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Occupy Everywhere - Sept 17th - Day of Rage Against Wall Street and what it stands for!

Notes on the Battle of the Brooklyn Bridge

by Billy Wharton / October 3rd, 2011
While crime rates in New York City soar the New York Police Department (NYPD) spent a good part of Saturday entrapping and arresting hundreds of protesters who were moving across the Brooklyn Bridge. In the process, the police created an extremely dangerous situation for about 800 occupiers of the bridge who were effectively trapped a police net on one side and the Hudson River on the other. In the long run, the most dangerous thing the police may have created was opportunities for direct solidarity among hundreds of people who previously had only been united by a demand for an end to the rule of the rich.
On the Bridge
We marched through downtown Manhattan. There were thousands of us mostly young, many in the 20-30 year old age group who are facing an economic system that offers no prospects for a future. The chants on the march were enlivening "We are the 99%," "All day, all week! Occupy Wall Street!." Better than just the words was the inviting approach offered by the protesters. Since we presented our selves as "the 99%", everyone could, and should, be involved with our march. Much like previous protest movements in the US, the Occupy Wall Street participants were fighting for a better future for everyone a future being stolen by the ich and corporations.
Inviting is just what the NYPD had done as the march approached the Brooklyn Bridge. After a brief stop at the lip of the bridge, cops cleared the way for both the pedestrian entrance and the roadway on to the Bridge. Protesters surged forward, rushing on to the expanse and claiming it for the people "Whose Bridge? Our Bridge!" A police escort on the right hand side struggled to keep up the pace before disappearing about one-quarter of the way on to the bridge. With no police on the right hand side, the protest flowed into the far right lane effectively shutting down car traffic while we made our way to Brooklyn Bridge Park.
After a brief stop for an exuberant dance party this is a fun movement with a healthy sense of the ridiculous the police re-appeared, this time with the dreaded NYPD nets. Chaos ensued and the crowd shifted dangerously back and forth, pushing now slightly panicking young people dangerously close the edge of the bridge. I joined with other more seasoned activists in moving the protesters away from the edge and in asking them to sit down to reduce the possibilities of a tragic accident and to increase the ability to hold the space.
Police began to remove protesters one-by-one based on their gender. Protesters didn't resist, but they also made clear that they were not afraid. Before being arrested most flashed the victory sign to the crowd or raised a fist into the air. This helped to stiffen the will of a crowd that had previously been in flux as a result of the aggressive police tactics. We were determined to resist with courage and dignity no matter how the police attempted to terrorize us.
Under Arrest
Once handcuffed and placed inside the van, a new community was created. People previously detached from one another were swiftly brought into a relationship where they needed mutual support. Luckily for me, we realized the order the police were arresting people, so I was arrested with three other of my fellow members from the Socialist Party USA. We were able to know how to support each other instantly and to offer the solidarity we showed toward each other to other people on the bus. We explained how to ease the pain of the police handcuffs to a slightly frantic teacher and discussed what the next steps of the process would be with someone from Greece who was not as aware of the American legal system. Plus we sang "This Land is Our Land" and "The Internationale" on the police bus.
The arresting officer was a low on the seniority pole Chinese-American officer who preferred to stay on the back of the bus with us than to fraternize with other cops outside. His incessant chatting on an IPhone betrayed his real ideas "Holy shit! These people are from everywhere. Even one guy from Greece." "This is total stupid." "What a waste of time, I'm never getting out of here." Direct thoughts from a newbie police officer forced to the dirty work of the Mayor and the Police Chief.
After a little over an hour, we were placed in a larger pen. An ambitious young occupier took on the task of counting those in the pen about 116. We celebrated the fact that we outnumbered the arrest total of last week (80) and cheered and chanted for each person who joined us. Chants of "All day, All week Occupy Wall Street!" rang throughout One Police Plaza. This fighting spirit helped to keep hopes up as we went through the tedious process of booking.
The arresting officer was right. Our fellow inmates really were from everywhere. A few short sketches of them will illustrate this. A monk sitting in the first section of the cell, refused to identify himself to the police he refused water, food and would not answer any questions they had. He met police with a blank stare and prepared for two more days in jail. An electrician from Boston was confident that once "the unions got involved" the Occupation movement would grow rapidly. A fellow from Ecuador wasn't even a part of the original protest. He was headed to Brooklyn when he saw the march and remembered the anti-capitalist marches he had been on in the past. He seemed proud to join us and sure that capitalism was in the process of devouring itself especially in "the advanced capitalist countries." Finally, another teacher who had spent a large chunk of his life in San Diego and had voted for my fellow Socialist Party member when he ran for office there, prepared to spend the entire night in jail as a result of his lack of official identification.
We supported each other in many ways and made sure to share any of the necessary things that were given to us by the police. I helped to pour the water, delivered in a huge jug. Others handed out food and milk each ensuring that others had received enough. This was a spontaneous ethic of solidarity that defeats that notion that humans are automatically selfish or evil.
Getting Out
After many hours of waiting, slunk down in the holding pen some able to sleep, others jabbering away about this or that while eating stale peanut butter sandwiches we were released. The first exited the cells a little after 2:00 am, some 9 hours after arrest on the bridge. The young skeptical officer who arrested us screwed up our comrade's paperwork resulting in him waiting for more than one hour more. A female Socialist Party member was at a precinct a few blocks away and whisked over to join us. Finally, at around 4:30 am we had all been freed.
We sat down at a 24-hour Chinese restaurant to compare experiences and charges and enjoy some much deserved beer. Most of us received minor disorderly conduct charges, but one was faced with a felony charge of criminal riot. We discussed options we might have for legal representation and swapped stories about our jailers.
Overall, we were, for a moment at least, happy. Happy to have made a contribution to a movement that so many people are paying attention to. Hopeful that this movement will grow to share our own anti-capitalist politics and build the power to transform society. And excited that Occupy Wall Street is employing the same direct action tactics that we have been promoting as democratic socialists for years. As we shared vegetable low mein and Chinese tea, we reaffirmed our commitment to change the world. Occupy Wall Street!
Billy Wharton is a writer, activist and the editor of the Socialist WebZine. He can be reached at: Read other articles by Billy, or visit Billy's website.
This article was posted on Monday, October 3rd, 2011 at 8:01am and is filed under Activism, Police, Solidarity.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Quote:Daily Bell Helps Blow Up Wall Street Protest Via Drudge, Prison Planet and Google

Well,there's some turds for ya........... :loo:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Nurses to Join March on Wall Street October 5, Demand Wall Street Transaction Tax an 'FTT' 03 Oct 2011 National Nurses United, the largest union and professional association of nurses in the US with 170,000 members, will be represented at the Wall Street March on October 5 by contingents including from Maryland, Pennsylvania, California, Washington, D.C., Illinois and New York. NNU is joining other unions, organizations and community groups in support of Occupy Wall Street. NNU is pressing for a financial transaction tax (FTT) which was in effect in the US from 1914 to 1966.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Anonymous Threatens to 'Erase NYSE from the Internet'

October 4, 2011 by legitgov

ShareThisAnonymous Threatens to 'Erase NYSE from the Internet' 03 Oct 2011 Anonymous declared "war" on the New York Stock Exchange this weekend and vowed to "erase" the NYSE from the Internet on Oct. 10 as the Occupy Wall Street protest entered its third week in New York City after a weekend that saw hundreds of protesters arrested during a planned march across the Brooklyn Bridge. "On Oct. 10, NYSE shall be erased from the Internet. On Oct. 10, expect a day that will never, ever be forgotten," intoned a computer-generated male voice common to many Anonymous videos, in a warning posted on TheAnonMessageYouTube channel.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Occupy Wall Street: A Globalist Op?
How can a Movement funded by Globalists end the Globalist Scheme to Enslave the World?

by Kurt Nimmo

Global Research

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[TD="colspan: 2, align: left"]How can a movement originated and funded by globalists end the globalist scheme to enslave the world?
"There is one major inaccuracy in all the coverage that has been bothering me, and that is the focus on Anonymous as the architects and organizers of the event," an email received September 23 states. "The initial call for the protest was put out by the magazine Adbusters."
The person, who shall remain nameless at this point since I have not gained his permission to quote the private email he sent to me is not merely a bystander or an outsider making an observation. He claims to be intimately connected to the movement through the General Assembly of New York [SUP][1][/SUP], described as the central planning and organizing committee for the protest. His Facebook page reveals he is indeed connected to Occupy Wall Street.
The Adbusters Media Foundation describes itself [SUP][2][/SUP] as a non-profit "anti-consumerist" organization that functions as "a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age."
Like many so-called leftist non-profits, Adbusters is a creature of globalist foundations. According to research conducted by [SUP][3][/SUP], Adbusters takes money from a number of supposedly progressive foundations, including the big Kahuna of leftish foundations the Tides Foundation and Tides Center. Between 1996 and 2003, Tides doled out $334,217.00 to Adbusters, by far the largest amount of eight foundations donating.
Steve Baldwin [SUP][4][/SUP] claims Tides received over $7 million from George Soros. Although the monetary connection between Tides' founder Drummond Pike and the arch globalist [SUP][5][/SUP] Soros is somewhat murky, researcher Ron Arnold[SUP][6][/SUP] has mapped out numerous connections between the two so-called philanthropists. Under IRS rules, Drummond is not obliged to reveal who he receives money from to fund a large number of supposedly progressive organizations.
"The Tides Foundation is a pass-through for other foundations' money," writes Arnold. "Tides Foundation is a public charity, not a private foundation. Tides Foundation passes other foundations' money to a spectrum of left-wing organizations which the original donors would not or could not support on their own… Because none of the more than 260 projects under the Tides umbrella files its own Form 990 with the IRS, their finances are totally secret and not available for public inspection, an issue that requires congressional remedy."
[Image: lg.php?bannerid=825&campaignid=178&zonei...6c7dee3c10]
The Dj Osiris [SUP][8][/SUP] blog adds further detail: "It would seem George Soros is connected to the U.S. Day of Rage aka Occupy Wall Street through The Ruckus Society. On the U.S. Day of Rage website. [SUP][9][/SUP] The Ruckus Society receives funding from the Tides Foundation [SUP][10][/SUP] and George Soros' Open Society Institute provides grants to Tides, including a mere $4.2 Million in 2008, the last year figures are available."
As the filmmaker Michael Moore [SUP][11][/SUP]admitted to We Are Change activist and journalist Luke Rudkowski last week, the goal of the movement funded in large part with globalist lucre is to attack and dismantle capitalism. Moore discounted out of hand any effort to end the Federal Reserve and return the nation to sound and honest money controlled by the American people, not a cartel of bankers and oligarchs from the financial class, including George Soros.
Instead of addressing issues that will solve the serious social and political problems created by fractional reserve banking and other scams run by the ruling elite, the Soros lubricated anti-capitalist movement will steer popular outrage and political reaction into fireproof channels that can be controlled by globalist forces behind the curtain.
On the so-called right side of the political spectrum, a similar operation was carried out against the Libertarian Tea Party movement, now largely a cheering section and amen choir for the establishment Republican Party that is dominated by neocon personalities such as Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and the political cameleon and former Gore operative Rick Perry.
The Occupy Wall Street movement, funded by globalist foundations and increasingly receiving sympathetic coverage by the corporate media, at least its "liberal" wing is nowdescribing itself [SUP][12][/SUP] as a gathering of "descamisados" (impoverished, landless) arrayed against the "estancieros" (land owners), a class warfare reference made popular in Argentina.
In reality, it is another consolidation of wealth program designed by the elite. Warren Buffet [SUP][13][/SUP]may take to the pages of the New York Times and call for taxing the "rich," but what he is advocating is in essence a wealth consolidation program.
The ruling elite, their banks and transnational corporations do not pay taxes [SUP][14][/SUP], the little people do, as Leona Helmsely arrogantly noted. Increasing taxes on the "1 percent," as the movement demands, to save the "99 percent," will result in a further erosion of the middle class, as the elite know.
"The higher taxes may very well cause the smaller businesses to go out of business," notes theCollateral Damage[SUP][15][/SUP] blog. "They won't have the economies of scale to compete with the bigger corporations, so what ends up happening is that the small business assets eventually get sold to the big corporations, usually for a fraction of what the assets are worth. So in effect, it ends up being a wealth transfer from the middle class to the super elite rich."
If we look beyond the facile socialist rhetoric and examine who is funding and essentially running the Occupy Wall Street movement the "liberal" foundations with the same globalist goal as their supposed ideological enemies on the so-called right (who defused the real Tea Party movement) we realize that the movement is essentially another effort to colonize political opposition and render it ineffective and politically impotent.
The real movement, and the one posing a serious threat to the "1 percent," the global elite, is calling for an end to the Federal Reserve, a return to the core principles of our once proud constitutional republic, and sound, honest money not controlled by the elite and the financial sector now tasked with taking down the economy and reducing America to a third-world wasteland.

[1] General Assembly of New York:

[2] describes itself:
[3] research conducted by
[4] Steve Baldwin:
[5] arch globalist:
[6] Ron Arnold:
[7] Image:
[8] Dj Osiris:
[9] U.S. Day of Rage website.:
[10] The Ruckus Society receives funding from the Tides Foundation:
[11] Michael Moore:
[12] describing itself:
[13] Warren Buffet:
[14] do not pay taxes:
[15] Collateral Damage:


"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Occupy Wall Street' Tax Proposal Is Backed By Wall Street Itself
The "Buffett tax rule" promoted by Occupy Wall Street is exactly what the Wall Street-owned Obama administration wants

by Paul Joseph Watson

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[TD="colspan: 2, align: left"]
There's no better way of deciding an outcome than owning both sides of the debate. That's why the Wall Street-owned Obama administration must be licking its lips at the fact that Occupy Wall Street' protesters have been conned into advocating new tax policies backed by billionaires like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates that will do nothing to touch Wall Street, but everything to sink what's left of the American middle class.
[Image: alg_warren-buffett-medal.jpg]

The Occupy Wall Street protesters are campaigning for the Obama administration to "Pass the Buffett Rule on fair taxation, so the rich pay their fair share." This demand is posted on their own website. The campaigners are demanding that the US Congress pass a bill backed by the Obama administration, which is comprised of Wall Street operatives and is a creature of Wall Street.Do you see the dichotomy here?The protesters are pushing for a new tax rule which is supported by the Wall Street-owned Obama administration, therefore the demonstrators are unwittingly doing the bidding of Wall Street itself.The "Buffett tax rule" will do virtually nothing to make the filthy rich pay their share' it will only raise taxes for middle class Americans and middle class businesses.As the Wall Street Journal reports, "Roughly 90% of the tax filers who would pay more under Mr. Obama's plan aren't millionaires, and 99.99% aren't billionaires." It is the middle class not Warren Buffett or Wall Street corporations who will be most hurt by the very policies the Occupy Wall Street' crowd are calling for.Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway still owes taxes from 10 years ago. Buffet is the ultimate Wall Street insider he is the third wealthiest person on the planet. Buffet avoids billions in taxes because most of his interests are based offshore. Indeed, most top corporations pay virtually no income tax, not because of any law that isn't in place, but because they have parked most of their wealth in offshore tax havens.

Buffett, aided by the Occupy Wall Street protesters who amplify his message, is volunteering the middle class, not himself, for a tax increase, that's why the Wall Street-owned Obama administration is fully on board with the idea."No differences exist between the Obama administration and billionaire investor Warren Buffett on the principles of a White House tax proposal that bears his name, Jay Carney, President Barack Obama's spokesman," told Bloomberg.The Buffett tax plan is also being backed by multi-billionaire Microsoft honcho Bill Gates, who like Buffett advocates a proposal that would hit the middle class with tax hikes while his own company avoids paying billions in taxesthrough its offshore subsidiaries.The protesters are also demanding the passage of the Tobin Tax, which is a tax on all financial transactions. Again, this will simply be passed on to consumers by large corporations, it will not touch Wall Street. The Tobin Tax will only hurt the poor and middle class and will do nothing to reign in the multinationals.Bearing all this in mind is it any wonder that, the Democratic front organization that aggressively lobbied in support of the Obama campaign in 2008 and went on to become a primary advocate for his administration's policies, is now moving to steer the Occupy Wall Street movement?How do we reconcile the fact that an organization which vehemently backed a Wall Street creation, the Obama campaign, which was aided with almost $2 million dollars in campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase, is now posturing as an advocate for anti-Wall Street protests?None of this is to say that the thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters aren't genuine activists who are trying to be a force for positive change. The problem is that their self-appointed leaders are completely in league with the very Wall Street interests the protesters are supposedly there to oppose.Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Quote: The problem is that their self-appointed leaders are completely in league with the very Wall Street interests the protesters are supposedly there to oppose.Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

The problem for Mr. Watson is that Occupy Wall Street has no leaders.Him and Alex Jones should quit bitchin',and go do their supposed march on the Fed.You know,like get their fat asses up and DO SOMETHING!

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Ed Jewett Wrote:Anonymous Threatens to 'Erase NYSE from the Internet'

October 4, 2011 by legitgov

ShareThisAnonymous Threatens to 'Erase NYSE from the Internet' 03 Oct 2011 Anonymous declared "war" on the New York Stock Exchange this weekend and vowed to "erase" the NYSE from the Internet on Oct. 10 as the Occupy Wall Street protest entered its third week in New York City after a weekend that saw hundreds of protesters arrested during a planned march across the Brooklyn Bridge. "On Oct. 10, NYSE shall be erased from the Internet. On Oct. 10, expect a day that will never, ever be forgotten," intoned a computer-generated male voice common to many Anonymous videos, in a warning posted on TheAnonMessageYouTube channel.

...but see

UPDATE - ANONYMOUS has just released a statement saying that this video is a hoax. UPDATE #2 - What is interesting is that we don't know with certainty that it was a hoax.
Read this story we found linked on an ANONYMOUS news board:
The problem with determining the veracity of such claims rests in the very nature of Anonymous. Anonymous is not a traditional organization. It is instead a loose confederation of like minded individuals. Free of hierarchical structure, the online pool of consciousness known as Anonymous is everyone and no one - a postmodern Robin Hood, in it for the "lulz." - the aggregate visage of a memetic virus.
The operation may or may not be legitimate, may or may not be a false flag operation initiated by authorities in order to discredit Anonymous and Occupy Wall Street.
So I'm not sure this issue is completely settled. It might be that some within Anonymous want to attack the NYSE, while others do not. I guess we will have to wait until next week to find out the truth.
Original Story
A new Anonymous statement to the media regarding a DDOS attack set for October 10th.
Greetings, Institutions of the Media.
We are Anonymous.
The events transpiring within Wall Street have caught our eye.
It seems that the government and Federal agencies enjoy enforcing the law a little bit too much. They instate unjust laws as mindless automatons, blindly following orders with soulless precision.
We witness the Government enforcing the laws that punish the 99% while allowing the 1% to escape justice, unharmed, for their crimes against the people.
We have observed this same Government failing to enforce even the minimal legal restraints of Wall Street's abuses. This Government who has willingly ignored the greed at Wall Street has even bailed out the perpetrators that have caused our crisis.
We will not stand by and watch the system take over our way of life.
We the people shall stand against the government's inaction.
We the people will not be witnesses to your corruption and ill gotten profits.
We will not labor for your leisure.
We will not assist you in any way.
This is why we choose to declare our war against the New York Stock Exchange. We can no longer stay silent as the population is being exploited and forced to make sacrifices in the name of profit.
We will show the world that we are true to our word. On October 10th, NYSE shall be erased from the Internet. On October 10th, expect a day that will never, ever, be forgotten.
Vox Populi, Vox Anon.
The Voice of The People is The Voice of Anonymous.
We are Legion. We are the 99%.
We do not forgive. We do not forget.
Wall Street: Expect us.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Anonymous Threatens to 'Erase NYSE from the Internet'

Anonymous declared "war" on the New York Stock Exchange this weekend and vowed to "erase" the NYSE from the Internet on Oct. 10.
This is incredibly stupid, or a false-flag stunt.
The stock market is hovering at the edge of collapse right now, with the PPT gaming the system as hard as they can and still not able to stem the declines. A DDOS attack by anyone posing as "Anonymous" would allow the government and Wall Street to drop the blame for the crash onto the protesters instead of on their own greed, failed policies, and bailing out Wall Street from the mortgage-backed securities fraud.
Anonymous is either hijacked, or was a plant all along (I suspect the latter given their support for Assange).
But any harmful attacks on the NYSE computers helps the government, not the people!
Remember, the other side likes to play dirty!
UPDATE: This threat of a DDOS attack on the NYSE has been exposed as a hoax. Anonymous released a statement that the video is not from them. Anonymous (nor anyone else) can shut down the NYSE next Monday because next Monday is a holiday and the stock markets will be closed.

1 comment

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
"The propaganda factory in DC has already cranked up to rock-and-roll afterburner and is trying to claim that the protesters are (A) Socialists (B) Communists © really working for George Soros and are trying to establish a totalitarian dictatorship under Obama, (D) space aliens in disguise.The money-junkies must really be scared to try that desperate a hoax.
Folks, use your common sense. Who BENEFITS by scaring you away from supporting the OccupyAMERICA movement? Obama and the existing totalitarian government.

Remember Rivero's Rule of Revolution: The fastest way to bring down a dictatorship is to force them to act like one where everyone can see it!
The oligarchs of America cannot move militarily against the protesters without advertising to the rest of the nation that the protesters are correct when they declare the US Government has become a fascist police state.
More to the point, why would protesters marching against financial totalitarianism of the Federal Reserve call for more totalitarianism under a President who failed to keep him promise to reverse the economic course of the nation.
But this appears to be the current White House and media spin to sabotage public support for the OccupyAMERICA movement, and we saw similar attempts in Iceland and Egypt.
Israel is desperate for OccupyAMERICA to fail. If the protest succeeds, Israel loses your money (now over four times the entire cost of the Apollo Moon program) and also control over the United States' veto in the UN Security Council. Israel will not be able to pay for or protect themselves from war crimes any longer of OccupyAMERICA succeeds! Israel has ordered all their assets in government and media to scare you away from supporting your best chance at freedom (and by their deeds we shall know who they truly are)!...."


"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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