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Explosion Norway
Since Breivik was born in the UK he would be entitled to a UK passport as well as a Norwegian one. :pinkelephant:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Additional articles:

Is Iceland on Israeli radar after*Norway?

On March 9, 2011 The BBC reported*that property tycoons Robert and Vincent Tchenguiz were arrested as part of an investigation into the collapse of Icelandic bank Kaupthing. However, it was not mentioned that the two brothers were Israeli citizen and their father, Victor Tchenguiz, was an Iranian Jew and the royal jeweller of King Reza Shah (d. 1979). According to The Telegraph*(March 6, 2010), Vincent Tchenguizs*once dated Dorrit Moussaieff, the Israeli-born Jewish wife of Iceland's President Dr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.

Now, why I am mentioning this Jewish power in the tiny country Iceland with a population of 320,000? Well, the other day, I read Manfred Gerstenfeld's Op-ed in Israeli daily YNet (July 18, 2011), entitled Iceland against Israel'. Dr. Manfred is a political activist and Chairman of Board of Fellows at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.*His grievances against Icelanders are not much different to the anti-Israel activities of*Norwegians, which really scares me.

Manfred list many reasons to slam Iceland as*Anti-Semitic*- highlighting Iceland government's "considerable arrogance toward Israel".

More at the link:

Anders Behring Breivik, Mystery Man
Following the money trail

by Justin Raimondo, July 29, 2011

Is That Dr. Goebbels Laughing?
The New Anti-Semitism


Thursday, July 28, 2011
Norway killer is in love with Waleed Shoebat!

It turns out that Anders Behring Breivik's biggest inspiration is none other than my old buddy: the pathological liar and professional Islamophobe, Waleed Shoebat. (Check out my debate with Shoebat here; read my parody of Shoebat here.)* -Kevin Barrett

Anti-Muslim law enforcement trainer cited by Norway killer rakes in U.S. taxpayer cash

By Alex Kane, | July 26, 2011

The U.S. government has strongly denounced the recent massacre by a right-wing extremist in Norway, which killed at least 76 people.* But at the same time, sectors of the U.S. government have paid an anti-Muslim activist who helped fuel Anders Behring Breivik's twisted ideology.* Breivik has admitted to being behind the massacre in Norway.

The American Prospect's Adam Serwer writes:

Walid Shoebat, a "terrorism expert" with a dubious background who was paid by the U.S. government to train law enforcement in counterterrorism, is frequently cited in the manifesto of Anders Behring Breivik, the alleged right-wing terrorist who is accused of killing more than 90 people in Oslo last week. Brevik cites Shoebat more than 15 times.

Brevik cites Shoebat to support his arguments that immigration from Muslim countries threatens the West. "This is why the face of Islamic fundamentalism in the West has a façade that Islam is a peaceful religion," Brevik cites Shoebat as saying, "Because they are waiting to have more Islamic immigrants, they are waiting to increase in number, waiting to increase their political power."

As I reported here, Shoebat, the subject of a recent CNN report that debunks his purported life story as a former Palestinian terrorist, rakes in U.S. taxpayer cash.

Two months ago, Shoebat delivered a keynote address to law enforcement officers attending a South Dakota conference on homeland security.* Shoebat was paid $5,000 for the appearance by the South Dakota Office of Homeland Securitythe money coming a federal grant administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

At a similar counter-terrorism event held last year in Las Vegas, Shoebat reportedly told the audience that the way to solve the threat of Islamic extremism was to "kill them…including the children."

Shoebat is one of many anti-Muslim activists from the United States cited in Breivik's online manifesto.* It's a disturbing reality that Shoebat's views on Islam are being funded with federal grants and listened to by law enforcement agencies in the U.S. The revelation that Breivik's manifesto is laced with citations of Shoebat should be a wake-up call to the U.S. government that Shoebat, and others like him, have no place training law enforcement officers, and should certainly not be taking money from U.S. taxpayers.

Posted by Kevin Barrett at 3:18 PM


Oslo attack: killer parked car bomb at door of PM's office
Anders Behring Breivik parked the van carrying a half-ton bomb a few feet from the foyer of the Norwegian prime minister's office the equivalent of abandoning a vehicle on the steps of 10 Downing Street.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Crude translation of article from the Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen [Class Warfare]:

Planed Propaganda Campaign: Anders Behring Breivik want to use the legal case against him as a propaganda push against the "treason of cultural-marxistists".

By Johan Brox
Monday 25 July, 2011
"Remember, the right case is (from our point of view) not against you, but rather a lawsuit against the regime", types Anders Behring Breivik, the man who is accused of having blown up the government building and executed 86 young people on Utøya, in its manifesto.
He published the manifesto on the Internet shortly before he detonated the bomb at the government buildings. Parts of the writings are copied from the American Uni-bomber's manifesto from 1995.
In its guidelines, Breivik describes how terrorist actions should best be performed and how the legal case later can be turned into include a PR show for Breivik's extreme right program.
Breivik is waiting to be found guilty of muder. He shall, however, have declared himself innocent of the crimes, because killing in his opinion is possible to justify the struggle against Islam and Western Society and Culture. He will tell the court that the murder of 92 innocent people was "self-defense, through pre-emptive strikes."
In the legal case, Breivik will demand that Parliament gives up control of the country to a Council of "the 20 most dedicated and reliable conservative / patriotic leaders in the country." He will require enough time to establish martial law and a loyal army of about 2,000 soldiers.
Breivik shows considerable self-insight in the manifesto: "When you are finished presenting your requirements to the judges and the public for all to judge, laugh your ass off and you deign to be ridiculous."
All this will be Breivik's biggest worry, how to let the long-term message seep in.
"By presenting the following accusations demands the utmost seriousness, prepares all of us who listen to the conflicts and scenarios to come. They will laugh now, but in the back allies of simple minds they will have a bit of fear, respect, and admiration for our cause - and the alternative authority we are. "
All Breivik's movements confirm that he is following the guidelines in his own manifesto to the letter. The actual terrorist attack was also completely in line with Brevik's program.
- He surrendered without resistance to police, to get a trial.
- He has declared to be behind the terrorist attack.
- He asked for an open prison meeting, to broadcast his program.
- He asked for a specific lawyer, Geir Lippe City, to defend himself.

The declaration mentions Breivik urged his like-minded fellows to look actively for "nationalist-oriented" laws.
The lawyer needs not agree with Breivik's methods (mass murder), but must be "willing to help you ideologically" by, and among other things give the terrorist a Templar uniform he can wear during the court case in building a case against the "regime".
Lippe City has previously been known for his defense of Ole Nicolai Kvisler, who in 2001 was convicted of the racially motivated murder of Benjamin Hermansen.
Klassekampen has not yet succeeded in getting a comment from Lippe City about what he thinks about ideas characterized by Breivik, or whether he will go on Breivik's claim. NRK said Lippe City does not know why Breivk asked that he about defend him.
One of Breivik's claims to a proper trial is to allow Breivik to read long, detailed, polemical introductory and final statements to the court.
He compares himself with Sitting Bull and other Native American Warriors who fought against foreign imperialists. Breivik think all Muslims want to introduce Sharia, and that it is a Christian's duty to fight against this.
The way he sees it, Europe has been in civil war since 1999, when western NATO troops fought against the Christian Serbs to defend Muslim Kosovo Albanians. He envisions a three-phased war where Muslims will gradually spread to account for half of Europe's population by 2083.
Several on the extreme right who have beenasked why he attacked the "Norwegians", and not directly at Muslims. Brevik responded to this in his manifesto: The way he sees it, the Muslim "beasts", can not distinguish between right and wrong. Nor should Christians go to attack the "multiculturalists" and other westerners that allow Muslim immigration, writes Breivik.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
More on Valery Lunev, which appears to be a "funny name". Pseudonym and more.

Source is DPF thread on Far West here.

Of particular interest around "Lunev":

Quote:Converted Muslim. Militant Russophobe. Said to be the leader of the pro-Nato lobby in Lukashenko's close circle of military and intelligence advisers. Since 2007 operates under the cover of the Executive Director of Far West LLC.

Quote:Petrov had "introduced" Lunev to the public in his interview of Janury 2004, several days before he was blown apart by a bomb in South Africa.

Quote:his activities in the FarWest Dubai office have the blessings of President Lukashenko, who apparently values Lunev and FarWest as his back channel for a dialog and deal-making with the right-wing Republicans and neocons in the United States, not to mention "gray" and "black" arms trafficking which is another of Lunev's specialties.

Quote:Their senior partners in the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel can be described as right-wing and post-Nazi elements from the national security state (NSS) establishments that have grown tremendously during the Cold War and whose power and wealth depend on war and international tension.
They are right-wing Republicans, Democrats, and neocons in the U.S., Conservatives and part of New Labor in Britain, the Likud in Israel and the Saud family in SA, Turkish military and pan-Turkist underground, Pakistani military and the ISI, Sufi networks...
To give one example, the board of Diligence LLC includes or included figures like Richard Burt, Michael Howard, Lord Charles Powell, William Webster, Edward Mathias, Thomas F. McLarty, Arnaud de Borchgrave. These guys are high level operatives of powerful Atlantic elites; they run the show while the professional intelligence hacks manage it on a day to day basis. It's different with Filin, Saidov, Lunev, Surikov and others on the former SU side. They are upstarts who do not represent any old interests. Their strongest power base is Ukraine where secret services and the military are their own masters and form a state within the state just like the military and ISI in Pakistan or the military and the Grey Wolves in Turkey. Indeed, Ukraine is referred to in Europe as the "European Pakistan." But they are pretty much helpless on their own, without their senior partners, especially, the United States, Britain, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.

Quote:Also they can influence US internal politics through their agents of influence in the Ukrainian and other East European diaspora in Northern America.

Full excerpt:

Quote:According to our sources in Central Asia, last April Saidov brought to Tashkent Pakistani army chiefs, generals Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and Ahmad Shuja Pasha, for an unannounced half day long visit. Kayani is the current Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army and the former director of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Pasha is the current Director of the ISI. In Tashkent they met with defense minister Mirzaev and President Karimov. The meetings were highly confidential, with Saidov acting as interpreter. Soon after that visit, the ISI controlled gang of Mullо Abdullo (Abdullah Rakhimov) crossed from Afghanistan into eastern Tajikistan. viii About 200 fighters slipped into the mountainous Tavildara district where it is difficult for the government troops to catch up with them. We have information that Rasheed, Saidov, and Lunev stayed in Abdullo's base in Afghanistan right before the raid and that Lunev has been pretty much sitting on the Afghan-Tajik border since then. This can mean only one thing Lunev supervises Abdullo's raid on behalf of the FarWest partners who had financed and prepared it. They know Abdullo since the civil war of 1992-3, when Filin, Saidov, and Lunev were on assignment in Tajikistan.

NB. Allow me to clarify that Lunev is Major-General Valery Lunev of Belorussian KGB. He was born in 1960 in the Kulyab Region of Tajikistan, fluent in Pushtu and Farsi. Served together with Filin, Saidov, and Surikov in the GRU special unit N (for narcotics) in Afghanistan. Later in the 80s Lunev was involved in the anti-COCOM network and stationed in the Netherlands. Has Dutch citizenship. Executive director of Far West LLC's central office in Dubai. Is this a fair introduction?

General-Major Valery Lunev (cover name) of Belorussian KGB.
General-Major Valery Lunev (cover name) of Belorussian KGB.

From our dossier: Born 1960 in Kulyab, Tajik SSR. Experience: Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, Defense Ministry of the USSR. Prepared for work in the Middle East. Fluent in Russian, Belorussian, Farsi, Pushtu, Arabic (Iraqi dialect), English, Dutch. Service in Afghanistan (1982-84), Western Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Iraq (1990-91, 2003). Since 1995 KGB, Republic of Belarus. Resided in the Netherlands in 1995-2006. Dutch passport. Has Chechen wife, Dudaev's relative, who served as a sniper with Basaev and Surikov during the Abkhaz-Georgian war and worked with Lunev for the GRU in Central Asia. Converted Muslim. Militant Russophobe. Said to be the leader of the pro-Nato lobby in Lukashenko's close circle of military and intelligence advisers. Since 2007 operates under the cover of the Executive Director of Far West LLC. We date this photo by the late 80s.

VS. Perhaps, a few other things can be added for those readers who have not been following our journalistic investigation. Lunev is the "funny name," as they say in Britain, of this ethnic Belorussian. We don't know his real one. He has been much less visible than his attention-hungry partners -- Filin, Saidov, and Surikov -- and was "outed" the latest. His name was not mentioned in the "conspiracy in Nice" fake of 1999-2000, either in Surikov's or Kagarlitsky's texts. Sergei Petrov had "introduced" Lunev to the public in his interview of Janury 2004, several days before he was blown apart by a bomb in South Africa. ix

NB. Do I recall it correctly that prior to their falling out Sergei Petrov was the second in command in Far West Ltd, wasn't he?

VS. This is correct. He used to be Filin's deputy. Then something happened between them and Petrov left the gang. Later, when he had learned that they were going to kill him--he tape-recorded their conversation--Petrov told the Germans and French about the criminal activities of his former company. x He also began to cooperate with Russian military counter-intelligence, apparently, hoping to nail his former partners before they got to him. Hence there was a number of "leaks" published in the fall-winter of 2003-04. This is how FarWest as organized criminal society was outed and had to withdraw from big-time narcotrafficking.

NB. They were outed but not prosecuted. Why?

VS. They were not prosecuted because they were and remain a part of the System. The Intelligence Cabal was behind them in the West as were some people in the Kremlin close to Putin. They were also protected by their own secret services-- Ukrainian, Uzbek, Belorussian, Chechen, Lithuanian. Generally, people do not realize that these relatively marginal countries have inherited powerful intelligence apparatuses of the Soviet Union. Ukrainian military intelligence is not a joke at all. It's a powerful force led by old Soviet GRU cadres of highest qualification. Besides, they have at their disposal the well-organized and politically active Ukrainian diaspora around the world. Anyway, when the Germans had gotten the goods on FarWest from Petrov (including the information on the Ukraine-to-Iran KH-55 cruise missiles deal ) they realized it was way too much for them to handle and could make the relations of the SD government with Washington even worse. I suspect that something similar happened with the French.

NB. Yet, Filin had to evacuate FarWest from Europe to Dubai and himself move to Brazil when they had that problem with Goss and Foggo. Doesn't this suggest that they are not that big, after all?

VS. That's a very different situation. There was never real threat of legal persecution in that episode. The problem was that Foggo's thugs could simply whack Filin and his associates. Actually, I tend to believe Filin that they planted a bomb under Davidovich's car in Bogota. The threat was physical, not legal. xi

Military intelligence officer Sergei Petrov (born Savchenko) aka French citizen Serge Rodin (? - 2004).

From our dossier: Sergei Petrov (born Savchenko, ? - 2004). Former GRU officer, after 1993 served in Ukrainian military intelligence. Served in Afghanistan together with Filin, Likhvintsev, Saidov, Surikov, and Lunev. In the fall of 2003 Petrov gave German and French authorities information about the criminal activities of the "consulting firm" Far West LTD that included the sale of Ukrainian WMD to Iran and China and portable SAMs to FARC. In January 2004, he was blown up in his car while staying in Cape Town, SA. Several days later, in Cyprus, there died, allegedly in a strange accident, the international arms dealer Sarfraz Haider--key figure in the sale of the Ukrainian KH-55 (Kent) cruise missiles to Iran. That sale might have included several nuclear warheads.

NB. Let's go back to General Lunev.

VS. It is relevant in the context of FarWest's anti-Obama active measures that Petrov described Lunev as a specialist on "radical solutions." His long list of "achievements" included the assassination of Sangak Safarov and Faizullah Saidov -- socialist leaders of the People's Front of Tajikistan. Lunev masterminded this political crime in the spring of 1993 on the orders of defense minister Grachev and the personal request of Boris Yeltsin. However, Lunev is not only a specialist on Central Asia and "radical solutions." He is also a high-class military-political analyst and consummate organization man. From what we know, his activities in the FarWest Dubai office have the blessings of President Lukashenko, who apparently values Lunev and FarWest as his back channel for a dialog and deal-making with the right-wing Republicans and neocons in the United States, not to mention "gray" and "black" arms trafficking which is another of Lunev's specialties. Just as Filin and Saidov, Lunev is very dangerous and his presence on the Afghan-Tajik border--clearly sanctioned by the Saudis, Pakistanis, and the rogue CIA partners of FarWest--should be a cause for grave concern to all peace-loving people around the world and, especially, in Asia.

NB. Going back to Mullo Abdullo. Why did FarWest and the ISI people send him to Tajikistan?

VS. They wanted to demonstrate their ability to destabilize Central Asia.

NB. But why in the world do they want to destabilize whatever? And to whom did they "demonstrate" this?
The Intelligence Cabal

VS. To answer these questions, we need to place FarWest within a bigger picture. The Russian-speaking part of this organization are senior military intelligence officers and agents, who began their service in the last decade of the Soviet Union. Their professional carriers, power and personal wealth have come from the confluence of two factors: 1) the special place of intelligence in the military-industrial complex and its covert networks abroad, and 2) the destruction of the Soviet Union that had allowed them to capitalize on their position.

Their senior partners in the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel can be described as right-wing and post-Nazi elements from the national security state (NSS) establishments that have grown tremendously during the Cold War and whose power and wealth depend on war and international tension. In the core of this loosely-knit cabal is a group of ideologically committed people, often with the family histories of struggle against Russia and the Soviet Union, who ache to settle with us some old scores and take their revanche for our victory in 1945. The NSS establishments have behind them privileged groups and sections of their national ruling classes, which has been long established economically and politically and who traditionally have been in control of the state or its big chunks. They are right-wing Republicans, Democrats, and neocons in the U.S., Conservatives and part of New Labor in Britain, the Likud in Israel and the Saud family in SA, Turkish military and pan-Turkist underground, Pakistani military and the ISI, Sufi networks... In other words, the intelligence groups, both state and private, who are directly involved or indirectly interact with FarWest have a much broader social, economic, and political base than the Russian-speaking FarWest. To give one example, the board of Diligence LLC includes or included figures like Richard Burt, Michael Howard, Lord Charles Powell, William Webster, Edward Mathias, Thomas F. McLarty, Arnaud de Borchgrave. These guys are high level operatives of powerful Atlantic elites; they run the show while the professional intelligence hacks manage it on a day to day basis. It's different with Filin, Saidov, Lunev, Surikov and others on the former SU side. They are upstarts who do not represent any old interests. Their strongest power base is Ukraine where secret services and the military are their own masters and form a state within the state just like the military and ISI in Pakistan or the military and the Grey Wolves in Turkey. Indeed, Ukraine is referred to in Europe as the "European Pakistan." But they are pretty much helpless on their own, without their senior partners, especially, the United States, Britain, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. If the power of Turkish military diminishes, its bad news for Saidov, Nukhaev, and their organization, because they cannot feel safe in and operate from Turkey without the protection of the general staff and police. If Saidov looses the confidence of Saudi sheiks his construction and real estate companies in the Middle East will go belly up the next day. Same will happen to Filin's assets around the world if their relations with the US and British "partners" go sour as they did under Goss and Foggo in the CIA. These guys can have some leeway and power of decision only as long as they remain in good standing with their senior partners. Their leash may be long, but it's still a leash and no less strong for that. So, to stay in action, they have to prove again and again their worth, their ability to stir things up, especially in the areas where the US have little leverage as in Central Asia. However, these "unequal" relations are not fixed and can change. The Russian-speaking partners of FarWest play their own or partly their own games as well. Filin coordinates the anti-German activities of Ukrainian and Polish intelligence. Saidov's death squads in Bagram, sheltered and paid by the US military, roam Afghanistan, Waziristan and the Sunni Triangle in Iraq, but Saidov's killers also have been wiping out any real or potential opposition to Kadyrov, while his Sufi activities in the Middle East and elsewhere may remain impenetrable even for US and British intelligence. Also they can influence US internal politics through their agents of influence in the Ukrainian and other East European diaspora in Northern America.

NB. And how does Abdullo's last raid in Tajikistan fit into the bigger plans of this international Intelligence Cabal?

We hear from our German friends that the Republicans who are close to the military-industrial complex, the Pentagon and intelligence have conspired with the Likud to subvert Obama's foreign policy and eventually force him out of the White House. It appears they plan to attack Obama from several directions.

1. Likud will strike in the Near East, probably, at Gaza or Lebanon, with a massive "collateral damage." This will derail Obama's peace making in that region.

2. Even more important will be the proliferation of nuclear arms, with several new countries going nuclear, either officially or de facto, after the Israeli model. FarWest have played important role in the Nuclear Consortium between Ukraine, Pakistan, Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea. The unknown quantities of Soviet nuclear materials and weapons were hidden in Ukraine around the breakup of the Soviet Union and later loaned to Iran or stored in Pakistan. This allows Ukrainian military to provide technical maintenance for their nuclear devices and perhaps even develop new ones while formally not violating the denuclearized status of Ukraine.

One well-publicized case was the sale of 12 cruise missiles KH-55 from Ukraine to China and Iran in 2000-2001. It was recently claimed that the deal also included four 200-kiloton nuclear war heads. xii According to Ukrainian national security figures around Yulia Timoshenko, the sales were handled by Far West LLC, with the U.S. private intelligence company Diligence LLC "supervising" it from a distance. Victor Bout's planes were used in this operation. xiii A less known case was the theft by FarWest of two kilograms of uranium-235 from the Sukhumi Physics and Technology Institute in the early 90s. The uranium went to Iran. And this might be just the tip of the iceberg. Filin and Saidov boast that Iran already has nuclear arms and that Ukraine with Saudi Arabia will soon follow it. At the same time, they accuse Obama of "weakening America and leaving the rest of the world in chaos." This tactics subverts Obama's commitment to the non-proliferation of nuclear arms and missile technology, while providing the military-industrial complex with arguments in favor of expanding the anti-missile defense R&D and deployment.

3. Afghanistan and Pakistan will be turned into examples of Obama's failure to fight "international terrorism." At the same time, Afghanistan territory will be used to destabilize Central Asia and increase pressure against Russia and China. Mullo Abdullo's raid into Tajikistan is a test of this mechanism. xiv Since the fall of 2008 at the latest, Saidov and Prince Rasheed concentrate on Afghanistan. They have been going back and forth between Kabul, Islamabad, Quetta, and El-Riyadh, meeting with Turki al-Faisal, Karzai, Nawaz Sharif and Mullah Omar. Their goal is to have an agreement between the United States and the Taliban through the mediation of the Saudis and Pakistanis. The Intelligence Cabal no longer needs Karzai. He has become a liability and has to go. But if Karzai makes a deal with the old anti-Taliban and anti-US warlords like Ismail Khan, Rashid Dostum, and Karim Khalili this can create a lot of problems for the Nato forces and the Cabal, making it impossible to use Afghanistan for de-stabilizing the Central Asia, China, and Russia.

Ruslan Saidov: Obama will suffer a humiliating defeat in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Ruslan Saidov: Obama will suffer a humiliating defeat in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

4. Those behind FarWest do not want Obama to have a new treaty with Russia on slashing nuclear stockpiles. They want a new arms race and they also see such a treaty as the important part of Obama's strategy to normalize relations with Russia. The U.S. militarists want Russia to remain the bogey man of Western propaganda.

5. They want to make permanent the simmering conflict between Russia and her neighbors Ukraine and Georgia -- so that their propaganda apparatus could continue picturing Russia as aggressor and poison our relations with Europe and the United States.

6. If they "remove" Obama, they will try to crash the oil prices and keep them below $30 for a long time, speed up the development and deployment of anti-missile defense systems against Russia and China under the pretext of the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs. Using Afghanistan as their forward base and proxies like Abdullo's gang, they will provoke military conflicts in Central Asia to make Russia and China busy. In other words, the Intelligence Cabal behind FarWest wants to copycat the strategies of the Reagan-Daddy Bush period. This is what we may get instead of a "reset" if they topple Obama.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Magda Hassan Wrote:More on Far West LLC owners.
Quote: The rest of the company is controlled by General Vladimir Filin of Ukrainian military intelligence (25%) and the US company KBR (formerly KBR Halliburton 13 %), represented by the British military intelligence officer Ruslan Berenis.
My goodness, there is KBR Halliburton again. Mmmmmm....Far West itself was co-funded by Dilligence LLC. Go see who is on their board.

KBR, Halliburton, Cheney, and "British military intelligence officer Ruslan Berenis", on whom there is very little easily available.

What do we think the ethnic origin of the names Ruslan and Berenis is?

Ruslan - Russian? Ukrainian? Belorussian?

Berenis - not sure. Any thoughts?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Ruslan is mostly from the south. Caucuses, Tartar, Ossetia, Ukraine, Chchen.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Berenis sounds Baltic to me.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
According to this site he is the Chief Financial Officer for Far West, the money man - Ruslan Berenice / Ruslan Berenis (UK). Also note variation is spelling.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Berenis sounds Baltic to me.


Or possibly French: Be - re - nis (pron knee).

However, in the context of Far West and Ruslan, Baltic origin is the most likely.

So, Ruslan Berenis is the Far West chief financial officer, "represents" KBR Halliburton, and is a British military intelligence officer? :phone:

I'm also intrigued at these supposed Belorussian "training camps".

If Lunev and Far West are involved, then they may be terrorist training camps, involving mujahadeen, KLA, Grey Wolves types to be used to destabilize key Eurasian countries and to serve as muscle in drugs, gun and people-trafficking operations.

So, many participants in these training camps may be muslims.

However, if Breivik's manifesto is to be taken at face value, then he would have been horrified at mujahadeen types training in white, blond, blue-eyed Belorussia.

So, was Breivik played at the camps? For instance, did he train in scenarios against the mujahadeen? Or was he kept away from mujahadeen - eg just given specialist weapon, explosives and intelligence training one-on-one, or in a small, all white European, group?

Or is it even deeper? Was Breivik's manifesto written for him?

Was he a sleeper whose programming was topped up in Belorussia by Lunev's shrinks? Note the connections between Far West and the neo-fascist, neoliberal, elements in the military-multinational-intelligence complex.

When Breivik wrote of his Utoya atrocity that "It has been decided", rather than the Lone Nut formulation "I have decided", was his mission actually finalized and determined in Belorussia?

Is this where the sleeper was triggered?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Interesting....from Daniel Estulin discussing Far West and his mention of David Cameron and 'Berenis Ruslan' in the same breath...I need to check the Spanish to see if it is correct grammatically.
Quote:Its main partners of the West and the Middle East Defense Secretary Robert Gates and his close collaborator Fritz Ermarth the CIA, NSC, NIC, and Rand Corporation, which, since his retirement, has been working under the cover of the Nixon Center and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), one of the largest Pentagon contractors, the CIA and the FBI, Robert Gates on its Board of Directors, Sir Roderic Braithwaithe, former ambassador to the Soviet Union and current advisor of Deutsche Bank and Council of Foreign Affairs David Cameron and his close collaborator Berenis Ruslan, a senior British military intelligence, and Prince Faisal al-Turki, former head of General Intelligence Service in Saudi Arabia, and Ambassador to Britain and the United States.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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