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Explosion Norway





[Image: Breivik%2B2009.jpg]Breivik, or his double, 2009.

The Norway attacks were carried out by a group with links to fascism, zionism, the arms trade and drugs.

Emilie Bersaas, 19, said: "The shooting came from all different directions."


Rena is the site of Anders Breivik's farm where police believe he planned the 2011 Norway attacks.

The valley of Østerdalen, where Rena lies, is used by the military for special forces training; the Norwegian army's Rena military camp is located nearby. (Rena, Norway - Wikipedia)

The US ambassador to Norway visited Rena in May 2011.(Ambassador White visits Rena.)[/url]

"On May 20, 2011, Ambassador White traveled to Hedmark County on a visit hosted by Center Party Member of Parliament and Hedmark representative
Trygve Slagsvold Vedum."

[Image: Breivik%2B8.JPG]Breivik's double

On 26 August 2011, the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reported:

Police sources have confirmed that, hours before the attack on Utøya island, police had conducted a drill for a 'practically identical scenario.'

'All of the officers from the anti-terror unit that later took part at the bombsite at the government buildings and went out to Utøya to apprehend Anders Behring Breivik had been training on the exact same scenario earlier the same day and in the days preceding.'

The bomb attributed to Breivik went off only 26 minutes after the anti-terror drill finished. (Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik's Attack)

[Image: Breivik%2B2.JPG]Breivik

'Breivik', or his double, appears to be part of a vast CIA-Mossad-NATO mafia-fascist network with links to Africa, Asia and elsewhere.

'Anders Behring Breivik' visited Newark, N.J., for a week in late July 2004.

(Admitted Norwegian Killer Traveled to US in 2004 /BREIVIK, THAILAND, MINNESOTA, GAY)

'Breivik' reportedly visited Liberia, which has strong links to the CIA


"The CIA, Norwegian intelligence services and ... 24 British intelligence officers were ... active in Norway during the same years that 'Breivik' was operating."

(Breivik and The CIA)

[Image: anders_behring_breivik.jpg]Breivik or his double.

According to Wayne Madsen (Israeli co-option of Europe's far-right political parties Opinion Maker):

1. 'Breivik' had a keen interest in the 'stay-behind network' in Turkey.

(The 'stay-behind' networks were run by the CIA-NATO-Mossad. They carried out acts of terrorism in Europe and Turkey in order to keep various mafias and fascists in power. In Turkey the 'stay behind' network was called Ergenekon. In Italy it was called operation Gladio.

2. 'Breivik' visited people in various countries, including the USA, Mexico, UK and Belarus.

Yet European law enforcement officials insist that 'Breivik' is a crazed 'lone wolf.'

3. The European police and security services have strong connections to Israeli intelligence, Israeli security 'consultants', and Israeli security system manufacturers.

Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas, in a new book, has written that Israel controls the French intelligence agencies.

[Image: poppies.jpg]A vast mafia, with links to the military, making money from drugs and wars.

4. The German magazine Spiegel has highlighted the growing relationship between neo-Nazi far-right political parties and Israel's right-wing parties.

(Almost all political parties in Europe have close ties to Israel)

5. 'Breivik' had links to the English Defense League (EDL), which has a Jewish Division.

The EDL has also made common cause with (Jewish-Dutch-Indonesian) politician Geert Wilders's anti-Islamic Freedom Party.

Breivik has been linked to Malta-based Paul Ray, who is associated with a German ex-neo-Nazi named Nick Greger, who has operated out of Liberia with a group of neo-Nazis which includes Northern Ireland and South African 'fascists'.

Malta served as an important base of operations for the Libyan National Transition Council.

Breivik has links to India's right-wing Hindu nationalists, as well as Chinese Buddhists who oppose Chinese Muslims in Xinjiang in western China.

Breivik reportedly visited Mexico, where the La Familia drug cartel has been fighting a war against the Los Zetas cartel, which has received weapons courtesy of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

There is a suggestion that right-wing interests in Europe and the United States are playing both sides in the Mexican conflict.

Some "main stream" right-wing political parties in Europe have associated themselves with Breivik's extremist ideology.

[Image: rafsanjani.jpg]Our leaders allegedly make money from wars and drugs.

Breivik's world travels indicate that "he was part of a wide-reaching fascist network."

Breivik has visited Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Belarus, France, Austria, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Switzerland, the United States, Turkey, Mexico, China, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, and Liberia.

Breivik allegedly received paramilitary training in Belarus and made contact with far-right political parties in Croatia.

[Image: 275px-Andersedited.png]Website for this image

The people behind the Norway attacks are:

1. Very powerful within the police, military, media and government in Norway, and, in a host of other countries worldwide.

2. Linked to the people who did 9 11, the London Tube bombs, Iran-Contra and Operation Gladio.

3. Part of a vast 'Mafia-Fascist' network that thrives on 'chaos' and 'arms and drugs trafficking'.

Are some of our leaders linked to 'crime'?

Near where I live there are families who own vast estates and some of those families made their money, in previous centuries, from the slave trade and the trade in narcotics.

In the Middle Ages, the countries leaders, the King and the barons, were little different from the Mafia.

[Image: normans.jpg]History is full of secret groups. (Another History of the Knights Templar, Part 2)

On 26 August 2011, the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports:

Police sources have confirmed that, hours before the attack on Utøya island, police had conducted a drill for a 'practically identical scenario.'

'All of the officers from the anti-terror unit that later took part at the bombsite at the government buildings and went out to Utøya to apprehend Anders Behring Breivik had been training on the exact same scenario earlier the same day and in the days preceding.'

The bomb attributed to Breivik went off only 26 minutes after the anti-terror drill finished. (Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik's Attack)

[Image: 25292754_3687840a7c_o.jpg]
Professor Peter Dale Scott, at Global Research, on 23 August 2011, wrote:

Norway's Terror as Systemic Destabilization: Breivik, the Arms-for-Drugs Milieu, and Global Shadow Elites

According to Professor Peter Dale Scott:

1. Terrorist events in Europe have been linked to the CIA-NATO's Operation Gladio.

In the words of an Italian parliamentary commission, "Those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organized or promoted or supported…by men linked to the structures of the United States."

We should look behind the ideology of 'Breivik' to the arms-for-drugs trafficking connections of his heroes and contacts.

3. Of particular interest are the criminal connections between the Breivik-linked drug trafficker Milorad Ulemek and the arms-and-drugs group Far West LLC.

4. Far West is linked to shadow elites.

5. Thus Norway's terror, like comparable bombings in Italy and Turkey, illustrates the link between the destabilization and the international drug traffic.

[Image: fw-5071f.jpg]Far West - Website for this image

6. James Petras has wondered whether the Norway attacks on 7/22 were part of a Norwegian strategy of tension.

He has raised the 'obvious question…as to the degree to which the ideology of right wing extremism neo-fascism has penetrated the police and security forces, especially the upper echelons?'.

He thus suspects the extreme delay of the police in reaching the island of Utøya.

7. Norway had a Gladio stay-behind network, ROCAMBOLE (ROC), that was partly funded and controlled by NATO, the CIA, and the British service MI6.

8. The Breivik episode presents a number of features that are also familiar from past 'deep events':

A) We are given Breivik's alleged history.

B) There are 'planted clues'.

C) There is a diary or manifesto.

Consider the information we were given about Lee harvie Oswald.

This can be seen as false, and probably part of FBI-CIA efforts to discredit the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.

Breivik's video appears to be designed for the world of the resentful - who find an outlet for their resentments on the Internet.

It is worth recalling that in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center the attackers were trained by a member of 'al Qaeda', Ali Mohamed, who almost certainly was working for US government sources.

Recent American incidents of violence may have been part of an on-going strategy of tension, to destabilize society as a means to justify the ever-mounting budgets for America's security forces.

Al Qaeda is almost certainly a drug-trafficking and drug-supported organization.


9. Breivik's Finances Suggest He Did Not Act Alone

Breivik's E-Commerce Group AS was a front with the purpose of financing resistance/liberation related military operations. Most of the funds were channelled through a Caribbean subsidiary (with base in Antigua).

Antigua was noted for its corrupt banks with intelligence connections; it was used for example by BCCI and Israeli operatives in the 1980s for illicit arms sales to the Medellin cocaine cartel.

Some have pointed to the growing links between the right-wing parties of Israel and the right-wing parties extolled in the Breivik manifesto.

10. Among those apparently linked to the Breivik manifesto and videos are:

Milorad Lukovic /Milorad Ulemek of the 'Serbian mafia'

Charles Taylor, once teamed up with Pat Robertson

Samir Geagea, militia leader in Lebanon

Johnny Adair, former Protestant militia leader in Northern Ireland

Irish militia hitmen Gary Smith

A majority of the above have been linked to the drugs and weapons trade.

The drug traffic thrives where there is violence.

Today the global maps of major drug-growing and of 'non-state' violence are virtually one and the same.

[Image: drug_dealers_car.jpg]

11. Russian sources have linked Ulemek with Vladimir Filin, the Russian leader of Far West LLC, a group of former Soviet military intelligence officers accused of arms and drug trafficking.

Far West is thought of as a multinational link between organized crime, including drug trafficking, and the global intelligence and corporate establishment.

It enjoys connections to the intelligence networks of Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Great Britain, and the United States.

The group's business front, Far West Ltd (now Far West LLC) is said to have CIA-approved contractual dealings with Halliburton for geopolitical purposes in the Caucasus, as well asdealings in Iraq with Diligence LLC, a group with connections to Joe Allbaugh (the FEMA chief in 2001) and to the President's younger brother Neil Bush.

The head of Far West recently told a Russian outlet that "a well-known American corporation... is a co-founder of our agency."

It is a 'meta-group' like the drug bank BCCI which was in some significant ways its predecessor.

The group's 'protection', the men it dealt with at a still higher level, have included Boris Berezovsky's man Alexander Voloshin in the Kremlin and the multi-billionaires Roman Abramovich and Adnan Khashoggi.

These protectors qualify as part of the illicit 'shadow elites, those whose influence stems from illicit or unconventional means.'

Far West is a component of a larger war machine.

Its principal aim in destabilization is 'to promote conditions that facilitate its own business prospects…and specifically the chaos that makes for future contracts.'

12. Destabilization generates business for the power bureaucracies and private military corporations whose practice it is to intervene in destabilized countries.

It is a source of income to those illicit elites who have become rich through banking the proceeds.

The suspicion is that for the ultimate source of events such as the Norweay Attacks, we should look beyond such national organisations as the CIA to a more unstructured and international deep force, or forces, working with, and sometimes perhaps manipulating, these national organisations.

[Image: Mourning%2Broses%252C%2BUtoya.jpg]Norway's Island of Utoya, mourning roses.

Reportedly, the CIA uses sex and terror to control the top people in Europe. (CIA CONTROLS NATO AND BILDERBERG?)

1. The terror attacks in Norway have affected the political situation in Norway.

In Norway's local elections of September 2011, the Conservative Party performed well.

Norway's Conservative party is strongly anti-Russia and pro-USA.(Norway among those splitting NATO : News Norway)

In Norway's local elections, the 'Brievik party' suffered a loss of support. (Norway Conservatives and Labour Gain in Vote - Bloomberg)

Labour Party 31.6% (2007 - 29.6%)
Conservatives 28% (2007 - 19.3%)
Progress 11.4% (2007 - 17.5%)

The Prime Minister's Labour Party has seen its vote increase(NORWAY - INSIDE JOB)

[Image: Trond%2BBerntsen.jpg]Killed - Tron Berntsen, stepbrother of Crown-Princess Mette-Marit

2. Norway's progress Party, supported by Anders Breivik, has recently had its sex scandals

On 22 september 2011, it was reported that:

1. Progress Party MP BÃ¥rd Hoksrud, while travelling with members of the Party's Youth Movement, was filmed entering a bordello. A prostitute confirmed that Hoksrud was her client.

2. Trond Birkedal, former Stavanger Mayor candidate, was arrested in 2010 on suspicion of secretly filming up to thirteen boys in his shower. He is also accused of having intercourse with a minor.

3. In 2001, Mayor of Os in Hordaland County, Terje Søvikness, had sex with a 16-year-old girl whilst at a national Party congress.

[Image: Norway%2527s%2BCrown%2BPrince%2BHaakon%2...-Marit.jpg]Crown Prince and Crown Princess

3. On 19 September 2011, Wayne Madsen links the Anders Breivik story to:

1. The CIA's terrorist activities in Belgium

2. The CIA's child sex orgies in Belgium

3. Nazi Knights templars with links to Belgium and the CIA.

(Breivik massacre has "Gladio" clues from ... - Intrepid

According to Wayne Madsen:

1. The Norway terror is not unique.

The CIA's 'stay-behind' networks, part of Operation Gladio, have frequently carried out false flag terror attacks in Europe using right-wing paramilitaries.

For example, between 1982 and 1985, the 'Brabant Gang' attacked supermarkets and other places in Belgium.

At least 28 people were killed. (STRATEGY OF TENSION / US MARINES; BRABANT.)

Among the victims of the Brabant Gang were Belgian real estate tycoon Jacques Fourez and his secretary, Elise Dewit.

Their deaths, as well as others, were linked to the evidence they possessed of child-sex orgies called 'pink ballets'.

Those who attended the 'pink ballets' included NATO officers, royalty, top politicians and other top people. (PINK BALLETS; AMERICAN MILITARY.)

[Image: 230px-Pim_Fortuyn_portrait_%2528by_Jean_...n%2529.jpg]MOSSAD'S MURDEROUS ACTIVITIES IN AUSTRIA .

2. Breivik has been linked to spooky Knights Templar groups.

A number of Belgian neo-Nazi paramilitary members were connected to the Order of the Solar Temple, linked to the Knights Templar.

Between 1994 and 1997, a number of Solar Temple members were murdered ritualistic-style or committed mass suicide.

Japanese television journalists discovered links between the Solar Temple and the CIA.

3. In the mid-1990s, Belgian Marc Dutroux was arrested for kidnappings young girls. (MADELEINE AND DUTROUX.)

Reportedly the girls were supplied to top people.

Dutroux had links to the police in Belgium.

Reportedly, the Belgian pedophile scandal involved top American officials and is linked to the pedophile networks active in Washington, DC, Los Angeles, and Omaha.

Belgian and other European politicians engaged in Pink Ballet activities were blackmailed by the CIA into backing NATO initiatives in Europe.




"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Psychiatrists assessing self-confessed Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik have concluded that he is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.
They believe he was in a psychotic state during the twin attacks on 22 July that led to the deaths of 77 people and injured 151.
He was also insane during the 13 interviews the two psychiatrists held with them, a news conference heard.
Breivik admits carrying out the attacks but has pleaded not guilty to charges.
He has previously said the attacks were atrocious but "necessary", saying he was fighting to defend Europe from a Muslim invasion, which was being enabled by what he called "cultural Marxists" in Norway's Labour Party, and the European Union.
The two psychiatrists, in their report, concluded that he lived in his "own delusional universe where all his thoughts and acts are guided by his delusions".
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Psychiatrists assessing self-confessed Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik have concluded that he is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.
They believe he was in a psychotic state during the twin attacks on 22 July that led to the deaths of 77 people and injured 151.
He was also insane during the 13 interviews the two psychiatrists held with them, a news conference heard.
Breivik admits carrying out the attacks but has pleaded not guilty to charges.
He has previously said the attacks were atrocious but "necessary", saying he was fighting to defend Europe from a Muslim invasion, which was being enabled by what he called "cultural Marxists" in Norway's Labour Party, and the European Union.
The two psychiatrists, in their report, concluded that he lived in his "own delusional universe where all his thoughts and acts are guided by his delusions".

HORRIBLE and WRONG - only, I think, because the psychiatrists do not understand deep politics...I hope that will be rejected by the Judge, who makes the final determination on this matter. Makes me sick. A prison for the insane in Norway is nicer than most Americans live. After a few years he'd even be allowed visitor stays, and maybe even daytime out privileges......if accompanied by someone. Eventually, he could be released as a free man if doctors declare him 'cured' in future. The diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenic would fit most covert operatives and far-right neo-fascists.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Quote:he lived in his "own delusional universe where all his thoughts and acts are guided by his delusions"
- that could be said about many a leader through history up to the present...

What Breivik did on the 22nd of July was of course insane! - most of us would agree on that.
Although not Breivik himself - according to all Scandinavian newspapers he was very insulted by the report of the psychiatrists.
Breivik still sees himself as a Knight, and still believes that he one day will be the one that governs Norway - maybe Europe even - at least with the help of the other Knights.

What Breivik did was indeed insane - but it was planned! Let us not forget that. To say the he was in a psychotic state during the twin attacks, and afterwards, tends to start another "lonely nut" story.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:... the psychiatrists do not understand deep politics...

Not to disagree with you on the whole, or pick a fight, but it seems to me that some psychiatrists, the field of psychiatry, and a number of cases would directly indicate that shrinks are deeply implicated within the arena of deep politics as engineers, cover-up artists, de-programmers, or other. It follows when one understands the environment of the mind and how it can be tricked, controlled, used (and abused). I can probably dig up the exact references, but recent readings in books about secret societies, Gordon Thomas book "Journey Into Madness", Alex Constantine's "Psychic Dictatorship" and others prove that the hand of international psychiatry is snugly fitted into one or more fingers of the glove of deep politics. I haven't finished reading Colin Ross' case history yet, but to say it is interesting would be an understatement.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:... the psychiatrists do not understand deep politics...

Not to disagree with you on the whole, or pick a fight, but it seems to me that some psychiatrists, the field of psychiatry, and a number of cases would directly indicate that shrinks are deeply implicated within the arena of deep politics as engineers, cover-up artists, de-programmers, or other. It follows when one understands the environment of the mind and how it can be tricked, controlled, used (and abused). I can probably dig up the exact references, but recent readings in books about secret societies, Gordon Thomas book "Journey Into Madness", Alex Constantine's "Psychic Dictatorship" and others prove that the hand of international psychiatry is snugly fitted into one or more fingers of the glove of deep politics. I haven't finished reading Colin Ross' case history yet, but to say it is interesting would be an understatement.

Of course, some psychologists and psychiatirsts work on that 'dark side', but as I trained initially in clinical psychology and then switched to other fields, I know quite well that many would never ever participate in such and are looking to heal the pain and suffering that many go through mentally in their lives. There are different schools in psychology. A few are, IMHO [both when I was a student and now] anathema to real psychological help [Skinner, DelGatto, et al.] Other's [Perls, Szasz et al.] are totally aware of how repressive modern society is and aim to help the individual self actualize and defend against it. Yet others, have other views. Don't lump all into the same camp. Incidently, one of the reasons I left clinical psychology because too few were willing to use their skill set to look at politicians, people in positions of power, whole societies, and not just the individual....though there are some, and I could name, who have written great works that help the individual to battle the society and maintain and build up one's own goals and world-view; build defenses from the assault on them by the propaganda, as well as the general insanity of modern Western life. Confusedhock: I've also been in therapy, and while most therapists were not good, I did have for all too short a time the psychiatrist that Anais Nin also had and wrote about. This woman was FANTASTIC and in one hour I could do more 'work' than with others in months - to the positive in understanding self and society and the line between the two clearly. Etc.

To bring it back on topic, I listened some to the two psychiatrists and they seemed average in their world view - which in most is the assumption that society is basicly 'sane' as those in it, and that aberations from society is a sign of some mental disorder. Szasz on the other hand wrote a brilliant document I'll try to find about how society was insane and anyone seemingly acting aberrantly might well be the sane one. Of course he was also aware that there are simply those for organic or psychological reasons really had problems - now we know that some few are also artificially created / programmed to be so.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Red Ice Radio - Peter Dale Scott - Hour 1 - Norway's Massacre, Breivik & Deep Events


Uploaded by RedIceRadio on Dec 3, 2011
Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and English Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. He was born in Montreal in 1929. An anti-war speaker during the Vietnam and Gulf Wars, he was a co-founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program at UC Berkeley, and of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA). He is the author of several books including, The War Conspiracy (1972), The Iran-Contra Connection (1987),Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America (1991, 1998), Drugs Oil and War (2003), The Road to 9/11 (2007), and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War (2008). In the first hour we revisit Breivik's attack on Norway. We discuss his possible motivations, his connections and his alignment with Nick Greger. Peter explains why he refers to these attacks as "deep events" and gives examples of other systemic deep events. We'll discuss false flag attacks as a strategy to bring in a new agenda. Peter points out similarities to Operation Gladio and Breivik's model of attack.



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"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Swedish professor links Israel to Norway massacre

Ola Tunander suggests Israel behind bloody terror attacks committed by Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik in July, stirring up controversy in Oslo
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[TD="class: text12g"]12.15.11, 23:23 / Israel News [/TD]
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A Swedish professor suggested Israel was behind the bloody terror attacks committed by Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik this past July, stirring up controversy in the country.

Research professor Ola Tunander of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) published an article in the Norwegian academic journal Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift in which he called to further examine Brevik's motives.

According to Tunander, it is possible that some country was behind the terror attacks, hinting that Israel might be that country.

Far right extremist Breivik, 32, had previously confessed to the Oslo bombing, which killed eight people, and to the youth camp massacre which killed 69 at the small island of Utoeya northwest of Oslo earlier in July.
In December the confessed killer disputed an expert conclusion that he is criminally insane. His lawyer was quoted as saying: "We have examined a good part of the report that details the conversations he had with the psychologists."
Breivik "reacted by saying that it contained factual errors (and) lies and that his statements were taken out of context," his lawyer added.

Tunander claimed that in order to carry out a terror attack of such magnitude the involvement of state forces is needed, "and we can't rule out that being the case this time too," he wrote.

July 22 in history

While quoting the controversial article, the Swedish news site The Local presented the professor's theory. Tunander mentioned the political tensions between Oslo and Jerusalem in the months prior to the terror attacks in light of Norway's intent to recognize a Palestinian state.

He goes on to link between July 22, the date of Breivik's killing spree, and the significance of that date in Israel's history. Tunander brings up the Lillehammer affair of 1973, when Mossad agents accidently killed a Moroccan waiter in the Norwegian city believing he was Ali Hassan Salameh, the chief of operations for the 1972 Munich massacre of Israeli athletes. One of the agents was arrested the day after the murder, on July 22nd.
The Norwegian professor also discussed the bombing at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem carried out by the Irgun on July 22, 1946.
"We have discussed the right-wing extremist Israeli and Judeo-Christian side of Breivik's network, Israel's interest in disciplining Norway, and Israel's celebration of bomb attacks. In this respect, Breivik's attack appears to resemble a new king David Hotel attack: July 22nd," he said.
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PRIO director Kristian Berg Harpviken told Norwegian magazine Minerva that Tunander's article left him with a feeling of "considerable unease." Harpviken added that it was a wrong call on behalf of the Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift to publish it.
Tunander said that it was unfair to conclude from his article about any intention to link between Israel and the most murderous event in Norway's history since World War II.,7340,...50,00.html
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
New developments in the Breivik case.

These are taking place in the world of extreme right wing politics, which means everything is rather spooky, and nothing is quite as it seems.

However, the information below is, at the very least, resonant.

In Breivik's manifesto, he talked of visiting London in 2002 for what appears as a ritual meeting of some pseudo New Knights Templar. This was the beginning of his Quest (again in ritual terms), and led to Breivik undertaking several very curious errands - such as gun running for Serb arms dealers in wartorn Liberia.

In the London meeting, Breivik met "Lionheart". Evidence suggested that "Lionheart" was Paul Ray, the founder of the English Defence League.

For the record, whilst Ray admits to blogging as "Lionheart", he denies having been at the meeting in London in 2002, and also denies having ever met Breivik.

Here's an interview with Paul Ray:

Quote:I'm Not Anders Breivik's British Mentor

By Jamie Armstrong

We met Paul Ray, "Lionheart of England", a few months ago when we were making the VBS.TV film Royal Wedding. Ray is a religious skinhead who formed the EDL, but who now lives in exile in Malta where he leads an anti-Muslim group called The Ancient Order of the Templar Knights. If you've been following the news recently, the name of Ray's organisation should ring a few bells.

When the Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik's 1,500-page 'manifesto' went public yesterday, it was full of the same Holy War rhetoric favoured by Ray. Amongst its hubris was the claim that "God will revive the ancient order of the Knights Templar". Eerily similar, especially when you think about the claims Breivik has made about his close relationship with the EDL. Could Paul Ray have a connection with Anders Breivik?

We began to get worried that maybe the other terror cells Breivik has claimed to be working alongside had something to do with Paul Ray, so we decided to seek him out. So did The Daily Telegraph, though they didn't seem to get as much out of him as we did. This is probably because the Paul Ray we called was in Malta, while they found their (presumably bewildered) Paul Ray in Bedfordshire.

VICE: Hi Paul. You've already said on your blog that you would "play no part in such inhumane savagery that has no place in the civilised world." So, have you ever had any contact with Anders Breivik?
Paul Ray: No. Not at all. Not that I know of, anyway.

VICE: Were there many connections with Norway back when you were running the EDL?
Paul Ray: Well, you should look up Alan Lake's "EDL Final Solution" and have a read of that. He was one of the early EDL members and his "Final Solution" seems to be ideologically similar to what Anders has been writing and talking about.

VICE: Hmm, "Final Solution" is a very loaded term. Do you think Breivik has stolen anything from Lake's manifesto?
Paul Ray: Yeah, but this Anders guy says that he gave his ideological outlook to the EDL. If he did, he never gave it to me. I'm the one who brought the EDL together. Thing is, Alan Lake came in at the beginning as well, and he was dealing with either the Swedish or Norwegian anti-jihad movement. He had his fingers in a few of those movements throughout Europe. If Breivik did have contact with anyone in the EDL at that time, I wouldn't be surprised it if was him.

VICE: It's been reported in the press that Anders was planning to reform the Templar Knights of Europe. Nominally at least, that sounds pretty close to your Ancient Order of the Templar Knights group. Were you aware of that?
Paul Ray: I think he was a lone wolf, and he's just creating this mythology around him to make it look likes he's part of something much bigger. He claims he arranged a meeting in London in 2002 with people from the Catholic Church and the Greek and Serbian Orthodox Churches. Do you really think people from these different denominations would come together to meet someone like him, and then approve of killing 90 innocent people? It's pretty far-fetched.

VICE: How do you think this will affect peoples' views of your Templar Knights?
Paul Ray: It's bad isn't it? Look at what he's been saying, and then look at what I've been portraying. Don't look good, does it? My friends have been reading the manifesto and a lot of the things that we're involved in and promoting are in there. It apparently says in his manifesto that he has an English mentor called Richard. People are thinking that might be a code word for Richard Lionheart. Who else is there called "Lionheart" who's writing about anti-jihad, Muslims and Templar iconography? It blatantly looks like it's me! He also talks about diamonds in Liberia and whatever. Meanwhile, Nick [Mad Nick, another Templar Knight, pictured above with Paul Ray] is supporting Charles Taylor… It looks like he's pointing the finger at us! It's like he's copied us. He's just using the Templar Knight iconography to condone his actions.

VICE: Why would he copy you?
Paul Ray: I think he's just one crazed man. I think he's just created a story to make himself look a lot bigger than he actually is. Ultimately, he's made it look like he's pointing his finger directly at me and the people I'm associated with.

VICE: Will any EDL members be worried about the prospect of links between themselves and Breivik coming to wider attention?
Paul Ray: The EDL are a bunch of lying hypocrites and they're pushing for a full-on confrontation in our country. They put on the face of being a peaceful group, but really they're pushing for a civil war. The intelligence services aren't stupid, and right now extreme far-right groups like the EDL will just be worried about being banned. Their leadership will certainly be worried that someone in their ranks did have connections with that man and that that will come out. If there is any link with Alan Lake, it will be interesting to see how that situation plays out.

VICE: In your opinion, do you think there are more terrorists like him?
Paul Ray: Yeah, I think there's always going to be far-right people out there who'll commit terrorist attacks.

Well, that's terrifying.


With regard to "Alan Lake", Ray has now gone further than he did in the interview above and claimed that "Lake" was Breivik's controller.

"Alan Lake" has recently been revealed as a pseudonym of Alan Ayling:

Quote:Tycoons back new far-right grouping

Andy McSmith Monday 12 December 2011

A property tycoon and a former investment fund manager have been named as the driving forces behind a plan to create a new force on the far-right of British politics.

The Independent revealed last week that the English Defence League plans to run candidates for the first time in local elections, after a deal with another far-right group, the British Freedom Party, formed by former members of the British National Party.

Ann Marchini, who runs a buy-to-let property empire, confirmed to The Sunday Times that she is a member of the British Freedom Party and a friend of its chairman, Paul Weston.

Alan Ayling, also known as Alan Lake, was a director of Pacific Capital Investment Management until earlier this year. In October, he was named by a prosecutor in Oslo as someone Norwegian police wanted to question about the murders of 77 people by Anders Behring Breivik in July. Mr Ayling was thought to have been one of Breivik's sources of inspiration.

Both are said to have been at a "pivotal" meeting of EDL activists held at Mr Ayling's flat in London in 2009.

Source: The Independent.

Here is Wikipedia on Lake/Ayling:

Quote:"Alan Lake" is the pseudonym used by a computer expert from Highgate, London.[1] "Lake" is a millionaire,[2] and has been described as the 'chief financier' of the English Defence League by the media, which reportedly is "fiercely denied by Lake."[3] He however admitted to having "given some money to help some EDL things happen" in his first television interview, on Norwegian TV 2.[4] According to EDL leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, "Lake" has never been a member of the EDL, and the EDL has not received funding from him. Responding to media claims saying the opposite, Lennon said that "he ["Lake"] spoke at two demos and he wore a suit, and all of a sudden he was a millionaire funder."[5]

Lake is considered a central figure in organising international anti-Islamist contacts.[4] Lake spoke at a seminar on Islamisation in Malmö, Sweden in 2009, organised by the Sweden Democrats.[3][6] Lake has later said that he continues to maintain good relations with many of the party's members, and that he is a good friend with MP Kent Ekeroth.[4] He has considered that the state "might as well" execute Islamists who seek to impose Sharia law in the UK,[4] and according to The Guardian he has called for discussion about killing the Archbishop of Canterbury for his alleged supporting sharia law for Britain.[7] Lake has also founded the far-right "4 Freedoms" website.[2]

Lake rarely speaks with the press.[2] According to Professor Nigel Copsey Lake represents the more 'respectable' intellectual wing of the English Defence League.[8]

In October 2011, Norwegian police formally investigated Lake to investigate any potential ideological influence Lake may have had on mass murderer Anders Breivik.[9]

In December 2011 "Lake" was identified as property tycoon and a former investment fund manager Alan Ayling.[10]

On his "Lionheart" blog, Paul Ray has now made the following, rather rambling but provocative, allegations:

Quote:There is now no doubt in my mind about Alan Lake being Anders Breivik's controller linked to his terrorist atrocities in Norway on July 22nd 2011.

For 6 months after being 'framed' as Breivik's English 'mentor' I have been trying to work out if I was right in my belief that Alan Lake & Co were the ones who set me up which would mean they were directly linked to Breivik himself and his actions. All circumstantial evidence pointed in his direction but there was one massive missing piece of the mental jigsaw puzzle that I just could not work out.

How could Alan Lake possibly be linked to the Balkans, Serbians and maybe even Russians.

The big missing link to my mental picture to make it complete.

Then this week Tash Shifrin thankfully released the information that Alan Ayling aka Alan Lake had been suspended from his job within a major London bank where he worked as the manager over their Oracle database.

I checked the website of the bank and clicked on the 'about us' page and the Balkans jumped out of the page at me. Alan Lake working in a trusted position within an international bank directly linked to the Balkans and obviously Serbians?

This is no ordinary bank like Barclay's or RBS either, everything is in the name of this bank that Lake was working for: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

It is an independent bank supported by international Governments dealing with Reconstruction and Development in Countries emerging from war exactly like in the Balkans pre 2002, and broken Countries that need assistance in development just like the name states.

A powerful international European bank with a political mandate.

You can check their website yourself to see the good work that the bank is currently doing in helping developing Nations, and the work in other Countries they are intending to do, but as with everything there is always the chance that criminals at some level get involved with such large organisations and operate under the cover of the organisation until found out. This happens in life in any major company where criminals work out the system from the inside, find fellow criminals and then abuse the system for their financial advantage, or as in this case political advantage due to the nature of the bank and its work. Sometimes this abuse can reflect extremely badly on the image of the organisation/company depending on the type of organisation/company it is, and in other instances its just a case of a financial lose through fraud or theft.

Alan Ayling operating under his alias Alan Lake has the potential to damage the reputation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development because of his extra curricula political activities, and his direct connection to the Anders Breivik mass murder enquiry because people will now be asking questions and want answers about their employee and his activities.

Considering all of his work in the UK as director behind the EDL and his links into the European anti-Jihad movement that includes Sweden where he has contacts in the Swedish Government and even Norway itself where Breivik struck, you could argue that the damage is already done unless the Chief Executives issue a public statement distancing themselves from their employee Alan Ayling.

Unless they have the bury your head in the sand syndrome concerning such a serious situation their bank is now implicated in.

To have only suspended him when their is evidence all over the internet about his extra curricula political activities and not sacked him with immediate effect does not bode well on the banks future public image around the World. At least if they had of sacked him with immediate effect the public would have perceived the Chief Executives acted immediately over something of such a serious nature that they had no knowledge of when it was brought to their attention. This did not happen.

Either the Chief Executives of the bank know about Alan Ayling's extra curricula political activities, and his direct link to the Anders Breivik mass murder enquiry and endorse him and support him, or they do not?

I go with they did not.

That's a question for others to ask them though that the Norwegian and British public will now want to know, not least for Norway where he is alleged to be linked to Anders Breivik who massacred 69 innocent kids on their summer camp and blew up the Government building killing 8 people inside, but also here in the UK where he has been directing the hijacked EDL and costing the British tax-payer millions whilst working as an employee inside their bank that has a political mandate in foreign Countries, even wanting to go into Islamic Countries.

If they do not support him or endorse him, then along with a public statement the only way they can prove this is by conducting their own internal and transparent investigation into his work activities internally to see if he has been abusing his trusted position and is involved in criminal activity within the structure of the bank along with others, whilst the Norwegian and British police continue to carry out their investigations into his extra curricula political activities, and his links to Anders Breivik and the massacre in Norway.

Alan Ayling was not just floor staff either, he was the trusted 'manager' of the banks Oracle database overseeing a whole team of employee's.

I have absolutely no idea what the Oracle database is or what it does but it must play an important function of the bank and Lake was the trusted man for the job. How did he attain that trusted position?

You could ask yourself; what was their trusted manager doing directing the EDL street protest movement and how did it all happen? Was Alan Ayling recruited into a secret group with a funny handshake by other employee's of the bank who were unknowingly abusing their positions from within and needed others to help as an extension of their criminal work?

You cannot say this does not go on!

Its all about the money for some people.

I am all for secretive groups with funny handshakes planning and plotting for the defence of Queen & Country but this group behind Breivik are not for Queen & Country.

Most people reading this worry about their mortgage payments, car payments, mobile phone bill or internet bill etc which are small amounts of money being transferred around banks like Barclay's or RBS, where as major criminal and terrorist organisations worry about transferring many millions of pounds, euros and dollars around international banks via enterprises like arms trading, drug smuggling to fund conflicts and terrorist campaigns.

What would your local Barclay's bank branch manager think if millions of pounds were being transferred through your accounts?

It would definitely raise his suspicions that's for sure.

But what if you were working in a bank use to multi million pound transfers being switched around accounts, working in developing Countries and war torn Countries and you had paid willing accomplices on the inside so as to not raise suspicions over the criminal enterprise?

Money laundering.

Would a bank like the one Alan Lake worked for be the type of bank that large sums of money could be passed around without much suspicion? And considering the nature of the work the bank does and the Countries it works in would it be possible that it has gone on under the nose of the Chief Executives by a network of compliant criminal employee's like Alan Ayling?

Breivik was chosen by someone for some reason and sent as an errand boy to Liberia in 2002 with all probability the reason for the trip being about arms trading amongst other things, considering it was at a time when the Country was gripped in a bloody civil war. Breivik has stated that there were other reasons why he went to Liberia other than meeting his Serbian contact which would tie in with being an errand boy for arms traders. After this trip to Liberia he then travelled to London where he has stated that the founding meeting of the secretive militant right-wing group was formed. Could it be possible that members of that group, especially his English 'mentor' were part of the financial side of the international arms trade which would mean working on the inside of a large international bank based in London? Or having someone on the inside?

Further reading: Birth & Baptism of Anders Breivik

It is highly likely that Breivik was recruited because of his father who was the Norwegian diplomat to London in 2002. Its not unheard of that some diplomats have dual roles as spies either, so Breivik probably came to someones attention as a useful young recruit into a neo-Gladio style group. Did Breivik's father have any dealings with Alan Ayling's bank whilst working in his capacity as the Norwegian diplomat to London? If you type Norway into the banks website search engine you will see that Norway is a financial backer of this bank so the possibility is there.

That's for the Norwegian investigators to find out.

Breivik's father obviously fears something because he refuses to travel to Norway to answer questions which says allot about the man. A man who was entrusted to be the representative of the Norwegian people as a government diplomat in a foreign Country who now refuses to travel back to his native homeland to answer questions over such a serious matter that has effected the Nation. That leaves the very real thought that he must have something to hide with regards to his son and how his son ended up as an extreme right-wing political terrorist who has committed the worst act of political terrorism in Europe of the 21st Century and committed a crime against humanity.

It all starts to make much more sense now, and is the reason behind the British press refusing to report on Alan Lake this self explanatory considering who his employer is?

One thing is for sure is that if Alan Ayling was working inside this particular bank in 2002 then that is another nail in his coffin concerning his direct involvement with Anders Breivik.

For the record, Lake/Ayling denies having ever met Anders Breivik.

Murkier and murkier.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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