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Explosion Norway
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Norway's 9/11: The Horror Is In The Message

Unlike many other writers of various political persuasions, I have had great difficulty putting into words my reactions to the recent events in Norway. I hope my comments, though belated, may prove to be of some value.

As you must have read by now, a bomb exploded in central Oslo on the afternoon of July 22, killing eight people. And a few hours later, a shooting rampage decimated a gathering of about 700 people on the picturesque island of Utoeya, northwest of Oslo.

I became aware of the attacks shortly after the explosion but before the shooting started, and I got my first hint that things were not as they appeared when I saw that ABC News, citing U.S. State Department sources, had declared the blast the result of "a vehicle bomb."

This happened before the Norwegian police were even calling it "a bomb."

"How," I asked myself, "could the State Department know more about the cause of the blast than the police who were just starting to investigate it?"

"Watch closely," an inner voice replied, "and you may find out."

So I watched and read and listened and learned.

The target of the bomb appears to have been government offices, and the victims of the shooting were attending a camp run by the youth wing of the Labor Party. And the bombing and the shooting were the work of one man, Anders Behring Breivik, who planned the assault for nine years without any outside help, and pulled it off without any apparent source of significant income.

The shooting spree lasted more than an hour, even though the police had been alerted. They couldn't reach the island quickly because no helicopters were available, and no helicopters were available because all the helicopter crews were on holiday simultaneously. So the police approached by road and inflatable raft instead. But they overloaded the raft and it began to sink, so it took more than one try before they could reach the island. And still, they say they made the quickest response anyone could have asked for.

Even though multiple eyewitnesses described bullets coming from multiple directions, and some spoke of a shooter with dark hair, the blond-haired Breivik, who arrived on the island wearing a police uniform, acted completely alone, according to the Norwegian authorities. Therefore it should come as no surprise that all his court appearances will be held in secret, to prevent him sending coded messages to his accomplices.

In polite company, it may be considered improper to ask how the lone nut killer obtained a police uniform. Did the police search his residence? Did they find a sewing machine? Solitary psychos must sew their own uniforms, no? They can't get them anywhere else, can they? Not if they want to remain "lone" nuts!

After killing more than 60 campers, Breivik reportedly called the police, who arrived promptly and arrested him without a fight. The story is getting more and more credible as it develops, is it not?

The killer allegedly left a 1500-page manifesto, some of which was plagiarized from the Unabomber and some of which refers to modern writers who take extreme anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant positions. Although Breivik was Norwegian, the manifesto is mostly about other countries. There's not much about Norway itself. And it's in fluent English, which has made certain people wonder.

The manifesto was reportedly emailed to 250 of the lone nut's closest associates just before the attacks, and discovered online shortly afterward. In it, the author claims to have traveled extensively, although no record can be found of Breivik ever earning substantial income. How could he afford all that travel? Alas, we are getting ahead of ourselves.

When the story broke, many mainstream "news services" jumped to the immediate conclusion that the carnage was the work of al Q'aeda. Rupert Murdoch's British tabloid, The Sun, ran a front page headline saying as much, and calling the episode "Norway's 9/11." For words such as these, the mainstream operators were heavily criticized, even though the claim appears to have been substantially correct.

The suspect, who has been "strikingly calm" according to the police, appears to be a brain-damaged patsy. The story being told by the victimized government is full of internal contradictions and dotted with assertions that cannot possibly be said to make any sense. The mainstream media are busy echoing the official tale with blatant disregard for its lack of provenance, having made no discernible attempt to verify any of it. And many so-called "investigative reporters" and "dissident bloggers" are doing the very same thing, even though some of the self-incriminating evidence Breivik supposedly posted on the Internet did not appear until the day after he was arrested. It's 9/11 all over again, but on a different stage and in a different language.

And, just as in the aftermath of 9/11, reports almost everywhere have been full of transparently obvious nonsense.

As one example among many, consider the following, written by Peter Beaumont in The Guardian of July 23:
Norwegian police said that the individual believed responsible for the shooting in Utøya, a 32-year-old Norwegian man, was also spotted in Oslo before the bombing there.

The targeted nature of the attacks at both government offices and the Labour party youth camp both suggest a more political agenda rather than an attempt to create widespread terror.

Norwegian news reports said that police did not think the attacks were linked to international terrorism and that it was more likely directed at the current political system.

There were reports that the gunman responsible for the attack on PM Jens Stoltenberg's party youth camp on the island of Utøya was blond haired and Nordic looking allegations still yet to be confirmed.

This suggests the attack might have been the work of an individual or individuals closer in outlook to the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh driven by their own ideology, a theory backed up by a Norwegian police official who told the Associated Press the man suspected of the attacks does not appear to be linked to Islamist terrorism. He went on to say that the attacks probably have more in common with the 1995 attack on a US federal building in Oklahoma City than the September 11 2001 attacks.

The suspect appeared to have acted alone, he said, and "it seems like that this is not linked to any international terrorist organisations at all." He added that the investigation is still ongoing and that things can change.
Did you catch all that? Top marks if you did; it's spinning in so many different directions simultaneously that it's tough to catch any of it. So let's go slowly:

The targets of the attacks suggest a political agenda, rather than an attempt to create widespread terror. Why? Apparently because the fear generated by attacks on office buildings and defenseless children would not be widespread, provided the buildings and the children were connected to a political party.

Even though allegations that the gunman was blond haired and Nordic looking were still unconfirmed, a Norwegian police official had already told the Associated Press that the suspect appeared to have acted alone. How did the police know this? Maybe they had been tipped off by one of the hundreds of people to whom Breivik emailed his manifesto.

All of the above certainly explains why the police could say, "it seems ... this is not linked to any international terrorist organisations at all," before journalists could even obtain confirmation of the color of the suspect's hair. It all makes perfect sense if you look at it from a certain angle.

Some people may think it's a remarkable coincidence that the police, who couldn't get a SWAT team to the scene of a massacre in less than an hour, could say almost immediately where the killer was seen before the attacks began, let alone that he apparently had no accomplices. It's probably also a coincidence that police conducted a bomb-scare terror drill and that suspicious sewer work was reported being done on Wednesday, in the very place where the bomb went off on Friday.

What can we make of all these strange coincidences? My understanding of the events in Norway has been colored by some of the writers I have been accustomed to reading, and my understanding of those writers has been colored to a certain extent by their coverage of the events.

In the blogosphere, I started, as I usually do, with Chris Floyd, whose site, Empire Burlesque, has been a great source of information and inspiration as long as it has existed. Floyd's one and only piece on the subject, "Fade to White: The Tender Treatment of Christian Terror," was posted the day after the attacks, and it reads:

"There is not much to say about the horrific events in Norway, beyond this general observation. If a white, Christian nationalist carries out such atrocities, then he is, inevitably and always, a "lone nut," an outlier, emblematic of nothing but his own individual lunacy. But if a Muslim -- or any person of color or non-white ethnicity -- does anything similar (or indeed, far less serious in scope), why then, that perpetrator is emblematic of an entire race or religion or ethnic group: a group which must then be laid under collective suspicion, and collective harrasment, by the "security" forces (and the chattering classes) of the West.

In the coming days, we will hear much about the tormented psychology of the Norwegian terrorist ... who, as Glenn Greenwald notes, will no longer be known as a "terrorist" at all -- precisely because he is white, Christian and a 'patriot.'"

I agree with almost all of this. But in my opinion, there is a great deal to say about these horrific events.

The piece by Glenn Greenwald to which Floyd linked was called "The omnipotence of Al Qaeda and meaninglessness of 'Terrorism'" and it primarily concerned itself with tracking the early mainstream coverage of the attacks. All such coverage, needless to say, assumed that 9/11 was done by bearded Muslim madmen in caves half a world away who couldn't even talk to one another on their cell phones without the NSA knowing what they were saying, but who somehow outsmarted the largest security apparatus ever built and outmanoeuvered the laws of physics to demolish three buildings with just two airplanes.

All such coverage, needless to say, is worthless, as are the propaganda organs which produced it. How anyone could analyze such nonsense every day, without ever mentioning that it is nonsense, is beyond me. But this could be one of the reasons why Glenn Greenwald has a huge audience whereas I do not.

In an earlier post called "The Oslo attacks," Greenwald had taken the New York Times to task for its description of Norway, writing:

"Most media accounts express bafflement that Norway would be the target of such an attack given how peaceful it is; The New York Times, for instance, said "the attacks appeared to be part of a coordinated assault on the ordinarily peaceful Scandinavian nation." This is simply inaccurate. Norway is a nation at war -- in more than just one country."

Far from grasping the NYT's point that Norway is fittingly described as "ordinarily peaceful" because gun violence is not rampant in its cities (unlike some countries one could name), and mass murder there was formerly very rare (ahem), Greenwald continued by documenting Norway's relatively minor involvement in Afghanistan and Libya, and wrote:

"I simply do not understand this bafflement being expressed that Norway -- of all countries -- would be targeted with violence.

Regardless of the justifications of these wars -- and Norway is in both countries as part of a U.N. action -- it is simply a fact that Norway has sent its military to two foreign countries where it is attacking people, dropping bombs, and killing civilians. Historically, one reason not to invade and attack other countries is because doing so often prompts one's own country to be attacked. Western nations typically only attack countries that are incapable of responding in kind, but those nations and their sympathizers are capable of perpetrating asymmetrical attacks of the sort that Oslo just suffered."

I cannot argue with Greenwald's other main point -- one so obvious that in a sane world it would not even require a mention -- that our media take a different approach to violence inflicted by Western countries than to violence inflicted upon Western countries.

But I can argue with part of his conclusion, which runs:

"[O]ur own country and those in alliance with it -- unintentionally or otherwise -- replicate the horror that took place in Oslo in countless places around the world with great regularity, and that requires at least as much attention and discussion as the Oslo attacks are sure to receive."

Specifically, I don't understand how the horrors our countries inflict on others could possibly be described as "unintentional." But I suppose we must consider the source, the audience, and the platform.

However, my primary area of disagreement in this instance lies in the way Greenwald speculatively connects the attacks on Norway to the wars in Afghanistan and Libya, without mentioning that these wars were instigated and are driven from places like Washington, London, and Tel Aviv (which would be more likely targets for anyone seriously seeking retribution), or that Norway has obviously been, like many other small European countries, dragged into foreign entanglements reluctantly, pressured by the usual extortions and lies about membership in NATO and the UN, and itching to get out.

With respect to Libya, Greenwald's "connection" was especially spurious, because even as the war instigators were saying it might take a year or longer to effect the changes they desire, the Norwegians had already announced the imminent end of their participation in slaughter of innocent Africans.

But then again, we must consider the source and the platform. Unfortunately for the audience, in order to offer a more credible explanation for why Norway might have been so brutally attacked, one must grasp the third rail of American politics. This, as Glenn Greenwald has shown repeatedly, he will not do.

I certainly agree with William Blum, who wrote:

"Amidst all the sadness and horror surrounding the massacre in Norway, we should not lose sight of the fact that "peaceful little Norway" participated in the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999; has deployed troops in Iraq; has troops in Afghanistan; and has supplied warplanes for NATO's bombing of Libya. The teenagers of those countries who lost their lives to the US/NATO killing machine wanted to live to adulthood and old age as much as the teenagers in Norway. With all the condemnation of "extremism" we now hear in Norway and around the world we must ask if this behavior of the Norwegian government, as well as that of the United States and NATO, is not "extremist"."

But to explain the significance of "Norway's 9/11," one must delve much deeper.

William Blum has compiled and continues to enlarge an agonizingly long and detailed compendium of CIA black ops -- crimes against democracy and crimes against humanity committed over the decades and all around the world. But he still accepts the official lies about "America's 9/11." Apparently he has trouble recognizing a black op when he sees one unfolding.

An even less astute analysis came from another longstanding favourite, Bob Koehler, who wrote:

"Young adults teenagers being stalked and methodically murdered at their bucolic summer camp on Utoya Island in Norway. In God's name, why?

This is the question we ask instantaneously, with sucked-in breath. Why? The question is bigger than any answer we make up. The killer, Anders Behring Breivik, had an agenda, of course. The Utoya murders, along with the deaths meted out by the bomb he detonated in Oslo a short while earlier 76 victims in all were explicit political killings; but first, they were the product of some psycho-social kink in the human condition ... Anders Behring Breivik is our creation."

Koehler's column is, like many others, utterly devoid of skepticism. Worse, in my opinion, it incorrectly tries to assign the blame for this monstrous attack, it claims without proof that the question is bigger than any possible answer, and it implies that the only available answers are those we "make up."

Well, no! Bob, I'm sorry! Anders Behring Breivik is not my creation! Neither is he yours! Please do what you ask and expect of real journalists: look at your sources to see whether they make any sense, and whether what they say is verifiable, before you go any further. This outrage is not my fault. It's not yours, either. Rather than labeling the killer "our creation," guys like you should be trying to figure out whose fault it really is, rather than simply pointing fingers at the mainstream media for pinning the blame on al Q'aeda.

It's been almost 10 years since ordinary Americans first heard of al Q'aeda, and if they are still inclined to link outrageously brutal terrorism with Muslim madmen, that reflects nothing so much as the failure of our allegedly dissident writers. We didn't expect the war-cheerleaders to stop in the middle of their blood-orgy and tell us the truth themselves, did we?

A large part of the horror of "America's 9/11" became visible in the aftermath, when, one after another, supposedly dissident writers, who were then thought of as leaders of the purported anti-war movement, published vicious screeds attacking the people who were questioning the official story of those attacks. Another part of the horror came more gradually, with the slow realization that certain writers were never going to mention doubts about the official story at all, much less tackle them.

To see so many intelligent people accepting without question another blatantly ridiculous official story about another politically-motivated mass murder was not especially surprising -- after all, it's been ten years. But, seriously: What has Norway been doing lately to tick off powerful people? Why is this question so difficult for people to formulate?

It turns out that the question itself isn't especially difficult. The problem people are apparently having is with the answer.

Norway has been a reluctant member of NATO's foreign expeditions. Norway owns and manages its own natural resources. Norway has refused to join the EU. And Norway has been a major thorn in the side of Israel.

From boycotting Israeli goods to divesting from joint Norwegian-Israeli enterprises; from resisting pro-Israeli propaganda merchants to barring investment by Israeli companies; from sponsoring education about Israel's crimes against the Palestinians to calling for Israeli leaders to be tried for their crimes; from offering to recognize a Palestinian state to threatening to attack Israel in the event of another attack on Gaza or the West Bank (using the same logic currently in play in Libya), Norway has been leading a growing worldwide campaign to stand up for the victims in the region, rather than the aggressors. The Labor Party has been prominent in that effort, and the youth of the party have been especially committed -- committed to supporting some of the most forsaken people on Earth.

Let us review, shall we? Supposedly to atone for crimes committed by Germans, the people of Palestine have been forced off their land, penned up in open-air concentration camps, cut off from normal life by walls and checkpoints, and terrorized by armed Israeli madmen who shoot first and ask no questions.

Their groves, to which they are almost always denied access, are being burnt and ripped up and converted into settlements in which the rightful owners are unwelcome at gunpoint. Their land and water have been stolen, their freedom of movement has been curtailed, and many thousands of them have been killed. But this is not enough for their oppressors, who now use deadly force against peaceful people who wish to bring them assistance.

And nobody is supposed to read about any of this, and nobody is supposed to write about any of this, except for propaganda outlets who deny that the Palestinians are oppressed, or that they are people, or who claim it's their own fault. And anybody who dares to criticize Israeli policy is anti-Semitic.

For that reason, members of the mainstream audience will never have access to the idea that the attack on Norway may have been a scripted event, a prefabricated act of terror in which Anders Breivik was a pawn of forces larger than he could ever imagine.

To some people, it will always remain an inexplicable act of madness, a psycho-social kink in the human condition, horrible and insane and ultimately meaningless. There are even some writers arguing that any attempt to find meaning in the Norway massacre is a sign of an unhinged mind.

If that is the case, I am proud to be unhinged. Ultimately, I have no choice, because the meaning of the massacre is as clear to me as it apparently is to some Norwegians, such as the Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, who seemed to be speaking to a foreign audience when he said:

[color="#0000FF"]I have a message to the people who attacked us, and those behind them. This is a message from all of Norway:

You will not destroy us.

You will not destroy our democracy nor our quest for a better world. We are a small nation, but we are a proud nation.

No one shall bomb us into silence or shoot us into silence. Nothing will frighten us out of being Norway.

This night we will comfort each other, talk with each other, and stand together. Tomorrow we will show the world that Norway's democracy grows stronger when it is challenged. We shall find the guilty and hold them responsible.

If Jens Stoltenberg believed the guilty had already been found, he would not have been speaking in such terms, would he? He seemed to be responding to a secret message, rather than reacting to the crime which the police and media have described.

But the message was no secret.

You will go along with the program. You will send your troops where we tell you, you will buy foreign products regardless of ethical considerations, you will stop supporting the vermin we are trying to eradicate, and under no circumstances will you threaten anyone. Otherwise we will bomb your offices and kill your children.

We will do it on a famous anniversary, but it in such a way that no direct evidence leads back to us.

We will do it in a way that shows your police are thoroughly compromised and no use to you at all. We will do it in a way that exacerbates tensions between Christians and Moslems. And we will do it in a way that lends credibility to those who would trash the best features of your open, democratic society.

We will cover our tracks with a lame distraction which will confirm quite clearly -- to those with eyes to see -- that the entire world's "news" media are in our pocket. And most of your friends and neighbors -- including many who should know better -- will play along with it, if they show any interest at all.

And then ... ah, yes: then we will rejoice in your grief!
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Nazis in Norway and Beyond

August 2, 2011 By Nikos Raptis

Nikos Raptis's ZSpace Page / ZSpace

This is addressed mainly to the approximately 800 relatives of the murdered and injured people in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik, in July of 2011

- The Roots

Distomo is a Greek village in central Greece that one meets on his way to Delphi, the famous place of antiquity that a great part of the population of Earth have visited, as it is fashionable to do so, without anyone ever telling them that it was a place of corrupt and murderous priests. In 1944 the Nazi occupiers of Greece burned the village of Distomo to the ground and executed 228 villagers. The "reason" that the Nazis did this was that Greek Resistance fighters had killed Nazi soldiers. This is the famous "Distomo" that Angela Merkel is struggling tooth and nail to ignore.

The following paragraphs were excerpted from the ZNet Commentary "Terrorists Against Occupiers" of August 10, 2004:

"The place was a house in T. The time was AD.... The terrorists were A.V. and E.H. The occupiers were informed about the hiding place of the terrorists by a collaborator. The occupiers attacked the terrorists in the house. The terrorists fought back. Two of the attacking occupiers were killed by the terrorists. The occupiers killed A.V., but E.H. survived seriously wounded. Then the occupiers left T. The inhabitants of T. made 'a fatal misjudgment', they thought that the occupiers got 'those they wanted' and left. However, four days later the occupiers came back.

They arrested 66 men of T. and shoved them in a shed where they were subjected to the 'psychological torture' of imminent execution. A few hours later they were driven to the top of a mound so that they could witness the blowing up of their houses, one after the other, according to the decision of the occupiers. Then they drove the women, the children, and the old people in a concentration camp taking care as 'punishment' to separate the children from their mothers. Of the 66 men, 31 never saw their home place again. Most of them died in concentration camps. Some were executed. The women, the children, and the old people returned to their destroyed homes three years later.

- The place was the fishing village of Telavag, in Norway. (Now, it is Falluja, in Iraq.)
- The year was AD 1942. (Now, it is AD 2004)
- The terrorists were the Resistance fighters Arne Vaerum and Emil Hvaal. (Now, it is any Iraqi Resistance fighter.)
- The occupiers were the Nazis (Now, they are the American soldiers.)
- The explosives used by the Nazis were dynamite (Now, the US military use helicopter ordnance.)
- The concentration camps were: Grini, Sachsenhausen, etc. (Now, they are: Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, etc.)

Telavag was the Norwegian Distomo.

Further down that Commentary we read:

"The collaborator through history has been one of the most loathsome of humans. The spectrum of collaborators is quite wide extending from the "elite" Quisling down to the lowly policeman. The value of the collaborators to the occupier is inestimable. It is not an exaggeration to say that an occupation cannot exist without the help of the collaborators. This explains why the Iraqis gradually shifted their attacks mostly against the Iraqi collaborators instead of mostly against the American occupiers...

... The Nazi collaborators of Telavag in Norway have the blood of 31 of their fellow countrymen on their hands. I do not know if they paid for this blood." [End of the excerpt]

However, I know what happened to the collaborators in Greece, after the 1941-1944 Nazi occupation: Since 1945 the British and, especially, since 1947 the Americans, "transformed" them into part of the Greek economic and governing elite!

The world knows quite well, but hides the fact, that the US has protected the remnants of the Nazis all over the world after the Second World War and has "used" them as a political instrument since 1945. Although, this is documented with thousands of pages, it sounds like an exaggeration. Let us try to examine this:

"The Nazi defendants at Nuremberg were 22. Of these defendants...about one third were related by blood, marriage, or otherwise to Americans (or other Anglos). Was this a diabolical statistical anomaly? Does this have any significance that deserves some kind of scrutiny? A general comment could be that at this level of the Nazi or American elites nationality is of no great importance. The members of this elite grow up and live in a separate and rather homogeneous universe. However, that this "Americanism" (acquired through blood, etc) did not prevent the evolvement of these individuals to Nazis and finally to the fate at Nuremberg should not be overlooked.

This Nuremberg "surprise" prompts us to reverse the question: what was the influence of "Germanism" on "Americanism"? There are two principal sources of influence of the Germanic peoples on the population of America. The German immigrants in America and the inundation ofAmerica with Nazis, starting a few days after the death of Hitler...

... Let us start with the immigrants. The year of 1848 was a year of social revolution all over Europe. There were revolts in France, Italy, Austria,Hungary, England, Ireland, Switzerland, and Germany. The revolts were crushed by the various kings, Emperors, etc. In Germany after the revolt failed tens of thousands of the revolted Germans fled to America. These immigrants are known as the 'Forty-eighters'...These German freethinkers were a kind of "protosocialists" who had a dream to "enlist the United States as an agent of world revolution or as the center of a world republic" and they considered the American Revolution as "the best remaining hope for a redemption of mankind"... The contribution of the German-American immigrants to the advance of humanitarian radicalism not only in the US but all over the world should be honored (and should be researched diligently by historians). The German Haymarket martyrs, the radical Germans of Missouri, of Pennsylvania, of Wisconsin, of Texas, etc as protosocialists were a breed worthy of great respect... " [Excerpts from the ZNet Commentary, "The US and the Nazis" of February 11, 2006]

What about the other "source of Germanic influence" in the US; the Nazis?

"Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945. The surrender of the Nazis was signed on May 8, 1945. Eleven days later, on May 19, 'a military transport plane with windows blackened to hide its notorious cargo...' brought in Washington, D.C. the first Nazis, Herbert Wagner and his two assistants 'and then kept [them] hidden from immigration authorities' ". ("Secret Agenda", Linda Hunt, St. Martin's Press, 1991, p. 6, 7).

The true number of Nazis planted in the US is impossible to know until the CIA opens its files. There were various programs with assorted code-names ("Overcast", "Paperclip", etc) designed to smuggle Nazi scientists (by the thousands) and (inexplicably) Nazi SS regulars (by the tens of thousands). It seems that the US militaries who were recruiting the Nazis after 1945 considered the SS as something similar to the US Marines, so they did their utmost to send them to the US.

Most of the older Nazis (scientists, etc) went straight to the US centers of power. Take the case of General Walter Dornberger. He was one of those responsible for the death of "At least 20,000 prisoners -many of them talented engineers who had been singled out for missile production...- [and who] were killed through starvation, disease, or execution..." Dornberger, after working for the US Air Force, went into the private industry and "eventually rose to be a vice-president in the Bell Aerosystems Division of the Textron Corporation... He died peacefully in June 1980." (Christopher Simpson, "Blowback", Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988, p. 27, 28).

The younger SS Nazis, who were brought to the US with their families (!), given free passage, board, emergency funds (with taxpayers money), and assisted to find jobs (at a time when American engineers were laid off), dispersed in the lower levels of the American society.

Did these Nazis, planted in the US society, influence it? The US government's "use of Nazis and collaborators in intelligence programs has left a mark on the life in the United States itself. This impact is what is known in spy jargon as "blowback," meaning unexpected and negative-effects at home that result from covert operations overseas." (Simpson, p. 5). [Excerpt again from the ZNet Commentary of February 11, 2006]

An additional, and very "interesting" aspect of Nazism in relation to the US is the following bit of information about one of the icons of America; Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Holmes' Social Darwinism inevitably drove him to, also, become a fervent "Eugenicist". That is, he became an adherent of "Eugenics", a racist pseudoscience that promoted the idea of wiping away all human beings deemed "unfit", preserving only those who conformed to a "Nordic" stereotype. Which, was and is, the core of Nazism!

"It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…Three generations of imbeciles are enough."

[This was written by Holmes, in 1927, for the majority in the case of (Carrie) Buck v. Bell, upholding Virginia's compulsory sterilization law. Carrie Buck became an unwed mother at the age of 17 after she was raped by a relative of her foster parents; therefore she was sexually promiscuous like her mother Emma Buck who was committed to a state institution.]

As a matter of fact, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted the, above mentioned, words of Holmes in their own defense!


So, Greece and Norway since 1945 have been under the "tutelage" of the US. Very simple to "prove": both are members of NATO. That is of a US "construct" that was (and is) a military instrument for US domination on the planet.

[Note: In the early 1960s I worked as a civil engineer for the Greek Air Force Public Works. By "Greek Public Works" it was meant works for the NATO airfields in Greece! The works in Greece were supervised for NATO, by a Norwegian engineering colleague named Viborg (I do not remember his first name), in addition to a Briton, a Turk, and an American.]

Of course, the US decided to dominate the planet in order to promote democracy. To do that it based its acts on the legacy of "Wild" Bill Donovan and the Dulles brothers. Who had contacts with the Nazis as early as 1943, two years before the end of the Second World War, in 1945, while ordinary Americans were dying fighting the Nazis.

Here is an example of this effort to promote democracy as described by Phil Agee in his book "Inside the Company" (the "Company" being the CIA). Agee relates how he summoned the usual team of neo-Nazi thugs in Quito, where he was part of the local CIA station, and supplied them with explosives. The thugs then blew up the main door of the Cathedral of the city. Next day, the papers angrily denounced the Maoists for carrying out that sacrilegious act. Agee and his colleagues were having a party with champagne, in the US Embassy, to celebrate their successful "operation".

This does not mean that the US conspired with Anders Behring Breivik to carry out his Christian duty. It means that the US by protecting the Nazis and the neo-Nazis and by using them as instruments of policy has created a breed of monsters that are spread all over the planet. Breivik is one of them.

Even worse than that, the neo-Nazis have entered in the Parliaments of the world. In Greece, dressed up with the mantel of "populism", they attempt to present themselves as regular human beings. They even "fight" for the rights of the "proletariat" more fervently than the... communists! By the way, the term "Nazi" is colloquial for the German word "Nationalsozialist", that is they are not only nationalists (i.e. "patriots")
but also "socialists"!

[Very Important Note: According to Samuel Johnson (), that great British intellectual: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel!" How apt in the Breivik case!]

- Punishment

First, let us examine the term "monster". Is Breivik a monster? Was Hitler a monster?

Let us then, do the following mental exercise: Suppose that today we meet Breivik in the street and suppose that we angrily call him a "monster". Probably he will smile with an arrogant smile of self-satisfaction on his face. Now, suppose that, instead, in a calm and earnest way, we call him an "asshole". Probably he will be so angry that he would try to attack us, if he could.

The (Merriam) dictionary gives the following definition for "monster": "wicked, or cruel person". A rather weak characterization for Breivik or for Hitler. There is no need to define the term "asshole". Its meaning is universally and easily understood.

That an asshole is easily attracted to Nazism or neo-Nazism, is almost an axiom.

Yet, it is instructive to compare Breivik, the individual asshole, to more 'illustrious" members of his "tribe"; George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Yoo (of Berkeley), John Negroponte (the Greek), etc, etc. If the criterion is the number of dead and injured, then Breivik with only about 180 is small fry compared to the above "comrades" of his. W. Bush is responsible for more than one million. The Clintons (man and wife) for about 5 hundred thousand Iraqi infants. The Reagans (man and wife) for more than 2 hundred thousand in Central America. For the time being the number is not known for Obama and his wife.

As it usually happens with people like Breivik, they are classified as "psychotic loners".

No! Breivik is not a "psycho". He is, simply, an asshole. No one calls W. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al "psychos". What even their fellow-elites called them was: "crazies". So, Breivik can be characterized as a "crazie" not as a "psycho".

Whether an asshole is borne or "made" is a rather academic question. However, experience shows that the family, especially the mother, has a great influence. Can anyone ignore the fact that, Barbara, the mother of George Bush had a lot to do with who W. Bush turned out to be?

[Parenthesis: Here is a "vivid" case of the influence of parents on their children through example: About 25 years ago in the Greek town of P... I came to know two brothers, A... who was the butcher of the town and B... who was a shepherd tending sheep and goats. The shepherd supplied the butcher with meat from his herd by slaughtering the animals himself. After B..., the shepherd, married he had twin boys. Two very beautiful blond kids, which grew close to their father and the herd. When the kids were four or five, one of the sheep dogs gave birth to some puppies. The twins, imitating their father, slaughtered all the puppies. End of the Parenthesis.]

Whether it was Breivik's mother who turned him into an asshole who found "comfort" in neo-Nazism, again, it is rather irrelevant for the 800 relatives who lost their sons, daughters,
brothers, etc. on the island of Utoya and in the buildings in Oslo. What is relevant is how these relatives should pay tribute to the victims of Breivik.

Flowers and praying in churches maybe a way to survive the first unbearable hours. That period is gone.

There is only one way to pay respect and tribute to the young people who lost their precious chance to experience the joy and the sadness of their life. That way is: to act.

The first act should be, for the 800 relatives, to come together and start talking to one another. Then, collectively, decide what their future acts should be.

Here is a proposal for a possible series of actions:

- Appeal to the rest of the world to participate in your actions. Of the six billion humans on our planet, if one subtracts the younger than 18, the older than 70, the people that are so destitute that they struggle to stay alive each day, the 1/3 of any given population that consider themselves as "conservative" (Republicans, Christian Democrats, etc), and the elite of any society, one is left with about 1.3 billion of ordinary people that will be willing and able to participate in the taking of decisions and subsequently in the actions of the Utoya relatives.

- Examine and discuss, what seems to be a truism: that the "official" state and the "official" justice should have nothing to do with the punishment of Breivik.

Could this be a "truism"?

Let us start at the "de facto" top of the world the US and the US Supreme Court. There are nine persons in the US Supreme Court who decide what is just and how the peoples of the world (not only the Americans) should live. Two of these nine persons are Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia. [No need to elaborate about them!]

Then, there are the numerous "representatives" of the population (plus their friendly "lobbyists") in the Congresses and the Parliaments of the world, who "manufacture" the laws. An unbelievable charade!

This, in its basics, is the justice system of the world in the 21st century.

[Note: I was present in the courtroom when, at 1:30 pm, the presiding judge announced that the three military leaders of the 1967 dictatorship in Greece were condemned to death. At 1:45 pm Karamanlis (uncle), the then Prime Minister, commuted the sentence to "life in prison", as directed by the US embassy. This kind of justice is not simply a charade it is immoral. End of Note.]

Breivik, should not be left to be part of this charade.

To us "outsiders" Norway seems to be an economic and social "paradise". Nevertheless, justice by a handful of persons is unacceptable. Also, we should not ignore the fact that the "officials" of almost all countries of the world have an agenda to please the Lord, i.e. the US elites, as mentioned above about NATO etc. These elites do not wish to lose their assets (following the CIA jargon), that is their neo-Nazi thugs.

So, what is to be done is that the Utoya relatives and their millions of possible world
supporters should decide and demand that Breivik be punished collectively by them not "officially".

- Decide, collectively, what the punishment for Breivik should be.

Does the Christian suggestion of "eye for an eye" hold for Breivik? The authors of this advice had a moral reason to suggest that the punishment should be equal to the crime, because the society it addressed then had the propensity to go for "two eyes, plus two ears, plus... for an eye". The benign justice of the civilized West considers "eye for an eye" as too un-Christian. So Breivik will get 21 years, according to the "official" justice system.

So, suppose that one condemns Breivik to die 70 times, or 80 times; equal to the number he murdered. [The present official system of justice considers this sentence as rational, symbolic or what?] In essence one is doing Breivik a favor. He will not have the trouble to commit suicide in his cell sometime in the future. Ilse Koch, the "bitch" of Buchenwald committed suicide while in prison, although one cannot say who is "tougher" Koch the "bitch" or Breivik the "asshole".

Also, the notion of avoiding "cruel and unusual punishment" has been an unbelievable exercise in hypocrisy. The very same people that support this notion do not give a shit about "unusual cruelty" when they use Napalm, Agent Orange, or drones to burn, poison, or dismember infants, children, and women. Crimes carried out this very minute by the US, in its NATO metamorphosis.

Breivik's expressed wish was to have an international forum through which to expand his Christian, "nationalistisch", and racist wisdom to the "washed" and blond masses.

Let him have this forum!

Let Nuremberg be the first of a long [very long] series of forums for Breivik's expressed wish. The team of the Utoya relatives and their world supporters after demanding to have Breivik in their custody they will hand him to the local "chapter" of their team in Nuremberg who will organize a forum for Breivik in the bigger local stadium, with tens of thousands of ordinary people attending. Then, with Breivik standing alone in the middle of the stadium, these ordinary people will ask him to answer their questions. This should last as long as the people deem it is necessary (an adjective used by Breivik himself).

Then, the series of forums could continue with stadiums filled by ordinary people, in Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Athens, Ankara, Gaza, Cairo, Tunis, New York, San Francisco, and on, and on. As long as it is deemed to be necessary.

It is not unreasonable to expect that at some point Breivik will realize that he is a mere asshole. That could be his punishment. No one will physically touch him or be violent against him. This is unusual punishment, but not cruel. It is moral punishment.

Let these stadiums be a boomerang to the world of neo-Nazism that breeds individuals like Breivik in Athens, in Rome, in Dresden, in Texas, and so on.

After that the "official" justice can have Breivik and do with him whatever they think is proper; execute him, incarcerate him, send him to Obama, etc.

However, the Utoya team, which by now after the stadiums could have evolved to a "World Utoya Movement" would be in a position not only to find and deal with the world Breivik neo-Nazis, but reach for something greater and nobler.

They will be in a position to face and defeat the David [Rockefeller]-Murdoch juggernaut of immorality, cruelty, and violence. To stop Iraqi-Afghanistan-type of aggression. To help the young people of Tahrir Square and beyond retain the dignity they earned with their blood, or to help the young people who are dying to gain that dignity with their blood in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Palestine, etc. Even help the ordinary Americans disentangle themselves from the embrace of that juggernaut and join the rest of the honest world.

This could be a deeply felt paying of respect to the young people of Utoya and Oslo.

Of course, there are two problems that could arise with the above proposals:

First: The above proposals will be characterized by people as utopian, and will be described with words as chaos, anarchy, etc. It rests with you, the relatives of Utoya and Oslo, a significant force of 800 pained people, and with your world supporters of millions, to honestly judge the validity and the feasibility of these proposals. History is replete with utopian struggles that have advanced the human race.

Second: The Obamas and their European underlings, the "creators" of Breiviks, and the Murdochs of the world will try to stop you. They will not be able to do that if 1.3 billion of humans are to support you.

A final remark: Why is so much blood spilled by religion; Christians, Muslims, Zeus, Mars, etc?

From: Z Net - The Spirit Of Resistance Lives
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Pamela Geller's War on Terror garbage and covering of tracks deserves examination.

Geller and her hatefilled mates are part of MSM discourse in the US. Faux News are happy to air her racist rants.

Photos from Fang's piece at link here:

Quote:Pam Geller Justifies Breivik's Terror: Youth Camp Had More Middle Eastern or Mixed' Races Than Pure Norwegian'

By Lee Fang on Aug 1, 2011 at 9:40 am

Popular hate blogger Pam Geller has received scrutiny in recent days as the public became aware that the right-wing terrorist in Norway, Anders Behring Breivik, had praised her blog and thoroughly cited her writing in his political manifesto. After a number of blogs made the connection, as well as the New York Times, the Atlantic, and other major outlets, Geller became incensed and began lashing out at her critics.

In a post defending herself yesterday, Geller who has called Obama "President Jihad" and claimed that Arab language classes are a plot to subvert the United States reached a new low. Geller justifies Breivik's attack on the Norwegian Labour Party summer youth camp because she says the camp is part of an anti-Israel "indoctrination training center." She says the victims would have grown up to become "future leaders of the party responsible for flooding Norway with Muslims who refuse to assimilate, who commit major violence against Norwegian natives including violent gang rapes, with impunity, and who live on the dole."

To get her point across, Geller posts a picture of the youth camp children Breivik targeted. The picture was taken on the Utøya island camp about 24 hours before Breivik killed over 30 children, so it is likely Geller is mocking many of the victims. Under the picture, Geller writes: "Note the faces which are more MIddle [sic] Eastern or mixed than pure Norwegian."

Could Geller's outburst of smears be a distraction against mounting evidence that she might have communicated with Breivik in the past? A post from Geller in 2007 reprints a reader-submitted letter in which an anonymous Norwegian complains of Muslim immigration and boasts that he is "stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment." In the comment section, Geller claims that she provided anonymity to the reader to protect him from being prosecuted. Although Geller recently deleted the ammunition line from her post, a cached version is available. As Glenn Greenwald notes, "If this were an attack by a Muslim group, and a Muslim had something like this on his/her website, the FBI and multiple other groups would be swarming."

Geller, a fixture on Fox News and conservative gatherings, gained a large national following last year after fueling a campaign to smear a planned community center several blocks from the Ground Zero site as a "victory mosque." Her influence extends beyond Breivik and the anti-Muslim blogosphere to the Republican Party, given the fact she has appeared with politicians like Newt Gingrich. And she is not the only leading conservative to rationalize Breivik's beliefs and actions. Pat Buchanan wrote a column recently arguing that "Breivik may be right." On his radio show, Glenn Beck said the youth camp Breivik targeted, which could be compared to the College Democrats or other mainstream political organizations, reminded him of "Hitler Youth."
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
The anonymous Norwegian blogger Fjordman is convinced that Europe is facing a bloody civil war. He is intense, remarkably anonymous, and filled with conspiracy theories, say those who have met him.
Jonas Sætre
Jonas.Satre @

Fjordman is the anonymous blogger who praised the terrorist accused Anders Behring. He now fears for his safety, writes Adresseavisen.

Editor of the site HonestThinking, Ole Jørgen Anfindsen, said he met Fjordman summer of 2009 in connection with Fjord Man's contribution to Anfindsen book "Suicide paradigm."

- He refused to give his identity. My publisher and requirements was that he would meet me face to face, without having to reveal their identity to us. He went along with it, says Anfindsen to Adresseavisen.

He estimates that the blogger is between 35 and 45 years. Last time he was in contact with Fjordman, was when he received an e-mail message two days ago.

- He has to me indicated that he is worried for his safety. He has previously said he would like to say more about themselves, but that he dared not for the sake of his family, claiming Anfindsen.

In an e-mail interview with NRK writes what is probably the Fjordman that he is willing to assist police in their investigation.

- If I can help in any way to solve all aspects of this horrific crime I do of course like it, write Fjordman.

He believes not that he's sitting on some information that is important in the terror case.

- Personally, I think quite honestly that I have very little information about Breivik, a person I never met, writes Fjordman.

Hege Storhaug of Human Rights Service, said she experienced Fjordman as unpleasant.

Hege Storhaug of Human Rights Service said she was scared of Fjord Man's opinions when they met at a café in Oslo in 2003.

- I must say that he was remarkably vague and anonymous - quite the opposite of the impression he gives in his many texts, she says to Adresseavisen.

She describes Fjordman as a man in his 30-year, 1.80 or a maximum of 1.85 high - and that a "plain, gray and boring everyday Norwegian."

- I found him completely uninteresting that further conversation partner, he was very uncomfortable. The opinions were extreme, conspiracy theories are strong. He had a conviction that we are heading for a bloody civil war in Europe. He was convinced that Norwegian politicians and culture of people have been in alliance with Islamist forces to eradicate our culture, says Storhaug.

Police announced earlier this week that it will examine Fjordman in connection with the investigation of terrorist attacks, and he told NRK that he will contribute. According to Dagbladet, the police know Fjord Man's identity.

- He will be questioned. It is natural for us to talk to him, said police attorney Paal-Fredrik Hjort Kraby of Our Country on Tuesday.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Anti-Zionists Try to Blame Mossad for Norway Terror

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Published: 25/07/11, 2:05 PM

It did not take long for anti-Zionists to try to pin the massacre in Norway on Israel. The theory began with a way-out blog but now has reached Al Jazeera.

Right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik went on a rampage Friday night and killed more than 90 people, most of them children, at a summer camp sponsored by Norway's ruling Labor party. Breivik, a neo-Nazi who is against the foreign Muslim invasion of Norway, has made statements in favor of Israel concerning Palestinian Authority demands.

He planned his bombing and follow-up massacre alone, but anti-Israeli elements tried to find a contorted line that could link the slaughter with the Mossad.

The initial anti-Israeli reaction began with a self-styled investigative journalist's blog in the United States but gained more prominence on the Al Jazeera website in a column written by a former Israeli.

The American blog of Wayne Madsen, who says he is a former U.S. military analyst, wrote that Breivik has been a "supporter of such vile Zionist Islamophobes as Pam Geller and Richard Pipes. Pipes and Geller are ciphers for Israeli intelligence and propaganda elements and provide a clear link between Breivik and Mossad, which is under orders to stage false flag attacks to garner support for Israel against Palestine, Cyprus and Norway being the two most recent examples of Mossad-staged attacks."

Madsen, who previously has written that President Barack Obama wants him dead, also claimed that the "Obama administration covers up for Israel by calling attack domestic.' With ample evidence of Mossad involvement in Oslo, it is up to every one of us to report to the Nth degree any suspicious contacts with Israelis or Israeli sympathizers."

Al Jazeera gave more credence to the Mossad theory by publishing an article by Gilad Atzmon, an Israeli-born British jazz saxophonist and political activist known for his criticisms of Zionism, Jewish identity, and Judaism.

Atzmon harped on the Norwegian Labor party's support for boycotting Israel and noted, "The Labor Party Youth Movement have been devoted promoters of the Israel Boycott campaign. Many of the children who were gunned down by Breivik earlier had held up anti-Israel signs."

Atzmon tried connecting dots between the murders and the fact that Breivik "was a regular poster on several Norwegian internet sites, notably the blog, which is run by Hans Rustad… [who is] Jewish, extremely pro-Zionist, and warns against Islam-isation', violence, and other social problems he assumes to be connected with Muslim immigration."

Another site that pointed to the Mossad, and which Atzmon quoted, was the American Veterans Today, which is fervently anti-Israel. The website carried a post that said the "car bombing carries the signature of an intelligence agency. Nobody else bothers with such things."

Atzmon cautioned, "I am not in a position at present to firmly point a finger at Israel... but assembling the information together, and considering all possibilities may suggest that Anders Behring Breivik might indeed, have been a Sabbath Goy."

"Within its Judaic mundane-societal context, the Sabbath Goy is simply there to accomplish some minor tasks the Jews cannot undertake during the Sabbath. But within the Zion-ised reality we tragically enough live in, the Sabbath Goy kills for the Jewish state. He may even do it voluntarily."

He continued his own logic linking the Mossad with the murders by relying on talkbacks in a Hebrew article, where some readers allegedly praised Breivik and one stated, "It's stupidity and evil not to desire death for those who call to boycott Israel."

Atzmon's concluded, "The full facts of the Norwegian tragedy are, as yet, unknown, but the message should by now be transparently and urgently clear to all of us: Western intelligence agencies must immediately crackdown [sic] on Israeli and Zionist operators in our midst, and regarding the terrible events of the weekend, it must be made absolutely clear who it was that spread such hate and promoted such terror, and for what exact reasons."
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Geir Lippestad confirms, the defense attorney of Breivik.

Lippestad is unsure if a court case could be completed with Breivik.

- Lippestad, from the experiences of the prison meeting, interrogation,
and your own meetings with him, have you reflected over the possibility of proceeding
with a court case with him, in his current state?

- It's too early to say. I've obviously reflected over this.
The considerations of the court will be important.

- Are there any changes in Breiviks behavior after your first meeting with him?

- No.

[Image: 16301lippestad.jpg]

Called the police

- Several media reported that Breivik himself called to the police from Utøya; that he presented himself as a brigadier and told them that the "mission was accomplished."

Are you aware of this?

- He explained that he called the police, but I'm not aware of this.

- Did he define the time of the first shots?

- No.

- Has he explained where he spent the night, from 21. to 22. July?

- No.

- Has he explained that he hanged containers with gasoline in trees at Utøya?

- This hasn't been a topic in the interrogations.

Not too lenient

- Brevik is putting forth some demands, he wants to set some premises,
like which persons will study him. Many people would feel that he's been treated perhaps too kindly during the first interrogations. Could you see that this goes against peoples feeling of justice, considering the actions taken by Breivik?

- Too my knowledge he's putting forth two types of demands. A list of demands 2, which has been partly granted, like decent clothes, snus [TN: tobacco put under your lip.], and that kind of stuff. In this regard he's not treated much different that most others. As for demands list 1 it's so separated from reality that noone can grant it. I don't know if you can say he's been treated too leniently. It's common to start interrogations in a way where the suspect can explain himself as freely as possible, then he is confronted more concretely later, Lippestad says.

He also says that in-between the interrogations, he goes through a lot of documentation.

- There is a major amount of investigation. I have to read up on everything, know the case as well as I can.

- You get access to every document you ask for?

- So far the dialog with the police force has been good.

An additional defense attorney

He will now share the defense attorney job with a colleague from his law-office. However, only Lippestad will be appearing in front of the media.

- Are there any news of people Breivik wants contact with?

- No.

200 witnesses queried

Police-lawyer PÃ¥l-Fredrik Hjort Kraby informs that around 200 witnesses were interrogated, and many more are left.

The investigation is now focused mainly on witnesses, in addition to figuring out if Breivik had any accomplices, if the information he's been giving us in the interrogations, and the manifest about other terror groups in Norway and the rest of the world is correct.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Fundamentalism Kills

Posted on Jul 26, 2011
AP / Frank Augstein

People embrace and mourn at the massive flower field laid in memory of victims of Friday's twin attacks in Norway.

By Chris Hedges

The gravest threat we face from terrorism, as the killings in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik underscore, comes not from the Islamic world but the radical Christian right and the secular fundamentalists who propagate the bigoted, hateful caricatures of observant Muslims and those defined as our internal enemies. The caricature and fear are spread as diligently by the Christian right as they are by atheists such as Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. Our religious and secular fundamentalists all peddle the same racist filth and intolerance that infected Breivik. This filth has poisoned and degraded our civil discourse. The looming economic and environmental collapse will provide sparks and tinder to transform this coarse language of fundamentalist hatred into, I fear, the murderous rampages experienced by Norway. I worry more about the Anders Breiviks than the Mohammed Attas.
We offered Sam Harris a chance to respond to this column and he has done so here.

The battle under way in America is not between religion and science. It is not between those who embrace the rational and those who believe in biblical myth. It is not between Western civilization and Islam. The blustering televangelists and the New Atheists, the television pundits and our vaunted Middle East specialists and experts, are all part of our vast, simplistic culture of mindless entertainment. They are in show business. They cannot afford complexity. Religion and science, facts and lies, truth and fiction, are the least of their concerns. They trade insults and clichés like cartoon characters. They don masks. One wears the mask of religion. One wears the mask of science. One wears the mask of journalism. One wears the mask of the terrorism expert. They jab back and forth in predictable sound bites. It is a sterile and useless debate between bizarre subsets of American culture. Some use the scientific theory of evolution to explain the behavior and rules for complex social and political systems, and others insist that the six-day creation story in Genesis is a factual account. The danger we face is not in the quarrel between religion advocates and evolution advocates, but in the widespread mental habit of fundamentalism itself.

We live in a fundamentalist culture. Our utopian visions of inevitable human progress, obsession with endless consumption, and fetish for power and unlimited growth are fed by illusions that are as dangerous as fantasies about the Second Coming. These beliefs are the newest expression of the infatuation with the apocalypse, one first articulated to Western culture by the early church. This apocalyptic vision was as central to the murderous beliefs of the French Jacobins, the Russian Bolsheviks and the German fascists as it was to the early Christians. The historian Arnold Toynbee argues that racism in Anglo-American culture was given a special virulence after the publication of the King James Bible. The concept of "the chosen people" was quickly adopted, he wrote, by British and American imperialists. It fed the disease of white supremacy. It gave them the moral sanction to dominate and destroy other races, from the Native Americans to those on the subcontinent.

Our secular and religious fundamentalists come out of this twisted yearning for the apocalypse and belief in the "chosen people." They advocate, in the language of religion and scientific rationalism, the divine right of our domination, the clash of civilizations. They assure us that we are headed into the broad, uplifting world of universal democracy and a global free market once we sign on for the subjugation and extermination of those who oppose us. They insistas the fascists and the communists didthat this call for a new world is based on reason, factual evidence and science or divine will. But schemes for universal human advancement, no matter what language is used to justify them, are always mythic. They are designed to satisfy a yearning for meaning and purpose. They give the proponents of these myths the status of soothsayers and prophets. And, when acted upon, they fill the Earth with mass graves, bombed cities, widespread misery and penal colonies. The extent of this fundamentalism is evident in the strident utterances of the Christian right as well as those of the so-called New Atheists.

"What will we do if an Islamist regime, which grows dewy-eyed at the mere mention of paradise, ever acquires long-range nuclear weaponry?" Sam Harris, in his book "The End of Faith," asks in a passage that I suspect Breivik would have enjoyed. "If history is any guide, we will not be sure about where the offending warheads are or what their state of readiness is, and so we will be unable to rely on targeted, conventional weapons to destroy them. In such a situation, the only thing likely to ensure our survival may be a nuclear first strike of our own. Needless to say, this would be an unthinkable crimeas it would kill tens of millions of innocent civilians in a single daybut it may be the only course of action available to us, given what Islamists believe."

"We are at war with Islam," Harris goes on. "It may not serve our immediate foreign policy objectives for our political leaders to openly acknowledge this fact, but it is unambiguously so. It is not merely that we are at war with an otherwise peaceful religion that has been hijacked' by extremists. We are at war with precisely the vision of life that is prescribed to all Muslims in the Koran, and further elaborated in the literature of the hadith, which recounts the sayings and teachings of the Prophet."

Harris assures us that "the Koran mandates such hatred," that "the problem is with Islam itself." He writes that "Islam, more than any other religion human beings have devised, has all the makings of a thoroughgoing cult of death."

A culture that exalts its own moral certitude and engages in uncritical self-worship at the expense of conscience commits moral and finally physical suicide. Our fundamentalists busy themselves with their pathetic little monuments to Jesus, to reason, to science, to Western civilization and to new imperial glory. They peddle a binary view of the world that divides reality between black and white, good and evil, right and wrong. We are taught in a fundamentalist culture to view other human beings, especially Muslims, not as ends but as means. We abrogate arrogate the right to exterminate all who do not conform.

Fundamentalists have no interest in history, culture or social or linguistic differences. They are a remarkably uncurious, self-satisfied group. Anything outside their own narrow bourgeois life, petty concerns and physical comforts bores them. They are provincials. They do not investigate or seek to understand the endemic flaws in human nature. The only thing that matters is the coming salvation of humanity, or at least that segment of humanity they deem worthy of salvation. They peddle a route to assured collective deliverance. And they sanction violence and the physical extermination of other human beings to get there.


All fundamentalists worship the same godsthemselves. They worship the future prospect of their own empowerment. They view this empowerment as a necessity for the advancement and protection of civilization or the Christian state. They sanctify the nation. They hold up the ability the industrial state has handed to them as a group and as individuals to shape the world according to their vision as evidence of their own superiority. Fundamentalists express the frustrations of a myopic and morally stunted middle class. They cling, under their religious or scientific veneer, to the worst values of the petite bourgeois. They are suburban mutations, products of an American landscape that has been perverted by a destruction of community and a long and successful war against complex thought. The self-absorbed worldview of these fundamentalists brings smiles of indulgence from the corporatists who profit, at our expense, from the obliteration of moral and intellectual inquiry.

Stephen Dedalus in James Joyce's "Ulysses" acidly condemned all schemes to purify the world and serve human progress through violence. He said that "history is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake." Dedalus in the same passage responded to the schoolmaster Deasy's claim that "the ways of the Creator are not our ways," and that "all history moves towards one great goal, the manifestation of God." A soccer goal is jubilantly scored by boys in the yard outside the school window as Deasy expounds on divine will. God, Dedalus tells Deasy as the players yell in glee over the goal, is no more than the screams from the schoolyard "a shout in the street." Joyce, like Samuel Beckett, excoriated the Western belief in historical teleologythe notion that history has a purpose or is moving toward a goal. The absurdity of this belief, they wrote, always feeds fanatics and undermines the possibility of human community. These writers warned us about all thosereligious and secularwho call for salvation through history.

There are tens of millions of Americans who in their desperation and insecurity yearn for the assurance and empowerment offered by a clearly defined war against an external evil. They are taught in our fundamentalist culture that this evil is the root of their misery. They embrace a war against this evil as a solution to the drift in their lives, their economic deprivation and the moral and economic morass of the nation. They see in this conflict with these dark forces a way to overcome their own alienation. They find in it certitude, meaning and structure. They believe that once this evil is vanquished, an evil that extends from Muslims to undocumented workers, liberals, intellectuals, homosexuals and feminists, they can transform America into a land of plenty and virtue. But this fundamentalism, which cloaks itself in the jargon of scientific rationality, Christian piety and nativism, is a recipe for fanaticism. All those who embrace other ways of being and believing are viewed, as Breivik apparently viewed his victims, as contaminates that must be eliminated.

This fundamentalist ideology, because it is contradictory and filled with myth, is immune to critiques based on reason, fact and logic. This is part of its appeal. It obliterates doubt, nuance, intellectual and scientific rigor and moral conscience. All has been predicted or decided. Life is reduced to following a simple black-and-white road map. The contradictions in these belief systemsfor example the championing of the "rights of the unborn" while calling for wider use of the death penalty or the damning of Muslim terrorists while promoting pre-emptive war, which delivers more death and misery in the Middle East than any jihadist organizationinoculate followers from rational discourse. Life becomes a crusade.

All fundamentalists, religious and secular, are ignoramuses. They follow the lines of least resistance. They already know what is true and what is untrue. They do not need to challenge their own beliefs or investigate the beliefs of others. They do not need to bother with the hard and laborious work of religious, linguistic, historical and cultural understanding. They do not need to engage in self-criticism or self-reflection. It spoils the game. It ruins the entertainment. They see all people, and especially themselves, as clearly and starkly defined. The world is divided into those who embrace or reject their belief systems. Those who support these belief systems are good and forces for human progress. Those who oppose these belief systems are stupid, at best, and usually evil. Fundamentalists have no interest in real debate, real dialogue, real intellectual thought. Fundamentalism, at its core, is about self-worship. It is about feeling holier, smarter and more powerful than everyone else. And this comes directly out of the sickness of our advertising age and its exaltation of the cult of the self. It is a product of our deep and unreflective cultural narcissism.

Our faith in the inevitability of human progress constitutes an inability to grasp the tragic nature of history. Human history is one of constant conflict between the will to power and the will to nurture and protect life. Our greatest achievements are always intertwined with our greatest failures. Our most exalted accomplishments are always coupled with our most egregious barbarities. Science and industry serve as instruments of progress as well as instruments of destruction. The Industrial Age has provided feats of engineering and technology, yet it has also destroyed community, spread the plague of urbanization, uprooted us all, turned human beings into cogs and made possible the total war and wholesale industrial killing that has marked the last century. These technologies, even as we see them as our salvation, are rapidly destroying the ecosystem on which we depend for life.

There is no linear movement in history. Morality and ethics are static. Human nature does not change. Barbarism is part of the human condition and we can all succumb to its basest dimensions. This is the tragedy of history. Human will is morally ambiguous. The freedom to act as often results in the construction of new prisons and systems of repression as it does the safeguarding of universal human rights. The competing forces of love and of power define us, what Sigmund Freud termed Eros and Thanatos. Societies have, throughout history, ignored calls for altruism and mutuality in times of social upheaval and turmoil. They have wasted their freedom in the self-destructive urges that currently envelope us. These urges are very human and very dangerous. They are fired by utopian visions of inevitable human progress. When this progress stalls or is reversed, when the dreams of advancement and financial stability are thwarted, when a people confronts its own inevitable downward spiral, dark forces of vengeance and retribution are unleashed. Fundamentalists serve an evil that is unseen and unexamined. And the longer this evil is ignored the more dangerous and deadly it becomes. Those who seek through violence the Garden of Eden usher in the apocalypse.

Chris Hedges is a weekly Truthdig columnist and a fellow at The Nation Institute. His newest book is "The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress."
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:The anonymous Norwegian blogger Fjordman is convinced that Europe is facing a bloody civil war. He is intense, remarkably anonymous, and filled with conspiracy theories, say those who have met him.
Jonas Sætre
Jonas.Satre @

Fjordman is the anonymous blogger who praised the terrorist accused Anders Behring. He now fears for his safety, writes Adresseavisen.

Editor of the site HonestThinking, Ole Jørgen Anfindsen, said he met Fjordman summer of 2009 in connection with Fjord Man's contribution to Anfindsen book "Suicide paradigm."

- He refused to give his identity. My publisher and requirements was that he would meet me face to face, without having to reveal their identity to us. He went along with it, says Anfindsen to Adresseavisen.

He estimates that the blogger is between 35 and 45 years. Last time he was in contact with Fjordman, was when he received an e-mail message two days ago.

- He has to me indicated that he is worried for his safety. He has previously said he would like to say more about themselves, but that he dared not for the sake of his family, claiming Anfindsen.

In an e-mail interview with NRK writes what is probably the Fjordman that he is willing to assist police in their investigation.

- If I can help in any way to solve all aspects of this horrific crime I do of course like it, write Fjordman.

He believes not that he's sitting on some information that is important in the terror case.

- Personally, I think quite honestly that I have very little information about Breivik, a person I never met, writes Fjordman.

Hege Storhaug of Human Rights Service, said she experienced Fjordman as unpleasant.

Hege Storhaug of Human Rights Service said she was scared of Fjord Man's opinions when they met at a café in Oslo in 2003.

- I must say that he was remarkably vague and anonymous - quite the opposite of the impression he gives in his many texts, she says to Adresseavisen.

She describes Fjordman as a man in his 30-year, 1.80 or a maximum of 1.85 high - and that a "plain, gray and boring everyday Norwegian."

- I found him completely uninteresting that further conversation partner, he was very uncomfortable. The opinions were extreme, conspiracy theories are strong. He had a conviction that we are heading for a bloody civil war in Europe. He was convinced that Norwegian politicians and culture of people have been in alliance with Islamist forces to eradicate our culture, says Storhaug.

Police announced earlier this week that it will examine Fjordman in connection with the investigation of terrorist attacks, and he told NRK that he will contribute. According to Dagbladet, the police know Fjord Man's identity.

- He will be questioned. It is natural for us to talk to him, said police attorney Paal-Fredrik Hjort Kraby of Our Country on Tuesday.
Peder Nøstvold Jensen, who has stood out as a blogger Fjordman, worked in 2002 and 2003 for Norway in the international observer force in Hebron (TIPH) in the West Bank.

Posted 08/05/2011 9:21 p.m..

This confirms information from manager Rolf A. Vestvik NRC to NTB. Administers on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Norwegian contribution to the TIPH.

The independent, international observer force, according to the Foreign Ministry aims to contribute to an increased sense of security for the Palestinian population in Hebron.

- He excelled not in any particular way, either in one direction or the other. He received an extension of their stay, and it indicates that there were some negative comments on his work down there, says Vestvik.

Palestinian and Israeli authorities have given TIPH mandate to promote stability in Hebron, especially in areas around the Israeli settlements.

Through observation, participation and reporting to the strength of preventing clashes in the city, which is characterized by an acute conflict between Palestinians and Jewish settlers.

Norway coordinates TIPH, which has contributions from five additional countries, Turkey, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden in TIPH. 20 of the 64 participants in the strength comes from Norway.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
There is a project ongoing trying to decipher hidden messages in the manifest that could be related to a series of locations...Apparently the Unabomber who he copied large chunks of test from did a similar thing in his document...
A good find Dave, thank you! Sherlock
Quote:A mailing list has been established for continued discussion of manifest related analysis/forensics

Send an email to with the word "subscribe" in the body text (not subject) to participate.

Mailing list archives:

With many minds working the problem, there is a possibility of breakthroughs in understanding what the codes are all about. It might be prudent not to reveal an obvious solution or profound insights to the public immediately for various reasons such as security. In light of this we have established an email address to contact our group in private.

If you think you are close to a solution or a breakthrough in your analysis, or wish to share something in private, please contact us at This mailbox is read only by enemy^x, edison and sventy (@irc). Rest assured we will make sure credit is given where credit is due.


we performed some analysis of the original .docx manifest, its embedded objects, images and text. See our log at
some footnotes in the manifest contain what seem to be internet links but are in fact not valid urls. ( list at )
these strings are formatted in a particular, segmented way.
after some analysis, it has been discovered that the first segment contains information which can be easily converted into geographical coordinates (which coordinate system is not known)
when plotted on a map in the most obvious way, these coordinates/points correspond with major european cities (see graphical map at )
some of these cities are represented with more than one coordinate/point (ex: oslo, stockholm, london, paris)
the coordinates are precise down to street level, resolution is limited by an uncertainty of approximately 111 (n-s) x 55.5 (e-w) meters
reverse geocoding revealed the following approximate list of street addresses: Note that this list is probably irrelevant, se previous note about resolution limits.
the coordinates may be real, bogus, or they may contain partial information.
there are other regular segments in the strings which seem to contain:
a signed integer (sign indicated by tokens "plusf" or "subf")
a 7-letter ascii word (normally the two leading letters in this word are uppercased, but in 4? cases there is only one uppercase letter)
a 12-digit sequence of decimal digits (one string segment diverges from this and has only 9 digits)
additionally, 2 unicode symbols corresponding to letters in the serbian cyrillic alphabet in the range 0x402-0x428, except for 3 instances of a latin uppercase A (0x41) in the segment set.
we believe there are 46 (unique) obscured strings in the manifest document (see .docx, .pdf, .txt )
considering our preliminary findings, proper cryptanalysis of the 46 strings and the manifest as a whole is probably warranted.
if you are able to contribute, please join the mailing list.
please inform anyone interested in contributing to this research of our team effort web page:

Join #forensic on (EFNET)

( webclient)

The original document as received by mail: Original-2083 - A European Declaration of Independence.docx
The original document as text: Original-2083 - A European Declaration of Independence.txt

Creation date: 2011-03-07T17:53:00Z
Prosecution date: 2011-07-22T11:23:00Z

011-07-22T11:23:00 Manifest was saved the last time
14:07 email sent
15.25 Oslo bomb went off? (

Forensic details

I would like to encourage all skilled people in participating in analyzing the details around the attacks against Oslo performed by Andreas Breivik.

The main purpose of this forensic is to evaluate all aspects of the email to make sure that it does not contain hidden features.

- Get details from the .docx which may be used to identify the computer used for the last save.
- Verify the timeframe
- Verify that pictures in the manifest does not include hidden information.
- Verify that the text in manifest does not contain hidden messages.

Verified that there is alot of different versions of the manifesto on the internet. Based on this, starting my search for the original .docx.

10:38 GMT+1 Called Oslo Politidistrikt asking for PÃ¥l-Fredrik Hjort Kraby. He was not available.
Asked to speak with a representative for the Breivik case. The receptionist could not tell me whom to speak with
since she just returned from vacation. She will inform the violence department of the Oslo police of my contact details.
11:48 GMT+1 Received a call from 22669072. I presented myself and my wish to receive the original mail from breivik including the
original .docx manifesto. I also explained the reasons why I would like to receive the manifesto but it was not an option
for the police to distribute case details under any circumstances.
- Searched for whom received the manifest, found Jan Simonen in the news.
- Found his blogg
- Whois on gave me his phone number.
- Contacted Jan Simonsen and explained that I would like to receive the original email from breivik. He told me that
most of the world had been in contact to receive it. Gave him some instructions on how to email me the document so
that I would receive it with all details including smtp headers etc.
22:48 GMT+1 Received the original .docx file from Jan Simonsen by mail. Was not sent as attachment. He will resend when he get help
to send as attachment.

Extracted the .docx data. extracted/

17:06 GMT+1 Found metadata in image31.png (St. George's Cross) located on page 848.
Last modified 4/12/2006 06:11:09 UTC

Most of the images was saved using Adobe Photoshop with the company name Ducky

No hidden files or information was found in the images.

image58.jpeg - image78.jpeg was made by gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), default quality.
image58.jpeg - image78.jpeg is identical to the ones found at

There are 1595 unique urls in the document.
There is a total of 1715 url references in the document.
list urls.txt

wordcount.txt count occurences.

Strange urls in the manifest strange_urls.txt

Checked most of the anonymizers on the net to check if the url syntax matches. Have'nt found any match yet.
In the manifest Breivik says that he has been using tor and ipredator. No match.

My guess is that he is trying to hide the urls using eighter some simple encryption or a homebrewed encryption.

Running wget -q --spider got me checked_urls.txt. Seems like the --spider option has
has some bugs, there are several "NA:" sites which is operational. Will check this later.

Edison has done some research on the encryption found at:

It could also be refering to coordinates. 51.517.-0.083 is Liverpool Street Railway Station

The Una Bomber also left crypted details about places he had hidden stuff which took FBI over 10 years to solve,
maybe Breivik was inspired by this and used the same tactics.

Reverse geocoding gave strange_urls_geo.txt

Still need to verify if plusf/subf has any specific meaning regarding the coordinates.

Having some problems getting the correct unicode characters on the end of the urls, will fix the list so it's correct tomorrow.

04:19 GMT+1 Good night for eNEMY^x

06:46 GMT+1 Seems like Edison went to sleep Smile


11:07 GMT+1 Unicode is fixed

I belive Edison punshed them manually.

Started to call some former colleagues and crew members to try to get more people invovled in cracking the algorithm used
for what is believed to be crypted data on the end of the coordinates.

12:17 GMT+1 Called the police (22669072) again to ask them if they are getting somewhere and informed them about the idea that this could be
gps coordinates. Still receiving no information, he will forward the information to another department. python script for extracting urls with unicode. KML file containing the original coordinates. KML mapping of all the coordinates found on google maps.

Does google api give any opertunities to check for close by political buildings or something like that?

Just to clarify, the links are given multiple places in the document so I don't believe that there is any linking between
the page number or other and the link.

From the document:

Cache locations:

These portable cases should be dug down in locations where you will have access to them (not necessarily easy access).
Location should be in the most deserted location possible, optimally where no one is allowed to walk freely
(national parks ^Ö private forests, areas with limited access and where there are few metal detector enthusiasts).
Save the encrypted GPS coordinates for each location at a safe place (not in your home/safe house).

He refers to Garmin GPS in the Document.

I didn't cache the ebay feedback page before ebay removed the listings of his buyings. Does anyone know if he bought
another GPS device? If so, which GPS device did he buy? Maybe this can explain more in detail .

13:56 GMT+1 Calling Garmin ( 815 69 555.
Got the number for their technical department (69233630).
Called their tech department and Garmin does not identify nor has seen any outputs with this syntax/format.

It seems more and more likely that we are on the right track.

14:15 GMT+1 KGB`x has started to research each address returned from the coordinates and will return with more details later.

15:26 GMT+1 Both police and NSM ( has been updated/informed.


12:25 GMT+1 Received call

14:01 GMT+1 ....
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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