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Secret men's business and their clubs
David Guyatt said:
Quote:Ah, McWilliams is former UBS. In my personal experience that particular Swiss bank has a very comfortable groin-stroking relationship with Britain's Spooksters.

I'm just musing out loud, but could it be that our Ambrose is Catholic in inclination and is also part of the Vatican spook machine that does for the CIA? The UBS very much is a Vatican ally.

Our Ambrose went to school at Malvern College. One notable Old Malvernian was James Jesus Angleton. As indeed was Aleister Crowley. At the end of WWII J J Angleton had the distinction of being the OSS/CIA Vatican desk officer and was the one who learned of the homosexual proclivities of the then Pope -- a very useful tidbit of information for blackmail purposes one imagines...

This is something that I have noticed over the years. A definite pattern. Not sure where to put it so I think this may work here. How shall I put it? The whole military thing about shiny, shiny, leather boots and those nice tight Sam Browns, tight buttocks and pointy hats and all that gorgeous choreography on the parade ground, through the Arc de Triumph and the Tattoos, the secret hand signals, the camouflage make up. Symbols and insignia. Knowledge (intelligence) that can only be shared with the specially initiated (cleared). Strange rituals only for the initiated. Discipline., Force and Power and Control . Matters of life and death.

Same with the Church. I am thinking high C of E and Catholic. Beautiful bejewelled flowing frocks, incense, secret language and mysterious rituals. Invisible man who sees and knows all. Tortured man up on a cross. Torn open bodies with hearts showing. Cannibalistic and other strange rituals. Symbols and insignia. Discipline, Force and Power and Control. Matters of life and death.

Freemasonry too (and perhaps Rosicruician type groups) Secret hand shakes and initiations (into what? another level of silly handshakes?) What do they do apart from rent halls?? Direct line to the sky pilot? Mysteries of the universe revealed to the initiated? Funny aprons and hats. Ability to influence business deals in personally favorable ways? One of my fathers was a Mason but never would he reveal its 'secrets' to me the unclean and female and unititiated and skeptical. Probably just as well for him as I would have plastered the 'secrets' all over the internet by now.

The whole thing reeks of mysogynistic homo erotic sado masochism to me. Not that everyone who goes into any of these institutions is a raging queen/queer by any means but the underlying vibe is there.

I even include the Scouts as I have seen some strange stuff in their halls too. All those knots and ropes and children and men in funny hats and pictures of a glowing jesus looking over the shoulder of a child in uniform. What kind of 'camp' are they talking there? Just weird.

As someone who has grown up with the Get Smart, the Goons and Monty Python I just find it really hard to take seriously all these secret men's business things. It is in the same category as the Minister for Silly Walks for me. But they exist and they do things. And they seem to be regarded as IMPORTANT by IMPORTANT people. Are these people who just take themselves way too seriously? Are these deeply twisted intitutions run by deeply damaged people? Or are there just a few 'bad apples' in other wise worthy institutions. Or are they front organisations run by criminal families and clans over generations.

And they are the very favorite instutions of the right wing.

I know that upper class life can breed some wierd one's. What with erotic memories of nice Nanny and strict Nanny (and Mammy) and flogging (well, until recently) and buggery in public schools and fagging. And it even happens to the students too. Then there is what passes for military training and bastardisation. And people who don't have it but want power are prepared to prostitute themselves in various ways to get it or even be near it.

I'm not even sure what I am looking to do here but I would be interested in others thoughts and observations on this. Its just that where ever you go in politics and more so with deep politics these secret cliques and groups and thier connections keep coming up and I am looking for more information about them and the phenonema.

Life in the left lane just seems so much more straight forward and simpler and easy going.

Somewhere in all this I am also thinking about the greater social acceptance of homosexuality and de facto living arrangements and how this narrows down the options for blackmailing. Some how I see a connection with the more organised forms of child abuse (Dutreux, Franklin etc) to get leverage over others using this.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
It's an interesting question Magda. And far more complex (sic) that I can answer briefly.

Being in the military scares off (represses) the all pervading fear and imminence of chaos --- all that nice order and enforced cleanliness, painting stones white (blancoing), "square" bashing (as opposed to the chaotic circles of nature etc). Safety in numbers.

Clubs are, of course, "clubby". You're a privileged member and part of it all. An insider not an outsider. Secure. Safety in numbers again.

And, obviously I suppose, the military use clubs to beat the bejaysus out of their chosen enemy/ies.

People very often prefer to die - even in bloody battle - than cast a critical look in a mirror to see who they really are.

That's my brief take anyway.

But in view of the question I couldn't resist the following:
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Quote:Safety in numbers.

I thought that was banking. Or actuarial studies. Definitely sheep flocking.Confusedheep:

Yes, complex is the word.

Thanks for the video. It brought back so many memories. Now, if I can only repress them again.:2in1:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Well, I've done lots of this stuff myself; banking, plus boy stuff like jumping out of planes wearing a small silk handkerchief, combat pistol shooting, martial arts, hiking --- and I have a book on knots and ropes too... :listen:

Now if I can only repress it all, I'll feel individuated. Confusedheep:
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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