part of a news package and would be edited, cut up, and shown only with only the concern of telling a breaking news story..... Alyea increduously remembers, "The news director had a bunch of it burned and I said, "Bob, don't burn anything ---this is history, we don't know what's going on there..."..He said if we can't use it on the news get it out of here.".So much film was piling up in the cramped editing room floor that the next day much of it was destroyed .Alyea recalls that in between assignments he would come in to have his new fim processed , and while there would pick up some of his discarded film, spin it on a reel and take it. He retained some of these clips, but bemoans the lose of other potentially historic film , "I could have shot Oswald coming out ---could have shown someone else coming out." In Apri 1964...WFAA furnished to the FBI, upon it's request ,a dub of all the segments which survived and could be indentified as Alyea's.. Tom Ayea would film one final dramatic, though post shootong event..Scheduled on Sunday to cover a news conference by Mrs John Connally at Parkland Hospital, the gathered press learned that Oswald had been shot by a phone call to the press room. Many took off for Baylor or Methodist Hospitals which were closer to the city jail,.. Aylea on a hunch and others ran to Parkand's emergency entrance. His camera is running as a police cruiser rounds the circular drive followed by an ambulance which stops and, as a cop motions with his hand, the vehice backs under the canopy..Oswald's strecher is removed from the back amid much pandemonium .Attempting to follow the gurnet Alyea recalls, ......" the officers forced a human wall across the hallway and refused to let us pass." In the crowded corridor Alyea could not see in front of him ..Another cameraman , Bob Welch , had a light attached to his camera ,and Alyea told him to shine the light on the cops' heads. As he did this, Alyea using the man's light, held his camera as high as possible and pushed his film button .."I coudn't see what I was shooting:..His flim includes Oswald being wheeled down the hall "I had filmed that, as well as the Doctors rushing from the emergency room to take Oswald from the police, and I hadn't even been sure that I'd gotten anything"..It was a real stroke of luck.".. Tom Alyea also covered the trial of Jack Ruby for WFAA and also filmed a day in the life of Marina Oswald.. In 1966 he moved to Lafette, Louisiana, beginning his own news service operation and publishing a bulletin relating to the oil and gas industry. Following the 1983 oil price depression, Alyea moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma ..An avid cartoonist with a flair for teaching, known as "Toma" to his audience, he produced several successful children's tapes on learning to make cartoons. It has only been in recent years he has become aware of all the misinformation concerning the assassination and now believes it important to help correct some of the factual errors .. Alyea Clip... Index of Photographers Takes its sweet time loading... http://jfkmurderphotos.bravehost.com/photos.html B..
03-04-2011, 04:52 AM
This The Chicken Caper it does goes along with the ALYEA information as mentioned by him, confusion reigned...it is a bit of a lighter look at such...
sorry i cannot get rid of the colour red , so it is a red chicken i suppose...:lol: "Poor Ole Chicken Bones:" sept 5 2005. Interview From Dec. 16/63........ Tom Alyea ..."The Facts and the Photos".. From Connie Kritzberg's Book......Secrets From the Sixth Floor Window"..1994 ....p.39...46 I was the first newsman into the building and the only newsman to accompany the search team as they went from floor to floor searching for the person who fired the shots. At this time, we did not know the president had been hit. I rushed in with a group of plain clothesmen and a few uniformed officers. I (followed ) the search team that was on its way to the rear elevator, to start the floor by floor search. We searched every floor, all the way to the roof. The gunman could have still been in the building. Finding nothing, they started back down. After approximately 18 minutes, they were joined by Captain Fritz, who had first gone to Parkland Hospital. The barricade on the sixth floor ran parallel to the windows, extending in an "L" shape that ended against the front wall between the first and second twin windows. The height of the stack of boxes was a minimum of 5 ft. I looked over the barricade and saw three shell casings laying on the floor in front of the second window in the two window casement. They were scattered in an area that could be covered by a bushel basket. They were located about half way between the inside of the barricade. I set my lens focus at the estimated distance from the camera to the floor and held the camera over the top of the barricade and filmed them before anybody went into the enclosure. I could not position my eye to the camera's view finder to get the shot. After filming the casings with my wide angle lens, from a height of 5 ft., I asked Captain Fritz, who was standing at my side, if I could go behind the barricade and get a close-up shot of the casings. He told me that it would be better if I got my shots from outside the barricade. He then rounded the pile of boxes and entered the enclosure. This was the first time anybody walked between the barricade and the windows. Fritz then walked to the casings, picked them up and held them in his hand over the top of the boxes for me to get a close-up shot of the evidence. I filmed about eight seconds of a close-up shot of the shell casings in Captain Fritz's hand. I stopped filming, and thanked him. I do not recall if he placed them in his pocket or returned them back to the floor, because I was preoccupied with recording other views of the crime scene. I have been asked many times if I thought it was peculiar that the Captain of Homicide picked up evidence with his hands. Actually, that was the first thought that came to me when he did it, but I rationalized that he was the homicide expert and no prints could be taken from spent shell casings. Therefore, any photograph of shell casings taken after this, is staged and not correct. It is highly doubtful that the shell casings that appear in Dallas police photos of the crime scene are the same casings that were found originally. The originals by this time were probably in a plastic bag at police headquarters. Why? Probably this was a missing link in the report the police department had to send to the FBI and they had to stage it and the barricade box placement to complete their report and photo records. The position of the barricade, while difficult to follow for one who was not there, is important because of the difference in photographs seen today. There are four different box positions. There was one box in the barricade stack that was considerably higher than the others. This box is the one that can be seen in the photos taken from outside the window by Tom Dillard, because it was high enough to catch the sunlight and still be seen from the ground below. It is not to be confused with the second box set at an angle in the window sill, that was used as a brace for the assassin's rifle. A portion of this box can also be seen in these same photos taken by Tom Dillard. It shows up in the lower right hand corner of the picture. Two boxes were stacked on the floor, inside the window, to give arm support to the assassin. The top box was one of the two boxes from which the crime lab lifted palm prints. The fourth box of importance was on the floor behind the sniper location. Officers also lifted palm prints from this box. It is suspected that the sniper sat on this box while he waited for the motorcade to pass. The positioning of boxes 2, 3, and 4 were recorded by the police crime lab. They are the only boxes involved in the crime scene. The actual positioning of the barricade was never photographed by the police. It s actual positioning is only on my movie footage, which was taken before the police started dismantling the arrangement. We all looked over the barricade to see if the half open window with three boxes piled to form a shooting rest for a gunman. One box was actually on the window sill, tilted at an angle. There was a reason for this that I cover in my JFK Facts newsletter. The shooting location consists of two windows set together to form one single window. (The police photo showing the shell casings laying next to the brick wall was staged later by crime lab people who did not see the original positioning because they were not called upon the scene until after the rifle was found nearly an hour later. Only recently I saw a picture of Lt. Day with a news still cameraman on the 6th floor. Day was shown pointing to the location where the rifle was found. This was nearly 3:30 or after. It was my understanding that Day and Studebaker had taken the prints, rifle and homemade sack back to police headquarters. I personally would like to know what they were doing back at the scene unless it was to reconstruct shots they had failed to take during the primary investigation. But this evidence had been destroyed and they were forced to create their own version. The photo I have seen of the barricade wasn't even close. I have also seen recently a police photo of the assassin's lair taken from a high angle which indicates that it was shot before the barricade box arrangement was destroyed, but it did not show the barricade itself. This has no bearing on the case other than the public has never seen the original placement. I show it in my JFK Facts newsletter. Police officers who claim they were on the 6th floor when the assassin's window was found have reported that they saw Chicken bones at or near the site. One officer reported that he saw Chicken bones on the floor near the location. Another said he saw Chicken bones on the barricade boxes, while another reported that he saw Chicken bones on the box which was laying across the window sill. Some of these officers have given testimony as to the location of the shell casings. Their testimony differs and none of it is true. I have no idea why they are clinging to these statements. They must have a reason. Perhaps it is because they put it in a report and they must stick to it. One officer stated that he found the assassin's location at the 6th floor window. He went on to say that as he and his fellow officers were leaving the building, he passed Captain Fritz coming in. He said he stopped briefly to tell Captain Fritz that he had found the assassin's lair at the 6th floor window. This seems highly unlikely because Captain Fritz joined us on the 5th floor and aided in the search. The chances are great that this, or these officers heard the report, that stemmed from WFAA-TV's incorrect announcement that the Chicken bones were found on the 6th floor. This officer or officers perhaps used this information to formulate their presence at the scene. There were no Chicken bones found on the 6th floor. We covered every inch of it and I filmed everything that could possibly be suspected as evidence. There definitely were no Chicken bones on or near the barricade or boxes at the window. I shot close-up shots of the entire area. The most outstanding puzzle as to why these officers are sticking to this story is the fact they claim to have found the sniper's location, then left the building, as they said to join the investigators at the Tippit shooting location. I have never seen a report that indicates they attempted to use any telephone in the building in an attempt to notify other investigators. They just left the scene to check another assignment, and by chance ran into Capt. Fritz coming in the front door. They claim to have placed a detective at the location but they did not relay their finding to any other officer before they left the building. I presume that the alleged detective they allegedly left at the scene was instructed to stand there until someone else stumbled upon the scene, or they found time to report it after investigating the Tippit scene. Sorry, it doesn't wash. I do however know that Officer Mooney was present when the rifle was found because I took film of him at the scene. He is shown talking to another detective, but this was nearly an hour after the sniper's location was found at the window. I have no idea when he arrived. We ended up with more men than when we started. As they joined us during the search the latecomers would bring us the latest news of the president's condition. When Captain Fritz arrived 18 minutes after we started, he brought news that both Governor Connally and the president had been hit but by the time he left, the seriousness of their wounds was unknown. Fritz left the hospital almost immediately when he was notified that a search was underway in the Texas School Book Depository for the sniper. We in the search team had no phones, radios or TV sets. As I recall, we learned that the president was dead about the time we found the rifle. I don't know who brought us this word. Several officers arrived while we were waiting for Lt. Day. One of them was Roger Craig, who is responsible for giving much misinformation to the press. None of us were prepared to hear that the president's wound was a fatal one. We thought perhaps it was a minor thing or possibly a flesh wound. It was a stunning shock, and our attitude ( towards) the rifle had suddenly changed. We stared at the small portion of the butt as it lay under the overhang boxes while we waited for Lt. Day to arrive and recover the weapon that killed our president. I give an account of this in JFK Facts. We finished combing the 6th floor, looking for the assassin or any other evidence. Finding nothing more at this time Captain Fritz ordered all of us to the elevator and we started searching the 7th floor and from there we went to the roof. Nothing in the way of evidence was found so we retraced our search back down, floor by floor. Shortly after we arrived back on the 6th floor, Deputy Eugene Boone located the assassin's rifle almost completely hidden by some overhanging boxes near the stairwell. I filmed it as it was found. In my shot, the figure of Captain Fritz is standing within the enclosure next to the rifle. He knew then that the possibility of a fire fight with the sniper had greatly diminished. He dispatched one of his men to go down and call for the crime lab. About fifteen minutes later, Lt. Day and Studebaker arrived. Still pictures were taken of the positioning of the rifle, then Lt. Day slid it out from its hiding place and held it up for all of us to see. The world has seen my shot of this many times. Lt. Day immediately turned toward the window behind him and started dusting the weapon for fingerprints. Day was still within the enclosure formed by the surrounding boxes. I filmed him lifting prints from the rifle. He lifted them off with scotch tape and placed them on little white cards. When he had finished, he handed the rifle to Captain Fritz. Fritz pulled the bolt back and a live round ejected and landed on the boxes below. Fritz put the cartridge in his pocket. I did not see Fritz pick up anything other than the live round. I filmed Captain Fritz talking with associates in this dismantled area ( the "sniper's nest") along with Studebaker, who was dusting the Dr. Pepper bottle which had been brought up to him from the 5th floor. This is all recorded on my film. I never learned if prints were lifted from the pop bottle. I'm not sure if anybody ever asked. I took the film from my camera, placed it back into its metal can, wrapped the tape around it, and tossed it to our News Editor, A. J. L'Hoste, who was waiting outside with the other newsmen who were not allowed in the building. A. J. raced it to the television station which was about three blocks away. About fifteen minutes later the world saw the murder weapon, where it was found and pictures of the crime lab people dusting it for fingerprints, and the shell casings that once housed those bullets. They also saw how the assassin prepared for his ambush and the view he had of the killing zone..... *******End of quote.. Now this above is also confusing.....well what isn't ? this is from Aylea's first statement ...?? Notice the dates..?? I have checked Connie's book, and this information from Tom Aylea...seems to be a compiliation, or could be, of information from his interview in Dec.16/63 and Dec.19/63.?......and with his interview with Connie for her book in 1994....it is so far not clear.. As we all know, time alters recollections. Case in point: compare Tom Alyea's more recent statement with his statement from December 19, 1963: -------------------------------------------------[quote on] "...I ran on upstairs with the Secret Service men. Then other units came in - the Riot Squad. I thought I was going to film a gun fight. They ran to the 4th floor and I went with them. Some of the other units went to the top of the building. They were conducting a systematic search. It boiled down to the sixth floor. After awhile it was obvious that the assassin was not in the building. They looked for the gun. I filmed 400 ft. of film of the Secret Service men looking for the assassin, climbing over boxes, over the rafters, and the actual finding of the gun. At the time it was suspected that the assassin had stayed quite a time there. There was a stack with a stack of Chicken bones on it. There was a Dr. Pepper bottle which they dusted for fingerprints. The fingerprints were not Oswald's. You know how he piled the boxes up? The gun was found across the length of the room from where he fired. It was stashed between boxes. I had difficulty in filming. They did not want me close to the window or to the gun. I asked permission to go to the window to film. A Secret Service man said, You are close enough.' I asked the Secret Service man to take pictures of the stashed gun. I set the camera but he wiggled the camera. I got a picture of them taking the gun from the hiding place and dusting it for fingerprints. After this the Crime Lab man, Captain Will Fritz - and I have footage of this - pulled the bolt back and a live round came out. They dusted the gun for fingerprints. This was my third camera. They wouldn't let me out of the building and they wouldn't let anyone else in. I never saw my film on the air because I had to get the film to someone outside. This was the first film from there. We had Mal Couch's film of the crowd but not of the President being hit. [How did you get the film out?] There's a story for you. I actually handed it out through the door but it had been publicized over the air and established everywhere that I had thrown it out of the building through a window. I hesitate to tell you the real story. I started to throw it out of the building but being so close and knowing that we had the other film, I wanted our station to be the first to show a film of the assassination. A A.J. L'Hoste was under the window. I yelled out to him. In actuality I tossed the film out the front door to Ron Reiland who had gotten back from covering the apprehension of Oswald at the Texas Theater. This was another ABC exclusive. There were 2 policemen at the Depository door. They were not sure that I should get things outside. Ron was outside and I was inside. One of the policemen there called a Lieutenant and while they were calling him, I threw the film out....." ----------------------------------- *************************************** The Chicken Patrol... The Officers were :information from "Accessories After The Fact"..Sylvia Meagher The remains of a Chicken lunch,were found on the sixth floor of the TSBD , together with a soda pop bottle,and an empty cigarette box...It was thought that a sniper had been hiding out.A news broadacst on Dallas radios-TV stateion KRLD on the night of the assassination reported: "A Dallas police inspector named J.H.Sawyer said the police found the remains of fried Chicken and paper on the 5th floor indicating he said that apparently the person had been there quite awhile waiting for this moment in history".. The theory went through several transformations in the next several days.One was the Chicken bones were several days old.....and had no connection.It also was said the one of the workers has eaten the Chicken during a coffee break that morning..The empty cigarette box was dropped from mention.. The final version of the story is found in the WR page 68..that Bonnie Ray Williams had gone up to the 6th floor to eat his lunch and had left behind his paper lunch sack, Chicken bones,and an empty pop bottle.The report does not say where he left them.( he was not asked) and small wonder..Judging from the highly contradictory testimony of the DPD..who searched the 6th floor...the Chicken must have been shot out of a cannon.. Deputy Sheriff Luke Mooney who discovered the pile of cartons at the southeast window ,stated he saw one piece of partially eaten Chicken on top of those boxes..and a small paper bag about a foot away, on the same carton as the chicken..3H 288-298. Sergeant Gerald Hill saw a Chicken leg bone and a paper sandwich bag on top of th cartons 7 H 46. But Officer L.D. Montgomery saw " one piece of Chicken on a box and there was a piece on the floor..just kind of scattered around right there: but he didn't remember if the paper bag was on top of the cartons or on the floor.The soda bottle was " a little more to the west of that window.".7H 97-98.. Officer E.L. Boyd on the other hand ,saw Chicken bones on top of some boxes about 30 or 40 feet west of the southeast corner where the cartons stood. 7H 121. Officer Marvin Johnson recalled remnants of fried Chicken and a soda bottle " by some other window...toward the west, perhaps at the second pair of windows from the southeast corner .7H 105. R.L. Studebaker,who photographed the evidence found on the sixth floor,saw Chicken bones,a brown bag,and a soda bottle in the third aisle from the east wall, near a two wheel truck, but the Chicken bones were inside the paper bag.He did not see Chicken bones on the pile of cartons or on the floor..(where Mooney,Hill and Montgomery saw them) 7 H 146. Bill Shelley, foreman at the TSBD, also recalled Chicken bones were at the third window from the southeast corner, "laying on a sack"...with a coke bottle sitting in he window" and while remembering the Chicken bones on top of the paper sack instead of in it...he like Studebaker, remembered seeing no lunch remains elsewhere on the sith floor. 6H 330-331. E.D.Brewer however ,remembered seeing the paper lunch bag and some Chicken bones or partially eaten Chicken together with a pop bottle at the southeast corner window ,near the rifle shells. 6H 307. Lieutenant J.C.Day is in the third aisle faction .He remembered seeing the lunch bag and the pop bottle at the third set of windows with the two-wheel truck.The bag of Chicken bones and the empty bottle were brought to the police labratory and may still be there.??, except for the "Chicken bones , I finally threw them away that laid around there." When he heard that one of the workers had eaten his lunch on the 6th floor ,Day explained ,he realized that the Chicken bones had no connection with Oswald.He had checked the bottle for Oswald's fingerprints,with negative results , and then put aside the Chicken and the paper bag..4 H 266 Day was not asked if there were fingerprints,( heaven forbid)..other than Oswald's on the bottle and, if so,whether those prints had been identified.An attempt should have been made to see if they were Bonnie Ray William's..but...for while he was linked to the lunch remains for some time after the assassination, Williams, in his Four of the 9 witnesess,then, remembered seeing the Chicken remains at the southeast corner window...on top of the barrier of cartons. One of the four remembered Chicken remains on the floor..there as well.One witness saw the Chicken at the second pair of windows from the east wall.and four of them saw Chicken remains with a soda bottle at the third pair of windows. But none of them saw Chicken remains anywhere except where he saw them ..and no one admitted ever moving them or touching them or the lunch bag.. Neither the Chicken bones remains,nor the paper bag,is visible in any of the photographs taken on the sixth floor ,but there are photographs showing an empty bottle standing on the floor near a two-wheel truck in the third aisle.. All saw the poor old Chicken bones or leg bones unwrapped, except Studebaker..who insisted the bones were inside the paper bag " wrapped up and put right back in " together with " a little piece of Frittos in the sack, too." Finally, we have an opinion from Captain Will Fritz: " I will tell you where that story comes from.At the other window above there,where people in days past,you know, had eaten their lunches,they left Chicken bones and pieces of bread,all kinds of things up and down there.That isn't where he (Oswald ) was at all. He was in a different window, so I don't think those things have anything to do with it". 4H 239.. Well everything is clear as mud now??? But it is not quite so simple as the Captain suggests.It is a matter for concern that the stalwart men of the DPD have such faulty visual perception, or faulty recall..if in fact the conflicts in their stories really result from impaired facilities.. The predisposition of the DPD is apparent from their concentration on evidence identifiable with Oswald. Day saw no need to check the empty bottle for any fingerprints that were not LHOs..We will never know if there were fingerprints on a bottle or whose they were..The confused and contradictory testimony on the Chicken remains permits little trust in a case that rests largely on evidence gathered by investigators of such dubious competance..The WC however nevertheless saw to it that this Chicken never came to roost on the DPD..there was no sign that they were even perturbed by the mad variety of the testimony.. Meanwhile back at the Chicken ranch.. Williams: In his testimony....stated..when asked by Ball: "Well, now ,when you talked to the FBI on the 23rd. day of Nov.,you said that you went up to the sixth floor about 12 noon with your lunch and you stayed only about 3 minutes ,and seeing no one ,you came down to the fifth floor.Now do you think you stayed longer than 3 minutes up there.?" Williams:"I am sure I stayed longer than 3 minutes ...I finished my Chicken Sandwich ( I guess he spit out the bones??) maybe 10 or 15 minutes after 12.....Approximately 12.20 maybe...I do not remember telling them I only stayed 3 minutes ....... Ball: And then on the 14th of January 64, when you talked to Carter and Griffin ,they reported you told them you went down to the 5th floor around 12.05 pm....Now do you remeber telling them you went down there at 12.05pm ?? Williams: they asked me first, they said," How long did it take you to finish your sandwich ?"..I said "Maybe 5 to 10 minutes ,maybe 15 minutes"..Just like I said here..I don't remember saying for a definite answer that it was 5 minutes.. Ball: "They reported that you told them on the 23rd of Nov.that you and...Hank Norman...and Junior Jarmen were standing where they would have seen anyone coming down from the 6th floor by way of the stairs..Did you tell them that?" Williams: "I could not possibley have told them that ,because you cannot see anything coming down from that position ..An elephant could walk by there,and you could not see him..." Oh ,No, could this possibley mean that the FBI, corrected, changed, Altered his statement....???????? No way....!!!!!!!!!!!!! They would never think of possibly doing such a thing.....would they ??? I have learned to laugh in all of this as I think if you do not, go with the flow and see the rediculousness in so much of their so called investigation, you explode or cry...I chose to laugh at times, at their Ineptness.. The end of the poor Chicken bone saga.......Thanks..... The bottle is on the floor, in the middle of the photo taken within the TSBD.. B.:pinkelephant:below a couple of photos of the pop bottle .....
03-04-2011, 11:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2011, 08:58 PM by Bernice Moore.)
Powell photos..
I am wondering if this small clip from an information article I did on Powell and his photos...May help in anyway...as they seem to be forever connected. As I was researching the Powell information, I found I needed also to touch on the Dillard's, as they were taken within seconds, or so the story goes... I also found the Powell information, at times confusing,and complicated and also never came to what I could call any solid clarity..on him nor his photographs.. As we have found, we will never know if Dillard's were reshot, and or the other photo or photos it seems that were taken by Powell.....and of course if they were ever "touched" or whatever...confusion reigns...as always.......but here is a clip for your information.. Captain James W.Powell.....Military Intelligence.. Jaul 03/05 During the HSCA in 77-78...the photographic panel, with reports prepared by Rochester Institute of Technology and the Stanford Research Inst.Inc. showed that the shadows on both Dillard and Powell were taken at the same approximate time...Though Dillard's two were made first..A major item revealed in the Dillard was a circular light fixture including a light bulb hanging from the ceiling of the 5th floor room ....there were no signs of any human faces or forms in the open 6th floor window or adjacent window..Though it was noted ( through a trigonometric calculation ) that concerning the placement of the boxes in the 6th floor window ......the additional boxes visible in the Powell photo were moved during the interval between the Dillard and the Powell photos...Thus if the report is accurate, following the last shot sounding ,someone moved some of the boxes into a different pattern within less than a minute and a half of the shots..."Subsequent examinations of these photos ,the box locations and sunlight patterns would indicate that there is no inconsistency".?.(11) Note: on the Dillard Photos:The HSCA was requested by the SRI International to be allowed at a cost of $5,000.00 to enhance by means of state of the ark equipment to find possible hidden information within the negatives of the Dillard photos....of the TSBD...Dillard had custody of his original negatives, but he co-operated and turned over twelve of the negatives..four eventually being processed....SRI would not accept liability and made this clear...in early 78 the study resulted in the findings above. Unfortunately ,the negatives, particularly frame 24, "........became detached from the agitation apparatus and the gelatine was abraded during the time it was freely agitated without support"....in otherwords they ruined it.....they blamed it on a malfunction of equipment ...they extended apologies and regrets to the Committee and Dillard.... Robert Groden who was the HSCA independent consultant was asked to comment ..on the damage...He found that negative # 8 also had been damaged by a coating not originally on the negative...but now evident...negative # 24 suffered also from this problem...( this is the negative that showed the 6th floor window ) also part of this negative appeared to have had it's emulsion rubbed off from the film base....To a lay person, the negative looks terrible .....the emulsion on the negative appears to have run down and melted into a pool of taffy like, a pool below.... The left side of the sniper's double window in badly affected, though the lower part of the snipers window escaped serious damage ...the whole negative looked like it was worn and crackled...and in otherwords the negative also had a tear (hole) in it......Dillard in 1979 received back his damaged goods , and copies of the SRI report, and a letter and the Groden comments...Blakely lamely wrote Dillard that the Committee was assured the process was safe and regretted the damage...." These two historically signifigant frames had been irreversibly harmed by experts."....(12). end of clip.. B.. the photos below are Powell and Dillard's some comparisons, some that robin posted, lee forman, and miles scully, others collected through the years and i no longer know the whom but a thankyou to all..i could not upload any of the Powell documents now as i have them in the wrong setting so i must correct them to jpg then will be able to upload some, so for now..thankyou for your time..b
04-04-2011, 09:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2011, 09:44 PM by Bernice Moore.)
Some information on Dillard; to follow..the best information i believe available right now,for study is lee forman's thread at the ef...http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index....mans&st=15
for the study of the ''sniper's nest and others see; http://www.manuscriptservice.com/SN/ the sniper's nest...allan eagleshams site. http://www.manuscriptservice.com/DarkCorners/ main page. contents site by allan eaglesham b
04-04-2011, 09:27 PM
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