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Yes Virginia, there was a lead car.
I found Doug Weldon's The Kennedy Limousine: Dallas 1963 in Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000) James Fetzer (ed.) pages 129-158 followed by Doug Weldon's 1999 JFK Conference presentation Parts 1-16 to be clear, compelling evidence of a shot from the area of the south storm sewer (since paved over) through the windshield producing the wound of entry in the anterior throat noted by Malcolm Perry before Secret Service Agent Elmer Moore badgered Perry by telephone the night of Friday November 22, 1963.

There is a standard knee-jerk where is the bullet from this frontal entry which is far less a dilemma than the rather more obvious dude where's my country.

In point of fact in the ARRB depositions is a systematic query of the subjects regarding missing evidence in which list appears an x-ray which showed metal in the cervical vertebrae.

Along with the brain and the original windshield we may add the answer to the above noted shopworn question.

The first to assault Perry on the matter later called Kennedy a traitor. The tag team included Specter and Dulles, so damaging was the proof of conspiracy.

Wouldn't Greer and Kellerman have flinched.

I ask you, as the president dies in a hail of bullets did any of the agentssave Hill at the last--"flinch."

McHugh normally sat between the agents in the front seat. Not that day. The day Emory Roberts told the agents in the follow car not to move.

Crack went the windshield. "I thought what bad taste that someone was setting off firecrackers."

Bad taste. That was the point.
yepper as ssaic roberts called ssa ready back onto the queen mary as he attempted to leave as ssa hill had done, to run and catch up to the limo and just perhaps be of some use in doing their job, like protecting the your very welcome to doug's input...and information...b

I, John D. Ready, Special Agent, United States Secret Service, =
Washington, D.C. arrived at Love Field, Dallas, Texas, at approximately =
11:40 a.m., Friday November 22, 1963 on board the Presidential Aircraft =
(USAF#I). Upon arrival, I left the aircraft and went to the Press Area =
(photographers and newsmen) located near the Presidential ramp at the =
rear of the plane. Here President John F. Kennedy greeted a group of =
persons and then walked to the fenced off spectator area. I followed the =
President and Mrs. Kennedy. After 10-15 minutes, the President, Mrs. =
Kennedy, Governor Connally (State of Texas) and Mrs. Connally entered =
the Presidential limousine, the motorcade departed Love Field and =
proceeded on its scheduled route. During this motorcade I held a post on =
the right front door running board of the U.S. Secret Service follow-up =

Several times enroute the President's car stopped and the President =
shook hands with the crowds. In the downtown, heavily congested, area of =
Dallas, a teen-age male came forth from the crowds on my right side. I =
left the follow-up car, chased the youth several yards before running =
him into the crowds on the right side. We departed the downtown area and =
the crowds diminished noticeably.

At about 12:30 p.m. we began the approach to the Thornton Freeway =
traveling about 20-25 MPH in a slight incline. I was about 25-30 feet =
from President Kennedy who was located in the right rear seat. I heard =
what appeared to be fire crackers going off from my position. I =
immediately turned to my right rear trying to locate the source but was =
not able to determine the exact location.

At this time the U.S. Secret Service follow-up car seemed to slow and I =
heard someone from inside this car say: ''he's shot". I left the =
follow-up car in the direction of the President's car but was recalled =
by ATSAIC Emory Roberts (Secret Service) as the cars increased their =
speeds. I got back on the car and seated myself beside Mr. Roberts in =
the right front seat. The cars proceeded to the hospital several miles =

On my arrival at the Parkland Hospital, Dallas, hospital personnel were =
awaiting the arrival of President Kennedy. After the President was taken =
to the emergency room, I was posted by ASAIC Kellerman (Secret Service), =
at the door entrance. I remained on this post until notified by ATSAIC =
Roberts that we were leaving for Love Field with President Johnson. I =
departed the hospital in a Dallas Police Cruiser to the rear of =
President Johnson.

Upon my arrival at Love Field I boarded the Presidential Aircraft =
(USAF#I), expecting to depart immediately. It was at this time that I =
was notified that Mrs. Kennedy and the late President were returning to =
Washington, D.C. on this plane.

ATSAIC Roberts asked me to set-up the airport security which I did. Mrs. =
Kennedy arrived and we were relieved by the 4-12 shift who then boarded =
the Presidential aircraft.

At 3:15 p.m. I departed Love Field, Dallas, Texas for Washington, D.C. =
on the Vice-Presidential aircraft (USAF#2).

John D. Ready
Special Agent
White House Detail.

Friday, November 22, 1963
7:25 p.m.

On Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas, I was working the US =
Secret Service follow-up car about 25-30 feet to the rear of President =
and Mrs. Kennedy, Gov. and Mrs. Connally of Texas. At about 12:30 p.m. I =
heard what sounded like fire crackers going off from my post on the =
right front running board. The President's car slowed, someone in the =
follow-up car stated he was shot, and I left to run to the President's =
car. At that time I was recalled to the follow-up car and took the right =
front seat aside of ATSAIC Roberts, and proceeded to a hospital several =
miles distant.

The shooting occurred as we were approaching the Thornton Freeway, =
traveling about 20-25 miles per hour in a slight incline. There appeared =
to be no spectators on the right side of the road-way.

After the initial shot I attempted to locate the area from where they =
had come from but was not able to. It appeared that the shots came from =
my right-rear side.

John D. Ready
Special Agent

Return to list of witnesses

for roberts etc...

Attached Files
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