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A Mediterranean Battlefield - Syria
[TR="bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Sources revealed that some members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq group (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) are going to leave Iraq to join the anti-Assad terrorists through Syria's northern borders.
[Image: mek-mko-saudi-qatar.jpg]"A number of U.S. and Turkish officers accompanied by several commanders of Kurdish Peshmerga forces had a meeting with some high ranking members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization in Erbil, Iraq," well-informed Iraqi security sources told the Arabic language Top News TV channel.The sources added that the meeting decreed that Peshmerga forces transfer a number of MKO elements from Iraq to Turkey and then to the northern parts of Syria in order for these anti-Iran terrorists to join the so-called Free Syrian Army.Directed by Nasser Qandil, Lebanese politician and former Member of Parliament, the news channel added that U.S. and Turkish officials have told the MKO that "Saudi Arabia and Qatar are committed to jointly pay the costs of relocation and resettlement, expected to be roughly $ 250 million," as well as $ 100 million per month for the militias.On the other hand, the Americans guaranteed to facilitate the MKO's secret withdrawal from Iraq to Turkey.A few days ago, the sources added, Nouri al-Maliki caught Americans off guard by telling them that Iran is aware of the plot of temporary relocation of MKO members to Erbil and they have warned against the move."Opposed by the Iraqi Prime Minister, the plan will be done gradually and secretly," informed sources predicted.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Sources revealed that some members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq group (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) are going to leave Iraq to join the anti-Assad terrorists through Syria's northern borders.

In the C20th, it was the Ukrainians.

In the C21st, it's the Kurds.

So desperate for their own nation state, that their leaders believe the lies and promises of Great Powers and send their young to slaughter and to death.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Mon, August 6, 2012 6:10:20 AM
Chossudovsky: Towards A "Soft Invasion"? The Launching of a "Humanitarian War" against Syria
From: Global Research E-Newsletter <>

Towards A "Soft Invasion"? The Launching of a "Humanitarian War" against Syria
By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, August 2, 2012

URL of this article:

The Obama administration, in liaison with London, Paris, Tel Aviv and NATO headquarters in Brussels, is mulling over various military "intervention options" directed against Syria, including the conduct of both naval and air operations in support of "opposition" rebel forces on the ground.

The US and its impervious British ally are on a "humanitarian war footing".

Allied forces including intelligence operatives and special forces have reinforced their presence on the ground in support of the opposition's "Free Syrian Army" (FSA). The British Ministry of Defense is reported to be "drawing up contingency plans in case the UK decides to deploy troops to the volatile region".

Naval and air force deployments have already been announced by the British Ministry of Defense. According to London's news tabloids, quoting "authoritative" military sources; "...The escalating civil war [in Syria] made it increasingly likely that the West would be forced to step in. " ( Daily Mail, July 24, 2012)

An Iraq-style "shock and awe" bombing campaign is, for practical reasons, not being contemplated: "defence analysts warned that a force of at least 300,000 troops would be needed to carry out a full-scale intervention [in Syria]. Even then, this would face fierce resistance. ..." (Ibid)

Rather than carrying out an all out Blitzkrieg, the US-NATO-Israel military alliance has chosen to intervene under the diabolical R2P frame of "humanitarian warfare". Modelled on Libya, the follow broad stages are envisaged:

A US-NATO backed insurgency integrated by death squads is launched under the disguise of a "protest movement" (mid-March 2011 in Daraa)
British, French, Qatari and Turkish Special Forces are on the ground in Syria, advising and training the rebels as well as overseeing special operations. Mercenaries hired by private security companies are also involved in supporting rebels forces
The killings of innocent civilians by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are deliberately carried out as part of a covert intelligence operation. (See SYRIA: Killing Innocent Civilians as part of a US Covert Op. Mobilizing Public Support for a R2P War against Syria, global Rsearch, May 2012)
The Syrian government is then blamed for the resulting atrocities. Media disinformation is geared towards demonizing the Syrian government. Public opinion is led into endorsing a military intervention on humanitarian grounds.
Responding to public outrage, US-NATO is then "forced to step in" under a Humanitarian "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P) mandate. Media propaganda goes into high gear. "The International Community" comes to the rescue of the Syrian people."
Warships and fighter jets are then deployed to the Eastern Mediterranean. These actions are coordinated with logistical support to the rebels and Special forces on the ground.
The final objective is "regime change" leading to the "break-up of the country" along sectarian lines and/or the installation of an "Islamist-dominated or influenced regime" modelled on Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
War plans in relation to Syria are integrated with those pertaining to Iran. The road to Tehran goes through Damascus. The broader implications of US-NATO intervention are military escalation and the possible unleashing of a regional war extending from the Eastern Mediterranean to Central Asia, in which China and Russia could be directly or indirectly involved.
Stages 1 through 4 have already been implemented.

Stage 5 has been announced.

Stage 6 involving the deployment of British and French warships to the Eastern Mediterranean is slated to be launched, according to the British Ministry of Defense, in "later Summer". (See Michel Chossudovsky, The US-NATO War on Syria: Western Naval Forces Confront Russia Off the Syrian Coastline? Global Research, July 26, 2012.

Phase 7, namely "regime change" --which constitutes the end game of humanitarian warfare-- has been announced on numerous occasions by Washington. In the words of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, referring to President Bashar Al Assad: "It's no longer a question of whether he's coming to an end, it's when."

The End Game: Destabilizing the Secular State, Installing "Political Islam"

The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security (RUSI), a London based think-tank, with close links to both Britain's Ministry of Defense and the Pentagon. has intimated that "some sort of western [military] intervention in Syria is looking increasingly likely... " What RUSI has in mind in its Syria Crisis Briefing entitled A Collision Course for Intervention, is what might be described as "A Soft Invasion" leading either to a "break-up of the country" along sectarian lines and/or the installation of an "Islamist-dominated or influenced regime" modelled on Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Several "scenarios" involving "clandestine" intelligence operations are put forth. The unspoken objective of these military and intelligence options is to destabilize the secular State and implement, through military means, the transition towards a post Assad "Islamist-dominated or influenced regime" modelled on Qatar and Saudi Arabia:

"A better insight is needed on the activities and relationships of Al-Qa'ida and other Syrian and international Salafist jihadists that are now entering the country in increasing numbers. The floodgates are likely to open even further as international jihadists are emboldened by signs of significant opposition progress against the regime. Such elements have the support of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and would undoubtedly have a role in Syria following the collapse of Assad. The scope of their involvement would need to be factored into intervention planning. (Ibid, p. 9, emphasis added)

While recognizing that the rebel fighters are outright terrorists involved in the killing of civilians, the RUSI Briefing, invoking tactical and intelligence considerations, suggests that allied forces should `nonetheless support the terrorists. (i.e. the terrorist brigades have been supported by the US led coalition from the very outset of the insurgency in mid-March 2011. Special Forces have integrated the insurgency):

"What military, political and security challenges would they [the jihadists] then present in the country, to the region and to the West? Issues include the possibility of an Islamist-dominated or influenced regime inheriting sophisticated weaponry, including anti-aircraft and anti-ship missile systems and chemical and biological weapons that could be transferred into the hands of international terrorists. At the tactical level, intelligence would be needed to identify the most effective groups, and how best to support them. It would also be essential to know how they operate, and whether support might assist them to massacre rivals or carry out indiscriminate attacks against civilians, something we have already witnessed among Syrian opposition groups." (RUSI - SYRIA CRISIS BRIEFING: A Collision Course for Intervention, London July 2012, emphasis added, p. 9 )

The foregoing acknowledgment confirms the US-NATO's resolve to use "Political Islam" --including the deployment of CIA-MI6 supported Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups -- to pursue their hegemonic ambitions in Syria.

Covert operations by Western intelligence in support of "opposition" terrorist entities are launched to weaken the secular state, foment sectarian violence and create social divisions. We will recall that in Libya, the "pro-democracy" rebels were led by Al Qaeda affiliated paramilitary brigades under the supervision of NATO Special Forces. The much-vaunted "Liberation" of Tripoli was carried out by former members of the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).

Military Options and Actions. Towards a "Soft Invasion"?

Several concrete military options --which largely reflect ongoing Pentagon-NATO thinking on the matter-- are contemplated in the RUSI Syria Crisis Briefing. All these options are based on a scenario of "regime change" requiring the intervention of allied forces in Syrian territory. What is contemplated is a "Soft Invasion" modelled on Libya under an R2P humanitarian mandate rather than an all out "shock and awe" Blitzkrieg.

The RUSI Briefing, however, confirms that continued and effective support to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels will eventually require the use of "air power in the form of fighter jets and sea, land and air launched missile systems" combined with the influx of Special Forces and the landing of "elite airborne and amphibious infantry" (Ibid, p 16.)

This transition towards concrete naval and air power support to the rebels is no doubt also motivated by the setbacks of the insurgency (including substantial rebel losses) following the backlash by government forces in the wake of the July 18 terror attack against the National Security headquarters in Damascus, which led to the death of the Minister of Defense General Daoud Rajha and two other senior members of the country's national defense team.

Various overlapping military actions are envisaged, to be carried out sequentially both prior and in the wake of the proposed "regime change":

"The top-of-the-range option, destruction of the Syrian armed forces through an Iraq-style shock and awe' invasion, could undoubtedly be achieved by a US-led coalition. As with all other forms of intervention, however, handling the aftermath would be far less predictable, and could draw coalition forces into a long-running and bloody quagmire. At present that option can be excluded as a realistic possibility. ... There is no doubt that the substantial neutralisation of Syria's air defence infrastructure could be achieved by a US-led air operation. But it would require a major, sustained and extremely costly campaign including Special Forces deployed on the ground to assist targeting. ...

The remaining intervention options fall broadly into three sometimes overlapping categories. ... The first category is military enforcement action to reduce or end the violence in Syria, ... to prevent Assad's forces from attacking the civilian population by direct [military] action. [RUSI ignores the fact that the killings are committed by the FSA rather than by government forces, M.C.].

The second is seeking to bring about regime change by a combination of support for opposition forces and direct military action. The second category might apply in the aftermath of regime collapse. The objective would be to support a post-Assad government by helping to stabilise the country and protect the population against inter-factional violence and retribution. ... A stabilisation force would be deployed at the request of the new government. In any intervention scenario there might be a need to either destroy or secure Syria's chemical weapons, if they were about to be used, transferred or otherwise made insecure. This would require such specialised and potentially substantial combat forces, it is likely to be a mission that only the US could execute. [Reminiscent of Iraq's WMD, the pretext of Syria's chemical weapons is being used to justify a more muscled military intervention, M.C.]

The third category is humanitarian relief bringing in supplies and medical aid to besieged populations. .... This form of intervention, which would most likely be conducted under the auspices of the UN, would require aid agencies such as the International Red Crescent as well as armed military forces including air power, again perhaps based on a NATO coalition. Humanitarian relief might be needed before or after a change of regime. (See RUSI - SYRIA CRISIS BRIEFING: A Collision Course for Intervention, London July 2012, emphasis added, p.9-10 )

"Humanitarian relief" is often used as a pretext to send in combat units. Special forces and intelligence ops are frequently dispatched in under an NGO cover.

Concrete US-NATO Military Actions

Does the RUSI Briefing reflect the current outlook of US-NATO military planning in relation to Syria?

What concrete military and intelligence actions have been taken by the Western military alliance in the wake of the Chinese and Russian vetoes in the United Nations Security Council?

The deployment of a powerful naval armada of French and British warships is already envisaged for deployment at an unstipulated date "later in the Summer". (See Michel Chossudovsky, The US-NATO War on Syria: Western Naval Forces Confront Russia Off the Syrian Coastline?, Global Research, July 26, 2012)

The British Ministry of Defense, however, has intimated that Royal Navy deployments to the Middle East could only only be activated 'after" the London Olympic games. Two of Britain's largest warships, the HMS Bullwark and the HMS Illustrious have been assigned, at tremendous cost to British tax payers, to "ensuring the security" of the London Olympics. HMS Bulwark is stationed in Weymouth Bay for the duration of the games. HMS Illustrious is "currently sitting on the Thames in central London". (Ibid)

These planned naval operations are carefully coordinated with stepped up allied support to the "Free Syrian Army", integrated by foreign jihadist mercenaries trained in Qatar, Iraq, Turkey and Saudi Arabia on behalf of the Western military alliance.

Will the US-NATO alliance launch an all out air operation?

Syria's air defense capabilities, according to reports, are based on Russia's advanced S-300 system? (Unconfirmed reports point to the cancellation of delivery by Russia, following pressure from Israel, of the advanced S-300 surface-to-air missile system to Syria) (See Israel convinces Russia to cancel Syrian S-300 missile deal: official, Xinhua, June 28, 2012) Reports also suggest the installation of an advanced Russian radar system. (See Report: Russia Sent Syria Advanced S-300 Missiles, Israel National News, November 24, 2011).

The Role of Special Forces

In the months ahead, allied forces will no doubt focus on disabling the country's military capabilities including its air defense, communications systems, through a combination of covert operations, cyber-warfare and US-NATO sponsored SFA terror attacks.

"The Free Syrian Army" rebels are NATO's foot soldiers. FSA commanders, many of whom are part of Al Qaeda affiliated entities, are in permanent liaison with British and French Special Forces inside Syria. The RUSI report recommends that the rebels should be supported through the "deployment into the country of Special Forces advisers with air support on call:

"Advisers working alongside rebel commanders, perhaps accompanied by small units of Special Forces troops, could be tactically and strategically decisive, as it proved in both Afghanistan in 2001 and in Libya in 2011. (RUSI, op cit, p. 10)

Special Forces have been on the ground in Syria since the outset of the insurgency. Reports also confirm the role of private security companies including former Blackwater mercenaries in the training of the FSA rebels. In what is described as "America's War Under the Table", Special forces on the ground are in permanent liaison with allied military and intelligence.

The Influx of Mercenary Jihadist Fighters

In the wake of the UN Security council deadlock, a speeding up in the recruitment and training of mercenary jihadist fighters is unfolding.

According to a British Army source, British Special Forces (SAS) are now training Syrian "rebels" in Iraq "in military tactics, weapons handling and communications systems". The report also confirms that advanced military command training is being conducted in Saudi Arabia on behalf of the Western military alliance:

"British and French Special Forces have been actively training members of the FSA, from a base in Turkey. Some reports indicate that training is also taking place in locations in Libya and Northern Lebanon. British MI6 operatives and UKSF (SAS/SBS) personnel have reportedly been training the rebels in urban warfare as well as supplying them with arms and equipment. US CIA operatives and special forces are believed to be providing communications assistance to the rebels." Elite Forces UK, January 5, 2012

"More than 300 [Syrian rebels] have passed through a base just inside the Iraq border, while a command course is run in Saudi Arabia.

Groups of 50 rebels at a time are being trained by two private security firms employing former Special Forces personnel. "Our role is purely instructional teaching tactics, techniques and procedures," said a former SAS member.

... "If we can teach them how to take cover, to shoot and avoid being spotted by snipers it will hopefully help." ( Daily Mail, July 22, 2012)

The Role of Turkey and Israel

Turkey's military high command has been in liaison with NATO headquarters since August 2011 pertaining to the active recruitment of thousands of Islamist "freedom fighters", reminiscent of the enlistment of Mujahideen to wage the CIA's jihad (holy war) in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war:

"Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria. (DEBKAfile, NATO to give rebels anti-tank weapons, August 14, 2011, emphasis added)

The recent influx of foreign fighters on a significant scale suggests that this diabolical Mujahideen recruitment program developed more than a year ago, has come to fruition.

Turkey is also supporting Muslim Brotherhood fighters in Northern Syria. As part of of its support to SFA rebels, "Turkey has set up a secret base with allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar to direct vital military and communications aid to Syria's rebels from a city near the border" Exclusive: Secret Turkish nerve center leads aid to Syria rebels | Reuters, July 27, 2012).

Israel's role in supporting the rebels, largely characterised by covert intel ops, has been "discrete" but nonetheless significant. From the very outset, Mossad has supported radical Salafist terrorist groups, which became active in Southern Syria at the outset of the protest movement in Daraa in mid-March. Reports suggest that financing for the Salafi insurgency is coming from Saudi Arabia. (See Syrian army closes in on Damascus suburbs, The Irish Times, May 10, 2011).

While channelling covert support to the SFA, Israel is also supporting Syrian Kurdish separatists in North Syria. The Kurdish (KNC) opposition group has close links to the Kurdish Regional Government of Massoud Barzani in northern Iraq, which is directly supported by Israel.

The Kurdish separatist agenda is slated to be used by Washington and Tel Aviv to seek the break up of Syria along ethnic and religious lines-- into several separate and "independent" political entities. It is worth noting that Washington has also facilitated the dispatch of Kurdish Syrian "opposition militants" to Kosovo in May to participate in training sessions using the "terrorist expertise" of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). (See Michel Chossudovsky, Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces", Global Research, June 2012).

The not so hidden US-Israeli military agenda is to "Break Syria into Pieces", with a view to supporting Israeli expansionism. (The Jerusalem Post (May 16, 2012).

Confrontation with Russia

What can we expect in the months ahead:

1) a naval deployment in the Eastern Mediterranean, the military objective of which has not been clearly defined by allied forces.

2) a greater influx of foreign fighters and death squads into Syria and the conduct of of carefully targeted terrorist attacks in coordination with US-NATO.

3) an escalation in the deployment of allied special forces including mercenaries from private security companies on contract to Western intelligence.

The objective, under the "Damascus Volcano and Syrian Earthquake." operation, ultimately consisted in extending the SFA terror attacks to Syria's capital, under the supervision of Western Special Forces and intelligence operatives on the ground. (See Thierry Meyssan, The battle of Damascus has begun, Voltaire Net, July 19, 2012). This option of targeting Damascus has failed. The rebels have also been pushed back in heavy fighting in Syria's second largest city Aleppo.

3) The weakening of Russia's role in Syria --including its functions under the bilateral military cooperation agreement with Damascus-- is also part of the US-NATO military-intelligence agenda. This could result in terrorist attacks directed against Russian nationals living in Syria.

A terror attack against Russia's naval base in Tartus was announced by the FSA less than 2 weeks following the UN Security Council face-off, no doubt was ordered by US-NATO, with a view to threatening Russia.

Following the arrival of Russia's naval flotilla of ten warships stationed off the Syrian coast, an FSA spokesman confirmed (July 26) their intention to attack Russia's naval base in Tartus:

"We have a warning for the Russian forces: if they will send any more weapons that kill our families and the Syrian people we will hit them hard inside Syria," said Louay al-Mokdad, a logistical coordinator for the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

"Informers inside the regime are telling that us that there is a big weapons' shipment arriving at Tartous in the next two weeks. We don't want to attack the port, we are not terrorists, but if they keep acting like this we will have no choice."

The FSA has formed a 'Naval brigade', made up of defectors from the Syrian navy, which operates close to Tartous. "Many of our men used to work in the port of Tartous and they know it well," said Captain Walid, a former officer in the Syrian Navy. "We are watching very closely the movements of the Russians."

"We can easily destroy the port. If we hit the weapons' stores with anti-tank missiles or another weapon it would trigger a devastating explosion," said an FSA representative. "Or we can attack the ships directly." (Syrian rebels threaten to attack Russian naval base - World - DNA, July 26, 2012)

Were Russia's naval base to be attacked, this would, in all likelihood, be undertaken under the supervision of allied special forces and intelligence operatives.

While Russia has the required military capabilities to effectively defend its Tartus naval base, an attack on Russia's naval base would constitute an act of provocation, which could set the stage for a more visible involvement of Russian forces inside Syria. Such a course could potentially also lead to a direct confrontation between Russian forces and Western special forces and mercenaries operating within rebel ranks.

According to the RUSI Syria Crisis Briefing quoted above: "Anticipating Russian action and counter action would have to be a major factor in any Western [military] intervention plan [in Syria]. The Russians are certainly capable of bold and unexpected moves..." (RUSI, op cit, p. 5).

The World at a Dangerous Crossroads

An all out "humanitarian war" against Syria is on the drawing board of the Pentagon, which, if carried out, could lead the World into a regional war extending from the Eastern Mediterranean to the heartland of Central Asia.

A sophisticated and all encompassing propaganda program supports war in the name of World peace and global security.

The underlying scenario of Worldwide conflict goes far beyond the diabolical design of Orwell's 1984.

The Ministry of Truth upholds war as a peace-making undertaking by twisting realities upside down.

In turn, the lies and fabrications of the mainstream media are presented with various innuendos in a complex web of deceit.

In a cynical twist, documented atrocities against Syrian civilians committed by the West's "opposition" are now being acknowledged (rather than blamed on government forces) as "unavoidable" in the painful transition towards to "democracy".

The broader consequences of "the Big Lie" are obfuscated.

Global humanitarian warfare becomes a consensus which nobody can challenge.

The war on Syria is part of an integrated Worldwide military agenda. The road to Tehran goes through Damascus. Iran, Russia, China and North Korea are also being threatened.

With the deployment of the Franco-British naval armada later this Summer, Western warships in the Eastern Mediterranean would be contiguous to those deployed by Russia, which is conducting its own war games, leading to a potential "Cold War style confrontation" between Russian and Western naval forces. See Michel Chossudovsky, The US-NATO War on Syria: Western Naval Forces Confront Russia Off the Syrian Coastline?, Global Research, July 26, 2012).

A war on Syria, which would inevitably involve Israel and Turkey, could constitute the spark towards a regional war directed against Iran, in which Russia and China could be (directly or indirectly) involved.

It is crucial to spread the word and break the channels of media disinformation.

A critical and unbiased understanding of what is happening in Syria is of crucial importance in reversing the tide of military escalation.

Spread the word. Forward this article far and wide.

SHARE IT on Facebook.

It is essential that people in the UK, France and the US prevent "the late Summer" naval WMD deployment to the Eastern Mediterraean from occurring.

The British Ministry of Defense has announced that several British warships are required "to ensure the security" of the Olympic Games. HMS Bulwark is stationed in Weymouth Bay for the duration of the games. HMS Illustrious is "currently sitting on the Thames in central London". The deployment of British warships including HMS Bulwark and HMS Illustrious to the Middle East is envisaged "after" the Olympic Games.

Spread the word. Forward this article. SHARE IT on Facebook. (click share icon below)

Prevent the warships from leaving port.

GLOBAL RESEARCH | PO Box 55019 | 11 Notre-Dame Ouest | Montreal | QC | H2Y 4A7 | Canada

Somewhere in this thread I noted that I found it strange that despite the capability, the USA [and other nations] were not showing proof in photos of heavy weapons or troop movements etc. in Syria. Today, for the first time, Amnesty International gave some photos out, with substantial detail of Allepo which I just saw on Al Jazeera. There are now private satellites with sufficient resolution for such. They had even gone to the trouble of labeling objects on the ground. It flashed by so quickly on the screen, I couldn't really make any analysis to comment upon, except that there seemed to be a lot of 'non-housing' objects in the streets. Some looked like tanks and such.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Yes. Just like they screamed about Gaddafi using planes to bomb his citizens but showed no proof. Where as the Russians said they saw nothing to support the US claims of such actions from any of their satellites. It was all quiet on the Libyan skies. Until NATO arrived with their 'no fly zone'. Then it was think with planes and bombs.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"A child hung in public is the latest victim of CIA terrorists conducting death squad raids in Syria."

There are multiple reports on this. There is gruesome imagery of this war crime.


"...As world leaders from the Russian Foreign Minister to even the Vatican have come out against the US using Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria to execute civilians and cleanse Christians in a campaign to over throw the Syrian government, the corporate media continues its blackout of details of the illicit CIA operations being conducted on the ground.

As NATO terrorists run amuck, summarily executing any civilian they capture that doesn't support their CIA produced and parrot media directed revolution, more and more graphic videos of their war crimes surface on the internet.

Just yesterday came reports they kidnapped and executed one of Syria's most famed TV news anchors which of course just followed a video showing the terrorists dragging a family leader and his men into the streets and executing them.

Instead of CNN and other news outlets telling the real story they reveal their true c0lors getting caught repeatedly showing faked news reports, publishing faked images time and time again- and airing interviews that are also outed as being staged and faked, like this one."

more and that video here:

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Barack Obama: Do as I Say and Not as I Do

Posted on August 7, 2012 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
This has got to be one of the most insane things I have seen done by a presidential administration since I can remember. That is not hyperbole, it's not exaggeration.
The administration of Barack Obama (aka "left cover Peace Prize President" or as I call him Obama™) has publicly announced that they are paving the way for private U.S. citizens (and corporate "citizens") to provide money to assist the al Qaeda linked terrorists who are destabilizing Syria on behalf of the corporations and banks that run NATO… on the SAME DAY they filed an appeal to a Va. court looking to overturn the court's decision to keep them from illegally indefinitely detaining U.S. citizens… for contributing to al Qaeda and their "related militant organizations"
I shit you not. You can buy guns for al Qaeda but if you write a book stating that we had no business invading Afghanistan to remove the Taliban over the Trans Afghan Pipeline, President Peace Prize wants to put you in a military prison for the rest of your life.
Now you legally can buy weapons for Syrian rebels, according to the Obama administration. Sacramento and national media are now telling U.S. residents that they can legally arm Syrian rebels by sending money to theSyrian Support Group based in Washington, DC at 1000 Connecticut Avenue NW, suite 900, Washington DC 20036 and run by an American. There's a link on the group's website you may click if you wish to donate money.
The group supports the Free Syrian Army (FSA). The Free Syrian Army is an armed opposition group operating in Syria that has been active during the Syrian civil war. Examiner
The other day the so-called "Free Syrian Army" dragged 4 or so captured government supporters out of a school they had held them in and murdered them in cold blood on the street in broad daylight. A well respected German newspaper has concluded that the "Free Syrian Army" are actually the ones who perpetrated the Houla Massacre in order to blame it on the Assad regime. Even Hillary Clinton admits that al Qaeda is working with the "Free Syrian Army" in Syria while a Council on Foreign Relations member writes that the "Free Syrian Army" is improved by the assistance of al Qaeda and they "need" their help.
The Syrian rebels would be immeasurably weaker today without al-Qaeda in their ranks. By and large, Free Syrian Army (FSA) battalions are tired, divided, chaotic, and ineffective. Feeling abandoned by the West, rebel forces are increasingly demoralized as they square off with the Assad regime's superior weaponry and professional army. Al-Qaeda fighters, however, may help improve morale. The influx of jihadis brings discipline, religious fervor, battle experience from Iraq, funding from Sunni sympathizers in the Gulf, and most importantly, deadly results. In short, the FSA needs al-Qaeda now. Ed Husain
German intelligence agencies have determined that al Qaeda operating in Syria is interconnected with the "Free Syrian Army" and responsible for over 90 acts of overt terrorism in that country.
"German intelligence estimates that "around 90″ terror attacks that "can be attributed to organizations that are close to al-Qaeda or jihadist groups" Asian Times
To claim that the FSA and al Qaeda are not part and parcel of the same NATO destabilization campaign is ludicrous. It is well recognized by outside intellegence agencies, our own CFR, as well as the head of the U.S. State Department.
They are in essence, one and the same in the battle field that is Syria.
So how is it that the Obama administration which claims they are giving you the right to pay for weapons in Syria, now also wants to put you in prison for life without a trial if they claim you support al Qaeda or "militants associated with al Qaeda"?
Federal prosecutors on Monday appealed a U.S. judge's order barring enforcement of part of a law that permits indefinite military detention for those deemed to have "substantially supported" al Qaeda, the Taliban or "associated forces."
Manhattan federal court Judge Katherine Forrest in May ruled in favor of activists and reporters who said they feared being detained under a section of the law, signed by President Barack Obama in December.
The government says indefinite military detention without trial is justified in some cases involving militants and their supporters. Huffington Post
This is patently insane. On one hand they give you free reign to send weapons to their proxy fighters destabilizing Syria and on the other they claim they have the unconstitutional right to use the military to detain you forever if you dare to support "the terrorists" like al Qaeda of the Taliban (who, by the way, offered to give bin Laden to Bush if he provided proof that bin Laden did 9/11. Bush never replied)
At the HuppPo site, based on the trial transcripts, they detail the kinds of things the administration believes you can be illegally indefinitely detained for doing:
  1. interview a member of the Taliban
  2. attend a fund raiser
  3. write a book that simply states you support the Taliban's political agenda
  4. organizing a demonstration
  5. help out a friend who needs cash to get home from abroad
  6. provide al Qaeda or their affiliated "militants" weapons (exactly what the Obama administration is urging people to do)
  7. plan a terrorist attack
As far as shear audacity for pushing the left cover threshold, this takes the cake. Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth. You can fund all the terrorist in the world as long as they are the terrorists we are using to destabilize a free country by killing innocent women and children EVEN to the point of funding al Qaeda and their related militants, the people who brought you Sept. 11th 2001.
Simply remarkable.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Syria: Exposed, Syrian Prime Minister flees abroad

6 August 2012

[Image: arton175288-5e3ee.jpg]
Feeling exposed, the President of the Syrian Council of Ministers, Riad Hijab, was exfiltrated by NATO to Lebanon on Sunday, August 5, 2012.
The Syrian National News Agency (SANA) reported the event only briefly, merely pointing out that he had been "relieved of his duties."
Syria being a presidential system (like the U.S.), the ministers are appointed directly by the President and a vacancy such as this one does not affect the rest of government. President Bashar al-Assad readily asked one of the four vice-presidents of the Council, Omar Ghalawanji, to step in as President of the Council of Ministers.
The head of the Free "Syrian" Army announced that Mr. Free Hijab had defected together with other ministers. However, Syrian television broadcast full-breadth images of the Cabinet meeting, chaired by Omar Ghalawanji, so that everyone could see that no one was missing. In addition, the Minister of Culture - whose name was cited by a news agency - made a televised statement addressing a separate issue, thereby putting an end to the rumors circulating in the Western press about him.
The betrayal of Riad Hijab is the first in importance since the beginning of the crisis. From Jordan, his spokesman, Hijab Otri Mohamed, said that his boss had already been working in secret to overthrow Bashar al-Assad long before he was appointed President of the Council of Ministers on 23 June.
In Syria, the President of the Council of Ministers coordinates the implementation of domestic policy but has no power over foreign or defense policy, which are the President's reserved domains.
As in the U.S. constitutional system, the main powers of appointment are held by the President of the Republic, which explains why the President of the Council of Ministers was unable to place his own men in strategic government positions.
At this stage of the investigation, everything would appear to indicate that the failed "Damascus Volcano and Syrian Earthquake" operation was supposed to be a military coup for which Riad Hijab would have provided a civilian cover. Washington and its allies believed that after the decapitation of the military command (attack of July 18), a number of generals and their regiments were going to seize power with the help of mercenaries from Jordan, to be then put in the hands of Mr. Hijab. The State Department would thus have applauded the victory of "democracy".
It is not yet known at what point the security services began to doubt the loyalty of the President of the Council of Ministers. In any case, he had never been questioned and participated as late as yesterday in an official inauguration, but he had not been seen in his office for two days.
Despite having held various positions within the Baath Party, Riad Hijab was not a political leader but a senior official. Former governor of Latakia with an excellent track record as manager, he had been appointed Agriculture Minister and President of the Council of Ministers precisely because, not being tied to any political movement, he had the ideal profile to work for national unity. The facts have shown otherwise. Not being tied to any group, Hijab had no commitments that prevented him from changing sides.
At a press conference, the information minister, al-Omran Zohbi, stressed that, unlike Saudi Arabia, Syria is a state, and that the disappearance of a man can not disturb the running of the state.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Exfiltration sounds like a procedure used in a chemistry lab with white paper, beakers and a Bunsen burner.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Thu, August 9, 2012 6:08:47 AM
Rick Rozoff: Turkey - NATO's Neo-Ottoman Spearhead in the Middle East
From: Global Research E-Newsletter <>

Turkey: NATO's Neo-Ottoman Spearhead in the Middle East
By Rick Rozoff

Global Research, August 8, 2012

URL of this article:

Turkey already has troops in Syria and has threatened military action to protect the site they guard.

A 1921 agreement between Ottoman Turkey and France (the Treaty of Ankara), the latter at the time the colonial administrator of Syria, guaranteed Turkey the right to station military personnel at the mausoleum of Suleyman Shah (Süleyman Şah), the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Osman I (Osman Bey).

Turkey considers the area adjacent to the tomb to be its, and not Syria's, sovereign territory and late last month reinforced its 15-troop contingent there.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated the following in an interview televised on August 5: "The tomb of Süleyman Şah and the land surrounding it is our territory. We cannot ignore any unfavorable act against that monument, as it would be an attack on our territory, as well as an attack on NATO land. Everyone knows his duty, and will continue to do what is necessary." The gravesite of a Seljuk sultan who was reputed to have drowned in the Euphrates River while on a campaign of conquest is now proclaimed a NATO outpost in Syria.

If confirmation was required that a neo-Ottoman Turkey is determined to reassert the influence and authority in Mesopotamia it gained 700 years before and lost a century ago and, moreover, that it was doing so as part of a campaign by self-christened global NATO to expand into the Arab world, the Turkish head of state's threat to militarily intervene in Syria with the support of its 27 NATO allies should provide it.

Especially as the above complements and reinforces the roles of the U.S. and NATO in providing military assistance to Ankara in its current war of attrition against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in Turkey and Iraq, with Syria soon to follow as last week Turkey deployed troops, tanks, other armored vehicles and missile batteries to within two kilometers of the Syrian border for war games. Last week a retired Turkish official compared the current anti-Kurdish offensive to the Sri Lankan military's final onslaught against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) three years ago, ending the 25-year-long war against the latter with its complete annihilation.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's trip to Colombia in April was designed to achieve the same result in the 48-year joint Colombian-U.S. counterinsurgency war against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). In the current era of international lawlessness, only NATO states and American clients like Colombia and Israel are permitted to conduct military strikes and incursions into other nations and to wage wars of extermination against opponents.

In the same interview cited above, Turkey's Erdogan asserted the right to continue launching military strikes against Kurdish targets in neighboring countries, stating, "It should be known that as long as the region remains a source of threat[s] for Turkey we will continue staging operations wherever it is needed."

Turkish Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin recently claimed that his nation's armed forces had killed 130 suspected PKK members and supporters in Hakkari province, which borders Iran and Iraq.

Specifically in respect to military attacks inside Syria, Erdogan stated: "One cannot rule that out. We have three brigades along the border currently conducting maneuvers there. And we cannot remain patient in the face of a mistake that can be made there."

He also stated, in reference to fighting in the Syrian city of Aleppo, "I believe the Assad regime draws to its end with each passing day" and criticized Iran's support, which is to say its recognition, of the Syrian government. Iran is the inevitable secondary target of actions directed by Turkey and its NATO and Persian Gulf Arab allies against Syria and will be struck through Iraq also.

In the same interview the Turkish head of state identified a third target: Iraq. He condemned the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, declaring it illegitimate and urging it be overthrown. In what portends confrontation and possible conflict with Iran and Syria as well by exploiting the PKK issue, he added:

"Even though we should be countries that share the same values, for us to be in such rigor [conflict?] only makes the terrorist organization more powerful. This leads us to approach each other with suspicion."

In the process he criticized Iran as well:

"It is not possible to accept Iran's stance [of supporting the Iraqi government]. We conveyed this to them at the highest level of talks. We said to them, Look, this has been a source of disturbance in the region.'"

His comments occurred after the Iraqi government criticized the visit of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to the cities of Kirkuk and Irbil in the Kurdistan Regional Government-controlled north of Iraq in part to secure oil and natural gas deals with the regime of Massoud Barzani, president of the Kurdish autonomous region. Irbil is the region's capital, but Kirkuk is claimed by Iraq's central government too. Davutoglu's trip to Kirkuk was the first by a Turkish foreign minister since 1937.

On August 7 Hurriyet Daily News columnist Murat Yetkin offered this perspective on the matter:

"Because Iraq [is] at risk of falling apart. Massoud Barzani, the leader of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in the north of the country, which borders Turkey, has started to sign oil and gas deals with energy giants despite the objection of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad, who refuses to approve a hydrocarbons law to regulate the sharing of oil and gas income. The energy giants have an interest in supplying more oil and gas that is not controlled or is less controlled by Russia and Iran to Western markets; Turkey provides an option under NATO protection for both Iraqi Kurdish and Azeri resources to be transferred further west. The presence of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the KRG region and its armed campaign is, of course, a pain in the neck and a big obstacle to greater cooperation..."

On July 26 the same commentator claimed that "There are already political and economic actors trying to push Turkey to claim some energy-rich parts of Iraq and Syria, which would mean a regime change such as a federated Turkey, with Kurdish and possibly Arabic members," which, he conceded, "could drag the whole region into a chain reaction of wars."

Part of Turkey's justification for involvement in northern Iraq, and another pretext for potential military intervention, is the protection of their ethnic kin, the Turkmen, in the country.

However, since the U.S. and British invasion of Iraq in 2003 the true indigenous people of the north, the Assyrians, have been decimated by attacks from Barzani's peshmergas and Saudi-backed Wahhabi extremists without Turkey, or the West, being in the least degree concerned. Nine years ago there were an estimated 1.5 million Assyrian and other Christians in Iraq; now there under 500,000. Churches have been destroyed and in 2008 the Chaldean Catholic Archeparch of Mosul, Archbishop Mar Paulos Faraj Rahho, was kidnapped and murdered in the northern Iraqi city where he resided. Other religious minorities Mandeans, Sabeans and Yezidis have suffered the same fate. Shiites are regularly targeted by Wahhabi death squads.

The Barzani domain in the north has become a Turkish foothold inside the country, which has aided Ankara by preventing the PKK from operating on its territory and suppressing its sympathizers. It is also a dependable Sunni ally for Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies in efforts to weaken the Shiite-led government in Baghdad. The al-Maliki administration condemned last week's visit by the Turkish foreign minister to the Kurdish-dominated north as a violation of Iraq's constitution and national sovereignty as Davutoglu had neither requested nor obtained permission to enter Kirkuk.

Iraq's Foreign Ministry handed the Turkish chargé d'affaires in Baghdad a harshly-worded statement and the Turkish Foreign Minister in response summoned the Iraqi ambassador to lodge a protest.

With Turkish threats against Iraq and Syria, and by inevitable implication Iran, mounting, on August 6 the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Seyed Hassan Firuzabadi, warned that:

"Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey are responsible for blood being shed on Syrian soil.

"This is not an appropriate precedent, that neighboring countries of Syria contribute to the belligerent purposes of...the United States. If these countries have accepted such a precedent, they must be aware that after Syria, it will be the turn of Turkey and other countries.

He added that Iran fears "Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have become victims of promoting the terrorism of al-Qaeda and we warn our friends about this."

On the same day Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian stated, "There is a question that when al-Qaeda plays an active role in Syrian terrorism and violence, why the US and other countries back the shipment of heavy and semi-heavy weapons to the country?"

Kazem Jalali, a member of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said that "Turkey and those who support and arm terrorists" in Syria were responsible for the safety of 48 Iranians kidnapped in the country on August 4.

The following day the Turkish press reported that Osman Karahan, a Turkish lawyer who defended a suspected top-level al-Qaeda operative accused of participating in deadly bomb attacks in Istanbul in November of 2003 was killed in Aleppo fighting with anti-government forces. In 2006 the Turkish government charged Karahan with aiding and abetting al-Qaeda.

Syria has announced that it captured several Turkish and Saudi military officers in Aleppo. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have established a base in the Turkish city of Adana, 60 miles from the Syrian border, to supply weapons and training to Syrian rebels for cross-border attacks.

The Turkish government is providing bases, training and advisers for al-Qaeda and other participants in the insurrection against the Syrian government at the same time that it is threatening Syria, Iraq and Iran over the "terrorist" Kurdistan Workers' Party.

In bordering Iran, Iraq and Syria, Turkey provides NATO and through NATO the Pentagon direct access to those three nations. The final stage in the West's Greater Missile East Initiative is now well underway, as is a new redivision of the Levant modeled after the Anglo-French Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916.

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