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Explosion Norway
Quote:NB. Allow me to clarify that Lunev is Major-General Valery Lunev of Belorussian KGB. He was born in 1960 in the Kulyab Region of Tajikistan, fluent in Pushtu and Farsi. Served together with Filin, Saidov, and Surikov in the GRU special unit N (for narcotics) in Afghanistan. Later in the 80s Lunev was involved in the anti-COCOM network and stationed in the Netherlands. Has Dutch citizenship. Executive director of Far West LLC's central office in Dubai.

Erik Prince with his crusader army,based in Dubai.

MG.Valery Lunev and Far West LLC based in Dubai.

Crusader Central Command.......Confusedhutup:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I found a website citing Dubai freemasonry, but no details aside from saying they operated under the Jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Philippines, but the Grand Lodge said that they do not have any sanctioned lodges outside their territory in UAE. Can anyone help get me a little closer to information that could benefit this gentleman?

Dustin Tarditi
Raleigh, NC
James B Green #735 A.F. & A.M.
National Sojourners Piedmont #504
Raleigh Chapter No. 10 R.A.M.
Enoch Council No. 5 R.&S.M.
Raleigh Commandery No. 4 K.T.

Only foreign lodges, working in the "foreign" cities (either military bases, or special towns designed for foreigners only). For an arab, muslim, joining a lodge in UAE can mean death sentence! Lebanon has active masonry (I am not sure, I think Jordan has too). UAE and Saudi - strictly forbidden.

There are lodges all over the MidEast (I am in Afghanistan now). Masonry exists in Saudi Arabia, there are lodge for the oil industry workers. The Saudi government turns a blind eye to them, as long as they are discreet.

A group of brave Iraqis is working right now to build a lodge, and get masonry underway in Iraq. (I lived there 2005-2008)

Masonry will only get stronger in this part of the world.
Charles E. Martin

Charles - there are lodges all over the middle east, but only within the american bases, or within the so called "foreign" towns (gated communities for foreigners only, where alcohol is permitted too). But - for an arab (muslim), to be a freemason is VERY dangerous, and I believe that the future candidate should be told that. In some of these countries (Saudi and UAE) he may face a death penalty for being a mason, and believe me - they do not close their eyes when it comes to their own people, although they treat americans differently. So - he has to know the full story, and then - if he still wants to be in, it's his choice.

This is quite true. In some predominately Muslim countries, Freemasonry is absolutely banned, and membership can lead to imprisonment or death. The Shi'a government of Iran bans all Masonic activities (There is a grand lodge of Iran in exile, and a Scottish Rite of Iran in Exile). Anyone should be very careful when approaching Freemasonry in this part of the world.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Don't mess with the Zion

The observant will notice that Muslims outraged at attacks on them by Christian coalitions, keep blowing up markets full of Muslims, and that Christians outraged at the creation of a one world government ruled by Muslims, slaughter fellow Christians.

The trend seems to be for Muslims to kill other Muslims, and Christians to kill other Christians, and occasionally, just to keep their hands in, for Christians to kill Muslims, and Muslims to kill Christians.

No mention is made in much of the media about Israel, and so it has no place in this post. It was more than covered in a manifesto, mentioned time after time after time, by way of total support for Zion and its people, but in regard to what this subject is about, I shall be as quiet about that link as the controlled media are.

I wrongly damned Norwegian police for not finding a boat fast enough. Sorry about that. They did find a boat but it started to sink, so they got off again. Likewise the helicopter problems: they didn't have one so they drove to the island by road, stopping on the way for a quick bite to eat, no more than twenty minutes they assure us.

Blondie, the Nordik-viking-child-slaughterer, professed surprise that he was permitted to wander around for an hour or so gunning people down in a land with armed police. This is similar to 911, when a few people were surprised that the American air defense didn't show up for work that day.

It doesn't matter what the ins and out of this particular attack are though. While we are endlessly discussing the colour of his underpants (explosive filled or not), and whether or not he had breakfast that morning, and how that might supply a clue as to something or other, they will be planning the next one.

The idea is to keep us in a constant state of confusion, endlessly discussing the minutiae until the next one comes along to trump the last. The main player in this one will either be killed in some way, or others will be to keep it all bolted down. Things will emerge to cast some faint light, and then they'll sink away again.


We don't need to play the game they create for us, we just need to state categorically that this was the same people who have been doing this for a century or more, and they are going to continue to do it for as long as people remain in the coma in which they've been placed, by their education, media, governments, society and everything else, from the minute they were born as slaves.

The BBC are disgusting, there is no other way to put it. This is why I've been so strident in condemning them for so long. We expect Fox news and the rest of that stable to do what it does, given who owns it, but the BBC is owned by us, supposedly, and so its astonishing and dangerous subversion is a special kind of betrayal.....of we, the British people, and the many victims of the people who did the Norway stunt.

Those people think they are on the edge of glory, long overdue them in their own twisted minds, and now in sight. Next year they'll hold a big ceremony disguised as a sports event, and their eyes are being raised around the world in triumphant celebration of the approaching times.

But we saw what these creatures did when they gained outright control in Russia and China. We've seen what they can do with regards to creating world wars. Seventy or so young people having the temerity to criticize Israel and dying two days after (Don't mess with the Zohan) is nothing; that many die around the world every day from various scams of theirs, in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and Pakistan, and uncounted in continuing toilets like much of the African continent, where they run rampant with little oversight.

I've said before and it needs saying again: that we are all Gazans, we are all Palestinians, we are all Arabs, and we are all those people in the Russian gulags and the Chinese reeducation facilities. But likewise we are all not them, and they are the special ones, which makes the slaughter of seventy people no more than killing a few animals towards a greater glory.

That is how supremacists think, and when that is understood by more people, events like those in Norway will come as no surprise at all, just as they come as no surprise at all to people like me.

It's just them, doing what they do.

Business as usual: on to the next.

Posted by suraci at 09:07
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
This is follow up to Israel Shamir's Analysis of Breivik's Ideas; the first part can be found on

The Friday 22 Massacre
Part Two. Breivik Sees Red
By Israel Shamir

Breivik hated Reds even more than Muslims. The Pakis should be deported, but the Commies shot as traitors, he wrote in his 2083. He fumed against communism like Hitler in Mein Kampf, but Hitler had better reasons. Hitler competed against the Communists for the hearts of German workers, AND Hitler competed against the softies within the national-socialist movement in Germany, who (notably the brothers Strasser) were prepared to deal with communists.
A long time has passed since then. Communism won in the titanic struggle of 1945, but suffered a huge setback in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Consequently, anticommunism has lost its meaning since at least 1991, but probably even earlier. Today, it could possibly mobilise a few old-timers in Washington DC, but maybe not even them.

It is with great astonishment we witnesses of Communism's defeat read in 2083 that Communism was victorious:

"The US but especially W. Europe lost the Cold War due to the fact that we didn't persecute the Marxists after WW2. If we had executed each and every Marxist and banned Marxist doctrines (not only the economical aspects but the cultural as well internationalism, extreme feminism, extreme egalitarianism, anti-elitism, anti-nationalism) we would not be in the current situation. Instead, our traitorous and weak minded post-WW2 leaders allowed the Marxists to gradually infiltrate many aspects of society after WW2, especially our universities and the media (see the beginning of book 1 for a complete overview of how this happened). The first ML pioneers (Marxist-Leninists) were allowed to indoctrinate the '68 generation, those who run things today."

Breivik arrives at the unexpected conclusion that both the EU and the US are, in our present age, "socialist" or even "communist" states, "EUSSR and USSR" organised in accordance with Marx's teachings. I did not know that Karl Marx envisaged a society with hundreds of billionaires and millions of paupers. One would have to be mad to describe the contemporary US and EU as "communist dictatorships" these societies are extremely inegalitarian -- workers are on the bottom, while the super-wealthy have an ostentatious lifestyle unheard of even in Medici's Florence.

The reason for this unexpected conclusion is that Breivik intentionally confuses Marxism-Leninism as the ruling ideology of the Soviet Union and Maoist China, with the neo-Marxist western ideology of Fromm and Adorno, Marcuse and Lukacs. With all due respect, the Cold War was NOT a war with them, but a war against the USSR and its allies, a war with its geopolitical as well as ideological components. Western neo-Marxists were rather the allies of the Capitalist West in that war, and their contribution to the fall of the Eastern citadel of Communism was enormous, as they successfully undermined the Russian elites' belief in their own ideology.

Though Breivik quarrels with the Western Marxists, he finds it convenient to connect them with the Gulag and with alleged mass murders in the USSR. This is dishonest: the Western neo-Marxists were against Stalin, and they called their Eastern brethren "Stalinists", at least since the short-sighted Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin in 1956.

Khrushchev, a crypto-Trotskyite, frogmarched the Communists through an unnecessary and unpopular de-Stalinisation instead of letting bygones be bygones. Nowadays President Medvedev is talking again about de-Stalinisation; probably this talk will prevent his re-election. The people of Russia have differing views about Stalin, but the vast majority were and are against de-Stalinisation, for to them it symbolises the breakdown of the national masculine heroic paradigm.

Breivik accuses the Communists of supporting "extreme feminism". This is odd. Joseph Stalin was the ultimate symbol of masculinity: the great Yugoslav director Dushan Makkaveev depicted him in his Mysteries of the Organism in priapic form. De-Stalinisation can be viewed as an attempt to unman the Father-figure of the Communist world. Again, Breivik's ridiculous claim can be explained by his desire to gather all the Reds into one big heap: from grim NKVD commissars to California sociologists to the Norwegian teenagers he shot. He learned this nasty trick from his Neocon teachers: they paint every nationalist by the same brush as Adolf Hitler.

We reject it out of hand: not every traditionalist and nationalist is a Breivik or a Hitler; the Communists take differing positions on tradition, with Eastern Stalinists being quite conservative, traditional and mildly nationalist, while Western neo-Marxists rejected the bourgeois nationalism which caused two world wars.

Breivik stresses the Communist origins of the Frankfurt school's founders, of Theodor Adorno and Georg Lukács but the neocons, too, were red-diaper babies or even active Trots before switching sides. Gramsci indeed dreamed of cultural hegemony as the means of arriving at socialism. He thought that a new "Communist man" might be created before any political revolution. However, Gramsci was mistaken. This theory of Gramsci was used to preach a reformist, non-revolutionary way, avoiding a violent takeover of banks and factories. The idea was played up by the Euro-Communists and, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, disappeared with the Euro-Communist parties.

Lenin was right, and Gramsci was wrong: you have to take away from the capitalists both their chequebooks and their factories, their weapons and their newspapers, their parliament and their government, otherwise they will turn every agenda of yours to their benefit. The Frankfurt school and other Western neo-Marxists stood by the West in the Cold War.

The Western neo-Marxists behaved like the proverbial man who searched for a lost coin under the lamppost. Though he knew he had lost the coin elsewhere, there was more light under the lamppost. They did not know how to interact with workers, and so preferred to work with minorities, students, feminists. It was easier, but led nowhere, as we now see. The workers of Spain and Greece rose up last month, but the neo-Marxists were nowhere to be found. They did not lead this real popular revolt, as they were only used to their toy revolutions in the field of semantics.

The neo-Marxists gave up on revolution, gave up on socialism, gave up on the workers, and instead preferred to work "so no future Holocaust would be possible". Kevin McDonald, from California State University, wrote that they choose to follow their Jewish agenda rather than the Communist one. Breivik had not read McDonald the Terrible, or at least never referred to him, being such a good pupil of Jewish pundits. KMD's explanation was forbidden to him. He just intoned that what these men did IS communism. Actually, many texts in 2083 are old anti-Jewish screeds with find/replace Jews by Marxists.

Regretfully Breivik was wrong: the communists did not win. We did not move even one step closer to communism by promoting gay marriages and multiculturalism. Fighting against Christianity and family does not help, either. All these steps were appropriated and used by Capital and against workers. Actually, the objectives of socialist revolution and "no more Holocausts at any cost" are mutually exclusive. For the first objective, we need brave and daring men, for the second, all men must be unmanned, for real men are unpredictable.

The proof that Breivik speaks nonsense (even in his own terms) can be found in his 2083, where he rates European states according to their acceptance of what he calls "cultural Marxism". Not surprisingly, Russia and other countries of the Communist block are the freest from this dogma, while Germany, Sweden and Norway are the most subservient. Indeed, destructive western neo-Marxist theories were never popular in the East, where capitalism was dismantled in the real sense and there was no need for a make-believe pseudo-communist ideology to paper over a capitalist economy.

As for the West, 1968 was not, as Breivik says, V-day for Marxism, but the beginning of a turn towards the Iron Heel. Our freedoms peaked just after the long-gone year of 1968. 1968 was a turning point in America. In 1968, the richest Americans contributed 90% of their income to the state, while now they pay less than 30% (never mind that they do not pay even that much by cleverly exploiting tax shelters, exempt funds and other tricks). It was in 1968 that the American worker's minimum pay peaked in real terms. Looking back, 1968 was the moment in history when mankind was nearest to the stars.

As children of the defeated '68 revolution, we were free to love, smoke, think and act. We could travel and fly without being stripped at the airport, and our booze was not confiscated. We could make love and smoke in cafés. Since then, it has been downhill all the way: smoking has been banned, free thought has been incarcerated by Political Correctness, and political action has been reduced to joining a Facebook group.

In the US, as Noam Chomsky has told me, the U-turn coincided with the teachers' strike in New York which reminded the Jews that their narrow interests are not necessarily best served by progressive and revolutionary tactics. Accordingly, the revolutionary ideologists of '68 acquiesced in pacifying the masses, and the chances for a new holocaust or even loss of influence were indeed minimised.

The masculinity of the Left receded, too. Support of dubious gender politics and retreat from the class struggle changed the Left. While the Left had always pushed for equality between the sexes, this equality leaned rather towards the masculine pole: whether it was a worker building the barricade, sailors storming the Winter Palace, cigar-smoking barbudos of Castro, they were all manly symbols of the Left. During the epic confrontation of the first half of 20th century, the Red Guards were not more feminine than the Stormtroopers, and Ernst Thaelmann was not less masculine than Ernst Roehm.

The present misbalance of male/female factors in the developed world was caused by technological developments (man's physical strength is less needed), by ideological shift and by capitalists' desire to maximise profit by employing women. As a result, men are frustrated. Their old traditional role of providers is over; their jobs went away to China, fighting is done by drones. Breivik's massacre bears the mark of a frustrated and marginalized Norwegian man.

Breivik felt his manhood threatened by "television, where nearly every major offering has a female 'power figure' and the plots and characters emphasize the inferiority of the male and superiority of the female… by government-mandated employment preferences and practices that benefit women and use 'sexual harassment' charges to keep men in line, [by] colleges where women's gender studies proliferate and 'affirmative action' is applied in admissions and employment."

Yes, the killer is a psychotic man whose vision is hardly adequate, but his point should be considered. Even his hatred towards Muslim immigrants could be traced to the threat to his manhood presented by virile, unencumbered-by-fear-of-harassment-charges Southerners successfully competing for the charms of the Nordic girls. This massacre and its possible follow-ups might well have been averted if this European man did not feel his manhood threatened in so many ways.

The massacre is a sign that the Yin/Yang balance of Europe is severely biased; it should be restored and this urgent task can't be delayed this is an important lesson of the Friday 22 massacre.

Edited by Ken Freeland

can be seen on
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Organized Political Terrorism: The Norwegian Massacre, the State , the Media and Israel
James Petras
July 2011

"So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionist,s against all cultural Marxists/Multiculturalists".
Anders Behring Breivik's Manifesto

". . . two more cells exist in my organization". . .
Ander Behring Breivik in police custody (Reuters 7/25/11)

The July 22, 2011, bombing of the office of the Norwegian Prime Minister, Labor Party Jen Stoltenberg, which killed 8 civilians, and the subsequent political assassination of 68 unarmed activists of the Labor Party Youth on Utoeya Island, just 20 minutes from Oslo, by militant neo-fascist Christian-Zionists, raises fundamental questions about the growing links between the legal Far-Right, the mainstream media', the Norwegian police, Israel and rightwing terrorism.

The Mass Media and the Rise of Rightwing Terrorism:
The leading English language newspapers, The New York Times (NYT), the Washington Post (WP), the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and the Financial Times (FT), as well as President Obama, blamed "Islamic extremists", upon the first police reports of the killings, publishing a series of incendiary (and false) headlines and reports, labeling the event as Norway's 9-11',in terms, which echoed the ideological motivation and justifications cited by the Norwegian Christian-Zionist political assassin, Anders Behring Breivik himself,. The July 23/24 front page of the Financial Times (of London), read "Islamist extremism fears: Worst Europe strike since 2005". Obama immediately cited the terrorist attack in Norway to further justify his overseas wars against Muslim countries. The FT, NYT, WP and WSJ trotted out their self-styled "experts" who debated over which Arab/Islamic leaders or movements were responsible despite Norwegian press reports of the arrest of a Nordic man in police uniform'.

Clearly, the US mass media and political elite were eager to use the bombing and assassinations to justify ongoing overseas imperial wars, ignoring the burgeoning domestic extremist rightwing organizations and violent individuals who are the outgrowth of official Islamophobic hate propaganda.

When Anders Breivik, a known neo-fascist extremist, handed his weapons over to Norwegian police without resistance and claimed credit for the bombing and massacre, the second phase of the official cover-up took place: He was immediately described as "a lone wolf assassin", who "acted alone" (BBC July 24, 2011) or as mentally deranged, downplaying his political networks, his American, European and Israeli ideological mentors and commitments, which led to his acts of terrorism. Even more outrageous, the media and officials ignored the fact that this complex, multiphase terrorist attack was beyond the capacity of one deranged' person.

Anders Behring Breivik had been a dues-paying member of a Far-Right political party, The Progress Party and a collaborator and contributor to an overtly neo-Nazi web site. He frequently focused his hatred on the ruling Labor Party for its relative tolerance of immigrants. He despised immigrants especially, Muslims, and was an ardent Christian-Zionist supporter of Israeli repression and terror against the Palestinian people. His criminal action was political in essence and embedded in a much wider political network.

The political elite and media have scrambled to deny the overlapping links between legal' ideological Islamophobes, like the American Zionists Daniel Pipes, David Horowitz, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, the Dutch far-right Party of Freedom led by the hate-monger Geert Wilders and their counterparts in the Norwegian Progress Party who rail against the "Muslim threat". The "direct action" terrorists take their cues from electoral parties, like the Progress Party, who recruit and indoctrinate activists, like Behring Breivik, who then leave the electoral road' to carry out their bloody carnage, allowing the respectable' hate-mongers to hypocritically condemn him… after the outrage.

The Lone Assassin: A Fascist Superman Travels Faster than a Speeding Bullet
Versus the Police Moving Slower than an Arthritic Turtle:

The case for the "lone wolf terrorist" defies credence. It is a tissue of lies used to cover up state complicity, intelligence malfeasance, and the sharp right-turn in the domestic and foreign policies of NATO countries.

There is no basis to accept Breivik's initial claim that he acted alone for several outstanding reasons: First, the car bomb, which devastated downtown Oslo, was a highly complex weapon requiring expertise and coordination the kind available to state or intelligence services, like the Mossad, which specialize in devastating car bombs. Amateurs, like Breivik, with no training in explosives, usually blow themselves up or lack the skill required to connect the electronic timing devices or remote detonators (like the unsuccessful shoe', underpants' and Times Square' bombers have proved) . Secondly, the details of (a) moving the bomb, (b) obtaining (stealing) a vehicle, © placing the device at the strategic site, (d) successfully detonating it and (e) then gowning up in an elaborate special police uniform with an arsenal of hundreds of rounds of ammunition and driving off in another vehicle to Utoeya Island, (f) waiting patiently while armed to the teeth for a ferry boat, g) crossing with other passengers in his police uniform, (h) rounding up the Labor youth activists and commencing the massacre of scores of unarmed youth and finally (i) finishing off the wounded and hunting for those trying to hide or swim away - is not the activity of a lone zealot. Even the combination of Superman, Einstein and a world class marksman could not perform those tasks.

The media and NATO leaders must view the public as passive morons to expect them to believe that Anders Behring Breivik "acted alone". He is willing to take a 20 year prison sentence if it means, as he maintains, that their collective action is the spark that ignites his comrades and advances the agenda of the violent and legal far rightwing parties. Facing a Norwegian judge on July 25, he publically declared the existence of "two more cells in my organization".

According to witness testimony on Utoeya Island shots from two distinct weapons were heard from different directions during the massacre. The police say they are… "investigating". Needless to say the police have found nothing; instead they put on a "show" to cover their inaction by raiding two houses far from the massacre and quickly released the suspects.

The most serious political implication of the terrorist action, however, is the conspicuous complicity of top police officials. The police took 90 minutes to arrive at Utoeya Island, located less than 20 kilometers from Oslo, 12 minutes by helicopter and 25 to 30 minutes by car and boat. The delay allowed the right wing assassins to use up the ammunition, maximizing the death toll of young, anti-fascist activists and devastating the Labor youth movement. The police chief, Sveinung Sponheim, made the feeblest excuse and cover-up, claiming "problems with transport". Sponheim argued that a helicopter "wasn't on standby" and they "could not find a boat" (Associated Press, July 24, 2011). Yet a helicopter was available; it managed to fly to Utoeya and film the ongoing slaughter, and over half of Norwegians, a seafaring people for millennia, own or have access to a boat. A police force, faced with what the Prime Minister calls the worst atrocity since the Nazi occupation', moving at the pace of an arthritic turtle to rescue youth activists, raises the suspicion of some level of complicity. The obvious question arises as to the degree to which the ideology of right wing extremism neo-fascism has penetrated the police and security forces, especially the upper echelons? This level of "inactivity" raises more questions than it answers. What it suggests is that the Social Democrats only control part of the Government the legislative, while the neo-fascists influence the state apparatus.

The plain fact is that the police did not save a single life. When they finally arrived, Anders Behring Breivik had run out of ammunition and surrendered turning himself over to the police. The police literally did not fire a single shot; they did not even have to hunt or capture the assassin. An almost choreographed scenario: Hundreds wounded, 68 unarmed, peaceful activists killed and the Labor youth movement decimated.

The police can claim "crime solved" while the mass media prattles about a "lone assassin". The far right has a "martyr" to mask a further advance in their anti-Muslim, pro Israel crusade. (It is reminiscent of the celebrated Israeli-American fascist mass murderer, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, who slaughtered dozens of unarmed Palestinian men and boys at prayer in 1994).

Only two days before the political murders, the head of the Labor Party Youth Movement, Eskil Pederson, gave an interview to the Dagbladet, Norway's second largest tabloid, in which he announced a "unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side" (Gilad Atzmon, July 24, 2011).

The fact of the matter is that the Norwegian military has no problem promptly dispatching 500 troops to Afghanistan, half way around the world and providing six Norwegian Air Force jets and pilots to bomb and terrorize Libya. And yet they can't find a helicopter or a row boat to transport their police a couple hundred yards to stop a domestic right wing terrorist whose murderous rampage was being described second by second by the terrorized young victims on their cell phones to their frantic parents?

The Imperial Roots of Domestic Fascism: Conclusion
Clearly, the decisions of Norway and other Scandinavian nations to participate in the US imperial crusades against Muslim and especially Arab people in the Middle East have aroused and energized the neo-fascist right. They now want to "bring the war home"; they want Norway to go further, to cleanse the nation' by expelling Muslims. They want to "send a message" to the Labor Party: Either it must accept a full neo-fascist pro-Israeli agenda or expect more massacres, more elected fascists, more followers of Anders Behring Breivik.

The "Progress Party" is now the second largest political party in Norway. If a "conservative" coalition defeats Labor, neo-fascists will probably sit in the Government. Who knows, after a few years of good behavior, they might find an excuse to commute their ex-comrades sentence . . . or proclaim him mentally rehabilitated and freed.

Clearly what is needed is the immediate withdrawal of all troops from imperial wars and a systematic, coherent and organized fight against domestic right-wing terrorists and their intellectual godparents, in America, Israel and Europe. Labor youth must go press on with their demand that the Labor Government, under Prime Minister Jen Stoltenberg, recognize the nation of Palestine and implement a total boycott of Israeli goods and services. A national and international political-educational campaign must be organized to expose the links between respectable electoral fascists and violent terrorists. The Labor Youth martyrs of Utoeya Island should be cherished and their ideals taught in all the schools. Their far-right enemies and supporters whether overt, covert or directly complicit, should be exposed and condemned. The best weapon against the renewed neo-fascist onslaught is a political and educational offensive, taking up the anti-fascist, anti-Quisling (Norway's notorious Nazi collaborator) fighting traditions of their grandparents' era. It's not too late if the Labor Party, the Norwegian trade unions and the anti-fascist youth act now before the flood of resurgent fascism.

can be seen on
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The order 777 video is here.
Just thought I'd mention the symbol of the AWB or the Afrikaner Resistence Movement [ATTACH=CONFIG]2802[/ATTACH]
Founded as a secret society (initially at least) by Eugene Terreblanche.
From Wiki:

The AWB flag is composed of three black sevens (forming a triskelion) in a white circle upon a red background. According to AWB, the sevens, 'the number of JAHWEH', 'stand to oppose the number 666, the number of the anti-Christ'. Red is considered to represent Jesus' blood, while black stands for bravery and courage. The inner white circle symbolizes the "eternal struggle", or according to other sources "eternal life".[20] The flag bears a resemblance to the Swastika flag used by the Nazi Party and Nazi Germany.[21]
Another one from their website:
Reminds me of something.....? Let me think....

Attached Files
.gif   Awb_MED.gif (Size: 1.94 KB / Downloads: 1)
.gif   arend.gif (Size: 3.81 KB / Downloads: 1)
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
After the terror of Oslo and Utøya 26 per cent are more positive about a multicultural Norway, according to a poll.

49.1 percent say they have not changed the view of the multi-cultural Norway after the terrorist attacks, while 9.3 percent said they have become more negative, it emerges in the measurement.

- The heat everyone has shown in recent days, regardless of cultural and religious background, is stronger than the skepticism of fellow man, says Secretary-General Mehtab Afsar said the Islamic Council to VG.
Everything about the terrorist attacks against Norway 22 July 2011

He believes that the typical good Norwegian Returns:

- Norwegians are nice, helpful, and considerate people. But it has not been so evident in recent years, where Muslims and Islam have had a negative focus, he says. Labor more than 41 percent of new measurement

Election researcher Anders Todal Jenssen believe that the old rhetoric will return, and that most people hardly have changed their views of a multicultural Norway.

- The road to the gross stereotypes and generalizations are quite short. Those who use these grips are very reluctant to be associated with Breivik now. In about a half years' time we will be back to where we were prior to 22 July, says Jenssen.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
"Sacking of Turkish top military officers appears to have been something more serious -- perhaps the suppression of an attempted military coup by Ergenekon holdouts. Reuters/Rothschild calls Ergenekon an "alleged conspiracy." There's nothing alleged about the Rothschild/Israeli connection to Ergenekon and the Turkish Donmeh. Turkey's situation linked to Breivik and his Zio-Nazi network: Breivik had a keen interest in Ergenekon's tactics. A European-wide set of coups appears to have been in the Zio-Nazi playbook -- Breivik also sought to launch a coup against Norwegian government and King Harald V. Breivik refuses to divulge other cells but he had traveled to several countries: Sweden, Denmark, UK, Germany, Poland, Belarus (where he underwent paramilitary training), France, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Switzerland, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, US (where he allegedly visited for two months last year Lake Elmo, Minnesota, the home of Bachmann & Associates, the "de-gaying" clinic owned by Marcus Bachmann, husband of GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann), Turkey, Mexico, China, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire and Liberia. Cyprus has seen political instability since a massive explosion of a weapons cache at its main naval base, which also destroyed Cyprus's main power plant forcing blackouts. President Demetris Christofiasis the first president from the Communist AKEL Party. From Norway to Turkey and Cyprus, a connected network, with links to Israel, appears to be targeting nations that support Palestinian sovereignty."

Links behind the above text include:

Turkey looks to restore order after top generals quit

Norway attacker conducted a case study of Ergenekon

Norway gunman 'wanted government to resign' (AFP)

Breivik underwent paramilitary training in Belarus'

Ancient Knights Templar name used in modern criminal crusades

Cypriot president insists he will not step down

[Image: 83340111.jpg]
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Quote:Yes, the killer is a psychotic man whose vision is hardly adequate, but his point should be considered. Even his hatred towards Muslim immigrants could be traced to the threat to his manhood presented by virile, unencumbered-by-fear-of-harassment-charges Southerners successfully competing for the charms of the Nordic girls. This massacre and its possible follow-ups might well have been averted if this European man did not feel his manhood threatened in so many ways.

The massacre is a sign that the Yin/Yang balance of Europe is severely biased; it should be restored and this urgent task can't be delayed this is an important lesson of the Friday 22 massacre.

Edited by Ken Freeland
Ken baby can shove his ying yang right up his wazoo. So can Breivik. What a ridulous conclusion and apology for a psychopath.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Hatred is everywhere.... to say nothing of inaccuracy, idiocy, etc. (see the Fear and Ignorance cartoon in "Other")

"Deport All Illegal Aliens Now!"

About the guy on the right (do a Google image search for the name Victor Vancier to confirm):

"Today Kosovo, Tomorrow All Of Europe"
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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