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Operation Checkmate: the pawns fight back
Flyby News
Editor - Jonathan Mark
28 April, 2011 - Operation Checkmate: the pawns fight back

"When the people fear the government that is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, that is liberty."

- Thomas Jefferson

Editor's Notes: The following news links were also sent to FaceBook friends. Feel welcome to link up there, too. While the world is getting distracted by the mainstream media's hype on royal ceremonies, and the birther scam, 9/11 false flag accusations are being validated by a series of overt fascist actions by our so-called representative government. Hopefully the truth movement's response will have greater impact on this tenth anniversary in NYC. Lest we forget, without truth there can be no justice; without justice there will be no peace. Note this following new film short by Chris Pratt!

Special film short - 9 minutes
Operation Checkmate:
the pawns fight back


Also note this animated film:

25 April 2011 - Examiner - John Perkins
2-minute video: Best-selling Chief Economist
[hitman] explains criminal US foreign policy



26 April 2011 - Washington's Blog
Four Stories This Week Prove that
the War On Terror Is a Farce

25 April 2011 - The Guardian - Common Dreams
Gitmo's Nefarious History

27 April 2011 - Cageprisoners - Andy Worthington
The Hidden Horrors of WikiLeaks' Guantánamo Files

25 April 2011 - Veterans for Peace - Press Release
Obama Declares Manning Guilty Before Trial

28 April 2011 - Democracy Now - Ray McGovern
Petraeus Will Expand Pro-War
Agenda as New CIA Director

25 April 2011 - Truthdig - Chris Hedges
The Corporate State Wins Again

Flyby News updated resources:
Campaigns for reclaiming lost USA Republic
Middle East Peace ~ initiatives & information
New 9/11 Investigation vs New World Order

Ideas for balance in a mad mad world
Flyby News Health and Spiritual Blog

25 April 2011 - Natural News - Mike Adams
CDC vaccine scientist who downplayed links to
autism indicted by DOJ in alleged fraud scheme

25 April 2011 - Common Dreams - Karl Grossman
Why Nuclear Power Will Never be Safe

22 April 2011 - Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman
Earth Day Special
Vandana Shiva and Maude Barlow
on the Rights of Mother Earth
22 April 2011
"Now Is Our Time to Take a Stand"
Tim DeChristopher's Message to Youth
Climate Activists at Power Shift 2011

18 April 2011 - Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman
"5 Million Barrels of Oil Does Not Disappear"
Antonia Juhasz on the BP Spill, One Year Later

13 December 2010 - YouTube - Dr. Len Horowitz
Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura,
Season 2 Episode 7 (BP OIL SPILL) - FULL LENGTH

FN's updated 21st Century resource:
Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment

Space for Peace & September 11
Connecting dots to democracy or to genocide

05 April 2011 - 911blogger - 63 Documents
Jesse Ventura talks about 9/11
on CNN American Morning
13 April 2011 - 911blogger - AlJazeera
Jesse Ventura: Clandestine US missions
19 April 2011 - 911blogger - Jesse Ventura
It's Called a False Flag Operation!
Sign Online Petition
Jesse Ventura for President 2012

27 March 2011 - 911blogger - TruthNews
Susan Wolfe, Organizer for 10th Anniversary
NYC 11 September, 2011 Events Interviewed
Revolution Travel Management
Stand for Truth in NYC on Tenth Anniversary of 9/11

1,490 Architects and Engineers
Call for New 9/11 Investigation
Click following link for
Upcoming and Past Presentations!
17 April 2011 - AE911truth - Leroy Gmazel
Supporters Raise the Stakes this September

Perspective -- Resources -- Archives
New 9/11 Investigation vs New World Order


"When our days become dreary with low-hovering clouds
of despair, and when our nights become darker than a
thousand midnights, let us remember that there is a
creative force in this universe, working to pull down
the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able
to make a way out of no way and transform dark
yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Let us realize
the arc of the moral universe is long
but it bends toward justice."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.


29 March 2011 - Democracy Now - Martina Correia
"Shocked and Appalled"
Sister of Death Row Prisoner
Troy Davis
Responds to Supreme Court Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal
of Georgia death row prisoner Troy Davis, whose case
has been taken up by death penalty opponents across
the globe. Davis was convicted for the 1989 killing of an
off-duty white police officer. Since then, seven of the nine
non-police witnesses have recanted their testimony, and
there is no physical evidence tying him to the crime scene.
With his legal appeals exhausted, Davis's fate rests largely
in the hands of Georgia's Board of Pardons and Parole.
Take Action!
Petition the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Parole
Save Troy Davis' life

27 April 2011 - Democracy Now - Judith Ritter, Linn Washington
Court Rules Mumia Abu-Jamal's Death Sentence is
Unconstitutional, Grants New Sentencing Hearing

Transforming Health-care and Criminal Justice
Not-for-Profit Healthcare and Prisons good for USA!
FN Resource:
Human Rights and A Nation
Behind Bars: the buried
talents of a population.

"It's better to light one candle
than to curse the darkness."

- Emily Dickinson

A Vermont neural plasticity expert produces
a film about awareness and critical thinking.
"I recommend "Deceptions" without reservation.
it is an astonishing amount of excellent information
presented in a highly accessible and succinct narrative.
This film should be seen by everyone, particularly by those
who believe that partisan politics provides any hope for
"fixing" the system. Partisan politics, as translated
through our corrupt corporate media and money-driven
political system, is part of the deception, and is the
framework within which our republic has been
reduced to a nation of overfed, undernourished,
complacent and obedient sheep. Watch this film,
recommend it to your friends, and get active."
- Shelton F. Lankford
USMC (Ret)Vietnam Veteran and
Core Member, Pilots for 9/11 Truth
Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

Special film short - 9 minutes
Operation Checkmate:
the pawns fight back

Watch a video-discussion with
[size=12]Jonathan Mark & filmmaker Chris Pratt[/SIZE]
[size=12]Link to Flyby News Productions at GCTV [/SIZE]
[size=12] Video On Demand for best Online viewing[/SIZE]


[size=12]For a list serve for discussions and related posts, [/SIZE]
[size=12] including files and fliers for events and more, see:[/SIZE]


[size=12]FaceBook Profile[/SIZE]

Also, check out:
[size=12]Valley 9/11 Truth[/SIZE]
[size=12]FN's Youtube Channel[/SIZE]

[size=12]Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,[/SIZE]
[size=12] and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy [/SIZE]
[size=12] environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence, [/SIZE]
[size=12] since the launch of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997.[/SIZE]

[size=12] News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era[/SIZE]

= = = = = =

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