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Explosion Norway
Here is Tash Shifrin's article on Lake/Ayling from the Unite Against Fascism website:

Quote:EDL strategist Alan Lake' suspended from manager job in City

EXCLUSIVE: by Tash Shifrin

A key strategist and funder behind the English Defence League has been suspended from his management post at a major international development bank.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development suspended Alan Ayling after he was named as the EDL founder who uses the alias Alan Lake'.

The powerful bank was set up by international treaty to fund development and privatisation schemes in Eastern Europe and Central Asia following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.


We can reveal that Ayling is the manager in charge of the team that runs the EBRD's Oracle databases a post in which he is believed to earn around £70,000 a year, plus bonuses.

He was suspended after his Lake' identity became public at the end of last year.

Lake' was named in the Sunday Times in December as 57-year-old Alan Ayling, who until January 2011 was a director of City investment fund Pacific Capital Investment Management, which was wound up in August.

He lives in a plush £500,000 flat in London's prestigious Barbican development.

Well paid

But Ayling has a well paid City job as well as his former company directorship and his political activity as a key figure in the shadowy network of far-right and Islamophobic groups who call themselves counterjihadists'.

Ayling is no stranger to multiple identities. In 2009, he told a seminar organised by leading members of the fascist Sweden Democrats party:

Quote:You've got to have pseudonyms, you've got to have, you know, five email addresses, one for your friends, one for your counterjihad, one for your really extreme counterjihad comments, and all the rest of it.

As Alan Lake', Ayling has hosted and spoken at EDL demos. He has admitted funding the EDL, telling Norway's TV2 channel: I have given some money to help some EDL things happen.'

It was at Ayling's Barbican flat that the EDL was established in 2009, according to disaffected founder member Paul Ray.

The founding meetings brought together Lake and the counterjihadists together with Ray, Stephen Yaxley Lennon AKA Tommy Robinson', the former BNP member who now leads the EDL leader and his cousin Kevin Carroll.

Breivik inquiry

Ayling has also been interviewed as a witness as part of the Norwegian police investigation into the massacre by fascist gunman Anders Behring Breivik.

Although Ayling/Lake denies having met Breivik, he has admitted meeting the deeply Islamophobic Norwegian blogger Fjordman' real name Peder Jensen who is cited repeatedly in the manifesto issued by Breivik.

Alan Lake' has described Breivik's massacre of 76 people, mainly members of a socialist youth camp, as chickens come home to roost' on his 4Freedoms website remarks that sparked a bust-up with EDL leaders in August.

He has also used the site to issue predictions that the UK would fragment into Islamic enclaves' in 20 to 30 years' time and discussed the possibility of executing prime minister David Cameron, his deputy, Nick Clegg, and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Ayling's employer, the EBRD, has a sensitive position as an international agency charged with a political remit to encourage democracy as well as privatisation and market development.

The database manager's suspension comes as the bank takes steps to expand into Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco all with mainly Muslim populations.

A spokesperson for the bank said:

Quote:The EBRD became aware of various allegations made about a member of the bank's staff in mid December.

The bank immediately launched an investigation into these allegations. The member of staff was suspended from duties pending the outcome of this investigation. The investigation is still ongoing.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
More from Tash Shifrin at Unite Against Fascism making further allegations about Lake/Ayling and EDL funding.

Article with photos here.

Quote:Revealed: international far-right network behind the EDL

Tuesday 13 December 2011

EDL leader 'Tommy Robinson' (Stephen Yaxley Lennon) in the foreground, with 'Alan Lake' (Alan Ayling) and 'Aeneas' (Chris Knowles) filmed for Australian TV in March this year

By Tash Shifrin

The network of shadowy strategists behind the English Defence League is now under the spotlight as the identities of its leading figures are revealed.

The group of viciously Islamophobic ideologues supports and brings together far-right racist and fascist groups across Europe.

It has been centrally involved in the EDL from its beginnings in 2009 and has overseen the alliance announced last month with the British Freedom Party a splinter group of former British National Party leaders and its chair Paul Weston.

'Alan Lake' now known to be wealthy Alan Ayling

Alan Lake', the mastermind behind the strategy to unite football hooligan firms into the EDL's army of anti-Muslim racist thugs, was exposed as wealthy investment fund director Alan Ayling by the Sunday Times this week.

The paper also named the influential figure known as Gaia' and Dominque Devaux' as Ann Marchini, who runs a buy-to-let property empire from her £1.6m mansion in Highgate, north London.

Reveal others

Now we can also reveal the identities of others in the anti-Muslim racist network whose members call themselves counterjihadists'.

They include Chris Knowles, known by the alias Aeneas', who has run the EDL's media operation and is central to its links with European and US far-right groups.

Ayling, who under his Lake' alias described Anders Behring Breivik's Norway massacre as chickens coming home to roost', was until January a director of Pacific Capital Investment Management, a City investment fund that was wound up in August.

EDL founded

It was at Ayling's £500,000 Barbican flat that the EDL was established in 2009, according to disaffected founder member Paul Ray. The founding meetings brought together Lake and the counterjihadists together with Ray, Stephen Yaxley Lennon AKA Tommy Robinson', the former BNP member who now leads the EDL leader and his cousin Kevin Carroll.

Dominique Devaux/Gaia named by Sunday Times as Ann Marchini

Gaia', named by the Sunday Times as Ann Marchini, was also at the founding caucus.

Marchini coordinated the European wing of a well funded US organisation, the Center for Vigilant Freedom, now folded into the International Civil Liberties Alliance, which exists to promote Islamophobic organisation.

It backs the EDL and organises its links with far-right and fascist groups across Europe and the US.

Marchini's lawyer has denied she is Gaia' or Devaux' but confirmed she is a BFP member and friend of Weston. Ann Marchini, with a Highgate address, is on a list of EDL donors leaked last year. She was also named as the contact on a CVF press release announcing a 2007 Counterjihad conference, although it was Devaux', who was the CVF's public face in Europe at the time.

The CVF/ICLA was formed from a discussion group the 910 Group' around the deeply Islamophobic website, Gates of Vienna run by Edward May (Baron Bodissey') who is now a director of CVF.

Substantial donations

It is not just an internet group, however. CVF has received substantial donations, including on at least one occasion a single helping of $70,000, which it uses to fund its work beefing up the Islamophobic far-right in the US and Europe.

Paul Weston, Chris Knowles/Aeneas and Robert Bartholomeus in Amsterdam last year

Another CVF director is Christopher Knowles, a key player in the EDL although unknown to most of its supporters. Under his alias, Aeneas, however, he has been in contact with Ray since 2007.

Aeneas' runs the CVF's ICLA website and coordinates its European work from his West Yorkshire base.

Ray names Aeneas/Chris Knowles among the clique who met to set up the EDL, and he has remained an important behind-the-scenes figure and a link between the EDL, the moneyed CVF strategists and other racist and far right groups internationally.

The third director of CVF is Christine Brim, whose day job is chief operating officer for the multi-million dollar, right-wing and Islamophobic US think tank, the Center for Security Policy. She is prominent on US anti-Muslim demonstrations.


The Gates of Vienna website also hosts other well known Islamophobic ideologues. They include the former UKIP candidate Paul Weston who last month was hurriedly installed as chair of the BFP. Weston is fond of unleashing predictions that war between native Europeans' and Muslims is inevitable' unless Europe wakes up to the danger it is in and expels all its Muslims'.

And the site published the poisonous racist outpourings of a blogger known as Fjordman real name is Peder Jensen who was named by killer Breivik 111 times in his manifesto.

Alan Lake' Ayling says: People ought to read him, he is good,' while on the BFP website Weston says Fjordman should be required reading'.

They show no compunction in championing the ideologues who inspired Breivik's murderous hatred of multiculturalism, Muslims and the left.


The CVF/ICLA organises Counterjihad conferences and other international activities that bringing together supporters of Geert Wilders' Islamophobic populist PVV in the Netherlands with fascists from the Sweden Democrats and the Belgian Vlaams Belang and now the EDL.

A photograph shows Weston (left) with Knowles (centre) in Amsterdam last year, when the EDL staged a miserably unsuccessful attempt to get a European Defence League' off the ground.

The third man pictured is Robert Bartholomeus, who admits that he is not Jewish but has been a Facebook admin for the EDL's so-called Jewish division although his support for a US group called the Jewish Task Force', led by convicted terrorist bomber Victor Vancier has proved an embarrassment, even for the EDL.

BFP lash-up

It was at Counterjihad summit in London in September that the lash-up between EDL leaders Yaxley Lennon, Carroll and Jack Smith', the BFP and Weston appears to have been hammered out.

They were all there, along with Marcini/Gaia, Knowles/Aeneas and May and far-right strategists from Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden and the US.

Gaia' reported approvingly for both the BFP and EDL websites when the move was officially announced at a meeting of EDL regional organisers and activists on 19 November.

The alliance gives the EDL-BFP the classic two-pronged attack of fascism: a street army and a suit-wearing, electoral wing.

State of flux

It also illustrates the rapid development and state of flux both within the EDL and across Europe.

The EDL's move to go political' in alliance with BFP has not been popular with all its street thugs. And Lake and his fellow ideologues are distrusted by the cadre of football hooligans and many of those with backgrounds in the BNP, National Front or Combat 18.

But as the BNP collapses, UK fascists are looking for a new home. Activists and supporters are drifting between the BNP, British Freedom, the EDL and its splinter Infidels' group.

And throughout its existence, the EDL's frequent internal splits and realignments have allowed the racists and fascists and their strategists to try out new formations and harden the organisation's politics. It has moved increasingly towards fascism, and now violently threatens and attacks trade unionists and the left as well as Muslims.

The counterjihadist' network also creates a meeting point for different currents on the far-right. In Europe, these range from hard-core Hitler-style fascists like Hungary's Jobbik and the cleaned-up suited Eurofascists' of the BNP or French Front National to Islamophobic populists like Wilders and the EDL's street thugs.


This creates the potential for new realignments, cross-fertilisation and hybrid organisations to develop.

'Devaux' with then newly elected BNP London Assembly member Richard Barnbrook in 2008

The CVF's Devaux' is certainly no stranger to British fascism. She was hobnobbing with Richard Barnbrook at an Islamophobic demo in Cologne, Germany, just a few months after his 2008 election as a BNP London Assembly member (see picture).

And Christine Brim suggested back in 2007 on the now defunct (but archived) CVF website that the BNP and Le Pen's French FN might be included in counterjihad' loop if they ditched their traditional antisemitism and Holocaust denial.

Racists and fascists in Britain and internationally are seeking the best way to capitalise on the economic crisis a rising tide of Islamophobia that has been encouraged by mainstream politicians, such as David Cameron and France's Nicolas Sarkozy.

Antifascist mobilisations across the country over the past two years have helped hold the EDL back, and its internal tensions are often on display. But its backers are serious and although there may be more realignments to come, the threat is not going away.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Looks like someone else is making the link.

From March 26, 2012's Dagbladet, translated in googlish:

Quote:Breivik was inspired by a secret anti-Islam network

Four Freedoms Community has set up its own rules of life, and meet in churches in London.

Torgeir P. Krokfjord Torgeir P. Hook Fjord


Sindre Granly Meldalen Sindre Granly Meldal


LONDON / OSLO (Dagbladet): Dagbladet can today reveal that Anders Breivik Behring was inspired by a mysterious anti-Islamist network. The network is called Four Freedoms Community (FFC), an organization with its own website.

The British businessman Alan Lake is behind, and he proclaims the organization's message through personal contacts, business cards endorsed maxims and his name, and through secret meetings of the two churches in London.

Dagbladet has repeatedly tried to get Lake to comment on the Four Freedoms Community, but he has made himself unavailable. In an interview with Dagbladet in December refused Lake to be Breivik's English mentor. Breivik writes about the mentor in his manifesto.

"Inner Circle"
It is the organization's so-called "inner circle" that has met in the two churches to discuss the fight against Islam. It features a who participated in the meetings described in the police interrogation after 22 juli. July.

The agenda for Alan Lake was to shape the people who were present. It was brainwashing, the participant explained under questioning.

Dagbladet knows the identity of several of the participants in the church meetings. One of them says to Dagbladet that Lake presented the twelve defense mechanisms and twelve attacks that he asked anti-Islamists use in debates.

In the police interrogation has a meeting participant said that Lake urged the participants to lie to the media and the police.

Very interesting
Breivik has said in interviews that he has used FFCs sites as inspiration when he wrote his so-called manifesto. Breivik says he looked at the page very interesting, and that he still remembers it very well.

Breivik says FFC stands for much the same as the organization he claims to be a member of - Knights Templar. The terrorist look especially to FFCs anti-Islamist stance, and that the organization was "for indigenous rights."

Breivik confirms the direct, confrontational questions from the police interrogation experts that when he answers evasive to their questions about the FFC, it may be because he wants to withhold information about it.

Talked about Breivik
Breivik has been the subject of at least one meeting of the organization. According to an eyewitness Dagbladet has talked to, said Lake the following:

«Finally the chicken have come out to roost» that society is now reeling from errors committed in the past.

Message of the meetings are also spread on something that is a cross between a business card and a life guide.

A leading figure in the extreme, Christian community in the UK, which confirms to have received such a card, first agreed to meet Dagbladet in a suburb of London. So give her multiple false addresses and finally dare not speak - but says only that the FFC is a "healthy alternative to a corrupt society."

Dagbladet is illuminated by employees of the two churches that are engaged in tongues and so-called pentakostal Christianity, a spiritual and aggressive interpretation of religion. The employees say that they rent out rooms for those who want to pay, but will not go into specific agreements.

Gone underground
Alan Lake, according to British media built his fortune in the banking sector and in IT.

He had a head job in a bank in London. Dagbladet has in the past week made repeated attempts to reach him by phone, sms, e-mail and in his apartment in a residential complex in one of London's most expensive areas.

After he was referred to the Dagbladet's new information on sms, Lake turned the phone off, and kept it off for several days.

He has gone underground, says a close friend of the Lake in London.

Mysterious sms
After repeated attempts to reach the Lake, was the following text message on your cell phone to Dagbladet's reporter:

"Why do you support the killing of gays, honor killings, female genital mutilations, attacks on Jews and non-Muslims, rape of youngsters, and several at more Atrocities committed by Islamofascists? Why do you support Islamist enablers and radical left wing liberals, who care nothing for human rights and instead focus their hate on those who are tryning to protect civilization from these horrors? What kind of coward are you? Are you being paid by Islamists and their enablers to do their dirty work for them? Shame on you! "

The message is probably sent via the Internet. The message does not come from any number, and the newspaper does not know who the sender
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
[My note]: While it is a matter of semantics IMHO that anyone who kills 77 persons and would have liked to have killed many thousands more can be called 'sane', I welcome this development - as he will now when sentenced [if sentenced under full mental capacity] go to prison and not to a psychiatric hospital - it is good and it is bad; it will tear the Norwegian society and legal system into bits...but for the good IMO.

Behring Breivik declared sane

(With new material) A report by the new court-appointed psychiatrists on the mental state of confessed terrorist Anders Behring Breivik has found him to be sane when he carried out his terrorist act on July 22nd last year.

The conclusions in the report by psychiatrists Terje Tørrisen and Agnar Aspaas are therefore the opposite of the conclusion made by the two first psychiatrists, which declared Behring Breivik criminally insane.

A press release by the Oslo City Court (Tingretten) on Tuesday states that the two new court-appointed psychiatrists had concluded that Behring Breivik was not psychotic when he bombed Norway's government office building on July 22, followed by the massacre at the Utøya Labour Party youth camp the same day.

However, it is the City Court which in the end will decide on whether or not Behring Breivik will be declared insane or not.

According to his defense lawyer, Anders Behring Breivik is pleased with the results of the new report, but wishes he had gone even further in his attacks on July 22, 2011

Breivik is satisfied with the second report, prepared by court psychiatrists Agnar Aspaas and Terje Tørrisen, which concludes that Breivik was sane when he carried out the attacks on July 22 in Oslo and at Utøya.

Breivik considers at least 80 percent of the content in the first report false, a report which stated that he was mentally insane and paranoid schizophrenic.

"He is preparing his explanation for the trial," defense lawyer Geir Lippestad tells Aftenposten after presenting the report's conclusion to Breivik Tuesday afternoon.

Breivik will not give his explanation in a typical question and answer scenario with a defense lawyer in court, but has a strong idea of what he wants to say, says Lippestad. He will choose how to explain himself, but the defense lawyer warns that it may be challenging to listen to.

"I have been asked whether or not he will show remorse. He won't," Lippestad tells NRK, "More likely he'll state that he wishes he had gone even further." Five days have been set aside to Breivik's statement, but Lippestad worries it's not enough.

Highlights from the new report:

- Breivik was not psychotic, unconscious or mentally handicapped to any large degree at the time of the terror attacks.

- Breivik does not suffer from a psychological condition that limits him from evaluating his relation to the outside world, and his actions were not committed in a state of disturbed consciousness.

- Breivik was not psychotic at the time of the examinations.

- There is a high risk of repeated criminal offense.

- The report is based on case documents, conversations, health records and reports from three weeks of institutional observation.

- All other information in the report remains confidential.

- The conclusion was unanimous

Julie Ryland/Rolleiv Solholm
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Norway braces for Anders Behring Breivik trial

Defence says extremist who planted Oslo bombs and carried out summer camp shootings will tell court he regrets only 77 died, Monday 16 April 2012

He has proudly admitted planting the bombs which killed eight people in Oslo last summer and boasted of shooting dead a further 69, mostly teenagers, on an island summer camp.

But this week Anders Behring Breivik is expected take his opportunity to try to justify why he carried out Norway's worst peacetime atrocity when he steps into the witness box at his trial.

The 33-year-old's lawyer has warned that Breivik's testimony will not make easy listening. "Not only will he explain (his actions), but he will also say he regrets that he didn't go further," said Geir Lippestad. He was handpicked by Breivik after becoming well known for defending a neo-Nazi who stabbed to death a mixed-race teenager in Oslo 10 years ago.

Breivik is expected to deny terrorism charges at the start of his 10-week trial on Monday. His logic, according to his legal team, is that he carried out the attacks on 22 July last year in "self defence". He has said he intended his attacks as punishment of traitors whose pro-immigration policies were adulterating Norwegian blood.

Many Norwegians fear Breivik will succeed in using the trial as a showcase for his far-right views.

In a recent letter seen by Norwegian newspaper VG, Breivik said: "The court case looks like it will be a circus … it is an absolutely unique opportunity to explain the idea of (the manifesto) to the world."

"Your arrest will mark the initiation of the propaganda phase," he wrote in a manual for future attackers, part of a 1,500-page manifesto he posted online before the killings. "Your trial offers you a stage to the world."

The judges have decided some parts of the trial can be televised a rarity in Norway. Breivik's week-long witness statement will not be shown, partly to prevent him using the trial as a political platform. Eight hundred journalists from around the world are accredited to cover the case.

The Oslo courtroom, the country's biggest, can seat just over a tenth of the reporters, victims and relatives who may wish to attend, so closed-circuit viewing rooms have been set up nearby and in 17 other courthouses around Norway.

At the end of the trial, a panel of five judges must rule not only on Breivik's guilt, but also his sanity. An initial psychiatric test concluded Breivik was criminally insane while a second, completed in the past week, found no evidence of psychosis.

If found sane, Breivik faces a maximum 21-year sentence but could be held indefinitely if he is considered a continuing danger. If declared insane, he would be held in a psychiatric institution indefinitely with periodic reviews.

A report released this weekend claimed the international network of counter-jihadist groups which inspired Breivik is growing in reach and influence. But Breivik's attempts to garner sympathy for his right-wing views in Norway appear to have backfired.

At local elections last September, two months after the attacks, the turnout was the highest in two decades. Labour won 32% of the vote, its best result in 24 years. The Progress party to which Breivik briefly belonged had its worst performance in 16 years.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
RT are showing live updates of the trial on their web site here:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I've tried [so far without success..?!?!?] to find the trial live, uninterrupted. What I have seen [bit and pieces] was a grizzly reading of the dead - exactly where and how wounded and how [77] died - as well as the injured [over 400!] and their medical journeys. Breivik gave a Nazi-like salute upon entry.

Attached Files
.jpg   breivik salute.jpg (Size: 9.46 KB / Downloads: 1)
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
That will win him friends in the jury :thumbsdown:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:That will win him friends in the jury :thumbsdown:

There is not a prayer that anyone in the Court will feel 'warm and fuzzy' toward him, sadly, Norway's laws do not include life imprisonment even for the most heinous crimes....many there are scrambling to SOMEHOW find a way to keep him behind bars or walls for the rest of his life. The entire trial is being broadcast with the EXCEPTION of his next 5-7 days of propaganda rant. I agree with this decision. There are going to be written transcriptions of what he said available at the end of every day, but they didn't want to give him a platform for his hate and twisted philosophy. There are four psychiatrists in the Court evaluating his every glance, action, word.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:That will win him friends in the jury :thumbsdown:

There is not a prayer that anyone in the Court will feel 'warm and fuzzy' toward him, sadly, Norway's laws do not include life imprisonment even for the most heinous crimes....many there are scrambling to SOMEHOW find a way to keep him behind bars or walls for the rest of his life. The entire trial is being broadcast with the EXCEPTION of his next 5-7 days of propaganda rant. I agree with this decision. There are going to be written transcriptions of what he said available at the end of every day, but they didn't want to give him a platform for his hate and twisted philosophy. There are four psychiatrists in the Court evaluating his every glance, action, word.
I expect there will be ongoing events in prison which will extend his stay.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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