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The House of Rothschild
The House of Rothschild
January 5, 2011 Dean Henderson

The Rothschild family combined with the Dutch House of Orange to found Bank of Amsterdam in the early 1600's as the world's first private central bank. Prince William of Orange married into the English House of Windsor, taking King James II's daughter Mary as his bride. The Orange Order Brotherhood, which more recently fomented Northern Ireland Protestant violence, put William III on the English throne where he ruled both Holland and Britain. In 1694 William III teamed up with the Rothschilds to launch the Bank of England.

The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street- as the Bank of England is known- is surrounded by thirty foot walls. Three floors beneath it the third largest stock of gold bullion in the world is stored. The biggest hoard lies beneath the Rothschild-controlled Federal Reserve Bank of New York. According to the excellent movie The Money Masters, much of this gold was confiscated from now-empty vaults at Fort Knox as collateral on US debt obligations to the Eight Families Federal Reserve crowd.

This financial mafia further consolidated its control over the world's gold stock when 200 million tons of the stuff belonging to the Bank of Nova Scotia was recovered from beneath the carnage of the World Trade Center. One day after its November 1, 2001 recovery, New York Mayor Rudy Guliani laid off hundreds of rescue workers at Ground Zero. A short time later he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth and named Time magazine's "Man of the Year".

The daily London gold "fixing" occurs at the N. M. Rothschild Bank in the City of London. Here, five of the Eight Families-linked banks unilaterally decide what the price of gold will be each morning. Kleinwort Benson's Sharps Pixley subsidiary is one of five firms. Another is Mocatta Metals. It is majority-owned by Standard Chartered- the Cecil Rhodes-founded bank whose Dubai branch wired Mohammed Atta the funds he needed to carry out the 911 operation.

According to British MP Michael Meacher in an article for The Guardian, Omar Saeed Sheikh- the man who beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002- was a British MI-6 agent. He says it was Sheikh who- at the behest of Pakistani ISI General Mahmood Ahmed- wired the $100,000 to Mohammed Atta from Standard Chartered's Dubai branch before 911. Meacher's claim has been corroborated by Dennis Lomel- director of FBI's financial crimes unit- and by an October 11, 2001 article in The Times of India. Mocatta Metals is also a favorite conduit for Israeli Mossad financing.

Midland Bank subsidiary Samuel Montagu is a third London gold "fixer". In 1999 Midland, headquartered in cocaine-money infested Panama, was bought by the British oligarchy-controlled HSBC- the old Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation opium laundry and now the world's second largest bank. Midland is partially owned by the Kuwaiti al-Sabah monarchy. The other two gold fixers are Johnson Matthey and N. M. Rothschild, both of which have interlocking boards with Anglo-American and HSBC.

Anglo-American is the world's third largest mining company. It is controlled by the Rothschilds and South Africa's Oppenheimer family. It owns both Engelhardt- which enjoys a near monopoly in global gold refining- and the DeBeers diamond monopoly. The current De Beers chairman is Nicky Oppenheimer. De Beers was indicted in 1994 for price-fixing by the US Justice Department. To this day company officials do not set foot on US soil for fear they may be nabbed by US authorities.

The Rothschilds also control BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, the two biggest global miners, as well as Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Bank of America. As Bank of England Deputy Governor George Blunden put it, "Fear is what makes the bank's powers so acceptable. The bank is able to exert its influence when people are dependent on us and fear losing their privileges or when they are frightened."

Mayer Amschel Rothschild sold the British government German Hessian mercenaries to fight against American Revolutionaries, diverting the proceeds to his brother Nathan in London, where N.M. (Nathan and Mayer) Rothschild & Sons was established. Mayer was a serious student of Cabala and launched his fortune on money embezzled from William IX- royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region and a prominent Freemason.

Rothschild-controlled Barings bankrolled the Chinese opium and African slave trades. It financed the Louisiana Purchase. When several states defaulted on its loans, Barings bribed Daniel Webster to make speeches stressing the virtues of loan repayment. The states held their ground, so the House of Rothschild cut off the money spigot in 1842, plunging the US into a deep depression. It was often said that the wealth of the Rothschilds depended on the bankruptcy of nations. Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said, "I care not who controls a nation's political affairs, so long as I control her currency".

War also enhanced the family fortune. The House of Rothschild financed the Prussian War, the Crimean War and the British attempt to seize the Suez Canal from the French. Nathan Rothschild made a huge financial bet on Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, while also funding the Duke of Wellington's peninsular campaign against Napoleon. Both the Mexican War and the Civil War were goldmines for the family.

A Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where an "international banking syndicate" decided to pit the American North against the South as part of a "divide and conquer" strategy. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated, "The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War. These bankers were afraid that the United States…would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed."

Rothschild biographer Derek Wilson says the family was the official European banker to the US government via the Federal Reserve-precursor Bank of the United States. Family biographer Niall Ferguson notes a "substantial and unexplained gap" in Rothschild correspondence from 1854-1860. He says all copies of outgoing letters written by the London Rothschilds during this Civil War period "were destroyed at the orders of successive partners".

French and British troops had, at the height of the Civil War, encircled the US. The British sent 11,000 troops to Crown-controlled Canada, which gave safe harbor to Confederate agents. France's Napoleon III installed Austrian Hapsburg family member Archduke Maximilian as his puppet emperor in Mexico, where French troops massed on the Texas border. Only an 11th-hour deployment of two Russian warship fleets by US ally Czar Alexander II in 1863 saved the United States from re-colonization. That same year the Chicago Tribune blasted, "Belmont (August Belmont was a US Rothschild agent and had a Triple Crown horse race named in his honor) and the Rothschilds…who have been buying up Confederate war bonds."

President Abraham Lincoln- now aware of the Eight Families-controlled Bank of the United States plot- countered by issuing Greenbacks from the US Treasury. The London bankers were fuming. Salmon Rothschild stated derisively of President Lincoln, "He rejects all forms of compromise. He has the appearance of a peasant and can only tell barroom stories."

Lincoln was soon assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, who was whisked away from Ford Theatre by members of a secret society known as Knights of the Golden Circle. Booth's granddaughter later wrote This One Mad Act, in which she details Booth's contacts with "mysterious Europeans" just before the Lincoln assassination.

Baron Jacob Rothschild was equally flattering towards the US citizenry. He once commented to US Minister to Belgium Henry Sanford on the over half a million Americans who died during the Civil War, "When your patient is desperately sick, you try desperate measures, even to bloodletting."

Salmon and Jacob were merely carrying forth a family tradition. A few generations earlier Mayer Amschel Rothschild bragged of his investment strategy, "When the streets of Paris are running in blood, I buy".

Mayer Rothschild's sons were known as the Frankfurt Five. Amschel ran the family's Frankfurt bank with his father, while Nathan ran London operations. Youngest son Jacob set up shop in Paris, while Salomon ran the Vienna branch and Karl the branch in Naples. Author Frederick Morton estimates that by 1850 the Rothschilds were worth over $10 billion. The old axiom "money begets more money" certainly holds true. Researchers believe that the Rothschild fortune today exceeds $100 trillion.

The Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Goldman Sachs, Schiffs and Rothschilds have intermarried into one big happy banking family. The Warburg family- which controls Deutsche Bank and Banque Paribas- tied up with the Rothschilds in 1814 in Hamburg, while Kuhn Loeb powerhouse Jacob Schiff shared quarters with Rothschilds in 1785. Schiff immigrated to America in 1865. He joined forces with Abraham Kuhn and married Solomon Loeb's daughter. Loeb and Kuhn married each others sisters and the Kuhn Loeb dynasty was consummated. Felix Warburg married Jacob Schiff's daughter. Two Goldman daughters married two sons of the Sachs family, creating Goldman Sachs. In 1806 Nathan Rothschild married the oldest daughter of Levi Barent Cohen, a leading financier in London. The Cohen family was now part of the club.

Today the Rothschild's control a far-flung financial empire, which includes majority stakes in nearly all the world's central banks. The Edmond de Rothschild clan owns the Banque Privee SA in Lugano, Switzerland and the Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich. The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan. They are members of the exclusive Club of the Isles, which provides capital for George Soros' Quantum Fund NV. Quantum made a killing in 1998-1999 destroying the currencies of Thailand, Indonesia and Russia. Soros was a major shareholder in George W. Bush's Harken Energy.

Quantum NV handles $11-14 billion in assets and operates from the Dutch island of Curacao, in the shadow of massive Royal Dutch/Shell and Exxon Mobil refineries. Curacao was recently cited by an OECD Task Force on Money Laundering as a major drug money laundering nation. The Club of Isles group which funds Quantum is led by the Rothschilds and includes Queen Elizabeth II and other wealthy European aristocrats and Black Nobility. Fugitive Swiss financier and Mossad cutout Marc Rich, whose business interests were recently taken over by the Russian mafia Alfa Group, is also part of the Soros network. Rich was pardoned by President Clinton as he exited the White House.

Ties to drug money are nothing new to the Rothschilds. N. M. Rothschild & Sons was at the epicenter of the BCCI scandal, but escaped the limelight when a warehouse full of documents conveniently burned to the ground around the time the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England shut BCCI down. The Rothschild's Bank of America provided the seed money to launch BCCI.

Perhaps the largest repository for Rothschild wealth today is Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG- a secretive Swiss bank holding company. By the late 1990s scions of the Rothschild global empire were Barons Guy and Elie de Rothschild in France and Lord Jacob and Sir Evelyn Rothschild in Britain. Evelyn is chairman of the Economist.

If we wish we make the world a better place and to usher in a new consciousness; we must study, discuss and expose the source of global warfare, depopulation schemes, oil-addiction, drug addiction, poverty and environmental degradation. The head of the serpent is the House of Rothschild.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Quote:The Rothschild family combined with the Dutch House of Orange to found Bank of Amsterdam in the early 1600's as the world's first private central bank. Prince William of Orange married into the English House of Windsor, taking King James II's daughter Mary as his bride. The Orange Order Brotherhood, which more recently fomented Northern Ireland Protestant violence, put William III on the English throne where he ruled both Holland and Britain. In 1694 William III teamed up with the Rothschilds to launch the Bank of England.

There is absolutely not enough information about the role of the Dutch in banking and global capitalist institutions. The Rothschilds and Windsors have been done to death but the Dutch need more exposure.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
No, Magda, there sure isn't enough information on that particular branch of world control and the institutions thereof. Just look at the full name of Shell Oil...Royal Dutch Shell.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Yes, I have a Dutch friend who gave me a big run down on all the high crimes and alliances of Dutch capital over the years since the Reformation. All we ever hear about mostly is tulips and windmills and pot. :mexican: Quite an eye opener. Of course there is the creepy royal family and the Bilderbergers but it is so much more than that.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"The head of the serpent is the House of Rothschild".

Oh really?

This sort of analysis disappoints me greatly.

This is the sort of "deep politics" to which we should aspire?

Where is the consciousness of "the Rothschilds" as a crypto-racist, crypto-fascist trope?

And where oh where is the nuanced analysis?

Since a review of key concepts may be helpful, I'll quote here from the Preface to the 1998 edition of Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, by Peter Dale Scott:

Quote:The key to understanding this book is the distinction I propose between traditional conspiracy theory, looking at conscious secret collaborations toward shared ends, and deep political analysis, defined on page 7 as the study of "all those political practices and arrangements, deliberate or not, which are usually repressed rather than acknowledged." The essence of the first is a single objective and/or control point; the second in contrast is an open system with divergent power centers and goals.
Thank you Austin! :thumbsup:
James, can we raise the level a bit?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
You mean things like their active fomenting and promotion of the Civil War?

A few years later the Civil War was unleashed, with London bankers backing the Union and French bankers backing the South. The Lehman family made a fortune smuggling arms to the south and cotton to the north. By 1861 the US was $100 million in debt. New President Abraham Lincoln snubbed the Euro-bankers again, issuing Lincoln Greenbacks to pay Union Army bills.

The Rothschild-controlled Times of London wrote, "If that mischievous policy, which had its origins in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

The 1863 National Banking Act reinstated a private US central bank and Chase's war bonds were issued. Lincoln was re-elected the next year, vowing to repeal the act after he took his January 1865 oaths of office. Before he could act, he was assassinated at the Ford Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. Booth had major connections to the international bankers. His granddaughter wrote This One Mad Act, which details Booth's contact with "mysterious Europeans" just before the Lincoln assassination.

Following the Lincoln hit, Booth was whisked away by members of a secret society known as Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC). KGC had close ties to the French Society of Seasons, which produced Karl Marx. KGC had fomented much of the tension that caused the Civil War and President Lincoln had specifically targeted the group. Booth was a KGC member and was connected through Confederate Secretary of State Judah Benjamin to the House of Rothschild. Benjamin fled to England after the Civil War

One Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where an "International Banking Syndicate" decided to pit the American North against the South as part of a "divide and conquer" strategy. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated, "The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War. These bankers were afraid that the United States...would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed." Rothschild biographer Derek Wilson says the family was the official European banker to the US government and strong supporters of the Bank of the United States.

And this little nugget about JFK:

Nearly a century after Lincoln was assassinated for issuing Greenbacks, President John F. Kennedy found himself in the Eight Families' crosshairs. Kennedy had announced a crackdown on off-shore tax havens and proposed increases in tax rates on large oil and mining companies. He supported eliminating tax loopholes which benefit the super-rich. His economic policies were publicly attacked by Fortune magazine, the Wall Street Journal and both David and Nelson Rockefeller. Even Kennedy's own Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon, who came from the UBS Warburg-controlled Dillon Read investment bank, voiced opposition to the JFK proposals.

Kennedy's fate was sealed in June 1963 when he authorized the issuance of more than $4 billion in United States Notes by his Treasury Department in an attempt to circumvent the high interest rate usury of the private Federal Reserve international banker crowd. The wife of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was conveniently gunned down by Jack Ruby before Ruby himself was shot, told author A. J. Weberman in 1994, "The answer to the Kennedy assassination is with the Federal Reserve Bank. Don't underestimate that. It's wrong to blame it on Angleton and the CIA per se only. This is only one finger on the same hand. The people who supply the money are above the CIA".

Emphasis in the above text mine.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
I agree with most of the above except the naive ref. to Karl Marx as a creation of the forces outlined above. Just the opposite is the case. Marx was the discoverer of the inner evil dynamic of capitalism. His antidote was the destruction of capitalism by instigating the creation of true democracy, ie. socialism.
Here is an article that gets at some of the problems with the above sort of narrative:

An American Nightmare

January 18, 2011 By Steve Hochstadt

Antisemitism, The Fed and The Rothschild Family

[Image: anti-semitism-flames-2-e1295317853221.jpg]

Recently Tom Degan posted a video about our financial crisis entitled "The American Dream", which he thought would be educational for LA Progressive readers. LA Progressive Publisher Sharon Kyle encouraged me to write something about how to view this film for what it is.

"The American Dream" premiered at FreedomFest in July 2010 in Las Vegas, a libertarian-conservative convention. It is the opposite of a progressive video. Although the cartoon is cute and technically well-done, the analysis of our current economic problems is crude.

Beginning with a helpless average American who has bought a bigger house and is then foreclosed, the film presents a conspiracy theory about the Fed as the source of all financial evil, aided by the IRS and the U.S. Mint. According to the film, the Fed is completely uncontrolled by any American people or institutions, and is under the power of foreign bankers. Our taxes do not go to our government, but to others, in "the greatest theft in human history". The Fed unconstitutionally prints money in order to further enslave Americans through debt.

At the end, a speech by JFK about the Communist menace is quoted, but he is portrayed as revealing "the secret powers behind the Federal Reserve". Hence he was assassinated, so LBJ could release the Fed to do the bidding of the banking conspiracy. Patriots, who follow the teachings of our founding fathers, must do something right away, "before America is destroyed forever." Exactly what they are supposed to do is unclear, aside from killing Henry Paulson, Treasury Secretary under George Bush.

Because the far right can't avoid it, there is just a bit of sexism incorporated here. Women appear only as big-breasted ornaments for the men who do all the business.

In several interviews and comments which can be seen on the web, filmmaker Tad Lumpkin claims his video is a kind of easy substitute for Friedrich Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom", a philosophical attack on collectivism which is revered in libertarian-conservative circles. But Hayek's book says little about banks. It appears that "The American Dream" recycles in much more palatable form the claims of the 1998 "documentary" "The Money Masters- How International Bankers Gained Control of America", which runs for over 3 hours. Lumpkin's politics are clear from a short essay he wrote for Andrew Breitbart's website Big Hollywood: "If we are not only to survive but thrive as a nation, we must separate the progressives who hate freedom from the conservatives that love it."

This is standard fare for the theorists of the far right. The video originated in and circulates among the network of survivalist, conspiracy-mongering, far right websites, like, which claims credit for the film at the end. But since its production, "The American Dream" has enjoyed considerable success beyond the right fringe, breaking through into much more mainstream conservative discussions. Breitbart's website features Lumpkin, arguing that his film is mainstream conservatism, trying to combat the leftist bias in Hollywood. The film is promoted on the websites of Ron Paul and of the Libertarian Party. The Libertarian Party of California is so excited about "The American Dream" that Lumpkin and his co-writer Harold Uhl will be invited speakers at their annual convention in April. Here is what their website says: "Tad Lumpkin and Harold Uhl, up-and-coming libertarian activists in the realm of digital entertainment, will present their fast-paced, laugh-filled, and deadly serious expose of the Federal Reserve, The American Dream'."

The film is available on YouTube, where hundreds of comments indicate its broad acceptance as a revelation about how we got to where we are.
My concern with "The American Dream" is its core message: Jews are the devil behind all financial evils. Unlike most antisemitic sources in our society, "The American Dream" is not blatant in its targeting of Jews. The word "Jew" is never spoken in the film, and nothing I have seen by the filmmakers refers to Jews. But the second half of the "The American Dream" reveals the shadowy power behind the Fed and behind the gradual takeover of the whole world during the past 200 years: the Rothschild banking family.

The narrative of "The American Dream" strings together a series of Rothschild "achievements", all made up, but all firmly planted in antisemitic lore: they profited from both sides at Waterloo; they enslaved England and they planned to "enslave all the nations on earth"; they controlled Alexander Hamilton, who first proposed a national bank; all the big American bankers trembled in fear before the "Red Shield bankers" when the IRS took over our country in 1913.

"Red Shield" is the English translation for Rothschild. Unlike all the other characters in the film, the Rothschilds are portrayed as tentacled monsters and called "evil tyrants". The many-armed octopus was a favorite symbol used by 19th-century antisemites to portray their claim that Jews tried to control everything. If you google "Rothschild red shield", you come up with a host of survivalist, Christian fundamentalist, racist websites about the dangers of Jewish power and of the Fed.

The narrative of the video is an updated version of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", a 19th-century fabrication which allegedly proved that Jews planned, and had always planned, to take over the world. "Protocols" explained the history of the world as a Jewish conspiracy. In "The American Dream" that plan is carried out by the Rothschilds.

The problem with conspiracy theories is that they require a much broader participation than they claim. For example, the narrator in "The American Dream" asserts that "nobody can get into the Fed", including the President and God. This portrait of the Fed being totally out of control by anyone in America requires that Congress is also party to the conspiracy, since Congress has statutory oversight over the Fed, and must approve the appointment of its Board of Governors and the Chair and Vice-Chair. Our Representatives and Senators must either be dupes or initiates into the conspiracy.

According to the believers in this whole scheme, President Obama is already part of the conspiracy. Another film popular with the Fed-haters is "Rothschild's Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America".

There are many prejudices in America, ideas about evil that have endured for generations, sometimes below the surface of public consciousness. Yet there are always public expressions for all to see. One such prejudice is about government, all-powerful and perhaps with evil intent. The John Birch Society, and other extremist groups in the 1950s, reacted to Cold War fears by claiming that our own government was engaged in the worldwide conspiracy to make America communist. After 9/11, "theories" about how the Bush government lurked behind the terrorists proliferated. Proponents of this nonsense can still be found at such websites as

Another prejudice with an even longer history in America is about Jews and Jewish power. The nationwide discrimination against Jews, keeping Jews out of positions of respect and power, did not prevent Henry Ford from claiming that Jews were dangerously close to controlling the US. In the 1920s Ford published "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem," which was heavily based on the "Protocols". Among Ford's ideas was that Jews exercised control over the Federal Reserve. Hitler's American consul gave Ford the Nazi Grand Cross of the German Eagle in 1938.

Father Charles Coughlin, the phenomenally popular radio priest, used the airwaves in the 1930s to propound his belief that an "international conspiracy of Jewish bankers" had caused the Depression, as well as the Russian Revolution. He inspired thousands of supporters to march in the streets of New York to protest the possibility that more Jewish refugees from the Nazis might be allowed into the US.

In my lifetime, antisemitism in American has reached its lowest point. Any discrimination against Jews in any place at any time is illegal, and liable to be denounced by all who know of it. Social attitudes have fundamentally changed in that time, so that openly antisemitic remarks are condemned, except in extreme right-wing circles.

Because the video begins by laying out the case against the Fed as the evil force behind our economic crisis and because the antisemitism is not trumpeted, this video is getting serious consideration across many websites which are solely focused on economics. For example, on, a conservative website with tendencies toward conspiracy theories about the government and liberals, "The American Dream" is touted as a useful primer about the causes of economic distress. There is some antisemitism among the online comments by readers, but the focus remains on the economic claims. As "The American Dream" makes its way around the virtual conservative world, the messages about the Jews who are the evil behind the evil become unremarkable and accepted.

"The American Dream" is a cartoon meant to evoke laughter, but at its core it tells a story steeped in an ancient hatred. It could be used as an educational tool and should be viewed by many Americans. But it does not teach anything useful about economics or history. It can demonstrate how subtle messages of hate can lurk behind cartoon images, how simplistic political formulas can be dangerous, and how persistent are irrational hatreds.

The real American dream is different. It is not about buying bigger houses and it certainly is not about finding Jewish scapegoats for national problems. The American dream, the one pursued by the Jews who escaped antisemitism in Europe and whose son, grandson, and great-grandson I am, was freedom from irrational hatred.

Perhaps Lumpkin and Uhl are not antisemites. Maybe they incorporated the theme of the evil Rothschilds without realizing what they were doing. But their intentions or ignorance hardly matter. What does matter in 2011 is that mainstream libertarians and conservatives think a film that portrays Jews as evil monsters bent on world domination is worth showing, praising, and promoting. After decades of retreat, the antisemitism of Ford and Coughlin, and of the Nazis, is back, on a screen near you.

Steve Hochstadt
Illinois College
January 13, 2011
Actually, the above piece isn't referring to Marx as a creator of those forces, it is implying that the above forces played a part in creating Marx. It lays out the premise that the international bankers may have played a part in every major social change (i.e. Communism, Fascism) that has happened in society since the late 1600's.

Gary Severson Wrote:I agree with most of the above except the naive ref. to Karl Marx as a creation of the forces outlined above. Just the opposite is the case. Marx was the discoverer of the inner evil dynamic of capitalism. His antidote was the destruction of capitalism by instigating the creation of true democracy, ie. socialism.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs

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