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Create Your Own Internet in a Suitcase
K. Belyanin: Democracy download from the internet.

U.S. State Department has begun to establish a global network of fighters with authoritarian regimes

10:49 14.06.2011

Translated article from Russia

The U.S. administration plans to increase funding for projects to establish systems of the Shadow Internet "and independent of mobile networks, the deployment which would allow" human rights defenders and dissidents, "sharing information, avoiding the prohibitions of the authorities. In the U.S. State Department does not hide the fact that new technologies are primarily designed for "civic activists" in Iran, Syria and Libya. The list of countries that restrict freedom of information, referred to Russia, where, according to Washington, used "selective censorship".

The fact that Barack Obama endorsed the drafting of a "shadow Internet and independent of mobile networks, which can be" used to undermine repressive regimes, "the newspaper reported The New York Times. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated the newspaper that her agency did not intend to abandon programs to "spread freedom on the Internet." "More and more people around the world use the Internet, mobile communications and other technologies to be heard to protest against injustice - explained the Secretary of State .- For us, this historic chance to help them implement positive change in the world who support America."

Large-scale project supervised by the Pentagon and State Department officials, and to the developments involved not only military engineers and diplomats, but also "programmers and dissidents from at least 12 countries." In addition to the deployment of cellular networks enable the exchange of information, bypassing the operating in the country cellular providers, the project involves the creation of points "uncensored" internet connections, as well as security systems that prevent the identity of the user.

"We're going to create an isolated network infrastructure, which can not be controlled, it is impossible to track and very difficult to destroy", - says Director of Open Technology Initiative Sasha Minras, responsible for developing the program "Internet in a suitcase." The creation of new technology the State Department provided a grant of $ 2 million According to the programmers, "suitcase" allows you to create your own internet at a time when all other means of communication are blocked by the state. Special software allows plugged in computers and mobile phones freely exchange information and to leave the World Wide Web without creating a single access point.

"Suitcase" can be provided with additional antennas to expand coverage, and in the kit may include an additional CD-ROMs and memory cards, allowing to install the necessary software on any number of phones and computers. When the device is so compact that can be transferred through the border states, without causing any particular suspicion.

No less important component of the project may be to develop, allows us to modify the function Bluetooth, which is equipped with every modern mobile phone. According to an immigrant from Iran, Mehdi Yahyanezhada responsible for this trend, about half of the recent protests in Tehran, share photos and videos using mobile phones. Designed with the money the State Department program allows you to configure Bluetooth so that the video "beating one of the protesters, for example, will be automatically sent from one device to another through a network of" trusted users ".

But the most ambitious project may become the creation of independent mobile networks, already tested in Afghanistan. Until now, militants of the Taliban managed to neutralize the country's cellular systems, intimidating employees of telephone companies or exploding mobile phone towers. As a countermeasure to the Pentagon proposed to deploy in Afghanistan, "shadow network" with a transmission "cells" in the U.S. military bases.

Such a scheme can be used in other countries. To gather information about North Korea, for example, American diplomats are using cellular networks of Chinese operators. Tower, located on the hills in the province of Jilin, provide reliable reception and at the border of North Korea. According to The New York Times, U.S. embassy staff and their "operating assistant" hiding cell phones in the border zone. By using these phones are confirmed and the Director of State Department-funded Radio Free Asia Libby Liu. According to her, so radio journalists get information about life in North Korea.

Cyril Belyanin

The newspaper "Kommersant", â„– 105 / B (4646), 14.06.2011

Source - Kommersant
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"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Monday, June 13, 2011
FCC Commissioner Talks of FCC's Governance of Internet's 'On/Off Ramps' (Video)
Nicholas Ballasy
CNS News

Federal Communications Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, an Obama appointee, told that the FCC does not want to regulate Internet content but it does want to regulate the Internet's "on/off ramps."

At the National Association of Broadcasters Service Awards on Monday, asked Clyburn to what extent the federal government should regulate the Internet.

"When we talk about the Internet and the interaction, we are strictly talking about what we call the on/off ramps," she said. "We are not talking about content. So we are insuring, what we are attempting to do at the FCC is ensure that every person has an equal engagement, that every single individual when they pay their money or when they sign on line, that they have an equal engagement.

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"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Pentagon Ramps-Up Cyberwar Plans

Tom Burghardt
Dissident Voice

As the Obama administration expands Bush-era surveillance programs over the nation's electronic communications' infrastructure, recent media reports provide tantalizing hints of Pentagon plans for waging cyberwar against imperialism's geopolitical rivals.

On May 31, The Wall Street Journal disclosed that the Pentagon now asserts "that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war, a finding that for the first time opens the door for the U.S. to respond using traditional military force."

One sound bite savvy wag told journalist Siobhan Gorman, "if you shut down our power grid, maybe we will put a missile down one of your smokestacks."

Also on May 31, The Washington Post reported that America's shadow warriors have "developed a list of cyber-weapons and -tools, including viruses that can sabotage an adversary's critical networks, to streamline how the United States engages in computer warfare."

That "classified list of capabilities has been in use for several months," with the approval of "other agencies, including the CIA." Post reporter Ellen Nakashima informed us that this "sensitive program … forms part of the Pentagon's set of approved weapons or fires' that can be employed against an enemy."

Not to be left in the dust by their U.S. and Israeli allies, The Guardian reported that the "UK is developing a cyber-weapons programme that will give ministers an attacking capability to help counter growing threats to national security from cyberspace."

Armed Forces Minister Nick Harvey told The Guardian that "action in cyberspace will form part of the future battlefield" and will become "an integral part of the country's armoury."

It appears that Western military establishments are in the grips of a full-blown cyber panic or, more likely, beating the war drums as they roll out new product lines with encouragement from corporate partners eager to make billions developing new weapons systems for their respective political masters.

And why not? As Bloomberg News reported back in 2008, both Lockheed Martin and Boeing "are deploying forces and resources to a new battlefield: cyberspace."

Bloomberg averred that military contractors and the wider defense industry are "eager to capture a share of a market that may reach $11 billion in 2013," and "have formed new business units to tap increased spending to protect U.S. government computers from attack."

Linda Gooden, executive vice president of Lockheed's Information Systems & Global Services unit told Bloomberg, "The whole area of cyber is probably one of the faster-growing areas" of the U.S. budget. "It's something that we're very focused on."

As part of the new strategy to be released later this month, the Post reports that the military needs "presidential authorization to penetrate a foreign computer network and leave a cyber-virus that can be activated later."

However, when it comes to espionage or other activities loudly denounced as illegal intrusions into the sacrosanct world of government and corporate crime and corruption, the "military does not need such approval."

We're told such "benign" activities "include studying the cyber-capabilities of adversaries or examining how power plants or other networks operate."

"Military cyber-warriors," Nakashima writes, "can also, without presidential authorization, leave beacons to mark spots for later targeting by viruses," an "unnamed military official" told the Post.

But wait, aren't those precisely the types of covert actions decried by politicians, media commentators and assorted experts when they're directed against the heimat? Is there a double standard here? Well, of course there is!

Along with a flurry of Defense Department leaks designed to ratchet-up the fear factor and lay the groundwork for billions more from Congress for giant defense firms servicing the Pentagon's unquenchable thirst for ever-deadlier weapons systemscyber, or otherwise"threat inflation" scaremongering described by researchers Jerry Brito and Tate Watkins in their essential paper, Loving the Cyber Bomb?, take center stage.

Just last week, former Democratic party congressional hack, current CIA Director and Obama's nominee to lead the Defense Department, Leon Panetta, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that "the next Pearl Harbor that we confront could very well be a cyberattack that cripples America's electrical grid and its security and financial systems," The Christian Science Monitor reported.

Cripple the financial system? Why greedy banksters and corporate bottom-feeders seem to be doing a splendid job of it on their own without an assist from shadowy Russian hackers, the People's Liberation Army or LulzSec pranksters!

However, the Pentagon's propaganda blitz (courtesy of a gullible or complicitous corporate media, take your pick) is neither meant to inform nor educate the public but rather, to conceal an essential fact: the United States is already engaged in hostile cyber operations against their geopolitical rivalsand alliesand have been doing so since the 1990s, if not earlier, as journalist Nicky Hager revealed when he blew the lid off NSA's Echelon program in a 1997 piece for CovertAction Quarterly.

Full article:
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:[SIZE="3"]
"We're going to create an isolated network infrastructure, which can not be controlled, it is impossible to track and very difficult to destroy", - says Director of Open Technology Initiative Sasha Minras, responsible for developing the program "Internet in a suitcase."

"I had the opportunity to sit down with Sascha Meinrath, director of the New America Foundation's Open Technology Initiative, after he delivered his keynote address at the Alliance for Community Media 2010 conference in Pittsburgh. In this series of videos, Sascha discusses..." digital feudalism, building your own internet, four action items (e-rate reform, universal service fund reform, opening up of the low-frequency TV band for public use, and grassroots mobilization among PEG centers to counteract telecom lobbyists on Capitol Hill), and the role of PEG and community media centers in a functioning democratic society, and the critical need to fight the systematic de-funding of institutions for participatory media.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Total Information Awareness.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Total Information Awareness.

Imagine a spy satellite so far out into space and so sophisticated that it could see everything all at once....

It's a good quick cheap entertaining read, I PROmis.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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