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Explosion Norway
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Keith and others with military expertise - I'd be most interested in your thoughts on Breivik's modification of bullets as follows:

Quote:Breivik has told police that he modified dum-dum bullets to ensure they caused as much devastation as possible and claimed that he had drawn up more plans to bring terror to Oslo but had failed to carry them out.

He admitted that by cutting the tops off the bullets and injecting them with pure liquid nicotine ordered from China, he guaranteed that the lethal weapon would inflict maximum pain on his victims.

Dr Colin Poole, from Ringriket Hospital in Honefoss, north-west of Oslo, said: "Those on the dead brought in from the island are the worst I've ever seen. "They are very difficult to x-ray because the bullets just shatter everything into tiny pieces."

In Breivik's own words:

Quote:I've now ordered 50 ml, 99% pure liquid nicotine from a Chinese online supplier. 3-4 drops will be injected in hollow point rifle bullets, which will effectively turn it into a lethal chemical weapon. However, I am quite worried about any potential customs related issue as pure nicotine is considered an illegal substance. In a worst case scenario; a customs official will open the package, get a few drops on his skin and die, and I will have a full SWAT team serving me cock sandwiches at my door the next morning… However, I specifically instructed the Chinese supplier to send the package by courier to my company name, with extra wrapping and chemical labeling.

This was/is one sick FUCK!
Everything that is positive about being human has been replaced by its contranegative in this Beast. One shutters to think of his vision of a new World Order......
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:One of the Daily Telegraph's anonymous "sources" claims to have helped Breivik join the freemasons.

:gossip: That last has set my antennae twitching. Where would the Telegraph have obtained such a confidential, intimate, source?

My instinct is that this is a deliberate leaking of information into the public domain, potentially by British intelligence. NB a lot of this went on in the case of the British spy found dead in the sports bag in an MI6 safehouse.

So, taking a look at that specific information:

Quote:A friend, who did not wish to be named but who had helped him join the Freemasons, said: "He had many friends but I remember he lost all of his money on the stock market in 1997. He lost shares worth about 2 million kroner (£227,000).

"He always took care of his mother and she was very dependent on him."

So, are intelligence sources attempting to slur Breivik with the "mother's boy" slur?

Quote:Another friend disclosed that the right wing extremist had travelled to the US for plastic surgery on his face.

He said: "He had surgery on his forehead, nose and chin and said he was very satisfied with the results.

"I never saw him with a woman but he used to say that he would start dating again once he had fixed his face. He always wanted to be rich."

Are intelligence sources attempting to create the legend of a vain, shallow and self-obsessed man?

In my judgement, these leaks to the Telegraph provide corroborating evidence to the hypothesis that Breivik was either a British intelligence asset, or directly handled by British intelligence.

I'm bumping this because, on reflection, I consider it even more significant than I when I originally posted it.

I think we're being played here.

The Telegraph's anonymous sources (quite possibly British intelligence) are painting a picture of Breivik as a vain, self-obsessed, mother's boy.

Analogous character assassinations were perpetrated in the Gareth Williams case, where the anonymous sources continue to attempt to portray Williams as a cross-dressing, sado-masochistic, sexual freak. See eg here. The testimony of his friends disproves the spook case comprehensively.

Back to Breivik.

Based on what we know, Breivik is a cold, calculating killer who personally obtained the ingredients to manufacture dum-dum bullets which he called "chemical weapons", designed to "decimate", annihilate, the next generation of "cultural Marxists".

Or, outside his warped ideological mission: to slaughter scared, crying, children.

Meanwhile, these anonymous "sources" of the Telegraph claim such intimate knowledge that they arranged for this "mummy's boy" to join the freemasons and stage whisper that he had plastic surgery in America not to change his appearance as part of his "mission", but because he was "vain" and couldn't get laid.

I call Bullshit.

Who is "Richard", Breivik's British "mentor", or handler?

What are the links between "Richard" and Serb gun runners in Monrovia, Liberia?

How was Breivik chosen, at the age of 22-23, if his account is to be believed, to be a Justiciar Knight of the reconstituted Knights Templar Europe?

Breivik is a Mechanic. Quite possibly a sleeper. A programmed Mechanic whose trigger was just pulled.

Once again, note the change of language when Breivik's atrocious mission is determined.

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:More excerpts from Breivik's Knights Templar log, with my comments following.

Quote:It has been decided that the operation will be effectuated in Autumn, 2011. However, I cannot go into factors concerning why, at this point. My current funds are running low, and I have less than 15 000 Euro left with a 30 000 credit backup from my 10 different credit cards. My primary funds should cover all planned expenses without spending any of the credit.

"It has been decided the operation" will take place in Autumn 2011.

Again the curious sentence construction.

Not "I, the single Perfect Knight working alone, have decided that the operation will take place in Autumn 2011".

But "it has been decided".

By who?

Who determined the time, location and targets of Breivik's ghastly crime?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

I really can't help with the ballistics aspect of this situaton.Here is a relevant quote below.

Items bought:

Quote:65mm Drill Press Vice (Quick Release) from Lathe Mill, ordered from Ebay via Paypal, cost: 33 USD ( This item will hold the cartridge in place while I drill a portion of the lead core out of the bullet.

Note; I have concluded that .223 ammo is not suitable for creating bio rounds. The bullet simply lacks the size required to fit a deadly doze. 7.62 ammo would be preferable as it is more than double the size. 9 mm bullets are ok for this purpose, but I have to wait for my Glock license before I get access to 9 mm ammunition.

Other items bought from Clas Ohlson, general store:

Manual filing set
Super glue, used for plugging the bullet after injection
De-isolation thong that lets you cut of the tip of bullets (looks like a wirecutter)

I'm hoping someone with ballistics experience will chime in and say if this method is feasible.

The guy takes a 9mm cartridge,cuts the tip off,drills a small hole,and then injects poison into the center.He then finishes with plugging the hole with super glue.

My own thoughts:

I'd be afraid to shoot a bullet like this,but I'd like to hear from others.

To tell the truth,I'm having doubts concerning the willingness of Breivik,to leave so many clues,and especially ones leading to other associates.I don't see the reasoning behind it.I might be wrong,but things smell fishy.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I will forward the question to someone with said experience.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Map/Graphics and more in Swedish:
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
July 26-27, 2011 -- Another "smoking gun" Breivik link to Israel

Although the mainstream corporate media and even a few "alternative news" websites are ignoring the proven links between Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik and Israel, yet another "smoking gun" connection between the pro-Zionist mass murderer and Israel has emerged.

Ninety minutes before Breivik was reported to have detonated a huge fertilizer-fuel bomb in the government district of downtown Oslo and then proceeding to Utoya island dressed as a uniformed police officer to massacre scores of youth attending a Norwegian Labor Party jamboree, he sent an email containing a 1500-page rambling manifesto to Isak Nygren, a member of the far-right, anti-Islamic and anti-Roma (gypsy), and pro-Zionist Sweden Democrats (SD) political party. Among Breivik's writings is this quote: "So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists."

Who is Isak Nygren? One will not see any mention of him in the English-language corporate media. Nygren is a pro-Israeli SD activist who is only 21 years old but has already run for municipal-level political office in his native province of Sodermanland and municipality of Katrineholm, Sweden. It is also noteworthy that Nygren was not in Sweden when he received Breivik's e-mail but, according to the July 24 edition of Sweden's Nyheter newspaper, was in Israel living on a kibbutz. The location of the kibbutz was not reported. There are other reports on Internet websites that Nygren is Jewish.

The only English-language media that reported Breivik's connection to Nygren is Die Presse of Vienna, Eskiltuna-Kurinen of Sweden,Sveriges Radio, Expo magazine of Sweden, the Berliner Zeitung of Germany, and Kurier of Austria. To its credit, Nyheter is the only media outlet that officially reported on Breivik's connections to Nygren, in addition to Nygren's current presence in Israel.

The media blackout of Breivik's Israeli connections is largely the result of marching orders sent out from the Israel and Zionist lobby. The orders are clear: there will be no mention of Breivik's pro-Israeli stance nor his connections to individuals like Nygren. Attention to Breivik's Israeli and Jewish connections would expose Mossad's infiltration of neo-Nazi groups and political parties to turn them away from anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial and into anti-Islamic and pro-Israeli pressure movements.

Nygren has stated that he is pro-Israel. However, he is also a member of the neo-Nazi Nordic Alliance, which has branches in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. There are now reports that last year Breivik attended a rally of the English Defense League (EDL) in London to hear Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders, an ardent anti-Muslim and supporter of Israel, to address the gathering. There are other reports that Breivik met with the leadership of the EDL and Wilders. The EDL's Swedish offshoot is the Swedish Defense League, which counts Nygren as one of its activists. In September 2010, the Danish leftist newspaper Arbejder pointed to possible links between Nygren and the xenophobic far-right Danish People's Party of Pia Kaersgaard, which provides parliamentary support for the current center-right Danish government.

Nygren's blog states that he has no connections with Breivik. However, in response to a request from a reporter for Austria's ORF television network about Breivik's use of .at domains to send e-mail to an entity called the "Vienna School," Nygren, from Israel, refused to cooperate. The reporter pointed out that in Austria, most e-mail addresses do not use the .at country domain for Austria but addresses like gmx.mail and other commercial addresses.

Nygren was interviewed by Sweden's English-language publication, Expo, and said he is opposed to mixed marriages between European women and "niggers, Asians, etc." Nygren also opposes adoption by Swedish parents of non-white children from abroad. Nygren has advocated for the expulsion of Roma (gypsies) from Sweden and the mandatory "re-eduction" of Swedish Muslims. Last February, Nygren, according to the SVT Swedish television network, said, "As long as you do not live in Sweden so I do not care. I'm not attracted to the Negroes."

The EDL, SD, Wilders, Nygren, and Zionists in the United States like Pam Geller, who Breivik admires, are all attempting to distance themselves from the Norwegian mass murderer. The "lone wolf" appellation being conferred on Breivik by his Zionist and neo-Nazi friends, as well as the English-speaking corporate media, is now neing undermined by reports of law enforcement investigations of Breivik's network, including the two additional operating cells he mentioned in an Oslo court room on July 25. The police investigations extend beyond Norway to France, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Austria, Poland, and other countries.

However, the corporate media is still insisting that Breivik is a deranged single actor. Although, he is clearly deranged, even some alternate news outlets, while believing Breivik could not have acted alone, are continuing to ignore Breivik's connections to Israel and Zionist groups, pushing fanciful notions of involvement by NATO, Freemasons, and the Illuminati in Breivik's massacre.

One question is not being asked: Why is a correspondent who supports Breivik's thoughts on Muslims and non-whites in a kibbutz in Israel and not answering questions in a police station in Sweden?

What is the hold on this?

Wayne Madsen (Washington)
No hold
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Monday, July 25, 2011
Israel prime suspect in Norway attack

[Note: Dean Henderson, author of Was Israel Behind Norway Terror Attacks? [see below] will be my guest on Truth Jihad Radio this Wednesday, 1-2 pm Central...with a possible cameo from Gordon Duff of Veterans Today.]

One thing's for sure about the Utoya Island massacre, perpetrated by an Israel-loving Islamophobic freemason: It was NOT a false-flag attack orchestrated by Muslims to demonize Israel, Islamophobia, and freemasonry.

While all rules have exceptions, I think it is safe to say that Muslims just aren't into false-flag attacks. As Wendy Campbell once said on my radio show: "The Muslims always TELL YOU if they're going to blow you up!" I responded that this was a backhanded compliment at best...but seriously, folks, Wendy had a point. I don't know if it's that Muslims are more basically honest, or that they lack the imagination (or perversity) of their Zionist counterparts, but for whatever reason, Muslims don't have a history of false-flagging.

But Zionists do. As Wendy also pointed out, Israelis have a long history of dressing up as Arabs, or fabricating Arab patsies, to take the blame for their mayhem. Just about all of the most notorious "Arab terrorist attacks" in history have been revealed as Mossad operations, often by former Mossad officers themselves. From the King David Hotel bombing (the Zionist bombers dressed up as Arabs) to the Lavon Affair (they dressed up as Egyptians to plant bombs against Americans) to the USS Liberty incident (intended to be blamed on Egypt to bring the US into the 1967 war) to the Achille Lauro and Entebbe hijacking affairs (revealed as Mossad false-flag operations by former Mossad agents), the record suggests that big, iconic "Arab" or "Muslim" terror attacks are likely to be Mossad operations in disguise. Likewise, evidence suggests that 9/11, 7/7, Bali, Madrid, and Mumbai appear to be part of a Zionist plan to drag the West into a war against Islam

So if Israel was responsible for the terrorist attacks in Norway, as many credible observers suspect, why didn't they set up the usual Muslim patsy to take the fall? Why use a guy whose background pointed straight to the Zionists themselves?

Maybe they wanted to send a message.

Was Israel Behind Norway Terror Attacks?
July 24, 2011 Dean Henderson
Friday's bloodbath in progressive Norway bears the markings of an Israeli Mossad false flag terror attack. No Western country has supported the Palestinian cause more than the Norwegians. The cursory Islamist "claim of responsibility" was promptly dialed in from Afghanistan. The "lone gunman", who had just one week earlier launched both Facebook and Twitter accounts, even had three names.

According to Oregon journalist Tim King of, the terrorist attacks in Oslo took place exactly 65 years to the day after the fascist Israeli Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people while injuring 46 more. That attack targeted British soldiers who helped create Israel after defeating the Nazis.

King says the 32-year-old Norwegian assassin Anders Behring Breivik who killed 76 people had connections to both fascism and Israel. Aside from the July 22, 1946 attack on the King David Hotel, the Irgun group is remembered best for the Deir Yassin massacre in Palestine that killed hundreds of men, women and children. [1]

Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Store had recently inflamed the Israeli government when he said, "We are ready to recognize a Palestinian state. I await the actual resolution text Palestinians will promote at the UN General Assembly in September".

Store had visited the Labour Youth League summer camp at Utøya the very day before the attacks, where he was urged by the left-leaning youth to support Palestinian statehood and to boycott Israeli goods. [2]

The Israeli Knesset had recently outlawed domestic involvement in the growing Israeli boycott. Anyone in Israel caught referencing or promoting the BDS (Boycott Divestment Sanction) movement faces severe penalties.

Breivik a farmer quickly confessed Lee Harvey Oswald-style to Oslo police to both the Utøya camp shootings and the Oslo bombing targeting Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. Breivik is a self-proclaimed Christian conservative fundamentalist said to be virulently anti-Muslim, obsessed with multiculturalism and a staunch defender of the state of Israel. He is also a Freemason.

The Norwegian website Dagbladet states, "The alleged offender is a member of the John Lodge St. Olaus TD Three Pillars of the Norwegian Masonic Order. He has 3rd degree status, where the peak is 10 degrees."

"We have no way to express an opinion on individuals or incidents related to any members," spokesman of the Norwegian Freemasons Helge Qvigstad told Dagbladet. [3]

According to Bob Tuskin, the three-named assassin had just launched both a Facebook and a Twitter account one week ago. On July 17th he tweeted a quote from philosopher John Stuart Mill, "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests." [4]

Of course it is possible that Breivik was just a whack job sharpshooter farmer "with a belief" carried out with military precision. But it seems much more likely that there were multiple shooters at the summer camp and that whoever planted the simultaneous Oslo bomb had demolitions training. Israel had plenty of motives.

Eleven months ago, Norwegian Finance Minister Sigbjørn Johnsen announced that the sovereign wealth Norway Oil Fund would boycott Israeli firms involved in building West Bank Jewish settlements.

The Ministry issued a statement that read, "The ethics council stresses that construction of settlements in the occupied territories violates the decision of the Geneva convention regarding defense of civilians during war time. Several decisions of the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice have reached the conclusion that construction of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories is prohibited."

The Norway Oil Fund has assets worth $450 billion and divested $1.16 million in Africa-Israel Company shares. It also sold shares in Danya Cebus Africa-Israel's construction subsidiary. [5]

Zionist icon Itamar Eichner writes for Israel's leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth. He recently wrote an article titled "Israel: Norway is Inciting Us" in which he cited Norway as a dangerous country to Israel's security.

The Israeli government accused the Norwegian government of funding and encouraging blatant anti-Israel incitement through its support in circulating the play Gaza Monologues. The play, which deals with the suffering of children in Gaza as a result of the Israeli occupation, will soon be presented at United Nations headquarters.

Norwegian embassies in Damascus, Beirut and Amman have also been helping to display an exhibition by Norwegian artists in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. The exhibition shows deceased Palestinian babies next to Israel Defense Forces (IDF) helmets, which are reminiscent of Nazi soldiers' helmets, and an Israeli flag drenched in blood. [6]

The Norwegians are also aiding in the distribution of a documentary film called "Tears of Gaza" to festivals across the world.

A book written by two Norwegian doctors who were the only foreigners in Gaza to give interviews during Operation Cast Lead was published recently. The book accuses IDF soldiers of deliberately killing women and children and is a bestseller in Norway, where it has been recommended by abovementioned Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. [7]

Maybe Breivik is just a nut job Freemason Christian fundamentalist in ideological service to Zionism. That would be horrible enough. But considering the complexity of the terror attacks and the recent animosity between Norway and Israel, I smell a Mossad rat.


[2] 7-24-11





[7] Ibid
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Keith Millea Wrote:Jan

I really can't help with the ballistics aspect of this situaton.Here is a relevant quote below.

Items bought:

Quote:65mm Drill Press Vice (Quick Release) from Lathe Mill, ordered from Ebay via Paypal, cost: 33 USD ( This item will hold the cartridge in place while I drill a portion of the lead core out of the bullet.

Note; I have concluded that .223 ammo is not suitable for creating bio rounds. The bullet simply lacks the size required to fit a deadly doze. 7.62 ammo would be preferable as it is more than double the size. 9 mm bullets are ok for this purpose, but I have to wait for my Glock license before I get access to 9 mm ammunition.

Other items bought from Clas Ohlson, general store:

Manual filing set
Super glue, used for plugging the bullet after injection
De-isolation thong that lets you cut of the tip of bullets (looks like a wirecutter)

I'm hoping someone with ballistics experience will chime in and say if this method is feasible.

The guy takes a 9mm cartridge,cuts the tip off,drills a small hole,and then injects poison into the center.He then finishes with plugging the hole with super glue.

My own thoughts:

I'd be afraid to shoot a bullet like this,but I'd like to hear from others.

To tell the truth,I'm having doubts concerning the willingness of Breivik,to leave so many clues,and especially ones leading to other associates.I don't see the reasoning behind it.I might be wrong,but things smell fishy.

I preface this with the fact that I too am NOT a ballistics expert. That said, at one point some decades ago I had a lead on dum dums used in Dallas and did some research and even did some modification on bullets myself, to test. Some thoughts. Standard dum dums come with a space in them, designed to expand and distort upon impact. If you drill to far, you open into this cavity and 1] have to put in a lot of liquid and/or 2] have a lot of repair to do. A bullet won't go in the intended direction and may misfire if it is not shaped as designed - at least on the outside. None of his 'procedure' seems to attempt to leave the nose of the bullet as it was - likely needed for the gun, the trajectory and a 'successful' shot, not a misfire or wildly weaving bullet - maybe counteracted by the near point-blank range he used. Crazyglue seems odd. Can't say. Depends on size of hole, but a bullet flies on its aerodynamics and any odd bump or hole, any poorly distributed weight or drag and it flies erratically. With all of his years of preparation, it seems he would have had a pro build these bullets - not do it himself. Intelligence agencies and large military and mercenary groups or suppliers can and do provide bullets with poisons and other exotics - with the nose of the bullet looking professional and aerodynamically sound.

Jan, I'm wondering with you where the hell the Telegraph is getting these informants from and why the Police in the UK and Norway aren't ordering them through legal process to name them; produce them~! Had the legend been that the shootings/bombings were by an 'Islamofascist' the Tellegraph reporter's office, home and all electronic devices would already be in police custody for that information. Something is very odd.....make that EVERYTHING is quite odd on this case.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Quote:Breivik a farmer quickly confessed Lee Harvey Oswald-style to Oslo police to both the Utøya camp shootings and the Oslo bombing targeting Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

Well, some one doesn't know their history....:gossip:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Tuesday night police detonated a charge of explosives that were found on the farm Anders Behring Breivik rented in Hedmark.

martin.h.w.zondag @

Published 26.07.2011 10:49 p.m.. Updated 07/26/2011 11:05 p.m..

- Blown up were a few things that it was more appropriate to blow up on the spot rather than move them, says operations manager Frank loop in Hedmark Police District to Østlendingen.

Police Attorney Trine Dyngeland Oslo police confirmed that it was carried out in the woods at the farm, located in the village of Asta.

It was found about three tons of fertilizer on the farm at Asta East Rena municipality, which Breivik hired under the pretext of conducting vegetable cultivation in the firm Breivik Geofarm.

It is probably here Bering Breivik made bomb went off in the government quarter on Friday afternoon, where eight people were killed.

Anders Behring Breivik rented house on the pretext of conducting vegetable cultivation in the firm Breivik Geofarm.

Police would not say what type of explosives that was detonated on Tuesday night.

The AP says the police that they will not comment on the amount of explosives that have been found, when it was found or when the explosion took place, except that it happened on Tuesday night.

Breivik established firm Geofarm in 2009, and stated that the company should engage in the cultivation of vegetables, roots and tubers.

The firm moved to address the farm VÃ¥lstua in Asta in Ã…mot in April.

The newspaper Østlendingen should have received inquiries from neighbors, who were terrified when the charge went off, and asks Acting Chief of Staff of the Oslo police, Einar Aas, local residents were notified of blasting in advance.

Police in Rauland, Bjørg Steine, confirmed to Østlendingen that she knew that it would take a charge on the farm, but confirms that many local people were not notified.

- Police have sought the place and it is among other things, made discovery of explosives and equipment related to the use of explosives. It is not possible for the police and transport or store it in a safe manner. Therefore, the material was destroyed on the spot, says Aas to Østlendingen.

He added that the material was secured as evidence, but that they do not exist any more.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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