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Obama Administration Seeks to Test Anthrax Vaccine in Children
[COLOR="#8b0000"]Obama Administration Seeks to Test Anthrax Vaccine in Children


Whose children will be sacrificed in an illegal and unethical experiment in the name of Biodefense Preparedness?

According to , the Obama administration is seeking to obtain a green light to conduct an anthrax vaccine safety experiment on US children. The stated rationale for such a trial, articulated by Dr. Nicole Lurie, US Dept. of Health and Human Services, is that there are no data about the safety of exposing children to the anthrax vaccine. And if an emergency arises, a trial "would present an array of logistical, clinical and communication challenges during a public health crisis."

No child would benefit from exposure to a vaccine that has generated thousands of adverse event reports--including deaths--in adults.

Current law allows the FDA to issue an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for "protections against biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear agents that may be used to attack the American people." The FDA Commissioner "may allow countermeasures to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by such agents, when there are no adequate, approved and available alternatives."

In the absence of a national emergency from an anthrax bioterrorist attack, an anthrax vaccine trial in children would violate federal legal and ethical standards which prohibit exposing children to greater than minimal risk if a child does not have a condition that would benefit from the experimental intervention. 45 CFR 46 Subpart D

The Anthrax vaccine is highly controversial and US courts prohibited mandatory vaccination of the military from 2004-2006:

Even when anthrax-laden letters were mailed to several congressional leaders in 2001, Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Bill First, a doctor, criticized the anthrax vaccine on CNN stating,

"There are very real and potentially serious side effects from the vaccine and anyone who elects to receive the vaccine needs to be made aware of that. I do not recommend widespread inoculation for people with the vaccine in the Hart Building ...There are too many side effects and if there is limited chance of exposure- the side effects would far outweigh any potential advantage."
Between 2001 and 2004, the FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) received 4,136 spontaneous adverse event reports: 347 (8.4%) were reported as serious.

*Serious adverse events include: death, hospitalization, permanent disability, or are life-threatening. There were 16 deaths.

According a 2007 report by the Congressional watchdog agency, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Center for Disease Control and the Vaccine Healthcare Centers of the Dept. of Defense estimate that "between 1 and 2 percent" of vaccinated military personnel, experienced "severe adverse events, which could result in disability or death."

So, what is the catalyst that prompted public health officials in the Obama administration to request permission to conduct a wholly non-therapeutic experiment that would expose children to serious risk of harm? Such an experiment would callously disregard children's human right to "Life, Liberty and Security of the Person"--as guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.

Could it be that the request by DHHS to conduct an anthrax vaccine safety trial in children is prompted by commercial, rather than public health considerations?

Mery Nass, MD whose examines illogical and dishonest public health responses--the anthrax vaccine being a primary focus, has revealed that the board of directors of Emergent Biosolutions, the manufacturer of the anthrax vaccine (2007 and 2011) is made up of national political operatives with little anthrax experience--but plenty of ties to government policymakers.

Emergent broadens CDC contract by $101m

On May 2, 2011, Emergent Biosolutions (formerly Bioport, the manufacturer of Biothrax, the only anthrax vaccine approved by the FDA) announced that the federal government would be purchasing 3.42 million doses of anthrax vaccine to add to the civilian anthrax vaccine stockpile. (reposted below)

This purchase adds about $101 million to the total contract for DHHS' anthrax stockpile, which is now worth about $500 million. The company has made $2.4 billion since 2004, which could climb to over $2 billion if the government purchases the 75 million doses it said it needed. This is in addition to the military anthrax vaccine stockpile.

Washington Business Journal reports that Emergent derives the bulk of its revenue from federal public health agencies.

"Emergent proudly supports the U.S. government's efforts and unwavering commitment to meet its stated need of 75 million doses of anthrax vaccines," said Fuad El-Hibri, chairman and chief executive officer of Emergent BioSolutions. "This contract is an indication that BioThrax remains a critical component of the government's arsenal of biodefense medical countermeasures. In addition to this contract modification, we are continuing discussions with the U.S. government regarding a follow-on procurement contract, which we anticipate will cover a multi-year period."

Emergent Biosolutions also secured a $186.6 million contract for a recombinant protein antigen to combat anthrax and a $28.7 million contract for a third-generation vaccine.

So, how did Emergent secure such profitable US government contracts for anthrax vaccine?

The answer is described by Scot Lilly in "Getting Rich on Uncle Sucker: Should the Federal Government Strengthen Efforts to Fight Profiteering?"

The Emergant model extracts contracts from the US government at exorbitant high profit margins, compared to the cost of manufacture. The vaccine vials expire after 3-4 years, requiring continuous replenishment--guaranteeing sales of at least $100 million / year to the manufacturer for the foreseeable future. However the expenditure throws taxpayer money into a black hole.

We say to President Obama: do not even consider the suggestion by your DHHS officials who recommend that children should be put at risk (i.e., sacrificed) to justify anthrax vaccine profits.

Vera Hassner Sharav
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Quote:According to , the Obama administration is seeking to obtain a green light to conduct an anthrax vaccine safety experiment on US children. The stated rationale for such a trial, articulated by Dr. Nicole Lurie, US Dept. of Health and Human Services, is that there are no data about the safety of exposing children to the anthrax vaccine. And if an emergency arises, a trial "would present an array of logistical, clinical and communication challenges during a public health crisis."

I can think of no benign interpretation of this proposed anthrax vaccine experimentation on children.

The malign interpretations include:

i) a blatant military-intelligence-multinational-complex financial scam at the taxpayer's expense;

ii) a precursor for a false flag biological warfare attack on the continental USA;

iii) a yet more sinister agenda, given that anthrax vaccine is one of the suspected causes of Gulf War Syndrome.

So, I took a look at Emergent BioSolutions Inc. Sourcewatch is a good start.

Quote:Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (formerly BioPort Corporation) is an global biopharmaceutical company specializing in development, manufacture and marketing of vaccines and immune system pharmaceuticals. BioThrax® is the only vaccine licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the prevention of anthrax. The company's development pipeline anthrax, botulism, tuberculosis, typhoid, hepatitis B and chlamydia programs. [1]

Emergent BioSolutions has an exclusive license to produce the anthrax vaccine in the United States. In September of 1998, Bioport took over the formerly public Michigan Biologics Products Institute (MBPI), created in 1996 with a two-year lifespan. Less than a month later, the company gained a $29 million contract with the Department of Defense (DoD) to "manufacture, test, bottle and store the anthrax vaccine." [2] The company supplies BioThrax primarily to the DoD and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Chairman and CEO Fuad El-Hibri controls half of the company.[3]

In the fiscal year ending in December of 2009, the company reported sales of approximately $234.8 million dollars and had 652 employees

So, Emergent BioSolutions is a for profit biological warfare "vaccine" producer, with an EXCLUSIVE military contract for anthrax.

In other words, a MONOPOLY SUPPLIER.

The corporation's predecessor, BioPort, got into some trouble:

Quote:Regulations allowed the DoD to "provide extraordinary relief" to BioPort Corporation during late FY 1999, in spite of "significant risks." [7] Between 1998 and 2002, the DoD pumped over $130 million into the company, in hopes of stockpiling enough anthrax vaccines for all 2.4 million U.S. soldiers and reservists. The Pentagon continued paying BioPort even after the company repeated failed FDA inspections and was prohibited from shipping any vaccine. [8]

Mandatory experimental vaccinations & related deaths
In 2003, six soldiers filed suit against the government for experimenting on them with the BioPort anthrax vaccine. According to the charges, the vaccine was considered experimental; therefore its mandatory administration was illegal. On Dec. 22, 2003, the US District Court for the District of Columbia ordered the military to stop experimenting on soldiers for dangerous anthrax vaccines. In 2003, army sergeant Rachel Lacey died of complications from the vaccine, according to an autopsy report from the Mayo Clinic. Despite strong evidence that the vaccine was causing pneumonia-like symptoms in military personnel, the Pentagon denied the possibility. Instead, they blamed cigarette smoking as the leading factor. The vaccination is a series of 6 shots over 18 months.

Staff Sgt. Neal B. Erickson Sr. didn't smoke, yet had pneumonia-like symptoms 10 days after his fourth anthrax shot. He required hospitalization 10 days after his next shot; where he tested negative for viruses. The Pentagon referred to the illnesses as a "mysterious pneumonia cluster". According to Sgt Erickson, there were at least four other cases in his squadron, as well as another hospitalization. There were at least one hundred similar cases as well as multiple deaths; many of which were not investigated.

I know of many similar accounts to Sgt Erickson's from British Gulf War veterans exposed to multiple vaccinations, including Anthrax.

Quote:According to Bob Evans in a December of 2005 article in the Newport News Daily Press, the only licensed U.S. anthrax vaccine maker, BioPort, turned government contracts into "a gold mine ...with help from the "right lobbyists and public relations professionals." In 2002, following questions about vaccine safety and its financial practices, BioPort nearly quadrupled spending on lobbyists (from $30,000 to $110,000) and hired Ruder Finn and Fleishman-Hillard, "high-powered public relations firms staffed by many former government officials." The company began "sponsoring 'public education seminars' and studies."

In September 2002, a report released by "bioterrorism experts" encouraged the government "to purchase millions of doses of BioPort's product." According to Evans, the report was written by either BioPort or its public relations agent. BioSolutions pays $40,000 a year to maintain a website that advertises that it is sponsored by the Partnership for Anthrax Vaccination Education and touts the company's product. In 2005, BioPort won a $122.7 million dollar contract with the HHS. [10]

Maryland bankruptcy court approves purchase of Antex
On March 17, 2003, BioPort Corporation announced that it had executed a discretionary loan agreement and a non-binding letter of intent with Antex Biologics, Inc., with the intent of acquiring all assets of the Maryland based company.

On March 27, Antex filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11. The purchase of Antex $3.4 million was approved by Maryland's bankruptcy court.

Fuad El-Hibri is CEO of Emergent BioSolutions:

Quote:In his June 30, 1999, testimony before "The Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations of the House Committee on Government Reform," El-Hibri stated that:[1]

Quote:"Three companies currently hold voting equity in BioPort: Intervac LLC and Intervac Management LLC, which are both Maryland limited liability companies, and ichigan Biologic Products, Inc., a Michigan corporation. Intervac LLC is the controlling shareholder. Intervac LLC is owned by Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr., my wife Nancy and me, and I and F Holdings N.V., a Netherlands Antilles investment company owned by my father Ibrahim El-Hibri. As mentioned earlier, I and F Holdings is an investment company in biotech operations, which previously had invested in the management buy-out of Porton Products Ltd. Admiral Crowe and I are the controlling members of Intervac LLC."

Suber says that, "While Fuad El-Hibri was [sic] needed no financing to take over the State of Michigan biologic lab, he did need a front man to reassure the military with respect to their Anthrax contract. He already had the perfect front man in former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. William J. Crowe Jr. Adm. Crowe had a long history of involvement with the El-Hibri family. Crowe owns 22.5 percent of Intervac shares, although he hasn't invested a penny in the venture."


This goes straight back to a former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Glad to see someone is paying attention. It doesn't surprise me that it is you, Jan.

I concur with your analysis. As I reported in my blog entires from May 2006 [ ], citing Davidson and Ruppert's "A Career in Microbiology..." among others, we can throw into the mix Ken Alibek [Kanatjan Alibekov, the no. 2 man in the former Soviet Union biowarfare program who defected to the US in 1992], Jerome Hauer, 9/11, and more.

Jerome Hauer is the fellow involved with Kroll and the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management in WTC7 (the morning of which collapse there was a scheduled FEMA TRIPOD drill; TRIPOD stands for trial point of distribution), and was also the author of The Journalist's Guide to Covering Bioterrorism for the Radio and TV Directors Foundation (funded by the Carnegie Corp.). "Hauer's corporate affiliations include SAIC, Batelle, CSC-DynCorp, Hollis-Eden, and one of the nation's most powerful private investigative and security firms Kroll Inc., among others. Now BioPort has been added to his resume.

On the eve of 9/11, in NYC, Hauer was having drinks with his close friend, the recently retired FBI Agent and "Osama-Chaser," John O'Neil. At that time O'Neil was the head of security at the World Trade Center complex, a position Hauer had helped him to get. O'Neil died in the World Trade Center on 9/11, and it was Hauer who identified his body."

Sprinkle in what we have learned from "Dr. Mary's Monkey", "and "The Last Circle", and dust with the fact that the "CIA destroyed most of the records of the Special Virus Cancer Project (SVCP). [28] Copies of the first seven volumes of the SVCP Report were shredded, but a few copies of Volumes 8 (July 1971) and 9 (July 1972) survived. They reveal a frightening story. SVCP scientists worked on pathogenic retroviruses (RNA viruses) during the 1960s and 1970s. [29] (see link for notated references)" and top with a foamy creamy CIA justification that "Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but also to conceal these activities from the American public in general" and we have a killer of a scenario.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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